Defy Your Fear - Agents of Change

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[Music] doctors bill and veronica winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 1-877-543-9443 or submit your prayer request online at forward slash prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that god is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you the believer's walk of faith is paid for by bill winston ministries partners and viewers up next on the believer's walk of faith your birthright is success glory to god in heaven ha ha on the devil your birthright is to be successful god says i'm gonna bless you come on i'm gonna make your name great and you shall be a blessing that sounds like success to me [Applause] when you walk in somewhere you got to know god is with you and if you know god is with you god gives you divine assistance called favor and somebody asked how did that happen you just say fable and and you know the favor of god i call it you know f.o.g fog so i say we're walking in a fall just just walk in the fog all the time and expect now you got to expect cause that's part of faith you got to expect god to move god challenged me on something and they called me today on something and i said yeah i said praise god tell him this you know what i mean now i have no idea how i'm going to pay for it now i'm just now i i said tell him this why because it's something that we need it's something that i know god wants us to have and i know there's something trying to block my door say amen to that and i put some things down here that in this whole idea of no limitations some people drive sometime and and i see that break like coming on and i'm behind them but they're not stopping they're just just nervous about everything coming and and so forth and that's where people do with their faith they they they got one foot on fear and and and you can't hardly get him then let me get out behind these people because they see i'm talking about fear and worry and procrastination and poor self-esteem all these are breaks on your faith these are things that the enemy wants to put on your faith to keep you from manifesting i'm telling you release the brakes glory to god take the limits off take the straps off say amen to that take the straps of superstition off take the straps of negative thinking off take the straps of misconception off take the straps off of what they gonna say about me put your foot on the accelerator and put the metal to the pedal of metal to the metal men let it go your birthright is success glory to god in heaven [Music] ha ha on the devil your birthright is to be successful god says i'm gonna bless you come on i'm gonna make your name great and you shall be a blessing that sounds like success to me [Applause] everything you do is supposed to prosper let's go over if you will to mark chapter 11. let's go back there please verily i send you that whosoever shall say this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things he said shall come to pass he shall have what whatsoever he saved now over in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and lord god for man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of light and man became a living soul now let me just tell y'all this is the first winston now i'm gonna just tell you what the lord been speaking to me he's taken us back to the garden he's taking us back to the garden he's taken us to how god created adam in the beginning and that verse right there in hamas translation of the jews jewish translation says he be he god man became a speaking spirit like god now let me ask you something when god saw darkness what did he call it right and i'm telling you i believe we're coming into a time that you can speak into the atmosphere in their song about that speaking to the atmosphere that you go somewhere and you can just speak into the atmosphere and things will start changing say amen to that and we're going to speak into that atmosphere praise god all right first the next verse mark 11 24 please therefore i say to you what things so ever you desire when you pray believe you've received them come on and you shall have them god is telling us the believers that what seems to be or look impossible is going to be possible with god and that what he's going to tell you to do is going to look beyond what you can do in your own ability and that you are to understand that he is with you that he's going to bring it to pass so the moment you pray believe i said the moment you pray believe he said don't try to figure out how it's going to come to pass your job is to just believe that it is say amen to that all right here's one of the things that tries to stop us and that is fear fear of what somebody's going to think so forth and so on and saints we've got to get beyond fear say fear not from this day forward no no let me talk now i'm talking i do not want you to fear anything now i know i've talked about this before we got to get this fear out folks all right there are four basic fears let me just say this fear is the single greatest obstacle to success furious no one enslaved by fear will ever get rich materially or spiritually all right let me let me show you this over in joshua chapter 1. and i didn't bring my other notes that i had in my path that i got early this morning but your destiny is guarded by fear where god is sending you is guarded by fear now y'all follow what i'm saying here look what he says here in verse joshua chapter 1 and i'll start reading in verse 3. every place the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have i given unto you as i said to moses you and i are not just stewards we are owners with stewardship responsibility because where there is no ownership there is no outrage you let the devil walk off with stuff and so forth the reason why you won't let him walk off of your kids is because you own those kids the reason why you won't let him steal your car and just drive off while you watch it cause you own it but if he's driving off with a rental car you say ain't going to get involved with that rental car you're going agencies just gonna have to come get that car are you following what i'm saying say amen to this it's a whole different mentality when you own it and god's people didn't know they owned this earth the bible says you are joint heirs with christ say amen to this and that mentality must be there to govern this planet so that's where you start out with prayer that you own it and that you evicting satan off of it say amen to that and that's what we showed you uh hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1. and we showed it to you first in the king james that faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen then we took another degree of looking at that and looked at it in the amplified now faith is assurance the confirmation the what else title deed of the things we hope for and what else the proof of things we do not see so god has us to take it by faith and faith is the title deed say amen i want to know who's got the title to this property and if you've got faith you've got the title and if you show the title in the court of heaven then the angels come out to evict whoever's on the property and give it to you faith becomes the currency say amen to that and i'm telling you it's all coming back everything that's been stolen is now coming back i said everything that's been stolen is now coming back and it's coming back into the hands of its rightful ownership and this has not been preached but that's what we're in today we're in the last days he's given us more revelation because we're about to see more manifestations [Applause] verse number three again in joshua chapter one every place the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have i given unto you as i said unto moses from this wilderness of this lebanon even to the great river the river euphrates and all the land of the hittites and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun so that's from east to west shall be your coast there shall not be any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life as i was with with moses so i will be with you i will not what failed you come on or forsake you look at verse four four four again the land of the hittite say land of the hittites it types means in the greek in the in hebrew it's it's uh it comes from the line of hath hath means terror so these are spirits of fear so the spirits that are blocking the land that you're going to have to encounter first are going to be a spirit of fear and that's what they had to come come in contact because the whole place was shut up they went out with 12 spies they came back ten of them said we couldn't take it what happened they told the congregation about it what happened to congregation they wept all that night why because of fear because of fear they begin to imagine themselves being just just you know wiped out by the enemy fear causes us to settle for less it tries to rob us of our peace of mind it's the root cause of negative emotions and it's one of the major causes of problems in relationships it is fear now some folks settle are suffering from all of these but if you put up there real quick put up psalm chapter 34 and verse 4 please i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from what every fear you got you're going to be delivered from it when you face your fears and move towards them get this they diminish or begin to recede when you face your fears and move toward them they begin to diminish they step back and they begin to recede watch this if you back away from them they will grow and can actually grow to dominate your life if you step back from fear it'll grow if you face your fears and walk towards them they will diminish now you're with me so what are the four basic fears first one poverty poverty one of the reasons why fear brings the um fear brings poverty in in it brings poverty in people's lives is because fear paralyzes the imagination you can't see any way out you don't even have any idea all right lord has nothing we can do there is always something you can do and people with fear you'll find they're always telling you why something won't work man get rid of them people i mean i love them but you know get them out of the way fear will destroy self-reliance in other words the government is my problem that's a fear problem for the most time fear will keep you from being enthusiastic about anything you won't get excited about nothing that's because you're bound with fear people who are free from fear are excited another one fear breeds negative expectations now because of that poverty comes into a person's life the bible says over in proverbs chapter 10 and verse 15 a rich man's wealth is a strong city the destruction of the poor is their poverty why they get up every morning thinking about it they can't imagine anything but running out they never imagined running over so the bible talks about in hebrews in chapter 2 and verse 14 it talks about fear of death for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part in the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is who the devil look what he said had the power of death he didn't say has he said what had passed said the power of death that is the devil next verse please and deliver them who through what fear of death will all their lifetimes subject to bondage no more fear of death well i felt something in my chest i said no more fear of death got it i'm telling you all of this because we're about to take the lamb and we're gonna have to deal with these fears we've got to get these fears out of the way say amen to this next one fear of change fear of change now this is the prospect of the unknown and people fear it they fear the unknown but if you're in a kingdom the unknown is friendly because god just about all the time leads you into the unknown he really does and remember you have a creative nature and that's god many times allows us to be in a place of unfamiliarity so that we can draw from that creativity but fear of change people don't like change they tell me when people move from one house to another it's the most one of the most stressful times in their lives because of the fear rising up and the last one fear of failure fear of failure it is the major cause of stress and negativity so here's the answer to it one realize that there's no such thing as failure in christ matter of fact there's no such thing as loss they thought they had lost jesus but god raised him in the fear of failure people compose in their mind a mental picture of how something won't work something won't work now let me just say this at the end that you have the blessing on your life and this blessing can go to any place on earth and turn it into a garden of eden that is on your life right now so as we go to the various places that god would send us realize that if you're in your family or some uh religious affair or some educational uh vocation you're in or the government or wherever you are the blessing is on your life and that blessing is released by faith and would do things for you that you never could do for yourself i believe the blessing in essence is god with us okay here's what we're going to do let's make a confession here so we can lock this thing in repeat after me father in the name of jesus i realize now who i am i am an agent of change wherever you send me wherever the soles of my feet shall tread you have given me jurisdiction kingdom jurisdiction and your kingdom reigns over all i will fear no evil for i am covered and protected [Applause] you are you will never sleep nor slumber when i am at work when i speak i shall speak the word of god i fully expect a manifestation of your word now lord i thank you this message tonight has changed my life forever i will never fear again no matter what i hear no matter what i see no matter where i go and no matter what i do no more fear spirit of fear does not live here spirit of fear does not live here my body is the temple of the holy ghost god lives big in me today now i expect success i expect the supernatural for i am a child of god and i am an overcomer in the name of jesus amen amen and amen [Applause] well i trust that you were blessed by today's message now let me share a point that you want to remember fear is the single greatest obstacle to success as a matter of fact your destiny is guarded by fear and just think about that praise god this is bill winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith blessed by today's message order the agents of change series in its entirety to receive the full revelation-packed teaching this four-part series is available on cd or mp3 on dvd or mp4 to order in the u.s contact us at 1-800-711-9327 or online at you are not in this generation by coincidence you were created for such a time as this to be a change agent don't allow fear and unbelief to block you from impacting the world and fulfilling the full plan of god for your life this is a must-have series and a right now word for the times we are living in get your copy today [Music] hello bill winston here i have a book that should be in the hands of every person that is in the body of christ it's called faith and the marketplace you know once you get born again god doesn't take you out of the world he leaves you in it and that same thing about your profession or wherever you work or what your gifting is whatever it is you're going to have to attach faith to it because that's god's way without it you can't please him so you're going to have to attach faith to it and i think what happens some people get born again but they don't know how to use faith in their profession or in raising of kids or a family or whatever they do and as a result of that they end up toiling i've got good news for you no more toil this is it it's going to tell you how now to manage your life with faith that you whatever you whether you're a doctor whether you're a beautician whatever you are doesn't make any difference you can apply faith to it and it succeed every time that's what this is all about god is a god of success he wants you to win and win big so it's faith in the marketplace should be a part of your library i guarantee you it'll bless you get it today bill winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith doctors bill and veronica winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 1-877-543-9443 or submit your prayer request online at forward slash prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that god is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you mission of bill winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world this broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of bill winston ministry partners and friends we invite you to become a partner and join dr bill winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have dominion over it thank you bill winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believer's walk of faith broadcast now remember you need faith to get to your destiny so don't forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don't miss any of our videos this is bill winston i love you and keep walking by faith
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 55,274
Rating: 4.9150143 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith
Id: vib5O0lGc1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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