Knowing How To Operate In Finished Work Faith | Live Stream Replay 9-19-21

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because i have i have a strong message this morning and uh i'm going to need a uh what i was thinking about this morning i remember paul matter of fact we're going to read that scripture turn the first correction chapter 2 i'm gonna pray then we're gonna read that scripture first corinthians chapter two this is gonna be our prep scripture for for many months look like now because this is the stage we're in where total dependency upon the holy spirit to minister you talk about what a day total dependency on the holy spirit in other words this these verses uh i'm sort of in virgin territory on faith there's some apostolic uh insight that god wants to appropriate or impart in his children today that they are moving a higher spiritual government their anointings will be stronger it's time to rise and so i think the apostle paul gave us an insight of having faith in god's power having faith faith in god's power not your power not my power but god's power and so so important so here in second corinthians chapter first corinthians chapter two paul gave us in the first five verse an outlay of how to go into deeper dimension of the spirit what'd i say y'all ready to go people to many spirit not the same old samuel but that and more so what a life we're about to enter into another flow and greater dynamics of how to operate in faith okay now i know you know a lot of scriptures but but i want you to be tuned in uh matter of fact i feel a hot like like like my hand is sitting on a fireplace because i know somebody about to be promoted up in here i could i could sense that something out of the ordinary will happen in the spirit in this place today listen to me we'll move listen very carefully beyond emotion only it's time now to emerge into having a deeper and a stronger and a wider walk with god deeper stronger and a wiser walk in faith in other words from this day forward faith will not be just a formula so is israel father we thank you as we read your word and preach your word this morning we give you all the glory and all the praise every need we met here in the century and around the world we thank you for uh insight we thank you for a fresh anointing we thank you for the all we thank you for the rain we thank you for the fire and lord let the wind blow and we thank you so much right now your healing power is in this house we thank you for it in jesus name amen now listen at the reading of this it's not my textbook this i had to pre-load this because i mean territories that i can't handle [Music] i mean territories that that uh that i can't handle you're gonna have to be uh it's gonna have to be the holy spirit and you and i locking in right and uh you don't worry about standing up a few minutes i'll stand up the whole service i'm gonna let you sit on a few minutes but stick with me right now all right and i brethren when i came to you came not with excellency of speech or wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of god notice verse 2 now it's a set up for i'm determined not to know anything among you say if jesus christ and him crucified and i noticed verse three now and this this is where i woke up this morning because you got to go uh uh deeper in your weakness they'll go further in god's strength and if you think you got it you're messed up because there's always more are you following me and i was with you in weakness and and in fear and in much trembling one of the greatest apostles ever lived give his insight on how to be strong in the spirit what and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom i noticed but in what oh now look at that fifth verse because that's what this is why i need you to see it mama couldn't delay this this is what i need you this morning i need you i need you to know that we're about to emerge in deeper waters the same old samoa is over this morning i want you to be ready to swim a little longer in the spirit all right now now notice what he said this four verses the address the fifth verse that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god now that's a prelude verse you may be seated and uh i'll ask you to turn to the text this morning in john's gospel john's gospel yes sir i received john gospel chapter 19 verse 30. somebody say hallelujah see now these things gonna have to be said hallelujah praise god thank you when god speak to you need to say something yeah thank you uh john 19 30 when jesus therefore had received the pinnacle he said it is finished and he bought it ahead and give up the goals it is finished hebrews chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. hebrews chapter 12. how many of y'all got expectancy how many of y'all know you'll get your answer today hallelujah hebrews chapter 12. now what he said jesus was on the cross what he said to happen it is finished right that's everything now in hebrews 12 2 it told you where to keep looking now this is not my subject but i want your faith must stay focused on it is finished i'm trying to get somewhere where i'm already there it is finished here in hebrews 12 and 2 looking unto jesus and look what they call him now huh the author he i mean he started off and then he finish it and finish of our faith who for the jaw that was set before him that mean that when you believe in god for some things there are some things you're going to go through but don't stop there some of y'all believing for god for things right now and it looked like it sometimes looked like it's going the other way let me give you a word the further or the more it looked like you're going the other way you're closer than you've ever been before no y'all in this received that you see him saying you're close see you have to see fate work like that it it it it may look like you're not making no movement or no territory but but that's for a reason that's to get you out the way see if if if if your faith worked too loud you're going to be proud so he got to work in a temperament he got to work at a pace because uh you can't actually handle what faith can do you see your physical mind your senses uh we'll we'll get off track if fate would just let you go everywhere you want to go right now even jesus had to look look looking at your jesus dogs and friends are who for the joy that was set before him all right but he endured the cross so your faith going to endure something despising the shame and they sat down at the right hand of the throne of god now one more scripture i'll tell you where we're going this morning uh look at first timothy chapter 6 verse 12. first timothy chapter 6 verse 12. lord told me i could use that bold psalm when they put it up on the line but he told me he wanted me to use my bible it's something about him i think i might be missing some anointing but by reading it off uh reading it off the thing use your bible it brings us back to the to the old-fashioned preaching yeah they had all that on the board and all that they had to find in the bible you had to wait a little while for me to find it you know yeah uh-huh 1st chapter 6 12. for the good fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life one two doubt also called and they profess a good profession before many witnesses now now look with me again at mark 11 22 because this is the apostolic territory of revelation god got me in now i uh preached in chicago and uh we we preach about yeah hallelujah we preach about ownership faith now that's that's virgin territory and not denying the fact that you have to go through faith but that ownership faith is a powerful thing because you're so powerful because you know what you're believing for is already illegal so satan can't get discouraged he can't stop you he you already know he got him defeated when you're using your faith see your your fate your faith oh my i never heard this before your faith becomes synonymous with the cross what the cross did your faith can do so everything you aim and you fade at we're trying to stop your faith just like satan couldn't stop jesus on the cross so look like sometimes your fate might be in the grave but you know it's a setup for a resurrection somebody listen to me right now might be believing god for something like they're not going to ever leave your body like you're not going to leave your family like a finance it's not going to get right look like it's just marriage not going to get it right no you got to be buried a while but it has to you have to know that there's no such thing as fate without a resurrection some of your faith right now and something you might be dealing with your faith build right now but you think it's not working yeah it's working see it's working that when it come up it can never be taken back down so first chapter 612 says fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life where do i want to die call and have professed a good profession before many witnesses now this is not sunday school this morning as we had talked about ownership faith and then mark 11 go to mark mark 11 i told him mark 11 22 right and jesus answered them and said have faith in god it's so important have faith in god didn't say half faith in me he didn't have and you know it sounded like i'm preaching against about he didn't say have faith in the word he said have faith in god have this jesus said this is this is genesis chapter 1 mark 11 22 genesis chapter 1. mark 11 22 is genesis chapter 1 mark 11 22 is genetic chapter 1. mark 11 22 is telling you how to operate your faith just like god and then mark 11 23 and 24 is you operating like jesus did on that fig tree so how god operated in faith how jesus operated in faith and how you operate in faith they're all the same when he said very very i say whosoever shall say to this mountain that's that's the way god first of all uh in the beginning they said the spirit of god the spirit moved on the face of the water and then the lord started talking see that's the spirit of faith now you listening knowing here's the subject knowing how to operate in finnish work faith knowing how to operate in finished work faith for when jesus said in john 19 30 it is finished that means all of your faith aims already finished nobody can stop them it it your fate include the life of jesus death barrier resurrection ascension and seated positioning now your faith operating on all of those anointing are you listening so jesus showed us how god operated in faith amen how he operated in faith and how we have the same right to operate in faith just like him in the fog it'd take you a while but you see it it's uh it's uh it's not it's sort of virgin territory when your faith you listening is in the finished work of christ it cannot be denied what when your faith is in the finished work of christ it cannot be denied for you're working with a resurrected faith a fate that can move all stones from the grave now i'm going to say something don't be insulted about it but my fate is coming out the grave this morning what are you saying apostles i'm saying that we have worked faith to a certain point and start going in circles over the same thing and faith is trying to get us because of what what we're dealing with now faith trying to get us into a higher dimension if you operate in an ownership fate you're a bad dude i own this i'm believing for what i own it's mine but because i'm in this world system i got to use faith to get there but it's mine and uh when i use faded right it's done your faith now i don't know how long i want to be to contain myself your faith your faith must keep speaking the blood so here we're talking about now oh my god thank you lord every child of god has the right for blood speaking faith you have to know your faith has the authority to operate in blood power what'd i say somebody say hallelujah when you say hallelujah go down in glory to god blood power faith now i want to have a small question here can anything stop the blood so if anything cannot stop the blood and i have blood speaking faith that means nothing can stop my faith now so what is the lord saying to us he says in in these time keep your faith emerge in the blood not just a word but blood we were saying in the baptist church i know it was the blood now i'ma talk you got to be with me i'm talking riddles because i heard somebody just cross a ditch [Applause] maybe somebody was believing for something and it didn't come through that they just crossed the ditch and you went across on the blood so so the request here this moment by the holy ghost is to stay blood fade drunk [Music] i mean these things are coming in my spirit while i'm standing here you see blood fate drunk you ain't telling me what i can't have you not telling me well i can't go i own this by the death barrier and resurrection of the lord jesus anybody here see when your faith drunk with the blood it can't worry drunk people don't worry i've been drunk before you you don't worry about now get out of my face get a more poor boy something happen if you're in another world when you're drunk i know i'm the only one you've ever been drunk but i mean you can't tell a drunk man nothing he can't have what you mean i can't go up in there i remember when uh racism was at its peak and we used to go to the uh side wonder at the uh ice cream or whatever stand and we come there one night and and uh a big double johnny god got out of the car called george albert black gentleman and george says uh i was just standing there meet some other boy we're not going to the side tonight y'all going to show me right here so we stood there and watch him you know they called the police and the police came but george put a whooping on it your faith is finished going to the side window [Applause] you have a divine right to all the blessings of god why would you keep going to the side winner trying to go through somebody else go through god go through jesus go through the holy spirit go through the word go through the kingdom [Music] stop asking man what you can have [Applause] stop letting somebody else set your level [Applause] your faith will never go to the side window again anything outside of god is a side window your job is a side window no more side one style another check for 500.00 my faith is not going to the side wonder of this world anymore hallelujah how many see that let me ask you a question now and then i'm going to keep preaching i feel the whole to go maybe i should question i want you to be honest with me i mean the number as you see this this morning have your faith ever been to the side one time see because when you try to take any other route so-and-so's going to help you yeah everybody been there you're at the side window [Music] there's no such thing as negro faith there's no such thing as white faith every child of god can operate in faith nobody can stop you faith is integrated matter of fact the further you think you down the faster you about to get up [Applause] are you hearing it and i heard the spirit of god said no more lingering you're gonna start moving at a pace you can't keep up with whoa oh my god no more lingering you're gonna start moving at a pace that you can't keep up with you oh my goodness [Music] so when you're operating your fate operating in the finished work you come from the side wonder i got it lord i shall hear it you know some of y'all didn't get it see some of your children never had to go to the side one how many of y'all remember the side one bro you can put your hand under you remember come on cause we've been living in that area you see sit down so your faith must keep celebrating the resurrection your faith must stay in the ascension position or you use another word ascended but he'll send it you know see all of that is included in the power of your faith the the cross the resurrection the blood all that's all those things are faith backers celebrate your resurrection your faith must stay in ascension position uh then it says your faith must always sit in victory just just put down uh revelation 5 12 i'm not going to go there you are called by god to be a faith demonstrator everybody leave you today you're leaving as a faith demonstrator listen to this jesus was a faint demonstrator on earth as a man now here's three things god want to add to your faith this morning confidence quietness and security and before i give you i haven't give you the first principle yet before i give it to you here's the here's the here's the dynamic hearing believing doing and receiving that's that's that's that's that's the kind of clothes you got to put on your faith hearing believing doing those three and then receiving turn to philippians chapter four i'll make a statement and we'll we'll bring it out in the scripture philippians chapter four hallelujah even and then with the atmosphere praise god nobody else saying then you just go ahead and say praise god thank you jesus you're talking to me lord glory to god i'm about to move like i never moved before glory glory glory glory every now and then wet the atmosphere with a praise with a thanksgiving i know somebody got tata some gonna look at you some of some of you some people get disturbed when prayer is going on you tell them just get off my rope and every now and then i'm gonna say i'm gonna say something because i'm i'm wetting my apple stick back i'm wetting my apple i'm wetting my atmosphere is your atmosphere wet yet had you said anything up in here yet god is trying to get something to you you got to create the atmosphere hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] don't sit here and let somebody else get your stuff you better praise him [Applause] you better know you better know he's more than enough up in you this morning [Applause] you better know he got your back he got your side in front keep your atmosphere wet praise your holy name thank you jesus glory glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah come on now wet your atmosphere oh your body not gonna feel like it your mind not gonna feel like it your sense is not gonna feel like it but i want you to get in the spirit thank you jesus [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] everything everything that i'm believing for this morning is finished [Music] nothing can't stop it sit down and write this down hallelujah and then if you feel a little dry up in here that means you haven't wet the atmosphere that means you want me to do everything you i can't do everything i'm bringing it to you but you ought to have some saul for me to put it in what hallelujah come on sir come on hallelujah you have received you haven't said nothing yet huh y'all come to church and want the preacher to do everything say something hallelujah [Applause] glory to god glory to god [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] write this down sit down philippians 4. you have philippians 4 train your fate to always be in the thankful mode when it looks like your faith is not working give thanks i thank you god i thank you lord i know i know i know you're working on it i thank you right now see now train your faith always to be in the thankful mode it may look like nothing working out [Applause] right now go ahead and thank him for that thank you lord ha-ha-ha thank you lord. you can't beat thanksgiving when god yet somebody giving thanksgiving something got to happen i know some theologian going to get upset but i'm going to say it god get weak when somebody keeps saying thank you he got to do something god you know what you're saying god yeah god god thank giving get god we god said oh i got to do something for that child she keep telling me thank you and she don't see nothing but she in faith she believed me what [Applause] thanksgiving come on thanksgiving thanksgiving uh god can't handle thanksgiving it's a hundred dollar check god can't handle thanksgiving he got to do something i believe i'm gonna say thank you again thank you [Applause] i believe i'm going to say thank you again thank you i believe i'ma say thank you for you thank you if you're not going to say it i'm going to say it for you thank you [Music] stop looking at all the bad things happening to you stop looking at some of the good things god have done for you and say thank you god thank you i'm still here thank you i'm blessed [Applause] everybody in here got something to be thankful for [Applause] never let your thanksgiving die keep your thanksgiving alive look at the scriptures sit down look at the scripture philippians chapter 4 verse 6 i'm about to run 26 philippians 4 6. [Applause] i can't hear y'all over here thank you lord thank you my faith is working right now thank you lord i got the victory thank you lord [Applause] look at this voice look at this voice we talking about trying your faith to always be in the thankful mode look at this voice philippians chapter 4 verse 6 be careful for nothing be anxious for nothing don't worry about a thing but in everything by prayer and supplication [Applause] with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god [Music] which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and mind through christ jesus thank you [Applause] turn to isaiah 55. somebody gonna shout him here this morning isaiah 55 i like the show you know i don't know but i want to know what i'm shouting about some people just shouting no i want to give you something but you got this word this this this this my goodness this knowing how to operate in finnish work faith finish work for you you heard that isaiah 55 11 i'm gonna give you something i'm gonna read the verse trusting in god and his word look up here at me your dilemmas your scenarios the lord want me to speak to them today yes what do you want me to speak about to your dilemma to everything you're dealing with trusting in god and his word now that may not sound deep baby but that's the deepest you can go trust it in god and his word is the deepest you can go see i'm saying it may not sound so uh internet and it may not sound ipad but it's the baddest thing that exists trusting in god and his word is still the baddest thing that on the earth's rim to make things happen [Applause] that's bigger than southern university bigger than lsu trusting in god come on sir trusting in god and his word say it out your mouth as a matter of fact say i'm tr i'm trusting in god and in this world i know you all won't know how much you do that's 500. i'm now still going to keep going so you leaving here today going back to your house [Applause] trusting in god and his word no matter what it looked like no matter what it feel like no matter what nobody else say no matter what the report is i'm trusting in god and his word my goodness god heard you god heard you [Applause] the roof leaking and the porch falling but i'm trusting in god and his word [Music] [Applause] my best friend is turning back on me but i'm trusting in god and his word [Music] your faith will never fail again you are always going to have joy no matter what's going on because you know how it going up i'm leaving here trusting in god and his word [Applause] how many knowing you entrusted [Applause] have you ever trusted me brought you through [Applause] have you ever done something for you uh seemed like it was no other way [Applause] have you ever been through something and don't know how you got out [Applause] the bible said trust in the law with all your heart lean not to your own understanding acknowledge him in all your ways how you acknowledge him i praise him in a time of trouble i still praise him but i don't know what to do i don't know what to say i don't know where to go i still pray somebody here needs to praise him this morning you came here this morning sometimes look like all the odds against you look like you're not going to make it but it will not never let you come to word of life christian center because you're going to get your praise on up in here and you're going to start saying lord thank you thank you for being so good to me thank you for making a way for me out of no way thank you [Applause] how many of y'all got something to be thankful for in here thank you i'm almost through thank you isaiah 54 isaiah 55-11 don't you ever forget idea 55-11 it ain't over till you win it ain't over till you win when you have faith in god it's not over till you win i don't care what the devil say i don't care what the demons say i don't care what the system says it's not over till you win when you trust it in god in his word when is on his way i don't care what it look like i don't care what it feels like i don't care what somebody else saying when you trusting in god you're on your way to victory you can't lose trusting in god we serve a mighty god oh glory to god i'm trying to hold on for a few moments hallelujah i'm so glad i trust in god [Applause] do you trust him [Applause] glory to god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when odds look like they are against you trust in god and his word the hebrew boy said the hebrew boy said you're the newlywed congratulations to yourself yeah yeah yeah 200 200. she she done she didn't train you already [Applause] hallelujah anybody came here with a problem anybody came here online anybody come here dealing with something you had the right place you're at the right place pray is gone praise gone i received your check yeah i receive it that's a 500 check and she just prayed in god thank you lord thank you lord went to atmosphere [Applause] where where's the atmosphere come become my young lawyer here yes sir that's a six hundred dollar chet a young lawyer he buys me suits young lawyer there yeah he he called my tail and said uh uh uh give apostle suit i got it that's why his business coming off the hook you can't connect you can't you can't catch on to a flying plane and don't fly [Music] hallelujah [Applause] now here's here's here's the wings w-i-n-g-s that's right that's winged as we spill wing here's the wings that your fate is flying on sit down isaiah 55 11 is the wings of your faith now i'm getting some of this stuff while i'm up here you know all they say oh no no he just told us to tell them that's the wings of their faith that mean listen very carefully there will not be another day that your faith do not reach its destiny if if your fate is flying on these wings in isaiah 55 11 it means that you will never have a impartial trip you always know your faith always going to get you where you're going so what i said some of y'all didn't say nothing my faith always will get me where i'm going so the kind of faith apostle is teaching me this morning it will always get me where i'm going [Music] so shall my word be that goes forward out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void and it shall accomplish that watch i plead and it shall prosper in the things went to our city are your faith your faith flying through the air right there you didn't see it you got it for your faith to fail god's word has to fail that ain't gonna happen do that that ain't gonna happen i didn't say that it's not gonna happen i said that ain't gonna happen you'll get profit and lose the anointing now i'm not going to be the container but i got about 51 minutes but i don't want to be to contain this church with this next one but i don't care turn to luke 15. okay i'm about to lose everybody luke 15. i don't care i don't care as long as the people getting blessed y'all getting blessed now i'm not being arrogant but don't think everybody getting this right see know the difference between emotion and emerging your faith has to swim in deeper water now how many all agree with that well i'm about to take in some deep water right now luke 15 you're there all right i'm going to make a statement i don't know how to read the scripture and make the statement for us i don't know what i'm waiting on the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah i'm looking at him upstairs wet the atmosphere and i just got that this morning but i'm gonna wick it wet your atmosphere by giving some kind of praise or saying something thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah and where you sitting that you wet that atmosphere that whatever whatever whatever coming down you can receive it see see you can't get pregnant without praise you can't get pregnant in the spirit without praise you have to say something every now and then glory i know somebody said well i'm quiet no you ain't quiet at this time tapping into the all things are yours faith tapping into the all things are yours faith luke 15. verse 31 come on son luke 15 verse 31 i received some that's a hundred dollar check he saw all the time he's a soul luke 15 31 what now uh come on ignorance has to be cleared up huh lack of i received something that's the hundred dollar check i lack of understanding has to be cleared up wisdom all right good you just keep on selling that's a 500 check you sold a thousand last week this voice this voice is clearing up fake ignorance that boy that boy didn't know yeah she saw i don't yeah the boy didn't know when you don't know what is rightfully yours you're stupid you're ignorant you can be robbed are you following me yeah yeah i'm receiving these people money i'm receiving it y'all can just sit there and say what you want just shut your mouth it's a 500 i'm receiving it because that's that's what the lord put an anointing on me i got abraham anointing on me in genesis chapter 12. god i didn't actually put that anointing on me because it was needed in the body of christ so in this verse luke 5 luke 15 31. that's right did i say that right in this verse i'm not going to go all to the ramification of this verse but but uh ignorance has to be cleared up when you don't know it belongs to you see uh-huh uh uh i'm hearing this now uh this just helped somebody you stopped on the wrong floor you hadn't gone high enough yet you got comfortable on that floor but that's not where i'm taking you how many received that you you stopped on the wrong floor look at yours i asked about you the other day girl what inclement 100 bill all right i perceive it i want your hundred dollar bill she's been with me for years still look good too dressing like i taught her come on son somebody explode up in here i received something he always on him yeah he always only got testimony 600 thousand just a thousand 600. come on son i ain't gonna stop the people i'm told i'm preaching that's 500 right there the pastor right your pastor yeah where you from uh huh yes i see you know that your grandmother julia you wouldn't know she's your grandmother she's keeping myself up hallelujah i got a bunch of people in here you you wouldn't you don't know how what the age is they it looks so good and they keep themselves up i love it i love it man i love it something about to happen i got a clothe but something about to happen up in here listen listen listen listen the money just keep on coming come on yeah i received you anybody get married huh these blind boys would open their eyes but these five blind boys will open their eyes and my day none of them girls have got about me i don't marry somebody [Applause] good good looking got good job ray is right and these boys walking around here talking about uh talking to one another i don't want to talk to a boy you know what i'm talking about man [Applause] these boys group i won't go with y'all want your hard legs stop hanging together so much man know what i'm talking about i mean me jam been out there a while you know yeah yes sir that's up i said i said bless bless it's a hundred dollars yeah well then bled i thought i thought he'd come up here to salute and i said we we're not we're not saluting it bringing money up here but then i saw that 100 i let him you know somebody said this is not church go somewhere and go somewhere and get get get this blessed you ready to fight now you operating in the finished work your faith operating in the finished work of christ you got ownership faith you on another level tell us about them on another level i'm on another level [Music] i received something it's a hundred dollar receipt and you know these fellows not 15. look how they walk up these steps these are not 15 you know there's something about that word boy i would do something for you i'm gonna try to give you two or three more points come on son yes sir i received they they keep interrupting me it's a 500 check [Music] yeah yeah i'll come to you yeah i'll come to you now you're trying to touch me trying to take me with you huh all right come from california here glad to have you hallelujah [Applause] she brought a thousand dollar check and a hundred dollar bill come from california y'all help her boys [Music] come on [Applause] i received the hundred dollars come on son i received that's 200. 200 pastor 200. now 31. you there you ought to be there by now and he said unto him son ever with me now look at this last statement all that i have is dying now now watch what i say now i wonder was he just talking to him i wonder is it possible for me to receive the revelation that all that god has is mine oh lord jesus it's exactly what he's trying to get over to you he's trying to he never said it in his story in this parable of this father saying to this son who lived in the house and didn't know it he said you could have had it any time you wanted whatever you wanted oh let's let god talk to you this morning listen let god talk to your faith this morning didn't let god talk to your faith this morning all that i have is dying oh jesus no what you what your spirit what your spirit because you don't get it what you're saying all that i have is done do your hand i receive i receive i receive it i receive all that i have is done all god hath is mine he's so late at all times though not a check that's why his business keeps going off the hook it keeps sending money keep sending more that's 500 don't drop the money boy yes sir yes that's 300. pastor y'all better listen to me y'all wanted to be raising all these orphans every five minutes my tail is setting up in here she she's watching over me right now her son's really doing it now i told them preachers stop wearing them little tennis and van long shirt preaching the gospel blue jean anybody wanna see you in a little blue tight pants and you need to dress up the news meter people still dress you go to the white house with them those tights shoot on some security guy will beat you down with a get away at me my old pastor you would never catch him without a suit on my spiritual father kenneth hagin you never catch him not dress it just decency look like a preacher before you can preach don't y'all let me be up here with a path tennis on and a little bum bam long shirt on a little tight coat don't know you don't even respect that that's why a lot of them don't have no anointing because they're not dressed for the anointing that's five hundred dollars that's mother daughter it's business man you gotta dress like a businessman let me get away from there you gotta dress like a businessman right eli that's right yeah just like a businessman come on man ain't going to stop him bringing the money we just going overtime today if i got some more things to say if i quit that's a hundred dollars yeah so now would you let your faith bathe itself in luke 15 31. would you let your faith dive right in there right now understanding that nothing is too much god i received god do not get nervous another 500 god do not get nervous all right daughter god do not get nervous that's 200. god do not get nervous when you're blessed don't look for the cheap furniture let somebody else buy that you're a child of god [Music] uh i've been financially attacked up in here this morning it's a hundred dollars let me tell you you ever heard that i never heard that before financially attacked you got you got to get you got that i might skip this one because if i go in this now i better give you this one because i think somebody needed this morning fate test tsts will bring promotion when hannah in faith wisdom oh man oh man somebody wait wait wait just what's your favorite anybody ever been to a faith test faith tests plural faith tests you're going to have some of them will bring promotion when hamlet in faith wisdom turn to james chapter one james chapter one when the tests come start shouting because you're about to get promoted anybody here going through a test right now you better shout because you about to go to another level your promotion is in the house right now [Applause] if you're having a challenge in your body shout if you're having a challenge in your finances shout because it's only a faint test the faith you're learning this morning gonna bring you into promotion because god's gonna give you the wisdom of how to handle that situation [Applause] when faith and wisdom start dancing together there's no limit to where you're going come on faint tests are for promotion james one turn to james one fate test off for promotion i got you something faint test of for promotion i received i received he don't want to be up here handing no chance he's a but he's a resurrected man i receive your daughter i'm so hungry he's a resurrected man his wife would not let him die she was trained right she had one of our colleagues with her i want our sisters with her they both was trained right and and had all bad reports but they still had faith that's why that's why the other day some of y'all online don't know what what happened the doctors had given him up they're ready to pull the plug wife said no don't put it yet and i don't know how many hours later he came through i walked down to the hall with a a hospital manager and a doctor a woman doctor and she said we have never seen that before there's a whole lot of things this war gonna see because we coming through brother now come on man man drop dead in this church and he won't say he wasn't dead how do you know you're not dead and and a doctor two doctors and a nurse pronounced them dead and god raised him up right over there knocked his wife out out so she wouldn't interrupt with it because she'll go to crowning you know you love one that not breathing doctor said all all symptom of life is gone from him i told god i need him raised him up from the day i said god get him up who was here that morning god got him right on up that's a hundred dollars yes smell that's a hundred dollars your husband said that wasn't enough listen to your husband that's that's 500 more dollars additional 500. come on sean another preacher thank you lord jesus yeah preacher come in with hundreds of dollars in his hand now that mean the preacher blessed to you right some of y'all getting nervous yes ma'am that's 200 dog got my name on it daughter yes ma'am that's a hundred dog well you know we just interrupt it i'm a preacher the mother just keep you up just keep your place wet that's a that's a thousand check here what yeah all right he i received you had james one sit down i can't quit now what time it is 10 30. i received order it's a hundred dollar check you saw people that walk up give hundred thousand dollars like that just church people church people man look i started off it they put a dollar in and said they want some change when we went yeah we know what i'm talking about she she she knew when i an email too didn't know when i told him said we ain't nobody else getting no chance in here no more whatever you put in that basket because i was trying to get them to another level you know i ain't exactly know what i was doing myself but i told them no anymore change i just didn't sound right you know put five dollars to give me a chance change from five dollars [Applause] five dollars has changed [Music] how many of how many how many of y'all your fate have been tested before huh now notice what it said here fake tests would do what when i read something i'm going to give it to you i don't know if it would help you with you uh what are you gonna do at this point but i i i i thought it was interesting go to james i'm going to jam and uh and i didn't notice i found out that doubt and uh double-minded have the same root word doubt and double-minded come from the same root wood so we have to remove doubt because doubt make us double-minded i'm gonna get it i'm not gonna get it i'm gonna make it i'm not gonna make it you got to know that i've already made i'm traveling but i've already made it you got a few more minutes say hallelujah now now now now now the lord the reason this went on this way the lord is trying to get somebody somewhere maybe in here maybe in the line maybe in another country i don't know what he is but god trying to get somebody somewhere and and he he'll interrupt he'll interrupt the service i when i went to preach to chicago i wasn't told i wasn't one of the speaker i got up that morning praying for uh bill winston creflo dollar and kenneco and sending love to him i got up that morning and then my secretary of running and said uh bill winston trying to get a hold of you it was in the faith comfort come on sean and uh yeah bill winston's trying to get a hold of me i said let me call bill let me see what's going on i know he was in that conference on something i received uh and bill said man i need you to get up here i said what he says uh i received creflo was supposed to come and he can't make it and i need somebody to knock it out the park he said i said uh i said i received it that's 100 obviously i said bill my plan is is being uh upgraded and is you know no plan just get a plan from anybody i don't care how much you call and i wouldn't if i tell you how much it cost for the child i plan to fly to chicago uh i won't tell you because i won't hurt you he said i just need to get up here man you you get any kind of and get you a comfortable plan because i know you got a big plan he said i'm going to take care of that i just need you up here now god rearranged that whole meeting i see god arranged rearranging some things for you right now [Applause] places that you need to be god is setting it up for you right now you better receive that when things look like they're not gonna work out you better know god is working it out for you right now [Applause] i feel that boy what your place say talking to me i will live and not die and declare the works of the lord [Applause] how many are ready to go to another level sweatiness they say i'm going to another level no not have much of a minute this morning because so many things happening in here in the atmosphere this morning i want you i want you to get this sit down i want you to get this fate test how many ever had a fair test you're going to have some more we'll bring promotion don't even sound right we'll bring test bringing promotion but test when you left sixth grade how did you get disciple i received i receive you look so bashful what how old are you 14 14 what's your name where you from zachary zachary all right i received it i said man he asked me a whole lot of questions now uh you see when you're tarry uh i mean another aspect of ministry y'all know that right the reason that this service is held up this morning somebody is about to pass the greatest fate test in their life and the promotion gonna be so great that you're gonna have to tell somebody somebody on the side of my voice is about to be promoted like never before and you should say why not me i'm the person he talking to i don't know about you but i'm gone yes that daughter all right 100 100 how many of y'all don't don't mind being promoted see now if you mind being promoted you're not a child of god because god is a promotion of god god has designed you for promotion you designed to be blessed shout shall not shout [Applause] you're designed to be blessed 100 check there now all you're going to receive you know sometimes it happened so fast uh receive it there come white again to give like that you got to be receiving promotion promotion huh you gonna buy your suit like this just call me so we won't wear the samsung another thousand dollar another thought now i'll receive all right so y'all with y'all sisters and brothers yes sir yeah i can see it yeah so i said man there can't be no husband and wife them little children then i thought about that sisters and brother he was grinning she was grinning they look alike she want a man and a woman live a long time together they started looking like all right all right it's a hundred dollars that's your brother yeah it's another hundred dollars young folk yo hey little child come on man little child about this talk brought me a hundred out of chicago where are you looking here another hunter dog you know the money don't excite me i'm excited that god people are getting blessed they don't sound there's no sign right there i'm excited that god's people are getting blessed see bible say god love a god see that's what money comes brought with it cheer forgiving nobody asked for nothing nobody said nothing here you come now in james one i'm gonna try to close you i'm gonna try faint test sit down we'll bring promotion now listen to the last part now when hamlet what huh hamlet in what faith wisdom now this check don't prove it what come on just tell you he back again that's all right you ain't bothering me oh no man bro man brought bill uh on friday night bill appreciated closed his serves out man brought him a hunk of 100 bill and so bill before he caught himself bill said don't y'all don't be coming up here and he said you come any time you get ready i'm preaching got to let them people go let them go let them serve that the nigeria come in now it's another thou now the nunchuck is on the body of christ they just got to accept it that god people want to give cheerfully they don't want you reading 95 scriptures to them trying to pull money out their pocket now yeah yeah we're going to happen to all your tests right now james one you're in james one open your body back up jam one and i'm thank god i see some of y'all with bibles and nothing like open up obesity hey gwyndolin i received two hundred dollars she's been with me all the way ever since i started and never give me no trouble yes ma'am yes sir i receive that's 600 yeah sir he always you run me out in my house him he'd be looking for man you got his heart reading that oh but you laughing that todd he got his too ain't been away yet huh yeah we gotta we gotta show you how to use that thing you coming again some some of y'all on that test because some of y'all don't test right now because y'all yeah y'all on a test i mean not not but not i'm talking about these people giving and i'm holding the service up for them man that god tried to show you something that's two hundred dollars what you say glory come on son come on sir he trying to address it's 200 are you clean man i like it i love it all right sister come back again that's two hundred dollars let's pass this test james 1-1 now remember as we read you're going to see everything i say in this six voices and i know why he told me to tell you that doubt and double-mindedness is the same thing james the servant of god and of the lord jesus christ to the twelve tribe which is scattered abroad greeting my mom my brethren caught it all joy when it looks like it's not going to work out it's just another chance for god to show himself strong oh my goodness my brother encountered all joy when it looked like it's not going to work out it's just another chance for god to show himself strong oh man y'all should have given me something on that have you ever was working with something that looked like it wasn't gonna work out when she was standing by her husband's deathbed satan was trying to take him out but she stood in faith and god raised him up [Music] something is something is about the resurrect in your life that's 500. right now everybody under the sound of my voice you bout to go somewhere you've never been before because you're flying on the wings of isaiah 55 11 and god said my word will re-knock to the top by that top part return to me void the bigger the balor the bigger the victory tell somebody you're going to another level by faith with faith through faith i receive children i receive let's see hundred dollars they've been with me a long time too she's a little baby she wasn't even yeah yeah you know she was she she wasn't i don't tell her but she she wasn't here no uh 22 no 22. open your eyes your stupid boys open your eyes watch our walk i'm trying to help these boys many boys oh lord god got his pen out of his pocket montblanc hey you got to be a bit lord took that boy pinned out his pocket he said you know he told me i got to be obedial and i'm a mont blanc connector because i was sitting at a table with some executive and they passed me the pen to sign to sign the uh paperwork for dr price i was on his board and uh i didn't know what i'm from the country i ain't know what kind of i know i know big pin and i saw i said what i said dr ripley what is what is this everybody say ooh i couldn't say ooh because i know what it was and he passed it over to me i still have it that was 30 something years ago in a long time yeah it was a month he said mont blanc i said my blonde what that mean he said man that's one of the highest classes pen uh in the world and he says keep that one dog that's how i lost my wife check trying to get a pen it was a bic i believe i was going to look for i was trying to get a little higher grade than i had and i lost my wife's check and a woman named carolyn thompson found it and called to the plant for my wife see my name callum thompson and i find your check on the floor uh or callum thompson find a callum thompson check that mean the keller thompson could have cashed the check but god knows we needed the checks so bad he had callum thompson to bring the check back to carolyn thompson now that's she that that that's not baby that's not normal are you gonna have a carolyn thompson find a carolyn thompson check she said my name carolyn thompson i found a check with charlotte thompson on it and i found out the address and this is your check i just quit my job and i'm still shouting for a pen and drop the dog on check we need to check so bad come on who's who's here for it come come i receive daughter i receive that's a hundred dollars that's it i receive something money just keep on coming i got you okay that's 500 the lawyer then come back again all right lawyer 500 made it top it all make it right yes you're welcome isn't that something yeah so that's been on 200 yes ma'am bless you man that's a hundred dollars yes ma'am i got you that's 100 yes ma'am you're back again my goodness well she brought a thousand at first remember this is a thousand five hundred yes ma'am i received either yo y'all help me out like y'all love me or something [Applause] [Music] you know i'm blessed you're still sawing in me but but but the lord about to take you to another level [Music] may i finish sit down my brother encountered all the joy verse two when you fall in die this temptation knowing this that the what that the what try try he just shrine of your faith work his patience but let patient have a perfect way that he may be perfect an entire oh she's oh jesus look at them there's two words wanting nothing saying now that you're you're tired of what is the mean if any of you lack wisdom let him acts of god see you're connecting your faith with wisdom that give it to all men liberally and upbraided not and it shall be given him but let him act in faith see it come on now give me a minute nothing wavering no doubt no double mind in this well he that wave is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and talks your days of being driven is over for let no man let for letting not that man think that he should receive anything of the lord double minding this oh i've got to close lord all right i say i saw him all right son hundred dollar he come late i'm gonna step in and you're allowed to hit him again let me try to find something close with i got a bunch of well stand up let me prophesize over you the prophecy i got for this message maybe maybe i'll be the clothing john but i i don't feel release the clothes but let me maybe i'll give you this prophecy give me let me give you hearing training so you can hear and enter into the rest of faith and enter into the refreshing of ownership and finished faith coming to the precept of faith that all things are mine therefore knowing all things are yours making faint demands on the promises of god operating in prophetic faith prophetic faith you you will seen what i say you will you will be seeing what i say and understand exactly what to do to activate your faith in the finished work of my son let the church say amen from this day forward all opposition of your fate will tremble for you know that you're finished faith cannot fail is already done demons know people who operate in finnish faith he said i'm gonna try y'all sending me that huh but i know i'm about to get whip i'm about to get whipped i received that's 500 dollars come on son who who who had to calculate out the money money coming that's right that's 500 who who've been calm who've been trying to come you you can't keep up with my money you'll be counting all night you you won't sleep for the next 50 years trying to count my money that's what i received that's 500 and he got on here l-o-v-e 500 yes i received yeah that's 500 dollars yeah okay yes that's a hundred dollar i received daughter yes i received that's 200 now mom you want me to come down you i'll come to you baby i shall help help help her down now all right that's a hundred dollars that's a hundred yes sir i received that's 200. that girl lost that weight boy look at that girl you better not go back that tab and start eating all that stuff too karma call you out two hundred dollars a little dude now i'm trying to close i'm trying to cloth sit down write this down the time has come to take all limits off your faith everything is already paid for galatians chapter 3 verse 13. everything's already paid for say it say it again everything already paid for say it again [Applause] my healing my health my miracle my sign my wonder my joy my peace everything already paid for mercy is sitting on the steps of my faith grace has an armor on my brother in that wheelchair don't forget don't sell her no matter what the report is you can get your miracle it happened every day you can get your america i don't care i don't care what ain't working i don't care you god create he's the creator just believe god for your miracle see yourself in your imagination walking your imagination is the eyes of your soul trying to see what god say christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law being made a curse for me for it's written curse is everyone that hangs on the tree you saw what i did with that voice i said number no us of course talk to me girl christ everything score the next verse 14 that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentile through jesus christ now listen listen closely that we might receive the promise might might that's right right might receive the promise of the spirit how. now my question is uh how much has the spirit promised come on hmm how how how much how much had the spirit from no i have no cancer oh i mean you're fine that's 500 you're fine huh how much has the spirit provided i can't get nobody whoa my god what a revelation how much the spirit how much had the spirit provided see she'll be talking about god how much you're back again how much have god provided you you're gonna have a happy marriage that's 250 dollars and what i like about it he ain't stopping him wait where you going now you've been up there already she didn't marry the man gonna floor with him i've had one woman say i would pay my tithe my husband was so crazy yeah over the years i've had people tell me that you know he don't understand what if he's a sinner you're not gonna understand if he's a religious person he's not gonna understand so just have moist on him with his ignorant self you just don't know you to wait that point and grow you understand to understand don't leave your husband just because you don't see everything you see we're kind of slow anyway y'all all up in details we still on the porch trying to take a nap y'all all in the background and women they're gone i ain't gonna try to keep up with carol i call on the phone you know in my house you got to connect some kind of way if you're looking for one another if she on the other side of the house i need to call and sometimes i can't find them so yeah i'm upstairs [Music] can you handle it praise god i'ma just close y'all i better close i i can't find no way to get off yeah let me try to find somebody to get off here oh all right write this down now you got to listen very carefully on this one turn to mark chapter five this this is this uh this boy this is i know i'm closer this is so powerful oh my goodness your life about to change expand everything about the heaven yeah because what what the law is about to expose now is so powerful just give me a minute all right what's your place what's you what the atmosphere you're getting blessed i want you to remember this come on son i want you to remember this tell tell your brother i said get to church 200 he's a his brother his brother's a miracle i was uh when he was there i was ministering and he had been in a bad car accident his brother and uh now the girl uh a sister here too that mom that mom she's a straightforward woman now she's not a member of this shirt she called me and said leroy uh rep i need you to do something i said yes yes ma'am my boy didn't bend the bad rig i want you to go see your body now what i'm gonna do she wasn't actually man she was telling me and so i went up there and uh when i walked in the room i said to kenneth wife had a bunch of cards and i love you know i said take him now take all these sympathetic calls down we're coming up out of here he wasn't supposed to walk wasn't supposed to have no children but she got pregnant when he got home i would go up there almost every day i didn't i sent my assistant and told him what to say so he came back with a lamp and we just put up with it a while one sunday morning who was here the lord told me to tell him wrong are you telling a lamp man to run let's say tell kenny run i said run run he took off halfway down the run crawdad church hit the lamp left and he went to god he went got a job climbing high scaffolds we've seen some miracles now i'm gonna show you this never gonna go all right i'm gonna show you this then we're gonna go how many of y'all got blend boy got some expectation up in here i can feel it man glory to god i love you i love people like that who can stand in the wood you ain't just got to be all emotional every five minutes wow i want you to leave here with power to look the devil in the fans are you a liar i belong to the messiah [Applause] i want to give you this one to travel with it is the truth that keep your faith free from lying facts oh my god that woman with the issue of blood has so many lying facts she grew worse she was broke the doctor couldn't do no more for a bunch of lying facts but when she heard about the truth the truth slap back out of her life and brought her to another dimension glory to god she said yeah oh yeah oh yeah listen listen let's listen in a verse 25 i'm gonna read it in close verse 25 mark 5 25. now i'm talking about lying facts knocked out by the truth of faith that it's a lying fact my brother he's a wheelchair that's a fact but truth can slap them facts out of his body y'all don't want to talk to me up in here what i'm doing i'm building this faith he's hearing this don't care what the report is when faith shows up the report is divinely changed what what i'm saying the report is supernaturally changed that's what miracle's about that's what signs about that's what one is about you'll get your full strength son you'll get your full strength just hear what you hear what's coming out past about you get your full strength no no report can stop faith whatever you in up in here this morning and you don't want you're coming up out of it somebody shout [Applause] come on pastor holloway text him and told him sold his seed for him a hundred dollars him and his wife yeah got you that's that's the hollywood sent that money to my house every day he was sending he was sending five dollars then he started he went up fifty dollars then it went up to 100 then it went up to thousand he sold his way from five to a thousand i said i was going to chicago last moment there i looked up that him and his wife said in chicago where where they from leroy they wrote in ohio pastor fogg was in tennessee on his rv he's one of my mvbs he's in tennessee in the rv and uh he got the text that i had to be in chicago on his apostolic assignment uh he had no suit with him uh no dressing clothes so what he had his uh officer uh uh send it overnight his suits to build western church and he drove from tennessee eight hours to chicago to be at the meeting i called bill and told billy he needed somewhere to park his rv he told me he said pastor ford in the restroom not that he just got your chain clothed then he had the audacity to come up and bring a ten thousand dollar check i'm hungry he says everybody i'm hungry you can miss a few meals yeah let me read this to you it is the truth that keep your faith free from lying facts because jesus said i come that you might have life and you might have more abortions so if it's not abundantly it's lying to you right come on y'all now let me read this last now y'all did good now let me read this let and verse 25 and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse now now that 26 voice got some stuff in it right my wife's face stepping faith they don't make no difference to faith watch what happened when she had heard verse 27 when she had heard of jesus cam in the press behind and touched his gum and i telling you before what she what what happened hi had ham for she said see them two voices swapped up there 27 26. for she said see verse 26 28 convenient verse 27 verse 27 could be verse 28. let me read verse 28. for she said if i may touch about his clothes i shall behold verse 27 when she had heard of jesus cam in the press and touch his garment verse 29 and and and after five years and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body she was healed of that plague and jesus immediately anointed himself that virtue power glory had gone out of him turn him and turn him about in the press and said who touched my clothes who touched my clothes with that kind of faith who have made this type of demand on my power oh there's a luncheon coming up in here see see see i don't preach no i don't just preach i'm on the imparter too so so while i'm preaching impartation is getting on your life matter of fact i dropped the apostolic mountain on you and your house today the apostolic matter you you're coming under a new government you're going to operate at a higher level than the average christian how many received that [Music] i received it's 25th at all come on i gotta finish my granddaughter my father's my oldest granddaughter you blind boys voice 31 you stay standing because we're gonna close and you get ready so whoever whoever and his disciples say to him now y'all know why we're reading this right tell me why we're reading it what somebody read that statement out to me it is the truth that keep your faith free from line fact 12 year mini physician spent all her money didn't get better but grew worse when faith heard that faith called it a lie y'all faith said that's lying facts it is that she had been happy 12 years that's a fact it is that she grew worse and and went to many doctors that's a fact but faith said those lying facts because i'm here with the truth so don't let him lie to you that you not your husband are not going to find you stop letting them lie just keep yourself up train yourself i don't know who i'm talking to now 32. i might have skipped one he looked around about the seahawk that had done this thing who did it who did it she did it enough eight not the crowd she did it she was supposed to lay down and die she went to every medical aspect and got worse so she was supposed to be hopeless until she heard about jesus i'm hearing the word from the lord you want them don't ever give up but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her knowing what was done in her knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth the truth the truth have killed him lying facts and he said unto her daughter thy faith have made thee whole go in peace and behold of thy plague cut up cut up [Applause] cut up cut up because you're on your way cut up cut up you're on your way cut up this is your day cut up cut up cut up cut up this is your time cut up make some noise make some noise give him some praise give him some praise you have heard enough to give him some praise i'm not going to leave you until you give him some praise you better cut up in hell god has spoken cut up cut up god has spoken in his house thank you jesus thank you jesus praise your name glory to god cut up cut up cut up [Applause] glory glory i got my answer [Applause] other things gonna come up listen to me other things gonna come up because we're in the last days but nothing can come up stronger than your faith the reason the lord teaching you this way at this hour he's preparing you to keep your joy you're going to hear a lot of facts but your truth's going to call them a lie when it concerns me jesus said you shall know the truth not the facts jesus you know the truth the truth set you free i decree that word of life and everybody connected to world of life is covered by an apostolic anointing a prophetic anointing and a pastoral anointing i believe when you're operating in your faith i'm right there with you because i'm praying for you every day lamb can tell you larry work with me i'm praying i'm on points praying for you every day my children have been trying to catch me not reading they pray about the house they just looking see where are you now i'm reading i'm praying i'm preparing myself so that's why i don't let nobody sit down listen to me don't say amen i don't work too hard and you sit up here like like i'm just a oh janitor or something i don't know what you think i am sometimes you just sit there all this time i can put on this for you and you gonna sit up there and look at me like mickey mouse so y'all gonna say some of this church say i've been redeemed from the curse of the law i'm blessed right now i'm always gonna live a blessed life i don't care what comes i win in the name of jesus by the power of his blood [Applause] all sickness in this room right now is temporary the anointing on it right now now i want you to cooperate with god and and oh i got to say it stop putting all that trash in your mouth know what you're eating don't don't just eat something to taste good i got me a young 23 year old chef that the lord ra i thought i studied helped 27 years ago all the years god been raising him up just to cook for me and carol i and that joker cook healthy but lord have mercy he cooked wealthy too you haven't missed a beat that mr b oh you can mess around get you a shelf you can keep coming up here that's from your mom yeah all right i received. how many are blessed well you know we had all that singing and it's just what 11 30 11 20. we used to stay at the 12th 12th day right i don't mean i got rid of the quad just i got i'm in a territory now that is a little foggy but i know the fog is for a reason so you won't drive too fast i'm talking to you spiritually now and so when i'm in the fog like that i don't i don't want to be driving fast i drive real slow because i don't know who i got to pick up so just just have patience you know and i think kathy is doing a tremendous job i mean every ev match up and the spirit come in here come come in here i mean i'm i feel it tangibly right now if the atmosphere is is crisp with the holy ghost anybody yet for the first time wow welcome my brother welcome welcome you you for the first time welcome welcome sir welcome here lord you know the law was preaching for you a long time this morning it's amazing that ain't no accident huh huh huh i see sometimes y'all don't know what i'm doing that's what a good that's where the glory and the power come see through weakness fear and trembling that's the way you got to preach sometimes god pulled back the anointing pulled back the feeling he said now go out there and watch what i do how many of y'all got blessed this morning how many of y'all gonna stay blessed if i s in the spirit see you crying and coming i'ma make it i'm coming to your house i'm not gonna ring the doorbell i'm gonna tear the door down what did i tell you daughter what did i tell you son you can't you're not trying to make it you already have made it these are just obstacles for your promotion great praise god you're busy praise god
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Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Id: 0BEofeT7EUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 40sec (7720 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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