Seafood Macaroni And Cheese Recipe | Shrimp, King Crab, Snow Crab, Scallops

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hey welcome back to cooking with tammy live i'm tammy and today guys i have a special treat for you guys today we are going to be making guess what seafood macaroni and cheese oh my god who doesn't love seafood let alone who doesn't love macaroni and cheese put the two together and guess what it's gonna be the bomb so without further ado guys let's introduce these ingredients and make our seafood mac and cheese first things up on our ingredient list is our pre-cooked macaroni now here's the thing this like i said is pre-cooked but it's not cooked all the way through as you can see you could pick it up it's still nice and firm perfect um you're going to follow the instructions obviously on the back of the box in order to cook it al dente once you're done you're going to rinse it off in cold water because you want to stop that cooking process alrighty moving right along we also have half and half and for our seasonings we have onion powder paprika as well as creole seasoning some garlic powder and we have some brown mustard ground mustard is going to give it a nice cake trust me we also have some salt ground black pepper as well as butter flour or should i say all-purpose flour but not using self-rising flour for this recipe it's all-purpose flour and for the fun part we have our cheeses these cheeses are going to make our mac and cheese taste so delicious and melt in your mouth good we have mild as well as sharp cheddar combination we also have some smoke gouda which is going to make our mac and cheese nice and smoky and we have some monterey colby jack cheese as well as a little bit of velveeta i had some leftover velveeta in the fridge and i'm like guess what i'm not gonna allow it to go to waste so just a couple ounces maybe about two ounces of velveeta cheese it's gonna give it that nice smooth creamy consistency as well very good contributing factor now when it comes to our seafood of course your girl is not playing i have some sea scallops right here i also have some jumbo or should i say colossal size shrimp these are huge and we have our crab legs on deck we have snow crabs and we also have king crab legs so without further ado guys let's get to cooking it is time for us to de-shell our crab legs yes and let me just show you quickly how to de-shell it just in case you know whatever just in case not for those vets out there who know how to de-shell king crab do your thing snap it just like that in the opposite uh direction pull it out you can place it right here then you go in just like that let's see what happens here check the shell you just basically bend it in the opposite direction you see a little bit of meat right here right so you're gonna go in with that scissors make sure it's nice and sharp get your fingers out the way and open it up and boom got a surprise right here put it right here alongside the other piece and for this big boy right here we're just gonna go in with the scissors and just cut it straight across just like that open up the shell and of course as you can see these are like really prickly sometimes you could get uh king crab legs that's not as prickly but this batch right here very prickly so if you have some gloves put them things on so you don't uh stick your fingers basically you don't hurt yourself open it up take it out and voila just like that now you might have like a little substance on it just take your hand run your hand along the crab leg and just basically slide it on off that's it or you could rinse it off as well i'm looking for like that little tendon but there's nothing in there it's really important that you go through the crab crab legs to make sure that the soft bone is not in there you don't want to chew on that trust me nothing is you're just going to be chewing forever and it's going to be like you know obviously distasteful so that's that with that and of course i'm about to move on to the next one but i'm not even finished yet take it put it right there and this is the knuckle part right here and usually the knuckle part is very meaty as well if it's like any green pieces or any discolored pieces i like to go in with the scissors and just kind of cut it off and put it to the side make sure all pieces are nice and white and we're good to go and for the snow crab legs pretty much the same thing now with the snow crab legs they are obviously less in cost a little bit more cost efficient but you're gonna get less meat that's the only thing way less meat take it out let's see what's in here there's nothing in there we're gonna go in with the scissors and see what we could get out of here now i have let me see about three three clusters of snow crab i'd be surprised if i get like literally a pound of crab meat i probably wouldn't even get like i probably would honestly get maybe about 10 ounces it's not gonna be much really and truly because the snow crab is much smaller just take it out if it comes out whole good for you but for me the snow crab is not coming out whole it's just coming out in pieces but who cares once you get it out the shell that's all that matters and of course keep repeating the same process place the seafood to one side make sure there's no tendons involved just like this piece there's a tendon in there just make sure just like that check it carefully put it right here it doesn't matter if it comes out literally broken up into pieces because at the end of the day we are going to incorporate it with our mac and cheese anyway so it really doesn't matter and there's nothing in here another thing is also if using let's say king crab legs you could get like two king crab legs at you know this size for like 30 something dollars if you do the snow crab like i said is a little bit less costly also in order to stretch the snow crab legs you could also incorporate it with lump crab go to your grocery store buy a container a lump crab and incorporate the two and that way you can stretch it out seafood anything could be a little bit expensive so it depends if you're making it whether or not if you're treating yourself you're making it for a special person or you're making it for the holiday or you're just making it just because but keep in mind it can be somewhat pricey not to mention the different combination of cheeses as well but i figured hey i have about 10 pounds literally a whole box of king crab legs in the refrigerator and i'm like i'm not doing any mukbangs anytime soon so i might as well go in there and use it for my seafood mac and cheese right why not right check out how much snow crab meat we were able to get out of those snow crab legs not to mention our king crab legs are right here anyway moving right along to the next step next step it's time for us to take the little muscle part off of the scallop this part right here i don't know if you guys can see it closely but all you got to do is just go in there and take it off it comes off really easily and like i said this is the muscle part and if you leave it on it's going to be very chewy and it's not a good taste it doesn't have any taste basically it's just really really chewy so take that part off and it's called the muscle part of the scallop just like that easy does it right some of these scallops are pretty large as you can see so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna go and literally cut it in half and their scallops they cut so easily just like that literally bam we're done only if they're thick if your scallops are not that thick you don't have to do this part you might just want to maybe slice it in half and that's it but because these are like so thick in diameter what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go in and just do like that and and that way also you would have enough to spread evenly throughout your delicious seafood mac and cheese this is not that thick so i'm just going to cut it in half boom just like that and this is already cut hey that's it and i'm going to put the scallops back into the bowl and to season that shrimp what i'm going to do is i'm going to go in there going to go in with a little creole seasoning not too much but enough all right little garlic powder boom boom little paprika just a little bit not too much and i'm gonna give everything a good stir make sure the seasoning is well combined we're going to place it back into the refrigerator because i want the seafood to stay cold and in a couple of seconds we are going to move on to working on our cheesy sauce a soy sea sauce yep and this is it back into the fridge because we want our seafood to remain cold using medium heat we're going to add our butter to the pan of course allow it to melt down really good and we're going to go in there we're going to add our flour and i'm going to add it slowly and i'm going to combine the flour with the butter and make sure to keep stirring just like that keep stirring you don't want your sauce or should i say your roux to be lumpy the flour is going to thicken up along with the butter and you want a nice smooth consistency just stir it in and we're gonna allow this flower to cook out for about maybe about literally a minute or even a minute and a half just like that keep stirring it and this is what's going to be the base for our mac and cheese or should i say our seafood mac and cheese baby give it a good mix keep stirring it and you don't want the flame too high because you don't want the um the flour to brown you want it basically to remain this color you don't want it to turn brown you just want to cook the flowery taste out of the flour because when you're eating the mac and cheese you don't want to taste you know you don't want to taste that flowery taste perfect all right we are going to go in with our half and half and we're going to continue stirring we're going to combine the half and half with the butter and the flour i'm going to go under my whisk because i want to break these little flower parts down i want to combine it with the milk and right now the spatula is not doing the job after about five minutes our sauce is bubbling nicely and as you can see look look at the consistency is perfect now here's the thing i don't want this uh the reason why i didn't add too much flour is because i don't want my sauce to be too thick because i want it to be nice and saucy guys so as of this point i'm going to turn the stove top off we are gonna go in and we're gonna start off by adding our cheeses first what i'm gonna add guys is our sharp and mild cheddar and be sure to reserve half don't use oil i'm gonna also go in there with the velveeta velveeta with the velveeta cheese as well and i'm going to add the colby monterey jack add that gouda for that nice smoky flavor and add some more of that combination of sharp and mild cheddar give it a good mix allow the cheeses to melt in the hot bechamel sauce let me put this down so i could get in there and mix it up really good this seafood mac and cheese is gonna be delightful what it's gonna be so good so good starting to see that cheese pull already now here's the thing if by any chance your cheese sauce is a little bit too thick don't be afraid all you got to do is go in there and add some more half and half add just as much as you think you're going to need take your time stir it cautiously allow everything to blend because we want to thin our sauce out just a bit thin it out just a little bit so that way it spreads really nicely on the elbow macaroni or whatever type of pasta that you decide to use for this remember i told you not to worry as you can see look this is the perfect consistency nice and creamy perfect texture it doesn't get any better than this honestly perfect just add a little bit more half and half if necessary if you add too much cheese that's always the solution now what we're going to do is we're going to season our cheese sauce up just a bit we're going to add some salt give it some flavor and be mindful don't add too much salt because it's cheese and it's already salted we're going to add a little ground black pepper as well as garlic powder give this cheese sauce some flavor a little onion powder hit it with a little paprika just a little bit not too much and we're going to go in there with a little creole seasoning as well alright that's it and we are going to combine oh you know what i forgot my ground mustard the ground mustard is going to make it everything the ground mustard believe it or not is gonna bring element and flavor to this cheese sauce if you don't have any ground mustard you better go and buy some ground mustard it's gonna make it taste so delicious all right now it is about that time we are going to add our pre-cooked elbow macaroni or like i said whatever pasta you're using totally up to you i'm not going to come to your house and beat you up if you're not using elbow macaroni twist it in there give it a good stir let's see what's what and of course if we need to add more elbow macaroni we can always go back in here and add more it's always better to start off with a little bit first and just gradually add as necessary okay i think i can add a little bit more elbow macaroni to this mix just a little bit more because remember we want it to be nice and cheesy and gooey and all that stuff and this my friend is it what i'm gonna do is i am gonna get my um baking pan or casserole dish and i'm gonna show you how i'm gonna incorporate the seafood along with this mac and cheese we're gonna hit our casserole dish off with that nonstick cooking spray make sure you get all the sides because you don't want your mac and cheese sticking to the casserole dish you want all of your delicious mac and cheese coming out out of that dish all right what are you trying to say girl i don't know but you get what i'm trying to say all right we're going to go in with a large spoonful of that delicious creamy mac and cheese and we are going to layer it into this dish just like that and of course we're not going to add the whole thing just yet we're just going to do half make sure every little crevice has pasta pasta all right boom now we are going to go in and we are going to add our seasoned shrimp just like that and you don't have to cook your shrimp because guess what while it's in the oven it's gonna be cooking and i got enough shrimp so i'm gonna show out and i'm gonna put shrimp in every little nook and cranny and i'm gonna go in there and i'm gonna break up some of that king crab and i'm gonna just add it just like that this seafood mac and cheese what and also while you you know you go in india you're going to feel whether or not there's any little shells that might have broken off into the um the seafood just like right you know just like this and obviously you're gonna exclude it because you don't want any of your guests including yourself to bite down on any shells that is totally and absolutely disheartening not cool at all and of course we are going to add our scallops as well i didn't season the scallops because guess what they have their own little sweet distinction to them so it was not wasn't necessary to add cajun seasoning or anything like that besides everything else has seasoning so allow everything to have its own element of flavor stick it in there stick it in there stick it everywhere all right we're going to go back in just add a little bit more crab just a little bit more and we're going to go back in and top it with a second layer of that creamy mac and cheese just like that this is definitely holiday savvy summer savvy every day savvy now of course if you can't eat seafood add some chicken and sausage oh god it's gonna be so delicious as well if you want me to do a chicken and sausage recipe mac and cheese just let me know in the comments section and it will be granted add some more shrimp boom so you got a lot of seafood i'm telling you freeze is full of seafood so there's no better way than to incorporate it in a seafood mac get those snow crab legs all up in the mix all up in the mix just like that still feel around make sure there's no shells if it is make sure you extract it take it out of there and we got our king crab leg we're just gonna break it up into small bite-sized pieces oh and by the way i think i might have forgot to mention what i did was with my king crab legs i steamed it or should i say i just boiled it got a large pot because you know the king crab legs are pretty big in size get a large pot fill it with water add those king crab legs to the hot water allow it to boil out because king crab legs they are from the sea just like everything else that's why guess what hey we call it seafood but they are very salty very salty in my opinion so i allowed it to boil out just to get rid of that extra salt and i allowed them to cool off just a bit and here you have it de-shelled the king crab legs broke it up into bite-sized pieces and we stuck it or should i say we added it to our seafood mac and cheese don't be afraid just if you're someone with uh king crab legs steam it out get rid of some of that salt i prefer to get rid of some of the salt and just you know kind of like control my uh salt by adding it if i need to if necessary anyway add the last cup of peas add the last couple pieces of scallops and everything is going to cook through perfectly seafood you ever heard of a seafood bake same thing i'm gonna add that cheese what i'm gonna do as of this point is i have that mild as well as um as i mentioned earlier mild sharp cheddar colby jack slash monterey jack and gouda we're going to combine all of the cheeses together and we're just going to add it to the top just like that talk about elements of flavor and we're going to pat it down because we want that cheese to stick and we want every piece to be nice and cheesy no time to play games right i'm adding all the cheese i had a lot of cheese uh reserved or should i say left back over and i'm gonna add every bit of it to this mac and cheese boom boom and we are going to cover it down with some foil and we're gonna do our balloon method how do i end up calling it the balloon method guys i don't know but i call it the balloon method it's something that i created basically take off enough foil and secure the sides go in there with your hands puff it up like that just like you're puffing up your chest and you're gonna only secure the sides the reason why you um you go in there and you like literally lift the middle is because you don't want your cheese to get stuck to the foil paper you don't want to put in all that hard work and have all your delicious cheeses stuck to the full paper and not your mac and cheese that's not going to be cool now that our macaroni and cheese is covered what we're going to do is we're going to place our delicious seafood macaroni and cheese into our 350 degree fahrenheit oven and we are going to allow our cheeses to melt guys and but most importantly we are gonna allow our seafood to cook until it's no longer translucent yes and that's about it 350 degrees fahrenheit once we're done once uh once everything is pretty much finished cooking what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove the foil pop it back into the oven for about five minutes allow it to brown nicely and add a little bit of parsley on top and i will show you what everything looks like once we're done anyway guys continue watching it is about that time it is time to dig in yes i'm not even gonna wait until it's set that's how eager i am to dig in and taste some of this delicious seafood mac and cheese check out the shrimp nice and pink perfectly cooked what hey and check out the cheese pull and everything this is beautiful oh my god this is beautiful i'll put it right here so you guys can see it everything is perfectly cooked and the good thing about it is i'm noticing with every piece or should i say in every section you see shrimp you see king crab or maybe that's um snow crab i don't know but the main point is this delicious seafood is rocking right now anyway guys of course full recipe details of course cooking with tammy dot recipes and i'm going to leave some information in the description bar as well and of course i want you guys to enjoy this delicious seafood baked macaroni and cheese and let me know in the comments section what you think after you make it obviously and i will catch you guys in another video it's about that time i gotta go eat me some seafood mac and cheese anyway guys i'll catch you later bye guys
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 223,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seafood boil, southern baked macaroni and cheese, southern recipes, southern baked, best mac and cheese, macaroni and cheese, how, how to, how to make, how to make macaroni and cheese, how to make southern baked macaroni and cheese, seafood macaroni and cheese, seafood, seafood mac and cheese, cooking with tammy, king crab legs, king crab mukbang, seafood mukbang, snow crab mukbang, candied yams, peach cobbler, banana pudding, recipes, food, eating, southern baked mac and cheese
Id: _8KCrRYWO2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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