Rain Camping in LARGE Hot Tent | Rain Sounds

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for welcome back to another video we are out in the rain and we're going to be doing some hot tent camping you guys some of my favorite this is a new tent from pomale um I forget what it's called it's kind of like a circus tent it's a big old circus tent or something and it's massive look at this thing so much room for activities what's really cool is the little ring up top so it's not it's not like your traditional teepe tent because of the ring that is on the top and I really like that really cool design um it's doing really well with the rain so far I'll be curious to see how it does with a little bit of snow because snow is a coming snow is a coming but for for today we've got the rain you guys but it's cold enough now to get out the hot tent stove so I'm super excited for that so I'm glad you guys are here with me let's continue setting up everything and just have a good old time wow this is a big big inner tip all right there is the inner tent it has some nice sidewall material here which is nice and thick um all the way around it and then you have a mesh on top right here so it's breathable out the top yep you can see through it it's nice and big in there woo nice and big look at that wow looks good all right now we need to get our stove all set up so we got to cut a hole in that and set her down so this is kind of like a baker stove I guess it's uh got an oven down below which is really neat I can get everything out of here come on out of there there we go got this little plate thing I guess it just goes up top oven tray leave that down there and this is the guy out the chimney but I don't think I'm going to also you have a uh a tool here I believe I think you can scrape Ash with it also you can probably use it to uh pull out this somehow going to hook it and pull it out and then on the back side here there's a couple of little hooks which down here in the back there that's where your Ash will go and it gets collected back here in this little bin so you just flip that open you take your little hook stick it in there pull it out that's where all your Ash will be to clean it out that's kind of cool I like that it's a nice looking stove I really like the [Music] design okay yeah it's definitely nice we'll see how it works for boy the sun goes down quick now um it's only 5:00 and the sun's down we're into those uh short short days you know so I didn't film a whole lot of setting everything up but boy we got a nice little uh setup in here right now I'm excited to get that stove going it is a little bit chilly so we're currently sitting at 47° outside 47° outside and it's 53° F inside feels colder than that which is 8° C outside and 12° C inside I've been really excited to get out in Hot tent camp especially when the snow starts to fall you guys that's definitely my favorite favorite of all times all right let's start that fire get it nice and toasty in here grab some starter wood some little pieces see what we can get going here that up got a trusty uh tumble weed put that there stack it up [Music] wo oh man that thing's cranking all right there we go oh yeah we got a good fire going all right we'll close it up looks like we've got a couple of different controls here so you can close it there and then also right here and then I think there's one on the back as well possibly right here so I've got everything just wide open right now as well as this this is your damper flu damper so we're good to go oh yeah we got a fire going now all right well it is currently 506 we've got 52° fit which is 11 Celsius inside we'll see what happens here in 10 or 20 minutes or so it's going to be nice and toasty I think also we've got our little oven down here we'll see what happens uh as far as temperature goes I think there's a couple of controls on that as well maybe on the sides here yeah a couple of different controls to keep it warmer or cooler try to regulate your stove I guess it's really nice guys it's really nice and just look at that thing roaring it's going to get hot quick I do have my little temperature gauge here you really want to burn these at a proper temperature you don't want to overfire and uh have any issues with your your flu or or things just kind of getting out of whack when it comes to vents in this tent we've got one right there and one right there for up top um there is one behind here inside the the bedroom I guess but also one thing I noticed that pomale did is they put dual zippers on this door so you can zip it up from there or you can just open up a top section real quick which makes it really easy to kind of vent stuff I like that a lot um I was just sitting here actually pulling up this side and then I looked up there and saw that there was a another zipper so you can zip open it up like that that's that's pretty nice I like that just a simple little feature like that definitely is nice looks like our oven is up to oh boy almost 4 400° wow that's nice so basically it'll be kind of like a broiler you're going to have the the heat coming from the top down so it'll be interesting to see I've got uh I've got something to try tonight let's go ahead and throw another log on so you've got your little thing here like I told you there's actually a hole right here hooking into it just pull it up throw in your next piece wood close her up that's nice handy little tool so the current time is 5:30 and we're up to 61° in here it feels much better you guys much better already that's 16° CS for my Celsius friends we're back to cooking again I know I'm going to get it so hot in here that I'll have to uh probably remove my uh my heavy jacket cuz that seems to be kind of a trend you know it's a hot tent I mean you got to get it hot plus I also have a little bit of water I have a little bit of uh water in here because when I installed the little ring on the tent itself um I flipped the tent upside down and when I did that it was getting rained on so that's something to think about um I don't know if you could install it after you pitch the tent maybe I just followed the instructions it said to just flip the tent upside down install it on the ground and then pitch your tent so I don't know so that means I'm a little bit wet on the walls already so we'll see if we can dry it out get it nice and dried [Applause] out it's time for dinner got to do some meal prep here first thing we're going to do is some G garc bread so I got to use a pan we're going to melt some butter for our garlic bread and I'll show you guys the other ingredients this is by far the best garlic bread I've ever had it is delicious really easy ingredients you guys we've got butter mayonnaise we've got garlic and we have Parmesan cheese I'll show you how to put it together I think you guys are going to like this it is so good and we're going to bake it in the oven we see how that goes all right so we've got our Bowl do a one: one ratio so I've got a/ thir cup of mayonnaise we're going to have a/ thir cup of butter we'll mix that all together we' got some nice looking bread over there too a little bit of garlic minced garlic we're making it easy it's in a bottle ain't no shame in that oh that's probably that's probably good some shredded parmesan cheese oh look at that we're going to mix that in in a little bit you want to have the perfect consistency all right we'll add our butter in I'm telling you guys this is the best garlic bread it is so good so if you're going to do a big loaf of garlic bread you're going to probably do a half a cup so half cup mayonnaise half a cup of uh butter melted butter and it will be delicious so add garlic now we add our shredded parmesan now the key to this is to kind of make it as Shelby described it kind of like a tuna salad it's kind of a kind of thick I guess so it's kind of a uh kind of an [Music] art all right there we go that looks like a good consistency so you just scoop her up just kind of layer it on there get a nice little portion on there all right there's our garlic bread we'll put it in the oven in just a little bit it's not going to take too long get some boiling water oh yeah bring her to a boil I did mention we're having spaghetti and meatballs right then we'll take the pan that we just cooked our butter in and we'll put our tomato and garlic sauce now this is going to be simple you guys I ain't making my own pasta sauce we're just using one well that's probably good it's just me out here and we will add Z meat balls pre-made I didn't cook those I don't have a whole lot of room on that stove so we're going to use this to just kind of heat up our heat up our marinara M oh that's a good sauce I like that our pouch a little bit of salt we're using angel hair angel hair pasta all right it's time for our garlic bread to go in the thing came flying open all right here we go oh perfect fits perfectly in there very nice we're sitting around 300° should broil it pretty quick that'll be nice all right we're going to take a look at those maybe flip it oh yeah look at that oh that's looking good we're just going to rotate it real quick just to give her a little bit on each side oh that's going to be some good garlic bread all right I think those are done let's pull it out oh you guys look at that that is some garlic bread right there oh man look at that the most tasty garlic bread you'll ever have in my opinion is it bad if I just grabb the pasta and just put it on my plate do I have to drain it okay cannot go wrong with this oh that's going to be delicious I like a lot of sauce I like my pasta to be swimming go with a my garlic bread right there doesn't that look tasty look at that garlic bread some of the best garlic bread I'm telling you right now get a little uh crust on it like that dearly father Lord thank you so much for this time I just thank you for all that you do and provide I thank you for this food and I just pray you'll bless it to my body Lord I continue to pray for those that don't know you I pray that you'll just draw them closer to you that they can have a relationship with you with Jesus the one you sent to die for our sins it should have been us on that cross but I just thank you so much for Jesus I just pray for the family as them away I pray they'll keep them safe bring me back to them tomorrow in Jesus name I pray amen oh boy you guys look at that that is some spaghetti and I'm telling you this is the best garlic bread ever look at that I'm taking a bite of it oh man that is so good that is so good you can really only have one piece though cuz it's so greasy if you try this make sure you comment down below and let me know what you guys think cuz I'm telling you it's delicious oh it's so greasy though got to meet B I'm going to try that M you cannot go wrong with spaghetti it's such an easy meal I need to be doing this more while I'm camping I'm telling you all right well I won't let you guys just sit here watch me eat unless that's something you like to do I don't I don't know know that it is but I don't think anybody likes to watch anybody eat I will check back with you guys here in a minute after my bell is nice and full all right it's time for dessert this is a Apple Blossom something like that looks like a delicious apple treat thing looks tasty [Music] there we go shouldn't take too long I wouldn't think just got to heat it up oh yeah o that looks good that's hot oh boy oh that smells so good who's had an apple blossom i' I've never had one looks like the best parts of an apple pie all in one little bite well couple bites I guess looks really good what a tasty one man I really spoiled myself this trip this is so good the oven really changes everything you guys there's so many things you can do so many delicious meals to be cooked and I'm really liking the design um everything is working really well on it um I don't know if you can see it but in the back of the stove there's little ports I don't know how to explain it but it's reburning basically um it's very efficient there's not a whole lot of ash left over because it's it's it's secondary burning I don't know how to explain it really and the glass is staying nice and clean there's a little bit of of spots but oh and also the thing works really well as far as heat goes because I'm roasting it is currently 71° fah down below which is 21 cels um and up above we got 88 yeah it's it's toasty it's getting nice and toasty the fire feels so good my hands are my hands are uh nice and dry but it feels good to have the heat on them just kind of finishing out the night just sitting here listening to the fire it's a nice uh nice lovely sound you got the rain just kind of hitting the hitting the tent and it's just a real nice Ambiance in here love it so thankful to be out here you know when you think about fire you know fire is so amazing it can be devastating it can destroy but yeah here it is contained in a box a metal box and it provides heat Comfort relaxation it's it's crazy to think about when it's out of control it's all the Opposites but when it's contained it's so nice all right we've got a nice fire going right now current temperature in here 61 which is 16 de C it's uh 950 so um I'm ready for bed so here's the sleeping quarters in case you guys were interested in it it's really nice actually look how big it is very roomy got a nice uh oh comfortable blanket so I had a couple packages come to me the first one is from Kelly and she sent me a Louisiana cookbook I've been wanting to try more of these type of recipes so thank you so much for sending that to me um she went through here and marked some of her favorite ones so I'll see if I can find one of them and Dewey and chicken jumalia now that looks like a good recipe right there that's right right up my alley anyways I'm going to go through this I'm going to find some of those really good recipes um including the ones that you marked Kelly and I'm going to give them a try because I got to just sounds so delicious thank you so much oh also she sent me like these doughnut mixes I think it's called banet it's like banet mix or something like that I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right but that looks really good too and I'll be trying that on a video next oh we got oh yeah check this out you guys this is from Tony Tracy and Dusty the dog it's a painted rock look at that it says the bomb shelter that is amazing look how cool that is you got a tent right here and you got a nice fire and on the back it says this was found on Lake Michigan Beach that is so cool that's amazing you guys thank you so much oh I love these painted rocks they're so cool I'm getting a collection now apparently also they gave me a lovely card thank you Tony Tracy and Dusty the dog I appreciate you guys so much thank you for that and then I got something that is so comfortable this blanket right here was sent to me by Jennifer thank you so much Jennifer this is like the softest blanket that I've ever touched what is it made out of um it says it is minky minky something minky couture couture minky Cur and this is like this seriously is the softest blanket I've ever had this is going to be great I don't know uh it almost seems too fancy to be taking a campus but you know what you got to use stuff you got to use it what good what good is it if you don't use it so we'll see how long it lasts how long the uh the softness I mean it feels like a cat or something it is the softest blanket thank you so much Jennifer H you guys spoil me I tell you what definitely appreciate all of you guys I never imagined I'd go camping and have all my friends watch me ah this is only made possible by you guys and I thank you so much um each and every one of you guys you are a major blessing to me and the family so thank you guys I can't thank you guys enough all right well I better hit the sack it is currently 10:00 it's actually 11 o00 we have that uh you know daylight savings time now um I really do forget how challenging it is to have the sun go down a lot earlier you know during the summertime there's just so much daylight uh and there's so much time to get things done but during this time of year you only have a small window of light and it makes things challenging all right I'll see all of you in the morning good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh man good morning everybody it's uh 8 in the morning the rain is coming down it's going to be a beautiful day I slept really really well um I mean I slept in actually being that it's 8:00 but I had a really good night's sleep it was very cozy and relaxing in here just what the doctor ordered you know you definitely have to have that a good night's sleep which I'm so comfortable right now that I could just continue on but we've got stuff to do so I'll get up and get that fire going so we can warm it up in here we can have a nice cozy cozy area to have a coffee and some breakfast sound good all right let's do it let's uh take a look at this stove looks like it did uh did pretty good last night we got a little bit of Ash and stuff in there we will clean it out let's see how that Ash pan did see if I need to empty it w yeah look at that quite a bit of Ash in there I think I can dump it at the end though will be good okay have a nice fire going now oh yeah get her nice and warm in here'll close that up make sure our vents are open so it can breathe breathe that good air current uh temperature inside is 48° f which is 43° outside which makes 6° C outside and 9° C inside um I do have my other thermometer my humidity says we're at 93% humidity in here it's definitely uh wet we'll see if we can dry it out again in here I don't know but first we need some coffee take a kettle put it on there get some water going well for breakfast I've got a casserole Shelby went ahead and made this up all I got to do is throw it in the oven simple I love that put it in the oven you're good to go oh and it looks delicious it's got egg sausage cheese hash browns some tell oh that's what I'm talking about let's throw it in that [Music] oven get her nice and heated up here's to my first cup of coffee this morning cheers everybody beautiful day oh yeah that's some good stuff that is some good stuff oh yeah let's see what it looks like outside oh yeah truck's still there that's good we got some rain some good rain going out there looks like it'll be a rainy one but it's all right it could still be enjoyable you just got to look for the good and everything wow look at that that that's a nice cheesy casserole right there hopefully it's cooked on the bottom we'll see yeah it's definitely cold in the middle cheese is melted though so with something like this I don't really know what to do cuz the oven will just cook from the top so it does pose a challenge that's for sure maybe I'll just throw it in the skillet and uh continue to heat it up that way yeah that's definitely the problem with this type of oven is you can't really do a whole lot of probably casseroles or anything that needs to get heated up evenly cuz it's just going to cook from the top down it's kind of like a broiler basically so I had nice melted cheese but the center was was too cold for right yeah all right here we [Music] go oh that's [Music] good [Music] you BL BL BL BL blah BL blah [Music] blah apparently they're in a [Music] tizzy blah [Music] I can only imagine there's somebody around here like listening to me wouldn't be the first time people thought I was crazy crazy for [Music] for for for man that was a lot of fun you guys I love watercolors sure is a lot of fun I did use a pen with this one it's kind of fun to just kind of fill in stuff um do a drawing first and then paint it which all I did was draw the the tent but sure was a lot of fun back to doing some paintings and stuff like that a little more uh artsy artsy fartsy the colors are just beautiful out here right now too just loving it all right I better get everything packed up so I can get out of here the rain's kind of slowed down so kind of have that window of opportunity to get out of here oops I didn't know that could came off that's cool the door comes off put it back together nice nice and cleaned out now I had no clue that these doors would come off that's [Music] cool all right get those well when it comes to uh camping in the rain when I pack up all I do is throw it in a garbage bag take at home I don't worry about packing it all up and all that I'll dry it up at home so I make it easy just stuck it in a garbage sack oh yeah fits perfectly also if it's a tent that I don't like I can just throw it away no this one I really like I actually really enjoy this one can't wait to get this one out in the snow all right everything is packed up I'm ready to get out of here you guys man what a fun time it's so good to get into the hot tent once again I just love it you guys I know that you guys are excited about that too so that's what we're basically into now uh we've got cold weather and hopefully the snow will hit soon maybe I can travel to the snow we'll see maybe I'll come up with something get to that early snowfall can't wait you guys all right well I hope you guys enjoyed this video it was a it was a lot of fun the rain definitely poses challenges for me I'll kind of figure it out you know I'll get a routine down all right I better hit the road and get out of here once again thank you guys so much for watching as always God bless and I will see you on the next episode [Music] bye
Channel: Baum Outdoors
Views: 229,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping in rain, rain camping, extreme weather, bad weather, camping, camping sound, sounds of camping, キャンプ, 캠핑, 갬성캠핑, кемпинг, camping in the rain, nature sounds, rain sound, rain on tent, anxiety relief, sleep therapy, insulated tent, warm tent camping, how to camp in rain, relaxing rain sounds, amazing outdoor camping, dangerous locations, extreme weather camping, hot tent, hot tent camping, rain on hot tent, cooking in hot tent, hot tent cooking, wood stove cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 30sec (3390 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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