Grand Canyon Glamping - Wagon Tent

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all the way down there amazing let's go check it out  we're in wagon number nine the rain hasn't stopped welcome back everybody so we're leaving  Vegas on our way to the Grand Canyon   it's been great in Vegas had a good time  seen the sights I haven't gambled but uh   it's all good right we'll pick you  up at the Hoover Dam which is where   we're going to stop off on the way catch  you there it's like made in the distance doesn't actually look that high  and I thought it would be higher   all right everyone we're at Hoover Dam over there we're gonna wander down there and check it out  okay so we're just walking along the edge and   here's the spillway for when Lake Mead is high  which obviously hasn't been for a long long time and so all the water comes gushing over the top  here then goes down that massive massive tunnel   down there it's just the scale of this thing  it's not the video is not going to do any justice   but the scale is insane and to get this home  there's two spillways there's one on the other   side there as well but the lake is so low you  can see the bleach line where the water should be   and how far down it is and that's with record  rainfall as well all right let's check out the   top of the dam okay so here's the sign that's  just saying if you're seeing water flowing over   this spillway you're witnessing a historic event  the last time water came over was 1983 and there's   a picture of it gushing over 1983. that's how bad  the situation is now and Lake Mead is the largest   man-made lake in the United States incredible  it's so low I'm sure it's been lower than this but the water's nice and  clear looks good to swim in very low as you can see those pontoons should be  floating and there's the other Spillway over there   so we're going Crossing from  Arizona here to Nevada yeah it took four years to build 1931 to 1935.  I'm going to enjoying the cooling stations because there's about 40 degrees  Centigrade all right here we go this is it that is incredible what a sight  the water bubbling out of there the camera cannot be doing this Justice that  they could build this thing back in the 30s I have to look up how many  people how many lives were lost amazing Just One Last Shot all the way down there thank you amazing thoroughly recommend coming  to check out Hoover Dam all right everyone   bring you back four Grand Canyon that's  the gigantic one of the gigantic spillways   to bypass the turbines it hasn't seen  water since 1983. that is a grand scale   all right so we're off again left uh  Hoover Dam we're now driving out of   it we're gonna go over the massive  bridge and it's raining check it out which I think they'll be happy about  because it's 100 degrees out there okay   all right everyone and is camera  woman at the moment camera person   it's chucking down the rain it's Grim outside  but it's cooled it down a little bit so we're   going over this gigantic bypass and if you could  just pan forward and show everyone the bypass   well how much you can see oh and you can't  see anything left I think that's deliberate that's the bridge going over the Hoover Dam and  I guess it's at the exit from Lake Mead all right   everyone we will bring you back uh closer towards  the Grand Canyon and the glamping campsite that   we're going to be staying at for the night all  right welcome back everybody here we are just   arriving at the uh glamping site where we're going  to be staying by the Grand Canyon in our wagon   um so we'll bring you back from the actual wagons  that we're glamping in it's rained the entire way   here lately and it's still raining so you never  know we might have camping in the rain right I'll   bring you back from our uh what's it called wagon  [Music] all right so here we are we're at our   our wagon and it's just going in let me just  put this in wide angle so you can see it all   and we are in this glamping  Resort that's Miller nowhere   but let's go check it out  we're in wagon number nine let's see what this is like wow oh it's insulated looks nice look at this everyone and  already checking out all the facilities   massive bed that's a huge bed  so we've got a California bed we got everything you need water air conditioning  what else we got what's in here toilet   and shower cool and this is some sort of insulated  double layer insulated fabric with some foam   foam in here as well sort of Welcome kit things  like that these coffees an espresso machine absolutely excellent glamping cool so we're  gonna get our stuff in get unpacked we haven't   got my stuff with us at all one thing to note  is there's no hanging space here we've just   bought a day a day bag with us um and I think  it will be beer o'clock we've got dinner booked   um we might go for a walk there's horses  there's bison so I'll bring you back for that   so we're down at the farm the ranch I  should say put all the horsies with us we've got a couple of young young ones here  very young very little I think they belong to   the two mums in the background there don't  you little doggy to help us around as well right right so we're gonna  carry on go around the ranch   uh we'll probably bring you back for dinner  um the Grand Canyon is over there it's on to   get to you have to go through Indian national  Reserve to get to the Skywalk so we're gonna   have to take a bus in the morning but we've  got a helicopter trip in the morning as well   so that'll be great just over there we'll  be very quick on the helicopter but we'll   bring you back for dinner see how dinner is  tonight they're going to bring it to the wagon   um should be nice I've got a couple of beers  with me but they do serve drinks here as well   um but yeah wagon's nice place is nice got  a ranch I'd recommend it it's chilled out   you're in the middle of nowhere it's got  Wi-Fi if you want to be connected um but   it's cool place all right bring you back later  when we're having dinner so we've got some bison   here as well they're a little bit skittish so I'm  going to go to them slowly but they're right here and hear them breathing it's okay they're shedding their winter coat very nervous I don't know if they're always nervous  there's some youngsters in there as well so yeah bison amazing but they're not aggressive at  all they're just more nervous oh here comes the little one yeah one then hey serious oh and a big big boys coming  out I've got the baby here   they're coming over to see uh  see what's going on come on the baby is very inquisitive let me put  this on wide for you there you go hey how you doing hello hello hello okay they're staring  at me now because I'm going near the baby   anyway right I'll bring you back at dinner  welcome back everybody okay it's a little bit   later now the rain hasn't stopped in typical  Tony fashion I don't know if you can hear it so I have to apologize I haven't got any  filming equipment with me at all just my phone   no microphones no big camera  nothing what I do have though is a beer for beer o'clock so cheers everybody dinner hasn't come yet but I need a beer   cheers thanks for coming and sorry  for the shortness of this video now for those of you don't know and hates  being on camera so she's actually next to   me but she won't be on film and  you probably won't hear from her   uh and that's her prerogative so the  wagon is cozy very warm very comfortable   we've got heating and cooling down here  with the aircon all the facilities you need   now all I need is dinner and I wish I'd bought a  cigar so I could have had cigar time not this time   all right bring it back at dinner if I want  to show you what the food is like all right   so dinner's just arrived uh I guess there was a  bit of a communication error um I ordered steak   assuming it came with something and I've got  a steak with nothing else in it just a steak   and Ann ordered uh some veggies and so she's got  all the veggies so grilled veggies so I guess   I'm gonna have some of Anne's veggies with my with  my steak I think you've got to be very clear when   you order what it is you want to have but steak  looks good so and it's nothing fancy it's plastic   Cutlery oh there is actually there's a metal  knife in there though for the steak all right it's   nothing fancy at all so be prepared for that but  otherwise looks great so that's gonna be dinner   I'll bring it back later welcome back everybody  got to be quiet because we've got neighbors   um I've had dinner had a fire outside chatted  with the neighbors we've got a lovely Brazier here nice and hot the owner of the  resort came and lit that for us   right it's cold now so time for bed cabins already  catch her at bedtime well welcome back everybody   and it is now morning I completely forgot to  record at bedtime because I was so exhausted   great night's sleep just awesome and it's a  beautiful day here at the Grand Canyon if you   can make it out not a cloud in the sky uh just had  a shower last night it was cold here really cold   and I had the heating cranked uh just before going  to bed oh warmed up the place so quickly the wagon   and it kept it because it's got this insulation  so your hands ends in the shower just yeah I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that so  she's having a shower now it's a great shower   very hot water got my coffee on the go   if you're a tea drinker like English breakfast  tea then you might have to bring your own there's no fridge here it's gonna bother bringing  milk or anything there's no way to keep it um   yeah so bed super super comfy it's memory foam  mattress never slept on one before I've got a   bad back this thing was incredible so I'm  going to look be on the lookout for these   um we got helicopter tour this morning  got breakfast on the way shortly   so I'll show you what breakfast is like  um hopefully it's better than dinner   um about bless them it was just a communication  error I guess so yeah see you at breakfast [Music]   pancakes are made for syrup   recovery and scrambled eggs and toast awesome  all right bring it back for a helicopter trip   you know it's only just occurred to  me that anyone knows me I always have   pancakes I can always make a mess of them  and these are perfect American pancakes maybe I should ask them for tips just having  our drinks just waiting for the helicopter pilot   so we'll go from one to see the uh  see the animals again there's camp   just in case I didn't show it properly yesterday and it's still a work in progress It's only a  year old see the helicopters see all the horses   the paddocks all this construction equipment  is because they're they're laying the road   building these teepees building these huts  big setup and yeah they're just not there yet um but I'd say within a year this  would be fully done ready to go   full disclosure I paid for this myself   they didn't know I was a YouTuber I can't remember  what it's called Grand Canyon glamping Resort um but I was talking to the people  in there in the wagon next to us   and they loved it great stay comfy bed as  well so it's a brilliant spot and you're   only three miles from the Skywalk if you're  doing the Skywalk we're not we're just going   to be doing the helicopter tour yeah so  again bring you back for the helicopter   all right so pilot has just done pre-flight check  for a helicopter and down there with the crew um well I think we're almost ready to take off so bring you back for takeoff is this anybody's  first ride on a helicopter besides me and we're   gonna have some fun I got some other things  that'll make this even more fun for you yes I've done this once or twice before foreign that was amazing great time a great fun just film these guys taking  off and I'll bring you back that was amazing definitely definitely recommend  that we saw the uh Sky Bridge the Skywalk so what   I'll do is in in the video I'll just put different  clips of what we're looking at and you saw the   rafting down there saw the Skywalk saw so much  it was amazing and the pilot made us close our   eyes we didn't make us you asked us closed our  eyes so that bit where you saw us drop into the   canyon we opened our eyes and just suddenly  saw it again amazing anyway we're done here   now it's been great we've really enjoyed staying  here I'm gonna bring you back on the road after   we've packed up and headed off and let's back to  Vegas okay we're ready to go truck's all packed up say goodbye to our little uh wagon that was  amazing I I thoroughly recommend this um   you know look at what you've got for the  price I think this was 300 for the both of us   for a wagon I mean it's an insulated glamping tent  with air conditioning solar power uh coffee making   everything you need uh for 300 bucks you're off  the ground you don't have to worry about Creepy   crawlies because the occasional friendly dog  that comes to say hello you've got fire pits   so they're they're constructing a lot here there's  going to be a restaurant a proper restaurant here   uh they're built they're starting building  that now and you can do the helicopter tour   would I do the Skywalk after seeing what I've seen  no I would do the helicopter tour the helicopter   store was 300 bucks uh that's for the two of us  there's 150 each the Skywalk gets close to that   when you factor in everything and to be honest  you won't see anything you saw the Skywalker on   the video it's just a tiny fragment you go up  in the helicopter you see so much you go lower   and that was well worth it honestly so  if you're going to visit the Grand Canyon   uh and you want to stay overnight and glamp a  bit do a bit of tenting this is a good option   great option yeah I recommend it so I think  it's called the Grand Canyon glamping Resort   uh yeah so for this 300 at the time I filmed this  again I paid for this myself 300 for the two of us   um and then it was another three hundred dollars  to she's going off again to do a helicopter tour   so our pilot was Tom uh awesome pilot ex-military  trained in the army with Huey helicopters that   maneuver you saw at the end where we're tilting  side to side I mean who's talking to us you   couldn't hear it he was showing us how they evade  missile fire and stuff like that and follow the   terrain and also you might have heard us counting  down when we were heading over the Grand Canyon   that's because he said to us why don't you all  close your eyes so you sourced flying into it   but we hadn't seen it so our eyes are all closed  and then you heard everyone go wow oh my God it's   because we had our eyes closed and uh you suddenly  opened them and you're over the Grand Canyon it is   spectacular I recommend it so give it a go anyway  guys we're back off now we're going to Vegas   um I'm gonna leave it here you don't need  to see Vegas and stuff like that we're   staying at the encore this is different to  my usual videos this is just a quick filler   you're going to see me soon when I get back to  New Zealand with normal service resumes uh got   a lot to talk about I've got to talk about Brucie  um I'm gonna have Bruno with me uh talk about my   dad because I've got my dad's ashes as well uh it  could be an emotional one but we'll get through it   and I'll see you back in New Zealand but thanks  for coming on this one and Ann says thank you as   well she's tucked away in the car you can't really  see her there you go that's our interaction with   this video all right everyone catch you soon on  the next video from New Zealand uh with AB camping
Channel: AB Camping And Outdoors
Views: 139,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car camping, camping, camping in the rain, wild camping, stealth camping, camping gear, tent camping, best camping gear, hammock camping, new camping gear, camping gear review, camping gear and gadgets, rain gear, asmr, rain, camping gear 2021, best new camping gear 2021, nature sounds, nature, rain camping, rain sounds, rain sound, heavy rain, rain and thunder sounds, camping gear rental, Pluviophile, ab outdoors, ab camping, tent camping in rain, camping with dogs
Id: yWneoEV0l-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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