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woh woh woh holy moly that was violent wind oh  my god look at it going ripping through here   welcome back everybody to another camping  with tony and bruce right hello lovely yes   now there are other people around  so bruce is tied up for the moment   um and the rain has just started and it's going to  get heavy so i've got to get on with this i've got   the big tent the walmona the north face while  wearing a six let me get this set up quickly so the problem with this tent is in  the rain because you can't set the   outer up first the inner has to go up  first it means the in is gonna get wet oh i might have timed this wrong but it's a good  test to see what it's like setting up in the rain so yeah there are some other people  here at the site where i'm at because it's a sunday i think they'll be going going soon i hope so i've got it all to myself this is the same site that had  the epic fail with the napier tent i'm at a different part of it the site  though beautiful spot right by the river   which i will show you but first  we've got to get this tent up yeah you're used to seeing bruce  just running around like crazy but at least he's dry under there okay so my  plan is quite simple i'm gonna set the tent   up and then bring the car back just enough and  i've got a tarp that i'm going to use as well now the ground looks quite solid so we need a hammer i've got some firewood with me i don't know if i'm going to be having a fire if it's chucking with rain probably not much point right let's get  this tent up so yeah the inner goes up first which is not to do that so back to the back of the  tent this is the front okay okay let's get the poles in quickly oh my tent's getting wet okay oh okay i've said it before and i'll say it again this tent is a lot easier to set  up probably when there's two of you could do with this rain stopping oh probably all this afterwards  but let's get it clipped on at least i've got a towel  with me to dry it off okay right let's get there it's the back every time i forget this right looking for toggles there's one i think i've got this wrong way around again okay at least it's covered oh man this is such a difficult  tent to work out honestly so many components okay i've got it right okay how are we looking something doesn't seem right wrong toggle idiot yeah okay we're getting there it's just a very slow process okay finally hey at least it's covered now obviously  you don't want water pooling on the top   but it is covered which is good right and then this pole goes in this sleeve so i've set this tent up and i  have to say it is getting easier   even if i'm making a it look very difficult man you're getting wet shoes bruce wet shoes okay okay i think we're getting there a lot of wind hoping i don't have to guy this out oh man okay this is all fun and games right i can adjust everything later right now the goal is just getting  it in the dry it's all clipped in it's not looking bad okay next up seal the insides okay got that open right i  just need to seal the inside velcro tabs very important in all the  corners in case the wind does come but yeah mainly it's just going to be rain okay i wonder what the damage is inside is it wet tiny bit okay so i'm gonna  have to towel the floor off before going in there anyway my old friends the sand flies are back look at the palace it's huge okay i need to get next put the  car in the right place and then put the car in the right place and then uh   set my tarp up i don't know what configuration  i'm doing there but i'll work it out let's see if that's enough or  too much actually you know what   that is perfect that's just the right amount okay it's raining isn't it bruce raining  a lot okay let's get this tarp set up yeah i don't know how high these are  but these are the elephant lock pro extended poles really long right so this is going to be a bit tricky so i've  got to work out how to do this oh i'm getting hot   right 4x3 tarp so i'm going to need the long end this is my flames creed top it's an ultra light backpacking top  it's not really the sort of thing that you would necessarily bring on one of these  sort of trips okay so i'm going to need to hook i hope it's long enough yeah right let me hook some of my  carabiners on to the end my cordage so what i've done is basically got this cord paracord i've got my clips the clips on there they're  threaded through these lock clips   i've threaded another loop around here  with the carabiner on and then there's   just a carabiner on the other end and you just  pull these tight and that's it nothing to it just got to get your ends the right way around   okay so best bet is and i've  got these huge sand spikes look at these beasts look at that now i could attach  this to the car instead but these will work better oh yeah see and then you just pull them tight like so done wow that worked there you are good boy all  right stay over here please   don't want you running off when  there are other people around okay i'll tell you what let's open this other door i can't believe the amount of  water that's fallen already it was raining that hard yuck so this is  why i brought tarp because this silly design   there's no lip so the water on  the doors just comes pouring off and it there's nothing you can do about it even  with the tarp up i think it's still gonna do it maybe not maybe with the top  i'll be okay all right so let's get um at least one spike in let's see what we're talking about distance wise so i know you can't see him but he's in the tent in the vestibule okay i need to move this slightly  i've got it too far this side yep hold on right how much do i need that to go a couple of feet that's about right okay that's better i'll tell you what i haven't got  a lot of room to play with here but it is enough right so the point of the poles well i don't actually have to have have them  but i think it would be easier hey greasy   what you're doing hey yeah because i do  want this to be actually higher it's like up there yeah like that that'll work okay and then once the other one's up it should be golden hey brissy you're staying nearby good boy okay and i actually have a third if i have to  put a third one in which i might have to because that's just gonna soak it isn't it oh do i put a third one in yep i think it needs a third one it's neighbors you can hear people well what i'll do is i will  lower the two side ones and put this one at max height that'll work okay all right everywhere bruce stay here how can this ground be so rocky all right i think we're getting there hopefully i like this setup oh i think he's eight foot okay the thing is i just might not have the angle  right on these oh i haven't watched it that's why oh no yeah too much pressure on it right let's start again i'll tell you what happened there eggs in the right place it's when you're trying to make it perfect  it's a lot harder than it looks what happened there was the tarp just fell  off the back of the car my fault because   i didn't have the pegs far enough forward so oh come on let's do it this time what a night man i can hear those other people are leaving yay oh my god where am i what am i doing okay  i've got the same problem i had before done this one up too much ah well it's the first time  i've really done it like this so   it's to be expected shouldn't be so hard on myself it's whatever works okay what happened here oh total collapse yeah good one makes you wonder how this  would hold up in high wind not very well that's all i'm guessing oh  it's going to go again look come on stay okay that's better i just over  tightened to the other one   that was the problem mustn't do that again yep this is going to be better so the beauty of using these carabiners and  stuff is you just just do that nothing to it see just need the outside of the door i think that might work okay without overdoing it again okay i think we're laughing yeah that's working awesome look at that i mean i could no actually i think that's good i think we're  good we've got no wind coming this is a very   sheltered spot apart from the inconvenience of  having a pole right here it's not that big a deal right so the difference now is no water   oh great no water is getting on this vestibule  so let me just get rid of any that's there now so then i don't have a problem  with it later okay we're good that's worked really well now i can  get rid of the rainproof layer oh yeah so all the water from the top is  flowing that way and any on the tent   just comes off as normal i'm hoping it'll  hit here and flow down it won't come in so four by three meter top i don't need a  to sit out here i'm gonna be sitting there   but i wanted the tarp covering over where the car  is so i could do some cooking on the back there   um and just have a bit of cover  keep the rain off the vestibule just an added bit of security there right let  me bring all the gear in we'll come back to you oh okay i've got a few things  that are a bit different now   so i bought a pad with me like  a matte floor mat for out here luxury luxury brucey right the reason for that is just that we're on  a high spot here but if the water does does flow   in in or under then it's nice and dry here the  floor is wet so i've got to dry that off first you stay out bruce because  you're wet too stay there i wish there was a way to put this tent  up wow the amount of sand flies in here it's gonna be a hundred has samples in  here um luckily they don't bite in here get the thermocell on get rid of them if only they would build these tents so that you could set them up in the rain  properly without it getting wet but   that wasn't a big deal because  it actually wasn't that wet okay it's my bed so he will get excited let me  just see if you can see him yeah okay so the second i mention his eed and  blanket he's gonna get very excited you watch because then he knows it's official  you know it's started we are camping right i've got a gas canister  for some heating for my my buddy heater probably need that later because i'm not  going to have a fire in the pouring rain oh there's bruce's dog bolt he's got some water hold him he's got to drink  from the bottle no why why is there an expert out there that actually  knows why they have to drink from the water   flowing and when i say expert i mean a trained vet right all my bits and bobs  and my thermacell so let's get the thermacell   on straight away yes brucey that's right we're  going to get the thermocell on straight away so the thermacell is a mosquito repellent so you  push the thermostat you push one pad out push the   other one in and then turn it on and you press  the igniter button you're looking for a flame there you go the flame is lit so that will start   smoking soon and we'll get  rid of all of these sand flies there won't be one in here  once i've got that going okay oh that's a long drop all right got my heater i'll keep us warm later brucey trust me got my quilt got my circulation fan to move the air around it's also a light got my cooker which i probably  leave in the car actually my camp table now you see you can probably see in the camera   the rain is just coming in just  in front of the camera there but way better than it would be and  here over here it's completely dry   and there's no pooling which is great it's  all just falling straight off the side   okay and then i've got bruce's  bruce's bed and bruce's blanket that's his bed and bruce's dog blanket is now covered in slobber now somewhere i've got his   microfiber towel yep it's four months this is by  four monster this towel it's exceptionally good i can hear people on the walking track  nearby so i'll just dry him off and then   let him go and lie on his bed oh oh is  that better is that better yeah good boy   we don't want wet feet in there do we  and i haven't put the blanket down yet okay all right let me get the  blanket put that wait there sec so i've got clips set up everywhere all right let me put the blanket  down first so you stay there brucey it's not hot yet it's getting  there though and i definitely definitely need thermacell hang on bruce someone commented why don't  you just bring a weight bruce wait wait wait   why don't you just bring a rug um because  i haven't got one that is suitable and everything needs to be multi-function when you  go camping if it only does one thing and that's it   well a blanket you can put the blanket on if  you get cold at night you can just take the   blanket off the floor and put it on you  i don't think a rug would be very comfy all right brucie you can go on your bed  now hang on hang on hang on wait wait wait   wait we move it wait okay that's  what you've been waiting for isn't it it's all part of the routine okay got the cot this is this coleman big sky deluxe cot i'll tell you right now i forgot  my pillow which is a bit stupid but never mind i'll make one oh what was that something just went twang oh is  this i'm chattering away here okay yeah so i've got my quilt i might end up actually sleeping that way oh i  haven't put my i've put my plumbing mattress down   twit okay there you go exactly i will end up  sleeping that way because that's up a bit there at night i'll move it away  from the walls of the tent   because it'll get moist i'm sure of it we're  right by a stream condensation's bound to get bad chat oh i need to sit down i need to sit down brucey hey yay thank you oh you come half on your mat  so i can put my feet up oh oh that is perfect wow i got there in the end you see i'm  in my happy place with my happy tent yes   so let me give you a rundown of what's  going on because i had to rush all that   because as you can hear it's it's getting  heavier um so we are in a lovely spot   no mobile signal again um by a river this spot  is where i tested the blue tent the napier   tent that was a just a bathtub basically just a  leak like a sieve um i'm just in a different area   of the paddock i'm on high ground water will flow  away if it rains flow that way so i'm not worried   about that we've got about 30 ml of rain coming  today and tonight and that's it and then tomorrow   should be clear got some great food to cook the  tent is the north face wahwona six superb temp um well ventilated yeah everything a lot  of questions with this work in the snow probably not because the vestibule doesn't have a ridge running down the center   and it will just snow will settle on that so  if it's light snow i'd say no more no more than   an inch then you should be okay i mean  you'll be knocking snow off constantly and   it'll pour straight in where the doors  are so you'll just have snow everywhere um   the vegetable is very high as well it's like five  inches off the ground six inches off the ground   snow will come in under there as well plus  it's got mesh so much mesh i i just it's   not made for the snow no i don't think so it  would stick to the back here it'll push in   no it could handle an emergency snow flurry yes  but for deliberately going out and camping in snow   no because you just can't predict it also the  forecast might say oh it's only going to be two   centimeters of snow and then you end up with  five inches of snow and believe me you'd be   in serious trouble if that happened yeah it  would it would bow a lot it might collapse   the vestibule definitely couldn't take it  so in answer to that question no i wouldn't   recommend this for the snow at all get a proper  uh north face base camp tent designed for snow   it'd be a lot heavier than this but yeah built  for it the sand flies up here unbelievable   this thermocell hasn't started smoking yet oh  here it goes it is smoking let me bring it in oh yeah let me put it on my  bed here right next to me yeah that's smoking away nicely   and that should push them all out it  doesn't kill them it's a deterrent so it's not like permethrin or something yeah  so gear-wise yep north face i've got the mata   out there i've got my tent my um everything else  is pretty much the same i got hit all his stuff   as usual got my big box of tricks  for cooking and everything else i've got here quite early so right now  what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna   relax i feel like a cup of coffee and it  is very early it's just lunch time now so what i'll probably do is have a cup of  coffee and come back to you later oh right well i actually forgot the coolest thing which is   i've got a fridge with me first time  i've ever had a fridge car fridge so you know what i don't want a coffee i want a beer oh nice cold beer so  this fridge uh is called brass monkey   and the brand is brass monkey it's got an app  and on the app you can change all the settings so that you can with bluetooth i can control  it from here change temperature up or down   set it to freezer fridge both very very cool  and you've got a control function on the top   so i'm running this off my battery bank my  inverter my i4 way which is quite a beast   i've got that plugged into the 12 volt because i  figure better to plug it into the 12 volt than the   240 volt it can run on both it's got  both sockets pretty flexible yeah   it's our beer i think from my refrigerator  so yeah it does both fridge and freezer these sand flies are persistent but  they're not coming anywhere near me   i've got a feeling this is all just going  straight out of the mesh let's have a look oh yeah it freaks them out so we need to  fill that whole upper area with this stuff   it almost needs a hook on it like that it's hot this thing burn a hole in  your pocket what you need to do is as long as it doesn't fall in the pocket it's  fine because the heat doesn't come out the back so what we're having is an apollo hazy ipa six percent alcohol from my home area marlborough in new zealand  which is where i am people always ask   and yes i've got food in here yeah that was predictable  wasn't it got food in here cheers everybody oh that's so good that's  so tasty yeah all my food is in here   look if a bear comes along i'll just punch him  on the nose um you know bears don't mess with me   so i'm not afraid of bears coming in here at  all come out go with my food if they want to   or maybe a cougar or a wolf not scared  of them they can come in if they want not really everybody i'm sure some of  you are ferociously typing comments   in new zealand and i have to say this  every single time because it appears that   a lot of people have no idea about new  zealand especially in the states which   is understandable this is a tiny place in  new zealand we have no predators nothing no bears no coyotes no wolves no  mountain lions of any type no snakes   not single snake in new  zealand no dangerous spiders some might call it boring but yeah nothing deadly  um the only thing that might want to come and get   your food is maybe a possum and bruce would would  get the possum first so not worried about that very good beer now he's got a treat but it's a bit too early for it so it's still it is early  it's only barely lunch time   i'm uh just gonna relax with my beer  listen to the rain come back later so i'm getting a bit of pooling so just a bit of   maintenance required here i  think what i need to do is i don't know if it's the center one oh yeah okay that's the beauty of this setup  with these cords like this is   very easy to just tighten them like so i think that should do it how's that look just got to keep checking to see if it's pooling so he's he's loving going under the  car now he does this at home as well he uh goes and lies under the car in the shade   lots of room for him there but i think  it's time for him to have his treat   do you want a treat you have to come around here  so i've got to get to it okay stay there wait special treat for brucey not  allowed to eat this in tent this is a lovely veal bone for brucey now i don't want him  to have this in the tent i want   him to have it over there in the grass  because it's going to stink otherwise gentle good boy good boy there you go there you have it  let me move bruce cam so you can see him how's that he's getting right into it so yeah that's a veal bone he's gonna love that that's gonna  keep him occupied for a long time   he was getting a bit bored just then so car camping advantages you can use the big heater the big cooker jed's bean bags if you're wondering where  his royal highness is he hasn't budged he is still under the car having his bone and i don't think he's gonna leave i've actually got the heater on  behind me and i've got the fan on and you can't see it but i've got the fan  on up here the heater on behind me and the   fan is circulating the air the heat all  around it's beautiful it's nice and toasty he is loving that bone he's  he's already chopped it in half oh we're good okay yeah it's quite a chilly breeze now and it's blowing from this way right through here if i move back a bit i can't feel it at all  so whilst it is nice being able to sit out   it is also nice having the option  and the cover of the vestibule bruce it's coming down all right everybody i'm going to finish my coffee and bring you back later well it's been raining for ages it's  still chucking down but i'm gonna go out   i'm gonna take brucey for a walk should  go for a walk come on then let's go greasy do this up turned everything off everything's holding up well yeah load of space  under here it's not pooling it's all flowing   nicely we go and show you down over here where  we are by the river hey bruce what's down here where you going so yeah down by the river it's a beautiful beautiful river  man it is just pelting down top's taking uh where the  beating isn't that brucy isn't it and it's starting to saturate on the campsite oh man is the camera picking this up i don't know yeah and the wind hasn't been a  problem so the wind seems to be okay   hey come bruce let's go for a walk he was getting bored in the tent so it's a big sight i've got it all to myself now look at that   palace with the top and the car it's just an  amazing setup it really is love that setup oh and here's the river is that access yeah  bruce what's down here hey what's down here oh i know he's going to go in hang  on bruce don't go all the way in   because i don't want to have to dry you  clearly bruce no no no come out oh no oh yeah you can cross here  onto there's a track over there so pretty look at this what do you think is that pretty  hey oh no no no oh my god out of the water bush   going up up up up up up here bruce go  on go on good boy there stay there stay oh look at that isn't that spectacular the waterfall over there yeah so  i camped on that up a bit up there   yeah just there sort of the elevated section of it and the tent just leaked like crazy at the ground  sheet so just above the ground sheet and it was   just pouring in oh it was terrible and the ground  wasn't even sodden see i'm on a high bit here so here's that's where i am in relation  to where i am now i'm over there now i just i don't know if you can make this  out i just re-waterproofed my uh my gear i don't know if you can see that it's just all  beading off that's what it's meant to do yeah   you use uh nick wax nick wax for that wash in  you just put it in the washing machine put your   stuff in the wash machine and then put it in  the dryer on a low heat and bob's your uncle i'll just show you my setup  again from the distance looking sharp come on brucey i know sorry those who are wondering about the  repair i did on this tank because there's a   slight cut in it there it is um the camera picks  it up really well but actually in the naked eye   you can't really tell so all i used was so all i  used was seam tape seam seal tape same stuff that   would be on the seams up here i used it here and  i on the floor i flattened it and i put one strip   on at a time and then ironed put a cloth on top  and ironed it so there's one going lengthways one   strip where the actual cut is and then i've got  all these coming across it's complete overkill   but it's absolutely solid there's no  water coming through it it's very strong   so probably better than original but yeah  that's my repair it's come out really well the camera really does pick that up but you just   you can only just see it in the flesh i  don't know why the camera picks it up so much oh my word i would say without a doubt this is  the heaviest rain i've ever camped in ever and the wind is blowing like crazy so  i got a bit wet there what happened was   one of the poles popped off the top the tarp  so i just had to go and reattach it but then   i tuned it a little bit and i've tied this tarp  the front seam all the way around to the winch   uh it's too torrential right now to go and  show you it's but the wind is really gusting   and at one point it just lifted top lifted  up uh just like when i had that epic collapse on the beach but the whole  tent is moving like crazy now   wow i don't know if you're picking  up on that the whole tent is shifting this is insane i might have  to guide this out because i haven't got the corner guys on at the back there yeah i'm gonna go and guide out  just in case it gets a lot worse i hope you're picking up this noise it's deafening  bruce is sitting under the bed in his spot he seems to like it there okay and then once we've chop on i'm gonna have to leave the camera where it is   because it's gonna get  absolutely drenched otherwise okay it's a lot quieter out here yeah that gusted wind just suddenly  came and moved the whole structure okay it's one and then there's one more on  this other side we get that in oh my god it's so loud oh oh man amazing okay oh these stupid guys these pegs i mean this day and age who uses this type of peg right i think we're good there is a puddle building up under  the tent but that's okay i've got   the tarp under where i'm actually going to  be sleeping so that shouldn't be a problem wow oh man insane rain i don't know if you've seen  brucie running around in there or not   as i was doing that he's okay oh wow that was absolutely crazy and it still is crazy i'm glad i bought  my gumboots with me these wellington boots because my shoes would have been absolutely  drenched by now yeah i've got these things on   that i usually wear while  i'm doing river crossings moley oh man wow hi brucie it's hard to explain i'm out of breath hey brucey bruce it's coming to  say hello let me just lower this   down a bit so everybody can see you brucy  because i know that's what they want to do hang on hang on i know i know hey come around here there you go  wow oh it's his and e-r time um that was brutal having to fix all that at the  last second and the grounds got quite soft um but the tent you know what i  haven't even checked the tent looks absolutely fine anywhere where it could be say leaking  which would be the seams if it did um seem okay yep no leaking it's a great tent not like that napier sports one  honestly if it was rain like this in that napier sports tent just  pack up and go home because you want kisses yeah okay bruce come and  lie down behind me come on   yeah just pack up and go home because  there's just no way it could take it thank you just lie down i know i'm  gonna get it for you in a minute   oh right time for bruce's dinner i think your dinner brucey hang on hang on wow wow holy moly that was violent wind oh  my god look at it going ripping through here   there you go bruce there you go wow that was  incredible insane wind what i might have to do   is get back out there and just hook the tops of  the poles on because it's definitely a weak point   is the fact that they can pop off the top oh i'm  back out there again that wind was insane though   that was the worst bit yet you can watch  bruce eat while i go and do all this work so much for no wind here look i'll  leave you looking at brucey there you go oh well around the back and it's actually  it's fine it didn't budge at all   but it's just so much pressure on these it's so strong the wind i'm glad i bought the massive sand spikes i  might just have to bang in a couple more oh yeah i've got a bent one  here if you know what i mean it's just rock everywhere flipping nightmare okay wow that actually bent the sand spike not  surprised that was a massive gust of wind   and i hadn't pegged that one in properly oh my  god i'm getting back and forth back and forth well north face i'm sure this tent has never been  tested quite like this before this this is extreme really extreme and it's just holding up so well so far fingers crossed crossing everything because this is pretty bad i'm glad i've got this this whole big  pad here that i'm sitting on as well   bruce has had his dinner your water's here   where's your water um i'm going to sit  out a bit so i can look out at the rain oh i got wet mind out brucey  find out find out sorry i know   yeah i just want to look out on the rain i hope the camera is picking this up bruce has just curled up behind me now he's fine the the rain on the tarp doesn't bother him that  much i mean he's so used to it so used to it wow this tent is being tested  seriously seriously tested not just the sheer quantity  of water that's coming down but just the seams the materials you  know the water tightness is it coping   and so far it looks like it's just  beading straight off the surface in that corner down there there is a puddle you know i wonder how much water is flowing  under the tent but as i said we're on a high   spot here it should drain down to where the the  front of the car is and a way down to the river but it's just holy moly i just just not  witnessed uh such extreme wind extreme crazy now here i'm baking hot   i've got the heater on here aimed inwards and i've  got the fan up on the ceiling blowing it this way so you've got brucey down here he's lying behind me cleaning himself got the gas  got the heater cranking but as you see it's inside   i've got my bed bruce has been  lying under the bed as usual   so the heater is here i've got my fridge running see that cranking away what is that three degrees yep and then up there i've got my fan and  that's circulating the heat around   and it is just boiling in here it's  pretty chilly when you sit outside yeah so you can see my setup it's pretty good now my concern is if there's any pooling  there's a little bit of pooling up there   that should flow down shouldn't take much for that  to see where that is oh yeah i don't know why that's pooling there i  better go and look at it it's non-stop non-stop that's what it looks like here but even  if it oh there it goes even if it did pool   like deadpool wouldn't be a problem i don't think  yeah it's amazing it is ripping through here and it's yeah that water's gone to stop  pooling up there let's move this around a bit oh sorry brucey yeah now you can see him i know  that's what you want to see   oh i got my jeans are a little bit wet but they'll  dry in front of the heater no problem right this is impressive this has been a it's meant to  rain i think through till midnight um let me see so we will see how this copes i'm actually more  concerned about the tarp than i am about the tent because those poles those elephant poles but they're tied down to uh very big  spikes so oh and here comes a weka now i can't if i get up so what i'll do is i'll  film him on my phone and then you'll see him so this is a new zealand weka  he's having a go at bruce's bone can you see him so they are like kiwis a lot of people  come here and think they've seen a kiwi   kiwi bird but it's a weka bruce is just watching it as you  can see he's got his eye on it he's alert he's attentive but he's  not going to do anything about it   they're very cheeky little thieves aren't they greasy so cheeky so that was a weka cam he's still there  in front of me he's eating that bone there's a lot of water coming off this tarp but if it's it's just the wind that's all i'm  concerned about is the wind so please just   don't get too windy i can handle the rain it's all right i know he's still there the weck  is still there and bruce is still watching him well it's almost time for me to start cooking but i don't want to get into the  middle of cooking and then   all hell breaks loose so i might just leave  it a bit and come back to you a bit later so yeah i felt like another coffee the  wind is well you just saw from that   i hope you just saw out there the  wind is whipping around everywhere i'm feeling only slight speckles now  the wind is blowing directly at me   it's not that bad the car is obviously doing  a great job blocking the majority of the water   the rain coming from that direction but because  i've got the front of the tarp down just like   i have here it's stopping  it coming in here as well but it's just it's persistent and i've got brucy brucey down by my side here   he doesn't like the weka when it starts making its  noise you've maybe heard that on the microphone   uh it sort of cries like that he doesn't like  that he watches workers but as soon as they start   making that sound that screeching sound he goes  and hides so he was hiding under the bed earlier   because of that and now he's hiding behind me  because of that noise he's he's a big softy   he really is so we've got here 9 30 in the morning  and it just just started to rain if you remember   just as i was starting to talk to you and then  i rushed well it's now 6 30 in the evening obviously i've cut a huge you know i haven't recorded  most of that so you haven't seen much at all   you've just seen snippets um that i've recorded  i've been sitting in there i watched a couple of   movies i watched some amazon prime i watched  clarkson's farm again i love clarkson's farm i went for another walk with bruce but it  was so wet it was just horrible i came back   um so yeah you just get snippets so in  the comments you know please don't say oh   give your dog more snacks or please take your  dog forward or play with your dog or whatever   you've seen maybe what was that  an hour and a half not even   i don't know how what we're up to now but out  of eight hours of me being here already so some   people don't get it some people don't understand  they think they're seeing the entire camp   which you know or clearly you're not the and as i  said the front of the tarp is now attached to the   winch and i'll show you all of this in the morning  how it how i've ended up doing it um but yeah   i i've just hooked it hooked onto  the front of the winch of the car that actually made me think the winch would be  a great ridge line a sloped ridge line so if   the car is here and you hook it to a tree you can  have a really nice ridge line it would not budge   uh and its winch rope is obviously  insanely strong so that's uh that's   something i hadn't really thought about  because there's a big tree right behind me yeah and that would work well with a really large  strong tarp if you just wanted a proper shelter   um and you didn't necessarily want to have a  full tent or anything else so you never know   that might be something that i decided to do  one day not all campsites have big trees that   you can put a winch around but let me know if  that's something you'd be interested in seeing   especially if i ordered this big six meter  six by four meter strong tarp from aqua quest yep so i'm gonna have to swap  that gas out before i do dinner so even though it's chucking down  and i've had all these you know   emergencies and i've had to run outside  multiple times to fix things and sort things out   as is typical with camping with tony and bruce  i am happy i'm having a great time i'm loving it   bruce is fine it's warm in here it's  cold out there it's warm in here   with my setup as i showed you earlier  i'm happy i'm so glad i bought the tarp i really am as much as i love this tent and it is  a super hands down this tent has surprised me more   than any tenth i've owned in terms of what it can  handle this is the worst it's been in definitely   so this is my third third trip with this  tent here comes the rain even harder i don't know if it's picking anything up behind yeah so this is the third trip with this tent first one it did get a little bit of rain some  rain it was a good test first day just to get   to know the tent the second one uh quite a bit  of wind and then it chucked down at night but i   didn't see the volume of the water at night  so i couldn't tell how much it was it just   just rained for quite a while quite heavy  this though is both which is a great test my recommendation is change out all of  the pegs that it comes with and i'm going   to change them all out so they're about that  long so the pegs that they come it comes with   are these things old school pegs like  that what you want is pegs like this similar to that but bigger  with this notch on the end and spiked but i would go i would say as big  as possible so whatever you can find in these   msr do some big ones i think um i would  swap out i would swap out all of the pegs now let me just move up a bit so you can  see bruce i don't want to move brucey so i will move yeah fat chance having a fire  in this i don't think i'll be sitting out there is that better you seem clearer oh he's actually molting  lots of hair coming off him   it's that time we're moving into summer he's  still got quite a bit of his winter down on him   it's a really thick wintery like a duck down  almost it's very very thick double coated   which is why he can get lie out in the snow  uh why he likes to stay out in the rain   this really thick coat and it's all  coming off yeah it's really really molting   gosh it's so much wow just from stroking  that one time oh yeah brucy you're molting but yeah we're moving into summer  here in the southern hemisphere   so that's why but we will still be  doing camps in severe conditions because the mountain tops yeah it can still go below freezing up there still   have horrendous conditions it's four  seasons all the time in new zealand i just have to drive a long  way to get to it that's all this is something else so while i'm having my coffee in the rain i want to give a shout out to the  sponsor of this video squarespace if you go to a b camping you can  get a discount code and a free trial so as you may   or may not know i've been working on my website  slowly i have not had much time to do it but   the squarespace system is unbelievable it's so  easy to do it's in fact is too good because i   don't have enough content to put on my site to  justify such an amazing system of squarespace   but uh it's all drag and drop it's you've  got all of the options there i think   probably the best thing about squarespace  is it's 24 7 support and you can have chat   support you can call them up and they will  help you build your website anything you need   so if you're an absolute novice then they've  got people there to do it they've got so many   templates so no matter what your website's about  like for me vlogging about camping or if you're   selling stuff you can integrate your merchandise  which i'm doing right now on my website   um integrate your videos which again i've done  um you know all these things squares just makes   it so much easier than pretty much anything  else i've looked at so yeah i'd like to thank   them squarespace go to forward  slash a b camping get your free trial and uh yeah   i'd like to thank them again for sponsoring  sponsoring this video cheers to squarespace and of course brucey is going to have his  own dedicated page on that website on my   squarespace website and i've already got ideas  of what to put on there and it will all be about   bruce everything will be about bruce so i know  there's a lot of you are interested in him and   his history and puppy photos and things like that  and other footage that's all going to go on there well i'm here we've got these lovely conditions   i also want to give a special thank you and shout  out to everyone who supported myself and bruce   by joining our youtube channel becoming  a member um to people who have uh bought   brucia treat or mia treat or coffee buy me  a or who've bought merchandise um   from there the store the merchandise store that  we have with pictures of bruce on the front you're   not gonna have a picture of me or my logo or it's  grim which it is right now it's grim so thank you   again to everyone who's bought something your  names are hopefully popping up along here um   i really appreciate it really really do means a  lot to us and when i hear of or see pictures being   sent to me of someone wearing a bruce t-shirt or  you know a hoodie or something that says it's grim   it means a lot so please if you do buy something  if you buy some merchandise please send it to me   on instagram and i will reforward that so  everyone can see it on instagram because it   gets some great stuff yeah great photos so thanks  again everybody for contributing much appreciated ah just come out while the rain  isn't that heavy i've got an umbrella   i was just sick of putting that stupid  jacket on all the time oh look at where i am now i'm assuming this is going to get quite heavy   the the river it's going to get quite full  soon maybe by tomorrow morning this will be   rushing because there's a big catchment  area i'm standing under the swing bridge see that that's the way across the river when  the river's really bad and you can't walk across   um i mean this bit's very deep you  wouldn't walk across here anyway   but uh yeah swing bridge pretty cool busy  can't go over the swing bridge because his   feet are too small and they'd fall through the  gaps and i'm not risking it hey bruce right   okay so yeah this is uh this is a swing bridge  to get across and then through there is camp check it out my wonderful camp come on bruce welcome back everybody well i think it's time  for dinner and for dinner tonight we are doing   chili mac and cheese oh so i've got my bag of food here ready to go chili mac and cheese what a classic okay let me get everything  ready i'll come back to you turn the heat on get the pan hot   i'll tell you what though well i'm waiting  for that i'm gonna have a glass of wine   got elephant in the room stupendous  shiraz from australia if you can see that nice australian shiraz will go down a treat  cheers everybody thanks for coming along hmm yeah so i'm actually cooking in the back   of the truck flip down and you can see  little boosie down here as well okay so olive oil get that in okay don't want it too hot just yet add my  chopped onion and garlic that i just did and i'm just going to chop up my capsicum   while that's sizzling away you  only need it in there a minute i'm sure you don't need to  see me chopping everything up you go and see gordon ramsay if you want to see  that this doesn't take long chilly mac and cheese and i don't chop anything really finely i  might turn this heat right down actually   it's a bit too hot you don't want to burn it right let's  put the uh let's put the caps come in   oh you're getting the steam okay and you just want to gently cook that let's turn this heat right down to low   because i don't want to burn the garlic  or the onion or anything like that so what you're doing is  you're just getting it so that   the onion becomes translucent so that's going  to take a few minutes so i'll come back to you after that okay it's ready for the beef  premium minced beef get it in there i'm going to turn the heat up for this and you're browning the beef the sound of the sizzling you  can't hear the rain probably hmm oh god i'm so hungry what  time is it now it's eight o'clock eight o'clock in the evening  yeah we're coming into summer so   oops it stays brighter later okay i'm  just gonna let that brown we're ready so we're gonna add a bunch of chopped coriander  or cilantro i think you call it in the states get that in there kidney beans can of kidney beans drained okay a couple of cans of chopped or crushed  tomatoes whichever you want two cans okay about 700 ml of beef  stock which i've just made up you can use chicken stock as well  if you want it's just as good about a quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper about one and a quarter  teaspoon of salt but don't forget your   your beef stock might be quite salty you want  about 200 grams of pasta oops macaroni style bit more there you go and then you want your special concoction chili  powder so what i've got here is a mild one that   i've made up get it in there and then because  i'm a sucker for punishment an ultra hot one oh yeah okay oh man give it a good stir get it all mixed up okay so bring it to a simmer not a boil but a simmer and then turn the heat down to medium  i've got it on full at the moment   cover and cook it for about 12 minutes i'll do a close-up so you  can see what it looks like look at that doesn't that look amazing i like it chunky so i don't  chop anything really fine so i'm just bringing it to a simmer and then i'll cover it let it cook for about 12  minutes just so that the macaroni is al dente   can you believe the colors what do you think nice colors yeah so i'm gonna let it do its thing clear up a bit um   and then come back to you  when it's ready for the cheese cheers everybody i'll tell you what lovely wine   listening to the rain i'm boiling  hot now i have to take my jumper off   um perfect couldn't be any better and to have  you all with me as well amazing well i'm still   cooking but i've got some outstanding news  it's sort of spitting at the moment but look there's blue sky i think the storm is over it's  said until midnight but oh hang on   oh well i don't know that's some pretty  serious cloud right there that's coming   in our direction but it looks like there's  a break in it it is spitting hey brucey right back to cooking okay  it's been about 12 minutes   let's have a look see what this  looks like that looks fantastic oh yeah look at all that okay yeah looks good right let's turn it off the heat we're going to add the cheese right let's add some cheese so i've turned it off the heat kind of stir that in the only problem with this plastic  spatula is it bends a bit in the heat   should have bought a metal one so fold the cheese in because you  want it to be kind of like sauce saucy if you're thinking there's a lot here yeah  there's loads here i'm gonna take this back   in my fridge what's left over and there will be  a lot left over because this is enough for days   but it'll be so good mix the cheese in it's all  good i might just have a quick taste just to see if i need to season it at all oh man that's hot that's spicy  okay bit of salt definitely okay fold that in right so the cheese is  all folded in now what i'm gonna do is with the rest of the cheese and i'm using cheddar here because i like cheddar sprinkle that on top the heat's off now let's move some things out the way here  put lid on leave it for a couple of minutes   and that should soak up even more the  cheese will make it even more saucy so a couple of minutes all right let's  see how it is now oh that's better   oh yeah chili mac and cheese oh get in there look at that delicious i'm so hungry that's a massive portion oh boy okay let's devour this oh got my wine chili mac and cheese i'm here in the beautiful beautiful  wilderness oh this looks very hot hang   on that's gonna have to cool down a minute  that's piping hot too hot for me to eat let that cool down got my heater  so warm my vino cheers everybody oh yeah this is a really good wine elephant  in the room 2020 so 2020 stupendous   shiraz i'm so happy and i've got some  blue sky coming as well this is amazing i think this could be an absolutely perfect night   uh the rain was meant to be until midnight  but i guess it is re it is drizzling oh i   know there's some big clouds over here okay it  is still raining but i think the torrential rain   fingers crossed has stopped hopefully the wind  has completely stopped because that was pretty   pretty violent earlier okay enough  faffing i've got to eat this i'm so excited chili mac and  cheese bon appetit everybody pause the video either go and make  this or go and get yourself some food because it's not fair that  i'm eating and you're not oh it's so good it's so good okay it's still raining you know what i think after this if the rain stops   i might be able to have a fire  for my cigar that would be epic i can't believe how good this is that's so good it's fire hot though it's fire hot it's also chilly hot very  good chili hot now what i'm gonna do is because i'm eating i'm gonna give bruce a little bit more  dog food just a bit that was left over   sweet doesn't feel left out because i get  comments i'll feed your dog at the same time   he never has dinner at the same time  but you know what to stop the trolls i'm going to give him some food there  you go [ __ ] to the trolls cheers you know what the chores have  made me want to get more wine i think i need a moderator i think i need  a moderator to get rid of all the trolls   or at least to answer their comments the same comments all the time this is so good it really is epic okay chili mac and cheese i mean that was not difficult  if you prepare in advance   have everything ready i mean i chopped all the  you know the onion and garlic and blah blah but if you have everything ready to cook there  and then this has got to be the perfect camp meal or just cook it at home and  take it with you and heat it up i definitely want a fire if it's  possible if it's not raining i want to have a fire with my cigar after this we will see i think a fire would be the perfect  way to cap the perfect dinner of the perfect day in the perfect temp amazing hmm i didn't i didn't think  i could eat all of that   but i was so hungry and it's so good and so tasty so some bread some crusty bread would have  gone very well with that but as we all know   crusty bread is just a filler so what i'm going  to do is i'm going to actually have seconds yeah i feel like seconds and i'll come back to you  to you with the cigar time again thanks everyone for coming  so happy i wish you were all here   i wish i'd made this for everyone and we're all  here and having a great evening right now honestly   as much as i like camping by myself with bruce that's right i'm talking about you it would be  fun to have you obviously we can't fit all of you   because this will probably get a couple hundred  three hundred four hundred half a million views   but it would be fun to have a lot of you here experiencing this   i just can't overstate how much it means  to me i'll come back to you for cigar time okay gonna let that get hot let it catch which it is okay not gonna hold back on this one gonna go full on which means it'll probably smoke straight away i could split all this wood but i just want a big roaring fire as quickly as  possible and i don't want to keep putting wood on   so i'm just going to go for  it let's see if this works okay cigar time now i've learnt from the past that if you're a bit too close to the  fire the smoke comes comes towards you i don't know if you can see  bruce in the background there   what i'll do is i'll put bruce's light on him then you'll see him running around go on then oh it's chilly it's chilly i need this fire   to give off some heat really  quickly monte cristo number four oh i tell you what i am so full man that was a big meal hey brucey can you  see bruce in the background with his light   he's hilarious he's having a great time that  meal oh man i had two portions and i am stuffed i don't know if i've ever  been so stuffed hey brucey hey   what are you doing oh you're having so much fun i hope you can see him so i've got to say everybody best camp ever i've had some good camps so i've been really happy and i've mainly had dire camps this one   not only is it a good camp i'd say  it's the best camp i've ever had apart from the um huge gust of wind that took out  this pole i mean that was it that was the only   negative the rest has been superb i mean heavy  not heavy rain torrential rain it was insane   insane and the tent has just performed  beautifully every time i take this tent out   north face you've done a great job the  wahwona six this is the best tent ever   if you've got a family and you need  a tent to go camping get this tent   honestly even if it's just two of you get  this tent uh it's a 116. it's meant for six   people but i'd say it's perfect for two  people absolutely perfect for a couple bruce is going ballistic bruce come  here let me turn your light up a bit   so everyone can see you come here here here  come here let me just turn this up a bit   hold on i know you're having so much fun all right go on then he's it's the energizer bunny he's this is for him perfect as well the river  wow it's so loud now it's really risen so where   i was standing earlier to show you the river you  can't stand there now that's completely underwater   so all that rain went in the catchment and this  has risen um it'll drop by the morning i'm sure   which is good because i've got  to cross the river in the car now what i need to make this just the most  perfect time is for this fire to just get roaring   i know if i'd split the logs it would  have gone even quicker i split one log that was enough because i want the other logs to  last a while i want to see out here for a couple   of hours and that will definitely do it with  those big logs so this wood is um gum eucalyptus   it's very hard wood so it  burns very slowly not like pine   pine the whole thing would  have ignited already hey bruce he loves that light cheers everybody thanks so much for coming along   having you with me makes it even better because  i get to share it get to share the experience i wish i had my wife with me and and i wish  i had my son brandon i think it's a family   family trip this would have been perfect we could  have played a board game a couple of board games   in there had a fantastic dinner and then  come out here and sat around the campfire   and i know what you're going to say why  don't you make schmores you can't get the   right ingredients here you can't get the great  crackers graham's crackers is it i can't get them   i've tried roasted marshmallows  i'd rather have the s'more this fire is getting cranking now i don't know if the microphone is picking up the  river but it is so loud when we got here it was   just a trickle it was so calm it was a stream very  quiet now it's absolutely gushing and it very loud bruce is just hey brucey hey oh gosh you're  having so much fun it's all about bruce having fun get lots of questions about don't worry about him  getting ticks there are no ticks here at all no   ticks on the south island might be the occasional  one on a farm but in the national parks and places   like that in the south island of new zealand no  ticks no ticks no snakes no bears no predators i don't need to carry a rifle  or anything like that or a gun   nothing like that safe it's  brilliant best place to be now i'm starting to feel the heat from the fire that's nice i've turned the light down a bit just so you can  get a bit more of the ambiance you can see stars what a stunning evening having fun go go go go go go go go go what's over there go on go get it  ready one two three go go go oh now brucie people   haven't heard you bark before a lot of people  never hear you bark so shall we get you barking one two two three go go go so for all those that have never heard bruce  bark there you go he's got a great bark   he just doesn't do it much i can also trigger him with a goat sound ready go on brucey you're good boy i'm so grateful that it stopped raining the  stars are out i can sit out the firing on my cigar   i can't believe that we're so far touch  wood we've had the absolute perfect   camp of course we've got to get through  the night and tomorrow morning yep all right everyone i'm going to finish my cigar  and my wine i'll come back to you at bedtime i don't know if you can see bruce  in the distance i can't tell   on that tiny screen if you can see him but  he's hunkered down like steve in the grass he's trying to be stealthy like steve but it's  difficult when he's got a big shining light on him oh well it's bedtime everybody   what a night what a day it's been fantastic  got a little boosie here by my side hey he's on his blanket but he moves around quite a  bit in the night come on bedtime bruce slide down   good boy come on on your bed he's gonna he's gonna  wander around he'll end up sort of under the bed   this is what he does um yeah  really nice night there it goes see for anyone that says i don't know my dog your  dog's so unhappy you don't know him i know bruce   better than anybody except the hand and knows  him as well perfectly well this is what he does   and this is his routine he loves it  i'm going to turn this heater off soon   it's a piping hot next to it i just wanted  to dry the inside of the tent out a bit   uh i'm so stuffed but i'm ready for bed i don't  know what time it is i think it's almost midnight   uh i sat there out there by  the fire until it went out   got some more wine and just chilled  looking at the stars it's beautiful   you can probably hear the river now because  they've got the different microphone on   it's loud yeah the river is really loud   all right everyone i'll catch you in  the morning good night night bruce morning everyone good morning brucey morning brucey oh stretch morning good morning how are you oh it's ducks paradise  ducks flying over the head you don't like the sounds do you morning  oh yes morning morning oh good morning so i had a good night every sleep it didn't rain  anymore but the river is so loud i don't know   if you can hear it this is really loud oh i  was warm very warm but it's it's cold out here   yeah it's chilly but it's early it's six  o'clock six o'clock in the morning i know   she wants to go out peepee hang on i'm gonna  go every one second there's a lot of faff   to get to get up and get out all the zips are  open right i think coffee coffee is the coffee   is needed come back for that won't we bruising do  we have a cup of coffee thank you okay coffee time oh he's morning greasy oh morning  i know it's a new day and   you're desperate to see what's going on outside actually you know what the advantage of this tent  is i could just let him out that window there let's give that a go good boy yeah this works well i don't want  to keep that open because that uh was coffee just taking bruce for a little walk   we're coming down the 4x4 path  just to see how high the ford is brucie where are you going we're going to go and check  out the ford see how high it is for us to cross so it's about five minutes down the road  you can hear it forward it's getting louder   oh yeah when i came through  yesterday that was pretty calm nice so all this was washed away the  big storm and they had to fix it um it was up to well the height of the water  you can see where it got to there's debris   up here so that's above my head that's how  bad this was they got completely decimated   so i will be crossing later in the in the truck  please don't go in i will be crossing here which   is it's fine it's actually i think it's gone down  since since uh last night anyway so that's about   a foot deep and i might drop  even more by the time i come out   so yeah it's fine it's just underneath it's  quite loose so it's four wheel drive access only   yeah what a beautiful spot though look at that sky that's stunning what a spot should we go back to the tent bruce ambrose's got a stick good boy hey oh that  was a nice walk wasn't it you ready for your   breakfast oh yes dad i am need my breakfast  tent did really really well really well the   only thing that needed adjusting was the tarp  but that's understandable because i'm using poles still did well though look at that what  an awesome setup so i just think another   two meters on that tarp over this way  would be perfect wouldn't it brucey hello the river is loud it's very loud he has to stand in it he can't help himself  he loves the rivers he loves the water well done brucey you're happy   okay he thinks why aren't we crossing it  dad or because that's about two foot deep   there no no no don't cross no no i said the  crossword so he thinks we've got to go across lovely very fast flowing and the ford is down there way way way down  there yeah i wouldn't want to cross here   that's that's got to be at least two foot deep  there maybe three foot deep it's just deceiving could barely hear this yesterday he keeps hearing me say the  word quest so he wants to cross we're not crossing no no no come on  let's go back let's have you breakfast he's so clever he hears the word cross  and that's it it's like right let's cross bruce is being such a good boy thought i'd sit  out here and have my coffee watch the sun come up that's it bruce good boy wait oh good boy go on then he's such funny such a funny character  okay coffee let's get it on the go so yeah if you ever come  car camping bring your boots   because the grass and everything in  the morning it's always soaking wet   especially after a rainstorm that's if you  camp in the rain if you're mad enough like i am the back of the truck scene of the crime empty bottle of wine the chili mac chili mac cheese that's in the  fridge great success it was a great night   it really was i the fact that i've got this to  myself just makes it stunning it's   such a huge area to have all to myself it's  beautiful um no one around makes it perfect sam flies though someone made a comment don't use the thermacell  they don't work anyway i can assure you they work   i had that thing in there there  are 100 sound flies in there   turn the thermocell on 10 minutes later not  a single sound fly they work definitely work   i might even have to bring  it out here in fact i will   i just love how everyone's got an opinion that's  fine but everyone seems to have an expert opinion i said to that person that commenter i said  show me your credentials where's your research of course i didn't hear anything back why do so many people comment and  i have the courtesy to respond and they don't come back and check  the comment or respond to that   just trolling i guess i think people who  leave comments particularly questions   and then don't bother to come back and ask or  see what my answer is and don't acknowledge it   or anything i have no time for them yeah maybe  i should stop answering comments and just just   the ones i know or members because i could spend a  couple of hours answering comments and then if no   one's acknowledging them or cares then what's  the point in doing that i don't see the point   so yeah maybe i'll just um respond to comments of  just some of the ones i know regulars and members because otherwise i'm going  to be spending all my time   on youtube studio youtube studio  answering these comments oh what a spot the sky is mesmerizing i've got to show you this isn't that amazing oh my kettle is boiling make sure you bring a kettle oh no the bag burst that's no good um okay so to deal with the burst bag and  we have to drop some cold water in there   yeah best out of a little pocket so what you  do is you then to get those grounds to sink   from your burst bag you just sprinkle  some really cold water on the top   and the cold water you just leave  it a couple of minutes one minute and the cold water makes it sink to the bottom hey did you have a nice breakfast hmm yeah   i'll give you a little bit more  when i'm having my pancakes   people ask me about ticks hello uh bruce and  i think i said this last night oh bruce you're   soaking come and lie down come lie down it's a  good boy i don't want you next to the thermosol uh yeah there's no ticks here  particularly south island new zealand ah coffee he's teasing bruce okay zoom out so you can see what bruce  is doing because he's looking at him he's a cheeky one isn't he  brucy he's a cheeky weka   good boy brucey see how good bruce is he  just looks at him yes you're a good boy guess who's lying at my feet because   just over there in the tall grass you can just  see a weka running around and it's making its   screeching noise occasionally and bruce hates that  noise it really freaks him out and he's crawled between my legs he's watching in the distance he does not like the noise they make he's  such a softy he really is it's all talk   okay it's time for pancakes i've been  chilling and the sun is out now and   oh it's just absolutely beautiful stunning right  pancakes but first i'm going to put bacon on i've got some manuka smoked bacon here new zealand nuka smoked bacon oh someone's heard the word bacon in his someone has come to help oh he's he's so he's going down the  river yep he's gone into the river   cooling down a bit comes lies in the  sun afraid of the weka and the noise   it's making and then goes and disappears  back into the river again to cool down such a character now i should have bought tongs i  don't know why i didn't bring tongs   because i always forget something that is a satisfying sound so how  much bacon five rashes yep five rashes oh smells so good straight away actually you know what i'll do is i'll put  an extra couple of rashers on for bruce for being a good boy no let's pick it up i'm going to wash my hands now okay that smells amazing right bacon back in the fridge oh and  the astute of you will have seen that   i've got a silicon handle thank you to  one of my subscribers for reminding me   i've got that on amazon i've got a whole pack  of them so now i can see where the handle is   if you've seen my channel before you'll know  i knocked this pan over a couple of times   because i don't see the handle because it's black saucepan handles should be brightly colored   frying pan handles everything you can see  them not black so a note to the manufacturers gsi i think this pan is yeah oh yeah oh boy so i want to turn the pan down a bit nothing low you cook anything on this this thing with this  pan it cooks so quickly it gets up to heat   these little gas craft cookers butane cookers  just pump out so much heat they're so fast and they're quiet you can't  hear them at all not like the   jet burners that you usually get for  backpacking these things make no sound okay what i might do actually is turn it off  because that's going to stay hot for quite a while   put that into my plate you can't see him but he's loitering okay some nice oil there to do my pancake right so i've got my pancake mix in here this  time because i had some left over not ideal bruce is chasing shadows oh spilt some oh oh no oh dear it wouldn't be my channel if i didn't   spill stuff all over the place  bruce are you chasing shadows okay some water i'm making a right mess tell you what this oh i've put too much water  in what an idiot okay well that's okay because that's not an issue it's just  all gonna go bubbling out anyway yeah too much water massive  pancake but that's mainly water always make huge pancakes now i'm at a slight angle just push this there you go perfect okay now we don't want  to burn it so i'm going to put it on low   we're going to add our blueberries how many should we put in oh look at that wow that was a  monster one yeah chuck them all in oh this is gonna be good i've got my bacon  down here i want to put some in bruce's bowl   with a little bit more dog food because  he's been running around like crazy he has no idea no idea i'm doing this he's so  preoccupied down by the stream i can't see him but he's triggered by the shadows he can't help himself all right couple of pieces on top there i'm going to add some water to his just to get the juices going ready for this bruce what you might come from behind me hey  you are come around here what's in here   that's it sit down sit oh i can smell  burning i've been focusing on that ah this pan is so hot go on  then bruce tuck in go for it i can smell a little bit of burning i had this last time as well i don't mind it  being a bit crispy i just don't want it burnt got it on so low though trouble  is there's so much water in here   let's take it it's going to take ages for  that to all seep out oh well persevere he's having a great time he really is he  just loves it here down by the river there oh   he's in heaven and now the sun's out it's making  all these shadows over there he's just loving it you see it's all still wibbly i could just fold it but i've got to do the flip i can't let  you all down i've got to do the flip just have a look underneath  oh it's all right it's not bad   it's not as burnt as i thought it was going  to be i was so busy watching out for brucey oh oh this is just such an amazing camp it really is   it's it's beautiful here oh did you  finish all that is that nice bruce bruce that's pancake powder i know i spilt some  on the floor um it's just such a beautiful spot you've got to check the weather forecast if you  do want to camp in the rain that's great but   try and time it so that the morning it's going to  be clear beautiful like this because everything is   drying off perfectly now obviously a breeze would  dry better but i don't like the wind anyway so this sunshine is just so strong and everything will be dry in no time  there is a slight breeze actually   it's a bit of a breeze which is  helping i don't think it will take long   that's bone dry already it's drying  all yeah so it's getting there   oh i mean that's just great you  couldn't ask for a better morning   and a better way to finish up camp than uh like  this so bruce is lying directly under the camera   leaning on the guy line i don't know why he just is he's right here i i can't even  turn the camera down and see him because   he's directly in the tripod he's so funny he really is  he's such a character he's i'm gonna have to move it because because he's such a nightmare there what do you think of that brucy hey oh dear let me move it a bit see he's mad he's absolutely mad okay and you'll see i've got my  normal shoes on oh so he goes again oh he's checking out his bowl  all right here we go it's   look it's still a bit wet on the  top but i'd say it's flippable yeah this might be a bit messy one two three oh i've got so good at that  now that's not that burnt oh that's fine crispy that's how we like it crispy pancakes great success ah just heaven absolute heaven oh i can see blueberry coming out the top look at that blueberry there  soaking through the pancake take that off the heat now what i need to do is fold  it in half i think because no maybe not let's just dunk it on top there you go what a mess it's because i was  trying to avoid the pancake we're back to messy pancakes again all right  anyone who's seen my channel knows the history   of my pancakes oh sometimes it's  perfect other times it's not   but here's what we've got like it or not  pancake with bacon blueberry pancake no less   got the sun i've got brucey who  is going ballistic behind me i'm on a wibbly spot ah bruce i can hear him crying so he's  getting worked up because of the shadows   bruce come here come on come lie down  lie down hit bruce come around here no no   wait bruce calm down lie  down lie down good boy stay he's he's so worked up so the shadows it's a  game for him and he pounces and he pounces and   he pounces and he gets worked up he's completely  out of breath now and then you hear him crying   because he's it's a game and it's just not  good for him not good for him at all just   stay there i'll show you so he just he just needs  to settle settle down calm down and he'll be okay and he's eaten he should be fine wow that is delicious bacon hmm oh wow that was a fluffy pancake that's delicious wow the blueberries are so nice good boy just settle the blueberries are so hot right i'm going to take  my time eating this because this is piping hot   i'll come back to you afterwards time to pack everything up i've  emptied the tent taken everything out um so reverse order i'm  going to take the tarp down first hello brucey bruce is going to help so bruce first  things first let's loosen all these cords wow i had these on really tight there you go tarp did a great job i have to say and the poles were great as well paul did a good job so what i'm going to do is fast  forward all of this just to spare you this is going to be fun  cleaning all this up at home okay paracord and sand spikes now the sound spikes i might have to get my axe out and lever them it's the easiest way great success these things incredible if you're  doing any sort of awning work so if you're setting up a tarp so look at  that that's what the wind did last night   i didn't have it buried in the ground enough  and it buckled that was a huge gust of wind oh brucie right get a little power cord again this is why you want red or  orange or something that stands out   don't go for green you'll never  find it you'll lose so much of it and you'll walk into it it all becomes a bit of a nightmare   so how many is that one one two three four five  six there you go perfect so just scour the site make sure i haven't left anything else really good a really good check no it looks good all right lay down well great camp uh i really enjoyed  this one it was fantastic in fact i think this   is probably the best one i've done really  really nice beautiful location we had   all sorts of weather bruce had a great time  he's been digging holes everywhere the nightmare   oh just beautiful and what a what a way to end it  on a day like this perfect so off home now again   thanks for coming along on this one if you liked  the video please give it a thumbs up and click   subscribe uh when you subscribe you get all the  other stuff that i send out photos letting you   know where i am what i'm doing and stuff that  obviously doesn't go on youtube on the videos   all right everybody thanks for coming you can say  goodbye bruce hey should we go home come on then run in the back the board that was bumpy brucy oh that was bumpy but fun all right  thanks for coming everyone bye bye bruce
Channel: AB Camping And Outdoors
Views: 4,003,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ab camping, ab camping and outdoors, ab outdoors, asmr rain, camping, camping gear, camping in heavy rain, camping in rain, camping in the rain, camping rain, camping with dogs, car camping, car camping in heavy rain, car tent, car tent camping, ford ranger, heavy rain, heavy rain camping, north face, rain, rain camping, rain sound, solo camping, stealth camping, tent, tent camping, tent camping in rain, tent camping in the rain, torrential rain, wawona, winter camping
Id: szWQgw0y9yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 13sec (10513 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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