Creamy Cajun Shrimp And Sausage Pasta | Easy Cajun Pasta

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today i'm going to show you how to make my delicious creamy cajun shrimp and sausage pasta when i tell you this recipe right here is all you're going to need ever when it comes to making creamy cajun shrimp and sausage pasta trust me it is going to be amazing the ingredients for our creamy cajun shrimp and sausage pasta are we have some shrimp of course shrimp has been washed and cleaned and deveined we also have louisiana style and dewy sausages bell peppers green and red water heavy cream parmesan cheese black pepper cajun seasoning chicken bouillon garlic powder onion powder and smoked paprika so with all that being said let's get to prepping and let's get to cooking as part of the prepping process the first thing we're going to do is we are going to dice our onions and a cutting and chopping doesn't have to be perfect so for now just get it as small as possible and this would be good to go all right we're going to add it to a bowl and reserve it for later make sure when you're doing this you have a sharp knife it makes this so much easier if you have celery on hand you could definitely use celery and add it to the mix and of course if you don't have celery no problem whatsoever we're just going to use our onions and bell peppers moving right along let's cut the red pepper up turn it around just like that you know i'm going to take it in segments and just go in like that we are down to the last piece of bell pepper cut it down a little bit more and that is it next up on the chopping block is our whole garlic cloves and i'm going to empty it out just like that and of course i'm going to go in with the back of my knife and hit it really hard just like that i thought i lost it for a second i was looking for it but it got stuck to the knife like the other one here we go the reason why we are hitting it and banging it so to speak is because it makes it so much easier to chop it up like if you leave it in the whole state without banging it up that garlic is going to be maneuvering all over the place and you're literally going to be chasing it with your knife so if you flatten it out a bit it makes it so much easier to go in and just chop it up also when you hit the garlic like that it releases all of the flavors and everything that's locked inside so yes couple tips and tricks guys all right this minced garlic right here we're going to add it to this little bowl right here for now what we're going to do is we're going to slice our and we sausages of course if you can't find andouille sauce it's just not a problem work with uh smoked sausages i mean there's so many different variations so many all right what i'm gonna do is let's see how we're gonna cut this i'm gonna cut it at a slant you could always cut it straight of course in little circles i'm in a fancy mood tonight so i'm gonna cut it at a slant also when you working with small sausage like this once you cut it at a slant it does give the impression of the sausage being a little bit bigger than what it actually is this is going to be a total of four sausages this is a recipe that's definitely not going to need any measurements get two bell peppers take a half of each bell pepper according to the amount that you're making diced it one up get yourself a small to medium onion same thing get yourself about four cloves of garlic and that should hold you down with no problem three to four and dewey sausages depending on how much sauce that you want how much you like and about a pound of shrimp depending on the size and that's pretty much it anyway first things first we're gonna season up our shrimp because we want it to marinate we are going to hit it off with a little bit of garlic powder once again you don't need measurements don't be afraid if it doesn't contain salt you really can't add too much of the non-salted seasonings we're going to go in with our onion powder sprinkle with the light hand of course and also our cajun seasoning because we're making creamy cajun shrimp and sausage pasta sausage pasta and we're also going to use some smoked paprika a couple dashes not too much and we're also going to use our brown black pepper just a light sprinkle of ground black pepper and of course i'm going to add a little oil because it just makes the dry rubbing a little easier mix it all in if you want to use a utensil you can do so as well i'm going to add a little bit more cajun seasoning just like that not too much and the cajun seasoning that you're using make sure it's not um a really heavy salt based brand because you know every brand is different some brands may have a little bit more salt than others some brands may have a little bit more garlic powder onion powder it all depends all right this is perfect we are going to be using a cast iron skillet so i'm going to add some oil cup tablespoons of oil just enough to fry up our seafood all right we're going to add the shrimp 45 seconds to a minute so far so i'm gonna check on the shrimp perfect you see it has that little charness going on yes this is perfect and we're gonna flip the others over as well they smell so good right now i'm telling you if i didn't need this shrimp for a recipe right now boy i would devour it right now honestly after we flip the shrimp over we're going to allow it to sear on the other side as well our shrimp is finished so we're going to take it out of the pan check it out guys perfect this shrimp right here is cooked all the way through because yes we're going to add it to the pasta later but unlike some recipes where we cook it halfway through you put it to the side and bring it back to the pan later this is cooked all the way through i lowered the flame to low medium and i'm going to add a little bit more oil i know you guys can see all of those bits at the bottom this right here is going to be our flavor all right so you're not going to rinse the pan you're not going to wash the pan we're gonna leave all those bits in there just the way it is and we are gonna add our onion at this point in time you're going to deglaze the bottom of the pan because all of those juices that's locked into the onion they're going to be released we're also going to add our bell peppers both red and green combine it really well give it a good mix allow the veggies to release all of his juices to deglaze the bottom of the pan and i know you guys to see those little bits right there starting to hug our bell peppers and onions this is definitely what we need we're going to add our sausages and of course if you want to add the sausages first brown them up and then add it back to the pan you can do that as well the reason why i did it this way is because i want the infusion to take place i want the juices from the sausages to incorporate with the bell peppers and vice versa it should take us no more than about four to five minutes to brown these sausages up it's about that time look at our slices everything is almost perfectly brown so what we're going to do is we're going to add our garlic to the pan allow the garlic to toast up just a bit and we're also going to allow those aromatics to be released from the garlic we're going to mix it all in let it cook down for about a minute that garlic definitely brings it brings the effect to this pan trust me boy can i smell it very fragrant very very fragrant [Music] i'm going to make my broth so i'm going to add a little bouillon powder so about a half cup of water not much water just about a half cup and we're gonna mix it all in stir it really good make sure everything is dissolved and we are gonna bring this recipe home so it's about that time we're gonna add our broth about a half a cup like i said of liquid to the pan just like that i'm gonna lock those flavors in and this is gonna help with our saucy sauce all right at this point in time we're gonna add our heavy cream give it a good mix make sure you start really good make sure everything is well incorporated allow the sauce to come back up to temperature we're starting to get the bubble action taking place imma let it simmer just a bit more because i want all of those flavors to be locked in before i add anything else we're going to add a little bit more cajun seasoning to this mix right here not only is it going to give it that extra flavor but it's gonna give it that nice color as well stir it all in right now i'm in love with smoked paprika so i want to add a little bit of that smoky paprika combine it as well and the smoky paprika obviously is going to give it that nice smoky flair not to mention it's going to definitely help with the color as well this right here is absolutely uh amazing we're going to go in with about a handful of grated parmesan cheese and we're going to add it to our sauce not only is it going to definitely elevate the flavors but it's going to help to thicken up our sauce as well we're gonna add about one to two pieces of shrimp back to the pan because why guys why why are we adding the shrimp back to the pan santa you know i like messing with you guys yes the reason why we adding the shrimp is because we want that nice seasoned shrimp flavor infused in our sauce as well and our saucy sauce is going to be the bomb yes it is yes it is we're going to go in with our pre-cooked pasta of course you add whatever type of pasta you want to add no limitations to this recipe if you prefer linguine add linguine vermicelli rigatoni elbow macaroni whatever it is that you prefer you add after all you're the one that's going to be eating it we're going to mix it in really good we have our andouille sausage peeking out from the top right there even though we added three shrimp back to the mix i can see our little shrimp peeking out and saying hello to everybody hello everyone listen in life you gotta laugh all right you gotta have fun it helps to keep you young or should i say youthful you gotta laugh gotta laugh even though in certain situations don't permit you gotta still try to be happy it's better than being sad what can i tell you all right now the shrimp the other shrimp that we had first what we're going to do is we're going to add that juice all that liquid to the pan you don't want to leave it in the bowl it's not going to serve any purpose being in the bowl you want to incorporate it with your pasta you're going to add the shrimp back to the top of the pasta whatever we have reserved if you haven't eaten all already just like that pour that saucy sauce into our pasta boom and and if you want to incorporate it of course you can but for presentation purposes we're going to allow the shrimp to sit on top of the pasta and look cute and be photo ready to tie it all together we're going to add a little bit of parsley if you want to add fresh you can if you don't want to add fresh you don't have to add dried parsley but whatever you do add a little greenery and it definitely helps to tie it all together it's absolutely delicious and so quick and easy to put together anybody who's eating it would never know that it took about 30 to less minutes to put together continue to stay blessed and stay safe i'm your girl cooking with tammy i will catch you guys in another video and i'll talk to you later bye guys you
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 411,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creamy cajun shrimp and sausage pasta, cajun pasta, cajun pasta recipe, pasta, shrimp, cajun food, how to make cajun pasta, cajun shrimp sausage pasta recipe, creamy pasta, andouille sausage, cajun shrimp pasta, cajun, dinner, shrimp and sausage pasta, cajun shrimp and sausage pasta, cajun chicken pasta, sausage, shrimp pasta, seafood, how to make cajun pasta with shrimp and sausage, best cajun pasta recipe, pasta recipe, creamy, cajun pasta with sausage, cajun pasta sauce, recipes
Id: 9WBznmJfu6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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