3D Environment MasterClass Vol. 4 | Foreground Objects and How to Tell a Story

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all right all right what's up everybody how's it going happy halloween to y'all i hope you guys are having a fantastic halloween so far if you're celebrating halloween i know a lot of you guys for uh out of country you know but in uh here in the u.s it's halloween and it's one of my favorite times of the year it's a spooky time you know it's a super scary time it's a good excuse to dress up um you know i pulled together what i could which was basically just this shirt right here all right um if if you don't know who i am you know i've heard a lot of comments that i look like one particular video game character so i was like you know what i'm just gonna grab what i got in my closet and put this on that's right i am i'm joseph seed from far cry um i've heard it enough you know i've heard enough comments about it so i was like you know screw it let's just let's just go for it um but if you guys are just joining me today and if you're watching this video when it's not live well here's what we're doing i'm running this render contest it's called parallel dimensions and we got uh we're putting together a little environment something like this this is what i created on the very first stream this is a and this is a master class in creating environments in 3d so this is some concept art that i put together with you guys on the first stream in volume one we're on volume four and for volume four what we're doing today we're putting together um all of our foreground stuff so we have our swamp we did our swamp in um volume two and we in volume three we did the volcano and today we're doing the huts we're doing the trees in the foreground we're going to do the trees in the mid ground we're going to do the huts on the left side here and we're going to add a little bit more detail you know to our foreground with some stumps and whatnot and maybe some shrubbery and some general brush going on so that's that is the plan for today is to add a bit more detail and actually tell a story with our environment to tell a story with our foreground um and really you want to tell a story throughout the whole thing but you want to be thinking like what is the story in the piece of art that you're creating i think art is always better when it's when there's story involved even if it's just a picture um there's there's more depth added to the whole thing and your mind actually goes off and starts coming up with different characters different ideas so that's our goal today is to fill out the foreground with a bunch of detail in order to tell a story of what the heck is going on here and that could be up to everybody you know whatever you guys want to you know want to feel like the story tells here um so man there's there's a lot there's a lot to talk about i took notes there's so much to talk about i took notes okay so if you guys don't know what the heck is going on here we're again we're doing an environment contest and it's actually sponsored by pny and nvidia they reached out and they're like hey we want to give out some awesome prizes um so there's some really cool stuff you guys can win like the first place prize is a uh quadro rtx 4000 graphics card and they sent me a quadro and i'm i'm loving it i'm absolutely loving it and allows me to do larger scenes like this so super cool but the idea here is to basically if you go to the landing page which there's a link in the description the pny landing page you basically um you know the idea is to download a template file which looks something like this right here okay and you're supposed to fill out the environment however you like and i'm going to choose the top 20 submissions and put them together into an awesome audio visual render montage with some cool music and um you know of those 20 i will choose the top three now us prizes you can only win prizes if you're in the u.s um but that's totally okay because if you win as well and you're international i'm going to be sending you guys some of my professional photography art prints um if you guys know i'm a photographer i shoot film and digital and i have a print store it's called noise green and light.com there's a link in the description below as well um so yeah i just want to make it worth you guys as well but really at the end of the day we're here to learn and make something awesome together okay so let's let's take a look at these notes here how are you guys doing it's been a week since we've been hanging out is everyone doing okay thumbs up if you're excited for halloween if you're excited for this stream or just give me a thumbs up if you're watching and having a good time so let's see yeah i'm excited to jump into this it's going to be it's going to be a good one we got nathan graham davis in the house awesome writer a couple streams ago i did a vfx shot for nathan for his uh his writing uh series that he's got going on where he's gonna write a whole feature and he's gonna guide you guys through the process it's basically like what this is but for writing um he's doing one every week so shout outs to nathan arne thanks for the super chat i appreciate you have i had renon you want to hear his norwegian i don't know what that is but um oh he speaks norwegian maybe maybe he does um i have not had ren on but i really want to i really really want to um he lives close by so maybe we can get rent on at some point yeah yeah what's up apex you are a blender artist but you're still gonna learn yes that's the whole point guys it doesn't matter what program you use the idea is that you can take all of these concepts and ideas and apply them to your own program and i think you actually get a little bit better you level up a little bit more when you do that because you figured out for yourself and really the only way to learn is by doing that's not the only way but it's the best way learn by doing so that's the whole point of us meeting here on saturday is to spend time creating some awesome stuff together awesome awesome to see you guys in the chat here yeah it's been it's been a good week the corridor guys have been in texas shooting but we've been back working on a bird democ remaking the the vfx of birdemic which is insane absolutely insane um all right so this is going to be an exciting stream a very very interesting stream i'm going to do something i've never done before which is you know if you guys if you guys don't know so this stream specifically today is sponsored by parsec and parsec is a remote desktop application that allows you to remote in to you know your maybe your work computer so right now like my corridor computer is you know 30 minutes away in downtown los angeles right and if i need to get on that computer instead of driving all the way down there i can just parsec in so it's really cool though because they actually reached out to me after i've been using their software in their program um so it was is awesome it's a really cool service let me just show you guys real quick and i'm gonna be using parsec on today's stream to be able to hop into my work computer to grab files and bring them back um over here today so let me just pull this up for y'all yeah i love their ui i love their their whole experience now you can actually get it for free but they do offer a 10 a month you actually save 20 20 if you sign up for a year and it's called parsec warp and the idea with warp is like you get uh dual monitor support so you can do two monitors it actually has like a legit um like 444 color mode so you're actually able to get the truest amount of color with your monitor right and also it's set up for the tablet which you guys know i'm on a tablet all the time so it has pressure sensitivity and tilt support and all that good stuff it's an amazing service so i got some files that are on my work computer that i need to get onto my home computer right here okay so i just want to show you guys how easy this is and christian hey thanks for the super chat appreciate you man um it's gonna be exciting it's gonna be a good one so really all i have to do these are all the different computers that you know as long as you're logged into your parsec account um you can hop in to any computer so this is my work computer boom and i'm into my work computer it's as easy as that super low it's basically zero latency you're in here um and you'll forget that you're on another computer it's that easy and it works that well so like i said you get the the double monitor situation going um let's see so you go here and you grab your second screen and you can just pop this over obviously you guys you don't see my second screen because you know i'm only streaming one screen but you got access to that um and then your your prefer 444 color boom you just want to check that on and it'll it'll update so you're getting the purest color quality so it's pixel per pixel color um and uh yeah so here's what we're going to do let's go full screen on this so we're in and i want to pull out a couple models here so i'm in cinema 4d on my work computer so if you were at corridor right now you'd see my computer like ghosting on like this which is super cool so i have these like huts right and originally you know i had these mongolian yurts that i was going for in the concept art but the more i researched it the more i realized if you lived in a swamp the water level is going to rise and lower depending on the time of year depending on the rainfall so you'd probably be living in something like this where you know you have the ability to still stay dry because your house is lifted off the ground so i grabbed a couple different uh a couple different models here let me see let me pull up um here we go so we got this guy a little tiny hut we got this guy here it's a little bit bigger right and these are these are pretty high quality you know they come in different levels of detail so we only need it for like a medium shot a wide shot and they'll be off in the distance and then you have like this guy here which is like the main kind of structure so i'm going to be pulling these four from my work computer onto my home computer because i'm parsecked in to my work computer right now so i'll grab these four they're on my desktop right here so i want to make sure they are in um [Music] the vfx folder here so i'll pull this over grab my second screen in parsec pop it over to the right and just make sure that these files are in the vfx materials grab this over boom so now let's see let's go windowed here close this if i disconnect right back on my home computer i will have access in vfx materials to this swamp here the reed hut swamp so i'm going to go ahead and drag these guys in open them up maybe i need to relink some textures but basically you just thought i was able to go into my work computer and come back into cinema 4d on my personal computer and grab some files with parsec warp it is the best i love it so much so smooth yeah um so the models yeah i got these from turbosquid these are some turbosquid models they're like 10 bucks a piece 15 bucks a piece and i thought they actually worked perfect for this thing so let me go ahead and and drop these guys in and then we're going to go back we're going to parsec back into the work computer and grab some mega scans models come back in we're gonna be going back and forth throughout the entire stream because i really want to show you guys how awesome this this software is you know parsec is just super seamless and i learned about it actually from andre lebron and uh i mean that dude's just a beast you know he uses parsec he loves parsec i just love their ui it's a good time all right so let's go ahead and um let's render our scene and see what the heck we got and we'll bring these huts in and see if we can't get like a general placement of everything here so it's doing its thing loading we got quite a few things going on i'm probably going to hide some stuff because we really don't need to see the background i just want to see my foreground boom looking awesome and once we get our foreground looking nice i'm probably going to go in and add a bit of sky uh to this guy here as well wind bush what's up dude what is going on happy halloween to you wimbush heck yeah dude we're doing a 3d environment building this thing out all right so let's go ahead and bring in these models i'm gonna go ahead and merge the projects here we go a ton of folders i'm doing a video on folder management later this year probably a christmas um it'll be a christmas video because we got to be able to access our files as quickly as possible here we go boom so i'll hop out of camera view pause my my render there and we'll just bring these guys in and make sure they're looking nice so that size is about correct it berrien i don't know if i said that right uh thanks for the super chat man i appreciate you very very much just want to say i'm inspired by your work uh with c4d i'm rendering right now as i type this so my cpu is screaming do you have any advice for someone looking uh for work in the vfx industry man so if you guys are trying to get work in the vfx industry i think the first place to start at least i can only speak about my experience and i got started as a freelancer so i started doing freelance work for friends and just really nurturing those relationships and making sure that those relationships are as solid as possible because really when you're doing business with someone it comes down to the relationship right so the more work you do for that person they'll come back to you with other work and you'll they'll you know tell other people about you and it'll just kind of grow over time word of mouth that hey this guy rocks he does good work and you'll keep getting freelance jobs and then you'll eventually get to a point where you can put to put a reel together now if you want to fast track that reel you can also do some vfx for yourself make your own videos which is totally what i did um early youtube you know i started doing stuff like carbon warfare carbon warfare 2 the killzone video and if i wanted to you know if i wanted to get into a vfx house i could just package all the stuff that i put together maybe some stuff i did for clients package together into a real and maybe you send that around and it's all just word of mouth and relationships so you know you'll get into certain studios do i apply to certain studios and they'll see your work and be like yo this guy does good work it all comes down to the work you are only as good well that's not true when you're getting hired at a vfx place they look at your work first and then they're like the second thing is hey is this guy cool can i talk with this person um you know are they nice and then that'll get you in so just keep it up also persistence you got to stay stay focused and keep at it that's really the main thing is to keep at it so we can see here the materials are not they're not synced up so i'm going to just going to merge the rest of these and then we'll sync the materials at the end so bring in these huts obviously this one's too tiny and i'm really just judging this off of the doorway let's see where are you so that's why i have a person in every scene or if this person wasn't here rather i'd be making a person figure and scaling it up so that you know they'd fit through this little door right there they're probably about the same size these two all right let's do [Music] the others this one's super tiny as well definitely scale that guy up and you just want to get the opening about right that feels good and lastly our last guy here and we're gathering all of our materials so that we can place these in a really unique way and this is just the prep you got to do before you bring this stuff in so i think that's about good size wise on that one so we got like four huts here that i think will be really really cool to place into our scene they're going to take the place of these yurts that you guys are seeing here nice okay so yeah winbush says that you started as an intern and worked your way up you made a lot of good contacts that way as well absolutely yeah like i said i can only speak to my experience so it's cool that windbush you have a second you know a different side of that you know a different way to get into the industry so everyone's got their story um and their way of doing things i think it's super awesome so yeah definitely like if you guys can intern at a place that's that might be an even better route you know as long as you're doing vfx and you're in the place where you want to be that's that's the best combo all right so i'm saving out iterations here because i want to make sure that i have different versions of my project file i don't want to lose any sort of data all right let's go ahead and re-link these textures here okay so the best way to do this for some reason the the re-linking method the battery relinking in cinema it doesn't really work for me so i got to do this thing by hand [Music] so this is hut 001 we're going for logs base color 2. cool and luckily the path directory stays the same and this is uh the same deal but now we're looking for the wood dark wood texture there it is and you're just quickly going through all this making sure that you don't go too fast and screw things up obviously octane crashed it looks like see if it can revive itself usually when it crashes here it's it's done for but we'll re-link these textures and then we'll parsec back in and grab some mega scans assets um we'll favorite some and then we'll download them here on our end it's just a way to to show you guys how easy it is to parsec in so let's keep going this is one roof base color and the thing is actually i can even do this faster you don't have to even select the right one because the file name has the right name all you have to do is open it or just hit enter and it's going to know exactly the right one this is just the process guys this is how it goes so this is o4 and just the note i've always been saying this but if you guys have any black and white material textures here make sure that those are set to float it's going to save you a lot of vram um in the long run especially when your scene is built out and it's pretty huge you definitely definitely want to make sure that you're saving as much memory as possible this one's o6 and same deal here awesome okay so i'm saving the scene um i'm going to restart cinema while we parsec back into our work computer and gather some some mega scans textures and assets so this this should be good we'll place these when we come back so i'm going to go ahead and close this [Music] yes please all right we'll restart cinema and i'm going to parsec back into my work computer and open up bridge and let's favorite some assets here so we can actually um you know pull them back on the main computer but i want to show you guys how easy this really is now this might be pulled up on the second screen so what's the hotkey control shift oh wait oh no there it is all right all right so if i look here there's some there's some swampy tree stumps and there's some you know some dilapidated old trees here in the background so i'm definitely going to want to grab some broken down trees some you know scraggly branches here and some stumps that's gonna be my first first little bit here eric yo thank you for the super chat happy halloween to you eric um not even a message you don't even have a message you're just like yo here you go man i appreciate you thank you bradley okay so he said if you press window asset inspector you can re-link all the textures at once um interesting interesting okay so let me let me go back in here um make sure cinema's opening on my end awesome i'll check that out in a minute sotomante okay so sodamonte is our moderator here in the chat as well as the uh the discord server for all this learning that we're doing together uh he says clint what percent of the project do you think you have done um i'm probably 60 of the way finished on mine also guys i forgot to mention i totally forgot to mention a couple things so first um let me get all this crap out of the way parsec back in all right um so i completely forgot to mention that the due date for the parallel dimensions submission process it got extended originally it was supposed to be like midnight november 1st basically november 2nd um which is on monday but it got extended to november 6th so if you guys are working on this um on this contest with me and you're putting together you know your awesome environment you have until november 6th okay if you go to the link in the description it's the p and y landing page if you scroll all the way down you'll see a timer counting down to you know the final submission it got updated all right so you have more time take the time to make your render awesome also there's a hundred megabyte limit on the the file you can upload so if you're if your render is too large you also need to include your project file if it's too large then what you can do is upload it to google drive and then just upload like a readme file with the links to the download to your render and your project file on the pny landing page so you can kind of cheat it a little bit get around it um but yeah no that's that's big news big news you guys have an extension on the timetable here that's because originally i said it was the sixth and then it kind of went back to the second so i was like eh screw it it's going to be the sixth all right i've been learning a lot throughout the process all right so i'm parsect into my work computer at corridor and i'm gonna just favorite some assets here um for our foreground okay and mega scans is basically the best thing ever um you know they got a lot of good stuff here they're constantly updating all their all their stuff their assets but we want trees so i'm just going to type in tree and we'll go to 3d assets and we'll just scroll down and see what we got here um they have some really good like complete tree stumps like oh this stuff is good okay this thai beach branch i'm a favorite that so i'm gonna just go through and favorite the ones that i think will really help us here here is a great one this tree stump super classic the reason i'm not going for any of these other ones is because they're cut off at the top i want the full deal you see how this is connected so i'm going to favorite that one i'm going to keep going down here here's another example of something that could totally work for us um this one could too but it's a little it's a little much you know i don't know not a little much it's a little little it's not enough this one's cool this mossy log i like that and you can always unfavorite stuff you know you can't go too far this one's good this one's totally awesome um this one's fine this one's great and basically you know i'm going for you know this kind of vibe here the more branches that come off of these the better um this guy's great this kind of stuff you know so i'm looking for some big tree stumps with some with a large base to it and a lot of uh like offshoots a lot of dead offshoots as well as these trees back here i know they have like three trees like full trees but they're dead which is exactly what we want like this right here this dead tree boom we want that absolutely this granite rock assembly why not that's pretty sweet here's a free asset broken stump uh here we go this is like all your craggly branches and stuff i dig all that here is a fallen tree i'm gonna i'm gonna get that i'm gonna get that here's another broken tree another burnt tree another fallen tree like this is all really good stuff the dead branches pack yes please oh look at that dead tree that thing is perfect another perfect dead tree there and that might just do it um [Music] i want to make sure i didn't miss anything though this is pretty sweet this dry root they just have so much stuff this is a cool tree stump i like that broken branch that's nice and that's it so that's everything you type in tree on mega scans and they got it all fantastic and if you guys forgot yes i am parsecked in to my weird computer but it's so seamless i legit forget that i'm in my work computer um yeah anything else you guys said maybe some rocks um oh what's up casey yo casey edward's in the house shout out to casey edwards happy halloween to you man hope to see you tonight be a good time i hope you enjoy your walk casey isn't is an amazing composer i've worked with him for a very long time now i think the dead island video i did on this channel was the first video i did with casey um and he kills it man it just freaking kills it i will be working with you for as long as i can hopefully until we're both like 90 years old eating extra sharp cheddar cheese out of our coat pockets it'll be a good time matthew mills up in here what's up heck yeah all right so we favored some assets let's hop out of parsec and we're back into my actual work computer here i love how seamless that is super helpful it literally saved us during this pandemic so we were able to parsec into our work computers and like knock stuff out while we're at home it really is a game changer they also have a teams version as well where you can do like better work as teams together through parsec and it's got a lot of like privacy features and stuff and allows people to to access different computers in the network so i can access any any different person's computer in the studio so if you need to grab a file or something you can do it super easy but okay yeah let's uh let's get this going so we have our huts and let's open up mega scans on my home computer we can see we're going to download these if we go to favorites you can see that everything here is favorited over i believe that is that everything i feel like we're missing some 3d assets here we go yeah this is everything so some of these already have like this this tree but i'm going to download some of these ones that i don't have and make sure my download settings are correct so you definitely want to download the 8k version but you can export a lower quality version i'm going to grab some of these other level of details here because i don't need like the fullest detail if it's going to be off in the background and we can go to global download settings and bridge to make sure that that's the case that's all transferred over so let's go and download that we'll download these guys hopefully it doesn't wreck the stream but we'll see all right that should do it sweet so what are we building anyone who's just joining we are creating out this environment here this is concept art that i created in uh volume one of the environment master class about three weeks ago and we are basing our render off of this concept art that we created in volume two of the master class we focused on the ground plane in volume 3 which was last week we focused on the volcano and this week we're focusing on the foreground and adding detail in our foreground so let's go back into cinema let's render and see what we can see uh all right sweet so it looks like we just need to relink this last texture it might be the normal that didn't come through what's going on here time to do some problem solving now it looks like maybe i need to reload octane what is going on here so i'll try soloing it and it looks like there's an issue with this material all right so we just got to load these guys it looks like hut 01 so we'll go in and grab those materials super easy and again i got these from turbo squid they were like 10 15 bucks each really nice models here they all come in different levels of detail boom all right awesome so we got our huts um let's go ahead and adjust we're gonna we're gonna adjust some color here but let's place these huts and then we'll download those mega scans assets and make sure they work correctly so let's hop in to our actual camera view and see what we can see here and again we're going for this look here with some buildings on the right and some buildings on the left all right so let's see what we can do so one thing actually we can do that help us place things is we can actually go into option and uncheck the check camera option which is super confusing um and hop out of camera and we're actually able to you know move things around our scene and it'll appear in the render view but we you know it doesn't it that's not a one-to-one uh recreation of what we're seeing in the viewport so that helps move things around we get a better angle on all this stuff now this big building i'm thinking can be like again if we're going for this you have a building in the foreground a building in the mid ground or kind of background of these three at least and then there's like this one here which is a bigger one so we can have kind of like a steeple effect going with our buildings you just want to clearly define the the silhouette of this stuff when you're placing objects you want to see what the heck it is if you can't tell what it is then it's kind of pointless why is it in the scene so we want to orient the objects in a way that best describes that object okay now one thing i'm going to do to help us with the render is i'm just going to i'm going to lose the fog here let's see we can lose where would you be geometry and fog we'll lose the fog it's going to help speed up our render we can also lose the smoke cards as well that we created last week yeah marius you just watched the halloween vfx arts react that's great that's fantastic man i thought it turned out really good i watched the thing again after uh after doing that episode and it was so good so good all right enough enough chit chat but you know honestly let's be honest that's the whole point of this we're just chit chatting the whole time let's play some huts all right get them laid out here so we can like see what these things look like i'm going to get rid of the mountain just for a second because where are you background mountain just so i can see a little bit easier what we're working with here and then we'll put lights inside of these huts too very nice very very nice so let's orient these things around and find the best looking angle for these things so i mean definitely like a three-quarter angle is going to be nicest it's a matter of like you know what side looks the best i can open this up a little bit more like i love that crisscross pattern here on the roof i think that looks really nice maybe we grab this little tiny hut right here and we bring this guy into the foreground so that'll kind of take the place of this yurt here and we'll orient this so that the the light is just coming out like that awesome and we have this background guy which might be like this dude right here and this guy could actually be up on like a pile of rocks or something or we could just make it taller just straight up make it taller but you see what i'm saying about the silhouette you know like i want to get the silhouette of this guy in the foreground looking nice um and i want to be able to see this guy i want to see all three of these clearly so i'm positioning them in a way that that's possible so you can see this one has like an overhang but you're not seeing it because of this guy in the background so we need to move that maybe down a little bit or something and then this big house can maybe come up a little bit and he scaled up and the foreground guy can come forward so that we see its silhouette a bit better and we'll bring our mountain back in because that's also very telling as well we don't want to block too much of that now you can see how we lose this guy a little bit into that mountain but i think that's going to be okay because the um the fog is going to help break that up so maybe if i bring the fog back in to just give you an example the fog is basically like a gradient that separates and it adds depth so we can see here that this this little hut stands out a little bit more we still have some adjustments to make with the fog i'm not loving it right now but at least it's in there and it's going to help us break that up so i'll hide the fog again because we move a little faster with it but again going after our reference you can see how the fog really makes this guy stand out so i want to make sure that they don't come too far into the center of the frame it looks like it's split into thirds and this guy's creeping in a little close so i might just take all this and push it back a little bit something like that and i'm going to add i think some ground and dirt that it's sitting on versus the water right here and let's see [Music] if we go to the final frame does that update okay it doesn't update but we're not going too far i just want to make sure that that doesn't get cut off too much but i think it's fine liam thanks for the uh thanks for the kind words i'm i'm really happy with how this is turning out i think it's gonna be really sweet all right so this guy we can push this guy off into the background here because again we're going for this vibe on the left so these guys i'd say are in the foreground these guys are in the mid ground so we'll push that back and i'm probably going to take this um this first hut right here and duplicate it off onto this side too now normally you know you know what and actually i think to save memory what i'm gonna do is make an instance of this so with that object selected let's go up in here and let's make an instance and the instance is a a copy of this but it's not extra geometry it's just uh it's just a nice little nice little copy so it saves us saves us a little bit and you can just copy that instance around and we can make it a multi-instance or a render instance for now and that'll go even faster and we can like we can scale these up just a little bit oh actually they don't scale because they are instances but i think that's all right we'll just move them up and down a little bit come out the water make sure they're rotated at different different orientations but you just want to get a nice silhouette because they're kind of going to be blocked by the fog and you're just going to see the silhouette on all these guys we're going to put lights in here too so it's going to be an added nice little bonus so again i want to have a hole here so the character is moving through towards this mountain on the left you have some some huts you know like this on the right you have some too and there's just a big kind of focus point for the character to move towards so yeah we're definitely going to add lights in these but we're going to do that after we get them placed i'm still not happy with the placement on all this stuff yet but it'll get there we just gotta keep futzing with it and we can also render region two so it goes a little faster so i'll just get that little bit so that's updating you you awesome that's starting to feel pretty nice i think with some fog it'll look good um but let's move over to the right side and let's mess with this placement just a bit as well so maybe that guy is on the far back and this one is uh this one's back here maybe this one doesn't fit like it definitely is the one that isn't that doesn't have a thatched roof and going back to the reference always checking the reference so yeah maybe the ground plane comes up a little bit you know so it's sitting a little higher that way we're able to see a bit more of the silhouette what this thing actually looks like and we can we can adjust the ground plane to to come up to that level really easily so that's not bad maybe i grab this guy over here and copy this dude over or maybe we replace this guy with this guy because i like the i really like the vibe from this one maybe something like that and then i don't know maybe we have a third one let's see maybe this guy could just be like down in here but you see what i mean here with the silhouette you don't want these silhouettes to like blend into one house you want them to be a bit more defined even like that is a little bit better i'm liking that so now all we would have to do is bring the ground plane up to that point so the best way to do that would be to copy this over like this i'm going to move this we'll go ahead and rotate it just so it's not an exact copy you know something like that maybe and i'm going to let's see let's go and grab this point and we're going to do a soft selection so we'll enable soft selection and the radius will come out to like 200 maybe maybe 350 450 even um and we'll do a bell and bring this up so you kind of raise that mountain just a little bit and we can do that with with all this different different little points so then we move this just back here bring that up so it's kind of on that on that hill and we can keep just growing the selection so that it looks correct what's up joe hey thanks for joining man we're building out this environment we're adding some foreground elements trying to make it look nice so now this material if we check the camera we go back in this material does not look right for some reason oh i guess it's because uh you're not getting that reflection that looks super nice so i want to adjust that as well hmm i wonder if i just went too intense with it i could have gone too intense so let's check back in with our bridge downloads and make sure we have everything going um so it looks like oh wow how is this geez it's going slow oh and i got all this other stuff all right sweet so another thing we're going to want to pull is some like foliage and whatnot you know we want to pull some different uh like pieces of grass so let's um just to show again the power of parsec let's parsec back in to the work computer all right we're in bridge and let's look up so now this the internet is on my second monitor so i'm gonna go second screen boom here we are and we got the internet going over here so i'll just pull this in boom so let's type swamp um i'll just type swamp and see what kind of like uh pieces of foliage we see if i come in here like this is actually pretty nice wow very mossy um you know some thick grass it looks like lots of sticks and whatnot a bunch of sticks that's cool it looks like matcha matcha lake going on there sweet here's a game a level looks like a swampy level so i'll pull some of this grass here let's go in a bridge and parsec into the work computer remote access and let's see let's grab some favorites here so i'm going to go to 3d plants and i would it be aquatic technically submerged i mean this is like ocean um sure sure might be better you know this isn't bad [Music] c spinach definitely this stuff this this eel grass i'm seeing a lot of so maybe we'll we'll favorite that guy we'll get some basket grass and maybe we'll grab this this bulrush grass okay let's see what else we have though that's not just aquatic all right would it be weeds that's something like desert weed right there some dead ones we need like uh let's see ground cover then we we're in ground cover right we did this wild grass oh this is a good one this another good one awesome awesome so we'll definitely want to add these to our scene as well so i'm going to hop out of parsec we'll disconnect and we're back into the work computer our downloads are almost finished oh some mushrooms yeah we could do some mushrooms that sounds like a good plan i like that let's uh let's parsec back in and we'll grab some mushrooms we can do 3d assets i think we just type in mushrooms ooh like these ones yeah we'll favorite these guys for sure these friggin poisonous mushrooms can we can scatter these around just a little bit that could be fun all right we'll hop out of parsec disconnect back to the work computer um yeah it's i'm loving loving parsec um serious big shout outs to them you know this this whole stream is sponsored by them so i just want to show you guys the power of what it can truly do um i've been using it a whole bunch so definitely show them some love you know there's a link to parsec right here down in the description check it out after the stream open up a separate tab um i'm i know i'm going to be using it when i'm in georgia for christmas i'm going to be parsecking back into this computer right here so i can do some cool renders while i'm gone because i can't bring my whole desktop to georgia you know i can just bring a laptop or a chromebook and parsec in with that so yep super fun also good for games too you can play video games on it alright let's hop back to the render and see what we got so i think i want the ground plane to [Music] at least extend over here right so we want some like swampy water going back over on this section so i'm gonna uncheck the check camera option we'll hop out of here and i'll just try duplicating this again bringing it over and seeing what that looks like huh it actually looks pretty cool so you kind of want that like drifting off into the water a little bit so i'll angle it down so it kind of sweeps off into the water and that actually looks pretty good so they're on that dirty ground and then you have you know the lake meeting it at that point basically right there now i don't i don't know why i have my lake rotated like that i don't know if that's because i needed to like catch the light now this light is reflecting and getting us that nice yeah that nice reflection in the foreground now for whatever reason this guy if i were to check the camera back on and look at this thing i think it's just because this light isn't tall enough so it's really just a matter of like moving pieces around to shape out your environment but i don't i don't like that so i'm going to undo and really try and hone this back in that's definitely the best version so far so i'll create a landscape material and i want to get this foreground looking correct so i'll scale it up move it down and we can keep scaling it because i want these guys to be able to sit on this thing something like that maybe and we could angle it i think this guy might be a little too high in the background here so i might try and fit it in i might try and rotate this thing around bring it down and in a little bit closer something like that there we go now whatever material is on our foreground here it's really really nice looking so i just want to drop that on this new landscape we just created that actually looks that looks pretty good to me it's all a matter of just shaping and moving this thing around until it looks right and then we can go through here and change the seed of this until we get something that actually matches looks correct and you could honestly duplicate this scale it down move it up and have a second piece for this guy to sit on because that's really what i'm trying to do is just ground this second hut and you can actually go through here and change this to more of like a plateau so you do the plateau level comes up to like there so then it's sitting on top of this you just put this under something like that cool yeah that's actually that's not too bad so let's put some lights in these guys yeah speedy blue seven welcome welcome to the stream we're making a really cool environment and uh this is actually a contest the submission delivery deadline is by the sixth so you still got time you can download the template on the pny landing page in the description this is the last week we're putting this stuff together you know i'm probably gonna do the character um throughout the week here because i don't have time to do that i still need to photoscan myself so we'll definitely need to do that but let's go ahead and grab um let's make some lights whoa let's make some lights and put them inside these huts and point them up bring them inside here sit it just on the ground and we'll take that light you can see you can see that point light we don't want to see it so we'll turn the visibility to off in camera and if we let's see if we do um well let's change the color temperature because we're going for fire light we're going for natural light all this stuff is lit by fire if you've played the last of us too and you've been to the island then you know exactly what i'm going for we're going for that natural warmth um let's do let's lock our render so we can move it we can even zoom in so like 1.3 times and i'm just gonna render this region right here so it renders faster and let's take that light and turn up the power to like 300 and it looks like it's not doing much so i'm going to cheat it i'm going to open up that light so like you're just getting light from the entire floorboard basically and it looks like you know maybe there's a fire going inside of this place i think that's kind of cool we can also do you know something like uh instead of it spawning from an area or a square you can actually change it so it's a omni light for some reason that's not working you should be able to change the uh the shape of it details area shape yes we'll do um a sphere that's absolutely massive so we'll scale it down and we can just move it maybe inside here and we'll do one over in here and we'll take that up to like 500 each eric yeah agreed the character's not done that's just the template like placeholder guy so maybe we scale up these spheres a little bit more oh my god that's the power of the sun definitely too intense so i almost feel like the the square was the way to go so i'm going to undo back to the square because that just felt better to me and i can even bring it off the floor just a little bit so you can kind of get a creepy under lit vibe going on inside and maybe you bring it up like that or something but i feel like fire light you know fire light definitely is coming from the ground unless you have hanging lanterns which i could see so maybe we did more of a hanging lantern vibe and we had like a couple of these guys placed throughout like that which to me feels pretty good we'll back them off maybe something like that they're coming from inside and we're trying to bounce the light off the ceiling the other example would be to point them down to the ground and we raise these guys up so you get a bit of more of an even light throughout the inside of this thing but honestly i like the other version when the when the lights were pointed up it's a bit more dynamic and we can again change the intensity of those so let's copy these and move them into this other area this other building this mid mid ground building i'm gonna zero out the orientation on that that's super bright super intense and we can maybe have one more light going in this thing also another thing is we can take this actual building and put the lights in the appropriate building i think that's going to make this process a little easier so that's going to be that guy boom so now when we move the whole building the lights will come with it ah so we'll check oop yeah we'll check camera back on we'll hop into our scene camera and we'll uncheck it and hop back in just kind of a reset there that looks super cool we got some light coming from the inside so let's find this guy and we'll drop those lights in there and we'll keep we'll keep going so i'll grab two of them and i'll move those into this foreground hut i think i can just go with one liam dude thank you for the super chat i'm glad you enjoy the streams man they're really fun for me so we we can we can bring this up and you can adjust these lights however you want until you get the desired effect you're going for that's kind of creepy i like that we can take the power up what if we took the power up to i don't know 9000 yeah way too intense so this is not good here this there's a lot of fireflies going on here um that aren't going to help us so we want to try and minimize that by not pointing lights at the ground definitely don't want to do that so we'll just keep it limited to the hut itself this is feeling cool i'm really digging this yeah i mean we could do lanterns certainly we could take it to the next level do some lanterns which is yeah definitely a possibility it's all just a matter of time here again the way i work i try to work as general as possible um and as large scale as possible and then i work things in um i work the detail in right so with these with these huts basically i'm lighting the huts i'm getting the general feel of it and then i'll i'll go from there i'll continue from there to make things uh more detailed get that looking nice awesome you get the lights reflecting off of the the swampy lake i dig that and then we'll go ahead and copy these lights in here so we'll find this guy and actually you know what we can do i'm gonna try this i'm gonna try the transfer tool so since i have lights in this one this is the same model i want to just basically copy this and move it in place of that so i'm going to control c control v we have a copy of this hut and then use the transfer tool let's do where would you be i already have it pinned up here you can hit shift c and type in transfer as well and find the transfer tool but i'm going to click the transfer tool and i want it to transfer why are you grayed out mr transfer tool all right it looks like it's working and i think it just worked i think yep it's in here um i'm going to [Music] delete the hut we transferred it to and then i think the lights just got no the lights didn't get wigged out i don't know why we're not seeing the lights in our render oh that's because the model is hidden there it is way back there let's take these guys and bring the lights down onto the floor so we're getting the most light throughout this little hut that's looking really nice i dig that and then finally we have this last guy so i'm just going to pop these three lights ctrl drag to copy them into this big one here i'm just going to scale them up instead of making a fourth one and that looks really nice that's pretty freaking sweet so again that is from general to specific so we did general lighting setup on these huts here that's awesome that looks super cool i think with fog it's going to look even cooler we have our steam our smoke cards in here in the back so that's adding depth to the background um [Music] i think i need to maybe work the color the color of some of these huts i think might be a little bit too saturated and then certainly adding fog to this whole thing is gonna you know really spice this up it's also going to slow down your render like crazy so definitely be prepared for that so i know another fog trick um one that actually saves a lot of time i'm gonna give this a shot let's hide the fog and you know what let's set this up we're gonna parsec in to my work computer again to show you how easy this all is i'm gonna make a new c4d file and i'm gonna set up something simple for you guys so basically we have a card like this i'm going to stand it up so it's uh right on 90 okay i'm going to make a new octane material you can do that by hitting shift c type in octane diffuse material and you'll find uh there it is down there we'll open it up and let's go ahead and apply it to this card let's render our scene awesome and we'll come in here this is a very simple setup basically in the opacity tab i'm going to pop out here into a gradient and it's as simple as that so we can take this gradient and actually let me do fall off do you think falloff will do it now um i think we were we had it with a with a gradient an octane gradient perhaps it goes from one to the other now we had it with the original that's it right there we just want it the opposite so we want the fog to be on the ground and then disappear as we get higher up into the sky so 2dv but then we need to orient the angle around so do 180. and from here we can crunch this and we can make the fog not as bright and you can really take this down and make it subtle like this and this is uh this is a way to cheat the fog so what i'm gonna do is let's see um let's go ahead and we'll save as go to our desktop we'll type this fast fog all right and then i'm going to drop this into vfx materials folder i'll bring up my second monitor on parsec and i'll just drop this into vfx folder here vfx materials in the root and then i'll go i'm going to disconnect from parsec back on my work pc my home my home pc rather and let's go ahead and grab that vfx materials give it a moment here there we go i'm going to copy this over and we can go ahead and open it up boom so you guys can see really again parsec how awesome parsec is um obviously i could have done this here but if for whatever reason i had files on that computer or i didn't have something installed on my home computer but i do have it installed on the work computer you guys really get the idea um super super powerful so let's go and edit let's copy this no no let's copy the whole plane and we'll go back into our parallel dimensions project file we'll paste and we'll see if this actually works for us let's push this thing back and stand it up and we should have i don't know why i'm not seeing it here but i should have a fog layer going let's just go ahead and really make sure we can see this fog layer there it is so we'll uncheck the camera i'll hop out here and we'll push this back right in here i'm gonna scale it way up and we'll stand it way up so we're getting a lot of fireflies from those lights which is not ideal it's going to take a long time to render to get those fireflies away we can do a couple things first you can go to window i'm sorry go to octane octane settings and make sure your gi clamp is set to one if it is set to like a million it's gonna look like that it's gonna look insane so if your gi clamp is set to one you get rid of as many you get rid of like the initial chunk of fireflies i wouldn't go much further i think one is about as far as you'd want to go the second thing you could do is in the octane camera tag if i'm in here you got to make sure the check camera option is on there's a highlight uh no sorry under the camera imager tab you scroll down and there's a hot pixel removal if you bring that down it's going to get rid of most of those fireflies it's going to do a pretty good job of that the last thing you can do is make sure you have your spectral denoiser turned on so it's denoising those little bits and the more samples you throw at this thing the faster it's going to go but that fog is too thick and this is another thing that's going to help let's just you know let's bring this down a little bit it's a little bit much so we'll take this down to something like that maybe and we will bring this down so you can see how that gets you a nice little fog layer going and then i'll copy it again let's go into a top view i'm going to ctrl drag this card back behind this light we had set up to get us an even thicker set of fog and i'll make sure it's scaled up and that's going to be a much faster way to do fog here in your scene we can even have some foreground fog so i can bring that card forward basically right up to my character back in top view right in front of these huts right in front of that of that hut there that first one and we're going to scale it way the heck down maybe that was too much what just happened yeah something like that and then we could you know take that and if the fog is too thick we just bring the card down because remember the top of the card is um let's make that editable real quick so we can adjust the gizmo by hitting l and moving it the top of the card is completely transparent so we can have a nice like low-lying fog and if we actually crunch this down like this we can have a nice little like strip of fog that just hovers over the ground like that now you can really see um its limitations here because it's just like a cut-off point it's a 2d fog we're faking it right so this will work for the background i think for up to up to a certain amount um but once it gets in the foreground you can really tell it's like a veil it's basically just a 2d veil but again super quick little little trick there to get yourself some some foreground fog maybe some background fog more if we're being honest with ourselves um so maybe i'll take those fog cards um i'll make these all editable all right maybe i'll just adjust the adjust them a little bit um we can make them all x-ray so we can kind of see through these cards and again if you scale it down you kind of just get that half like low-lying fog layer which can look really cool so that's the big background one it looks like the sun is the mid ground fog layer oh other way around this guy is our mid-ground fog background fog and foreground fog so we'll take the mid ground and we'll crunch it down so you have that nice like low-lying swampy fog layer that you know so you can see like the tops of these guys peeking out that's super cool looking i dig that a lot sweet yeah and you can come in here and definitely color correction is going to help a lot because we're going to darken this up and really make it look nice and shape this thing out so i think now we're at a point where we can start adding some like tree stumps and stuff because this is looking pretty freaking sweet um now we still have the sky to do as well and the volcano smoke as far as the volcano smoke goes uh i don't know we'll have to see we'll have to see about that but for the sky i'm thinking about just doing like a basically a storm picture from google and popping that into the background there basically just making it a background or even you could do it in after effects too certainly possible let me let me take these uh these lights all of our all of our hut lights i want to just make them a little bit brighter and you can actually make these hot lights ooh having them flicker a little bit would be nice but that's um you know that's that's a different level definitely a different level um not quite sure how to do that i know expresso can certainly do it awesome looking super cool very very nice i'm gonna do one last little fog bit here a little fog card cheat for the background so i want to do a different material so i'm going to duplicate the fog card the material itself and i'm going to do so black is foggy and i'm sorry black is completely transparent so i want to copy this so it's just a strip of fog like that right so we'll copy the background fog and give it the new fog material and i'll hop out of the camera just to confirm that it's working and i'll crunch it down move it up and yeah you can see it's like a thin layer of fog here and that actually might be what we do for the foreground that way you won't see the actual uh the gap and i'm going to come into our top view and let's move this back up to the mountain so we have this like misty layer of fog right at the base of the mountain and i want to get that right so i'm going to uncheck check camera and we'll come into something maybe it's like right right there and i'll take that fog layer down because i still want to see the steam that we did in the in the mountain and maybe i'll try duplicating this control drag into our foreground because our foreground fog you have that line that harsh line and we'll call this foreground we'll call this uh low lying fog background and the foreground fog will just bring right down to the floor basically crunch it down get it right onto the floor there and we'll position it yeah just in front there i think it might be a little too subtle so we'll adjust the gradient just to come up a little bit and there you can see you get that low-lying foreground fog right there we can bring this down and you kind of hide the line there you can crunch it down even more and make it a little bit more subtle so that's a easy and fast way to do fog to cheat it just a little something you know i think that feels really good so how's everybody doing are you guys hanging in there are you doing all right we got people coming in by the minute um super super awesome very exciting stream i'm having a blast i love when this stuff just comes together it looks so nice ah yeah absolutely amazing ooh weedam perfectly centered renders are not good renders looks too generic my dude um i hear you i hear you so on that um i mean centered style framing is a choice a stylistic choice i love it i really do love centered framing um i know what you mean by the generic render though i definitely am not a fan of like the generic render definitely not a fan of that um [Music] and i i hear you you know they all happen to be kind of center framed i was definitely not going for that um certainly was not trying to go for that look but i do like you know in all of my photography it is kind of that center framed vibe so let me let me just show you give you an example um so i do have a print store shameless plug 50 off prints right now um it's called noisegrainlight.com free shipping over orders uh 100 orders even international but yeah i know i mean if you look at this horse you know we got some center frame action we got some center frame on this dude um we got center frame with my buddy young center frame with the basketball um i'm a fan you know center frame with my buddy adam again with shanghai same here i always try to find something and and frame it up to the center you know i really i really do enjoy that and i'm not always going for that obviously you know this building is framed differently this one's framed differently but this fog foggy tree like if i'm finding something like that i'm going with that center frame this is an example of a center frame but it's off center because of this giant fence you know um center frame road this one happens to be off center but you got your tree your center frame tree i'm a big fan of it um it's certainly not what i'm always doing but like with this one here you know you got to find your subject and get that center frame action it just helps kind of tie the whole thing together in my opinion um you know this one here is a different certainly different kind of framing definitely center frame with the factory with my buddy tom [Music] center frame here so i'm trying to find that little element i do enjoy it but i know what you mean man the generic render vibe is you know it's not the best vibe i get it i certainly understand but i'm hoping that you know when this thing is done and comes together it's it's not going to feel generic it's going to feel it's going to feel special you know and it's going to look look nice so another way to do fog actually guys is with a z depth pass so you know if i come in here like this and we go to our render settings octane render settings info passes and we adjust the z depth slider you can actually use this as a fog layer um [Music] inside of after effects you know it's a really nice way to do that and basically you would take this and you know set it to you can do it a number of different ways you use it as an alpha matte luma mat um i feel like my distance is too crunched here so i might have to just do this in like different little pieces but it's certainly possible to do it this way and that way you get rid of the fireflies that you're seeing in the background which will plague a render it really will so i might be doing it that way as well most definite dude yeah the center frame generic fps shooter poster i yeah exactly exactly all right so i'm gonna parsec back into my work computer and let's go to bridge and let's see let's see what we can find here so we've placed all of our structural struct structural man structural structural elements we've placed all of them right so i pulled um different like trees and whatnot that i had downloaded that i have downloaded currently on my work computer and we got some grass but let me just go through and see what we have here i'm going to reference the my desktop so we have a couple stumps we're going to want a few stump elements and we'll probably want a few uh like you know burnt down dead trees we're gonna want some of that going on and we'll put those off into the background and scatter them about so that's what we're going to focus on right now so parsec into the work computer let's figure out what we have um let's do where are we favorites 3d assets we have mushrooms too so yeah i think we'll get some of these fallen trees we'll get some of these stumps [Music] now these guys these wooden branches i think we can scatter around the foreground um definitely we'll definitely do that i'm feeling that for sure but let's go ahead and get um a couple stumps placed and then let's go ahead and get a couple of the trees in the background place because again we work from from large scale to small scale so the next thing up on the docket is the tree stumps all right so we'll do the tree stumps and the burnt down trees so parsec out of there boom back to the work computer we know what we want so let's grab where are we favorites 3d assets this is a good stump this is a really good broken stump so i'm not going to go for the 8k texture quite yet i'm gonna wait until i see it's too low poly so i'll start with 4k and i'll go for the level of detail number one um we want to make sure we're export settings not download settings global export settings 4k level of detail number one all right so let's export that guy it's going to come into our scene we're going for stumps and trees i like this fallen tree let's go ahead and export that guy this dead tree is definitely one that we are going to need um level of detail number one we don't need to go super intense with it how is this still how are these still downloading here's another like stump setup i like that let's go ahead and export that this is another good stump oh man man we got so many good stumps y'all stump town up in here this is probably the best stump of them all king stomp let's do that i like this guy the mossy stump sweet all right so let's see what we can do we got that stuff coming in my big old head is blocking the materials coming in but you all gotta trust they're they're coming in you can see it right here they don't look good but we're gonna fix that we're gonna make sure they do ah eric okay you said you can do a volume pass in the image settings um what do you mean man let me know i want to learn uh if you are not part of the discord server um it's the create with clint discord server basically everyone here is trying to learn got a whole server you know to make it easy on y'all go ahead and add me just send me a message on that server um and let me know what you mean by that z depth pass because i definitely need to find out the easiest and fastest way to do the fog and if you say there's a better way i'm all ears my dude all ears i'm gonna hide these fog cards for now um because you know actually no i'm not gonna hide the fog cards i'm gonna just hide them from the viewport man it's looking good dude i'm it's looking good it's looking good i'm happy with this all right so let's go ahead and check the camera let's hop out i'm going to save a new iteration it's been a minute version 1 l and this is this is just because i'm curious i want to see what this looks like without the color correction settings much brighter that's the main thing it's much brighter god i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait to color correct this thing man it's gonna look so good all right i'm hopping out and let's zoom in and adjust these stumpy stomps so first let's figure out what we have um well i'm going to put the fog cards in their folder and bring them down to geometry because we want to stay as organized as we can i usually go back and organize this stuff when i'm done with the stream but you know how it is boom let's let's separate this stuff out we have a fallen tree asset right here it looks tiny we're going to make it bigger we got a stump we got some fur again stumptown wood rot going okay we got some more stumps um we got is that king stump i think that's our king stump and that is just another old stump all right so you can see they're much darker so what i'm going to do is go into these materials and make sure they're set up properly so instead of universal ggx i'm going to do glossy octane and you can see that kind of made things a little nicer so let me just go down the line here and go glossy and octane and that brightens them up a little bit right off the bat i think it looks a little bit nicer and then we can adjust from there but we want our king stump to be somewhere here in the foreground in this little like swampy area right in here so it's too dark we'll have to adjust its color settings but we'll do that once we have it placed or you know what let's freaking do it right now because we're here and we can so let's go ahead and select that guy we'll go into the node editor and we have everything set up qixel bridge makes it super easy on us all right so we wanted to blend into the ground itself so we'll just need to adjust the brightness and the gamma levels here so just by tweaking the gamma it already blends in i think i can take the saturation down to 0.52 yikes just kidding let's try like .85 maybe and that kind of gets rid of the green that we're seeing in there um maybe maybe we'll we'll go point nine with it because i think things could be a little green in the swamp you know it's possible so that seems like the adjustment to be honest with y'all like .61 on the on the gamma maybe we could do like 0.7 but really not 0.6 was the vibe i think that blends in really nicely so i'm going to do that across the board here i'm going to select all of these different guys i'm going to shift click we'll go to the diffuse click in here to color correction and we'll batch do it by just going 0.6 and that's gonna you know kind of bring in these guys maybe we'll do 0.65 and we can do specific ones if we find that they're too bright i just want to blend them in with the dirt really i just want to make them feel muddy and gross and we're kind of getting that by just dropping the gamma they're going to be off in the background too so it's not going to be that big of a deal but we should at least kind of hone it in um so gamma 0.65 let's do 0.8 for that one and the saturation 0.85 cool and then we want to desaturate this tree stump we can scale these up too i'm definitely going to do that sweet um and then lastly i'll just grab this log here and i'll adjust the saturation that feels pretty good to me cool so we have our stumps so we'll hop back into camera camera mode i'm going to compare let's do i'm sorry options uncheck to check camera and let's hop back out and we'll start placing these so king stump all right if we look at our reference we got king stump right here it's it's in the foreground and it's it's looking nice it's right up in your face so let's get that going right in here now it's hovering right so we definitely don't want that so i want to get a good look at this thing and just render that little piece sweet yeah that looks great another thing we can do is go into that texture and make it a little bit more shiny right because it's in the mud so it's wet so we'll go in and this is going to be i believe in our roughness we'll adjust the roughness so if i were to take maybe maybe i take off the specular that honestly kind of does it um if i were to get in here go back to 0.5 you can see hopefully that there's a sheen on the other side of this thing and that's because it just has a roughness channel and no specular so it's specular is actually pretty bright so if i take off the roughness actually it got better with the roughness it is just going to be a bit more shiny so i took off the specular channel that's how i did that so maybe i'd go on all of these guys we go to specular and we let's see what's the best way to do this because i don't want to delete it maybe i'll just go through each one and unhook each one so we still have it there we can grab it again if we need to we'll hop back into the camera we'll check the camera go 1.2 again and maybe we make this tree bigger you know maybe we make this stump a little larger so i'm all for that let's let's give it a shot yeah that looks awesome i think that totally works we can get a stump here on the left as well maybe this guy right here and we'll place we're gonna get the tree further back that's that's gonna have a place to go for sure we're gonna get this guy in a nice oh sorry this tree yeah this tree is gonna be looking good but this stump here you know again again on orientation we want to orient this stump so that we it best describes its features right so we can scale it up and push it down into the ground there something like that and it seems a little bright to me so i'm going to come back in here and actually adjust its gamma maybe point eight or gamma one what does that look like maybe go point nine on that guy and we'll rotate it that looks awesome i am a fan certainly back to the reference um we have this guy back here and we also have this pretty big tree right in the fort right in like in its in his path so i want to find a place for this guy this big fallen tree i need to scale this up certainly and we can push this into the background so that's a bit too apparent i think what i might want to do is actually have it be here and we'll flip it around and we'll just move it off to the side let's clear this guy out and make sure this guy is actually completely in the ground so i'm going to go 1.2 and we'll just render this region here and take a close look to make sure it's actually doing its job perfect that looks really nice i still think our king's thump can be larger and maybe we take all of these huts right in here as well as the ground plane they're on and hopefully the lights move with it yep and i just want to push it off to the right a little bit just a little bit because i want to make a little bit more room for this stump here um this guy can probably come off to the right maybe a little bit more in the foreground now i like it where it was and then i'll grab these sticks and maybe scale them up a little bit i can't tell is that a looks like a jacked up tree then we got this guy to put somewhere we can put this one maybe like off over here maybe it's just next to next to this hut back here we scale it way back up again finding the right orientation that best describes its shape and let's zoom in to see what it looks like we'll render the region so there's a big hole on that side so i'm going to flip it around something like this and push it down not a fan of that i don't like that too much so i'm gonna go ahead and bring it back into the foreground that's not bad it feels a bit too light to me so i'm gonna take the gamma back to one maybe even 1.2 and take the brightness down to 0.8 you just want to give this thing depth you know and then maybe we we go back on our gamma that's that feels pretty sweet to me that feels really cool um i might crunch the space here between because i want to scoot this over a little bit more to make room for the stump just a bit so i'm going to grab this hut as well as this guy and the land mass that they're both on and just scoot them over to make a bit more room and i'll scoot the stump over just a bit too this is all composition we're talking right now is getting the right composition for your render add our fog in like this is really starting to take shape here i am a fan loving it um random idea what if i took some lights if i made a light angled it down negative 90. adjusted the color temperature to 4200 and i put it underneath the huts i wonder if it would give me a cool look as if there's a hole underneath this thing and we'll make sure we don't want to see the light rather we don't want to see the light source so we'll turn it off from camera but it looks like it's giving us like a really really intense glare so let's take it down way down let's take it down to like a hundred or i'm sorry ten it looks interesting um we can maybe take it down to five and i'll turn off the fog for a second because it's taking a lot of render juice but that's interesting you know i'm not uh not too opposed to that i think it's just super subtle so it's like shining through the floorboards almost i'm going to copy that to the other huts to see if we can get a cool look this one will do two of them so i'll push that down and scoot this one over yeah it gives it a little something it actually gives it a little bit more warmth i like that a lot i'm going to keep moving this over and you can adjust the intensity of those ones in the back if they're not giving you enough but i like that that's pretty subtle and with the fog back on i think it could actually look really really cool so that's with our fog cards that we created and this is with the volumetric fog as well war climb yeah some candles and torches could look sweet certainly maybe the uh the main guy here has a torch or something i think that could be cool so you just need to watch out for these fireflies with the fog i think it's mostly the fog if i turned off the the fog cards and the volumetric fog you're not really going to be seeing those fireflies oh you are a little bit here in the mud so maybe we go back in that in that layer and adjust its specularity so i can come back let's see here it's this guy we'll select our mid ground we'll find the material that makes it up it's this mixed material so there's something in this mixed material um probably the specularity the super height the super high specular detail that we're not really getting out of that we can probably just uh adjust it and knock that down a little bit we'd have to make a copy of all of these different ones but i can i'll just do that later i don't want to bother y'all with that um next let's add i'm going to parsec back in to my work computer all right so i'm at my computer in downtown los angeles sitting in the corridor studios um and i want to find some [Music] tree assets i've already pulled them but i just want to take a look here um and show you guys which ones we want to pull um we can do the small sticks later but i'm looking for like this stuff this dead tree yep okay here we go these three basically these three trees these four right there we're going to maybe even five we're going to scatter with an octane scatter around our background cool yeah so we'll grab those i'll parsec back out boom so now we know what we want let's go ahead and all right those these are still downloading i'm gonna have to stop these i think things just got a little out of control perhaps give the old refresh all right so this dead tree yeah we got this dead tree let's get this dead tree it's a burnt one we'll download that 8k obviously but we only need to export the the 4k maybe even the 2k i'll go ahead and download that so marthal arts you say rotoscoping is super hard um rotoscoping is tedious and it could be hard because it's tedious but i actually enjoy me some rotoscoping believe it or not because it's a chance for me to focus on just one thing and zone out on one thing um there's different methods with rotoscoping like you could use the rotobrush specifically rotobrush 2 is amazing that's why i have after effects beta installed here which you guys can download if you go to the creative cloud um suite little downloader and install at the far left bottom there's there's beta you can do after effects beta um or you can do it by hand masking which is the most tedious hand masking is certainly the most tedious you can do luma mats as well there's lots of different tricks for rotoscoping and again if we're talking general to specific with rotoscoping it's the same thing you start on frame 0 you go to and then i basically i go every 10 frames and roto every 10th frame and then i'll go to the i'll go to the in between the fifth frame and i'll rotate those frames and sometimes i get lucky and you know frame two three and four are done i don't need to do a frame by frame so you start general and you get more specific more specific until you have you know you do just amount just the amount of work that you need to do all right so we have one two three we want to download this one as four and i think there was a fifth tree in here somewhere it was probably a stump we can get this one as five so we're going to download these and we're going to use octane scatter to scatter them around our background once this guy's done we'll go for it juicy um i hope i said your name right do you listen to music or podcast while doing rotos since it doesn't require as much thinking um honestly dude even when i'm rotoscoping i like to focus pretty hard um but yeah i mean i'm listening to music right now i got my bone phones on i'm listening to the ambient playlist um so yeah man i'll listen to some ambient music while i'm going certainly i'll try and listen to music as much as i can happy halloween to everybody who hasn't heard it from me yet i am joseph seed today if you cannot tell that's he's a guy from far cry um all right boom there's our fifth one let's export these guys all 4k i'm wondering though can we get away with 2k nah let's just do it let's just freaking do it brb i lied i got some kombucha i freaking love that stuff freaking jeffrey dahmer's fashion consultant that's pretty good all right two and a half hours in i'm feeling good i think we're gonna get these trees placed and then i'd like to get a sky element going maybe place some sticks in the foreground and i think we can call it oh man so good man i just feel like i feel like getting healthier every day with this stuff oh ginger so good for you all right y'all let's keep going oh man we got some trees let's do the same thing we did before where we selected everything and we said glossy octane and they're gonna blend just a little bit better that's looking pretty good um we got five trees let's go ahead and like open this up so we can actually see what's going on now the trick here is to make it look like everything is actually like we don't want it to look like it's repeating this stuff is repeating because this this shape this silhouette is going to get very noticeable very quick so we have to be smart with how much we move this stuff around okay so here's what i'm gonna do i want to basically place these trees along this area here as well as this area here and i'm going to do them separately okay so i'm going to start with this one which means we might have some trees blocking this guy here but we'll figure it out i don't want too many of them that's for sure and i know that we'll be able to see the trees a bit more clearly with the fog layers on so i'm going to turn on our fog cards in order to see those trees just a little bit more and let's do um yeah let's let's go for it so i'm going to make an octane scatter object here you can find that by going to objects octane scatter it's right in there or hit shift c and octane scatter boom right there so the idea is that you have this octane scatter and it's asking what do you want me to scatter what objects you want me to scatter in this case will be our trees and where do you want me to scatter it across what surface and that's the same with any scatter object you use whether it's like a cinema 4d you know object cloner or whatnot it's the same deal so the first thing i do is i want to tell it where it should scatter the objects to or across in this case it is this little area here which is uh our lake so we can literally just type in lake um across the surface of no we can't type it in that'd be sweet though we have to drag and drop boom so it's going to be scattering stuff across the lake you can see here that we have all these little points and it's on the vertex of our lake we don't want vertex we want across the surface so that will randomly scatter all these different little pieces across the surface of our lake now there's too many definitely there's too many i can see just by looking at these green dots so i'm going to take the count down to 100 just a simple 100 trees scattered across our lake okay we can go to display and we can say they are boxes instead of lines which that's not updating circles whatever we'll go with line we'll stick with line keep it simple the idea is that we want to take all five of these trees and we want to make sure the gizmo is at the very bottom of these things because it's gonna it'll spawn it that's perfect yep that is a little low so we want to bring this one up this one is a little low as well we can bring this up too and you can hit s to snap to your object you have selected that's actually fine and that is fine so we'll grab those we'll put them in the octane scatter and you can see in our render we have trees coming out of the lake which looks super cool so you have some options on how these things are actually scattered around first it's doing it's scattering all these objects equally so if we want to scatter one object more than another we'll want to duplicate it in the actual in the subfolder here so i actually want this tree let's see if we can zoom in here and we actually need to move our five original objects away we just need to move them out here because they're going to be in our scene we don't want that we don't want to see them so this guy here i'll duplicate that and this guy here i'll duplicate that just holding ctrl and dragging and that's going to give us more of those than we'll see of these guys you know because we want more of the actual trees themselves than we do the stumps so you can see the black lines are the taller trees now one big thing that we need to do here is let's take a look technically we might have some trees going through our huts but i don't in this case i think we're good so what we can do we need to randomly rotate all of these trees otherwise they're going to look like obvious copies we can also set the count up to like 200 to give it a little bit more something back there so rotation you know you could do it all through here but i found the easiest way for me is to do it with uh the cinema 4d modifiers so we'll go into here we'll grab a random modifier and we'll or i'm sorry it's an effector and we'll just drag and drop it into the effectors tab in the octane scatter object so now what it's doing is it's moving all these pieces around we're saying the position we want to randomly um you know organize or randomly organize we want to randomly scatter the position x y and z we don't want them floating so i'm going to take y to zero but this x and z is totally fine it's just moving them like around this surface we can see all of our trees and then we want rotation this is the big one we want to rotate our trees so that they don't they're not all lined up so let me hop back in here and let's see if we can see this you can see how our trees are basically kind of lined up in the same way this little black piece this black piece so we want to organize that we want to rotate that around so we could give it a little bit of you know rotation on that axis a little bit on that axis so they're kind of tilting you know maybe 30 degrees on each but really it's this one here oh sorry hold on i got these mixed up let's do this the right way first all right this is the one so notice these two trees how they look the same if i set that to um 360 they're going to be randomly spun around and they actually look the same there so let me try 1080 and they still look the same let me try 180. i believe they look different now yeah they look different now and then i'll give it 30 degrees and 30 degrees so maybe maybe 15 and 15. so they're all kind of just randomly oriented like that we can also do scale so i'll come in here to scale and i just want to give it a little something so it just breaks it up a little bit more uniform and absolute we can say 0.5 maybe even one so some of them are scaled up and some of them are scaled down and maybe it's 0.8 we'll hop back into our camera and it's too many trees way too many trees um so let's check the camera and hop out and it's coming into our foreground here we don't want that so what we could do is just adjust the seed maybe take the count down until we get something that looks right so maybe we do 100 maybe that was right you know the first time we did it versus 200. i'm just going to re-render here to make sure this is updating properly uh and we still have trees up in our hut so we don't we don't want that so i'll set the count to 100 and i'm just going to adjust the seed until we get something that works so the seed is set to ten thousand i'll just keep adjusting that maybe we'll do 70 trees and let's bring our other fog layer in because it looks like there's too many but i think with the other fog layer it'll they'll kind of be hidden and going back to our reference there's not too many trees here there's a few so maybe we take it to 50. and i think there's too many stumps i think we need just we could probably get rid of of this guy at least and it still looks too uniform and i think i need a bit more of fog between this little layer here so i'll use the fog card to really shape that the the foreground fog card yeah that's one that that we can use so i'll control drag this back and that feels better that certainly feels better um but i want to keep adjusting the seed because i don't like how there's just like four of the same thing here and i'm also going to take the random and i'm going to go 1080 on the rotation the random rotation i'm just gonna randomly throw it off in any direction um and then we'll take the scatter take the seed to like two and we'll keep going until we find something that works for us and we'll render region across this bit here so 2 isn't bad but three is uh three's pretty nice i like that so it's really just like trying to find the look now these guys are coming out from under the ground obviously four doesn't work and five we have a duplicate kind of a look here which i'm not a fan of so far three has been the one oh eight eight could be a winner i like eight so they're coming like they're too you know close to the foreground we can obviously like find a different plane that these things can um can sit in 14 15. yeah we'd probably be better off scattering them across something let's go ahead and let's try this let's duplicate the lake control yep and then i'm going to hide it from everything except i'm sorry except for the viewport and i'm gonna just choke this up and push it back so they're not gonna be really in the way of our foreground they're just going to kind of be in the background and i'm going to say lake dot one is what we're scattering across lake so now we'll get more of our trees in the area where we want them and i think we can get to something that we like a little bit faster and this is just you know going through and finding that that right look you know but i think you guys get the idea i think that's starting to feel uh feel pretty nice here and you could definitely take this fog card and duplicate it and push it back to keep giving you more depth on the the tree layers you know so that's really going to help us get depth in those trees and you could certainly overdo the fog so just be careful but i am i'm feeling something like this guys i think this is this is looking good fantastic so the last thing i want to do is i want to find a sky that looks good for us that i can put into the background here so i'm going to parsec back into my work computer in downtown l.a and if you guys are just joining me here um parsec is the sponsor of today's stream it's a remote desktop application and it's it has basically zero latency very low latency it gets you two monitors you're able to do two monitors with parsec warp so you got your second monitor popping up here boom second screen this will be over on my other screen here it also allows for tablet support so any like pressure sensitive tilt sensitive stuff i'm always on my tablet so they actually came out with parsec warp which is a service that supports the tablet i freaking love it and it also has a perfect 444 color mode which basically means that for every pixel on your monitor you have a specific color and you can you know toggle that on here preferred 444 you got your second screen you can use this to play video games i'm gonna be using this when i'm in georgia and i'm uh you know trying to get some renders out and i just have my laptop i can parsec into my home computer here and get a really nice look um be able to use this whole freaking workstation from uh wherever you're at you can be at a coffee shop it doesn't matter but we've been doing it uh yeah yeah yeah it's helped me so much with uh with quarantine because we've been parsecking into our work computers at corridor at the beginning of all this actually up until like last week and have been able to get work done that way so i'm in my actual corridor computer right now parsec dan and i want to find some awesome uh some sky pictures that i think will will look good for our background so here's what i'm gonna do i am let's open this window up here let's do boom all right so this is what we're looking for for our swamps um let's go ahead and type in like storm clouds and we'll go tools size we'll go large and see what we can find here so you want to find something like i mean this could be interesting but that i believe let's see if we can do in google we'll go settings search settings um uh ah maybe settings advanced search for the let's see there's a size image size we can go we can choose the size we want so we can say 8 megapixels for our storm clouds and we'll do an advanced search for that and then we'll get these images here that are at least 8 megapixels so you want to find something that looks freaking awesome you know like we want to go for something like this so it's definitely some storm cloud vibes with maybe like a little sun sunrise in the back okay so we can pull some of these and just figure out like what the heck works maybe this guy and technically you know we're ripping images here um definitely don't use this for the wrong reasons if you're gonna do something that is like for commercial or whatever um you definitely need to get the correct rights for these you know so just be careful when you're all doing this storm clouds ooh ooh that is nice all right so here in case this is a freaking crazy um yeah in case this is a crazy ad i am gonna just download this on the other window just in case second screen let's see what happens this is a 15 second download it's gonna take a minute huh so i think that's gonna be the easiest way for me to do this is to actually have it um with a with an image versus you know like a whole cloud volume system hey it worked okay desktop boom and i'll find like one more one more image here that we can use um oh this could be interesting try this one because i again i do want to have like a vibe where the sunlight kind of shines through and hits the mid ground area i think that could look really really nice so i'll try those two maybe those three and i'll put them in the correct folder here vfx materials i'll disconnect from parsec and i'm back into my home computer and let's see let's go and grab those [Music] you can't get parsec working for some reason on your network um i mean definitely reach out to to the guys at parsec they're super super easy to get in touch with they're very very kind and see if they can't help you out if you message me on discord there's a link to my discord in the description below if you go ahead and message me there i can make sure that we find guys to help you out with that okay all right so yeah let me grab these images here yeah there's those fireflies we've got got to get those out of there somehow some way but let's go ahead and hide the fog it's all coming from the fog that's like that's the whole reason we're getting the fireflies all right and let's go ahead and grab those images we just pulled copy them over all right so the best way to do this might be with a background so i'm going to save a new iteration so i can always take account of you know all my different versions here i can render this out man this is freaking awesome i'm on a quadro card right now and i'm just super impressed with like i'm able to just go through this without any issues i've only used five gigs of vram of the 24 gigs of vram available pretty incredible pretty pretty incredible heck i'm going to throw another fog card into this background let's go background fog card i want to see it in my viewport i'm going to control drag this guy all the way back all the way back and i'll scale it way the heck up and just get some separation on these mountains here that's nice awesome all right so let's see if we can get this background going i'm going to make a background which is the background and see if this doesn't work i could always do it with a card but let's let's just see if this works i'm gonna make an octane diffuse material i'm gonna hop in here and boom we'll throw an image texture in and it's going to be one of these let's start with let's start with this one i think it's a different look that i think could be really cool i'm gonna give it projection um we'll do box projection so the ratio of the images maintained and we'll give it a transform so we're able to adjust its size and let's pop that onto the background and see what the heck we get nothing's coming through because our environment is shining through so if i do octane settings and i scroll down let me open up the alpha channel now we want the background to actually shine through and reflect into our foreground so that's actually not i don't think it's going to work if we do it this way so maybe we take the background away and we do it with a card so let's make a plane and scale it way back up move it back rotate it upright holding shift to snap at the 90 degree increments and we'll open it up and i just want to check the aspect ratio oh i want to check the aspect ratio of this image right here because i want to maintain the aspect ratio so it is 1919 by 1279. but hold on we don't need to do that because we made it a box projection so no worries and we'll turn it around 180 whoa maybe we do need mess uv 1919 by 1279 was that it 19 yikes 1919 times 100 12 79 1279 times 100 so that should be maintained that looks like absolute but absolute but we got those rings in there which i have no idea why that's the case um it looks like it needs well you know maybe what we could do is actually just make a normal c4d material give it that image copy the path i'm going to color no it's a luminance luminance just makes it a see-through basically just we see the image and we'll go ahead and paste yikes grab that nope apply the new material and hopefully let's try and re-render the scene it should shine through as just the normal image all right interesting why is it just black maybe it needs the now the luminance should do the trick maybe because it's not octane um but octane is going to make it an emissive this should be really easy i don't know why this isn't working now does anyone know how to make this thing double-sided um because this should be showing the image both sides are not i wonder nope hmm oh i know why it's probably because it needs to be emitting like freaking a thousand see that just looks horrible though yeah not having the best luck here with this technique i feel like it'd be the way to go though it's certainly like the way to go in theory it might just be something we have to do in after effects we're getting some weird artifacts here it's very dim [Music] it's not working properly i think the emission needs to be boosted but that just looks horrible that looks absolutely horrible this might be one for another time i'd have to figure this one out because we want to get something like like this you know and the birds the birds i'm probably gonna do in after effects i actually filmed some birds against the sky and i'll just you know luma mat them out key them out and pop them into my scene it's probably the best way to go about it um but man like other than that like i definitely need to get the sky i need to get the birds um i need to the next biggest thing is my character model i'm going to photo scan myself in like my camping gear basically and apply me to the character and have me walking towards this mountain in the background i mean no one's going to know it's me but it'll be me you know it'll it'll be pretty sweet it'll be pretty sweet so you know maybe actually here to give you guys an example of what we'll do i'm going to open up after effects and i'll show you what we can do here with the sky because it's as simple as here let's just turn on our fog let's turn back on the alpha and we'll drop a sky in the background here and you'll see what i mean so i'm gonna let this uh render here 1920x810 awesome yeah an hdr image would probably work something from like uh hdri haven they have the highest quality hdris that'll probably be the best way to go it's not going to help me too much on render time but hopefully i can get a super high res render out in like a day if i just freaking render all day long on this but let's go ahead and file we'll save this as a png um we'll go versions and we'll just call this i don't know sky alpha and we'll hop into after effects and i'll bring that in and we'll bring in those cloud images and see what we can do i just want to see if this will work see how these look so we'll bring those in and we'll bring in this version here look how far we've come so we started like this and now now we're here uh now it's like this you know so we're certainly coming a long way i'm loving it okay so let's drop this in and let's drop in some of these skies and see what we can do obviously i got to get my denoiser going it's a little sparkly but i mean this this could look pretty freaking sweet right here we just have to blew it up you know a little bit of levels on that go with a little bit of blue uh where are you at now also what we could do is uh is we could grab this render and sample this sky color drop it underneath and lower the opacity you know so something like that and we can duplicate that layer bring it on top and we can use extract so if i bring this up i can use extract to cut out all of the the dark bits of the clouds and then soften it and cut back in something like that so now it's over top of everything obviously we don't want it over our huts so i'm going to just do a big old mask around yikes do a big old mask around that and we'll just hit we'll subtract it hit f for feather feather the crap out of it let's just get it to get us an idea of feeling i'll hit t and we'll go 35 opacity and 35 opacity there so you have a little bit of like the foreground clouds coming in just a bit um we can definitely take both of those we'll parent both of them together so now we move them together we have a little bit of like foreground cloud action so that's certainly one way we can do this if we invert that let me try invert we can get a different look different kind of cloud look or we could simply let's do can darken it up a little bit or something so that could be a cool way to do the sky um let's try that sunrise one so this one here something like that could be pretty sweet i'm a big fan of like the foreground being stormy and the background being uh you know basically sunlight or sunset or something or the opposite where the foreground is sunny but the background is is dark i like that a lot so we could do something like that and again we could lower the opacity of it to bring in back some of the original sky so just to give us some options here i think this technique could work if it blended with the mountain a little bit better and the fog layers could blend a little bit better but i think that's not bad at all um i mean heck we're here we could try some some color correction to see what this would look like if i just kind of gave it a bit of [Music] contrast maybe some darker shadows and a a legit vignette so i have a little vignette element that i use all the time which i mean you could you can honestly do this in in after effects super easy just make a black solid ctrl y for that double click your ellipse tool and it'll perfectly do it we'll subtract it f for feather feather the crap out of it and that's too intense but i'll change it to overlay so the highlights will come through the vignette and then you just take that down to like 50 percent and you get something something pretty nice um take the adjustment layer maybe bring the shadows we'll go back up to zero on that so it gets you something something nice there and yeah i mean you could do the same thing actually if you want to have a little bit of reflection in your foreground you could take your storm clouds ctrl d to duplicate w to flip up side down holding shift to snap come on bud holding shift to snap this into place we'll bring it up top and basically if you let's see grab our foreground duplicate it solo it so we're only here and then i'm going to do an extract as well we'll extract the bright parts out and feather that bring it down and we just want let's see put that above our storm clouds and you can kind of see how you get like some reflection on the ground here from these storm clouds you could take it down to like 50 percent that way you still maintain some of the original but i mean that that could look pretty sweet you know pretty cool yeah but i think from this point it's just you know getting the uh the mountain to look a little bit more blended into the environment having clouds be around the mountain like this versus like this so we just need like you know some stuff coming out the top of the mountain some smoke and whatnot but i think this is looking pretty cool this gives me an idea of where i'm going to go for my final look um so i'm going to delete all that boom don't even care don't even care and the fireflies we definitely need to get rid of those so i reached out to someone here saying to hit me up on discord i'm looking out for you i want that z depth technique if you got it i am all ears but guys that's uh that's about it i mean i'm very very very happy with what we have here i think it looks fantastic um it's just gonna take maybe another day or so for me to really hone this in to bring it in um i'll probably use an hdri for the background i think it's probably the best bet probably do some hdri haven um maybe scatter some sticks along the ground definitely change out the character that's certain and yeah you guys have the extension if you're submitting uh in this render contest and the parallel dimensions render contest then you have until november 6th the link to submit is down below in the description um yeah keep at it the top 20 winners i'm going to choose on november 7th next week i choose all the winners i go through all the submissions and i choose the top 20 best ones i'm going to put them together into a sweet audio visual montage so definitely you know bust out a render super cool uh render just like this you can download the template on the landing page it's the same link that you go to submit your uh your render and join the contest we got blender links in there or blender files we got cinema 4d files we got an fbx so i'm expecting some cool renders from y'all and i've seen some cool ones so far too pny is putting out an article on this whole process next week and they have some renders that i actually want to show you guys that have come in from the community that i think are super cool um yeah the due date was november 2nd but it got pushed in november 6th so you guys have time you have until i believe friday there is a countdown timer on the pny website so don't miss it definitely don't miss it i'm excited to see all of your guys's renders i'm excited to get rid of these fireflies in my render it's the freaking fog dude it's the fog killing me and yes it is halloween so i'm joseph seed um this halloween i got my gray jacket right here it's no suit jacket but a little something chris yay dude um thanks for stopping by i'm glad it was your first stream i'm glad it's not the last stream i'll see you on discord buddy um heck yeah good times y'all good times i'm excited to see your render and again thanks to our buds over at parsec for sponsoring this thing let me parsec back in one more time just for the love of it it's so quick and so fast to hop in here and i'm literally on my computer at corridor right now i'm at home but i'm on my corridor computer through parsec uh it's a super fast super easy remote desktop application if you guys want to check out parsec it's actually free if you want to check it out but they do have parsec warp which gives you the extra added benefits like the dual screen the second screen which you can pop over to the right side it's got you with tablet support and a in a 444 color mode i think you save 20 percent if you sign up for a year parsec warp give it a shot it's a blast you can play video games you can do whatever the heck you know when you go away for christmas or thanksgiving bring your laptop and parsec into your main desktop i promise you you won't be you won't be disappointed it's a good time but y'all happy halloween be safe have fun don't eat too much candy brush your teeth all right and uh i'll see you guys on the discord server create with clint discord server it's been a good time sodamonte thank you for moderating uh the chat here and thanks for moderating the server you all are the best i'll catch y'all very very soon i'm a chill for the next uh two minutes here i'm gonna take a little break i'm gonna come back answer any questions you all might have and i'm gonna sign off okay um so i will be back in two seconds see you guys soon and we're back we're back all right all right where are you all at you all got questions what kind of questions you guys have let's see let's find out all right can you add sound effects to your submission you can do whatever the heck you want to your submission i just wouldn't um i'm going to cut your sound effects probably because not all of them are gonna have sound effects and i'm gonna add music to it um it would be cool if they all had sound effects but the plan is to have music i'm not gonna stop you from adding uh sound effects i think it could be cool and it would add an extra element so i might find a way to incorporate it christian have i got around to playing some desk draining absolutely dude um i have yet to beat the game i'm gonna beat the game my goal this year is to beat uh last of us two which i did it was amazing um goes to tsushima with some which i'm almost done with i love it and death training so i'm definitely getting some destroying vibes with this uh with this art and there's your ghost of tsushima you know right in here you definitely have a lot of these kind of buildings in that game and um it has death straining vibes too at the same time it's like a combination of all three games that have been playing which i think is pretty sweet visual yes dude i'm so glad that you're glad that we have an extension because you put out some of the best stuff i'm so glad that you're gonna freaking crank on this thing and make it awesome the top 20 is i mean dude you win the render contests a whole lot so i'd be surprised if you didn't make top 20 dude all right what else what else kind of questions we got can you displace the mountain a bit i want to add a little snow layer yeah you can do it man you can do it just a little bit snow layer i think would be awesome yeah as long as you don't change the overall like vibe of the mountain too much and when i say vibe i mean silhouette as long as you don't mess with the silhouette of the mountain and change it completely then you're fine you know it's totally cool to add a snow layer and texture it how you want all right yup in today's corridor episode there is a teaser for birdemic we're redoing the birds for birdemic i spent actually let me show you um so i'm parsect in to my work computer i'll show you this bird sim that i've been going burdemic remake let me give you guys a little little tease let's see renders where are we at where we have vfx renders so this is a shot that i worked on oh yes unknown file oh because i try to open it that's why two seconds let me let me show you guys this bird nemac nonsense so i had to get oh actually no it's my v2 the v2 version is tracked a little bit better so i had to rig up this eagle which i also downloaded downloaded from turbosquid and ren 3d tracked the scene and i came up with a particle uh particle simulation like a particle system with x particles getting these birds flying around all right and then you guys saw i think this one here which is a shot peter did which is absolutely incredible so good so i'm excited this is gonna be really stupid really really dumb but uh i hope you guys i hope you guys enjoy that it's gonna be a good time all right what else we got what else we got questions happy halloween to y'all uh does parsec need fast internet speeds i only have 40 um megabytes and when i use chrome remote for c4d use at school i get low frame rates um zspc definitely give it a shot you know you can download parsec for free see what you can see and i mean it works for me most certainly and yes xp flock that is exactly what i'm using absolutely but yeah guys i think that's about it um yeah peter's freaking nuts he's really great he's a freaking beast a blender beast the dude is crazy and he's so young too but all right y'all i think it's time i'm gonna sign off thanks for sticking in to the end guys happy halloween stay safe and i'll see you guys on the discord server november 6th get your renders in because i'm going over all of them and i'm choosing the top 20 and choosing the top three winners on november 7th the day after alright guys so be safe see you guys later peace out good times happy halloween don't get too scared bye
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 125,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effects, 3d, modelling, blender, cinema4d, maya, 3dsmax, octane, arnold, education, tutorial, stream, pwnisher, corridor, tank, texture, archviz, photoreal, boston dynamics, bosstown dynamics, robots, after effects, compositing, live action, corridor digital, s22, v2020, nvidia, 3080, 3090, quadro, rtx, challenge, contest, environment
Id: 5FoOsVztm5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 58sec (12958 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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