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hello everyone my name is Nomis and welcome back to another episode of hardcore survival and Project Zomboid this is season 5 we've made it to episode 100 so welcome everyone thanks for coming back again and today very momentous occasion aside from being episode 100 we are officially one year survived just shy of 8,000 zombie kills it is April 8th in game early morning just after 7:00 a.m. and we're gonna take a quick tour of the base I've been a little bit busy in between episodes kind of getting last touches finished on the base so let's head on in and you guys can see this is our base we've all given suggestions over the the months we've built up a pretty awesome base let's start with the garage this was a viewer suggestion you can see I put in a nice floor I think this is what is this called like an oak Oak 4 yeah oak wood floor so pretty cool we got Roxy in here I fixed her up as much as possible because we will be taking her out for a spin today in celebration have 100 episodes and one year survived so make sure you stay tuned to the end of the episode to catch that action we have our spits piffle car we have another in cheap never did grab that news van but yeah that's our that's our grads we got some signs decorating the outside and the inside we've got our little sheet rope access up to the second floor let's hop up there now this is where we've got one of our chook boxes I believe it was this the one that was from the mall this one may have been from the mall this was the the quest of the season to grab a jukebox from the mall so thank you everyone for participating in the jukebox jukebox Wars that was a very fun to witness and to be a part of a great part of this season gotta and that's a floor in here as well this one is a birch wood floor we've got our storage room over here this is mainly just for our car parts so we've got all our seats and trunk lids spare engine parts all our different types of Windows that we've kind of stockpiled batteries gas tanks mufflers all the parts that we need to kind of keep our ambulance for the most part in tip-top shape but we do have some parts for our other cars so very nicely decorated we got our gym equipment which we scavenged from the prison out by rosewood that was quite the adventure getting that stuff together a couple all-nighter sessions going through that prison moving on into our 50s themed diner one of the more recent additions to the base we've got a nice checkered floor in here we've got our classic 50s styled fridge our 50s diners table and chair of course the obligatory spiff OHS decorations on the walls including some signs on the outside burgers into pizza all the foods you could ever want tunes on Boyd can be made in this kitchen and we've got our nice homemade self built metal cabinets looking good we got a nice modern oven here microwave you know a slurp burp machine another jukebox one of the three that we have at base now to be honest I can't remember which one is that exactly from the mall but one of these was from the great mall escapade all right we've also got a little freezer room off of the kitchen for our four deep freezes and our other more modern-looking fridge a little bit of artwork as well and some floating cabinets inside our freezers we've got two here we are fish in this freezer we got more fish over here we have some miscellaneous frozen items like ice cream TV dinners all our jarred vegetables that we did before winter months and months ago now it's cool to know that the stuff for the most part is still very fresh even though it has been several months so worth the Y's always freeze your jarred items when you're done we got some produce from our garden plus another extra fish up here been farming in earnest as you can see 63 potatoes 43 broccoli 25 ratchet is 25 tomatoes in there I'm er 6 cabbage I think we do have yeah another 42 cabbage over here so lots and lots of food I even have some more food in this fridge over in this freezer we've got our other animals from trapping frogs are actually from foraging you don't need to freeze these but I thought we'd throw them in here as well we got rabbits we got dead squirrels we've also got a freezer full of birds 47 birds in there only taking up 1/3 of that freezer so yeah that's the 50s diner and adjacent freezer room moving on into one of the older parts of the house this is kind of our living area got a vending machine for our chips got another vending machine for drinks poppin juice and another vending machine for other junk food like chocolate candy cookies cupcakes raspberry shortbread all the things that don't actually need to be refrigerated and then over in here we have our little triage medical area you can't really see it because of this curtain but this sign right here is from that no-name town in between Riverside and rosewood that's a little blue cross and was on one of the doctor homes in that town so we got a lot of medical paraphernalia in here got a dentist chair here from court mints down in Muldrow and then all of our medicine up in the cabinet this is all our forged stuff down in the bottom part we've got well more forest items because I have so much all our pulses are various pills and another spare medical cabinet up there if we need it moving out to our deck this was our first cooking area got our barbecue out here this is where a lot of the cooking was done earlier on in the season I'll hold made furniture here we got a rain collector barrel one of many around the base for our plumbed in sinks for fresh water got a charcoal barbecue we never actually use this but nice to have another option out here for then it's another fridge which is probably empty yeah we got some rotten charred items out there got my alarm going off of course we got a hot dog machine out here you can't have a turn on a hot dog machine but a hot dog warmer for keeping stuff warm off the barbeque got a little another little mini slurp burp machines and a couple chairs from a spife O's out in the world nice little resting area with TV okay so that's the the first floor let's move on upstairs into our storage room which is grown over the episodes and over the months in game lots and lots of storage and lots and lots of items these light bulbs that must be every type of light bulb you can get in this game some are more rare than others but jente pink light bulbs orange light bulbs purple especially we also have a lot of electronics crap over 200 pieces this is all used well the majority used for keeping our generator up and running off to repair that thing every once in a while a few more items in here that we could dismantle at some point all our metalworking items and then just miscellaneous storage for ropes and string and extra weapons over here lots of axes we've come across in our journeys more metalworking items there and there are tape and nails moving over into our armory this was a viewer suggestion actually a couple viewers suggested that we should make our own armory for all our weapons we got attachments over back in here and in our glass cabinets which we've taken from various stores and gun shops I've got all of our ammo and shotguns and hunting rifles pistols varmint rifles got some crafted trigger I was for engineering trap recipes some whiskey from molotovs more engineering items here aerosol bombs smoke bombs some blade weapons some blunt weapons another one of our ring collector barrels for our plumbed in kitchen sink and I got not a nice floor in here now this one is a cinnamon west floor out in the storage room got some weight tile headin over to this is the last big project that we took on this is our art gallery of all the art items that we could find around the map got some statues from stores we got some leather couches from the bar in West Point some children's artwork from the school in Malta and various art pieces from different homes around the map and some nice furniture items and potted plants I think it all came today came together pretty nicely so that was a great suggestion guys all right let's head over to the other side here and head up to the next floor keeps going up this is our bedroom and kind of our second living area got our pool table in the corner got a nice little porch with a second generator this is a new addition so its last episode this is to provide power once we go upstairs let's actually just turn that on right now it's our one generator downstairs only provides power up to this floor I mean a second generator to get up to the roof got some nice bedside drawers these are new this last episode I've also got to our crafted bed which apparently took apart as I was trying to put in these last-minute windows as you can see in front of us let's just put that back down there that was the first bed we ever made served us well in our beginning Shack believe it or not this huge base was once just a one-room little shack I'll see that maybe the last thing once we're done with the main base we'll go down and take a look at how it all started got our wood-burning stove here this got us through winter some very cold nights we started this season just after the cars were added into the game and then moved on into the weather build so we're kind of in the midst of winter when that weather build was added that stove really came in handy got our bed set up right next to it so we could stay warm during the night got another jukebox here our third one along with a couple bar elements and all the necessary bar items like peanuts some wine sunflower seeds all our CDs for the jukebox lots of whiskey more wine some Chardonnay you know what I think we should probably have some Chardonnay as a celebration of one year survived so here we go feeling a little bit tipsy as we finished off our tour of the base our brown carpet in here some more birch wood flooring and some more varied carpeting out by the pool table also have our clothes rack with all of our clothes that we've been collecting including some of the new items included the including the padded pants the long shorts and the jackets not sure if there's anything else that's the three that we've come across so far heading up to the next floor this is our indoor garden that helped us provide fresh veggies during winter did pretty well looks like we've actually got some broccoli still growing here a couple more sinks up here so we could provide our plants with fresh clean water got all our seeds and over here taking a look at our next viewer suggestion this is our radio room that we put together complete with red recording light on air I think this one's actually just wired up with a battery so I'm actually connected to the grid going outside we got a nice little wraparound walkway you'll see some of the other parts of the compound that we'll be taking a look at shortly wrapping around to our next viewer suggestion which was a games room so we've got all three arcade machines the dr. Lloyd's kaboom and pause the pinball game nice little touches with our barred windows so that's this floor and then moving up to the last floor which is our roof and theater area again something that we just recently finished with the red carpeting got our popcorn machine up here along with all the popcorn that we've scavenged got a piano out here got some statues from a grave yard or was this one up by up by Riverside I think that was from so yeah that's the main base a lot of trees and a lot of nails went into building this let's head down and we'll take a quick peek at where this whole adventure started once we moved out into the wilderness this area right here this was the first construction that we made was this room of course it didn't start off with all this stuff inside but this is where things started we had our makeshift bed down here where this mattress is right now and then over time we built up the base and I have added some nicer touches in here but these are the original crates we were using he can tell pretty shabby along with the bookcase there I don't know if we still have the original chair that we built I think we replaced it with this one here got another fridge down here this one I keep mostly just for carrots there's some potatoes in here but mostly carrots we're trapping of course here's our generator this is what powers ninety percent of the base the other portion is powered by that generator up on our bedroom balcony and then back in here we've got more storage this is mainly for all our gas cans which we're actually getting kind of low on that's what God is through winter let's just fill up our water here since we're getting a little thirsty and more storage back here this is kind of where we jump off all of our books once we've read them and all our other trash okay so that is the main part of the base one of the other new additions is our little lounging area back here behind the chain-link fence so this I did quite a bit of work on in between episodes it's looking a lot spiffier than it did last time around got some more bushes in here we got our dog houses with our dog bone and railroad crossing of course always a nice addition to any beasts got our lounging chairs some more ornamental bushes and flower beds what you guys think of this area well I think I've turned into a pretty cozy self-contained protected area we've got a well of course a chain-link fence on the front I didn't have quite enough materials to do channeling all our way around so we just did a lot wall around the back here but we got accesses front and back this one this rope here goes up to our bedroom this one here goes up to the armory this goes up to the storage room and this goes up to the kitchen so you pretty much access anywhere we want in the base from this one spot probably the most accessible location of our base few more items will be scavenged from around the world this came from the mall this came from the no-name town this guy Ridge can't actually from spit phones holds 50 biggest garbage can't we found in the game we've got our hitchhikers maybe escaping in mate sign we've got our March sign got a random street sign here we have our little playground that we spent this took us a while to make actually get all the pieces we wanted the sandpit in a little metal fence going around let's head over to our gardening areas underneath our deck we've got plots for radishes carrots and strawberries items that don't need that much water and then out here is the big garden this is where the vast majority of our food comes from aside from proteins so we've got one two three four five six plots each specified for its own crop got potatoes in there tomatoes broccoli cabbage some more broccoli out there back out here we have our fishing area I also did a few more finishing touches to this area I've got a little bench where you can sit and fish all day if we wanted to that are fishing traps for catching bait fish the river has been good to us this season we survived on a lot of fish throughout winter after filling up those freezers get a nice look at the entirety of the base structure there a lot of windows went in this thing as well you can see there's a few missing just a couple I was in the storage area on top of the garage but for the most part we pulled a lot of windows off of buildings to get this thing finished out here we've got another little shed for all our farming supplies put another flooring in here you got a fine wood floor in here I've got all our farming items plus some fishing gear and trapping extra stuff and this crate the most part though it's all our seeds lots of seeds out in these containers we've got forged items that never go bad so worst-case scenario we could always survive off of this food for a little bit and here we've got our insects for fishing using for bait we've got our compost bin out here we haven't use a 10 but we have use it to kind of speed up crops a couple times got our little graveyard which is finally filled up from all the visitors that we've had at the base which isn't really that many considering it's only five bodies per grave it's been pretty peaceful out here for the most part move it on down to another viewer suggestion this is the mannequin garden finally finished got our mannequins we got some benches here I have been just from the mall got our flowers going around these this potted plant here and a stir on them all varying heights of bushes looks pretty good another bench down in here I actually found a corner bush a bush corner that was kind of cool I hadn't seen that before but actually just came across that in between episodes when I was looking for our last few items for this garden so yeah there is your completed mannequin garden very cool alright so that's pretty much the base for the most parts we do have a wraparound driveway for our cars so we can just drive in and drive out this was another item I've been putting off for a long time but it's pretty much finished now I guess we could widen this part out here a little bit for the most part looking kid let's just run down the driveway this driveway actually enabled us to get to level 10 carpentry no surprise there given how many planks this took to build got some barricades set up here just for kind of nice touch along with a spife oz arrow sign out here is where we do all our trapping and I've kind of made this look a lot nicer I think it's all organized we got some nice wood flooring looks pretty tidy a far cry from the jumble of traps we used to have here so taking a look at our skills we've got ourselves up to level seven and about a third of the way to level eight trapping get some pretty uh a decent amount actually of XP every time we fill up these traps with bait and and and kind of catch everything and the following days it's quite a bit of food and you think about it we got twelve wire traps here plus eight stick traps for birds so that provides a lot of protein from one trapping round our other skills though we've maxed ou carpentry we've maxed out farming we're very close to maxing out cooking our agility skills about half way blade about the same you can tell we're not very interested in using blunt weapons as we've got a total of ten XP into our blend of blood to accuracy use it a couple times in the first few episodes of the season using frying pans and baseball bats but for the most part we're we're a blade survivor so yeah there's all our skills guys foraging level eights mechanics level nine I'm very close to maxing that out also close to getting our level 7 electrical yeah we have been out in the wilderness I think we came out here a couple months in so about 10 months we survived out here now that we've taken a look at the base I'm very interested to hear what you guys have to say down in the comments we're gonna continue the rest of this episode by taking Roxy the sports car our very first car we were spoiled we had a sports car as our first car we're gonna take her out across the map towards the mall there's a racetrack head up there we're gonna take her for a rip so stay tuned guys we'll be back in a second okay let's hit the road in Roxy we're missing a head but I only have any extra spare hoods and Oh God after all this time I had to knock it over on on the great excursion with Roxy okay let me drive on down we're gonna have to go through the a lot of zombies so we're gonna try and not bang her up too much before we get to the racetrack but anticipate some damage so I'll check in with you guys in a little bit coming up to the intersection now the crossroads this is where we set up our first gas station with a generator so let's try and get past everyone without completely demolishing Roxy and there we go okay now we can open her up and head on down the highway towards Oh God towards West Point and there goes our windshield it was bound to happen it was bound to happen this thing goes so fast we have not driven her very much this season so I'm being maybe a little bit more cautious than I would be if I was in the ambulance more used to how the ambulance handles all right so here we go zombie population is probably gonna pick up here as we pass by the south end of West Point one thing I'm worried about it's just like completely losing control and flying off after hitting a zombie well we're doing okay so far oh god don't crash into anything not till we get to the racetrack oh my god a lot of zombies here so once we get across the bridge it should be pretty straightforward and I'll work on our power slides and Roxy [Applause] will rip around the corners oh yeah right I think'll on the bridge for this part forgot that that Bridget's or the railroad bridge I should say the other bridge is completely filled up with cars I'm sure we could get a lot more materials from there too if we decided to dismantle all that stuff [Music] well not too bad we're almost there did not take very long in this thing we can get up to 120 miles an hour in this car rather than just the 90 miles an hour and the ambulance and the maneuverability is actually the handling is quite good okay so this should be the turnoff for the racetrack I think is it yeah think it is alright yeah the drag-racing now before we start ripping around here we might as well grab this sign right I mean we probably should have a drag-racing sign back at home one of the few remaining science to grab is it often several pieces yeah it is okay let's kill these one of the locations we just haven't been to yet I've been pretty much everywhere else take your key we have 96 keys we should try and get to 100 keys today it would seem fitting 100 keys for the hundredth episode and we have ourselves a drag racing sign I suppose would be really cool someone has suggested making ourselves a racetrack but I mean that that would be a lot of building guys be a pretty hefty task all right do I have enough space the trunk for this not quite I mean Roxy is not exactly the looting type of car let's put on the seat okay just fire it up get on the track here so chances of death quite high when you're racing around in this speed demon but here we go three two one go [Music] feel like it's somewhat long there's a lot of zombies on the track though which makes it more of a slalom and a legitimate race okay I need more speed to actually get that turn down oh just in between everything there okay let's try it again get the speed up here oh man right at the last minute I had to run into someone okay I don't know if sliding at 120 20 miles an hour is very advisable it's hard to to get the traction again I went through almost getting better we can also go down further I think this is supposed to be like an old airstrip sorry Roxy all right let's go all the way down to the end past the base racetrack whoa get some air there [Music] down the runway not bad not bad I guess we would have to come here to go all these traffic cones if we were to make her own racetrack oh god oh god severe damage that was a that was a hard crash I'm surprised we didn't just die there all right let's have a burger when all else fails just eat a burger um hold on let me see much damage we did to the car there that was a pretty bad crash yeah our muffler is kind of toast probably from running over over the zombies though as well okay I need to take it a little bit slow here until fee heal up that was a bad crash let's do one more one more circuit we're just around the smaller track here we need to add like a timer so you could time your lap oh Jesus oh my god moderate damage [Music] I feel like Roxy is gonna be hurt and after today whoa look at that-air Oh [Music] I wanted to see how much everything yet but won't be better to do it whether it's not trees everywhere I'm gonna try one more time going over that big group of bodies see how much air we can get here Oh Oh yeah slime into zimzam bees oh my lord that's a tree over there all right [Music] let's rip on down here stay away from the middle [Music] and ready for the power slide well not bad not bad getting better oh my god whoa that's what I'm talking about that's the performance suspension for you right there in the ambulance I think because we're not going quite as fast we can kind of do this slide and keep driving but it seems to be a little bit harder with Roxie let's try one more time here one more keep saying whoa oh my god okay how's the health water damage eat a burger it'll be fine lock it off oh god okay okay okay that's it that's it he puts Wayne and Roxy through their paces today let's let's head back or maybe we should drive it on down to the mall just for old old times sake whoo he hit him through the fence okay oh yeah oh yeah yeah let's get out of here let's go to the mall there's another drag racing sign there too let's go to the mall I believe we actually have some bags out at the mall still with some weapons and stuff so and if you really wanted to we can pick those up [Music] this thing would no longer be black this thing would be red the amount of zombies we ran over right here every time we hit someone we get air [Music] Williams a tough guy don't worry he'll pull through rocks the only other hand maybe a total wreck after today but how many times do you make it to one year on a hundredth episode I think we can be forgiven well what the yeah parking lot this will be a good place to rip around - so it should be fairly obstacle-free oh yeah there's the big burn area a couple big burn areas yes remember this this is where the computer almost died from so many zombies on screen the mall couldn't beat us the wilds couldn't beat us none of the towns could beat us we are invincible hmm careful don't crash into the poles I feel like a madman right now driving recklessly endangers way those sports cars out here on partial - we could just repair Roxy [Applause] area all right the frames are starting to get a little little iffy Oh God yeah just a little loves half there no that'll buff right out I'm sure all right one more loop around one more lap around we have the sledgehammer we could like make a hole in the wall and we could drive through the mall fortunately I didn't think of doing that this play accelerates so fast well when I rear in that guy okay you think it's time to go home I think it might be time to go home there is a hunting Shack out in this direction though that we never got to you should go try and find that check that out oh god that's a light pool sorry Wayne sorry Roxie minor damage I think it's up here oh no this is all the way back up at the highway okay well down here this is cool isn't there oh no there's the hunting place right there I see the sign ooh Knob Creek hunting much these signs way says something we can grab probably need a shovel which we don't have just see though no we can't it yet six this can be in multiple pieces you think 24 yeah it's so that's um we could take that in our bag I guess let's check out the the hunting lodge itself though so I'm pretty sure we didn't get out here or did we maybe we did and we probably not a good idea to go in there with Roxy let's leave her out here so that mufflers pretty much toast making a lot of noise okay let's just lose that group quickly head in here I feel like one of the other hunting lodges we went to that was very similar to us but there might be some guns and ammo that we would want and zombies some shells or some bullets I should say it's outside eggs there's some nine bell rings there excuse me nope okay oh all right it starts to grind aye sir so like a shooting range out here if there's a shooting range okay I'd have to look at the map though I can't exactly remember where that would be yeah it looks like it's just down the road actually not quite walking distance so let's get back to the car you pick up as many of these as I can in our bag so would let's take that sign back pipe with these other two on our front seat I think their shits till almost be enough room let's grab pants how many zombie kills were up to here how would you crass over 8,000 nice cool okay let's drop these fire up the car and looks like it's just down here there we go let's perk that right there boys it's at a normal hiking bank yeah and yeah we'll definitely find some ammo in here definitely oh yeah x4 time scope or ammo I don't think we really need the attachments I already have an eight-team scope and from what you guys say four times to get was probably more effective unless you're aiming skill is super high which ours is not nice hunting knife I always will take those down our hunter knife hell yeah okay there's that stuff Oh a padded jacket we have not found that yet let's grab that that is a new item and nothing that we really need spent all the radio all right so guys while we're finishing up here and a nice long episode today I'm not gonna say that this will be the last season 5 episode but don't be surprised if we if we don't see too many more from here on out I think I'm gonna take a small break from Zomboid until the animation bill drops we had a really good run we're not gonna we're just gonna let Wayne kind of go off into his continued on with his survival and we're not gonna get rid of him or anything but I think we've accomplished pretty much everything we can't accomplish in a vanilla run we've made it to a year we've been pretty much everywhere on the map on the bass game map we've collected almost everything that we could collect for our bass we've made it a hell of a bass together and you know overall it's just it's been a really successful season I'm really glad you guys have decided to stick around for the whole thing I know 100 episodes is not an easy task to just to kind of keep up with but yeah this is for all intents and purposes a little finale for season 5 and mr. Wayne Jackson but this forgot his name then it's been really fun to have you guys join in all this stuff all these adventures these close calls while I said that we'd have been pretty much ever you never did actually drive through this area anyway most of the main spots we hit up and with that we are going to end this episode episode 101 year survived if you take a look at the skills as we sign off here don't worry there will be more Zomboid example it's always gonna be a fixture on the channel a because you enjoy watch aunt bee because I really enjoy climbing my favorite game out there and I hope they continue improving this game wrong into the future continue having awesome adventures together and I just need to find my way back to the to the highway here oh yeah that'll do it for today guys thanks a lot for watching until next time I'll talk to you all later
Channel: NoMiS Plays
Views: 18,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Project Zomboid Build 40, Project Zomboid Let's Play, Project Zomboid Gameplay, Project Zomboid Cars, Project Zomboid Vehicles, Project Zomboid Survival, Project Zomboid Hardcore, Project Zomboid 6 months, project zomboid six months, project zomboid guide, project zomboid walkthrough, zomboid, zomboid gameplay, zomboid vehicles, zomboid cars, project zomboid West POint, zomboid survival, zomboid hardcore, zomboid 6 months, zomboid six months
Id: fdGsuYFCMRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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