Hot Tent Camping with My WIFE for the FIRST Time in a Winter Snow Storm

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[Music] all right we made it to our camping spot because we're setting up camp so we're gonna set up camp let's unhook our firewood sled and then I will pack down make a nice heavy base oh steep we're gonna do our first overnight Hut tent camping and we're getting a snowstorm coming in tonight we're supposed to get like between 8 and 10 inches of snow so I'm gonna pack this area right here down and we're going to set up the tent we've got a wood stove and all the things so I think this is going to be fun we have our little creek right there so we have running water I think this is gonna be a good spot foreign now comes the fun part we got to set up camp I think yeah if we stay like right this way keep the door I think if we keep the door facing this place we're kind of an angle going kind of like the way the mule is yeah I think that'll work yeah once that sun gets above those trees there'll be sunlight in a little bit let's go to hot tent camping he said it would be fun he said foreign foreign [Music] okay do they call it hot tightening because you get sweaty putting the tent out right [Music] and does this have like a little knobber hello that's that thing that goes to the roof which one do you want me to do this one can you hand me a post first yep our floor was too Lumpy all right that smoothed out the floor best is we're gonna get it because I think the more we heat it up in here the more it's going to melt so I'll put a tarp down and then we can stake it down and then we can get our wood stove in here it is snow blinding outside but it's nice you come in here and you can actually see get some steaks out we'll get it staked down get one side and then we'll do the next side then we can get the front little fly on foreign [Music] foreign I just wanted to cover the base was snow to help keep any drafts out should help keep it warmer tonight while we're trying to sleep all right we got a fireproof blanket to put under the wood stove let's set the wood stove out and we got to figure out where to cut the hole for the chimney or how big foreign there we go okay so that fits perfect we just got to get our wood stove in here now thank you foreign if you want to take that out and flop it down yeah that's good all right are we good all right it's time to get our lights strung up again over on this end all right I got the bed set up we have cots and when I got cots a while ago I'm not sure why but I got the extra large ones and they take up most of the room [Music] the Sun finally set it's starting to cool off time to get the fire going and then we can start cooking we are getting hungry getting hungry and wondering what you got me into all right we got some puddles going we'll have to dry those out but I think the essential thing is a fire at first I got some fat wood here let me go split up some logs and then we'll get this going all right let's give that a try foreign birch bark here you can smell it the birch bark burning it's got a sweet smell to it foreign let's try these lights out oh it's right now and you're just gonna get tightened up look at that that's pretty bright in here I feel the heat already from the stove I'll be ready for cooking in no time getting kind of hungry wow it's already it's warm probably like 30 40 degrees warmer in here than outside I think we spring our bedding in and let it warm up all right let's get cooking foreign for a little bit you almost got a vent it all right this should be running water over here that we can get oh yeah you can hear it wow a lot thicker than I thought it would be thank you all right we've got some water to cook up yeah it looks good we've got some water to cook a dessert with get that boiling here it's quicker yeah I'll now do it we didn't bring a thing to feed yep I hate to do it but I don't want the fire to go out foreign logs in it you can actually go longer than 16 inches and it's real it's like probably like an eighth inch thick steel so it holds the Heat all that cooled up in the tent enough I'll probably have to keep doing that throughout the night I've got a window open too that smells amazing our pork and then all this vegetables all right for dessert I made chocolate chip cookie dough put it in a mason jar we're gonna set the lid just Loosely on there we're gonna sit them in a pot and boil in water to cook them because we don't have no oven are they both gluten free yeah both gluten-free romantic antics can't give away my secrets dear Lord thank you for the wonderful day for good weather all of your blessings and Provisions you provide us with bless this food to our body watch over this camping trip amen I'm right pork chops good I guess I should bring some firewood in put it under my bed so tonight if I need to wake up and load the stove I got it all right here and it's not outside and then the wood that's outside I want to cover it with that tarp because the snow is going to be coming it's supposed to get quite a bit so that's gonna be interesting oh are you sure it's not going to cave in No it should melt could probably split some too just in case it goes out we'll have some small pieces to put in I really don't think I'm gonna need that much but I'd rather be safe than sorry all right that should do it I'm gonna split this one up into small pieces I think this will make a good chopping Stone that should be good foreign cookies again I need to go more yep too gooey all that snow is all melted down we can add some more now we need more oil ready you're gonna be up a lot yeah I'm not sticking my hand in there yeah we haven't held it filled it yet all right it looks pretty all right so it's been cooking for an hour and 45 minutes they're not done now I don't think they're ever going to get done I put way too much cookie dough in there next time only a little bit smells like a cookie yeah yep I'll snack on it but next time we do it good idea I filled them halfway I'm gonna say maybe like a quarter would be more than enough because they're just not cooking in our pots just about out of water so yeah I think we'll take it off sorry babe I tried can't forget the essentials yeah keep this warm [Music] pretty cozy good night good night all right I stoked the stove with three logs when we went to bed or tried to go to bed about an hour ago it is hot in here you'll never guess what the temperature is 92 like up a little oh my gosh 102. it feels like 102. 102. okay a cut tent camping babe 102. that wood stove is turned all the way down too I have to open a window but it's like a sauna I never thought it would be too hot in here and then you know what's gonna happen is we're gonna get chili we're gonna get cold so good morning time check is 4 51. the third time getting up to put wood in the stove it's definitely not 100 degrees in here anymore 53 degrees so not too bad it's it's half of what it was it's half of what it was yup pretty much let me get some wood going ah get that fire warming up and then we can start cooking breakfast in a little while Judah has woken me up three times now she's been a little scared which is fine the good thing about it is we've been able to keep the fire going so it hasn't gotten too cold in here this is the coldest so far it looks pretty good [Music] I'll just do two last time I did three I got it to 100 degrees in here so we'll wait with that going and we'll cook breakfast in probably like an hour or so how are you doing good noise is creeping out like the wind's blowing and stuff and then it's snowing and then so then I'm like is there Prince and then the wind will blow and I'm like is someone trying to get in here it's just my imagination it's getting the better off of me Gina is afraid that we're gonna have coyotes or wolves come in or a moose run over the tent so it's still dark I don't want to turn the lights on yet it is snowing out when we turn the lights on I'll give you a check let me go back to bed and get warmed up well we ended up falling back asleep it's 6 45. so we went through that whole pile of wood last night except for one big piece this one and the little pieces that I had chop it up believe it or not I think I slept from probably thought like an hour I bet you slept like that no okay put in it it is snowing out I forgot to cover the firewood like I said I was gonna I got some cold brew we're gonna reheat man Gina kept thinking she was hearing animals last night but I think it was the wind blowing so I'm curious to see if there's any tracks around the fresh snow we would be able to tell no animal tracks around the camp I didn't know if anything would come and visit us through the night with all the good smelling things we had going on but not seeing any tracks just a little bit oh yeah tote was for it could be harder it looked hot when you poured it down steamy it looks good and steamy it's pretty good not bad for campfire coffee there is it was that good it was good can I have like yeah no not for you I can't get over how much wood we used now the sled was full a little more than half another cup yep can't let it go to waste but not bad [Applause] that was some fast eggs foreign off to do some more dishes can't get away from it can you can't that's true no dishwasher though nope my haul from last night already filled in maybe you can catch a fish some fresh breakfast yeah foreign [Music] works pretty good we'll have to say my first hot tenting experience went well didn't get eaten up by anything I might not slept too much I'll slept good until he got interrupted but he needed to fill the stove we had good meals it was fun yeah I'm not gonna say we'll never do it again I'm sure somebody will want to do it again until next time [Music]
Channel: Lumnah Acres
Views: 688,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, DIY, Gardening, Raising, Animals, self-sufficiency, modern homesteading, do it yourself, simple, life, living, homestead, Growing season, Modern Steader, Lumnah Acres, CoopsNMore, backyard, goats, New England, New Hampshire, Homestead Vlog, Farm Vlog, land, off grid, 500 acres, building, husband and wife build, farming, off-grid, fishing, hunting, tiny house, build
Id: hXlgoEEtCoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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