Episode 1 | Cold Open | Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome to the first episode of ice with downright with a frost maiden i didn't even count down i was just like we're going live immediately right now thanks everybody for being here all right they can't see they can't see us no i can't all right well um everybody's gonna be in here in a second and uh we'll we'll get them uh going uh right now oh um [Music] there that should be better why somehow player cameras left also got routed too oh audio that's great well now that we're not echoing welcome we're sponsored by beetle and grahams i'm sure you heard it you just heard multiple versions there were ten of you wouldn't it wouldn't be an arcane arcade without technical difficulties with a box of scraps it was super thematic perfect it all died so i can survive it's just a reverb i'm just like hello um you can go check them out the link down in the description you can start pre-ordering their uh wild beyond the witch light set which is going to come out at some point along with these guys pretty sure the silver edition is still inside that's not necessary shipping we should be getting ours on monday yeah so um we're also going to be they're going to be our sponsors for the entirety of this game because we have the entire set for this for this entire game and i'm really excited because we got handouts and and maps are you gonna remove the giant box and show the very cool map of the ten towns that is the player map for you guys that is made on like this cool like faux leather so it feels like a real map yeah that so go check them out guys they're they're real real dude it is [ __ ] dude in the in the module it goes through all of the ten towns and each ten town has like friendliness service and um and like uh uh what is it friendliness service and comfort what flakes out of five what oh no we're back okay apparently let's hope that second doesn't persist if it does we're gonna have to create a new stream in which you guys will have to move over to because it's happened in the past hopefully it doesn't happen again if it does it'll be really upsetting but we'll see we'll see what goes on we have been like two seconds in we need that goddamn mug we have a mug we want to put up on on a bonfire whenever we create a merch uh store on bonfire and it just says arcane arcade this mug will likely have technical difficulties yeah yeah all the handle checks out yeah okay sorry what i was saying was is every um every 10 town has a friendliness of services and comfort level measured by snowflakes there's like one snowflake for bad two for okay and three for good and bryn shander has like three in all of them it's like the good good city dugan's hole is the only one with a one and all i wonder why i'm not surprised yeah it probably just has a bad rap you should try it out sometimes yeah the [ __ ] is doogan um so uh everybody welcome mia to the game oh me too oh i do this uncomfortably long oh you were an episode of podcast so it wasn't like your first time here but it's the first time you're playing right here and this table is [ __ ] cool i'm glad you're like it's pretty sick um yeah pretty awesome all right without further ado one more thing uh travis savoy oh my gosh so the music in the intro and the music and the break was all um made con not complete composed i am music man uh composed by travis savoy there's a link to his band camp down the description if you want to get his album for ice windale called winter's wrath he was so kind enough to uh kind enough to let us use um not only uh this soundtrack for our streams but also the tomb of annihilation one for our other game and it's so good so go check it out it's really really great okay enough with the announcements is what the [ __ ] else is there goddammit um i don't have it loaded give me a second uh it's okay we can talk about dugan's hole talk about how cool beetle and grams is it is pretty cool yeah this can't see paper at this rate we want to have meals and graham yeah i need all my other senses assaulted i'll be able to taste indeed dude [Laughter] what if someone made like a febreze packet type thing where it came with different d and d like smells and you just put it in and then like spritz it and then your room smells like no no those are where you're at the smell of coffee in phoenix you talked about them there are candles that are like scented for like a forest or things like that i mean i guess those already exist but yeah it's just called a fourth candle yeah we bought a bunch of um like class themed candles for our friends for christmas that's cool yeah that's fun so let's give a big shout out to our patrons who are supporting us over on patreon.com kid there's a link down in the description if you want to support us and let me read your name at the beginning of every game all right big shout out to dove mill digged in big buff soft devin wilson res storm melody olvera michael arthur souza jaron cow the god six salmon in the salmon cask penguin culture fluffy the barbarian pimpin the hood the psychic pineapple tetrahydroforin addison heading to tonic knight micah god of puns will pratt possibly related to chris pratt adam hallett death to fire angriest bird god mimi h mama love and papa joy come forth and edge know notorious thief some amazingly awesome rejected tub full of sea men josh travis kdl autism ice win deez nuts says snap creator dgy food [ __ ] you know laurent a murray who loves you duncan york nick cameron richardson muriel stahl and laird olive thank you guys so much for supporting us over there on patreon we appreciate it you guys basically paid for this entire set and these mics and everything we're using technically i did but the money went to me and then i used it for this all right let's start the game the money went into the arcane arcade scenes season and means of dnd watch this you guys ready for some lighting shifts no whoa whoa look at that i'm sorry i'm cold now yeah do you feel cold i do turn that fan off where's dale out please though i was told specifically dale is gonna be dale should be here all right i really should have made a character and named them dale there's still time that's all i'm saying my backup ice wind dale has become trapped in perpetual winter ferocious blizzards make the mountain pass through the spine of the world exceedingly treacherous and this land has not felt the warmth of the sun in over two years in fact the sun no longer appears above the mountains not even what should be the height of summer in this frozen tundra darkness and bitter cold rain as king and queen most dale residents blame oril the frost maiden the god of winter's wrath the shimmering aurora that weaves across the sky each night is said to be her doing a potent spell that keeps the sun at bay dale folk live in scattered in a scattering of settlements known as ten towns the drop-off in caravans coming from the south and travel between settlements is this never-ending winter has left everyone feeling isolated [Music] thank you person at the door for your contribution thank you alexa stop it please that was a perfect timing to isolated not isolated actually ding dong it's oral she's here i'm not ready they're all dead um how's your sandwiches she's dead dale folk live in a scattering of settlements known as ten towns the drop off in caravans coming from the south and travel between settlements is this never-ending winter has left everyone feeling isolated although each town has resolved to appease the frost maiden with sacrifices of one kind or another no respite from winter's fury seems forthcoming for adventurers such as yourselves ten towns is a place to test one's medal and in the spirit of heroes who have come before leave one's mark the frigid blighted land whoa really cool musical cue there didn't tend for that at all [Music] but our story today starts as a lot of you are sitting in a tavern um kazira oh you're the first person to be sitting in this tavern yeah sitting alone at a table what are you drinking what are you eating um do they have soup uh like some some trout stew i'll have like a nail and a trout stew all right yeah um knucklehead trousers yeah of course yeah um yeah you're you're sipping on that you're eating away as um i go ahead and turn the lights to the tavern music the tavern the tavern lighting oh yeah as you're kind of sitting alone the door to the tavern kind of opens and there's kind of the wind blowing from outside and it it shuts letting some of the warm air escape into the outside as the actual door to our front door is actually opened at the exact same time which is very convenient but as you're sitting um alone in this tavern uh that door opens and you see stepping in is this enormous figure um a goliath you've seen them before um mia do you want to describe your character yeah you see stepping in this woman who's seven and a half feet tall and unfortunately ripped as hell um she uh has a quarter stop kind of like slung over her shoulder and she is like just drenched in snow from outside through it you can kind of see this reddish hair that's been braided in almost like an undercut style and she just takes a moment and she braves and she looks around to some place to sit do a knot yeah one of the only few empty tables in here is the one uh with only a single person sitting at it um spencer if you want to describe your character um he is wearing mostly black he's got black hair um red eyes are super pale with like a pretty nasty scar across his face um he probably he's been sitting here for a while but he probably still looks like kind of out of breath like being outside is hard for him um and he's not enjoying being in the cold but he's prepared for the for the cold of uh the 10 towns sitting eating his soup trying to warm back up yeah i think immolation will kind of wander over that direction and she'll she'll sit down and should be like i i hope this actually wasn't for anyone else awesome she goes it doesn't look like you're necessarily from around here uh no uh i i live in cara denval but um no idea where that is i'm sorry it's fine near here the door opens again you hear the howling wind from outside as another figure steps in um two at the same time actually one um one colton why don't you describe the way your character is oh okay um yeah as the door opens uh a figure kind of walks in and kind of straightens up and kind of pats off some some snow that's probably gathered on their shoulders um she stands about it's a a drow standing at about uh five foot ten five foot nine ish um covered in furs that look far too fine to have come from here so they must have come from somewhere and she kind of just straightens up into like like a very a very uh not i don't know how to describe it but just very composed like stance sort of yeah proper this kind of looks over and notices that the table with the least going on is probably the table with these two all the other tables in this tavern are completely covered um are like covered with people who are wearing like a lot of clothing and cloaks and they're very clearly like um either fishers or um or or farmers or workers um here in bryn chandra but uh these two specifically stand out yeah and uh she will walk over to this table and just kind of sit down you two you two don't look like anyone else around here not from here coming in behind at the same time as you've walked in um is your character craig if you'd like to describe them yeah um almost like a polar opposite of cullen's character lazarus is introduced by sounds of like metal as um both of their arms from the elbow and both knee legs from the knee down are prosthetic and in some way mechanical um and they don't seem to carry it very well the hunched back they kind of sway loosely as they move through the room the toes and metal instruments kind of clack onto the wood iced purple skin eyebrows that have been ruined by who knows what it means an ear that's half missing one that pokes out very largely from um his clothing mainly ramshackled as if like a flag or a tarp was let go and he just decided that was a part or they just thought it was part of their clothes the green and it's kind of almost rubbery like a hazmat suit so he squeaks a little bit as you step in the tavern kind of stops for a second and a couple there's like people who notice that they're staring at you and immediately stop and as you kind of walk in um one of uh one of the 10 towners kind of looks over at you and like reaches out an arm and she kind of looks up at you and says are you all right no do you need help no oh i need a seat if you got one uh i kind of look around the busy tavern there's an empty seat over at this table of misfits looks like you got one if anything it's painfully apparent that lazarus doesn't have lips behind his mask everything's teeth you can't pronounce certain things in certain ways like just goes back to like her food as the tavern kind of resumes wait there's an animal outside followed me in kind of opens in a bear holy [ __ ] he's fine he's fine chill out the bear walks over and out back outside feed him but not me somebody yeah and they grab a couple of fish and go over towards the outside of the tavern and go throw a couple of tourists up down and go the only spot left take it it's fantastic thank you yeah i'll sit and things kind of click together and kind of like the the water from it being melted now frozen so it's like i'll just stay here you guys have never seen somebody like this before but um all of you are not like anybody you've ever seen before it's um if anything maybe kazira is the most normal uh normal looking but perhaps that draws you all together as you sit in uh the tavern known as the north look it is a uh the north look is an establishment mostly frequented by mercenaries and adventurers um and uh it's pretty rowdy but at this current current time which is maybe about two to three p.m it's some people are out working and it isn't like super rowdy currently at the time but it is still full um and uh you guys sit down in the establishment as people talk drink and um uh talk one another about their daily lives uh what's going on in ten towns how awful everything is constantly all the time and um you all sit together at this table i think during this time immolation actually starts taking out the braid and like trying to get as much water out as possible because she doesn't want it to freeze like that and during this whole process she goes hey my my name's immolation what's what's yours um elenstra let's make your acquaintance yeah you are what your name bear have a name you see out the window there's like a bear you can call it lazarus too they don't [ __ ] matter all right what do you call it nothing fair enough he follows me around whatever his machinations are above me you guys are sitting around at the uh tavern table a young boy walks in with a bunch of furs and um has like these goggles and like pulls them up and looks right and he's like chattering and he kind of walks around different tables and he goes over he says brand shade or bulletin put us on a table branching a bulletin goes over your guy's table french chain or bulletin ah it goes over to another table branch or bulletin there's a lot going on here someone like my each question would be holding such delicate paper there's like already some cut scrapes and scissors i ruined it it was just worthless if only they had some kind of electronic device that was that would just electronically admit it like electronic where are you from the sky i guess what exactly is happening in this town of importance uh there's a buy one get one free on black iron blades oh okay i already have a sword now they're traditional here i guess yeah what about trouble any trouble uh don't touch powder puff who what other flowers with blue leaves and fuzzy flowers that are very poisonous and if you touch it you'll die we'll you'll be paralyzed i think and then you'll freeze to death because you can't move i see that yeah that would make sense oh [ __ ] see you on the bottom i didn't remember this look at that get rid of that goddamn bear you're gonna kill the bear well no if it follows you around don't you think you'd want to keep it um three um bowls of steaming hot knucklehead trout stew are put in front of the three of you um and this dwarven woman looks over and says money ale i'll have another sure do you have other options um then ale yes maybe water and um no wines um we might have a few back there we haven't really got some shipments in quite a while they mostly come from the south i go check though don't warn you probably won't be cheap fine let me know what it is ale water slime all right she come she kind of leaves eventually she comes back puts another ale in front of gazera gives you a water also gives you a water because you look like you need it and then it goes over to you and says all right so we do got a bottle back there some old uh great match stuff uh it's gonna run you about 10 gold pieces for a cup though colton is trying to remember where gold is by 10 gold pieces i actually mean five because it's ridiculous amount of money one moment i'm trying my board where is my goal there it is find it found it um yeah i will i will buy that all right um she brings you a glass of wine um and puts it in front of you and uh it's five gold pieces do you taste it it's very delicious very fruity um it's a bit bitter um and not the sweetest of wines that you've tasted but it's not bad you're all some kind of adventuring troupe or something mercenary i just walked in huh this was the only open table you would happen to need someone an extra extra set of hands by myself for two extras someone's willing to bet 300 gold to kill a yeti you ever killed a yeti before i thought you were saying i would i don't have 300 gold no but the hunters that found me up north they showed me some stuff about yetis i might be able to track some down all right yeah it's just an option there she is i think that's all about that well he's betting that he would be the first one to do first yeah i don't know what the reward would be normally there's a reward i assume the 300 gold well that's him saying i'll do it before you then we do it i don't know where it is though i don't know if i want to hunt down a yeti in this cold it's uh you know traveling is it it's only gonna get colder yeah the only thing you're doing it's not in the cold is sitting there as you do that you suddenly hear singing from the other side of the tavern you hear there's a place i like to go farther up the rivers flow and you look over and on the wall is a knucklehead trout um with a uh with a little gold plaque underneath it says old bitey and his head has kind of turned and he's my blackberry and he goes where it is i do not know must be under all that snow what the [ __ ] and it goes back and then some like dwarf goes over and walks by he's like what and then it bites him and goes back he walks away holy [ __ ] [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] bear my legs are frozen no oh body can hang out i think it only gets more colorful the further up north we go it does say colorblind it's only white it never changes unless you're pissing it then it's yellow sometimes she goes i was talking about the the people but you're right snow is only ever white unless you piss in it right maybe the yeti is the only thing interesting happening here not true woman pulls up a chair up towards your table and sits over and she says hi god damn talking a bunch aren't they yeah oh yeah it's busy places around here you guys don't look like you're from around here either aren't you very far um hi my name is flynn helen trollbane i'm um i've been looking for people like you for a little while and you seem capable especially because you can't get your faces out of that newspaper meaning that um you're probably bored and in need of gold yes am i wrong sure great accurate assessment about halfway so um have you heard about the um have you heard about the um the murders you said the murders you know i i didn't hear nothing but no murders i've only been here for like a year i've only been being saved so i kill nobody the bear might have though i i don't suspect any of you but if that's what you're worried about no i just haven't heard about it well um yeah there's been some there's been some strange killings going on recently yeah um how many three they've been committed in the past month a halfling trapper in east haven human ship builder in targos three days ago with dwarf glass blower here franchander each victim was found a dagger of ice through their heart quite the mystery i am nobody's getting off their ass to figure out what's going on here and people are dying and uh i've talked to the guards they don't care i've talked to some speakers they won't listen to me so um i'd go try to find this person myself but my glory days are a bit behind me as much as i don't want to admit it so i come to you i've got some gold despair i don't want more people to die things are already as bad as it is how much 100 gold each gold can can you uh repeat the people that died i didn't like you yeah yeah sorry um there was a halfling trapper in east haven sorry i don't really know their names um human shipbuilder and targos and a dwarf glass blower in bryn shander here do you at least know the name of the dwarf given that you're here um no he didn't really die with an id on him is that the only notable thing that dagger vice well it's consistent enough to note a pattern at least no no three of them died in the same way no but i've i figured out i've done a bit of research and i think i could i i've narrowed down a culprit at least um out of my sense of moral decency and boredom i um investigated and found that there is a man the only suspect his name is sefek caldro he works for a small traveling merchant company called torx and it's owned and operated by the shady dwarf named torga i spain every time that there's been a murder torga's shop has been in the town and just three days ago left bryn chandra right when that guy was killed i think there's a connection and suffolk is her bodyguard do you know where they were going not really they move around they go from each 10 town to 10 town and knowing that they were last here in bryn shane or they could be anywhere right so um i did follow torx for a 10 day as it moved from town to town it's quite a devious little enterprise but um it's not my concern what struck me is how comfortable sefek caltra looks in this weather he's got no coat no scarf no gloves it's like the cold couldn't touch him kiss the frost man indeed that's never a good sign yeah so i'll pay you 100 gold pieces to apprehend sephic ascertain his guilt and deal with him deal with him do not involve the authorities please why are you so concerned about the authorities because if he goes into prison they're going to want to go put him into prison and then he's going to escape because they're not going to keep their eyes on him because they don't give a [ __ ] what about the place in that note what place oh no where is that rebels end home to the most despicable criminals in the tale and beyond revel's end is real far and i don't think you want to drag that guy weeks out into the dale just to go put him in that prison why is no never mind look they're not dealt with here 10 towns works in and out outside of revel's end i don't know all the details there but look let's just make this simple are you asking us to kill this person i am honestly it's easier that way he's a problem and he's very clearly out of his mind a bit and he's if and if he's give me a second sorry if he is allied with the frost maiden i'm not so sure that he's a good company an outstanding citizen someone who's going to be missed that doesn't necessarily mean that they can't change who they were i have a 100 shiny gold head to say otherwise killing is easier than dragging off to prison anyways if we're certain that he's guilty if you're certain that he's guilty and i may be wrong but i'm not very often wrong one life for three everyone's guilty at some how much more are you willing to let him kill so if he stays alive it's going to continue happening how are you so certain of that no i guess i'm not i'm out of time what about sorry what about torga do you don't think she's the one she calling the shots i don't know i think she's too dumb i'm not too certain but that's what i'm hiring you all to do but let me make it clear you come back he's not dead you don't get your gold okay all right all right good good uh good meeting uh welcome to bryn shander and uh i'll buy you another round and he goes over the bar and says buy them another round she had wine okay not her and and and the bartender looks down and it's like glenn you know you can afford it and she hands over the gold they come over and give you another water and you another water you another ale and you another glass of wine and behind a man killing her 100 find a yeti kill for 100 300. nah i don't need 100 you guys have all i don't care it's just on how fascinating she was with this person my concern is if uh i don't exactly hunt yetis for a living and i'm not in the business of losing 300 gold that's fair i don't have 300 volt on me the camera battery was swapped like five minutes ago i did do it we could find this guy asking questions it definitely seems like this person if they are the one doing it or an opportunity good ice dagger the fact that they are you know maybe blessed by oriole leads me to believe that exactly frost man yeah why it's dark it's causing a lot of problems it's been like this for a while it's only getting worse too long see sounds gonna change not these people are gonna i think they probably already have not been very long do you think anyone else here has information yeah maybe try to find this dwarfs family well apparently no one knew who he was because he didn't have an id on it he's a victim wow who cares every day we might waste tears another day their boat gets a little further away wonder if they someone might know a merchant might know where they're going next yeah that'd be worth checking maybe we could hitch a ride might be going to good mead is there a trail for that well they went to targos and bryn shander and easthaven good means this way they could go to cair dinaval but i was just me just being there doesn't mean anything no uh unusual death and caridinaval jacob were there any unusual deaths in cair denval about a week ago no no the only thing unusual in keradinovol is the fact that the speaker hasn't been seen in quite a while he was very outspoken man and then suddenly they're stopped and now there's strange people moving in and out of the fortress that's on the caridina ball they have a mystery now there's weird weird [ __ ] going on but i don't think it's uh related at all i think uh malaysian's gonna stand up she's gonna tie her hair up real quick she's gonna she's gonna and look over to the table next to us yeah there's uh three uh humans they are drinking she goes uh good fortune um welcome your night is going well yes because i was wondering if you had any information um my my friend is she's going to point over at what's that lustria the olympia ellenster she's an appointment she's willing to buy you another round if you have information for us um the two of them gonna look over you another one looks over at a linstrom goes like this and then uh two of them uh look over you and says uh information about what yeah do you happen did you hear anything about that dwarf who may have died here oh yeah yeah yeah i did hear about that kind of weird and then uh the guy who winked at uh ellen strick and i turned over says uh i've heard those those serial murders it's just oral she's coming around she's like don't don't blame everything i don't know man can't just blame every single i'm like i'm serious i think that they bought themselves out of the lottery so they weren't getting burned he's like that's [ __ ] it's probably just some guy going around getting kills because he's the lottery the yeah it's it's been a while since i've oh um yeah well um ever since the the the um the cold has taken over and um our town speakers have allied together to to appease oral the frost maiden he's kind of the god of all of this place i guess and i mean to appease her we need to make sacrifices some places that are sacrificing food leaving it out for the crag cats to get at some other place sacrificing warmth certain nights turn on all flames any sort of warmth they all got a bundle uh that bundled together in a single house in order to just spare the warmth so they don't all freeze in the night some places like here bryn chandler everything goes kind of quiet as everybody's listening to this guy there's a there's a lottery everybody's name written on them they draw one whatever's name is on the lottery it's brought into the center of town and burned for the frost maiden so um it's not getting any worse which is which is good and everybody's like right yeah yeah yeah some people are like but it's not getting any better yeah well no but we don't want to anger her and you can see like immolation like take a moment where like she closes her eyes the sacrifices can't have all been in vain she has to notice she's she's fury i don't think she cares people what you say all those people died for nothing she goes i think that your heart is in the right place and i'm sorry for your loss but i think the nights are going to get harsher yeah what are you going to do about it because now with oriole nothing i can't but maybe there's this dwarf i didn't know much about him no i just knew that he was um yeah he had a lot of money he was pretty rich you at least have a name or did you not see his id either his name uh no i heard his name was um uh dwarven hmm another funny name for like his race it was dorv d-o-r-v i-n dorvan because i also heard something about a traveling merchant that's been through here torgos yeah um towards orgs terrible confused too yeah yeah they um both names they've got some supplies that come into town not very um they're kind of like an outside shop they move around yeah uh get any way of getting in contact with them yeah no no no hmm do i have like a route um the 10 towns maybe just get lucky find one on the outside of the town at some point i see very descriptive hey man it's not my business okay you're well chick girl person i don't know [ __ ] he starts speaking could you uh take us to the place where he was killed uh sure sure yeah um yeah come with me and he stands up and the other two guys are really he's like yeah what you two you come with me too and they stand up and they pull up their hoods they put on these goggles um and they uh go over towards the door and they open it there's like wind kind of blowing on the outside any time chinese is like come on she's gonna look back at the tail and she's gonna be like i know this is a good idea this is what i got i grab the glass and i look at it how nice is the glass like that like this yeah what what what would a glass like this be worth in two silver pieces cool i walk over and i set down five silver and they go i just walk out with the glass all right [Laughter] um you guys are brought through um uh the streets of bryn shander which are um not filled with people but much more than any of the other 10 pounds there are people walking from place to place as a kind of blizzard is being blown over through the town currently the streets are covered in snow and it's difficult for you guys to kind of push and walk through the town though the buildings provide some cover against the wind you guys are brought over and eventually um over to uh an alleyway in a uh in a ward of the city on the west side because you guys are brought over towards this alleyway it's empty except uh for kind of a patch of like like black ice um and it points over he says that's where they found or is a there was a a dagger of ice in his heart yeah right must have just gotten unlucky yeah i don't know i still think that he got his name out of lottery and it's orioles uh uh malevolence that it dude just come on do you guys not know who gets drawn in this lottery no it's random and okay look i showed you where the place was i don't want to get my nose all up in this business i don't want to lose my job or anything like that all right no appreciate it thank you it does have a point though people that are dying then towns that sacrifice someone every month feel like harley's sacrifice stabbed some guy in an alley yeah i don't know what creature would care about that almighty god let me just have this guy where he's not looking and leaving this alley for you no people in this area they're superstitious when you're at the whim of a fury there isn't much you can do except hope well then we find the thing praying on these people yeah can i look around this area this alleyway i'm sure it's been trampled on by yeah a good rule survival check you're sweet 16 16. you look around you find a lot of footprints um most of them kind of a bit more heavy set probably armored um and you do find like where the body kind of laid down as you go over and you notice that kind of like black patch of ice is blood um it's old though from like three days ago um and as you kind of look around yeah it's it's isolating one person's footprints out of this mess is almost impossible was killed a while ago three days is a long time especially here yeah probably in a body lift no they probably burned it probably can't bury anyone three days do we know how far it would be to um good mead yeah um to good meat yeah um so from from bryn chandra to good mead that would be uh a little card right there some details wait is that meals on ground thank you easier than ever hi matthew lillard if you're watching this i love you uh i like it when he drinks that potion he gets boobs i love him in his room yeah six hours walking six hours [Music] [Laughter] licking the icy kind of frozen bread [Music] this one little sled he looks strong sure we're going to try if you want i don't think you know bears aren't like incredibly fast right well we're kind of thick enough to get us slowest you might oh no all right let's see how you can keep up with uh what gangle creature and gingle creature i think i think they called themselves not a gang oh i see look at the bear and if anyone's paying enough attention you can see the wheels turning being like i'll be able to get out of walking by riding the bear and i just don't say anything i think they had a good name good meeting the camera died again i think we just walked there bear sled on the bear [ __ ] it make the bear useful i don't care well we'll at least theoretically be making progress i'll go buy a slide yeah maybe i'll meet you in front of that tavern in the north north north north look yeah in about 15 minutes go ahead all right come on lazarus i'm gonna go find your [ __ ] if it goes with you um you go kind of towards the outside of town where they've got like kennels with dogs and sleds there and you can get a sled an empty sled has 20 gold pieces and has a room at the back for a driver i believe you could take everybody with you on the sled though it can it can hold multiple people oh wait hold up can i only fit one person oh damn hang on hang on no fun why are you crying it's not very challenging oh yeah yeah so it's one and one what sorry yes oh did you put the other one so um each sled it can be pulled by one dog um and it has room for one driver um each sled is 20 gold pieces and if you want a dog the dog is um 50 gold pieces we just buy a dog yeah um but you could have lazarus pull it i'm going to look at my couch you wouldn't have to have any gold on you would you big fella are you talking to the palazzos [ __ ] there's this halfling guy who's just like you want a dog you want a sled i can't get rid of this one and i don't want him oh my god oh it's that's a bear it is praise oriole that is a whole bear right in front of me i've never seen one wait a minute why does he want to eat me you want to see him real close no you're sure i don't want to lazarus is great with people or whatever the [ __ ] you are lazarus never mind this is you guys control come on let's go keep up show up all right you uh where did the rest of you where did you guys oh you went back to the tavern yeah i go back to my car yeah yeah let's go back to the tower um it was a bust knowing my life a coin yeah but lazarus here's uh light of a belly rope wouldn't fit right small mountain it's got a whole scenario easier just to walk let's walk then six hours isn't too bad right now you got snowshoes i guess you can get a pair though if you want all right does everybody have a little suite of promise is anybody resistant to cold damage you are resistant i am yes you're a goliath indeed but uh so you're good you could be naked and be fine that's i when you're trying to imply that you should be i was just more saying that you just strip off all the clothes yeah yeah and snow shoes and you have snow shoes i think i have winter clothes on something if not with little shoes first no shoes of a snow type i don't think i have a grandparent so if we find ice on the slip so what do you need crampings like little spikeys for your boots yep definitely not those i didn't know those were i have it here i assume i would have had one i didn't those aren't those aren't in the actual no they're actually only in in this so how much would something like that cost for what um winter clothing uh i have those the boots oh the snow shoes the snow why doesn't tell me what about the other things no shoes are two gold pieces crampons are two gold pieces as well how much do they weigh uh crampons yeah one fourth pound for two so they weigh an eighth of a pound right all right i'll find someone who do you have crampons but you use them as weapons they're trampons okay i will pay someone for that uh yeah you go to a little shop and they're like you want some shoes they sell these all the [ __ ] time and you've got anything to fit this and i'll like just me on the table like oh my god um yeah knows an acceptable answer it's just awfully big you just took your leg off yeah hang on oh you can put it back on no no no no no can you put it back on yeah i put a bolt on i'm not just standing here my own volition yeah that's actually more useful than i thought all right and then they they measure your foot and they're like they're it's all normal now and they're like yeah cool here you go good on you they go home and they go honey i met a guy whose legs came off you can put them right back on papa today i met a boy with no eyes i bought i bought the snowshoe or the the snow spikes the snow spikes the food spikes you can call them crampons i know come rushing out it sounds weird but if you say it enough it won't be weird it's gonna be fine i've got crampons i've obtained them me too look at them i would also like crampons please okay yeah they're two gold pieces two gold pieces i also got these little fuzzy balls from my boots you can't wear crampons and snowshoes at the same time okay okay that's good to know um i i would like to also get snow shoes and then you can't spikes would go through the snow shoes yeah yeah i'll keep the i'll keep the uh i'll keep my snowshoes on and cool so uh you guys gather all that stuff um and begin to set out are you guys setting out now heading for good me yeah that's like what jenny did you actually suggest that i could ride the bear yeah as you can try that yeah i do not want to walk you're gonna ride the bear i would like to attempt to okay so we're talking about riding the bear um a bundled up figure walks briskly up to all of you and uh she says well matt you a lot seem like you're looking for work yeah what are you doing we gave you that impression i um just uh your the way you hold yourself the way the way you walk around and the way that i know you're investigating the murders and also that uh what do you know hmm what do you know what do i know yeah i don't really know much i was wondering if you could do something for me sure what do you got um so i'm looking for these already yeah just spit it out my name is danica ray steele i'm a scholar and i think that um in to in order to improve the climate here in the ice window which as you can tell is being really really bad hey hey hey getting in here what are you talking about no no no no no i was thinking look i traded in my motorcycle for this bear all right thing i've been doing research about them uh they're these wee little elemental creatures called chewing gums have you ever heard of them before bye-bye they're the sweetest little sounds ever but i think my whole mood's changing that was a question [Music] how do you do math 13 you have not had these before yeah she says they they um they inhabit the 10 towns um they can alter their natural surroundings and i think if i could study one up real close i could learn a lot and help out the 10 pounds here so i was i'll pay you each 25 gold pieces um if you bring one to me in like a little jar well no they'll probably i don't i don't they there's they're they're delicate very sweet little creatures they they might uh just want to come with you if you humor them they don't bite right i i don't know i don't think so okay are you gonna harm them no no no no no no not that kind of i'm not gonna stop um i i did make this though and she holds out a lantern and they like like jingles and it's um it's it's not glowing from the inside she says it's a lantern of elemental tracking and whenever you're near an elemental of some kind like a chewing gum it will glow oh so this should help you if you're willing to do it of course are they just in the in the wild well i've been looking for them and there's none in bryn chandra so well it's a very interesting event it's a very big place there's a lot of people yeah that's kind of standing outside of town for people like yourselves to leave so that you could possibly take this thing and bring them out for the promise of money there you are there you go how much is this weight the lantern uh the what the how much a lantern weighs it's actually in d2b on ability of tracking i'm getting real close on my um if you like uh lysandre can all that work lysander i'm sorry whoa the [ __ ] the bears names that's what you said uh sure yeah this doesn't say how much this weighs okay i got the bear like a little pouch or anything do you have like a saddle on it yeah yeah i don't even know it's it's a bag i tossed all of them okay okay yeah let it turn off she goes thank you so much i'll be here just waiting for you to come back with a train have you ever ruined the bear no uh good good day danny i'll go go warm up yeah the oddest people he's bad i really prefer i'm gonna try to hurt or something you mount the bear i just don't like one the only way to get used to a climate is to experience a climate preferably i won't have to get used to this well your stagecoach awaits good luck with the bear you go over to the bear while i am handling amen how long have you known the bear like three days a couple months a couple months followed me around yesterday first ice first ice roll you get on top of me uh the bear and um saddle up and you're now riding the bear huh you kind of like rock back and forth as like you as you as he like waddles forward i'm really impressed with you you know what i need to get is the outside lights reminds me wow oh my eyes it's bright outside it's not it's if we're gonna be realistic um icelandale is more like [ __ ] wait um or like this oh it's dark outside you look pretty good on the stream awesome i'll just yeah um good thing i can see in the dark same all right so uh you guys make your way off towards the town of goodmead um as you guys start um heading out it is cold it is uh windy and uh but you guys are covered and and good to go um you you the cold doesn't bother you anyways [Laughter] no i wouldn't have bought them giving myself two gold bags uh you know when you need an extra set no no i don't lose things all right you guys start heading what the [ __ ] is happening nothing i said something incredibly dumb oh yeah all right so uh give me a second as i try to locate uh things yes no can you hand me the beetle and grims platinum edition ice window box all right it's very heavy oh yeah i'm like atlas [Laughter] there's something in here i need i like how before we went through the whole whole dilemma is it a dream had everything that we would need out of it well now jacob can keep it on that side yeah beautiful box beautiful paper beautiful it's all done but i have a feeling it's a spoiler oh is that what's on the front the first person that isn't one of us that looks like he's got some business for sure we'll pray for him yeah duke and fisher you can fish right outside of town i didn't know that could [Laughter] oh yeah the juxtaposition of it being uh 101 degrees here when we're playing is not is not ignored by us don't remind me it's the current temperature minus 10 degrees are practically the same for californians so i'm saying it's all too cold you want to die yeah anything below 30 degrees is like too cold yeah yeah yeah i don't think you've ever experienced 10 degrees no i don't think i have either i've experienced i think 20 when i was in vancouver utah which is pretty pretty nice negative four negative four there's really no difference between ten and negative four everything's very cold yeah it's that point where like the snow will get in your boots melt and then like then freeze again it's the weirdest [ __ ] it's gross it's like you could when you're walking where your clothes will get wet and it'll freeze so you can get out of pants and they'll stand up like well sure i guess this is unpleasant yeah give me a second guys sorry uh one i think the chewing gums you find them right your bear has the lantern if it goes all right we we don't really have a time limit on that one no no i'd like to get back to this danica girl though she seems nice but well that's not a bad thing i'm all about fire with fire if you want to deal with climate change with poaching i'm on board i don't think she wants to kill these little things no hopefully not the poaching would kill him you know you take the horns or the the tusks or the chewing is magical who knows what they made of tiny hats they could that'd be interesting i don't think i've ever could you imagine maybe they could like synchronize dance or something and that's going to appease oil how out of pizza is me okay good enough i guess so um alinstra where exactly are you from that is so different from here have you ever heard of the underdark i've heard of it i've never been it's very different caverns caves caverns caves right dark warm spiders not bears what uh who's brought you to the north so far from the warm and the spiders like vertically north though yeah yeah well not really a lot it was time for me to leave home for a little bit up ahead as you guys been walking there's a group of other people about four of them um they're dragging a sled behind them as they go forward um they're like got their heads down to go for the blizzard is actually like kind of stopped at this point it's just kind of uh just kind of still air a bit of wind but can i come over and they kind of look up you know you can't even tell who they are they're so covered and they just kind of hold their hands up i can't tell they are supposed to be nice not having to wear all this clothing it looks over at you and kind of stops for a second pulls up goggles sits down huh stop for a second oh how fair all of you came from good mead oh any mysterious murders no no [ __ ] good they're gonna be grand chandra just had one oh that's not good oh that company what's it called tatar actually no there was there was actually a hole although it wasn't like a mysterious murder it's just a murder oh somebody just died yeah the town speaker was killed yeah by a nine foot tall giant oh dagger wait what damn rumor has it giant stole a bunch of honey mead ah yep honey man do you know yeah taverns and good meat and ten times are gonna go dry this damn giant yeah they'll be riots there might be you know there might be people riots mean warm and then uh there's this other guy that walks over he um it's a dwarven uh individual and he kind of pulls out goggles and he just says did you know if you eat the heart of an ice troll you become immortal and he goes don't all right he's he's just he's joking around he likes to joke around i'm not joking around my brother billy did it he said all right we're gonna we're gonna back up we're gonna head out it's good talking to you folks we'll see you guys later all right yep there's no meeting good meet there's a little bit but but was there a traveling merchant traveling merch uh no no no actually no i didn't see one have you seen porgos or um from from good mean oh which sorry which which one torx torx i haven't seen torques torques in a while what is the last place you saw him [ __ ] three years ago uh turmeric turmeric actually when we were over there traveled that way okay anyways uh see ya my head off how long ago that's wrong i mean a week ago is before [ __ ] so that's the reason death did he do it he doesn't yeah yeah he definitely did it he doesn't have to be light right but it might mean somewhere hard bring chandra he comes running back he goes okay sorry i figure i should actually give you i'm not not a week ago i was i was no um i knew that they were going to tourmaline they were in good meat a week ago that's i know that's where you're going okay anyways going great thank you first guy comes up behind sis is do you want to know the safest way to explore the scene of moving ice because no they don't want to know actually anna just bail at the coast if you to catch the ride of a lifetime and he goes all right come on buddy we're leaving they don't want to hear any more of this okay in the head off well hang on please don't humor him please don't yes you ever seen a trawinga wow little nature spirits yeah i've seen them run around and cause mischief they like to eat pine cones there may have been one in good need or maybe a few love to see it thank you parenting swoop down from the mountains to hunt if you can't catch the sign of one hide under the snow nobody did what was this ride of a lifetime they're gone i think people think uh there's a creature that lives in the lake it's called anger spell anger duke's bell chick spell i see hey are we going to continue to good meet or are we going to walk back um you guys walked for an hour i think we should i think we should turn around did you get a chewing gum where no i think we should go to turmeric tourmaline will be wherever or maybe they've already gone around and then this is why they're right here they're finishing around was confused they were here a week they were here a week ago and then they were in branch under three days ago and they're going to tourmaline [ __ ] yeah but they had already been in targos so so and that also means that we're if we're going this way we'll run into him on the road if we're not going to okay yeah no it's very amenable let's do that instead hey brain shooter to tourmaline is also six hours easy done seven now all right man start getting this map this map makes it look like it's pretty big it's actually pretty small like everything's pretty pretty tight hole but dugan's only when it survived the hell during the last man standing right someone will defeat it or or she uh i don't assume dugan's intent do get a man or a woman yeah what about that both what what is this what is this wing stop oh good chapter one ten towns dugan's hold a tourmaline dugan's hall is the smallest and most insular of the ten towns residents aren't fond of visitors and an inbreeding has caused the population to dwindle in recent years it has also given rise to often seen physical deformities including but not limited to small mishap and ears and slightly pointed teeth the town has a small cluster of dwellings perched on the edge of red waters that is too small to support any industry not even scrimshaw ice has buckled for the shorter of its two piers ice has buckled the shorter of its two piers rendering the dock unsafe um uh visitors to duken's hole are often struck by the eeriness of dark humanoid shapes out on the ice remaining silent and still as the wind howls around them damn ends me um something where am i from yeah the sky you said that once you smacked into the air that's what they told me that's that's all i remember was what they told me who told you the hunters found you i'm actually near here can someone light me on something really quick i'm so sorry i was like i'm i'm looking for for break food and i just found a thigh stop and i'm very confused i don't know okay like wingstop some some people prefer thighs to wings yeah to wings hey as you guys are walking up past bryn shander towards tourmaline blizzard blows in and it starts getting very windy and very bad visibility is completely reduced to 30 feet and uh you guys all have disadvantage on on your perception checks um i need uh i need somebody to be the navigator no uh probably not navigator so probably a bad idea well me and lazarus will take the lazarus this job all right what no no data means the stream isn't running okay you didn't you just said whoa you didn't say anything i think we're good oh maybe we're back hello whenever it comes it's so weird man i really don't know what caught that can you do wind down no it's the wind what it's a blizzard yeah this looks good now oh good looks like it that's so weird all right all right um i can roll if you like yeah roll a a survival check cool uh you should dis or no uh no just a survival check to navigate okay yeah okay you want to throw a card at that maybe if i could i would here you go thank you very nice oh i don't know what this is so instead of did you look at it sorry forget you i don't know what i saw so what you can do is during any d20 rule before i tell you if you succeeded or failed you can be like i'm using this and this is a joker uh and i'm using this and you add the value to your to your role um any face cards or ten an ace is a crit i see i see i see and a joker is also a crit all right so you uh start to travel forward and as you do um we're lost it all looks the same it's fine so you guys are walking and heading forward pushing through the blizzard trying to get afford to tourmaline as you were kind of leading them through and as you begin to lead them through you you guys are constantly putting your eyes down and like looking up and like continue going down kazira at one point you gotta stop you're like this is really hard and really cold and you look up you don't see anybody no it's just white all around you just snow blowing air everywhere you see nothing can i like yell out for uh immolation yeah uh they're like everybody rolls the biggest yeah uh with no that's relying on sight you guys um can roll uh perceptions normally six nine nine eighteen so you're traveling forward you're going forward and as soon as you do so you start very faint you start here yelling like you can't make out what it is but you just hear you hear a voice okay you stop and um the you like bump into him and you're like uh as you like look behind it and you look behind it because zero has nowhere to be seen yeah behind you okay let's let's turn back real fast as you guys turn around to go back over as you start walking to head over towards kazira's yells um uh and you start moving you uh you look kind of behind you and you see like um uh um uh uh elenstra kind of like moving and um i'm on bear yeah oh yeah sorry you're on the bear so you just see immolation kind of moving forward as you kind of turn and look over and uh this this is what you see oh oh [ __ ] is that right there it do it it sees us right it is standing there and it just effortlessly as if there was no blizzard no snow there begins to walk forward towards immolation nobody else notices this you're the you can act and then we'll likely go to the show okay um i can act you knew something uh i will oh [ __ ] [Laughter] okay i'm gonna go and point out point you see that the bear turns and you turn and you see this and it starts going uh going over and you're like is the bear running over towards the thing no it just noticed it okay [Laughter] i want you guys to know that when i originally wrote this character sheet i wrote some of the details in pin for some reason yeah it's about i realized that not only did i spell my character's name wrong i also wrote that i had an eight pass perception when i had a nine so i had to scribble it out and then write nine next to it i also uh i also because i did we when so we we did one there's nothing like what we did the first time we we did one like two hour game did we start at level two when we did that because i also have like i don't remember i also i played a different character so i wouldn't i don't remember we'll start making bear noises yeah there's four of them i'm not feeling so good oh [ __ ] just went get out no it's like it's like that dog gift the one that like the person's like handing in a cupcake and it's eyes are like there we go you know what's really cool about using grim i know i know it's a meme now but it is really cool like physical like things like tokens and stuff and like items like for didn't for the christopher strong one they made like an actual necklace yeah it's right there no there it is yeah the that's the necklace of what's it called ravenclaw yeah i love it also you know watsi's making a life-sized druid statue wow like dead ass that's cool it's crazy all right so let me go ahead and get that's like taking a cardboard cutout to another level oh yeah yeah this is one to one made up these are also guess what look at these these are also beetle and grams whoa whoa that's actually really [ __ ] cool yeah put that down over there what's up i love you too much already all right um you guys made these these are pretty cool we should have you know made it back let's go ahead and roll initiative [Laughter] leather is the bear i'm lost oh uh the bear goes after me right initial okay the bear goes on your turn good i've been naked love to see you love to see you love to see you all right um dirty 20 30 20. all right so you guys beat the you guys beat the best already yeti to best be ready mom's spaghetti i think it died again did it really [ __ ] yeah i don't think the batteries got charged so dang oh so was each battery only lasting like hey emma the battery died again are they charged or no she put she put them on a charger but i don't know what zero emulation would you guys get oh 16 a three oh that's cool yeah i feel better absolutely so let's go ahead and get minnie's down over there while we get the camera working again sorry guys absolutely i'm gonna let you place me because or tell me where to place myself because i don't know all the way back here back here and then you guys are all the way over there just to let you guys know visibility is only 30 feet 30 feet okay and you said the yellow is coming from this direction and it and it's not linked to uh our dark vision at all no it's just it's it's just scary it is not your way to your dark vision at all cool does that mean we can attempt to hide in this yes it does that's cool that's a cool idea like the yeti that's what he did i love him aren't you he blends oh no dm oh coffee yeah yeah as dungeon master coffee cake i would be okay with coffee cake being the dm it's probably in the big bin i already looked here's one ah good job oh look at at him yeah this one's a [ __ ] in his eyes um all right so let's go ahead and get this guy all the way at the other side yeah right there yeah right there and then how far from it um emulation is 10 feet right and then everybody else is a little bit behind behind her kind of like this yeah okay there you go and you guys are like oh [ __ ] that's whoa um that's weird can we adjust the camera a little bit yeah i'll do it i got it i mean i can also do it because oh [ __ ] elena [ __ ] okay um lazarus you are first what are you doing okay um wait it was so easy the first time wait turn it i'm gonna bring out my bow okay sorry excuse me i'm gonna bring up my belt uh knock an arrow try and attack it and then for my bonus action i will have um lazarus intercept and trying to in betwixt immolation and this yeti the bear yes oh no all right because he can move and then he'll attack with his with with my boss session i think so okay uh i don't know that he can get entirely in between but he can get like that yeah as long as that sounds good a bigger target yeah yeah there's some over there uh so i'm attack real fast that will be a uh 17 hit 17 dozen facts hit go and roll damage all right that'll be uh seven points of damage now you will now you see an emulation you're like why is everybody looking at me and then lazarus runs for what are you talking with uh with that's my bow first oh you're shooting it yes with a oh but then the bear's also gonna attack got it so you're from the back you you fire um and you see an arrow plan in this yeti it looks over you not see it like growling standing before you that's about a little taller than you but not by much um and then uh the bear also does an attack that's your bonus action to do that go ahead and roll the attack on them okay that will be a oh ten terrible term uh a ten a ten is gonna miss uh bear goes over and tries to paw and um it it just misses no boy no all right um i'm sorry can i just move here i need this yes you can oh the book i'll move here i have one right here if you ever need one well i one not two yeah you get you get about right there cool sounds good are you within 30 feet of the um of the of the yeti 20 20 feet you're good you can still see it oh here if anything i'll make sure i'm a little i want to go here oh i know if i can do that much i'll find where is that i'll stay there there's a little there's there's a little art piece there oh what's going on he do be peeping though yeah look at his little eyes he's up some devious things he's committed tax fraud for years oh that's great uh that'll be it yeah it's a linster's turn yep sorry you're fine playing old school oh so good could have i like done some kind of like call to have the bearer attack like what would that look like is it just kind of up to me uh yeah whatever you want it to be it could be it could be like a little like chirp or sound or whistle that you do to have a hair attack it's kind of what i want to do but is it is a way that i could make it audible enough so that maybe our lost friend could hear it oh role perception so you just give a direction just as here if possible oh bone time oh no no no no just to let everybody know because this is the first time talking about it uh spencer has a dice that is made of resin and bone and not fake bone real discarded human remains this is my new friend and it is your cazera dice which is mega cursed but pretty damn cool jacob it's very different xenothors uh yeah right in there [Music] what sound do you make a picture um yeah sure i don't know i can physically do one but yeah something like that now i don't i don't want to wait so you know it's like some kind of like military hut oh okay yeah you hear that ahead okay very faintly though okay you have a general idea that that is forward okay um here's what i'm gonna do then uh i'm on the bear okay if i was to attack while on the bear will i have any disadvantages but you will not have any advantages that's fine okay so uh on uh on olympus side is a kopesh which i don't know if you guys know what kopech is but those things are sick or spicy um and she kind of grabs it and as she grabs it uh from the hilt along the blade um a bit of uh a bit of magic starts to emanate from it and the magic has like this like wispy like almost like a dark presence i'm casting wrathful smite okay on to it and then she just grabbed it and almost with with the with the pull she just grabs and she just slices up in the crosstalk awesome go for it hopefully hit this thing uh [ __ ] it uh 22 22 hits roll down cool and unless i'm wrong the main reason i did this uh page 289 so it takes some it takes an extra d6 psychic damage and it needs to make a wisdom saving throw natural one it is frightening to me and it'll take uh plus four it'll take seven damage you slice it and as you do so it okay oh i'm sorry wait yeah well that's right that's right that's right i looked and i i i have the right yes sorry you slice it and it it kind of rears back as as as you slice into it blood kind of spatters onto the snow um and it kind of grabs it and looks over it you kind of as it's the creatures turn it turns around and just disappears into the blizzard oh it's gone [ __ ] off yep um kazira what are you doing so that by the way that lasts for concentration up to a minute okay i can see my friend now yes you can you look forward and see your friend now so i'm gonna wreck on something real quick if you're okay with that as it leaves it's still it's gonna try to like instinctively attack and lash out over at emulation uh before it goes it'll have disadvantage um right before it leaves um uh it rolls a 10. that will not hit so it's collages slice out towards you you just barely dodge out of the way and then it just it [ __ ] off um you run forward you see um i think i can also see immolation you see lazarus and emulation and you just see the tail end of what looks like an enormous creature you couldn't see any details on it disappear into the end of the snow oh [ __ ] it uh it won't yeah it won't be gone for very long um we're gonna kill it but it didn't did it have red ice oh did it have red eyes yeah and the parts to specified it's not the right one gosh and they won't be afraid of me for very long so we should go okay isn't it didn't it run in the direction we're headed [ __ ] you look down you can't see the road oh do you know where we are uh it seems like a lot of talking immolation it's your turn it doesn't matter it's a bad idea um i can still see it though right uh or did it used to be ran 40 feet it's out of your vision 40 feet okay so what is she she just moves up 10 feet just in case and tries to see like this um you go forward and yeah you effectively in combat you they're all yeah you chase after it you can still kind of see the outline of it as it's leaving we should probably but what if i just take out longboard try to shoot okay go ahead roll back maybe i'll kill it now i'm 15. 15 15 hits wow dice where are you hi um five arrow hits in the neck and then i guess uh she will use the remaining movement i think she's like 15 so she's moved 15 towards lazarus all right you do so um top of the round lazarus uh oh i could have moved 10 more feet you can move 10 more feet high uh yeti's gonna be back i think let me just ambush it probably so get real low i'm gonna have uh my bear would come back to this point where he could move here yeah roughly right about there we could absolutely not fight it well i think it seems a lot better than we see out here yeah it's gonna follow us it's gonna find us if not i don't want more of them from it so i'm going to wait and already my action with my arrow um college i'm a better move there is everybody ready uh i don't have a ranged weapon i don't think okay i mean you could just pull out your sword yeah get rid of my sword um if it gets within five feet of meow will take it uh immolation and are you two guys are you guys ready uh also i mean if the idea is to i'm imagining almost all of you just kind of like stop and like wait for it to come back almost well if the i if the idea is to ambush it i'm gonna stealth okay so go ahead and roll stealth yeah i'm gonna you want to do the same emulation yeah but i'm gonna roll it just because i've just yelled yeah it's a bad time 14 uh 10. you guys sit there in a paper sheet in the blizzard watching the fog every bit of every snowflake every piece of ice that moves draws your attention over towards it bit of wind blows dust off to the side more snow you wait and you wait seems like an eternity nothing all right seems to scare it off for now i still wanna don't back on us um could i try some kind of survival check to see if i can orient myself here can i help yeah two separate roles or advanced do you want to roll i would like to help then have advantage advantage 16. go over you look around you're like this can't be where the trail was and you kind of go off a little bit towards uh towards your left and you go over and you feel a bit of gravel and you're like oh thank god you found it and you go over and you bring everybody over and you guys start moving on the trail once again keeping an eye out but eventually the blizzard fades after about an hour or so of walking the yeti does not return very good good good and you guys can see a good uh amount of the icelandale again you can see kelvin's carrying off in the distance the enormous mountain that overshadows the entirety of of the ten towns and your destination which is down in the distance off of merdueldon um towards um the direction towards lonelywood where a enormous um forest sits on the outskirts of this town um the road is rough but you guys have survived and inch your way closer but that's we're going to go and take a break we're going to be back about 15 or so minutes um with more uh iceman frost made uh stay tuned for more of that and enjoy the break card which has music done by the illustrious uh travis savoy so check out his band camp see you guys in a minute oh i do it i'm the one you also do the audio now this button [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello we're back okay what's up everybody we are here and the god damn camera turned off again emma well do we need it right on camera okay actually yeah we don't need it right now so you have four batteries you get a dark corner sorry when we need it i'll let you know so you guys have uh just finished your encounter with a yeti and made your way uh north to uh tourmaline correct from i have this really tiny map in here that tells me where everything is but it's real small enough it doesn't grab them give you this i don't know thank you for watching oh you guys dead ass pass through targos yeah hmm didn't realize that should we stop at targos we went we walked around it uh no i mean you guys just passed through it so you passed through targos at one point um when you guys passed through targos you did hear a single rumor oh one rumor as you walked through you heard somebody say that in targos a band of adventures is planning on an expedition up the side of calvin's cairn hoping to find find oh yam and narutok i'm sorry i spell that o y a m i n a r t o k o yamana which is a goliath like uh lycanthrope who can transform into a polar bear i'm sorry so as a player could i become never mind maybe i'm just gonna yeah it's k c-a-i-r-n cool kelvin is exactly how a-e-l-v-i-n cool that's on this map was it um i can tell you where it is please right there oh that's good okay it makes sense sometimes i forget how crazy not that anyone cares but i can throw up something yeah oh really yeah no no no no you have another goddamn moon related character yeah i know all right so um you guys heard that passing through through targos and then made your way up to tourmaline and as you guys head to tourmaline between tourmaline targets where you can counter the yeti cool now we're here yeah you guys um the blizzard is blown over you guys see tourmaline before you which is this um it's actually a very picturesque town it's right next to a forest it has these nicely um uh built buildings um there are a couple of people walking around um and it's it's very nice um tourmaline let me get you guys a little map of the place wow look at these really cool maps thanks again matthew lillard there you go tourmaline sorry here you go this is just things you could frame and put up on your wall and they look really cool yep what i'm saying yeah as you guys make your way to the outskirts of malaysia you can see a beautiful idea take a picture of it wow now now i can pass it off and still look at it that's a good idea so as you guys uh make your way to the outskirts of of of tourmaline and you look down and see the town um off to your right it's on the side of the village you hear a voice yell out and say hey need anything that supplies for you and you see this um it's like wow um there are uh three uh dog sleds that have pulled these like caravans over um and there's like the shop set up along with like a flag kind of blowing in the wind and the black the flag is out of like a black field with a golden paw and um and you see this dwarven woman um she looks a little uh worse for wear a bit older she's kind of squinting in one eye she looks out and she says need any supplies she had dwarf yeah huh is there a person around with her yeah there's um as you look around you see that there are five other individuals standing around they look like um a couple of them are just sitting around just kind of watching they're they're clearly armed and uh they're like bundled up and then one of them doesn't have any clothing he's completely naked oh he's wearing um he's wearing like like light kind of like sailors clothing um his arms and legs are are mostly bare um he has no covering on on his face and he sits because he kind of eyes you and then like um continues looking around and she says he's trolling a dagger no he's not throwing it down oh sorry i think i just saw your hands doing that and i was like oh is he just pushing his fingers together um he uh he no he's just kind of looking around i'm kind of eyeing you guys and then kind of looking off the distance she uh uh hails you down and she says i've got lots of supplies that don't got in town cut wood flint tinder whale oil blankets furs rations even poison for getting rid of vermin just remember what though or uh maybe maybe you're interested in some uh some some wine or ales i got wine what kind uh uh sorry buckle bert buckle bird wine how much um do you head over yeah torture okay yeah cool she um she says for oh for some wine oh for a cask how about about 15 gold pieces 15. you didn't even remember the name of it what about ten well i don't that doesn't that doesn't surely it it doesn't sell well if you don't remember the name of it oh it sounds perfectly you're about to buy it it sells sells great just uh just i i get a lot of imports i don't always remember the names all the time the choir follows her from a distance yeah um look i i have 12 12. that's 12 gold that sounds like a price i'd die for that's true that is a pretty good price uh what about a trade a trade i don't really do trade i trade in gold pieces you know what a gold piece is yeah and you can sell this for gold pieces what do you got so i would offer uh how much gold do i have you said 12 i would offer eight gold and a light crossbow it's hard to sell those not a lot of villagers care really about carrying weapons all the time is that is helpful for selling to you types of dudes no what if i like to buy one so i'll get four gold i'll give you the crossbow i you give me four goals you know what that's still not that bad uh how's it 13 13. all right fine just takes a cask of a of wine hands it to you takes the crossbow perfect i will take uh i have rope so i will take some of the rope and i'm going to fray it and kind of cut it and i will tie the cask to my pack all right there you go so that i can probably move on looks directly what about you guys got any any blankets maybe perhaps you need some whale oil or um or uh what about um what about what about uh uh some some medicine she shakes like a little like like a a vial of like dark liquid that's what makes your stomach pains go away what does it do makes your stomach pains go away kind of stomach pain uh various various yeah it's called formaldehyde formaldehyde um or maybe it's formaldehyde inside 30 gold pieces for this oh gosh travel much yeah yeah we traveling around a lot of places yeah well it's a ten towns like uh like ten places targos yeah we've been to targos or dugan hole we should have white dude [Laughter] the name kind of speaks for itself we have a whole all right um i think we're good yeah how much longer are you here how much longer are you here tonight we're heading out tomorrow where you going where you got so many questions yeah were you planning on buying something later yeah well what if we do what if you said yourself you have stuff that the villagers don't you clearly travel around a lot well we're going to be in targos okay and then we're probably going to head up to uh to to to to bremen oh easy enough all right while they're having this conversation i would have i would kind of flex and then put my like arms over the quarter staff and try to angle my body so that the tattoo of oriole symbol is um in line of with sufficiency okay you do that he looks and he just goes back to staring lazily off ain't gonna look at you again i think he doesn't say anything okay um and then she uh what's everybody's password not good is that what's happening you probably already mentioned this what what town are you staying not town tavern are you staying in tonight [Laughter] she says i don't know whatever tavern's in town i'm sorry is this the first time you've been in this town yeah i don't remember all the names of these damn taverns across all the [ __ ] 10 towns like close half sorry i wa i'm this is the five taverns or is this a tavern with the one closed tavern and the actual open tavern that opens on certain dates that's gonna cost you too much wouldn't you be open seventeen no maybe that's cold that's bree bremen has the five taverns that's mine you guys know about that one there's five different brothers who all wanted their own tavern so they have five different taverns i don't remember the names of every goddamn tavern across ice wing dale and then uh uh speaks up and he just says the east side she goes the the east side that's where we're gonna stay although suffolk here prefers to sleep in a barn as opposed to a tavern he says smells good i'm sure does that barn have some more room not for me for this stinker no oh don't come near my barn it's yours it's mine tonight how do you pay for it nothing it's a barn that's why i sleep in there so if i paid for it i'll kick you out who's who's barnes but i think it's free to stay there okay the bear the bear will stay with you tonight though the [ __ ] are you doing what followed him where did he go wait what bear following him yeah bear walked up to him who sat at the bear and said the bear's looking at me yeah yeah it's a weird bear you want to take you away hurt you i'll sell them to you man come on you tried you tried no well let's go you guys head into terminal awesome um as you guys make your way in uh you see you walk through the town streets once we're out of vision once we're out of like hearing range of uh new friends um i would kind of turn to uh [ __ ] my brain is not working kazira right mm-hmm yeah chlorotonic zero i guess we're looking for a barn tonight yeah it sounds like it's fine best time that he'll be alone yeah we'll go in there and we'll kill him i mean we should probably talk to him first because what if okay what if he'll talk to him first yeah i'm just saying what if he's not the cause of the death that were completely full of supplies one of the dog sled did have um uh there was like a wrapped sort of like uh thing it was like pretty long and vertical and like wrapped up in rope and tarp on on one of the dog sides just stuck stood out to you or something like like like this like no more um thicker thicker bigger bigger yeah like a little bit more like a body okay so not like this no but it was like long and wrapped up in rope so it could have just been a bunch of supplies that they kept on there but it would have been weird that she wouldn't have a bunch of supplies out did i have a little head in the end [Laughter] i've seen some courses in my lifetime one of them might have had never been nothing it must have been the wind okay so how big is this yeah uh uh i'm sorry what what what this is where we are the place we were before uh yeah burnt standard how long to tourmaline yeah i'll show you this green sugar is like much bigger right but it's much smaller bryn shander has a population of about a thousand this place has a population about six hundred oh okay okay well that's so sizable well here here this place that's the difference holy [ __ ] oh yeah they like smashed everyone together born on your freaking bridge is there like one bar like just one did we get how long they've been in town did they just show up your barrel went up okay cool right and you're walking through some of the streets kind of talking there's a boy wrapped in heavy winter clothes that shouts the news of the day as people pass by when you approach he cries the gemstone mine is closed because of underdark monsters speaker matthew has is offering 50 gold to anyone who clears it out oh hey there here you go here's the it's weird he looks like the same exact boy from bryn chamber and he goes and he says tourmaline gazetteer all right do you have a like a twin huh yeah he lives in bryn shannon anyways and he starts shouting what what did they say the speaker speaker yeah like the mayor [Music] all right let's get to the tavern i'm freezing yeah let's go inside you guys make your way over uh towards a tavern and um there's there's one on the map which one do you guys go to uh the east east side the one on the east side yep we're gonna walk in there there's the blue an hour later they're gonna walk in and be like what the [ __ ] are you doing as you guys go to the east side um and you step inside it looks from the outside like separate houses that turn into a single structure with rooms connected by underground passages as you make your way over into one of the buildings you see a uh kind of willowy teenager um sitting behind like a desk and she kind of looks up towards all of you and she's uh hi you want a room yes how many okay um how many do they sleep uh they got four beds in them no convenient mm-hmm this one um it's a gold piece for per night and you notice that she um begins twiddling a sort of like ring that's like around her neck on like a chain um and do you put down the gold piece she looks at it she takes it she gives you guys a key she says it's right over there it's that one well there's also a tavern right jacob no it's just an end okay you guys go over and through an underground passageway go over towards your room um and uh go over towards the door and get inside and the room is um there you go kind of blocked off as we are kind of walking away she's gonna like lean on to the the little counter she goes have there been like a traveling merchant come through here staying here oh yeah yeah they stayed here last night are they staying here again tonight you know paid i see do you happen to know if there's a barn for rent somewhere a barn yeah a barn yeah i have lazarus stick his head through like kind of through a window well i kind of like people she like squeaks she's like that's a bear yeah barn uh waiter is this a threat no no no he's not safe in here because you don't allow animals right you know is he safe it's like he's a bear still he might be safer in the barn oh you want the barefoot is there is there a clearer barns um i there's a bunch of abandoned buildings on the outside of town thank you no so i'm not really sure i don't really know if there's barns out there or anything i appreciate that thank you though the kid was lying to us what there's no monsters on my mind people just getting rocks thrown on them and rocks rock slides i guess we have to pay for it do i know of any underdark monsters that would cause rock slides there are a scourge of creatures that exist down in the underdark that cause rock slides they're fearless they're cunning and they are known as kobolds [Laughter] and apparently they're probably beams are rotten so they're just getting crushed by [ __ ] it's probably cobalts we can deal with them do you know what cobalt they're like the equivalent of rocks yes they are blights on this world but the mine the miners were saying that their friends were being eaten i don't know a kobold that would eat someone whole be a pretty big kobold cobalt's normally well unless they have they normally yeah most cobalts are too dumb to uh [Laughter] yeah it's pretty late you guys uh go into your rooms nice and cozy and warm on the inside um you guys get out of these fur beds it's like it's very very comfortable to lay down your feet and muscles are aching as you lay down i don't know if your muscles can ache but if they can they do uh and uh you guys uh are you guys long resting no no no however when we get when we get into the room i set down my stuff untie the cast i pull out the glass that i that i purchased and i uh just pour yourself a glass of pepsi myself a glass of wine that makes sense [Laughter] not good quality we got to kill him tonight yeah yeah i'm about to die talk to him no no i'm just saying because if we kill him and he's not the one doing it we'll talk to him i don't i just asked our chain first him in the barn and then killed her we weren't really but what we were really told was if we kill hillary get 100 gold each but if the you know dust continue she'll come looking for us yeah if anything look we're we're sought after now called walls right bencher is up in the mountains yeah and then tell that kid to stop [ __ ] lines um but you guys ready for the nighttime lighting we could because the aurora oh actually really pretty just half an hour i did use some of my energy when that yeti have an hour it takes a bit of time to get that going anywhere so you guys are short resting i would like to yeah you guys can do a short rest and completely yeah um i think yes stream you figured it out i get like uh i kind of like go hang out in the lobby of the end oh to see if they come back okay so you hang out in the lobby and uh the girl who's in there yeah um she just kind of like awkwardly like tries to ignore you yeah um and she sings to herself as she's just kind of kind of twiddling that little thing um and uh just because you're in there and you can hear her uh the lyrics to the song that she's singing are ahead of winter's wind she came the lovely woman with no name draped in in a fur lined cloak of red to the icy lake she fled the wind pursued her all the same as as sure as night she's dead awesome do i does this like sound familiar roll a history check okay no that's a natural one no idea no definitely got some story to it though sounds good though enjoyable i think she she'd ask if that that girl had a some paper or some parchment to spare uh yeah she wanted a piece of paper to give you a pill and some ink awesome i think she's going to start composing a letter to her wife back in baldur's gate and she's doing this she's going to say hey where's that uh notice that you have a really cool ring oh yeah it's um was uh it was this woman's ring that i inherited no sorry for your loss it's all right i didn't really know her did you find it somewhere no it was um a strange woman she came into town 50 years ago or so and these people she um she was she was alone and she was frightened and uh these innkeepers they were a comparative retired venturers who um they could they consoled her and um helped her and she gave uh them this ring as payment i see and then after wind burst into their inn and tossed her around like a rag doll the innkeepers try to intervene but um the evil wind pulled her out yeah and into the dark of the night she was never seen again yeah that and this is all that was left over well yeah i think it's really cool story because you know what it is yeah i wonder where she went do you think she's like a ghost now or something oh i i'm sure she's like attached to that ring in some capacity yeah yeah you should stay up till like 2 a.m and do a seance that's a great idea maybe i could talk to her her name was marta his name was marta marta yeah at 2am i'm going to take the ring and then i'm going to say her name you should say it back posts are real say it backwards okay yeah inter-mirror great awesome she goes the next morning girl never comes never she's never seen it again killed a random person uh so you you guys wait and you short rest and um is that hour eventually ends what are you guys doing i'm gonna go back outside okay check on lazarus he's okay he he deals with the cold pretty well and no blizzard has really blown it at any point so it's good he's all good i'm gonna wait out here with him okay kazira and i want to show what you guys do because there is he's like laying on the bed with like his like his legs hanging off and he was just staring at the ceiling waiting for everyone to be ready [Music] i would imagine um a linster almost goes into like like a pseudo-meditate like like meditation that that elves normally do and it's like not as active as what a normal one would be but it's not as inactive i guess as would be but it's essentially that um yeah i get get my magic back wow so are all four of you ready yeah all right yeah you all meet up outside the inn the dead of night there's this beautiful aurora kind of going over um the sky uh blues and um and deep kind of greens uh just kind of move across the sky you can see a couple of stars but lots of clouds ready to go talk yes do you think your bear still has fantastic i think so i want to have lazarus do a perception sent track if possible or a a a smell check or that perception check yeah sure um you want to try to track yes no advantage and i made sure you made them close to them so you can smell him yeah yeah go ahead and unroll survival i'll give him advantage on the survival roll oh oh well if he's just sniffing him out yeah use perception that's fine okay i think the bear has like an advantage yeah plus one let's see where he goes 18 18 17 plus one all right do we want to wait for her or get him first he seems to be the problem he's the problem let's go talk to him i think lazarus will have the ability to find him or at least close to him but after that he's not very stealthy this is what he looks like by the way yeah that's cool he has a really cool sword the thorn is pretty swearing i don't have a cool indica yeah lazarus is able to track him down pretty well um and uh goes over across the town down one corner and over towards this literally just a barn um it's uh completely it's got like a pointed roof that kind of is covered with snow um no light coming from the inside and he's does it look like abandoned yeah how late is it 10 11 pm maybe he's in there you're not i think it's worth trying you want to go first yeah sure uh we're not doing this dorothy right not particularly no awesome and she's going to just go over and rap on the door you can't just open someone's boat i open the door now can i try to go around the side of stuff yeah that's probably the wise thing to do i i open the door step out of the door frame and motion for emulation by the way it is negative 10 degrees though yes okay you open the doors after you just like smack on it and uh you you look down and over um uh elinstra as you step in and um kind of a tiny bit of whatever moonlight aurora light kind of peers in opens to that tiny amount of of the barn there's just hay everywhere and you see sitting up in the middle of the hay looking upwards at you is what you assume to be sufficient as he kind of looks up what the hell out of curiosity because i do have superior dark vision does it look like him yeah it looks very clearly i mean you never got his name you're just assuming that this is him that's fair um and he he sits up and looks and he's just what the hell specific yeah leave me alone what are you doing no one wants to talk oh um so [ __ ] you should just be aware that we've kind of been hired to potentially kill you but you've been doing them have you been committing the murders there there have been murders in every town that you've been in human halfling ice dagger uh no yeah i don't commit murders on my down time do you commit sacrifices to auriel instead that's funny no i know just strange valve yep can i go back to sleep my character's gonna roll inside sure that's minus 1 so 12. um it's hard to tell because he's not like he he very clearly isn't like the nicest nicest of people um but he looks like disturbed and you figure he should he would be a bit more upset but it's like he's almost like calmed down to kind of like talk to you about this right i guess it's a little weird yeah and then i think she's kind of like he's also continuously looking to his right okay um i think she's gonna like get down into his level okay and he's gonna say i am unfortunately your only chance of walking out of this barn alive because i need to know anything you know about these murders why do you think i'm connected we have information that was given to us by an informant not so much you people you serve pay you pay me tork is the only one who pays me ben but we haven't murdered anybody this is because of the way i dress i look like a killer of some kind no it's a nice thing infinity people said you might do it we're here to ask oh no i um i was born on the holiday of mid-winter and frost maiden blessing protects me from the cold that is that's the thing is anyone in your troop i don't know about these murders sorry i don't i i i don't know what you're talking about is there a back door yeah open the back door he turns to face uh to like face both of you kind of at the same time yeah or uh is it cool if i come in no i don't want anybody in your action all right why i'm trying to sleep would you mind if we you know searched your belongings to try to exonerate you all right look i don't know what you're after here but i'm i'm i have a question um was there not a dead body in your possession there was like a tarp looked a lot like a dead person rolled up and oh [ __ ] he summons a nice dagger and he stabs him are we surprised i think i am oh nice um okay so uh let's go ahead here let me get a little map over here emma now now would be the time please and thank you emma now actually the one that's already out you guys can actually flip it upside down and it's got a uh that one right there that one can flip upside down and it's got a cool little um little map on there you want to pass that i don't have a mini for him well maybe i do actually check the ice windell box i don't think there's one of him in there but where is bear like right here yeah no oh [ __ ] those guys were shoved in there um oh very nice beautiful these are i like have so many npcs of minis for this game and i he's like the only one i don't have wow because it's not him he's not the killer what he's not the killer no it's not him he did just summon a nice peyronie yeah i wonder who i guess you'll live two guys with ice magic here we will use we will use radar [Music] yeah let's see here uh yeah that's that's pretty accurate about what's going on here oh that's actually like a barn yeah so cool beetle grams guys so you read our minds being prepared so i don't got it yeah okay um let's see here you want you want to take a look at them that's very cool careful yeah i'm like i looked away because that's just right there they have the stats yeah so you can see that yeah that's right yes his eyes are icy blue oh that would have that would have been damning evidence guys we can't kill him maybe we just don't kill him we just you know he looks like an old jace all right um 25 to 20. not yet oh [ __ ] my hands rolled a natural 20. oh look at him hot and fast 20 to 15 19 19 15 15 17. well [ __ ] cause you're what'd you get 12. all right he's first um he looks around he sees all of you uh and he uh he has a dagger in his hand and then an uh a spectral icy blade appears out of his hand um as he looks over and kind of twirls them together um and he looks behind him and he takes the dagger and he throws it at kazira hi sir natural one he throws it and it just and it lands in the snow and he's like stretched is it is it the ice dagger he summoned uh yeah he threw it okay yeah um and then uh he takes his uh long sword and hello buddies there's a barn cat and he looks over at you yeah he kind of looks at you what do you do immediately in that moment after he turns there and he looks at you oh she's gonna like spin her core stuff oh okay then he oh [ __ ] 24. now that hits that definitely hits that midday mouse take seven slashing damage okay okay okay okay and you take three cold damage as uh you um you were resistant to that so one cold so um as the uh as the blade hits you it like slices up the side of your arm it hurts and it like tries to freeze over but your goliath form and body you're resilient to that it doesn't do anything to you um barely does anything to you he's like [ __ ] and he kind of turns around he's kind of like looking around um analyzing all of his surroundings currently uh lindstrat's your turn all right i'm going to go ahead and kind of uh pull out pull out my uh kopesh okay i'm pointed at them and i'm going to hexblade's cursor okay um and then i'm going to kind of step over um kind of blocking a path and then also aiming away from uh our our friend here um emulation uh she uh uh i don't wanna describe this it's almost as like put this around his base please okay what is this oh that's cool it says cursed oh it sucks to suck um so hex blades curse them and then uh and then as she does that she kind of pulls the kopesh back and as she does um the magic starts to swell in the hilt and almost up towards her up towards her face and she just blows and expels it out and i am using my racial ability tone of shadows okay cool um which does what uh he needs to make a strength saving throw dc13 uh it's an eight that's an eight he takes 2d6 necrotic damage oh my gosh and for the next minute his speed is halved very cool so he takes eight necrotic and his speed is hacked and then i'm going to 5 10 15 20. i do not want him to hit me because he will kill me you just go and expel this this dark shroud over him and he kind of gets hit by it and um because he took damage from you doesn't he take more because he explains uh no when i attack a creature with a with an attack i can crit on a 19 to 20 and i add my proficiency to my damage okay but not for sounds good uh lazarus i will i'll just pull my bow out all right i will attack him and then we'll have my boss action b uh to have lazarus move up uh 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40. yep last rest of the bear bear he's just like he the bear barrels in and he's just like [ __ ] and then he like runs over to hit him i'm gonna have uh my role to hit for the bow being natural 20. and that'll be that's a lot of damage that's 16. 16 damage holy crap i got some mass amounts right that's a d8 for a long ball that's cool you pull back your um your it's like this metallic compound bow right and it fires and it just uh it sticks into his um like his shoulder and comes out the other side and he's like and then i'll have lazarus come in here and give him a bite okay um should be a plus six which will be uh 21 to hit and hits which will be once my i think it's on my way uh what is that a d4 plus four four plus eight plus four this is d at this point that will be wow an eight again so that would be twelve i'll come over and bite him in the shoulder he's bloodied over him bite him in the shoulder um as he as he's uh he's got one shoulder with a with a bear on it the other one um struck down with an arrow it looks hurt but he doesn't look like he's like normally at this point people get scared and and uh start fearing for their lives he doesn't um he's deeply disturbed uh immolation it's your turn i think she's gonna she's gonna look and she goes i was rooting for you i was trying to lead you better life and she's gonna whack him okay go for it no that's only eleven eleven yes he's swinging here that's fair enough all right is that your turn yeah that's right cazero he's like looking around he seems hesitant to come inside and a um thing yeah of course of course i'm gonna all right i'm sorry friend it's bort he just transformed uh are we doing an advantage for flying for plus two plus two okay man i'm never gonna get a roll maybe big boy you could roll that now no it's only for advantage conjuring the spirits 26 oh my gosh you roll the 19 rolled in 18. oh damn that's pretty good [Music] five five slashy damage no piercing sorry how did you get it 26 oh you have dueling don't you i don't know i'm dumb never mind i want to ask um how much damage sorry uh five five percent you go over to the back and you take out your sword and you just like where do you like him you just slice them in the back yeah you just slice them in the back um and at the top of the round it says turn um the literal frost around the air moves inwards and the slice that you just made in his back uh kazira heals over oh just like that all right it's cool no see i told you i meant uh he is going to take his sword and slice into lazarus the bear left bear no no not lazarus we got a 13 no [Music] it's eight slashing okay oh no i'm eight cold oh is he dead uh 16 nah not not fully dead but down down okay um he goes over and he just slices down on on lazarus the bear who just falls unconscious and he kind of stands up and uh he takes his other attack to uh slice into you kazera 19 and that'll do well oh one so four slashing damage how much cold four cold damage eight total yeah we're doing massive damage yet no not until level three all right cool level three go massive damage level one massive damage is just a dick move yeah how do i explain that to you no when we're level three when you take more than half of your health and damage you can roll a constitution saving through and you can take system shock basically like you're like in shock from reeling from the pain right but if you hit zero it's an injury and you can lose an arm yeah it's pretty cool we tried to level one once i wasn't a part of the worst but i heard i heard legend that in one game two characters lost an eye and one lost an arm it was not a good time oh yeah then as he's kind of surrounded here he looks forward and you watch as um he like shifts and transforms into mist and disappears and he reappears 30 feet that way well [ __ ] this one over there can you entrance this is a wall this this will be the intro yeah so he'd be that way yeah 5 10 15 20 25 30. he'd be there all right and that's a string his movement speed is is reduced by what uh half half he'll actually continue to move 15 feet this way oh he got it 15. or misty i don't know he casted misty stuff yeah i thought um alyssa el ellenstra sorry it's your turn uh okay what what what do i got on me let me see you know what what does that spell dude it actually might be useful i wasn't considering it until actually for the sake of making this easier for the board uh he'll move 15 feet that way so he would have gotten to right there and then yeah 5 10 5 ten yeah no that's perfect that's where you would have gone there you go uh as as he appears behind she would just kind of and then turn around and with the with the kapesh she'll go ahead and engage in in fisticuffs and in fisticuffs you pull out your punch so the cool thing about the the kopech is that it it's it's a blade with like a fish it like comes straight up and then it curves yeah yeah and so it's almost like she's slicing sideways and she's almost like aiming the curve with his waist oh wow yeah and how's the seventeen hey um cool so that'll be sweet's curse so he takes a bonus to damage equal to my proficiency so he will take a whole max uh so that's 14 plus another two so that's 16 damage wait that's not right it's 12 damage okay sorry i added my charisma mod twice no worries it's pretty hurt you go over and you slice them in the back again and had strained his resilience like you cut into him and he should be on the ground but he just continues um um moving and he's not gonna get he actually turns around and faces you at this point he's just like he doesn't respond does he say that too um lazarus i'm sorry okay i will move like this oh one two three four five and i'll shoot him with my longbow go for it uh just let you know a little homebrew rule i use shooting into melee if you ever roll a natural one while you're firing uh uh something into melee you will hit your companion uh one more time if you roll a natural so if there's two people who are engaged in melee and you fire into that if you roll a natural one you'll hit a lens truck okay well it's a 17. that's not a natural one so you hit that'll be uh five damage yeah i'm already nervous about being in he takes another arrow um uh stays up that's fine oh death stays with a bear oh uh yeah go ahead and roll uh d20 and um uh keep it secret keep it safe and message it to you and beyond i can just tell you there's his role only for you only friend yeah because i can designate two dm rolls no probably fine hello uh here on the show okay not sponsored but it could be oh yeah it's pretty cool um immolation um i think she's gonna she's gonna reach over and she's gonna boop the bear and give it some health back all right cool yeah yeah which healthy do you get a little little one health one health bear and then i guess she's going to move to 5 10 15 20. she's gonna get this way to combat okay i think he's staying there yeah right there right next to you he got beat up he's like he's like the dogs that you find that falsely put their paws straight out he hasn't landed in his mouth are you attacking no i i can't wait let's get there all right um all right kazirah some would say that's why they call it a long though i would um just line it up [Music] oh no actually i'm not gonna do that i'm hurt [ __ ] um i think that is the one bonus that i have is i am at max health but my max health is not very high so should i think melee combat i can no no you want me maybe you did yeah i just moved all right he moved uh it's his turn again um you watch some of the ice forms over again and the the attacks the damage you guys have done to him begins to slowly like little bits of ice and crystal form over and heal him i don't know if it is for him he got a little pile of cats he takes a sword and he slices it a little strip a couple more yeah one more he's over there though natural one he completely misses and then he goes forward again and he'll actually take his other hand and two-hand it that's an 18. uh that'll hit six slashing damage okay and four cold damage that is exactly my healthy piece of [ __ ] he goes over and hits you um and as it hits you uh the blade doesn't like pierce through you um like to like to like go through your entire body but the cold freezes over and it causes this like immediate sensation of of freezing over your body and you just fall unconscious as you hit the ground um and then he vanishes 30 feet away that way yep how many [ __ ] spells left in the festival um is the hex blade's curse still on him or no uh hex blades curse no but the other thing yes the other thing is the the dragon's breath so he's his speed is still half okay um leave it on him to denote that uh and then um as he gets there he kind of looks over and he says that'll be the rest of you if you keep this up um straight's your turn as the music gets really cool when i change it anyways i will pm you okay um lazarus uh i'm just gonna go in this man's leg oh [ __ ] do a little back flip and kill myself six i'll shoot him with my bum all right we'll attack my card 21 21 roll damage i forgot about the card [Music] he says that'll be the rest of you if you continue this go forward fire an arrow right into his sternum and he's just like oh promise [Music] there's too many [Laughter] [Music] yes oh i don't have to go here and then i'm going to give him giveaway licks oh and if you roll a 20 then you can have a success you roll it oh those guys are terrible do your job let me just see um no he's like immolation how bad does i know that he keeps shrugging stuff off but like how about he's still bloodied he's looking pretty bad but he's i had anything um i'm i've only got hands or like sustainable yeah i think she's also gonna boop and give one point back all right and then one two three four and she's gonna move up here too elinchros oh dead well [ __ ] somehow roll two ones you are killed all right you run towards him yeah uh you are alive yeah uh casira one buddy oh um just to describe how you're feeling right now you have a hole like in between your ribs um and it's a hole that you could like put your fingers into but you it's frozen so it hurts really bad but it's not getting worse yeah she she definitely put her hand in the hole and she did it thank god for you right there a little bit holy crap this is a nightmare hook me up please wake me up oh i didn't mean to i'm sorry okay i'm just taking a slim jim i just shove that in there how to do better than the other one better than the other one come on use your card if you don't oh yeah um use that card i don't know what that is plus it's a nine oh um 15 plus nine 21 uh oh my gosh where do you find him um so i have a question he's not wearing like heavy clothes so just like his neck i guess you walk over zero as you're running over you heal up um elenstress you you're firing arrows over and cazero runs over sheaths his sword like what's he doing grabs the side of his head and bites into his neck oh and he's like he's really taken aback he's very surprised okay uh that's three piercing damage and i think i get that back yeah but not like temperature cool actually it has a melee attack yeah could you like smite with that you're gonna confirm that yeah if i was a paladin i guess i guess as you do that um and you siphon the blood from its neck siphon um yeah uh ice cold like like his blood is not even warm yeah it's like it's like minty forever i would choose to bite my gum god damn it it would be worth it to let you know sorry i i got this wrong uh the hex blades curse only ends if the target dies or if i die yeah oh okay so it's still so the curse is still up yeah um you can't add your strength thing to this it has to be your con which i think is a little weird but um yeah okay yeah sorry um so that's the end of your turn he is taking him back grabs at the side of his neck looks up at you and he watches it appeal's over oh what the hell are you you and i are both monsters kind of hurt a little bit actually oh um takes a sword um um and he says i think i'll be doing the world of service putting you down though oh damn you're wrong well you really owe them no no he's uh he gets 24. he wins moaning 13 slashing damage wow i'm out like a light you got one more than you how much health what's your what's how much would it be to insta kill you 24 24 oh oh you're good sweet um he cuts kazura down and then looks over at you um uh uh emulation and hits you as well you get one point it's a nine though that will not hit misses yeah uh-huh he has a hard time hitting you well [ __ ] all right death saves too yeah the the dead dice love to see it they die they'll keep them behind he's going to do it the coolest move he's going to disappear again wow and he's going to reappear on top of the barn oh [ __ ] it's like how tall is the barn's root um it's 15 feet is he he's still first right it go it curves upwards so he'll be on like the um or no yeah the stables just go on top of those tables that's fine oh that's perfectly fine he is that is 15 feet up here let me get some elevation tiles oh he's not flying but he's he's on a roof oh [ __ ] this is 20 feet but that's all i got here take that over there oh there you go he teleports up there right and he holds out his hands with his sword he says you can't win give up i mean now that's just cheating i'm dead right i could get him okay but he's still visible to us yeah you can see him okay um stretch your turn okay and i mean i'm gonna fire and i'll just blast out them oh [ __ ] what does your ultra blast look like i imagine this uh i imagine she she kind of stands up and and grabs the sword and brings the sword up and as she does uh magic kind of uh forms along the sword and she almost just like slices the sword and the eldest blast looks like the the bladed part of the kapesh i'm a little distracted it's like it's like spinning too yeah sometimes it like goes over towards them that's awesome go and roll tech uh well that might hit a car i don't have mine someone can give me this i uh 15. 15 hits roll damage uh so that'll be force and then twinkie not to this no but i do get my proficiency so 10 force damage he can't win in the face with that nearly falls and he kind of stabilizes himself as he realigns his jaw you seem like you're on your last legs he's mortal me too [Laughter] and i look up at him and i go oh good idea all right look at me now lazarus uh i want to shoot with an arrow roll attack yeah sorry i'm trying to get a feature i have and if it affects in this state wow eight damage nice skillet dang [ __ ] i tried that would be like protect like you fire an he now stumbles forward he's still up um immolation i think she's gonna like look back at kendrama she's gonna i'm sorry i've got something got to do real quick pulls out her bow all right and she's going to try to take a shot at this person oh that's a 19 on the dice hey uh that's gonna be five damage how do you want to do this the person who was like he might not be the bad guy he gets the kill he's he's pretty confident then he gets assaulted with attacks the last one is you point up and fire at him whatever right i think she like she takes one like one step so she's like kind of covering castro's body and she aims it and she goes i'm sorry and she releases it you fire it and it literally like goes up and uh like through his head and he literally falls on the ground and then perfect timing slides and lands in the snow right over here like no he just it's he like slides down the roof and lands right in front of uh immolation face first in the snow fetch because i'm unconscious oh yeah yeah uh um whenever i get my tourniquet let me know um roll this event fancy dies suffix hand he stands up just stay down stay down okay okay [ __ ] it's a 17 and a dirty 20. now i'm also hit those hit it's 19 slashing damage from both for both so on the first one let me know because i'm going to use stone endurance oh okay so the first one would have been 12. and then the cool is that eight the resistance told him yeah what one cold damage oh yeah so i uh i rolled a cold day 12 so i would reduce it by 12. okay so that one so you'd reduce that one yeah the first one's zero zero damage zero damage and then the second one is uh 12 as well oh it's 12 yep down i don't know what i'm sorry what the [ __ ] five they said one cold damage from the second one oh i did do that one called you plus how much health do you have i have six oh [Laughter] oh resilient as you lazarus i've got one we got one i have the most health one trick in me what he got right i'm gonna attack 14 and i'm adding a wrathful smite to it okay all right so he needs to make a wisdom saving throw 16. okay so he is not feared does that damage matter in any way like psychic is it different okay so eight immune plus seven fifteen and then we don't we don't you don't double mods right with regular no no just about 15 uh 19 21 damage whoa you decapitate him you run over and his head falls off as he his head as his body falls to the ground and he lies in between our dead bodies yes beautiful and stay down what a what a way immolation oh sorry lazarus i don't know much about bringing people back from the dead nothing for that i'm gonna have lazarus though the bear uh crush his skull come up and just go yeah the head there's like a melon crushes it okay just in case he gets back up again his body we gotta know with these two uh are you sure he doesn't create like the mist that comes out of his mouth because he's so cold consistently and he uh stands back up any what give up i have an idea no disease all right he takes his sword and he attacks you uh he'll attack she's not she's just confused yeah he walks forward and he he attacks you she's just more looking confused than like saying i'm not giving up but already that'll miss and eight battle awesomeness he goes forward he's like it's just misses he's just like out of breath tired um i got one more idea fire and as i grab i'll grab with both hands i'll grab out my my uh my tinder box and a torch i imagine she almost like kind of like strikes it in a way to like because it takes an action to light a torch uh would you allow me kind dm if i need to make a roll if i need to make like a like a dead external thing in your box so i would like to try to light the torch as a bonus action um all right go and make a dexterity check it's gonna be hard 15. [ __ ] that's what you needed so yeah you uh uh you just very quickly you're like like i'm just going to try to as soon as you light it stick it in he he looks at he's like and i'm just gonna try to stab it into him roll attack um this is a non-proficient weapon so it's just your strength or dexterity yep or no it's not even dexterity it's just strength uh it's just strength okay that's fine what's my strength ah it's a flat die roll okay i think yes [Applause] 13. what's what's torch damage uh d4 you just hit him a little bit and it lights him aflame a little bit and he and he like steps back he's freaking out he and he's like he um if it was his turn like he'd be immediately padding out the flames uh to try to take them but you see bits of him begin to burn take out his head again uh lazarus it's your turn okay okay i'm gonna have me and the bear [Laughter] then have the bear behind if you can be wonderful and the bear will do a big crunch local man too angry to die uh that is a was that a plus eight pretty good come on bear oh it's very good i really would like to get to our friends bears doing better than i am six the bear goes out behind him and as he's like he's like starting to catch on fire um he just gets put into the snow and torn to shreds as you guys hear him scream as his body is immolated completely catches on fire um it's like it shouldn't be spreading this much but it is it completely like you see his arms kind of like stick out from underneath the bear's um uh uh uh nozzle as it like uh uh as it um continues like bite into his neck and he watches they like contort and turn and go black with ash as he's turned to dust and killed who he's dead that's one there's nothing left we still have these two yeah yeah immolation zero both of you roll more death saving throws and a lint straight's your turn okay can i can i use this on this okay oh all right okay i'm going to i'm going to go to our friend who went down first okay and i'm like i have no idea what i'm doing but it's i assume because it was bleeding somewhere right yes cool i'm going to uh pull out a cloth from my pack that i probably use to like i don't know shoes with i'm gonna try to stop them this is good enough for blood oil no i'm living at the fact that she his shoes her own she has to look this guy looks she got looks different you go down and you realize that kazira has stabilized he looks to not be dying he's good kazira [Laughter] if you don't have a medicine kit you can make a medicine check to give a success or failure so you're rolling before a death saver interestingly oh is it a success really bad oh if i would have known that before i rolled can i not have rolled oh well i guess you wouldn't give a failure you can only give a success okay [Laughter] [Music] five negative one okay did you get i got a i got a seven but my hand because before i know if it succeeds or not which it probably doesn't oh i'm going to use my knowledge from a past life oh the d6 on top of that very cool very cool as you are going down towards yeah or actually let's see well it's a d6 roll because it could be real bad yeah [Music] you go down towards um immolation and something immediately comes over you didn't even know you knew this you know exactly what's wrong where where to keep her from dying and you pull out this like strap and it's almost like you're watching yourself heal her and make sure she's all right she's stabilized he's cool or out of combat awesome that only worked like that one time though i can't do that again is she okay is she okay i'm not like i'm gonna do this and go yeah oh i can't i can't i will tell you it's good yeah oh so we're gonna have to get them back to the end do you think we together can get her on the bear uh yeah cool you guys try to go over on the barrel and gather your two unconscious friends after dealing with suffolk and then i'm also uh is there any uh proof of suffix uh demise existence and subsequent demand there are bits of they're like little bits of cloth from his clothing all right cool i'll gather all that up and then uh get back to the end we have this we kill him or [ __ ] him i need to get a new torch who are very badly injured from the fight but alive take them back don't put them in the beds i assume uh do we have issue getting the bear in too i'm sneaking in regardless yeah it's a bear carrying a goliath into the smoke you don't know if i kill all the people that here he snuck no you can take the bearing okay the the girl lets her lets baron go and you guys go over and sit down and slump up against the wall you have no idea when these guys are going to wake up you should rest with them i i i should be able to handle anything that's coming for us my wrist is not particularly um just shake me awake if you need me okay good i was like because they're not resting you're gonna you have to rest like this i'm like hopefully i think you're just gonna hold your chest like yeah yes [ __ ] uh a little heel overnight we'll kind of kind of take uh look at the bit so how what does the bed look like uh it's it's a four-poster bed with uh like a shitty feather mattress and a like a blanket like it's like a furbling she'll take the the blanket she'll take off her coat and kind of fold it up and set it off to the side uh and then um also uh she wears like a leather like a studded leather armor um she'll take that off and underneath has some some common clothing and then she'll grab the blanket and wrap it around her and then kind of sit crisscross and grab the pillow and just place it and she'll go into a meditation okay which one is it with the kapesh uh placed over the pillow all right does the door open like like if we're in the room i'm facing those open like this is it open like that that did okay then i'm gonna go in front of the door nice and that and i'll like put my hand on my holster and then i will go on my meditative all right because i i'm totally aware i'm just now like oh just standing there she probably also pulls her hair out of the braid because i feel like that would be very painful to sleep with your hair in a braid that night goes on as kazira and immolation um stay in unconsciousness as you stay in your meditative state both of you and i'll wait for the morning but that's where we're going to end tonight's game can we long-range dang do you guys kill them no you can't oh i just went down okay no rest for you no long rest in malaysian dies in the middle of the night good thing i'm gonna get myself back on short goddamn dale thanks everybody for joining us for the first game of ice cream oh my god i want you guys to know for the last hour and a half they've been playing a drinking game where if the uh this the stream ever lags for a moment for them they take a shot oh are you all dead that's what i was afraid of which means a real thing could be a bad idea you guys killed suffolk caltro that was pretty sick yeah he's a pretty he's pretty beefy guy um so nice nice job oh we will be back always evil oh yeah so uh so upcoming we've got uh 10 kennels one shot on friday yeah and first episode of fallout unfortunately pre-recorded because of scheduling whatever whatever we're playing it next wednesday but it's going to be live on saturday it'll be live on saturday and then future games the plan is to have those be live as well so we'll be back with this game in about two weeks um thanks everybody for joining us for tonight's game um and they can join on friday they can join me oh yeah mia and craig and tyler and jordan and not me i will not be there and neither will spencer i'm going to be at disneyland me too building lightsabers and having a good time whoa goddamn big excitement whoa yeah all right uh thanks everybody for joining things all of you seriously really appreciate it for episode one this is really really cool um definitely didn't make me nervous the entire time we were playing but hey it was a good time anyways big shout out to bamboo grams for all the really cool stuff and sponsoring uh this game and show and i don't know series that's what this is hope to see you guys next time here on our camera okay that's the stream yeah you have to you have to get us out wait um uh dugan hall dude dude damn that hole you
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 290,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 42sec (13002 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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