Cajun Shrimp And Andouille Sausage Rice Skillet Recipe

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hey everybody welcome back i'm stopping quickly just to say hey what's up i hope everybody's doing amazing and with that being said let's head on over to the kitchen because i have a treat for you guys today just like i do always but anyway let's head on over to the kitchen and get started welcome back to another great video i'm your girl cooking with tammy and today i'm going to show you how to make my delicious cajun shrimp in a zooey sausage rice skillet yes you heard me correctly we are going to be shopping it up in the kitchen today yes we are anyway without further ado let's introduce these ingredients and get started we have our cajun seasoning as well as chicken bouillon powder minced garlic or should i say finely chopped garlic we also have some butter and that butter of course is salted not to mention we have some shallots yes i love using shallots it has that natural sweetness however you can substitute with using regular yellow or white onions we also have our bell peppers yes we do we have our red and green not to mention we have some rice as well as canned tomatoes our shrimp and dewy sausages in our stock seafood stock so with all of that being said let's get to prepping and get to cooking let's start with prepping our and zooey sausages and i'm just going to slice it diagonally just like that however you could cut it however you prefer if you want to cut it in like circles it's totally up to you if you want to split it down the middle and cut it in fours absolutely up to you it's your preference i know these sausages are not cooked yet but the smell oh my goodness i know the flavors are gonna be everything once it hits the pan it's going to be so delicious not to mention it's going to bring great flavor to our shrimp and sausage skillet it's going to give it that nice smoky little kick of heat as well it's going to be so good we're going to hit our skillet off with a little drizzle of oil because we are going to add our sausages to this nice hot pan we don't have to brown our sausages until they're like pitch black this right here is perfect not to mention the brown bits that of course is the crustification from the sausages as well and that's what's going to give us a lot of flavor i know you guys realize the oil changed from a light yellow to more of a dark yellow and that's because it's picking up all of the flavors from the sausages we're going to remove our sausages from the pan and we're going to place it into our bowl and reserve it for later moving right along we're going to start by working on our shrimp when it comes to our shrimp our shrimp is cleaned and the vein i left the tail on of course the presentation is going to be so beautiful by the time everything comes together and what we're going to do first and foremost is we're going to add a drizzle of oil i like to add a little oil whenever i'm applying a dry rub it makes it helps to spread the dry rub a lot easier we're going to add of course now we're not adding all this right here we're just going to season to taste and we're going to add a small amount of cajun seasoning to our shrimp we're going to go in here with our hands and we're just going to mix it up really good make sure everything is well coated and we're going to add just a little bit more get that cajun flavor going and we should be good to go all righty that is it this looks absolutely beautiful using the same pan because we're trying to build flavors we're using the bits from the sausage not to mention the flavors from the sausage and we're gonna add our shrimp and we're gonna get that nice seafood flavor going as well we're not gonna overcook our shrimp we're gonna halfway cook our shrimp through only because we're gonna reserve it until later all right it's about that time we're gonna flip it on over yes we are and this little shrimp right here needs a little assistance so we're gonna go in and help it just a bit flip it on over and boom we're gonna add our shrimp to a bowl just like this perfect i'm gonna get all of those shrimp juices out of the pan and just like our sausages we're gonna reserve our shrimp for later right now our flame is on low heat and the reason being is because i wanted to come in and show you what the shallot looks like this is a shallot right here well i actually cut the top off but anyway this is what it looks like before it's cut and it does resemble an onion however i prefer shallots because it does give a sweeter taste you gotta try it out if you haven't tried it already however if you don't have shallots on hand of course you can always use onions our pan is still hot so we're gonna add a little drizzle of oil and we're also gonna hit our pan off with some butter allow that butter to melt and the reason why we're using butter is because we want that nice buttery flavor going on as well also going to add our shallots to the pan of course we're going to toss it around just a bit make sure we get all of that infusion going on we're also going to add our chopped garlic combine the garlic of course with the shallots and all of that good stuff we don't want to burn our garlic you get what i'm saying not to mention all of those bits that was at the bottom of the pan as you can see it's starting to lift up and we're going to have all of that contributing flavor going on once you start to smell the aromatics then it's time for us to add the other stuff we're going to add our bell peppers both red and green mix it all in mix it all up at this point our flame is on low medium because we don't want to burn that garlic listen we got too far to burn our garlic we're going to saute for about a minute because we want our veggies not too crunchy but yet not too soft the smell is so inviting and we haven't even added everything to the pan as yet and already it's starting to smell real good and that's only because we started off with a good base we started off with frying our sausages yes and we got the flavor from that not to mention we added our shrimp we seared that off really well so everything has all of those contributing factors and flavors going on i know you guys see that color vibrancy going on check it out check it out once you don't overcook your peppers best believe that color vibrancy that pop of color is gonna remain it's definitely gonna hit nice when it comes down to that presentation all right we have some chicken bouillon right here i'm gonna add it yes i'm adding seafood stock but so what we're adding the chicken bouillon because we're going to amp those flavors up even more at this time we're going to add our rice yes we are now for those of you wondering why are you chopping the rice what you doing due to the fact that it was sitting here for a little while about five minutes in the strainer it started to clump up just a bit but no worries at all we're gonna go in with our spatula and we're just gonna hit it off a little bit and we're gonna break it on up and we're gonna mix it and combine it with our veggies our ratio of rice to veggies is perfect how pretty is this this is absolutely gorgeous at this point we're going to add our cajun seasoning because we got to season up this rice a little bit more we're not going gonna add all remember we can always go in and add more at the end we're gonna add our fire roasted tomatoes why did we opt for the fire roasted tomatoes well let me tell you let me tell you bring your ears in close i could tell you the reason why we opted the reason why we opted for the fire roasted tomatoes is because it's within its name fire roasted and when you roast the tomatoes up over an open flame the smoky element along with the natural sweetness that the tomatoes have is absolutely perfect for this dish if you don't have fire roasted tomatoes then of course you're going to use what you have you can also sub with stewed tomatoes but if i were you if you want that nice distinct flavor i would definitely offer the fire roasted tomatoes we're gonna add our seafood stock and of course if you don't have seafood stock you can always sell with veggie stock or chicken stock totally optional gonna give it a good mix make sure everything is well combined and we're gonna do a taste test later to see whether or not if we need to add a little bit more seasoning as of this point what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep our flame on medium heat and we're going to add our sausages back to the pan yes we are we adding our sausages back to the skillet there's no such thing as overcooked sausage unless you're frying it up combine it once again make sure everything is well combined and we're going to cover it one down with the lid allow it to do its thing and we're going to take it from there once we come back so far shrimp and dewy sausage rice skillet has been going for about 18 minutes what we're going to do is we're going to add those reserved shrimp don't tell me you forgot about the shrimp what's wrong with you we're going to add the reserved shrimp back to the pan yes we are we're going to place it in there get it all india look at how gorgeous after you add all of the shrimp in the bowl you may have a little bit of those shrimp juices left over in the bowl don't be afraid you better add it to this rice skillet all right every flavor counts in this dish and let me just tell you this recipe is not limited by any means if you want to add extra shrimp or you want to add extra meat or you want to switch it up a bit and you know add something a little different of course you can definitely do so we're gonna cover it on down with the lid allow it to simmer for about another two additional minutes and yes because we need our shrimp to be cooked what all the way through our shrimp and sausage and dewy rice skillet recipe is done yes absolute perfection what anyway guys as always who am i i'm your girl cooking with tammy and i will definitely catch you guys in another video talk to you later enjoy oh
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 124,033
Rating: 4.9420843 out of 5
Keywords: cajun, sausage, andouille sausage, cajun recipes, new orleans, jambalaya, dinner, shrimp, rice, food, creole, cooking, easy recipes, creole food, recipes, comfort food, jambalaya recipe, how to make jambalaya, louisiana, andouille, shrimp recipe, cajun shrimp and sausage pasta, soul food recipes, cajun jambalaya, soul food, dirty rice recipe, cajun shrimp recipe, best jambalaya recipe, one pot meal, shrimp skillet, sausage skillet, shrimp and sausage skillet, cooking with tammy, recipe
Id: ZTC7LJ37lO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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