Wet Wilderness - Thunderstorm Camp in the Rain in a Small Pop-up Tent and Tarp Adventure

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[Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign obviously someone's been to this campsite sometime recently they tried to get a fire going but unfortunately it did not work out this area receives a lot of rainfall and just because there's wood laying around doesn't mean that you can actually burn it there's a reason why there's so much Moss there's a reason why there's so many ferns that's because this place is wet I want to thank you all very much for joining me for this trip this is the outbreaker review and just in case you don't know my name is Luke for the last hour and a half I've been hiking to this location I've finally made it the reason why I haven't been filming is because it's been raining it has been rather light but I didn't want to take any chances at any moment it could just downpour the chance for heavy rain and storms later this afternoon is rather high and at this time it is dark we're up in the clouds it's windy and it's sprinkling somewhat I'm not sure how well it's coming through but the cloud level is right there ever so often it drops down even lower [Applause] normally in a situation like this where rain is a good bet I would set up my tarp first but in this case I'm going to set up my tent because this tent sets up in about 10 seconds it is incredibly fast it's incredibly impressive unfortunately the company cut some Corners with this product and it's not as good as it could be with that being the case though I'm going to test it out and my review is coming up check out this tent folks it will impress you at how quickly it can be set up oh watch this everyone done all I have to do now is take out the doors and just like that the tent is set up literally that took less than 30 seconds maybe five seconds to actually pop out the tent a few seconds to stake it out now I'm done now I'm ready to set up my tarp and I tell you what it is getting so dark I better get this done now I better not waste any time it is raining everyone foreign [Applause] as you all can see I've set up the tarp here and I've done so rather High I have quite a bit of livable space underneath this tarp but at the same time I'm exposed let's say that a strong storm comes in it gets really windy I will be exposed to rain water to like blowing water and so on I have accounted for this and I brought with me an additional tarp so if I need to set up a wall here I can do so but as it stands right now I'm not concerned about that so let's continue setting up camp and let's make some coffee foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] cheers my friends cheers a viewer sent me this coffee and it is unbelievable it smells like chocolate cocoa pebbles or something I mean it's it's incredible actually in a way you could say it's awful because it makes me want like cereal really really bad cheers everyone as far as the weather goes it's been raining for about an hour now very very light I mean so light the camera can't even see it you might be able to hear it hitting the top of the tarp but that's about it the cloud level has come down it's gone back up vice versa all the while I've been hearing Thunder the cell is still far off but I can hear it I have no idea if it's coming this way or not with this trip just like every Adventure that I go on I'm testing out gear so with this one I'm testing out the nature hike Canyon one person I'm also testing out the Kelty coyote backpack and I have to say this folks I'm not impressed with this backpack the build quality of this backpack like the durability is absolute garbage on this I'm really surprised to see this this is my second time out with this pack I've always been super gentle with it but you could see here the pack has a drag through the material on the front the thing is I haven't done anything with this pack I guess I laid it up against this rock or I went through a bush I mean no big deal most packs would handle that with ease this pack did not I am disappointed in the coyote it's interesting I've heard a lot of really good things about this backpack so maybe they've changed their design recently or something yeah foreign as it stands right now everyone it's about four o'clock and the storm cell is getting closer the temperature's dropping I'm actually getting cold if I had to guess I would say it's about 54 degrees so I mean it's not freezing but it's chilly enough it's chilly enough to put on a jacket and some gloves oh that is a whole lot better now everyone I'm going to gather up some firewood I plan to have a fire tonight just enough to kind of cut the edge out of the air and you never know I may have one in the morning we shall see let's see if I can gather enough dry firewood everything out here on the ground unfortunately is pretty wet again it's been raining off and on all day long so yeah I don't know you can see here that somebody did not have any luck with their fire definitely too wet so hopefully I can have better luck as it stands I've collected an all right pile of firewood most of it is small stuff my plan is to use this small stuff to dry out the larger stuff the reason the people who were here prior to me couldn't get that fire to go is because they started with larger pieces of wood instead of smaller you need to start small because it will dry quicker and once you get it burning it will dry out the larger stuff I'm still hearing Thunder but I can tell that that cell is moving past me this is the lightest rain of all time I mean you can hear it on the tarp but you can't see it it's just enough to like soak everything you know what I mean I'm still hearing Thunder but it sounds like the cells are going around us based upon feel alone I don't think it's going to storm right on top of us I just don't feel it when you've spent enough time in the outdoors in weather you can tell when there's like instability present it is windy though outside of the forest here it's around 25 miles per hour super super foggy too I love the atmosphere that it gives the forest you know what I mean like you want to talk about like a spooky Forest sort of situation this is it like you look out you see nothing but fog you don't know if someone or something is watching you the other day I received a message from a viewer on Facebook and they were asking me what scares me because I do these videos I do these Adventures sometimes they're crazy and nothing seems to scare me nothing seems to phase me oftentimes the fears that people have are the ones inside of their head they're not real life they're not real world I think it's important to whatever you do you have to realize that there is a risk right there's a risk in everything if you head into a forest there's related risks if the weather's bad there's risks there if you go into Chicago you're putting yourself at risk so on and so forth I do my best to plan for every situation that could arise realistically when I go out for a trip or if I go out for a road trip so on and so forth but you have to realize there's just some things out of your control things happen and you're going to need to be able to act and be able to handle those situations so in the end there's really not much that scares me I can tell you that I do not like spiders with a passion maybe giving a speech to like a large group of people that would probably scare me pretty good yeah that sounds awful so let me ask you all the same question what scares you if anything realistic non-realistic it doesn't matter I mean some people fear werewolves right some people fear Bigfoot is that realistic no not really neither one anyways folks I was thinking about that I was also thinking about this young girl that I met the other day at a gas station so check out this situation so I pull into a gas station I'm going to fuel up the truck I get out of the truck go over to the pump insert the card grab the nozzle the card reader doesn't work and I remember saying something like you pieces whatever so I have to do the whole thing over again I get it to work I fill up the vehicle and I'm wrapping it up and that's when this young girl comes over to me and she asks me if I have a pair of pliers and I was like yeah I got a pair so I go around the truck grab those I go to hand her the pliers and she says will you bend it for me and I'm like Bend what anyway so we go over to her car door and so like right on the edge of the door there's this piece of metal that's supposed to be flat that somehow that piece of metal is completely bent sideways and it's preventing the door from shutting she tells me that she overshot the gas pump opened up her door and reversed and the car door slammed into like the steel barrier there at the gas pump anyway so I start working on that I start bending this metal and it dawned on me like you know what if she ran the door into that thing is this all that bent or is there more to it so I stop and I go to close the door and like the latch mechanism is completely off that entire door is jacked up so when she reversed the door hit that pylon and just push that door and crunch the metal crunch the steel while the door looked fine other than that piece of bent metal on the inside of the door the entire thing was misaligned there was nothing I can do I did have some cordage in my truck and I told her that you know if she wanted to hop in the driver's seat I could tie that door shut on the inside so that she could at least drive home and she said that she was going to call her dad and they were going to figure it out so I felt bad for her you know that really sucks but live and learn I guess live and learn it's amazing to me how many people hit those pylons at the gas stations like they're there for a reason some people would think oh no no one's ever going to hit a gas pump yeah they will I've seen it happen over and over and over again the next time you're at a gas station look at those pylons and see how many like scrapes scratches and bruises are on that thing more than likely there's quite a few [Applause] [Applause] all right foreign [Applause] [Applause] deer stew oh yeah this stuff is so good basically what it is is like reindeer meat vegetables and mashed potatoes and it's freaking awesome a little while ago I was talking about young people doing dumb things I'm not exempt from that at all when I was younger I did all sorts of dumb things I could tell you all some stories one story comes to mind so a friend of mine his mom worked at the hospital and after school he would oftentimes be dropped off at the hospital so I would go there pick him up and we'd go cruise around town I go to the hospital to pick him up in the parking spaces were those where you could pull through so empty space car right here I just come in and plowed right into that car for some reason I was just going too fast wasn't paying attention plowed right into this car the car was an absolute piece of junk it was rusted up beat all the hell I could have just walked away I don't even know if the guy would have noticed but I had to stay there I had to talk to him it was the right thing to do so I remember my friend he was getting irritated because we had to wait for hours for that person to come out eventually he did he didn't care at all talking about dumb stuff unfortunately with this story a friend of mine he got really really hurt so there was this guy named Henry that I went to high school with and like oftentimes he would drive us around me my girlfriends and so on one night he said something that I wish I could remember exactly what he said but it was along the lines of like a professional driver never turns the steering wheel more than one time something like that that stuck with me as being incredibly stupid right and so like Fast Forward maybe 10 years out of high school and whatnot I found out from a friend of mine that this guy Henry was like in a super bad accident shortly after high school and was like really jacked up from it and all I could think of was what he was talking about like never turning the steering wheel more than once something like that I don't mean to laugh but you know that's a good example of being young and dumb [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] foreign my plan to get this wet wood to burn is working out this is super nice folks outside of this tarp the temps are in the 50s but inside of the tarp I don't know 80 something hot as far as the time goes it's about 7 30. it'll be dark in about an hour I figured we would spend the rest of the evening right here enjoying this fire foreign just in case you're wondering about a piece of gear that I'm using I will have a list in the description box down below for you all included in that list is my fire kit everything that goes in it everything that makes this my fire kit what I have here is a small vanquist pouch and on the inside lighter matches fire Bellows different types of fire starter so on and so forth basically it's everything that you would need to get a fire going no matter what the conditions are as I've been working with this fire I've been thinking about starting a new series in regards to what I call Modern Bushcraft most of the time when people think of Bushcraft they're thinking of like someone taking two sticks rubbing them together getting a fire going that's the old way I'm talking about new methods talking about using modern tools to me that makes a whole lot more sense than going out into the woods stripping it of everything to build a shelter I'm sure you've seen those channels where the individual went out into the woods cut down every single tree to build a fort in the woods at the same time they were stripping bark off of everything to make cordage it just doesn't make any sense it doesn't what makes sense to me is to take the knowledge that our ancestors gave us but combine those in real world situations of today while taking advantage of modern tools and materials it's about covering your basic needs while not destroying the forest at the same time anyone can go out into the forest with a saw cut down every tree and build a fort to play in we don't have to do that and we shouldn't do that so anyways I've been thinking about doing a series called modern Bushcraft you may be familiar with this term and you may not be but modern Bushcraft Modern Survival they basically go hand in hand and that is the latest philosophy amongst experts and Professionals in the field if you're out in the forest and you have to rub two sticks together to get a fire going you've messed up somewhere you've done something wrong what that shows is that you were not prepared and you didn't have with you what you need to take care of your basic needs foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good morning everyone it's about 5 30. it's time to get up still dripping from the trees but at least it's not pouring the rain like it was last night I got in the tent last night it just fell asleep all in all I slept great last night as soon as I got inside of the tent man I was out 100 listening to the rain all night it was nice folks it really was but I'll tell you what everyone let's get up let's seize the morning and let's make some coffee foreign folks it is chilly this morning chilly enough to put on the Hat the gloves and also the neck gaiter the wind is blowing from the north to the South it's coming right underneath this tarp foreign [Music] ahead and I lowered the tarp that way I could block some of the wind that's coming in that has helped substantially this really is my favorite time of morning the forest is waking up I'm waking up it's coffee time perfect my plan for this morning is pretty simple I'm not going to stay here long my plan is just to break everything down after I finish this coffee up or maybe as I'm drinking it since it's nice and early I think I'll just break everything down head home and I'll get to see my son before he leaves for college one full year he's been in college now how about that but he came up for a few weeks he helped out with some projects around the house and now it's time for him to go back he has a plan of getting a major in business right now it's still too early to decide which one basically he's just getting like all this stuff out of the way that he has to have before he can really focus on those courses so like English math so on and so forth initially that's what his plan was but because of AI systems that are going into place now I think it would be a good idea a smart idea to reassess what he wants to do for a living within 10 years time the entire employment landscape is going to look very different because of these systems already they're replacing jobs already companies are doing like hiring freezes these artificial intelligence systems like they're not perfect right now but they're getting better and better every single day because of these systems I advise my son to carefully consider what it is that he wants to do what he wants to focus on what he wants to major in what he wants to spend his money on what he wants to spend our money on because we're having to help pay for college I have to say I was completely naive to how the entire College machine works I now know and it's pretty shocking but it is what it is I have a friend who works in a Fortune 500 company and he said already like these systems are so good they could replace his job and everybody else's on his team they could do the job better than they can and they could do it instantaneously without thinking that's pretty incredible my question for you all is this what do you think people are going to do to each other when there's no jobs to perform when no one's working no one's creating what do you think they're going to do think about it you don't have to paint pictures you don't have to take pictures because AI systems can replicate can create them you don't have to write music because a computer can do it I personally see that as being one of the greatest risks to humanity coming up in the future already mankind is at a super depressive State depression's at an all-time high everyone's killing each other shooting each other up stabbing each other don't blame the tool blame the sickness that's only common sense but I've shared with you all before my theory in regards to humanity if you want a happy human that human needs to be creating they need to be able to present their hard work and show it in a tangible fashion build something gross something paint something makes something that's what makes humans happy so once you take all of that away it's not going to be good anyways I think this entire conversation's got hijacked let's get back on track what do you all think about those AI systems is it a big deal not a big deal comment down below keep it civil I'll tell you what everyone let's talk gear for a second as far as the tent goes that is the canyon one person tent from nature Hike It sets up so incredibly fast it's super impressive but unfortunately the tent is not perfect it has some serious issues for one thing the company designed it to be used more on a cot than on the ground but that's not really how they sell the product this is being marketed more as a backpacking tent where it's really not also the company kind of cheaped out when it comes to the materials so on the inside of the tent there's very little mesh in cold conditions like this trip that's a good thing in the summertime in warmer conditions it's a bad thing so you have a three season tent that really can't be used in all three seasons because it's going to be simply too warm it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense also the tent is super super small I mean seriously seriously it is small it's not very wide it just does not make a whole lot of sense the company needs to read design that tent and if they can do that they would have a stellar product on their hands because it's lightweight it sets up fast but as is I don't recommend it for most people with the Kelty coyote backpack I can't say that I'm super impressed it carries well but again the entire frame system is rather small the materials are super fragile I'm really shocked by that I've never seen a backpack tear up like that before I need to go online and take a look at the materials and see what they're using because they're not impressive the stove from Soto did great the wood stove was excellent and the tarp from RAB was also excellent without a doubt it is going to be a beautiful day everyone and I think I'm going to get it underway I want to thank you all very much for joining me for this trip I really do appreciate it this was a fantastic Adventure a beautiful location some interesting gear interesting for sure I'm going to break everything down and I'll say goodbye now take care be well strengthen on her hit the like button before you go if you enjoyed this episode it does help a lot if you like watching Adventures like this consider supporting the channel patreon YouTube it is appreciated my friends be well I'll see you again soon bye for now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 190,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping, outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, camping gear, solo camping, winter camping, solo adventure, camping adventure, backpacking, overnight adventure, winter storm, snow camping, Winter storm camping, Backpacking in a thunderstorm, Camping in an Ice Storm, winter storm camp, wild camping, snow storm camping, thunderstorm camping, spring storm camping, rain camping, rain storm camping, wind storm camping, thunderstorm camp, thunderstorm, thunder, extreme camping
Id: RtA-LGpr2Pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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