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Almost got a bit sad when I was 16 minutes in thinking the vid was gonna end, but then I looked at the duration and SUPERCHILLLL.

As for suggestions (commenting at like 17 minutes so not sure if he's brought it up); Death's Door would be one I feel like Tom'd like. An isometric puzzly/soulsy game with beautiful visuals and some awesome background music. It's a little bit short (7-9 hours for the meat of the story (there's some extra "secret ending" stuff after the credits though)), but I feel like it'd be sweet to watch Tom play through it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rominiust ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great superchill video like always.

Though if Tom is reading through this post and is looking for game suggestions, I 100% suggest outer wilds.

Firstly, itโ€™s a game that requires you to go into blind. The less you know about it, the better the experience.

The game itself is a story driven game, where you explore space in a spaceship, land on planets and then explore the area to find text to read and learn more about aliens that were in the solar system that you live in. Though I donโ€™t want to spoil anything more about the aliens, but the main plot quickly reveals itself when you start playing it. You explore the solar system, solve some puzzles, and learn more about this alien race through the text their left behind.

Itโ€™s completely non-linear as well, has amazing space physics, and is just generally an incredibly unique game. There is no other game on the market which comes close to being like outer wilds.

The game can also probably take around 15 hours to beat, so it can be used for a longer series. And itโ€™s a relatively new game, as it released in 2019.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Reaper919 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I know a lot of games I'd want to see Tom play, but I don't think I have a great handle on what he likes to play or what makes a good video, so... I guess I'll just set out some recommendations anyway. I think about 20% of my non-Jingle-Jam Steam library consists of stuff he's played in the past that I ended up getting for myself, so we must have somewhat similar tastes...

If you want something to do a semi-long series with, Hollow Knight could work. It's got great visuals and enough ambiguity that you can insert your usual flair into the gaps without steamrolling or being steamrolled by the plot (the way you did Subnautica springs to mind). I'd suggest going in blind, so as to not spoil yourself since a lot of the game's initial appeal is exploring. It's a metroidvania and can get difficult, but all of the truly challenging content is optional. I say a long series because a normal player's time to thoroughly beat the game tends to be somewhere around 60-80 hours. It's arguably the best game in its genre.

Alternatively, anything by Supergiant Games would probably appeal to you as a short one-off series of a couple episodes. Transistor involves a hybrid turn-based and real time combat system that's really fun, Pyre has fantasy three on three basketball which is a lot more fun than it sounds, etc. Those are more story focused than most of what you play, but still worth checking out.

On the spooky side of things, you could check out Sunless Sea (or Sunless Skies, whichever setting you prefer). The game involves a lot of reading and a lot of sailing a top-down ship around, and feels like it might be right up your alley. Maybe play with a friend so you can both do voices, as the reading and story aspects are the main draw of the game. It's got some nice horror concepts that aren't blatantly cribbing off Lovecraft so far as I noticed. Very atmospheric.

Space Engineers might be another good candidate for a mid to long-term series. There's plenty fun to be had with getting the hang of things and building ever more complex vehicles, though I'd highly suggest playing a bit with a wiki open to get used to the game's oddities before recording, as its quirks trend way more toward the 'actually frustrating' side of things until you know a bit about what you're doing.

Or, if you really want to challenge yourself, you could try Kerbal Space Program. But I really doubt you'd be willing to put in the effort to really learn that one... I certainly wasn't the first time I tried to pick it up. It'd be great fun if you got into it, though. Don't make the mistake I did if you try Kerbal, though: Do all the tutorials first, and then start a normal Career mode save. The former lets you know that Stability assist and other such things exist, while the latter helps you actually get started without getting overwhelmed by everything at once.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BerksEngineer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 04 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
a bam welcome everybody to pegglin uh do you look do you like peggle do you like slay the spire well this game is kind of a bit like both things a roguelike pseudo deck builder you're just gonna have to trust me uh so this is gonna be a sort of impromptu super chill-esque type vid where there's just gonna be some rambling on uh so the idea of what's going on is you play peggle you get different rocks oh two damage per peg that i hit um or on crits a little bit more [Music] and you can also refresh all of the blips and the more that you hit the more damage you do and enemies gonna come to me and try and stab me up which is honestly not super chill man i was really hoping i'd hit that but i did not unless 14 damage god that's not all the damage huh [Music] but it's okay four damage is even worse okay feels feels less good got that that big boy 90 hp uh luckily we do have some tricks within our repertoire although i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to get to them god i actually didn't really want to do a reset because there's a bomb down there right we'll take a bit of damage but we can sort that out crit oh look how much damage that did sadly your boy there old green slime has already taken a whole load of uh whole loader hits okay i'm just gonna i want some of these blocks dead i want to try and carve a path into the bomb zone ow okay right as you can see they're all doing damage to me not very fun but it's probably okay ow okay right i'm actually taking a lot of damage here so you've got to hit a bomb twice to make it explode which oof is feeling real real super bad but okay we got it throw that bomb explode 50 damage to every enemy on screen that's what i'm talking about baby that's the good stuff okay now we've taken literally half of our almost half our health in damage which is not the life i want to lead i feel like we can probably get probably get 17 damage there we go okay right we we took way too many hits um but now view orbs so i can upgrade i completely forgot i had a dagger okay let's upgrade the old dagger so it does way more damage on a crit now do you want to go left or right we'll go right um i just don't want to go into the fire oh i probably should have looked at the map as there are things going on you reach a clearing with a strange amount of crows circling them off um they start dropping stones on me get plus three stones i don't know if i want plus three stones i'm gonna run and take the damage uh you know i like to keep the lean little deck let's get into a fight let's get kill some kill some dudes ooh treasure okay treasure very good all right uh not terrible there's a bit of bouncing around i was hoping we could have done a little a little more but that is that's okay now i really don't want to trigger a bomb too early i want to wait until we've got a lot of enemies on the screen before i uh get bomb happy okay real nice oh one more damage would have been perfect that was really frustrating but he's just one hit away from death there we go that's great so yeah this is this is gonna be like a super chill type thing there's just gonna be some you know vague rambling oh yeah when you reload uh you have to um that takes a turn so your opponents will get get like a move which can be okay uh can be annoying right do we i feel like i'm gonna risk it and wait see if uh another slime is gonna spawn and yeah and so we just you know if you've not seen super chill type stuff content before uh it's a lot of rambling um generally you know it's a little bit more loosely cut down um you know just a nice little opportunity just to kind of just check just chat away you know am i am i thoughts we've not done one of these for a while oh that was actually super smooth a few orbs let's just super upgrade the dagger [Music] uh right on the map okay i want to go that way because either we can fight a boss or we can get a magic treat sure uh something like this good stuff and like a little bit more killing is probably good okay the bombs on this are really well hidden although we just managed to hit we hit two okay right actually great work pretty good jamaashi is a flyer okay i really want to hit that uh special oh okay well we we got a bomb and 15 damage huh although i don't think it i don't know if we can target that guy we can okay knife knife did good yeah let's just fire away uh so yeah you know how's how's everyone going going or doing words what's hard uh i hope hope everyone's enjoying the content you know videos and stuff at the moment um you know uh it's been trying trying times oh man i'm just like not in a good spot to get crits and just getting the crit myself doesn't do damage i just dropped my little pathetic knife needed to hit something else it was a bit bold oh exactly eight damage oh nice what do we want regular pieces one enemy pierces all enemies that's pretty good or pierced this first peg that's kind of nice or the material multiball like who doesn't love multiball okay i don't actually feel strong enough to fight a boss i'm gonna try and get down into the treasure the treasure trove i'm worried that we are just like not healthy enough please uh you can discard an additional orb wait we can discard the orbs i literally didn't realize that was a mechanic okay right we're heading this way uh to see these guys oh no it's a boy a ranged boy he's gonna he's gonna murder me i feel like this might be a cursed runner we're gonna we're gonna die i'd have to start again i'm not sure if you can hear it is just insane thunder and rain outside at the moment so if you hear the odd like wacky rumbling um it it's probably that [Music] oh look at this bomb oh 250 damage and then the little multi ball came out okay we are still getting peeped by um their bell sprout there but that is okay nice oh man the dagger 13 damage per per thing that it hits oh i wanted the bomb okay we are taking damage oh i guess this is how we um you know trash trash stuff [Music] right i think we should be able to hit a bomb blow it up and then go free uh kill them both we we're hurting what do we want bramble bramble ball uh or rubber extra bouncy uh this one's slowing people down love it all about that as a play and is treasure better than not treasure probably what do you want the treasure box or the mystery box i'm all about that treasure box also we can still go to mystery box what do you got for me super boots reach peg hit when navigating up to the battle you'll heal one oh oh god oh we can take more damage great i'll i'll take it uh okay did that heal us now we're going into another fight another fight is fine i think oh dagger no it was terrible i was trying to like scare i guess i could have tried to do like a little bounce off the side ramble it'll do a bramble status well bramble the enemy is unable to move people passing through take damage great love oh yeah i'll take a okay awful uh it didn't even hit them because they didn't do damage okay let's just go i was trying to go in and do bomb stuff right we have done a total of 10 damage in three attacks which feels super bad okay right that that's a lot more that's significantly more damage [Music] three bombs boom just wipe them out and 22 damage let's try and get some crits in here i don't want to detonate all the bombs but they should clear them again and take this so yeah oh they still live the boys who lived okay we're it's fine three damages okay god they are still coming for us i was wondering if if i wanted like just tank this ball i don't really want to do oh i didn't want to blow up all my bombs um because i'm worried they're gonna keep coming like i'm not sure how many how many more slimes could realistically come for us [Music] two ten [Music] maybe just one oh nice little okay right if no one has spawned at this stage i feel fairly confident that we are getting out of here also this dagger oh look how much damage man god daggers so much better than a stone the bombs the bombs gone the poltergeists that they love that that's very punny uh attacks all enemies pretty good finial infernal i kind of think i'm gonna take the hits and oh no oh we gotta heal one health okay we're kind of getting into this sort of like end zone here oh i really want that crit is that going to no no just it's just gonna do hot garbage awful um i wanted the dagger but maybe actually just aiming for bombs would have been the winner's choice 64. okay we'll blast one of them but he's gonna spit at me disgusting oh brambles [Music] uh okay not not great really not the one i need i need bombs i need bombs fast that was not a fast bomb that was a a very puny attack i need to let off two bombs oof i am genuinely terrified now oh they rebuilt oh wait we got two bombs and like all of the the bits back okay wait did it all work everyone's gonna die and then we'll stab this guy oh hey oh um let's upgrade more multiples or more bramble let's get extra bramble and [Music] okay i want heels shoot that meant we took extra damage god dang it no okay i'm just gonna go down this way right we just took way more damage than we needed to feels super bad man feels super bad let's go this way wow okay i was about to say i don't like this map as much oh wait because it's really hard to blow up the bombs but we took out two and just it's the super bouncy um well they can die and you get super brambled amazing uh really into that okay not really into that shot though that was the bad shot go this way oh maybe we'd be fun to get more multi balls like the opportunity for tons of damage is a lot of fun oh get a good knife crit [Music] there we go [Music] oh i thought you're gonna shoot the bat damn you batman not not what i want not not where i'm not where i'm into this uh but that's okay uh so yeah um you know instead of me just talking about uh firing stones at bats um yeah i was going to talk about you know just general youtube updatey type stuff um uh we've been playing a lot of creepy world i kind of feel like it's gonna it's gonna end at some point um as yeah it's just it's just just kind of fun to play i think that's the the problem and i don't know how um how exciting the videos really are i've kind of been um you know a bit lost on games that i want to want to play uh recently you know finding like little one-off indie games is always um always a good thing but i was kind of thinking about doing like a longer series and so something i really want um anyone who is listening to this um if you've got any suggestions on uh you know cool cool games you know especially if it's like more recent um it's something that is a super old game and it's just you know your favorite game from the nez probably isn't going to be is it going to be the best bet [Music] oh god we are we are so hurt i don't think we're gonna actually make it to the end here well we will make it to the end but we're gonna have to fight like a big a big boss [Music] i guess we could go this way and try and get more heals please please not like this okay all right we got a tiny little heal off um i kind of wanted to fight because i'd more likely be able to heal you've got to fight the bad the batman rest oh sun's beam down on me oh a strong monster sneaks up oh heck look at that guy oh if i can oh i wanted to get the okay this is this is very bad okay if i bend you and i been you uh right i think i've got an idea i wouldn't even have uh mines um bombs on this 26 damage is just just zero damage um it's not zero damage it's 26 but you know what i mean uh oh you know what actually great crits okay the bramble it pauses them for two turns that is what i need in my life um get some crits the crit's actually not awful on the bramble we have upgraded it there we go but now that buys us two more turns oh i didn't want the bramble this early but that's fine i don't think i'm gonna be able to get a chris in there uh so yeah like i'm most interested in you know what kind of games people would like to see uh you know often i'll see people do like you know uh recommend games or people have messaged me um ideas or uh you know browse browse those suggestions have a little lucky lube and see what uh what is going on and [Music] yeah find a lot of games from that that kind of uh that kind of thing um but if there's anything in particular that you're really hot for um that hasn't been around for a while or there's been oh i really thought that we were gonna get a crit [Music] i really do want brambles i'm worried this guy's gonna get into range and just axe me axe me up a little it's not a lot of damage rotro oh god he hit for 25 am i gonna live okay all right okay he raised x i've been that and now we can bramble and hopefully he won't attack question mark okay sucks there wasn't more damage but oh he does still attack okay this this is the this is the end times um it'll be fine i have to do 30 damage i god if i hit that crit we would be in the money zone oh it was so close guys oh we're just gonna go again um oh treasure uh so yeah you know i'm really really curious about what um you know games what games people are hot for um i was kind of thinking of maybe trying out the um the long dark uh people people said that's pretty good and there is a single player in it now but that single player might have been in it for a couple of couple of years um that's not too long and so like doing a kind of not too long a series um as generally let's say rule of thumb oh that wasn't nearly enough damage ox it was my knife [Music] uh that's okay yeah anything too long you know the drop-off in views is pretty massive um but you know just trying trying it out for a bit i think could be could be fun um and oh where's the crick gonna be can i get you oh maybe you should have just aimed for getting bombs i think that is probably the answer bomb [Music] kablam and okay eight damage this should be yeah there we go that's what i'm talking about so yeah swallow uh upgrades pegs can use once per battle passes pisses all enemies i like the idea of pierce's all enemies it doesn't do a lot of damage but in turn upgrading pegs feels pretty strong let's do pegs um and let's get treasure oh god please i don't know why i'm so bad at like getting them in the direction they want it to go okay we'll get treasure then we'll go fight monsters what have you got for me baby decoy all enemies don't get that extra turn for your first reload that doesn't seem all that strong maybe it's good just saves you like one one movement i'd rather have had like a like an upgrade that's okay we don't want to blow up too many bombs yet we got to deal with um the bad boys come on nice uh not the most damage but we did get the um get the thing uh so yeah yeah um other games that people um fancy uh fancy seeing would be really good i'm just gonna keep saying that exact same phrase because you know i'd be curious to see um yeah what suggestions suggestions you have um and also you know just any i think just like any kind of you know feedback or anything you know if you don't like something be like i'm kind of kind of bored bored of this you know the more constructive the um uh the the better the better it'll do um or the more i'll pay attention um if it's just like i think everything's boring now like it's not that's not gonna gonna help me get something cool together um i need you know oh a direction bald orb man i feel like that bramble ball they've got puns in the other names why is that not called the bram ball it just feels like it would make so much more sense uh where am i let's go to the middle uh god if i can even get down there how am i gonna do this no you jerk fine we'll go this way that's exactly where i wanted to go it wasn't where i wanted to go we'll have to go inwards next uh oh [Music] oh i was kind of hoping you know actually not terrible because if those now all deal one more damage also not too bad a hit yeah like it kind of racks up 60 damage pretty sweet uh loving loving that where's my crib [Music] oh that was just a great shot uh pure luck i'm not gonna claim there's any skill on that but just fantastic absolutely absolutely love that um [Music] uh but yeah so you know i'm not uh only you know what uh games are people hot for geez that was just terrible i was trying to get that refresh can i get both no i just had the worthless just dropped my little little bramble uh i want everything to come back really i'm kind of low on pegs although maybe we should be just oh [Music] please hit something okay this is going awfully uh we can get bombs off i am worried about your boy there though your man um yeah you know i kind of i've been thinking about you know mixing up like editing styles a little bit recently you know try and do slightly even more longer form uh content that's more like heavily chopped down you know trend like mix it up you know just put like a couple of those in uh here or there uh i wouldn't say like you know that everything's gonna fundamentally change at all uh but you know just try different styles of videos a little bit um you know constantly have uh oh we don't need to heal get another dagger by kind of like the multi-ball is the dagger good i feel like i'm really bad at hitting the guys multiball is kind of good do we just like skip that and keep like stay leaner i feel like i'm gonna stay leaner go this way off to the right uh so yeah like do not panic you know and um you know maybe maybe you'll enjoy that's like it's like mix up in the thing it's not going to be um too radically different just i think just the more of the i see of like different styles of content um you know when i'm watching youtube videos as my like tastes have changed i feel like you know that's um more of a sort of vibe i'd want to um what to go for and this isn't necessarily even you know from massive channels um you know it'll be like smaller you know i generally watch like kind of wackier little bespoke bespoke things like it's still going to be uh primarily computer game stuff i have been wanting to do a bit of a bit of live action okay that was way too many bombs please stop hitting bombs they oh god that was literally like seven bombs okay we're gonna have to fight everyone else old school that doesn't feel good at all great great just use all the bombs [Music] i think we're gonna have a real hard time uh oh actually this could be okay no it was it was terrible uh yeah so um slightly slightly different things you know i want to you know sort of play play um [Music] play a game from it and then you know maybe do a vo after try something like that like you know be able to get more of a narrative narrative story uh going on in something rather than just it being super freeform oh this is bad this is so bad i need to get a good bounce that wasn't a good bounce i really need that refresh [Music] because with the hole in the bottom of the pit [Music] like i'm just hitting something and oh we rambled them that's cute oh god please please refresh that refresh is in such a bad spot can we get that into you know oh i feel like this is this is now cursed uh because everything just like ricochets off right now we can get in there ugh okay right not quite next time we'll get in they're doing so much damage god they literally might just kill us [Music] i kind of need to get a kill here no that's bad [Music] and the refresh isn't just the most awkward spot yeah oh okay don't break too many at the bottom now although we've got a good refresh at the top so getting like a little hole oh there's no way that we do this look i think i think this is just like um an abandoned run uh type situation i just didn't think we're ever gonna be able to get through those those boys and there's gonna be a little exercise in futility so we're just gonna jump in again that's yeah like you know kind of um just try and mix up mix up some some of the stuff try some slightly different things uh now that you know uh we're out of um the locked out stuff uh trying to do a bit more kind of live-actiony things like after we did the toddy shoot um oh it made me really hot to you know do do stuff that was away from uh computers i kind of wish they didn't blow up that bomb but that's fine i think did we was there a bomb on the other side we get two bombs no that's fine take that nerd oh bold orb hit everything but only on the ground i think we do need something that can clear out multiple enemies after that last disaster yeah which direction something going approach the look of the map we'll come into the middle and they'll give us more options let's go this way i was hoping to get a crit there and not hit the bomb come on boys oh the bat we don't we don't do good versus backed with our boulders well they're actually just getting crits there real nice [Music] uh but yeah try try some like live live action type things um you know kind of considering maybe try and do some some board games i don't think it'll be like war games i think you know do something that would be a bit more easy to pick up and follow just immediately uh but you don't have to be super into warhams view orbs do you get the mega dagger or like super boulder super boulder could be good [Music] the mega dagger i do like the idea of mega dagger uh that way nice okay i was trying to avoid that pin okay great oh oh can we get crit in there i don't want to hit the bomb too much [Music] see the dagger when it doesn't get the crit just does zero damage oh well once again not zero massive uh exaggeration it just doesn't do a lot of damage oh the big chungus okay bonk that's kind of cool right another guy is going to spawn in a second so i don't want to hit the bombs so much yeah there we go now you can have a bomb sure why not uh yeah maybe trial try out some um you know uh live content um hey real good icicle infernal this is one enemy critical piece is all this is the first peg oh i feel like i'm gonna forget that every time i use it let's go let's go infernal we've got like a real like jazzy selection of orbs now um [Music] just as i planned that's the good stuff we might try and fight a boss oh we could maybe get treats get some delicious snacks and uh then um then we'll fight a boss oh that felt like it could have been loads of damage the last oh big boy sticking up get a good bounce uh it wasn't great but it's a lot of damage to everyone and now we can aim for bombs um [Music] nice yeah that's exactly what i wanted like really thin the herd get my little stabber wait no i needed more penetration paranoia that was that from oh yeah the um the what was that game called they like the the dick game where you play as the people's do you know what i mean [Music] i hate i hate you uh oh but we might actually get uh it wasn't the best stab 20 damage i need to get a refresh oh that instantly explodes any bomb that it hits boom great oh actually that's real nice hill or view super dagger how much do you go to wow actually infernal this is like raw damage okay do you want to go that way but i feel like i'm gonna get shanghaied into uh this place now we're fine so yeah and then hopefully we get like hot loot special pegs also contributes damage okay let's try a boss let's see if we're ready for a high high level enemy okay it doesn't seem too hard [Music] although i'm gonna guess there's gonna be a lot of them which might be okay i really hope they do more than one damage the uh special pegs if it is literally one damage i will be just the most salty sad [Music] uh not 60 that's okay right there are a lot of them that is one thing we can all agree is the truth uh okay please don't blow up all the bombs 32 to everyone i'll take it well ground ground folks nice right they are still coming [Music] uh okay perfect i just wanted one bomb [Music] because that really pushes them back and can kind of just goof it for a little bit please don't blow up my bombs i love it i want as many enemies on the map as physically possible wow they are still spawning okay bomb i just want to see if like [Music] they're still coming oh lord they still coming that's fine we've got plenty of bombs to play with okay right i think i think we're done now uh go this way [Music] oh i forgot that it was bald orb and one for luck nice look at that little combo so yeah ah so good lightning orb target any enemy on screen oh that's pretty good lightning hits an additional nearby peg it's a bit more exciting the dagger um sure oh decoy all oh so if you fight a boss you get a relic okay cool let's keep doing it um that actually went pretty well i i want more relics okay this is just the exact same fight [Music] um please don't blow up all the bombs that is literally the last thing i want to have happen cool just do some damage lightning all uh pops additional pegs sure target enemy click on them okay gravy oh okay i was worried that was gonna go oh nice okay that's kind of fun just be able to target specific specific folks uh i'm honestly just gonna scrub a lot of my hits or my attacks because i don't i don't care yet i just want as many enemies on the screen as possible and then we go to bom town uh i think we wait i don't want to refresh careful there you go just one damage at a time lovely okay now not too many bombs two was a great number clears a load out i'd like my big my big ex big mega ball in preference but you're okay no don't blow up all of my bombs oh okay there's a lot of bombs oh wow that actually spawned in time and yeah i'm just gonna [Music] oh i feel like it's a waste to uh not get a bit because it hits both of them like that's almost like a bomb in itself right so how many times can i say bomb in one one sentence turns out a lot uh oh voltorb come on in baby nice that is enough damage to kill them both bonk drops him down to 22 and then we did 24 nice heal we'll get a thing i kind of don't want too many more balls really i want like enough control over my existing ones i'm gonna heal eggs now refresh the board i don't know if i want that [Music] let's find another boss [Music] you don't always want to refresh the board i don't think that's actually as helpful as you're thinking oh god it's the big boy um i need that crit [Music] shoot oh feels super bad um okay [Music] right we need to be doing more damage than that because he's gonna come in and just absolutely ruin me [Music] wow this ball is actually pretty legit a few more hits like that and we are in minotaur town yeah if every hit does 50 damage fantastic uh oh i'd love a crit but sadly not okay he's getting real close he's getting real close [Music] big ball is doing the big big damage nice do i want that sure i don't think we're gonna get 100 damage out of this but that'd be cool if we did [Music] not 70. i'll take 70. okay we reload oh it's the big boy let's try and give it that way if i can hit that crit we failed just awfully now he chopped chopped very big oh but he's dead a flawless flawless run apart from the quarter of our life that we took uh i'm just gonna heal that was this the board will contain three crit pegs well actually sounds genuinely really exciting uh my emotionless voice does not convey i am happy about that uh what have you got for me baby you're always magnetized for the first 30 seconds of each shot it'll be pulled weakly towards regular pegs strongly towards quit crit and refresh okay this way okay sounds wild let's see oh god there's gonna be a lot of refreshing oh do you see that like little curve it did that's kind of fun uh oh man like suddenly getting more daggers would be good i didn't even realize that lucky penny was a thing getting all those extra crits wow oh my god [Music] oh my god look how much damage you're doing okay i need like the big chungus ball to uh go out wow [Music] okay who else do you want to upgrade my big ball could be good that doing more damage like infernal pretty legit [Music] yeah let's just upgrade everyone a little bit oh we have to fight the boss okay i'm into that we'll get an extra relic we'll fight a regular boy um i'm a little bit worried that oh my god stuff uh wow all the extra oh don't blow up all of my bombs oh so many bombs to blow up wow but we one shot that guy okay love that okay right we just we're gonna have to do this old school but the amount of damage just like that combo the magnetic and extra thing well okay uh yeah i played like a tiny bit of this game before um firing this up and i was like oh this would be a fun like fun game to do a super chill so i thought like a run might take too long just for a regular video um and maybe it'd be interesting um and so i didn't know half these things were in it uh that was actually a really poor round oh please don't like get this little scuffs now oh boulder okay please come more towards everyone else oh i was hoping you'd do a refresh 70 damage is not the worst though okay i've got dagger into that guy i hope oh the the ball that was like super bouncy maybe would be really fun on this because it would just keep going oh [Music] lightning boy [Music] okay lightning boy doing okay not the best not the worst [Music] just generic stone god i keep like trying to like use the gravity well um just awfully i really do want that crit okay crit is good we are going to take more hits from bats but i will take that [Music] we're gonna have to fight a full health bat i don't know if i can specifically target the back bat [Music] oh it didn't hit anyone that's less that's less good i guess it doesn't hit flyers oof feels bad [Music] okay we are taking a lot of hits now and that's not not my dream okay kill that off [Music] and give me those refreshes okay he's only five damage at a time it's not the best not the worst oh please kill there we go thank you thank you very much thank you ball deals no damage heals for one peg let me use once per battle that actually sounds pretty good doctor bombs on board clear nearby peg's been detonated okay okay sounds pretty nice uh right we just got like regular folks to deal with which could be could be cool wow that's a lot of damage uh just [Music] it's gonna keep going for a while oh okay right we're done take that 400 damage healing orb keep your health high okay right as long as we keep hitting refresh pegs oh all i need is to get more than 25 right so this was already a better investment so sure we might not be able to use that again this battle but i will 100 take that uh feels very good amazing [Music] 450 damage that poor slime oh we can upgrade okay extra dagger sounds kind of legit the inferno could be really good as well just that does so much damage [Music] healing uh we're definitely gonna get the crits i don't think that's even worth doing i kind of think volatile uh infernal [Music] and now this angry boy down here let's slime him up oh okay bring it on bring it on baby 650 life if we can do this in one oh i was really hoping that was just going to go forever oh oh okay for a second i thought does he have like a damage cap of 50 but that was the bomb that went off first um yeah i feel and well i feel like there is no way that we don't get this maybe not this round but he's taking the big hits eat that uh bonk oh i missed uh yeah that's the kill god we dealt so much damage can we upgrade you no uh sure lightning or oh treats the gift that keeps on giving pegs almost never pop when hit that sounds insane circle pegs provide explosive force that's pretty good plus two damage per peg but can no longer discard orbs oh dude that's we didn't really discard that that sounds really strong but pigs almost never pop a boom area one complete the castle will be open soon uh so yeah this is just the demo um so this is still really early access um i really hope you guys enjoyed it uh it's a lot of fun you can play the demo on steam who doesn't like peggle i mean peglim it's that that peggle esque vibe um with roguelike elements there's tons of fun here um i really hope you guys had fun and remember um you know any game suggestions any thoughts you know just use this as just a little dumping ground um and if you see like browse the comments yourself if you see games that you really like the sound of give them an upvote or a thumbs up a like or reply to people or stuff like that um and that will be an even better litmus test of if everyone's very hot for specific stuff then i'll be like okay yeah i'll give that like a bigger a bigger paying attention to um but yeah i'm super curious for um what you guys think uh thank you so much for watching not just this video but videos in general you're all amazing and i appreciate you very much until next time goodbye
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 152,548
Rating: 4.9391036 out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: KCo5mOohqJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 19sec (3259 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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