'Beach Tent' Rain Test - Solo Overnighter

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[Applause] [Applause] hello there guys welcome back I'm out a little later than usual today low hanging branch and um it's been a weird day looks quite dark and gloomy right now but in a second that sun will be out again um we've had some very heavy showers but also some sunshine so who knows what it's going to be like not haven't exactly made the best choice intent for that [Applause] so what's going on this week well other than the amount of airlanes due to it being kids holidays again which seems to be every other bloody week I've got a new tent um this is what's it called Wildland um there's an unusual looking tent look like something a bit different and the reason it's a bit of a risk for today is it's not really sold as being waterproof proof just noticed the holes from my fire reflector from my last visit to this spot a few weeks ago so here it is as you can see it's a bit long to go inside the pack though it isn't actually that heavy um it's a popup tent and technically it's a beach tent but it looked quite cool and interesting so I really wanted to try it and I'm hoping the sizing is genuine cuz you never know with things off of AliExpress and stuff that's where I got this one um only actually took a couple weeks to get it but uh yeah suppose we should try it it looks quite novel it's a very beige looking tent so I grabbed a ground sheet out the cupboard before going just a think this is just a Twan tent ground sheet random one decide where to put it what the hell's that going to do that's like a oneman bivy one let's have a look at what's actually in here if needs instructions I don't think it would do looking at it yeah it's got a sewn in instructions certainly doesn't look very [Applause] difficult well well that is in fact tiny a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be I pretty should have known really now going withd ways it's me to be about 2 m so this is going to spread out a little bit that's why I thought it' be okay to actually sleep in but I guess we'll see won't we I'll pick it out have a little look at our pegs shall we oh God they're plastic just so you can see the actual length of it no way I'm going to be laying in it that way [Applause] around right see how these doing this Stony [Music] [Applause] ground here's the point we see how far it will pull out not much yep that's about it suppose I need to check it this roll back oh yeah it [Applause] does right I'm putting off the inevitable laying down i f not too bad that way around actually it's deceptive this obviously you can kneel up and sit up in the middle two people could be alongside each other but you've got no like vestibule or anything like that Windows mesh even a couple of pockets just not waterproof there looking very very cloudy and I think the sun's just come out um yeah speaking about rain uh 400 MM it's not even close to being certified as uh waterproof it does not now it does have a seam on the top stitched but uh double stitched but not um taped that's entirely possible it's not going to rain this evening if it does probably a shower or two though they have been quite hard um it's the morning there's more of a worry uh but in the morning if it is hard I can just get up get out and you know take shelter or whatever I've got a top with me that I can sling up but um this being kind of a bit of a summer tent we mind seeing how it does coat with a little bit of rain six pegs so You' got two tie outs as well this is the thing I've noticed on a lot of these Chinese tents is the mesh on the outside like in this case kind of sewn in and then the door underneath but uh yeah there's no overlaps or anything to stop rain getting in I know this is not part of the design but a lot of them seem to do that looks like a repair you know it's not a repair there're on every corner and the last popup tent was the same I think maybe it sank inside that's right it's these tabs that hold on the um poles check out the new bag very much the same as the old bag old bomb's getting a bit Tatty after of six or seven years so thought I'd treat myself to a new one so another Pro forces [Applause] Highlander this is the map I'm going to be using you're not going to be losing that in a hurry it's a new map by Flex tow I think actually they first and it's a zero mattress R5 so that's your rating so it's actually uh pretty good for winter and Mark had it on one of our camps and it actually looked pretty comfy so they sent one from either way ago right it's only fitting I inflate it using the uh Flex tail pump would it be funny if the fittings didn't fit there we go perfect so there we go looking like a Lilo and I've got the pump to use as a lantern um no center point but there is hooks on the ends there she is and uh there is insects in here already that white material or beige materials attracting them bloody airplanes on the ev300 still at the moment because it's a little bit chillier tonight than kind of the rest of the week and a big Camp Pillow because obviously my tent wasn't in my bag so I had a plenty of room well this is a purchase inspired by the promotional images of this tent because of how low it is and everything and it's a type of chair to be entirely honest I didn't actually realize it was inflatable probably should have done I think I used the opening valve oh it's actually got a pump okay with the mattress pushed back there and the chair inflated uh it's got straps on the sides here which you can tighten and loosen don't seem too bad maybe tighten it a little bit oh yeah little fire over there should be nice this I think I got from Wilkinson's online store um I have seen similar things before can't actually know if this one's actually branded active sport apparently that wind just keeps bringing clouds past goes really dark and then the sun's back out worried every time all the blue bells have died off now G to seed actually have um a small stash of wood by this spot um from previous trips where I've not used it all which is a bit of a head start I will grab a few bits though find a down tree which is never that hard around here cuz there's so much Ash over here is one of my stashes in this Woodland it's actually quite a lot there don't have to gather too much [Applause] so this I had on the last camp this spot I actually lost the spike that goes on the bottom never mind it's in the ground here somewhere and this little Lantern holder actually turning out to be a bit of an AliExpress Camp cuz this Lantern's AliExpress as well wasn't intentional all right got a new little stove BRS one I'm not even going to say where from you know got a bit of a hle and uh I did notice that the igniter is broken off in transit which is a bit sad so I'm going to keep the label on and see if I can send it back I think stick it on this gas that I've got here now that's the same deal as a jet boil where this goes on here screws on tight some water in there it's probably too much just for me and my cooks are plastic lid just thought I'd have to take it off oh I to light it can't get in there otherwise there we go put that on already steaming in a few small bubbles and there only been like 1 minute if that yeah that's a problem the cup unscrews the same direction that the stove unscrews so yeah that's a bit silly still it's compact that uh stove was £5 so that's the cup and everything obviously not the gas and you would get a smaller gas to go in the cup I would guess but um yeah I think I'll return it um I'll take another one if they offer one otherwise I don't know the uh tent I'm ashamed to say was 85 I wanted it wanted to get it into a video it was like a new design something I've not seen before I mean I've seen this kind of popup mechanism like in the cube tents and that but um not in something like this I it might make a nice Beach shelter quite a lot of light's going to get through this like if you want to nap or S get out of the sun I don't know but yeah we'll see how it does in the rain probably in the morning who knows it's just showers and wind I get this zipped up stop the bugs and get the saw together to supplement my wood [Applause] what is it they say about gift horses my friend who manages this Woodland it's clearly been cutting up some of the ash that's come down in the wind so uh be rude not to for oh that's not too bad I think between that and the uh other logs I've got I should have enough [Applause] I've got my BPS knife and I'm just going to Baton down a few little bits this is surprisingly dry considering the weather today and yesterday but uh seems to have been okay in the crack of that tree keep meaning to do the review video on these uh BPS knives just time's been a bit hard lately got a Burdock leaf and uh some fat wood so it's to stop the wind taking it away and uh collect the shavings okay here we go nice and quick [Applause] as the fire lit seems to be going okay I've just had word that um about an hour 45 minutes from here it's already raining so it could be coming this way sun is deceptive well that's me somewhat settled on my chair fire goinging and I've got a Polly's beer got a little petal West Coast pale do love these tins uh hope you guys enjoyed the last video I've not had a chance to even look at the comments on that one I know it's a chilled one so it's not the most popular video ever but it was fun to try out new roof tent and everything ah it is a little bit darker now so there could be some rain on the way multiple sources have told me but uh it is what it is whatever happens will happen if this does leak I'll have to put a tarp up between these trees here no biggie using this the wrong way around aren't I it's probably supposed to be more like that got one of these meal kits that I found M Man Curry me kit it's got all the bits separate and everything sauce and whatnot um I just need some potatoes which are pre-boiled and uh in my cooler and some beef so I've got a nice RI eye um it's probably going to be a bit over the top for one this meal but I won't tell if you don't oh look at that so I'm just going to kind of cube this up ready for frying going keep the fat on don't know if you can hear it but that's rain it's not too strong right now I think it's just a shower it's barely getting through the canopy of the trees to be honest it's coming through a little bit now I'm just going to hold off on cooking just in case it I'm sure it's just a shower though um it's not going to be coming till early hours proper rain I was wondering whether I should string up a ridge line over the tent just so in case of emergency I could string the tarp up I suppose I could just put the tarp over the tent if it came to that for [Applause] I can see the Sun out over there so it's got to be a shower just got to wait for these clouds to go over it's pretty heavy in the clearings between the trees and starting to get through the canopy now where the tent is in the beer watered down beer I think this tent would be better if it didn't have a seam right along the ridge [Applause] there seems to be slowing a little bit now so I'm just going to have a gander inside perfectly fine what did I speak too soon I might set up the grill in a minute just going to get some coals out here get the grill on all right walk on and some oil more than that got uh instant rice so I'm just going to chop that [Applause] up rice can go in here on some coals so into the oil I'm going to put some curry paste and just a little of the coconut more be it's been a couple of minutes it's time for the remaining coconut got the pre-cooked potatoes chilies and Caff lime leaves here rice is bubbling away down there nearly forgot the pean nuts I've already put some rice in here and uh let's go with some of that mass of Man Curry and then I'll leave it by the fire just to keep it warm oh God it looks good this is more like two people's worth well here we go get some rice and some beef in that first mouthful M potato cooked them late last night these milk kits are great good for a camping uh what we got here Polly's pillner got free with me today so cheers again o got a little bit of a Zing from them chilies oh dear be honest with you like most of that it was Bloody lovely that Rusty Grill off if I didn't know better I'd say there was a touch of coffee in there it's probably the hops used or something it's nice though um fires going again and the Sun is starting to go down over there Lantern's on I'm all fed I ha way too much of that it was really nice though the meal packs are great that was from um Aldi do like TI green curry things like that so time to chill out for a little bit I'm feeling a bit more confident with this not waterproof tent um but uh yeah yeah I'll be out the ready I'll have the top out in there ready to put over if things do get in a bit of an emergency situation it's um raining a lot earlier than what it originally was going to be so I think it was going to be like 7:00 a.m. or something it was saying but now it's more like three or four with showers even before then so yeah could be a bit of a test I mean if it's not at all I think just seem sealing that Ridge would probably help a lot I don't know it's not what it's made for I think that Curry is playing around with my taste buds a bit it's the malted barley I can taste time for brew I think oh that's nice Fire's dying down a bit now it's got pretty dark kind of just passing dusk now so I think I'm going to drink this and head off to bed um I was in there chilling out for a minute and I did notice some moisture on the top so I'm a little worried I'm going to get the top out and I'm going to have it ready so I can put it over the top in the night um yeah feel that's the best thing to do well no the best thing to do is put it on now but uh I want to see how it does I wasn't planning on using this in the rain it was going to be a summer tent that's why I got [Music] it well I'm inside the tent um yeah I can still see the moist patch never mind I'll have the top of the ready and if I hear rain in the night if it wakes me anyway I'll uh throw it over the top and I've got microfiber towel with me as well cuz then you'll be drying a tent off so we'll see how it goes good night until something happens was about 4 in the morning just happened to wake up it's um not raining yet but the condensation in here I just reached up and felted it so I'm just going to use my microfiber and just wipe it all down not much ventilation going on because well I didn't want to leave anything open in case it rained tell that comes out on that a chill I should put my jacket on really uh slept pretty well um not super long it's uh about 6:00 in the morning now uh 4: was when I kind of woke up rained a tiny bit after that but not much just kind of specks really um Matt really comfortable um seems almost as comfortable as my firm arrest really nice and thick and has good r value as well I have to look at the price of it but um it seems a good map pretty should come in a few other colors maybe one other color um yeah no rain not proper rain anyway to wait until I start a fire I've opened up the tent all the way around in an effort to uh get rid of some of that moisture that's in there I got some red onion here I'm going to try not to overdo it like I always do and some red bell pepper too I'm just going to put this in slices frying and our breakfast today is going to be a Shak Shuka now I forgot one thing I was going to bring I was going to make it an Uya Shak Chuka and I didn't bring the Uya so it won't be that wasn't very much prep on that but it's all done now so just waiting for this fire to kind of catch up to me really it's a shame about that tent um but I don't know what I hoped for really considering what it is it is what it is but uh looked interesting it was something to try's on my walk and let's oil her up again going with the onion and the [Applause] pepper my spice was going to come from the um Uya but at least I've got some seasoning and as I'm not too much of a pig we're going to have one and two eggs very nearly there well here we go got some runny yolk in there which is nice bit of everything on there still nice it would have been nicer with the UA not particularly authentic but uh it would have been nice some flatbread or something could be nice just so unprepared right time to attempt the tent it shouldn't be too hard it should be [Applause] [Applause] and it's the fire all covered over well that's me done for another trip hope you enjoyed that sorry there wasn't a bit more drama with the rain but that was never really the plan here uh interesting tent wouldn't buy it for camping though right thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 130,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rain, bad weather, camping, test, tent, leak, campfire, solo
Id: EeTBulCWll0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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