Tent CAMPING in RAIN with FIRE - Dog

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ah welcome back everybody to another oh i've  let the fire go out i almost had it then   it's a bit damp hang on a second the  secret to getting your fire going again is your pump pad pump okay that's better i wasn't paying attention  there and i let my fire go out at the beginning   well yeah welcome back everybody to  another camping with tony and bruce you don't want this bruce this is firefighting  fire lighting stuff honestly you don't want it we are in new zealand middle of winter it's  june sorry no it's not it's the end of july   it's the last week of july uh yep winter  here southern hemisphere the opposite to   the northern hemisphere so you're all  going through your sweltering summer in the northern hemisphere we're going through  our winter and by a river very loud river which is why i've had to switch to the  the microphone the other microphone we're doing a one night camp with some great food   and quite a bit of rain it was raining i don't  know if you picked it up when i was cutting the   wood it was chucking down we're right next  to the river you saw me walking up here you just deal with this so so the wood is a bit damp but it's it's a rain  forest it rains here a lot so it's slim pickings   for really dry wood and beechwood which is  what this is is very hard wood and it does   not like to light doesn't matter how  many times you split it or whatever it's just difficult so what will do is i'll  just boost it a bit with a piece of fat wood   that i bought with me stick that in there and  hopefully that'll be enough to keep it going so you've got some nice fat wood here  i'll just slot that into the fire all right fingers crossed that'll do the trick i've also got some fire lighter stuff  here as well which i'll chuck in okay so it's gonna be a bit  smoky until i get this going my trousers are wet i need this fire  cranking so i can dry everything out   got a bit wet crossing the river um the stream wasn't so bad though okay time for a beer thanks again everyone thanks for coming on this cheers oh that's too good i've only got three of these i'm a glugo  on the first one i really just down it   so i've got to be a bit patient with it all right so a couple of things we've got to do is   we've got to get the lights set up it's what  time is it now it's five o'clock what time   was it when we started walking up here three  something three pm so that's taken not too long   get the tarp and the tent set up i've got  the north face storm break two with me as   you can see i haven't really bothered to peg  it down or anything this is not a windy spot   we've got so much protection directly around us  from all of the trees i've camped here loads of   times and i've never had an issue with strong  winds they'll all the wind comes over the top   so i haven't bothered to peg out each corner and  stuff like that i've got a four by three meter   tarp uh the flames creed top we've got brucey here  who is waiting he's waiting for it to get dark   basically so he can start playing in the  shadows my fire is starting to catch now   this is this is all good progress okay let's  put a couple more on here just to dry them out i mean the tree that i found that have fallen  tell you actually wasn't that bad it's pretty   it's pretty dry inside but it's just because  it's hard wood i wish we had pine wood here   but we don't everything this entire  forest is beach ancient beech trees and   they're just so difficult to  burn even when they're bone dry   they take ages they really do so i've  built up a stone wall around the fire   i'm hoping that will stop the smoke coming this  way so far so good it's billowing straight up and   straight out the front and the sides at the top  so fingers crossed because last time i was here   in this spot the smoke just followed me everywhere  so i'm hoping this stone wall will do the trick we will see right i've got to get my lights  set up i've got to get some water   um i would usually give bruce a bowl of water but  he won't drink from it because he's got the stream   10 feet this way and he just drinks from  running water he much prefers running water   so i won't even bother putting water in his  bowl for him he will want his d-i-n-n-e-r   soon um and so will i but it will  be dark by the time we we eat   right so i've got a few chores to do i've  got to get my lights set up get everything   nailed down for the camera and for filming in  the dark because it will be dark shortly so   i'll bring you back a bit later when i'm ready  just to chill out maybe have a hot chocolate yeah bring it back then welcome back everybody well it's it's pretty dark now um i hope you  can see me i hope it's bright enough it's pretty   tricky filming conditions bruce you're gonna put  your collar on so i can see where you are hold on let's just put bruce's collar on there you go okay so you'll see an orange light running  around don't panic that's bruce so the fire   yep wall is good reflecting all this heat um i  don't want it to get roaring uh because i haven't   got enough firewood for that and being you know  i'm under the top i don't want to damage the tarp there's a lot of moisture under here but i think that's just where  i've been brushing against it so had my beer i think bruce will want  his dinner um but i also want my dinner so what are we gonna do for dinner  uh i might just leave it a bit longer   i just wanted to bring you back just to show you  how i've got it all set up i've got my lights got   three lights hanging up these lucy lights i'm sure  you'll see those later as well so the smoke is   this wall is working the smoke  is not coming at me at all but it is billowing forward and  going straight into the camera   so i might have to rethink how i do this   and bring you back again when i've  worked out where's the best place to film oh brucy it's a bruce is triggered by his collar he hasn't   seen anything there's not a mouse there or  anything he's just triggered by the light wow it's really starting to come down i hope  you can hear it on the camera um it's definitely   starting okay what i'm gonna do is get my get all  my dinner stuff set up and ready get his ready   and then bring it back for that bring it  back for dinner welcome back everybody well time to get dinner on for sure so let me  get bruce's dinner first so bruce is having   a pre-made concoction of meat and his special diet dog food that is a lot bruce that  will keep you going all night okay let's put you back there there you go okay and for my dinner right i'm going to cook  on the tranjor i'm not going to cook on the fire   because it's it's so hot yeah it's giving off  loads of heat so i will cook on the transit in case you yeah i haven't brought the  tranjer out for a long time actually must be six months long time and i i do like the trencher i do like using this it's windproof it's secure now the only thing on this surface on this top is it can slip  with these straps you can actually secure it i might not need to actually that's i think that's grippy enough okay so wow this fire is absolutely roaring  and it is nice and dry under here now so in case you don't know transgea t-r-a-n-g-i-a this is an alcohol fuel burner so there's alcohol in there methylated spirits not white spirit oh i tell you what having a fire   i mean it's outside of the tent it's what  is it three degrees two degrees centigrade um in here it's toasty i mean  you can still see my breath but i'm warm really warm in front of this fire   the trousers are drying out nicely  there's just so much heat coming from here okay so what we've got to do is first what am i  cooking i am cooking loaded nachos loaded nachos that's right okay the transient non-stick pan okay so we'll just let that come up to  temperature and then i'll put the beef on i need a few things so for loaded nachos i have got my cheese mixture with onion black olives what else have i got some tabasco to have with it i'm sure there's loads of experts out there on  nachos i'm not got some avocado tomato coriander and somewhere in here here we go i've got my taco taco spice mix as soon as this is up to temperature shouldn't take too long it is blooming as soon as that's up to temperature start cooking right i just need to get some water from  the river okay i keep calling it a river   it's actually a stream and it's actually  called the mole stream it's not that big and the beauty of a stream this one is   it dies down really quickly again when uh  when the rain like after a few hours of it   raining if it stops then it dies down  really quickly i'm rambling right is this hot enough yeah okay what have i got spatula tell  you what i have got brew number two cheers everybody and thank you again everyone who's  brought us treats on buy me a coffee   or has joined uh and become a youtube member  or was given super thanks or bought merch   i've got some new merch coming out  shortly which i'll wear in my next trip feels good that tastes so good  somebody left a comment saying um does food really taste better   in the outdoors when you're camping does it  really because i seem to make quite a fuss a bit   the short answer is yes it really does  because you're usually cold or whatever and   your senses are just you're heightened and yeah it  tastes better i can't explain it i don't know why oh yeah okay so you just brown the mints so ah this is the thing with having a fire is  everything dries off it just does i don't know   if you can hear the rain or see it splashing  off the umbrella that's on top of the camera   this is going to splish um it just everything  dries off it is so nice it really is so nice hey brucie she's hunting so so why loaded nachos um i think i saw steve steve wallace the og hunker down guy uh making them ages ago and i just  oh i thought oh yeah i love i love nachos so i thought i'd make some okay so so far so good with smoke it's not  coming at me it's going around me but the the   breeze is just swirling a little bit which is why  you're seeing a bit more smoke come over this way now with the trend everything takes  a little bit longer alcohol burner   not as fast as butane so it's a patient form of  cooking it's quiet and patient talking of quiet   the stream is so loud it's unbelievable   i don't know how much of it this is  picking up my microphone of the stream but it's really roaring but it's not actually that  high i've crossed it much higher than that before   and you saw us coming in bruce got swept away once  because he crossed what he shouldn't have done   but he's so keen he just loves it all right i think the beak is almost ready yeah i'd say the beef is ready oh man smoke  just got me i just went to move the camera and   the smoke got me right in the eye i don't know why  it suddenly started smoking it was perfect before i think it's just burning off a couple  of these pieces that i put on top   so while i'm cooking i'm not going to add any  more because oh man that made my eyes really water i should tell a sad story win an oscar car ah  crazy that was really my eyes just went bang okay this is good now now it says  to add water for the mix to work   but there's so much moisture in here already   so what i'll probably have to do is transfer  it to another pan no actually this will do okay so let's just add a little bit of water okay add the mix oh come on typical bruce mind out no no no no no i don't want you  messing around here and i've got this cooking oh wow that smells amazing so i'm not gonna put those things  in the fire because that's not paper it's sort of foily and it would you just  shouldn't you shouldn't burn that sort of stuff so you've got to cook off all this water so  it's probably going to take about 10 minutes   oh my god that smells amazing wow that's just smells so good right  so now i need to cook off all the water   keep stirring it oh gosh i can't wait to have this so right so leave that cooking for 10 minutes and just listen to the rain okay beef is ready so let's take that off the heat so i'm probably gonna have to top this up now it's really coming down so the smoke yeah i don't know what's going on  it just suddenly started smoking   and it was it was fine before  so to say i'm just going to   burn off these pieces of wood that are  on there now get them to red hot coals so i don't want to i don't want to burn  the nachos um so do i put the flame on low i think that's safer so i'll  put the flame on about half yeah so it doesn't bloom okay so what you do is you layer you layer some beef there's some nachos where  are my nachos there we go got some really well corn chips  got some big big round ones here bruce can have that okay put some it's in your  bowl no bruise away in your bowl bruce look what's   that bruce here here here what's in there no go  away go away go on him he's he's so confused by   the beef on the floor that he wants that instead  okay cheese and onion a nice big layer of that on okay then more beef wow it's really coming down okay there's my that shows i mean ideally you'd be cooking this in a much  larger pot like a massive dutch oven or something but i don't have that handy okay more cheese onion and this is massive need to just break these a bit  i'm gonna be eating this my fork i think wow okay a couple more bits on top chuck them on this is a mess wow if this works it'll be a miracle bit of beef that's left tiny bit okay cover that we're gonna  have to cover it with this pan bruce still hasn't looked in his bowl bruce what's in your bowl look   oh he's figured it out there you go finally  okay cover that and give it 10 minutes i don't know is that gonna work this should be funny all right 10 minutes oh boy i think it will work i'm going to be optimistic because everything else i do works doesn't how is the smoke  finding the camera amazing   let me turn this around a bit so maybe you can  actually see what i'm talking about with the fire okay you'll just have to excuse  me a bit while i move this okay   how's that can you see the  fire yeah i think you can so there's there's nothing left of it  it's just i mean look it's a bit of i've got a feeling it's just really damp wood and  that's where that smoke just suddenly came from which means it's going to smoke  again when i put more on in a bit   but that's okay i just didn't want to do it  i didn't want it smoking while i was cooking and i need to build the heat up so the smoke  goes straight up and out it doesn't waft or maybe i'll put those maybe  i'll i'll put some logs on now and just hope that these aren't as damp and that the smoke isn't too severe also you know what's messing it up  is there's a breeze a slight breeze means it's just struggling a bit to contain itself now i've got to be careful not to  knock my wall down of stones okay i don't know how i'm doing in here it's warm i think it needs to be hot i might have to redo that  flame and put it on full flame because there isn't really anything  yeah let me adjust the flame okay now it's going to be on full  let's see if that makes a difference this is amateur hour i've never actually  tried this out in the wild before so i have no idea so please don't judge unless  you've tried to do it out in camping as well ah i've only got one beer left have that with dinner okay so what's happened is  i've put those logs on and because now they're   completely covering the coals there's no heat  coming from the fire it's suddenly got really cold   and there's a breeze just a slight  breeze which is is swirling the   smoke around which you can probably see  but it's probably better at this angle there's heat coming off of the rocks  that's about it but it is chilly if it gets much colder i'll i'll put my jacket on bruce is over there triggered by the light okay this is this is working it's  working okay there's rain coming off the   floods of water coming off the tarp but we're  good we're dry we're dry and we're sort of warm can you see that let me try and zoom in a bit there you go it's trying it's trying to ignite it's not far off fires constant work ah this is hot ah okay i hope i'm not burning  it how long have i got four minutes left do i have a peek you only meant to cook  it really until the cheese is melted and it is melting outside gosh that smells good oh  it smells so good i'm gonna give it   i'm gonna give it one more two  more minutes two more minutes okay all i'm trying to do is get  the cheese to melt that's it zoom me back out again so you can see it when i take it off all right i think we're almost there oh okay we're smoking actually you  know what i think i'm gonna call it   because i don't want to burn it yeah that's that's melted okay let's put the flame out wow so how am i going to attack this i'm going to  leave it in the pan there's no point plating up oh my so oh smoke just at that moment we have it loaded nachos you get my face that  way oh oh oh bruce will have that tomato loaded nachos i'm so hungry can i dig down and find some cheese here okay i don't want to have to  use a fork but i'm going to hmm hmm oh my what's going on at the  bottom here let's have a look oh it's hot wow it's really hot at the bottom okay i think i need to move closer to my table tabasco it's missing tabasco oh yeah tabasco for the win wow oh you've got to be kidding me oh that could be one of the best  things i've ever cooked at camp   thank you steve wallace for doing that that is just delicious just everything the olives the onion this coriander or cilantro for my american viewers and before anyone says where's the sour cream um i'm just not a big fan wow this is a lot of food i'm going to be here all night it's so good hop hop pop oh it's a basketball welcome back everybody it is   absolutely chucking down um and it's cigar  time so i'm gonna put a hot chocolate on i've got a there's a river coming  underneath me here river of water hey bruci there's nothing for  you no you've had loads already there's nothing left it's all gone oh i'm so  stuffed that dinner was amazing absolutely amazing i am so full oh i can't believe i ate all that i'm gonna have a couple of hot chocolates i think oh right let that do its thing so i put the pan in the pan is soaking in hot  water makes it so much easier to uh to deal with got my cigar what else do you hot chocolate yes there's this river going on underneath so  i've got to be careful not to put anything on   the ground here it's just in the  sand so this isn't actually mud   here it's it's sand it's it's really weird  to explain um and what happens is when you   put pressure on it when it's chucking down  like this uh it pushes water up so no matter   where i put the chair water is going to  pop up there'll be a puddle underneath it and even though i'm diverting the rain with  the uh with the awning around us it just   it just finds its way so you always end up  wet underneath wherever you are big puddle ah okay cigar time ready for this i got a little bit cold dealing with the fire uh because it it just wasn't cranky enough but now  it's just giving off so much heat it's excellent   and not much smoke at all still got it hot enough perseverance got to persevere so what do you  think of my setup it's amazing it's middle   of winter as i said it's like now it's like  one degree centigrade um chucking with rain and i'm dry warm very warm i haven't even got my  my winter jacket on don't need it on so we've got a um i can't even  remember this is romeo julieta so these are the ones that go out a lot and  i i inquired it's common problem with this   particular cigar so it's the only cigar i've  seen that comes in a foil wrapped and i guess   they've got problems with it with this outer leaf  being too waxy uh it's rolled so tight so it goes   out a lot very difficult to keep it aligned  particularly with this cigar particular issue but that's okay because it tastes good just talk amongst yourselves while i do  this as you can see you can see my breath um which is bizarre because i am in front of   the fire and it's absolutely  piping hot in front of this no way i'm cold at all such a tight draw not sure what romeo julieta did there to  make that mistake i think it is a mistake but it is nice so i'm hoping you can  hear me it's halting down it's so loud   the rain on the top um it's obviously i've got  a cover on the camera the umbrella on the camera   so you're probably hearing it hitting that yeah it's just really coming down but i it's it's beautiful here so it's our  time what is there to talk about what's   been happening okay so no ranting  this time no politics um fun stuff fun stuff because we need fun stuff formula one  so sports formula one uh mercedes looks like maybe   they're coming back who knows lewis hamilton  just came second george russell came third is lewis hamilton going to get a win this year  because if he doesn't it'll be the first time   in his career that he hasn't won a race in  a year and it will end that record streak so what do you all think if you follow formula  one do you think lewis hamilton can do it will mercedes win another race who knows red bull and ferrari look so strong oh so something i didn't talk about when  it actually happened and i don't know why i just i completely forgot but i'll bring  it up now even though even though it was   confirmed a couple months ago um tom brady has  come out of retirement it must have been the   shortest retirement ever shorter even than michael  jordan's retirement anyways i mean what was it a   month couple of months three months and he's going  back to uh what is it tampa bay for the buccaneers   um and i see they've got some new receivers as  well so that'll be exciting to see tom brady back   like him or loathe him watching records being  broken i find that really exciting i just love   it i like to be alive when records are being  broken i just enjoy it and uh tom brady um   come on he the stats say that he's he's the goat  so he is the goat and i find it more exciting to   watch when he's playing just like golf i i find it  much more exciting to watch when tiger is actually   playing and competing you know as in he's got a  chance not that we've seen that for a while now i don't know if anyone saw the open and tiger didn't make the cut and he got a  standing ovation while everyone's standing   anyway but all the way down the 18th he looked  very emotional um very sad wiping away tears   i hope it's not the end of his career i i'd love to think that he's got one more major  in him but man has he got a lot of injuries i just don't know how much pain he's  playing through and whether he can   whether he can do it i don't know we'll  see fingers crossed fingers crossed um yeah no rants this time i  know a lot of you love the rants   but i'm having a rent free  i'm just looking at the puddle   i'm having a rent-free camping trip this  one um tv shows that i've been watching first one uh is on apple tv loot  l-o-o-t i guess it's sort of um not a piss take but a comparison to jeff  bezos and his wife and getting divorced and   so in loot she ends up i think with 83  billion dollars in the divorce settlement because he'd been fooling around  with his secretary his assistant and she's got no clue about real life and she gets  into her charities that she didn't even know she   owned and that's where she starts learning more  about real life and yeah i thought it was quite   funny it's still on loot and it's got the guy in  it as well from severance which was also very good it's so many another one uh it's apple  blackbird really good with taran edgerton   where he's uh a convicted uh drug runner  i guess and um he has to do a deal with uh   the fbi to get out of prison he's got like  20 years in prison or something 25 years   so he has to do a deal to get out and  the deal is he has to get someone to talk   where the murder is where the victims are  very good blackbird i really recommend that   i think it's only three episodes so far um  oh what else did i watch that was on netflix   oh the grey man the gray man with uh ryan gosling  who is going to be the next ken and ken and barbie yeah that was good entertaining  i liked it harmless fun so many aspects of it with james  bond um i thought it was good i think ryan gosling's all right it's a pretty good actor i've seen him most of  his things i like the one he did about uh um   neil armstrong first man i haven't seen him in la la land  i refuse to watch that bunch of absolute hollywood rubbish um yeah i think that was it  you know what i made notes   i made notes so q a so commenting on comments  that i get questions sometimes or statements   or whatever in the comments section so  as i've said before um i'm just finding   it impossible to respond to comments now  i went away on a holiday uh for a week   just after the last video by the time i got  back there were 1 300 comments on that video   how am i meant to have a moment to reply it's  it's so difficult and i feel bad about it so what   i do is i read them but i just i really do read  them and i speed read but i just don't have time   to reply if one happens to pop up when i'm just  sitting on the toilet or something like that if   you get a response from me then maybe i'm on the  toilet captive audience sorry i'm always working   i'm always doing it so if it pops up then i'll  see it maybe otherwise it's just impossible so   what i said was in my videos i'll try and answer  one other one you know the ones i get a lot or   that i thought yeah that was a really great  question i should answer that so first one my old videos so i think a lot of um a lot of  you don't realize obviously i've been doing this   a while now a year and a half and i  must have 50 60 i don't know 70 videos   maybe 50 something like that and  what i did was i made a playlist   of them in chronological order from first to  last so if you really want to go back and look   at some other adventures when we started  out some more of the more brutal trips   because i guarantee most of you will have missed  quite a few of the videos because i i release one   every either week or every two weeks roughly um  go back look at that playlist now if you're on   if you're struggling to use youtube because  you don't really know how to use it properly   you have to go to my channel and from there you  will see my playlists and it will be chronological   order it's called or you can just go to uploads  and when you go to uploads it will show you in the   order that i've uploaded them reversed so you can  just go down any you see that you don't recognize   go ahead and watch them yeah there's loads there  that's my library of videos for everyone to watch and you'll notice the difference over  time uh making them the camera equipment's   improved i hope filming has improved um yeah  hopefully i've learned a lot from doing them   okay my last video you saw me crossing the  river in the truck and the drone was filming   me and i got a lot of questions how did  i drive and film myself at the same time that's a great question that was a pause for dramatic effect  so the drone that i have is the dji uh mini pro 3 and that has a mode on it to follow  and what it will do is on the screen i highlight   the truck draw a square around the truck click  active track and the drone will then follow and   i don't have to do anything i just drive and focus  on what i'm doing and the drone will follow and it   will move out of the way of trees to a degree so  that's why you see it suddenly go around trees   or over trees or whatever i'm not doing that the  drone is doing that that's the technology it's   amazing yeah so i don't have someone else with  me filming me or driving in one hand and drive   you know flying in the other no it's following  me on auto hmm so many comments about the ads   when i mentioned about how a lot of youtubers are  so reliant on the ads and that skipping them means   that it can really negatively affect them and also  their income and that they might just stop doing   youtube videos so obviously um sometimes youtube  tries to sneak in these really long ads like   two minutes three minutes half an hour i've  seen you know what whatever just skip them i   i don't expect you to sit there and watch a  half hour ad don't worry about it it's okay   uh even like three minute ad skip it you know  the ads i'm talking about are a minute or less   so those other ads i don't know what's going  on with them who does a half an hour advert   but they do exist they're weird i have no idea  why but don't worry about it you can skip those   it's fine it won't it's just if you skip all the  all ads all the time constantly hit skip skip skip   then the algorithm does its part and also the  the creator just doesn't make as much money   and you're talking about peanuts by the way for  most creators it's a teeny tiny tiny amount but if   everyone's doing it that really deprives them of  their their income stream yeah a lot of this a lot   of people doing youtube videos uh this has become  their main income stream if you look at say um   well no i'm not gonna name names but there are  people out there who are struggling okay and um   so yeah please please watch the ads there  you go does it always rain in new zealand well it's raining now no it doesn't always  rain new zealand uh ao torora i'm butchered   that the maori word for it uh land of the long  white cloud does get a lot of rain it does but   i tend to track where it might be raining in  the country and then i drive to it sometimes for   hours so for this spot here it's three hours  uh and this is like a rainforest so yeah i   i deliberately go to those spots because i  like camping in the rain i like the sound of   it i like showing you how to deal with it  to show you that you can camp in the rain   and the cold and still be comfortable still have  a good time still be warm and enjoy yourself yeah a lot of a lot of comments asking um what  type is that what awning is that on the truck   uh what tent is that where can i buy it so if  you see stuff in my video that i've made a point   of featuring or pointing out then chances are i've  put a link to it in the description where you can   buy it most of the time it's an affiliate link  on amazon or it's just wherever you can buy it   and i don't get a cut from those other things the  affiliate link i get such a teeny tiny percentage   that um honestly it's not that significant but  um i usually put in the description what those   things are called and where you can get them or  even in the video i will have mentioned it and i   know that there are a lot of questions about the  awning on the truck and it is in the description but it's the iron man 4x4   uh awning i think it's x t r something like  that but again it was in the description ah this is a good question what do i do  with all the tents and gear that i have   that's a good question what do i'm getting  cold now this fire is gonna so you're gonna   have to excuse me it's gonna get a bit smoky  now because i'm gonna start putting more wood on   what do i do with all the tents   because i have a lot they're all sitting in  the storeroom at home i haven't sold any um i might have to because i'm running  out of space and a lot of the time   i might decide you know i don't like  the tent so why would i use it again   so yeah i still haven't worked out what to do  about that all my gear probably sell them or   i saw that uh there are some  charities that will take them   um homeless charities and also um like scouts  cub scouts girl guides those sorts of things so maybe i'll start either giving them away to charity   or sell them some of the more  expensive stuff i don't know those oz tents that i've got they're  well over a thousand dollars each i don't really want to give those away but  i'll also probably be using them more as well saying that something exciting is coming next week my most expensive purchase yet  for 10th gear ah you know what   you're getting smoked out  let me just move you oh yuck oh that didn't go well i just got soaked there is that bella you might not be able to hear   the rain as much now because  i brought you under the cover   um yeah a very expensive piece to get the most  expensive piece of gear i think i've ever bought in terms of a tent anyway i have bought a rooftop tent to go on the  truck and it's a hard shell and it just pops up and that's it 30 seconds a breeze just came through i might have to put  my jacket on soon if because the temperature is   dropping so much yeah so 30 seconds to set it up  and put it down you can keep your bedding in there   uh it's just a matter of climbing  up the ladder getting in the tent   i am so i've never been so excited about a tent  because this could be a game changer for me let me explain right now i get a little bit put off  the idea of doing multi-day trips   filming for youtube the reason for that is  that the gear you can't keep packing down   and you know unpacking and putting up  wet gear tents that are soaking wet um folding up putting all the back and putting  all in the truck tons and tons of stuff you're   bedding everything each time that's a bit of a  chore i'll tell you that right now it's a chore   it's not fun i don't enjoy  that bit at all packing up but what i want to do is travel around  new zealand multi-night multi-stops   and film for youtube for you  guys and put those videos out so the idea of so i can't sleep in the truck  it's not big enough the ford ranger isn't   big enough i can't fit in the back of that  at all i think even if i lay diagonally i   can't fit and it would just be uncomfortable  yeah so the idea being with the roof tent is um you just climb up the ladder  get in it it's all there ready   all your bedding is already in there nothing to do   nothing to guy out nothing to pitch up you  literally unclip it and pop it up and that's it now it's a two-person tent bruce  can technically fit in there   but here's here's the beauty of it is  bruce actually likes sleeping in the truck it's safe it's secure it's warm it's hard  shell um so what i might end up doing   i'll try it the first time with bruce in  there he can actually climb ladders he's a   genius but i might carry him up anyway just  to make sure he doesn't slip maybe i'll try it   the first time and see how it goes but i've got a  feeling he'd be happier just sleeping in the truck   yeah i put his bed in there and he'll just  curl up in the back of the truck nice and warm   and i'll be on top in the rooftop tent  and i think that will work well i do it will also mean a lot less condensation because 90 of the time 95 of the time bruce is wet  when he comes to bed did you hear your name brucey bruce hey come here did you hear your name we're  talking about you i don't know if you can see him   he's just below you see he's soaking  wet because he's gone out in the rain   and he keeps just staying out in  the rain this is what bruce does   so yeah so 90 odd percent of the time he's  looking for scraps bruce is soaking wet he's underneath me can you see him under  here he's underneath me trying to find scraps   bruce you're lying in the puddle no come on out  out out you're lying in the puddle come on out   you go see he doesn't care about rain he doesn't  care about water loves it yeah so that that's a   big problem in a tent because the condensation  and um with him breathing as well and just being   soaking wet even if i towel dry him he's still  going to be damp it just all lines the tent and   it's a nightmare as you'll see probably tonight  the inside of this will be soaked by the morning so the rooftop tent was the idea  there are lots of types canvas types   and then i wanted the easiest solution possible  with the best built materials highest quality uh   so i hunted around and i found one in new zealand  that's made in new zealand unfortunately i think   they only sell them in new zealand australia and  japan i don't think they sell them in the u.s unless someone's going to come along wow  the fire is the fire is absolutely roaring   bruce what are you doing he's  digging a hole with his nose   you got to see this fire it's amazing let me  bring you around find out bruce find out good boy look at that lovely fire um oh where was  that yeah so unless some entrepreneur   in the states decides to um import the tents then  you probably won't be able to get them in america   you'd have to import them pay for the  fees and the tent is really expensive i think it's four thousand six  hundred new zealand dollars   i'll put on the screen what that is in us dollars so yeah i'm looking forward to  getting that that's getting fitted next week and i'm hoping this means i can  go and do some really good multi-day trips   bring you along and stay at multiple sites  day after day in all sorts of weather snow   rain doesn't matter and i really want to go and  find some snow in the truck um and you know with   bruce but i don't want to have to set up a tent on  the floor or even on that stretcher bed thing it's   still a bit of a pain having to pack it all up  and then put it back in the truck so this carrying   on the top all the time let's see i'm hoping  this is the solution that i've been looking for and if it works excellent   and there are cheaper ones out there than  that you don't have to spend all that money   it's just if i was going to do it then i was going  to try and buy the best that i could find yeah   so i'm really really stoked really excited about  that um other news we've hit 125 000 subscribers amazing thank you all so much it's superb thank you so much and please if you  haven't subscribed just check and subscribe   because it means a lot and again thank you   to everyone that's bought me treats the  cigars on buy me a coffee that's what i   use the money for and buy me a coffee it's for  treats for myself and bruce and i get cigars the youtube members who join the channel who  pay to join and watch the videos you get early   release of videos usually that's a new thing i've  started doing they get to see it a couple of days   beforehand thank you very much i mean a lot of  this money goes to all the gear i pump it all   back in to the gear the youtube revenue goes back  into gear so and camera gear and stuff like that   all this gear is worth you know it's thousands and  thousands the expense is huge so thank you again and one final thing actually  i've managed to keep this alight   miracle first time ever one final thing oh no two two things sorry two things i want to give a shout out and he doesn't know i'm doing this so i'm gonna  give a shout out to one of brandon's my son is   brandon my wife is ann my son is brandon uh i  want to give a shout out to one of brandon's   school friends and his friends who  watch the channel so this is to jack   i won't say your last name but  jack at nelson college for boys   uh thank you jack for watching the videos hope  you're enjoying them uh brandon tells me you you   read the comments as well so i really appreciate  that and i think so jacket was brandon's yeah i think jack joined was boarding at nelson  college boys at the same time as brandon when   brandon started as well so known him a long  time and um yeah it's kind of cool that he's   watching my videos so thank you very much uh  even though brandon doesn't watch the videos   yeah thanks brandon he would if he was in them almost gone out he'll watch this one because  jack would tell him that i've mentioned him so my son brandon is 17 years old and um you might have seen the photo of  him on my community post and he was also uh   in my live stream where i reached a hundred  thousand subs then he was six foot two what was that a few months ago a couple of  months ago and now he's six i think he's six   four i can't remember i think he's about six  foot four just coming up six foot four now so he looks down on me towers over me i bet he's  65 kilos and i'm 90 kilos so quite a difference i think we need to get another hot chocolate on so yeah thank you jack for  watching much appreciated did anyone see what i did with my matches what have i done with them i could light it with a lighter but i'm going to  singe my hairs yep i thought that would happen ah so hang on i said there were two  things oh yes and the final thing   the final thing so i made a comment a few  videos ago about luke at the outdoor gear review nice comments so i followed luke for a long time  and we also chat we do chat um we message and   as i've always said luke is the og he he for outdoor gear he is the man honestly uh so  all these questions i get about what tents should   i use to do this to do that don't ask me ask  luke because he's he's got so much experience   and his channel is fantastic anyway i made a  joke i said uh oh but his his music is awful   because because i knew he'd i knew he'd watch  it or hear about it anyway he sent me a message   hey dude you won't believe it people are  emailing me to say to grass you up to say   that you insulted uh his music choice and he  was laughing um but yeah people apparently   messaged him and said do you know that tony on  a b camping said you had crap choice in music   just telling you just letting you know that's  so funny and so we were both laughing about that   and as he said you can't please  everybody some people like the   music some people don't but anyway so just  in case you're one of those people that um   messaged luke to say i was unkind about his  comment about his music we're just teasing   each other just for fun i'm sure he's gonna  wind me up about something you wait and see he'll probably um make fun of my um tarp  skills or something like that i don't know but   it's all in in good good humor trust me  we're just having fun with each other so the setup brilliant setup now you might be wondering why i keep reverting  back to this storm brake tent when i first   tested this tent i wasn't a fan of it for a couple  of reasons the zip on the awning is a nightmare   absolute nightmare when you're inside it's really  difficult to open but as you see i've got it i've   got it open now i'm probably not going to close  it tonight because we're under a top so be fine   but the more i use this tent the  more i'm falling in love with it   it's very very spacious inside really big vertical  sides i love that it's it's it's on the heavy-ish   side but it's not that bad the pegs it comes with  are awful so i've swapped them out my hilleberg anirus pegs because they're way better apart from that i like pretty much everything  about this tent not not that many pockets   inside i don't think from memory but i can  live with that there's an awful lot of mesh   so it's not a winter tent even though  it's winter here but i've got a   my sleeping bag is zero fahrenheit minus  17c sleeping bag so it doesn't really matter   and i've got a blanket in there  for bruce so we'll be warm um so yeah this north face storm break too  i'm actually falling in love with it i   still don't know how it would cope in a  really big storm it is called storm break but i think it would be okay judge you  know from what i've seen so far i think   it would be all right and i've used it a few  times now and i do always use it under a tarp   um but one side of it is exposed on the  other side and i've done that before as well   and it didn't leak and i have tested  at home and it didn't leak when i   i just showered it with a hose for  ages and it didn't leak so i think i think this is my favorite  just go to quick easy tent   yeah i mean i love my hilleberg una i really do the only downside to the  owner is there's no vestibule and and also the hilleberg tents  are so expensive and so complicated   this is very simple and not really expensive it's a good looking tent i love these  massive doors the door just slips into   one side it's got two vestibules so plenty  of storage and i actually do like this   sort of roll-up front door because  you can have it halfway down and then cook in there and everything  and be fine and still have ventilation saying all that it is a breezy tent some would say  well that means it's good ventilation   i don't know there is no there are no vents on  the exterior of this tent at all so if you've   got it all sealed up condensation probably will  be an issue on the inner fly but it does have a   cover at the top so i don't think anything's going  to drip on you but it might drip down the sides   um there's a lot to like about this i actually  now prefer it i think to my msr hubba hubba   which i haven't used now for ages my  nx2 which is the go-to tent usually so as much as i like that i think i actually  prefer this because i like the fact that   it's got these two bits either side to  stop sideways breeze wind rain coming in   and it would deflect it from the side and you can  bring that down halfway so i love this this door   so yeah north face storm break too i do  like it it is becoming my favorite tent it is a little bit heavy but not so bad and i've got so many tents oh  my god i've got so many tents   i've got a lot of hilleberg tents they're very  heavy and very complicated and they are designed   for storms i don't think i'll  ever use a hilleberg tent again   unless i know the weather is going to be  abysmal and i can't just rely on the tarp   yeah so like heavy snow conditions mountain  top conditions if i'm on the mountain i'm still going to use the hilleberg i don't think i would use this on top of a  mountain could it cope with it i don't know maybe it's got very thin poles though  compared to the hilleberg but for everyday wild camping campgrounds  non-extreme weather where you know wind isn't   really going to be a problem and you're not going  to get snow because this is not for season 10.   um i think you can't go wrong with this tarp  i think the chinese still make the best tarps   um aqua quest from the us make good  tarps as well but the choices from   china are so good this is flames creed it  is so good three ful these are good tarps cookware i do love my tranja it's  just heavy and bulky but i do love it it's old old school nothing to really go wrong with it and i've got this is the larger one i can't  remember what the number is i'll put it in the   description because i like to cook more i'm not a  small guy and these like kettles and things like   that for one person and that's not enough for  me i need more i need bigger so even my quilt   enlightened equipment in there is custom made  and it's it's not normal size it's long and wide   because i don't fit in the sleeping bag otherwise  my shoulders don't fit in it it barely zips up so yeah as i said 90 kilos just six foot um so  i do need bigger gear like my camouflage jacket   you'll see that in the morning because  i'm not gonna have a fire in the morning   that's large extra large as well means i carry extra weight   but i want the comfort i don't want to be  uncomfortable when i'm out camping all right   everybody i think oh and just in case you were  wondering about the beers they're only two percent very very very light because again i'm really  abstaining from pretty much all alcohol   that's a treat for me even two percent and when i do have a drink again as i said i've  got a beautiful bottle of whiskey from new zealand   from corey of uh sea west camping who i think is  coming back to do with some camps we should be   seeing some videos from him soon i hope um so that  will probably be one of the first things i drink   all right everybody i'm gonna just chill in front  of this fire it's giving off so much heat it's   lovely and the rocks the wall has worked really  well just the heat is just bouncing off this thing so i'm gonna finish my cigar i  have my hot chocolate see you all   at bedtime thanks again everyone for coming so so so so so oh welcome back everybody it's bedtime  we're tucked in brucey is on his bed nice and warm there's his tongue hey brucey so he's just gonna preen  himself for about an hour now   cleaning himself he is just  so warm under here already under his on his bed and under his down down  blanket he'll be out of it all night i mean   he'll probably kick the blanket off in the  middle of the night just because he'll get hot   but it is cold it's only a couple of  degrees so it's cold for me but not for him yeah right well it's that time i'm tired  now it's getting chilly really cold it's   amazing when the fire's out and you come  to bed and it's just like oh it just it's   it's cozy i do like this tent loads and loads  of space you know it's it's just big it is   breezy it's not going to contain any heat  obviously um but that's not a big deal   i've got you know hopefully i'll  be warm enough for my sleeping bag   all right everybody see you in the  morning for breakfast good night everybody good night brucie night night bye everybody morning grizzy there he is good morning morning chrissy end up oh   morning oh you're dried lovely and warm oh let  me just wipe the camera hold on stay stay there yeah is that better warning camera's struggling out there raining time to get up i think morning everybody please see come and lie down come on come on   there you go morning everybody come here come  here come here calm down calm down it's all right uneventful night just it's cold now oh bruce brucey just wait a minute he's desperate  to go and play because you can see outside come   and lie down come lie down here come on right  now lie down here come on there you go good boy   yeah he's desperate to go out and play um it's  raining it's been raining for the last few hours uh actually condensation wasn't an issue um nope  because i've got the whole front open that's why but it's raining now oh hey oh it's warm very warm as i should be in this sleeping bag which is rated  for way colder right i think it's time to get up   get a coffee on let him go and play and  pee pee and all the things he needs to do bring you back for coffees welcome back everybody always fun bruce lee but getting out of  a lovely warm sleeping bag into the cold oh and it really was so warm and  nice and it really is so cold but this is what we do camping in the wild it's not so bad uh so my socks were damp bottom  of my trousers are damp and my boots were damp other than that it wasn't bad i need to find my matches because  doing this with a lighter isn't good   matches brucey what have i done with my matches so the night was good very warm ah um hello bruce rained for a  long time but just gentle not not heavy no condensation in the tent which is good because it is very well  ventilated this tent as i said gosh um and i had the front door wide open  i'm sure there would be condensation   though if i had if i had the doors closed  especially with bruce in the tent as well   may not bruce bruce no do not knock everything  over no go on off you go no i know what you   want you want your breakfast but you just have  to wait a minute i'm just getting a coffee on it's very impatient very bossy i'm gonna get  your breakfast in a minute bruce just wait after the amount of food he had  last night he's getting greedy but it's just before his time for breakfast  so he's just gonna have to wait a bit and   be patient no bruce go and settle come on  um yeah so with border collies especially   purebred like this working dogs they need  a routine they need their discipline and it's not about them all the time and they have  to understand that especially when you have kids   stuff like that you know they're part of a family and they need to  realize where they are on the on the totem pole so   constant reminding of that because  they're not your normal sort of pet they would act like a wolf if they could so occasionally he just  needs to be put in his place but so how much time has he got to his b okay it's it's pretty much there so let me prepare his breakfast for him same as last night we've got meat chilled meat  and his science diet food it's a lot of food but it's  because of the walk and it's cold there we go now i want to do this somewhere  where he's not going to knock the stove over come on bruce come on over here there you go good boy ah well i need to show you what it looks like out there   the river has actually the  stream has gone down a bit not too bad at all which is good so let me show you what's happening out here it's raining just gently at the moment there's the stream just drops just a little bit and this camp not very stealthy  with orange an orange tent this is a lovely little  clearing lovely little spot   very rare to find a spot like this by the river it's flat and that's not actually   susceptible to getting washed away by  the river check it out very pretty huh beautiful okay i think it's time for coffee is still eating his breakfast now the  setup was really good no pooling of water i was nice and dry still am it's  a great cover great tarp set up   really good setup um this would  be fine in the wind as well   and the tent did a great job so what i was saying  was you know some of the tent is exposed to the   elements just because it doesn't really bother  me so you can see the back half of it is exposed   but it's treated and it didn't leak at  all i could put the whole thing underneath um but then i lose headroom for where  i want to sit move around so i didn't finished cruise you finished all right  bring it all back when the coffee is boiling so this cover that you use to put the  flame out and also it's uh a damper   for you know to regulate the temperature  the amount of flame that comes out   the one that comes with transit  doesn't have this handle and it's really awkward and you have to put  your whole hand in there to put to put it   out this thing i got on aliexpress as part of  another burner which the burner wasn't as good   as efficient as the transient one but the cover  awesome so i definitely recommend if you're   getting a transfer if you're getting an alcohol  burner specifically the transient one which is a   high quality item um that you get a cheapo chinese  one as well because they come with this cover   i wish tranjia would just copy this do the same  thing because this handle makes a huge difference maybe i'll recommend it to them oh cheers everybody thanks for coming again you soon learn hot drinks just make it  all seem better i really do i really do the fire was brilliant last night did a great job   kept me toasty there wasn't that much smoke um and  i don't think i got smoked out of my chair at all   so maybe this brick wall thing stone wall worked as a deflector and to make  the smoke go straight up and the rain didn't get to it because i  had it under the tarp just under the top   the top is high enough that the fire  and the fire wasn't big enough to   affect the tarp plus everything  it was raining as well but usually i put the fire just  outside the top but then it gets soaked um so now it's still dry i could light  a fire now if i really wanted to but   don't really see the need if it was minus  something then i would but it's actually   i don't even really need the beanie on i i'd say it's about it's quite mild now six six degrees  centigrade five degrees centigrade yeah so i slept yeah slept really well everything's dry  um accept my socks and my trousers i have my socks   in my sleeping bag but they still didn't dry in  time so putting on wet socks lovely but the thing   with these uh these boots that i'm wearing are  that they're insulated winterized rubber boots and once you seal them up everything gets  warm in there really quickly not like leather   which breathes these don't breathe so it traps  all that heat in and they get really warm he's still trying oh no it's relaxing next  to me not nice because he knows now that   we'll be packing up and going home soon so he's  always more chilled out um on the morning that   he knows that we're leaving because he's  waiting for that next bit of the routine all right everyone i'll bring you  back for when i'm having my breakfast all right let's get my breakfast on that coffee oh really hit the spot no bruce mind out because knock the table okay oh i keep misplacing stuff i am so disorganized all right who saw what i did with the matches ah bruce is looking for any scraps possible  the bottomless pit no bruce away see i don't want him near this  when i'm lighting it when it's lit   if he knocks it oh my god it'll be bedlam okay i do have another box of matches  as well and i always carry with me   actually let me show you rather than talking about  it let me just show you what i'm talking about   so in my medical kit my ouch  pouch as you can see ouch pouch   in here i carry all my emergency supplies  obviously all sorts of weird stuff   um knife sharpener all my medical gear i've got  uh instant wound seal so if you cut yourself   you put this stuff on and it will clot it  basically dental medical emergency dental kit   so you can fix temporarily cracks in your teeth  takes the pain away that stuff that's amazing   very handy have you don't want to be  out in the bush and suffer a dental   emergency yeah so i've got all sorts of stuff  in here including painkillers things like that   and a bandage and stuff toothpaste things  like that i've also got waterproof matches so let me show you what these  look like and they're huge they've got the striker on the side   look at the size of that she said huge  and yeah so i'll light one show you so long burning so even when wet they give off that   huge flame for much longer than a normal match  and they work in the wind so they're windproof very handy to have in an emergency now i'm not happy with bruce lying there   just because well as long as he doesn't  budge up against the table it's okay that would be my concern but i think  he's all right just lying there but once i'm cooking i think i'm  gonna need him to move actually yeah   i'm gonna get him to move just not comfortable  having him right there when i've got   alcohol burner lit good boy did it all by yourself  because you thought there was some food okay so for breakfast we've got pancakes of course we've got pancakes bruce leave my bowl alone i'm  gonna have to rinse that out now so yeah we've got pancakes and i've got bacon that's really coming down now no bruce bruce come on up here come on over here   see come and lie down over here no  move come on come on there lie down   it's not there just lie down here good boy  go on let out there there good boy stay there the whole thing moved that'd be my worst nightmares  if he caught light oh my gosh okay so that's pancake done  we need to get the bacon on got some lovely pistols streaky  bacon dry cured it's manuka   manuka smoked this is uh local it's where i live  lovely stuff you know what i'm gonna do the whole   load and then because it shrinks so much and  then i'll let him have a couple of pieces as well wow i don't know if the camera is  picking up the rain coming off the tarp so come on the sound of bacon now this is tranja's non-stick  pan which is pretty good   there's a couple that they do i prefer this  one the other one has a handle built in   but i prefer this one uh where you can just  grip it with the handle grippers because   the other one the handle doesn't lock into  place simple things like that means you can't do   pancake flips and things which i  know you all love the pancake flips oh let's hope it goes well today i'm sure i'll get a comment saying uh  nothing dramatic happened in this one boring can't please everybody oh wow that was table's just a bit wonky uh it should be okay now that i've moved bruce  out of the way i'm not so worried about it this little table is great by the way what is this  called i don't know i got on on amazon i climb   you know it just clicks together um it's not  as robust as my uh one tigress steel table   but that thing weighs so much yeah this  thing weighs hardly anything it's good height   it looks a little bit fragile but i think it's  okay it's withstood everything i've thrown at it it says a lot it looks like we're going to be  walking out in the rain oh well oh yeah i don't know if you guys can hear this so always hold the pan i've knocked things over  before in these tranches so a bit top heavy so always hold the pan especially when you're  cooking something like this that's full of fat so so right bacon is ready there's a lot of fat so i'll pour that out into the fire oh this is going to be extra crispy all right let's not put that anywhere  near bruce because you know he'll eat that okay so let's put flame on low yep i add a tiny bit more water to this pancake mix so the pancake mix are you someone asked me it's  it's a new zealand one new zealand brand edmonds but i think i think he's getting many wares  different brands all over the world okay we're going big go big or go home oh yeah so cooking in the wild like  this compared to cooking at home it's just not as controlled  everything's harder to cook out here the air temperature is is much colder   so your pans are colder everything your  flame isn't regulated harder to control   so just remember that if you've got a  complicated dish that you like to cook at home you're you're going to make life hard for yourself okay so what i'll do is probably  put a couple of pieces of bacon   in bruce's bowl he can have when i have mine and crispy bacon which he is gonna love okay i'll have that when i have mine dip it in four pieces just be patient bruce lie  down just wait be patient and in preparation i've got my maple syrup so am i going to attempt to pancake flip have you seen the hmv   sign of the the gramophone with the dog looking at  it i can't remember what the name of the dog is um oh not kasparov's dog something like that  i can't remember someone would tell me   he i could see in the camera him looking up at  me like that looking at his master's voice hmv   that's what it means his master's voice uh coming  out of the uh the speaker on the old gramophone   that's exactly what it looked like looked like  there's bruce looking up at me listening to his   master's voice okay you know what i reckon i  can actually put that on full flame because i wasn't really doing much and the breeze has really picked up so i went out to get some water before i  looked out on those when i was cooking the   bacon there was just smoke billowing out  the front of the tarp it was so much fat   but what i will do is i'll i'll put  i'll put this wall down just into a   like a can which a can here is a pile of  rocks it's a marker i guess it's from scotland and then people can actually see  that this is a campsite or whatever   but wherever you walk around here there are  cans piles of stones to tell you where the   mark is where the tracks change um so i'll just  cover all that fat that's in the ash with that okay i think we're getting close to flip territory i'm not far off let's have a look i think we are there flip yep oh stuck at the bottom okay  all right we're gonna do a flip ah here it goes everybody one two three yay my pancakes remember last night i was talking  about the chronological order of my videos   go back and look at my early videos where i  made pancakes in a in the normal tran japan   and they were just bridged away away  bruce away not next to the flame wait i do not want him banging this and then fuel  everywhere big fire gotta be strict on that okay it will only need a few seconds on  this side i'm sure let's have a look yep that's ready oh got it just in nick of  time it was about to burn let's get the kettle on lashings of maple syrup bring you in for the money shot just just coat it just coat it whatever there  you go bacon and pancakes with maple syrup and bruce can have his bacon as well there you go brucie go on then good boy ah bon appetit everybody piece of bacon um man this makes up for my last camp well i drove across the river there  was a massive storm coming in this is   my last video and i had to leave camp early  because it was just outrageous storm coming   and i was on the wrong side of a river and then  i actually got stuck in the middle of the river in the truck yeah i left that one early i didn't cook  breakfast because i knew i was really worried as it turns out that was a massive storm there's damage everywhere i  was lucky i got home when i did someone commented though disappointed that i  bailed as i said i didn't want to leave ann   and brandon at home and during this massive storm  and i have to make a safety call this isn't about   putting on a good show for you where i put  myself at risk or other people at risk um so i didn't really like that comment because that person obviously couldn't give a  damn about my family outrageous thing to say i should have stayed another night i obviously  didn't listen to the part where i said   ann and brandon are at home and given  the damage that we usually have on our   property in big storms yeah i wanted to get back mmm so crispy bruce's had his he is a happy pup one last copy bringing back everyone but i've had all  this bring it back for breaking down camp time to pack up had to take the wireless  mic off go to the big microphone so you're   gonna hear the river the time to pack up  so let's get cracking put everything away   get the tent away get the type away so just realize the bottom of the  tent is wet under the sleeping pad boost out of it and it is a very wet spot as  i said water pools up and the head rating for   the base i think is only like 1200 mil 2000  mil so not very good so you'd actually need   a ground sheet so i recommend  getting a ground sheet for this tent   i'll show you what i'm talking about inside  so underneath so you can see it's seam sealed   everything's good when i lift  it up it's wet that's damp   that's leached through just slightly not much  but it is damp and i mean it's going to take   a while to to dry that out and you can see  the the mat the pad has soaked that up yeah   so this does happen when you don't use a ground  sheet um because the base is very thin it's not   like the ones you get on hilleberg they're very  very thick you know ultra ultra water water tight   this the pressure you put on it especially if  there's pooling water underneath it will leak   so just a precaution you might want to get a  ground sheet if you're going to use this tent   somewhere like a field or wherever it's gonna  get you know chances are it's gonna get very wet my pillow excellent pillow  the nemo king fellow king yeah best pillow so far really wide thick pillow so if  you're a side sleeper you've got broad shoulders   and you need a big pillow this is the one to go  for the nemo phyllo king definitely recommend it it's a bit slippery so just put a t-shirt  over it and that will hold it in place it soaks under bruce's bed very wet so bruce get out of there out of fire where all  the moisture goes from bruce through his bed but it does dry him out really quickly  and in the morning he's toasty dry so this is when you need a two-person  tent you have space to spread out let's   pack everything away as well trying to  do this in a one-person tent nightmare oh let's put the table away so oh see with the transient so easy very neat oh man we'll be walking out in the rain so i'm gonna pack up my big  jacket put my rain jacket on looks like it's here to stay so you see with the table it's pretty easy and it weighs hardly anything at all   cleans easily it's like fake bamboo  or something looks like bamboo i click i climb i'll put a link to it if  i can find it again i've got it on amazon bruce's uh dog towel this thing is amazing  it's the four monster microfiber towel   they come in different sizes i think this is like  a small one but it just mops up moisture so well i would dread to go in the  tent with bruce without this and it packs down so neatly in this little case and that's it it's a breathable case full monster i don't know if the camera's  picking that up but anyway all right we're getting there so i never put the fuel i never put my fuel in  there i put him put my fuel on the outside pocket okay let that cool down a bit my thermacell definitely don't need any water okay need to get all the lamps down the lucy lamps this one this one's covered in smoke it's  got a bit brown yeah i don't think the   smoke is going to be coming out of  that so these are inflatable lamps they give off loads of light and  you can charge them by solar or usb good things they're they're useful for you can  also use the battery that's in them to charge   other things from the usb port so pretty  good i gotta say give off a lot of light and i got the idea from  these from uh yerg over at uh go 4x4 he uses these and if it's good enough for  you it's good enough for me i'm sure someone's going to mess a jerk  now and say hey tony's talking about you okay so all right that's the lights that myself has now cooled down  good what else is left to go ah bruce needs his collar on he's  got his tracker on it come here   so i've got a apple what is it  air tag yeah come here good boy i mean i should really start putting a harness  on him especially for river crossings so i can   grab the harness but it is low so but  next time i might put a harness on him i'm glad i bought my axe so much better than  batoning the toning wood batoning wood sucks   if you don't know what batoning is just look it  up that's where you use a knife to split the wood nowhere near as good okay tent is empty i don't think i've packed this  anywhere near as well as i usually do so my chair goes in last and i'm going  to put that on the top with the tarp because i always leave my chair to last right see worst worst tent zips ever just  catch all the time i don't know who   in north face invented them better rubbish so these are my hillberg and anaris tent pegs  don't bother with the temp pegs that come with   the tent they're rubbish north face always skimp  on temp pegs they just put cheap basic things in   so you definitely need to go and buy your  own decent pegs and that's all of their tents so so the beauty of a freestanding tent is you can move it around so so this is what i was talking  about the top is is solid   so if there's any drips of water drips on there  and then hopefully it slides down the side oh the other thing with the hillberg tent  is they oversized the stuff sack so it's   so easy to get it in you know if you've got snow ice whatever  on there where the tent gets bigger whereas north face don't  they make them tight silly and when your hands are freezing  cold you don't want to be doing that so a backpack has a north um tonka bison hundred  liter pack very important to have big pack my garmin inreach mini that's how  i communicate satellite emergencies okay i think we're done so just put the chair away  yeah pack the chair up then pack the tarp down okay just the type to do what i might do is take my hoodie off  get my rain jacket on because i don't   want to walk in this i'll be drenched  as well and then let's get the top down all right here comes the heavy rain what so okay just need to put the big camera away go on to  mobile and then we can head off so i'll bring you   back we're ready to go all right ready to go lock  the wall down my little can the sight is clear left those poles for next time you know there  is another spot if i had to i could go further   up here if i didn't want to tie off to trees the  only thing the only downside to the spot up there   is all of that that is hanging  directly over this spot and those trees   don't look the healthiest so  those are actually widow makers   some of those up there uh so that's the reason  why i don't camp on that upper ledge whereas   above me here there's nothing blue sky well  cloudy rainy sky all right brucie let's go so bruce will lead the way  back what i might do this time   so that only have to do one river crossing is   the track is all the way up in there but to get  to it um there's a point just down here where   you can actually cross back up into the track so  you don't have to do multiple river crossings um   so that's what i'll probably do is go and find  that track probably got to do one river crossing   um yeah one river crossing and then we'll find  the track and go up in the hill so let's get there so bruce will find the way  across up here bruce bruce there you go come on then cross  look at that so easy for him same for me follow brucey come  on then bruce down let's go go go he's done so many river crossings he knows what  he's doing come on wow look at this waterfall   ah so this is this is where all the damage  happened that caused all of this debris   this carnage came down here and carved so if you  look back at an old video there was this massive   flash flood that carved this huge mess that came  down here that didn't exist before any of that   it's just huge catastrophic damage up there  thousands of trees down and it all swept out here   and just made one hell of a mess but this  waterfall is pretty epic look at this there's a lot of water up there nice so the track is up there  that's where we need to get to so if i can find a way up  onto the track that'll be good bruce is crossing rivers for  no reason just because he can okay bruce has found the track  so we're going to go up there   because otherwise we've got to  cross the river multiple times and it'll be a lot easier just to walk  along the track up here come on the bruce up very slippery i just went in a hole it just sank right down there right this is difficult to  do while holding the camera so this is the old stream  little one that we used to cross   um most of the water has now been  diverted over to where that waterfall is   and this used to be a bit of a nightmare  to cross when it rained heavily but it kind of disappeared yeah when the big storm hit walking on a track is always easier  and safer than walking on the riverbed   because of the boulders ankle  twisters here we go on the track these orange things are track markers that doc  the department of conservation put on all tracks okay there we go rock there's the river down there and we're on the track nice oh so  much quieter up here come on brucey and so much easier to walk not have to worry about   crossing the river multiple times okay bring  you back at the car we're out the track back onto the road yeah brucie where's the car oh that was fun oh look we  got a bit of blue sky oh   oh shame that didn't come a bit  earlier when i was packing up   but you know what who cares it's blue sky now  that was a fun trip just a little quick overnight   i could have done two nights there  to be honest i was very comfortable maybe next time two nights but i think next time  i really want to go out in my new rooftop tent   trial it out see how it goes and prepare for  a big winter trip with that find some snow right not far to the car see you there oh all right back at the truck i think bruce is gonna go in the back come on one two three oh he didn't make  it i'm gonna have to pick him up hang on he got in there in the end didn't you he did  jump up in the end oh gotta get my pack off oh that's heavy turn my epub  off some snow up on the tops usually where i'm camping right up there on  the mountain there's a bit of snow up there   actually that's quite a bit of snow right  on the peak so it was just above where i was i would not want to be up there  right now that looks grim very grim i mean bruce wouldn't mind it but it would be  freezing right everyone catch you on the road   well everybody thanks for  coming great trip you see   bruce's nose sticking out back there he can't  hear us there's actually a window in the way so he loves the wind he absolutely loves the  breeze that comes through that gap and he'll just   sit there the way home with his nose out there  he's such a cliche with the dog with his head out   the window bruce lives for that he loves it all  right everyone thanks a lot for coming on this   trip thank you so much for clicking like please  click like it really helps and please subscribe   if you haven't check if you've subscribed or  not youtube has a habit of unsubscribing people   um but just click on the subscribe button only  takes a few seconds and it really really helps   the channel more than anything else thank you  so much for coming along thank you to everyone   who bought us treats on buy me a coffee and um  who brought thanks on the comments super thanks   everyone who's a youtube member who actually  joined um and pays their uh fee on youtube   um you get the video early and hopefully the same  this time as well and thanks again everyone who   bought merch uh a new new logo coming out  soon or not logo new phrase coming out soon   all right everybody next trip  hopefully fingers crossed roof tent um as much as i want to do another wild camp there's  just more places i want to get to and to do that   i've got to drive and a lot of gear and you can't  really do while camping then because i have to   come home and drive all the gear out so i need to  do the rooftop stuff okay everyone thanks again   um go back watch your videos as well and bring  you along next time from me and brucey who is now   barley somewhere back there i can't really tell  alright everybody thanks a lot catch you next time
Channel: AB Camping And Outdoors
Views: 1,515,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a b camping, a. b. camping, ab, ab camping, ab camping and outdoors, ab camping heavy rain, ab camping new zealand, ab outdoors, ab outdoors and camping, abc camping, abcamping, beach camping, camp, camping, camping gear, camping gear rental, camping in heavy rain, camping in rain, camping in the rain, camping rain, camping with dogs, heavy rain, rain, rain camping, rain sound, rain sounds, solo camping, tent camping, tent camping in rain, truck camping
Id: IfQemRJ-Fsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 13sec (12313 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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