[OLD] Caddicarus: The Complete SEASON 13

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go to room two one seven thomas is waiting for you what you can't you tell i'm TomSka the tank person alright thomas is waiting for me so you know my good friend Thomas the Train and anything that's what he's cool turns out he's a big fan of your video so he sent me here to give you a game he got stuck in his safety valve what I mean if the great Thomas the Train wanted to give it to me it must be good oh it is but it's not here yet give it a sec what the hell is that on your head it's my short stumpy funnel I need to stop asking questions you think that's cool you should see my short stumpy dome I'm leaving I'm not picking that up you have to but it smells of poo yeah okay did any of you guys know that Thomas the Tank Engine had a game on ps1 exclusive to Japan yeah I knew it came out of the long hole on your head I wasn't asking you Thomas the Tank Engine is a train he's blue he has a face thanks for coming to my salmon I mean come on everyone knows who Thomas the Tank Engine is he's bloody everywhere oh you cannot escape with the tank and that's quite an amazing achievement considering he's in a children's TV show and none of the trains face has ever actually moved except for their eyes almost like they're in some sort of coma I watched TomTom the tank tank absolutely religiously as a kid specifically the Ringo Starr narration era and early Michael Angelus era before he started phoning it in during the late nineties but I could have done without the bullying around being born with the same name is the most unlikable character in the show thanks for that guys all of the Jameses of the world appreciated also my girlfriend's eldest daughter had her own name for the show when she was a toddler Thomas the Tank Engine I just think that's funny the original run of the show from 1983 I still find to be very entertaining and charming kids TV it's relaxing looks authentic and unique with the brilliant use of sculptures and models and there's plenty of good moral lessons for the kids watching at home while most of the time in 1945 onwards books that the show was based on were written by a man known as the Reverend W Audrey and since the writing of these books many have looked back at the original series and noticed some strong political undertones such as the dismissal and threat against anything new for the steam trains like diesel fuel and air travel and even subtext hinting at authoritarianism around the home of the trains on the Island of Sodor and it's not hard to see why there are some outright dark and disturbing ideas around the economy of Sodor and how the workforce were treated if they didn't do their job perfectly in the eyes of the ruthless dictator that was the Fat Controller in many ways the trains were treated a little bit like slave labour being forced to work whenever they were awake being sold back and forth between different people to suit their needs not being paid and being punished in the most brutal methods possible for barely doing anything that bad to warrant it a train goes a little bit too fast and comes off the rails a few times take off his wheels turn him into a generator and then watch his friends enjoy their lives and behind a wall until he dies what if a train gets too old and nobody wants to buy them don't give them a retirement package instead just throw the living and breathing train with thoughts and feelings in the scrap yard oh you know lock him up in a shed for about ten years and that mother nature bury him alive a train decides to stay in a tunnel for a little bit because he doesn't want to get wet from the rain freak him inside the tunnel and never lay him out again while being able to see all of his friends enjoying themselves as they chug along past him this show was outright sadistic perfect for a kids game on the PlayStation right yes this is indeed a real thing that exists this is a 2000 Japanese exclusive ps1 game of our favourite tank in Duncan and it's called roughly in English kids station Kakashi Thomas Tanaka mataji I think at least we definitely know it says kids station and not babe sation this game was lovingly donates to me by a guy at too many games 2018 in Philadelphia and I did write down the guy's name but I later lost it sorry about that I suppose that's a good thing really because if this game turns out to be completely horrible you wouldn't want me to know your name alright here we go what does that say hey what's this ban pesto why would I want to do that oh okay no time for questions it's time for an FMV intro I mean I've seen worse it looks completely okay to me you've got the classic theme tune the characters are all here it's a bit grainy and pixilated it certainly looks like the show well except for Thomas's face a few years ago a man jumped in front of Thomas and he hasn't been the same since [Music] Thomas is that you oh god now what the hell's going on your belly in the game for five seconds and the babies this game was meant for a thrown into a random slide show in case they didn't hit start the moment they begin the game yeah I'm just gonna skip this is nothing really going on here and would you look at that we're at the station ready to hopefully play some kind of game as you can see we're in knapford because that's where all the children get kidnapped and all I know about Japanese ps1 games is that the circle button is actually used as a confirmation button instead of the X button which we're all used to in the filthy West so I mean I don't know what the piss any of this means so how about we just hit circle and see what happens did I do a thing with was the thing good you know I'm honestly starting to prefer this over Ringo's voice what are you doing here can't you see okay well even though I have absolutely no clue what is being yelled at me or what any of this means what I do know is that I need to find the correct symbol by hitting the button that comes out of Thomas's funnel and that's it oh thank you sir Sir Thomas back at the menu oK we've seen what happens if I press circle so what about if I hit square oh well we get this lovely image of James here James murdered my dog we also get to see The Fat Controller a little more clearly and there he is looking bloody horrendous what else is going on in the station though let's have a look well we have this guy over here licking a poster of duck but his head is covering the you so it looks like Johnson will to have this guy over here who's doing up a lady to the kid down here and this guy here who's I don't know what he's doing anyway let's click on James because that is me alright okay so we count the people's and hit the button with the correct number next to him and that's it we're done who's gaming heart let's hit the square button again and see where we end up a whole law oh dear there's a fat controller option I can't wait to see what that has in store for us but first I just have to bring your attention to this man hiding behind James what is going on there anyway the Fat Controller minigame takes us to his office last year Tom took your day ah yes sorry he's not called that everywhere else other than the UK is he Sir Topham Hatt the Vette controller Sir Topham Hatt a Fat Controller sorry the Sir Topham hat mini game takes us to his office and he's in a bit of a pickle because despite being the director of every train on the Island of Sodor he's forgotten what his main train looks like we picked the correct one Sir Topham Hatt does a little and then we get a lovely image of Percy being crushed by a boulder what else can we click on this screen then oh look the clock itself is a character now I've seen everything we have to pick the correct time with the buttons but I can't read what the hell the Fat Controller is asking me so I'm just gonna have to guess what yes got it right he's a train conductor that can't read the time oh look now we get an even lovelier image of two trains about to collide into each other at full speed I told you this show was messed up moving on we now get to click on the poster of duck and we have to match the correct halves of this image together but I'm getting a little bit curious can you fail this game can you fail Thomas the Tank Engine on ps1 well I got that one wrong that one wrong and that one wrong so apparently not it just keeps going until you get it right but you do make Sir Topham Hatt very sad but I don't know why he's so sad I mean if he knows what his own trains look like then why is he asking me to help him oh great another violent image of train abuse this time it's a train careening to its inevitable death why are these loading screens in a kids game what's this saying to the audience at home oh don't worry kids next time you're on a train you might even beyond the rails anyway now we happen to be done with this screen so we can scan across the screen number two Oh looky cookie more trains my favorite kind of public transport I can only assume then this means there's more games so let's give this one a click so it looks like Edward is about to join in with the fun Oh God what's happening no no what's going on what am i doing is this a race on our mat no 212 wedding buns now hitting buttons why's this person's has so small will appears one controller is that how I should be doing it for Christ's sakes watch out Thomas remember flowers attract oh no where is we slow down alright it looks like we won the race hey hey do you reckon on the Island of Sodor if a train loses a race against another trade it gets thrown into the scrap yard I was kidding alright next minigame time to click on Edwards face I'm really not sure what to make of any of this is this another race I don't know but the game wants me to pick somebody so I guess I'll pick Henry because it looks like he'll kill me if I don't and we slept with my wife oh wait no it was a game where we had to pick the longest engine yeah I totally knew that's what we had to do I didn't guess that it only seems appropriate now to click on the Henry's face minigame on the main menu see where that takes us and there he is now oh man nice briefs okay now we appear to have duck Percy and Edward but I don't know what to do since all the buttons of stop working I've got no prompts I can't pause or exit what's going on Henry helped me oh oh wait a second is this a pic the train that was swapped over game that makes more sense now well yeah that's Toby ops and then we get another delightful image for the loading screen Thomas has cholera after the Gordon minigame I hate Gordon my least favourite character I hated him as a kid and I still hate him today I mean look here he's already angry at me and I haven't even done anything yet alright he's about to drown well that makes sense I suppose I'd be angry about that too all we need to do is pick the correct track shape to help out Satan incarnate as a train and away we go onto the true minigame next and believe it or not this was the first mini game I actually got completely wrong and not because I didn't understand the text or the object of the game I just had to match the face on the body but I swear to god this was Thomas's face but it was in fact actually Percy's face what kind of [ __ ] is that about am i that inept the tank in danken on the playstation what do you think the crime rate on Sodor is like you get booted back to the main menu and just when I thought we'd loop back around to the first screen we started on oh no way there's another page of minigames this is just spoiling me now we get to explore around the docks for a bit as it appears but overall different verse same as the first well except for this we click on the thomas minigame and it is yet another game I failed miserably I can't remember the last time I saw a difficulty curve this steep not even joking I failed so badly added that I didn't even get a second chance the game just ended when I got it wrong now come on I like to think I'm a reasonable boy so when I say this is majorly unfair because this symbol looks like it's telling me to smack the buttons as fast as possible yet the game punishes you for doing that would you agree that isn't my fault you can shut up hunky the tonk eagle I mean I cannot be happy with myself if I let Thomas on ps1 beat me so I'm gonna try again and this time I figured out what you're supposed to do instead of following the on-screen prompt that babies are definitely going to look at just ignore that and hit the button wants to start filling Thomas's tank and then a second time to stop when it reaches the red mark I do wish that was a little more clear and by the way if you don't press the button a second time Thomas wets himself from his face look back to the menu again and now we have to move on to the cheeky little bill Ben Ben Ben flowerpot drains what on earth could they possibly have in store oh it's another counting game well I'm pretty pro it then by this point one two three four yes suck on that with your working mouth another James minigame is next on the agenda and you have to pick the correct animals and objects hiding in the trucks he's carrying easy enough and then we get another Sir Topham hat minigame yeah well more accurately it isn't a game we in fact get to create our very own train we get to pick a body some paint a face and even a funnel not with a lie this is really cool especially if you were a major Thomas fan back in the day I made a train called Gerard Way and he's an angsty young engine full of hatred that nobody understands and I think his funnel is overcompensating for something so he sounds like this oh you could always make the ugliest thing imaginable like there's lovely chaps a circus bus after yet another minigame that this time is actually a mini game so what do we do here we need to wait for the crane to match with the correct object over the truck and then hit the circle button to drop it in pretty difficult stuff I mean what else can I say about it other than I get shown yet another image of inhumane train brutality when I'm done by the way the game is still going I'm actually kind of amazed I mean of all the other toddler games I played in the past I wasn't expecting any more than 15 minutes plus of total game time from this but to my surprise it just keeps on going it's got too much love to get I can't take the love that Thomas the tank is thanking in me we've got yet another page of minigames to do this time in the quarry we've got a jigsaw completion game and match the image against the dirty train game a memory game when you need to pick the correct train that will reach the station that you saw earlier [Music] fast and furious 6 and this game where we control Percy getting chased by falling boulders are you thinking hell yeah I'm not gonna touch any buttons I want to see what happens late for it wait for it wait for it Oh slam duck oh yes Percy is doubt and then bull no oh my god this horrific boulder from one of the scariest episodes of Thomas and Friends appears out of bloody nowhere and traps us on the tracks forever while staring into our very being oh you don't know that episode the one where rusty is convinced there's a boulder that's deliberately trying to smash him and all of his friends because they're drilling into a mountain it sat on top and the boulder somehow manages to get off the mountain chase the trains around roll up hill get behind rusty when it was wrong in front of him a second ago and the episode ends with the Fat Controller suggesting there's a paranormal force living inside the boulder and the father has a faint and here's a picture of a dying traction engine there too oh my god I can't believe it there's yet another page of minigames to go through we start off with this one with a game that requires basic understanding of Japanese [Music] that I clearly really don't have so I got every single guess wrong and yeah yeah all right I think I'm done now I'm sure you've all got the idea by this point there is a lot to play with in this game but as you've seen a lot of it is exactly the same or I just don't bloody understand any of it as we go on there's some more counting games more memory games more correct path games more creative games like this coloring thing here yeah more mashing button games more matching games more correct timing games what more can I say about each of these games as individual entities anyway what do you want from me they're made for babies I can't add anything else besides the animal noises to store the audio levels saying that though consider me surprisingly impressed yeah consider me surprisingly impressed with this mother chug I mean yeah is simplistic and way too easy for any kids over the age of two but when I think back to other games I've played in the past that are meant for kids especially games that are made for a slightly older audience like Tweenies game time this is better in pretty much every single way and this was meant for an older audience the graphics and music are much better done and way more appealing there's a crap ton more minigames to play with and things to see and discover when replaying certain minigames they actually change aspects of it so it isn't the same exact thing twice to keep it interesting for kids on replays and even though it's all in Japanese it's that accessible and understandable that even I could play it without any Japanese knowledge whatsoever helped along by the fact that you never use a d-pad only the face buttons and in fact when this game first came out it even came bundled with a specifically designed giant button pad so the extremely young children this was aimed at couldn't possibly get it wrong and it was wipeable in case thomas made them sick i mean look in the menus for this game you even get tiny little character biographies I can't fault this game for the target audience it's adorable well I mean I assume their character biographies there could be eulogies for all I know the next question is why was it Japanese exclusive because I really don't know [Music] 400 oh brother it is that the time I'm I'm eating Percy just look what you've done to our breakfast now I shall have to cook some more she signed the door did any of you stop and think for a second that breath of the wild may not have been a 10 out of 10 unpopular opinions I have them you have them we all have them they're like bacteria and just like bacteria at some point you're going to spread them all over somebody else and make them sick and miserable look I'm really not trying to go out of my way to upset anyone that's not why I make videos but you have to admit unpopular opinions online are basically the equivalent of pond scum no one likes it yet it all rises to the top and everybody sees it for whatever reason we all just love a good trash fire when people claim to be above the filth and no more than the majority but that is not what I'm doing today look at me I know dingle-dangle I just love sharing my subjective views on things and seeing how people react so before I regret what I'm doing sit back get salty and join me in my dirty bathwater I sell this as I give you even more of my unpopular gaming opinions first up does anyone else here think the Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee are the best versions of Pokemon Gen 1 cuz I do I remember when Pokemon first came out all those years ago how all the children played fell they all laughed how they all kicked each other to the floor when they lost how they used scissors on the cards of other kids they didn't like look I even have this card here that I stole over 17 years ago and you can tell I stole it because the guy it belonged to used to hole punch his car so they knew they were his I don't even remember the guys name but I remember his cardboard that's what Pokemon did to friendships back in the day and so unsurprisingly I was never allowed to play the gameboy games when I was younger but one of my cousins was and so I sneakily borrowed pokemon yellow from him played it on my GBA I was hooked ever since the problem with pokemon yellow blue and red though is that for the classics that they are going back to them today is like reading really old issues of Time magazine you probably shouldn't it's as basic of an RPG as you can get and that was fine for the time but remaking the world of Gen 1 for the switch took every correct Avenue it's the same story and same locations but with a huge graphical overhaul better sounding music and yeah the random wild Pokemon battles were gone but pray tell what the hell is wrong with that decision because now not only can you physically see the Pokemon so you can control when you want to fight instead of being interrupted every 10 seconds but it makes completing the Pokedex 100 times less of a bore lake since you know exactly what you should be looking for before wasting time in a battle screen for the millionth batt leave me alone damn yo don't make me get a blanky our what there's no battling wild Pokemon at all in this version again who cares the newer games are way better at battling than gen 1 is nowadays and so instead you get a really fun catching minigame that rewards more XP based on timing and positioning with throwing a pokeball with status effects you can control all the spare Pokemon you catch them being traded for a load of stat boosting candies for your current Pokemon and you still get the dozens upon dozens of trainer and gym leader battles anyway if anything this system staves off the repetition for a remake and by having the focus between battling and catching they kept the original goal of Gen 1 Pokemon consistent despite the differences it's welcoming to brand new players and smaller kids especially that are just getting into games and is way more interesting than original gen wands version of simply giving you hundreds of battles repeated ad nauseam without everything else supplementing it like in the newer games and let's not forget the epic mega revolutions which can save your life in more difficult battles and hey the ability to do all the situational moves in the overworld like water skimming tree cutting lighting up dark caves and warszawa lying all linked to your singular starter Pokemon was a genius decision saving up your space and not forcing you to around a pokemon that you would only use for a singular purpose in the overworld that vote that was tame you haven't caught my bacterial opinion disease yet so let's crank it up a notch do any of you remember to arc so what if I told you that the gameplay in Dark Souls are more specifically the combat system how you interact with the enemies the bosses in the world around you isn't actually that great and I say this with all the love in my veins which are basically withered Dark Souls and blood-borne are both in my top 5 video games ever made but when I took a step back to think of why that is exactly I realized it was at the combat system on its own you want to know what you do mostly in Dark Souls you get to an enemy or boss equip a magic catalyst or melee weapon dodge a series of attacks or use a shield on the rare occasion to block or parry and then hit back once or twice when it's safe I mean yeah if you want to be spindly specific there's a little more than that but as a whole that's mostly what you as a player are doing to engage with the game mechanics like if you compare this to bayonet or something with the insane amount of combos situational attacks different kinds of enemy behavior that requires jumping or dodging dodging at the very last second to slow down time incredibly fast ranged attacks to tie into combos finishing moves all that stuff Dark Souls and blood-borne don't actually have much going on aside from strong and light attacks that string together over and over again a universal dodge and a shield that mostly doesn't even work with bosses it's the atmosphere the level design the vast array of play styles and character build the replayability the visuals the music the epic encounters intense horrific standard exploration in pitch-black grimy corridors of unspeakable terror all that stuff works in tangent with how hard the enemies hit you to almost give you the sensation of a survival horror game helped along by the huge amount of weight and planning to your attacks and the limited risk and reward healing system Dark Souls and blood-borne are the prime examples of games that are way way more than the sum of their parts how you control your character is one thing but it's how that is built around everything else around you that makes the game so brilliant and that is also why games like the Lords of the Fallen fall down the Dalal fell down Lords of the plagiarist I don't like the music and Metal Gear Rising and with that comment alone I'm absolutely certain I've made some enemies because almost every other person have spoken to about the OST and Metal Gear Rising revengeance have nothing but the highest praise for air or are just okay with it being there I've never had anyone agree with me when I say I find it irritating I'm talking more about the vocal tracks by the by and it's so popular to the point where if you search Metal Gear Rising on YouTube not only will Metal Gear Rising OST be the first search term but even Metal Gear Rising revengeance OST will be just below it people love this soundtrack so much that they're willing to type in the entire [ __ ] name of Metal Gear Rising revengeance in order to be specific enough to find the soundtrack for Metal Gear Rising I'm saying Metal Gear Rising a lot aren't I maybe I should metal gear shall I enjoy the game fine enough as a game but yeah as far as the soundtrack goes nope I'm not a fan at all I've tried listening to it in the context of the game and outside of the game and I can't stand it each and every time I also think the lyrics to some of the songs are totally bloody intelligible but then again that may be because I'm deaf as a door handle hello vocal sound is way too whiny for me and switches between Flemmi screeching and twang II singing a little too abruptly for my ear to get accustomed to it and where I like the idea of mixing more metal sounds with techno beats and aggressive since well I don't like is how this soundtrack smashes them together like a car crash it just sounds like a wall of noise with too much happening at once for me unfortunately though like your sense of humor your taste in music is one of the most subjective things you could bring up in a video about opinions I mean one man's ear candy is another man's yeah wet farm no I reckon I can get the unpopular opinion bacteria spreading again with my next opinion the Zelda Hyrule warriors is really boring ah there's a disease can we all agree on one thing for a second that being the Hyrule warriors is really stupid like it's so stupid that if it were a person it would think cooking mama was a video game about cooking your own mother good glad we got that out of the way in which case with it being so stupid and looking like it completely goes all out with its stupidity why did I find it painfully boring to play it looked unbelievably cool and I saw trailers but when I finally got around to it I felt like I had no impact on anything around me the enemies no matter how big or aggressive all felt like paper bags being blown around with my repetitive combos and special moves I know this is basically dynasty Warriors so I guess that means I wouldn't enjoy that either but all I found myself doing for hours and hours was running to the objective clearing out waves and waves of sword fodder getting to the main commander doing the same thing and then moving on until a boss and this would be fine for me if there was any depth but if they were supposed to be some here I couldn't find it it felt so damn mundane to me so mindless like I could play it with my eyes half-closed it didn't matter if I switching between different characters over they will feel different to play sure but it restricts them with a game that is still about doing the same thing over and over again where it's amazing fun and real engaging for like 10 minutes where you see the special moves activate for the first time and laugh your gizzard offers you essentially fix all the problems of your entire army by coughing over your enemies after doing it 20 more times over with not much else changing I kind of just wanted to stop what didn't help either was the original Wii U version running pretty badly when that came out and then the supposed definitive edition on switch not running that well either I mean it was an improved but while we're moaning at Nintendo though let's pair them up with Sony for a second because you know something I reckon that Nintendo and Sony could benefit from copying Microsoft a little bit more anyway yeah when I say that Nintendo and Sony can take a page or two from Microsoft's books that sounds a little bit redundant these three companies have wrote off and on each other so much over the years they're practically raw but in today's market something I didn't realize about Xbox is that despite their most recent console being a bit of a mess in my opinion Microsoft more than any other company even since the 360 have been pretty consistent with providing a decent level of backwards compatibility did you know you can play a surprising amount of classic Xbox titles dating back from as early as late 2001 on a 20-17 Xbox one X I didn't until I started researching it because I didn't even realize you could play classic Xbox games on the 360 but how cool three generations worth of games being playable in one place that is something that the ps4 and switch wishes it could do this even back was compatible with useless games nobody cares about wanna play Indiana Jones and the Emperor's tomb or figs of the curse of people you can on the Xbox one it was this news that actually inspired me to replace a load of my ps2 games with classic Xbox titles for the sake of recording some of them at the best possible quality because aside from emulating on PC which barely works a lot of the time there's no real way to experience ps2 games in decent quality aside from the ps3 HD collections of a few set titles the ps4 doesn't allow you that aside from a few downloadable ps2 ports on the PS Store and when the first build of the ps3s went out that could play ps2 games most of them blow up you can't even play ps3 on ps4 and les via a PlayStation now subscription and as with a switch yeah I know it's a portable cartridge system but if Nintendo were able to port with you games onto it and charge you the exact same amount of money it would have been when it was brand new and doom 64 is coming out for it along with the NES and SNES games on the online system why not include more GameCube and Wii games on the store or Nintendo 64 games when it comes to the Wii as well the gyro controls would be way better than the infrared sensor motion pointer anyway and look I'm not gonna pretend I understand how consoles work or the system infrastructure but you're telling me there's no way a tool we can purchase ps1 games on the ps4 store and play them on it this can't be run on this especially when ps1 games in particular are incredibly easy to emulate everywhere else I don't get it and while I don't get it I don't get it I don't get I don't know how many other ways I can say this without coming across as a floppy but I'll try it once more The Legend of Zelda breadth of the world is a great game but I just do not think it's a 10 out of 10 by any stretch of the imagination this is without a doubt one of the most engrossing open-world games I've ever played and that nail was the idea of total freedom better than any game has before it the combat is good fun the way to approach enemy encounters and puzzles are practically endless with the ability to physically manipulate the world the sheer volume of secrets and surprises is amazing the bosses are great even when they're pretty easy the visuals and the music are spectacular the strategic tension behind figuring out a path for your next vertical climb is great the puzzles and the shrines are good this stuff is all absolutely excellent but if you ask me it's all bent and twisted around a really uninteresting story that's delved out with a badly voice-acted Zelda in totally ineffectual scenes do you see this nothing more akin to and once again a totally mute and gormless link even though they build the story around him and how he's supposed to be a legendary hero a lock on camera that is very temperamental and doesn't let you switch targets without unlocking and relocking which is useless in groups a slow most spam attack system that activates whenever the hell it feels like before during or even after an attack happens side quests that don't really go anywhere don't reward you anything too spectacular and don't even compensate you with XP which ends up wasting your time and most annoyingly their weapon degradation I'm fully aware there are supporters of this system all over the internet and to be honest I'm glad you liked it good for you pats on your head with a loaf of bread but after I've conquered a massive task or finished a very difficult battle only to be rewarded an extremely powerful weapon that only lasts about 40 hits in total before breaking forever I don't feel like I've progressed no why because I have no clue when or where I should use it without wasting it there's weapon durability systems which are totally fine to include but then there's weapons that feel like you're attacking with literal twigs for how fragile they are this goes beyond finding more weapons and forcing you to experiment as well since you don't find decent weapons often enough to justify experimenting with them this kind of argument favors games like Uncharted a lot more since you have very small inventory space but are constantly finding replacement weapons on the fly in chaotic battles and can even choose to keep them on you if you run out of ammo I mean there's crafting and food in breath of the wild so why can't we just craft repair materials and rely on needing to find them to look after our favourite weapons that we earned our cells instead of just having them break after a few minutes when it took us a lot to get them in the first place when I found a tricky treasure chest or beat a really difficult boss encounter I didn't feel like oh my god I found a really powerful weapon I can use I thought oh great another powerful weapon that I don't want to use because I don't want to break it I mean the Master Sword in the game is a weapon that you can keep on recharging so why can't they just have that with every other weapon or makes a weapon pull smaller and have your favorite weapons be repairable so you feel like you can use it but you won't lose them forever and while I'm on one I don't even like the European box art that much either I mean the u.s. one that's that's cool that's stylish this this looks like you caught link in the middle of him waiting off the edge of a cliff oh by the way I don't think god of War's a 10 out of 10 either yeah no man you think my breath of the wild review like to dislike ratio was a little off take a look at this sunshine yikes that's a big uh-oh from me where I still loved breath of the wild despite what I perceived to be flaws God of War 2018 was a game that I enjoyed fine enough despite the flaws yeah I just didn't click with this one as much as everyone else did in terms of the characters and their relationships I loved it with this being my favorite incarnation of Kratos to this day but with everything else it felt like a step down from the previous classic hack and slash games and hey that's when the story wasn't being interrupted like when your son is having an angry emotional outburst at you because you left him for hours and hours on his own only for him to then start talking in tutorial speak less than 30 seconds later even if you take away the fact that compared to the original goal of war from 2005 you interact or fight with nowhere near as many Norse gods and monsters over the Greek gods and monsters and take away the fact that you fight the same god damn troll over and over again with different colors as a poor excuse for a boss battle when they could have used the endless sea of Norse creatures to fill those places in and kept them as regular enemies and take away the fact that throughout the 30 plus hour adventure you're being built up to how terrible and destructive Odin and Thor are for everything you're doing and then after a disappointing series of bosses you're then left alone with a teaser for the fight you should have had before the game just stopped when you get a buildup and satisfying an epic conclusion in the original ps2 game yeah taking away all of that it's just not as smooth to play as I think it could have been it's fine but if you ask me it's got a lot of problems I get it they wanted to give you a more mature story right behind Kratos his head so you're able to feel all the emotional weight right in your face but when you try and combine this level of freeform movement and 360 degree dodge rolling with enemies surrounding you with a fixed perspective third-person camera it causes its own sea of issues all done for the sake of it just being another third-person action game because that's what people do now this radar isn't enough here I want to see more of what's going on around me I can't plan my next move I can barely see anything massive all around me that the radar doesn't help me avoid until the last minute when it's already too late I can't immediately turn around by moving the left stick in the direction I want to go and have to use a delayed quick turn instead why can't I be locked into a strafe only when I'm aiming with the ax why do I need a strafe when I'm just fighting regularly other games have done this just fine and even God of War it's self did it better you can't even sprint without unlocking the camera and moving the camera in the direction you want to sprint which then means if you're locked onto a very fast boss I need to make sure you see everything they do you can actually sprint it's just so damn cramped for such a fast-paced and brutal game oh well except when you're stuck in the myriad of non skippable walking scenes and climbing scenes that don't test you don't add to the atmosphere don't add to the characters and then allow you to move again but through train track level design that even when becoming a little bit more open doesn't trust you to jump at your own accord you know like you used to be able to do which means that platforming is gone jump dodging and jump combos are gone oh look another stone monster buzz oh look a boss that's just a stronger version of every other basic enemy in that area Wow believe it or not though I still liked the game more than I didn't I just wanted to point out the things that I didn't understand about it for the sake of this video if you want more of a detailed opinion on what I think about the game as a whole then check my review up there for more details anyway could this video about how much of a bastard I am with unpopular gaming opinions get any more inflammatory well I know this one is short and to the point I don't mind splatoon but I've tried multiple times to get into splatoon 1 & 2 but just can't stand how slow your movement speed is yes I know the whole point is that you turn into a squid and use that mechanic to move around the map faster while refilling your ink but you know what I like to do in a shooting game move and shoot simultaneously and the fact that you're stuck at a snail's pace whenever you need to shoot makes this some of the most unsatisfying gunplay in a competitive shooter if you ask me and in single-player when you find yourself walking around large levels with the only way to progress being constantly spraying on the floor for a bit moving in squid form running out of spray on the floor as I spraying the floor again and going it's a squid form again you start thinking a lot more about how the ink gets inside the kids bodies and then into the guns to be vomited back onto the floor and then sucked up again and deposited all over another player again and then like Oh what does it smell like what's it where does it come from where does it go I was going somewhere with this oh what's that Nintendo you're gonna throw me into an online match with players that have dozens of dozens of dozens of hours more experience than me well bust my beef so you've made it this far well done you but that also means you've had the disease long enough for the rash to start you might want to check your knees thanks for listening please share your garbage gaming opinions in the comments below and if you do not mind I have some cooking to get all the way through before you start is it cookie walking over as a pasta or as you say in Z miracles pasta before you cook is it faster you have to make sure it's thoroughly lost [Music] [Music] do the surco gave you a drink ah gasps some perfect um yeah I was just wondering could I get all the alcohol all of it all of the alcohol yes okay great and for food what to be honest I'm feeling a lot like pork tonight so what do you recommend well we've got bacon salads yeah meatballs you know what I think I'll have the hot dog and be quick about it I want to hear five minutes ago well actually kitchen time we've got no pork what oh man I was really feeling like a bit of Kirk yeah sorry but they did give me this what oh please god no what's the problem [Music] pepper when did you get a newzik career I hold here in my hand the debut album from aspiring rapper pepper feminine and I can't believe it exists like I actually can't because not only does this mean she has infected the only media source which was initially safe from her trotters but it also means that this is proof Peppa Pig fever is not dying down anytime soon it's hotter than ever this is brand-new by the way I just want that to sink in if you've never heard of my channel before you're probably wondering why I despise a seemingly Hannes kid show so much and don't worry I do have my reasons this thing bubbles is quite hard work I did an entire video about it actually so click up there to go and see it but to put it simply I think that even after so many years has been on and after hundreds upon hundreds of stories the show never evolved to teach kids any valuable morals and demonstrated the most irredeemable disrespectful and brightest behavior from its main stars you know who the target audience are potentially going to relate to and copy without discipline ever coming into question at least I can only say that based on what I have seen from the show I mean God even pingu got reprimanded this therefore least of the characters in the show never growing improving or learning which means the kids watching never grow improve or learn but taking all of the morality stuff aside I hate how ugly the art style is George pig is one of the most violently annoying cartoon characters of all time and every episode serves as empty noise ready to be filled by a narrator that just repeats everything the characters already said or says exactly what everyone is already seeing on the ground his dinosaur ice lolly has melted and fallen on the ground you'd think by now that after 420 episodes over the span of 15 years a couple of movies a handful of games and a theme park that maybe just maybe the creators of this godforsaken show would have run out of ideas and will start putting their energy into other projects but no they're gonna milk this poor fool she's worth and we're now at the stage of a Peppa Pig album have you ever walked down Hollywood Boulevard and had a load of people shut their mixtapes in your face when imagine for a second that this thing is chasing you with her mixtape that's what this is like a knife slicing my fight organs I welcome it so everybody sit back relax and allow me to get my wireless Bluetooth Cove solitude headphones on as we take a look at Peppa pig's album oh no sorry my mistake Peppa Pig my first album she's so conceited why is Peppa so up herself like she expects that this is going to do well already and there's gonna be a second album inevitably and help what if it doesn't stop there first we get Peppa Pig my first cinema experience then Peppa Pig my first concert and now this what could be next Peppa Pig my first handgun I've already got one of that ok then I'm ready for you to hit me with your best shot my first album and to start with I'm at least glad I could listen to it entirely through my Apple music subscription meaning I didn't have to pay for it but I'm not too sure about the album cover oh yeah I don't know if it's the upside-down Apple earpods here or if it's simply missing something I don't know how about if we ah there we go the hashtag pepper effect rages on wigger okay so we begin at track 1 its Peppa Pig no [ __ ] who else is it gonna be by the way unfortunately due to copyright restrictions I'll have to do a lot of describing on what the songs sound like and only pause to use extremely short clips as and when they're appropriate yes I know that sucks but trust me I'm doing you a favor anyway it's Peppa Pig is basically a more produced and extended version of the theme song and it's not the worst thing I could have imagined actually you've got a kids choir taking you through most of the song which entices the little ones to learn the easy Rhymes and sing along but then all of a sudden it gets interrupted by pepper herself [Music] and maybe it's because I'm a bit out of touch with the show but that does not sound like pepper to me unless pepper is supposed to be 38 of voices way too deep I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and then all of a sudden boom what what the hell was that for daddy pig you're a bit of an expert Wow there's then a part in the last 40 seconds of the song that I like to call the muddy puddle breakdown because it's just pepper talking about how much she loves jumping in muddy puddles with horrible suction noises in the background and I'm fine with this I suppose but it makes me very worried about what the hell track 10 could be about if we've already talked about jumping in muddy puddles anyway the song ends with someone taking a big dump and onto track 2 Bing bong zu this song is basically just a load of annoying nonsense that didn't take long did I think of it like an audiobook of pepero and her friends describing a few animals at the zoo asking you to copy her actions even though you can't see her and then putting those parts in-between a song that can only be done justice by doing a dramatic reading of it bong Bing boo Bing bong Bing Bing bong Bingley bum Glee boo Bing bong Bing bong Bing boo we're all going to the zoo ting ting this is the zoo stop oh there's also some questionable sound effects in here too [Music] I'm starting to feel a bit sick pepper have you had a bath I think you've given me foot and mouth disease the most annoying thing about this song to me though is that out of every animal they could have possibly picked to fit in the course with the correct syllable count for example what they do with their first chorus they instead go for this then this and then this the words don't fit with the rythm preschoolers can't move their tongues that quickly when they sing and I feel like my entire body is shriveling the next track is let's get ready which is very easy to explain it's row row row your boat but about getting ready for the day you know getting washed brushing your teeth getting dressed and all being sung without rhyming brush brush brush your teeth until they're sparkling white brush up and down and round and round until they're sparkling white wait that's the line that's what we're going with it's the same one I mean look it isn't difficult just change the first line to brush brush brush your teeth make sure you do it right and the problem is solved yeah because we look like this next track is expert daddy pig and I direct to think where it's going because it starts with an almost minor diminished sound suggesting he's an evil overlord waiting to eat his kids but it's actually all about how daddy pig thinks he's an expert at everything from reading maps to making pizzas but actually can't do any of those things very well at all mm-hmm leading to the end of the first verse where daddy pig tries to hang a photo frame on the wall and the whole house caves in crushing daddy pig to death the next track is rainbow rainbow really but rainbows don't have black peppers a massive racist and this song is basically a more difficult version of the standard rainbow song that every kid knows in order to learn the colors of it so that's fun and maybe it's just me but when kids songs and nursery rhymes specifically don't rhyme and instead try to get away with using the same word or not rhyme at all that really steams my hand because kids love rhymes they're satisfying and close off phrases of music in a nice tight bow which is easy on the ears it's good for creativity in your language development too so when I hear lines like red is the color of our car it's the best I then expect orange is the color of mummys favorite chest which is disgusting however it's actually red is the color of our car it's the best orange is the color of mummys favorite dress which just doesn't sound right it doesn't land as well I mean you could put anything at the end of the first line to make it rhyme but then again what else would you put there red is the color of our car oh yes the next track is super potatoes theme and if anything I'm just lost by this point it's a song about eating your fruit and vegetables and being healthy which is all well and good but first of all we still haven't established if mr. potato is actually a sentient potato meaning we should be eating him and secondly the song's lyrics are really not clear on this message at all I mean it lists the fruit and vegetables that kids would know and why you should eat them which is fine but the chorus repeats the adage with no further explanation past that preschoolers are stupid you've got to be more specific what eat five fruit and veg a day a week in my whole life at least I can be positive here though and say this is the best song on the album so far yeah I'm not joking it's got good rhyming a nice rhythm a nice upbeat tempo and the chorus is surprisingly catchy so well done pepper okay now at this point I'm getting the warning bells out you see these stars here on Apple music these represent the most popular and most played tracks on an album and the fact that the first half of this album has these stars and not the rest of it says to me that the parents who put this on for their kids realize they made a mistake and couldn't stomach it any further than track 6 anyway track 7 now pepper and Friends a desperate song that illustrates that in order for you to ever have fun in your life you need at least one friend to play with this is simply untrue and dangerous for kids to think and my childhood cell sitting on his own plank has wanted on the ps2 because he was bullied all the time has something to say about that I need more friends extract the class of Madame gazelle a marching song that lists off every child in the school of the show which is great if you want to learn the names of every child in the school over the show but more egregiously it tries to tell you that school is fun now come on PIPA peg my childhood self sitting on his own playing Woody Woodpecker on the ps2 because he was bullied all the time has something to say about that I really need to track 9 festival fun it she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes but talking about how brilliant it is that pepper and George are going outdoors no I'm not kidding read the lyrics peppa and George are pigs from a battery farm oh god here we go it's now time for jumping in muddy puddles I wonder what this one's about yeah this one is just boring it's the most stock sounding track on the album so far and that's saying a hell of a lot because most if not all of the songs on this album sound like a load of kids singing along to presets on a Yamaha keyboard dictionary ok that's a bit harsh I mean it sounds modern it sounds cleanly produced it's not like MIDI quality but that doesn't excuse the fact it uses all the same instruments and effects that you'd hear on every single stop kids Nursery Rhyme video on YouTube or even what you can buy from stock sites online this is a stock nursery run track that I downloaded for free nearly 10 years ago [Music] and here's Peppa's album copyrights all right if it weren't for the voice actors from the show giving little snippets of dialogue in between all the tracks I wouldn't be able to distinguish any of this as a Peppa Pig album it doesn't fit with anything I mean look think of the original Peppa Pig theme for a second you know think of all the xylophones or the brassy instruments going up and down and plodding all around it sounds very piggy right well there's nothing like that anywhere on this album it's just the most stock bland inoffensive ran flake music I've ever heard in my life it doesn't feel like it fits on a Peppa Pig arm what's the point of this being a Peppa Pig out but when did my life get to this point do I dare bring up another thing release decades prior that tries to accomplish the same goal that does it a million times better sure why not the classic nursery rhymes collection from 1983 that I did a video on years ago does indeed have an album version of the movie and here you get Nursery Rhymes performed with a variety of different singers and musicians played in totally different genres that change in every track and with the use of real instruments in fact let's just take a look at the composer's written preface to the album it says here and I quote the aim was to present the traditional nursery rhymes and songs in an entertaining and imaginative way but true to their historic roots and without the cheap commercialization often present in children's music I salute you John depress I know this isn't pepper singing traditional nursery rhymes but the sentiment remains true this doesn't sound authentic or warming it sounds cheap and patronizing with this you can hear the performances and hear the love that went into it purely for the goal of entertaining kids with no silly synthetic bells and whistles attached that's what makes this more timeless and like you can actually listen to it as an adult even though it is kids songs Peppa's first album doesn't make me feel like a kid again it reminds me that Bambi's mom never made by the way in the jumping in muddy puddles track you're also stuck with more vile and slushy mud sounds which if you wear a good pair of headphones sounds like Peppa Pig my first ASMR sorry perhaps I shouldn't be so mean to pepper I mean didn't you know according to Google she's seven foot one that's as tall as Shaq she could destroy you wait a sec does that mean she'll eventually get a ps4 game spin-off called pepper foo if she's that tall how big does that make daddy pig I know exactly how heavy I am please don't next track is called holidays and it's a reskin of one man and his dog went to mow and meadow my least favorite kind of kids song like Old MacDonald had a bloody farm or fat sausages sizzling in a pan gosh I wish the kinds of songs that go on forever and repeat themselves to fill out a boring melody by counting up or down from one thing and then including or removing the other things but saying the song over and over again with one more or one less thing each time did I bore you explaining that good because it's worse when you listen to it and even though this track only lasts for one minute and 40 seconds if it was like half an hour you just repeat the same song over and over again counting down from five days till holidays to one day till holidays I'm falling asleep the next song is literally called traffic and is a kids song about how fun it is to be stuck in traffic seriously why would anyone in their right mind make a song about traffic for kids it's never fun it's not fun for the adults driving all the kids in the passenger seats and no amount of car noise is being used as backing instruments can convince me otherwise this is not just depressing this is a kids song called traffic track 13 balloon ride a song where pepper repeats the same words over and over again big balloon big balloon bigger than the Sun and Moon flying high in the sky fly and fly and fly and fly look down there growing on the ground what's that trees you know what though this is gonna sound strange but this melody and chilled out vibe to the track actually reminds me a lot of the lullaby tracks in Katamari Damacy we fly you know what I mean I mean just make the singer Japanese and I think it would fit really well in the game I don't mind this track has side from the awful lyrics next track busy miss rabbit a song about a rabbit in the show who is criminally overworked and has like a million jobs while trying to look after a million kids which she clearly can't do with her paychecks otherwise she'd just have one job but instead of deep socio-economic commentary on peppers first album we just get told how funny it is the one second she sells ice cream and the next she's a fire engine driver look I don't know about you but if I found out mr. whippy was coming to save my life if my house was on fire I'd be very angry next track pepper party time a song about pepper having a party for absolutely no reason and guess what she does she sings she dances and she jumps in muddy puddles again I mean what more can I say it's boring it's a me and even better because the kids all say the word party so many times in the song it eventually sounds like potty but the very idea of a song existing on this album called peppers potty time makes me violently ill in my mouth so let's skip this one and move on to the final track Pepper's lullaby yes I know you are all enjoying it that much but all good things must come to an end it's just a shame I can't say anything about this track other than it sounds exactly how you'd expect it to sound you know stop a lullaby music with a waltzing rythm but I did find this lyric very interesting good night pepper good night George I wish you'd yes there we go the things I do for this channel I need a drink and what do we learn today everyone well is that this album here has proven once and for all that Peppa Pig is still going strong as a franchise after 15 years I don't see why myself personally but I can at least take comfort in the fact that whenever you search for her on Google one of the first image results is that traumatizing screenshot of hair from a fake online video screaming at the dentist in life you've got to take the little victories at the end of the day though all of my stupid joking aside this is for kids really small kids so who cares we all grow up eventually forget a lot about the media we used to love and then we take a look back and realize that Andy Pandey's full name was Andrew Andrew my point is we can all laugh and joke about it but unlike the show this is ultimately harmless it's just fluff but it still has Peppa's face on it so it has to go [Music] ha ha Oh baloney is hard work being a horrible goose and after a hard day's work there's nothing quite like unwinding with my Nintendo switch TM and as luck would have it there's now a game about being a horrible goose that I can play at home to save my energy was a good thing too I was getting tired of poking old men in that junk with my mouth untitled goose game maybe the best game I've ever played and it hasn't even got a name okay that's an exaggeration I think I prefer cars too but objectively it's certainly the Citizen Kane of video games it doesn't matter how I feel about it there's factually nothing wrong with it something doesn't add up though what month is it when the clip don't scream can the tombstones great well if you're asking that question you clearly haven't had a run-in with a goose before and consider yourself lucky they're horrifying they've got beady black voids for eyes they can fly they have teeth and they hiss when they're angry which is basically all the time since all you need to do is look at them and the gloves are off feeding Brett to some Ducks they'll challenge you for the whole loaf walking alongside them they'll take that as a threat flying in a plane they'll throw themselves into the engines and take it down these geese aren't Canadian they're not nice that all of that changes when you boot up untitled goose game because this time you get to ruin everyone else's day untitled goose game is the most advanced and intensive game on the switch so far testing the limits and capabilities of the console unlike any other game before it and that's interesting because it's nothing more than a thinking game I wouldn't necessarily call it a straight puzzler because it relies on a lot of stealth positioning and timing as much as figuring out how to cross off things from your to-do list but it's definitely not a platformer or action game either I mean unless you want to do this in an action game this isn't goat simulator we're screwy physics and doing the most insane nonsense as the name of the game no you are just a goose waddling around an English village trying to upset everyone which already makes it the most realistic game ever made you just need to be a mug that's all and annoy everyone in the most creative and imaginative ways possible in order to get them so mad that they accidentally open a passage to the next area so you can get into a model village and steal a bell in order to add it to your collection of the same Bell the village keeps on replacing you need to get a bell to the end so you're a Bella it's also impossible to play the game without laughing like a maniacal British supervillain when I first started I run over to a bench picked up a sandwich and dumped it in a lake and right there I realized this is only the beginning how you solve all of these puzzles is mostly up to you depending on what you can pick up dragged along hide behind flap out or Honka which is what makes solving these puzzles so fun they aren't just creative and often challenging without any hand-holding solutions but the geese controls are simple and the visuals childishly endearing it reminds me a lot of Katamari games actually leading to total efore everyone carnage as you try and get inside these citizens heads and think logically about how you can make them do the things you need them to do with the limited moves available you have to directly influence their behavior based on their individual expressive personalities to your gain and I find that ingenious all without voice acting or guideposts by the way you'll be making a gardener hammer his thumb breaking a woman's broom scaring an odd manager spilling tea on himself locking a young boy inside a phone box washing a woman's undies in a water feature taking a stall away from the old man so he falls over stealing a young boys toy and sticking it in a shop so he has to buy his own toy back you're completely terrible but adorable and the calming ambient piano pieces that suddenly get more disjointed and manic the more things you still give the alert themes in Metal Gear Solid a run for their money [Music] Hey look at me I'm liquid girls later seven if I'm in a model vintage of the same village I've been playing in and there's a model village version of the model village in that village does that mean there's a model village within the model village of the model village I've also sent a lot of people complain about the controls in this game and how the goose tends to get stuck on everything especially while you're running and I think I'm just going to help those people that think that not only should you not be holding the wrong button down all the time because this is primarily a stealth puzzle game and you'll attract everybody's attention all around you but you can move 360 degrees around you perfectly if you're not sprinting so you have to alternate between the two sprinting is great for wide open spaces and last-minute dashes if you've stolen something but if you're in a tightly packed area with lots of hiding places yeah don't hold the sprint button down you just had to take it a bit slower and you'll see that your maneuver around the tight space is a lot easier overall untitled goose game maybe short and too simplistic and visuals or gameplay for some but you don't really play it for that you play it for all the other elements it has combining together to create one of the most innocent and charming games I think I've ever played if you like the concept and like what you see in this video chances are you're gonna fall in love with the game automatically just as much as I did I mean look even the pause menu is a load of English road signs you won me over with that alone game developers although I do wish it was that easy to quit from a motorway and I don't remember ever seeing an options petrol station although I do really want to go to resume park I hear it's lovely this time of year it was my destiny to be here in the box even if you get a little frustrated trying to work out some of the more cryptic aspects of the game it doesn't matter because if you like what you see then you are going to enjoy it no matter what while working out all of the puzzles and witnessing the total misery I was causing to this quaint little town for a stupid selfish reason I had a smile on my face from start to end and sometimes a game just needs to do that even if a few puzzles require a bit too much waiting for the characters to cycle through their actions I'm coming here and comes to be honest though my arms are really tired more the flapping I was doing at the Vicker yesterday so how about we play another game but on a lighter console is that a banana in my pocket or I might hungry for a banana this here is the Nintendo switch light and the main reason this video exists so thank you so much to Nintendo for sending me one for a review looks like you skipped Halloween and jump straight into Christmas yes I also wanted an excuse to talk about goofs game and show you that geese have teeth on their tongues you're welcome that's the title of this video suggests after getting this in the post I decided to literally push this thing to breaking point I played it I sat on it I baked it I ate it I put it in mine I did the same for my old switch - also I could compare the two and advise you all on if you should get a switch light next to your old switch or if you should get one of these in the first place if the original switch didn't sell you and you know what everyone I know that has the switch light so far nobody got it in yellow why not it's question block yellow it's mario sunshine yellow where's the lovely yellow I even did a scientific survey on my Twitter to find out what the most popular colors were from the people who bought the thing already and barely anybody got yellow you're all cowards why didn't you get yellow I can't see a single reason why you wouldn't want to get yellow my part one what does it do the Nintendo switch light is more or less exactly what it says it is a lighter and smaller edition of the regular switch and because of that it does more or less exactly the same things the regular switch does same user interface same online store same download speeds at least from what I tested same cartridge slot same memory card slots same touch screen same gyro motion controls same button layout same charging cable input and same headphone jack but the caveat is that the switch light comes to you at a heavy discount compared to the regular switch in the UK for example it's 80 to 100 pounds cheaper or like 90 to 120 dollars cheaper in the US which means that you must sacrifice something else other than the size in order to save the money so you lose the switch aspect of the switch yes the gimmick of the original console relevant to its namesake was that you could play game portably on it then slide it whenever you wanted to into a dock connected to a TV and switch the game on to an external display but the switch light doesn't have that Nintendo dear this is a portable exclusive edition of the main console it's a Nintendo Hey so automatically if you don't have a switch but really want the switch and didn't get the original one because it was a bit too pricey and you were just gonna play it in portable mode anyway then this thing is the bargain of the century I mean I think that sacrificing TV compatibility for the sake of saving a hundred big ones is a no-brainer whether or not you think this is worth it if you already own a regular switch though is another story so as we go on with this Annelise I hope you can draw your own conclusions on that it is important to mention though that if you do plan on getting the light as a companion piece to your original switch Nintendo does support automatic cloud saving nowadays if you sign into your Nintendo account on both devices but it isn't seamless like with Steam and one thing that is a little annoying is having the foresight to remember to manually download your save data from the cloud on the next system you play the same game on every time you plan to continue that game on another system it's nice that it's there but automatic updating on saved downloads would have been really appreciated especially if it already auto uploads once you save a game anyway another thing to note is that unlike the regular switch each half of the joy Kahn's don't disconnect from the system they're permanently cemented onto the sides of the console and it doesn't feel right I just put as a plus this means you'll never lose the joy cons I have to worry about their individual battery life but the cost is that if something goes wrong with the controls including the infamous joy con drift reverse from the Furious then fixing or replacing that end of the malfunction just got a whole lot harder for you thankfully you can still connect every variation of controller to the thing including the pro controller third party controllers and even two halves of other joy cons so I guess that's always an option but where this is a really nice feature and does allow you to play local multiplayer and play games that require individual joy calm motion controls like Super Mario Party which would be otherwise impossible on the switch light on its own for some unholy reason Nintendo decided to remove the stand from the regular switch completely negating the fact that its local multiplayer compatible and yet doesn't project an image onto a bigger screen so playing on flat tables with friends on the light just got a little more irritating or because you can't part two how it feels when you tell it it's adopt using the switch light as a portable system in my opinion totally shits all over its dad and then tells its mum to leave him because he's covered in [ __ ] yes that's his wife he's into older women it actually fits in most of my pockets no sweat which was a good star but then I was more shocked to find out how comfortable the light was to handle in this portable state not just because of the way I mean it is 100 grams lighter so dropping it on your face while in bed is actually kind of comfortable I love it but because the buttons on this thing are absolutely lovely wait a second what is that yes I do massively miss the HD Rumble joy Khan controls on the original switch meaning that there's no vibration at all on switch light on its own but I'm willing to give that a Miss in exchange for jewel shock for styled soft pressed buttons that have that satisfying clunk with every press on the d-pad and the face bugs you know it doesn't feel like the spongy and stiff GBA a d-pad buttons and certainly does not feel like the rigid and snappy standard joique on buns which I don't really have a problem with on the face buttons but on the d-pad no awful puke every time you press these buttons a kitten gets topped off the only buttons that feel identical to before are the analog sticks if you clasp them as buttons the home button the plus and minus buttons the snapshot button and the L and R buttons yes even the ZL and Zr triggers feel completely different they aren't springing in light like on other controllers but instead of having the snappy and stiff buttons you get this lovely cushioned click that feels way more like a trigger than the original joy cogs do by the way I am aware that the standard switch button layout is because if you want to split the joy cons in half and give one to another player you want to have very similar button feelings and similar button styles on each half so I do understand why there's those snippy snappy horrible buttons on the standard switch but if you're gonna be playing exclusively in portable mode this thing feels ten times better oh and also we already know the light is indeed lighter but what about thickness any change there well surprisingly no they're practically identical but who cares I mean this is the Nintendo switch light not the Nintendo switch malnourished not to mention it feels more stable with it being its own system too not that the original switch didn't feel stable out of the dock but there is a tiny bit of wobble that doesn't exist on the light and in my blue joy cons case you can't nearly drop the entire theme while playing it due to a faulty locking system compared to the original switch as well the light gets nowhere near as hot after long play sessions which is great because the most comfortable way to hold the device is to have all of your fingers on the back of it supporting it and that is where the most heat is generated so can't complain that and speaking of the system getting hot part three how does it go daddy I won't whine okay it's pretty obvious at this point that I have been using the zelda links awakening remake as my example game for everything technical I've been testing so far just to be fair on both consoles and you know what what the hell I already talked about untitled goose game for God's sake so while I'm at it why don't I just give you my quick thoughts on this room link's awakening on switch is a total joy and now one of my favorite Zelda games it may be a little bit more linear and one by one with dungeon progression that other Zelda's in this style and I think I prefer link between worlds honestly but I don't care because the world is enthralling and filled to the brim with secrets the characters are memorable and wacky it has a surprising amount of emotion for such a simple story you can build and share your own dungeons even if you can only locally share them with amiibos the art style is unique and adorable the dungeon upgrades you grab are either just plain fun to use or allow link to traverse the world in ways unheard of in other zelda games and even things as simple as using your shield as an actual item to add a little bit more timing and thought behind combat makes the experience that much more engaging than just standing there and letting attacks bounce off of your shield when you're not attacking you need to protect yourself by holding the button at the right moment and you can't really keep it held down forever because your movement speed is cut dramatically while you do so by the way I never played the original Gameboy game but I do know how often you need you to pause and switch out items to fit them on the only two action buttons that system had even with the sword in the shield so I'm immensely glad that they not only use more buttons for items but also make dungeon items that should have been permanent upgrades to link in the original actually be permanent upgrades like lifting heavy boulders or dashing really fast I cannot imagine how tiring the original must have been for switching every usable item every five seconds oh and you've got to love being able to put different types of pain all over the map so you can remember which single Rock needs to be pushed aside five hours later so you can pull down a bloody heart so yeah you should get this game it's fantastic if a little expensive considering you can get six totally remade retro games for only a tiny bit more money I don't see why this was worth the same as breath of the world in the slightest Nintendo you fixed that now please also watch out for the performance of it yeah I'm sorry guys for everyone talking about how perfect of a remake this is even though the game runs at 60fps most of the time whenever you load into a new area you get ridiculous slowdown and some areas like the rapids never seem to run smoothly at all no matter how long you stay in the area but luckily this ties in beautifully with my tests on the performance of both systems I already mentioned that the switch light in portable mode gives off a lot less heat than the original switch and surprisingly the fans on the top of the console are barely noticeable on the light when I could hear them a few times on the original I guess this must mean they've smoothed out the same processes or something to make them run more efficiently because it's certainly not a massive power upgrade both systems as far as I could see ran Link's Awakening with more aside performance with the framedrops occurring in equal amounts but just at different points but here's the big difference the load times when a booting up save data waiting for the game to start or moving from one area to the next where seconds faster on the light than the regular switch so considerably massively impressed and hey the light may also run some games a little bit smoother but for the sake of equality it didn't run Link's Awakening any faster but it did load faster by a long way thank you to Nintendo once again for letting me have a review copy of Link's Awakening for my switch light when I already bought the thing on my regular switch just so I could film them both being played at the same time part 4 how good does it look because I'm really shallow I'm not talking about comparing the screen of the light to the TV version of the regular switch because that's just not fair I'm talking about the screens of each system itself at full brightness and how they both look and to be honest if there are any major differences to color anti-aliasing sharpness clarity I honestly couldn't tell they're both practically identical safer the screen size the only major difference I noticed was that on the switch light the darker areas of the screen looked a little bit more deep and rich in the colors and a little bit more contrasted but to be honest that's more noticeable looking at it through this camera lens and with this lighting setup I have in real life you can barely notice anything and the differences are so minuscule I don't think this was worth its own part of the video so if you don't mind I think I'm gonna get my pistol from the Attic pointed at my head and pull the ethical part 5 how good do I sound sorry I mean how good does unlike the displays of each system the speakers on both of them do provide major differences while in portable mode for comparison's sake I recorded both systems with the same mic from the same distance of each system with them both on max volume and just take a listen yourself [Applause] [Music] there is noticeable the regular switch is not only a little bit louder but I think crisper and clearer with its audio frequencies I don't know if they tried to beef up the bass a little too much on the light or if it's just the quality of the speakers but it does sound just a tiny more tinny and muffled with certain lower end frequencies it's clear don't get me wrong when voice samples and sound effects sound fantastic but it is different to be fair I usually wear headphones while in portable mode anyway so this doesn't bother me personally but with the sound quality the point goes to the original part 6 yeah how long does each system stay alive well it took me far too long to figure out these timings but before I go into them please know that in order to see how the percentages were changing between each device I had to turn the systems on and off briefly for each of them which may have affected things a little bit so consider these estimates oh and once again I did test all of these things while playing Link's Awakening in the background because unless you were in the middle of a game and needed to carry it on later why would you need to stick the thing in sleep mode in the first place anyway this is the data I collected with all of these factors at play while playing Link's Awakening on both systems I managed to get 3 to 4 hours of gameplay on the regular switch from full charge which was nearly doubled by the light at a whopping 5 to 6 hours which makes me very happy for sessions of games that eat up the battery life like CTR or breath of the wild while in sleep mode I then decided to count down how long it took each system to drop by 1% of battery from a full charge the regular switch took about five hours to drop 1% and the light took about 6 hours so you can obviously see why waiting for them to entirely die on me from 100% wasn't going to happen and as far as I'm aware the sleep mode drains more battery the lower the battery level is but I'm really not sure about that so consider this a wide berth but hey at least we know that they can still both sleep for years without needing a charge finally I then tested out how quickly the battery charged from 1% to full using the same AC adapter that came with the switch light the regular switch took about four hours and five minutes to charge to full while the light took 2 hours and 50 minutes god dammit first in part 7 nothing go away that's all I've got to say everyone so I hope this video was informative enough for you if you were thinking about jumping on the switch bandwagon for the first time if you were thinking about getting an upcoming Christmas gift or if you wanted to get a companion piece next to your original switch but if you wanted to do that you'd have to be a little Nintendo rich at this point I only have one question where is my goose in Smash the original ukelele was a game I massively enjoyed and that I feel people were way too harsh towards when it came out in fact I did a much more serious and less jokey review on it years ago that you can find right here and ever since the somewhat depressing reception I just assumed we'd never see the series again and then I cried so hard that play tonic themselves sent me a personal letter which said fine we'll do you kill any to please stop sending us your salty eye water and here we are ukulele and the impossible layer thank you so much to play tonic for the review code on PC now I know what you're thinking how on earth could this game be possibly associated with well you know what's everywhere this time of year bats and laylee is a bat so it's a horror game okay also every single thing in this game has eyes if that's not scary I don't know what is we call we could great this place of ukulele the game begins straightaway and you find Yuka and Leigh Leigh are heroes from the last game having a look around the Royal sting 'dom one of the many worlds in the series represented by a bow and then the biggest body from the last game capital B appears from a top of blimp ready to cause more trouble I'm sure all of a sudden the queen of this world known as Phoebe comes down and explains that capital B has the means to enslave every B in this world to be used as his soldiers using a mind-control device called the hive mind and I do love how capital B has all the time in the world to just let us chat about this whole thing while he stands there doing nothing eventually though he decides they're sitting around and letting the heroes discuss battle tactics isn't a good idea at all and thrusts us into the intro level acting as a tutorial to the game as you can see unlike the original ukulele we're no longer free roaming around a fully 3d open environment collecting stuff we're now in a 2d side-scroller but with more restrictive movement that doesn't mean we aren't on top form I mean unlike the original game you could can even swing on ropes now oh is it a little bit possible that you all noticed a few bee puns up to this point because I don't know if you did there's not that many of the Italian P enforcement's kickers behind devious plan B invincibility Oh what no invincibility well that sucks I think it would have been much funnier to use that one and because you didn't use the I think there's some sting wrong with your business or I carry on for a bit get to the end kick capital B around in a pretty easy boss battle hit through a door and straight away on debt which is a survival horror I told you this game is scary when actually that was supposed to happen because it turns out we were just given access to the final level of the game the impossible man yes the game started you at the end and so because you can laylee are dumb and didn't think that they may have struggled inside a place literary called the impossible lair Queen Phoebe had to save them at the last minute she then explains that in order for us to chase after capital B again in this lair we'll need a lot of assistance from her B tallien a collection of tiny be warriors acting as extra hit points to shield Yucatan laylee from any and all damage but unfortunately after the tutorial capital B captured all of these B's and locked them in different chapters inside the Royal sting d'ambert that he's hiding in so after the Queen manages to get the chapters out of the book which didn't go completely to plan we then begin our quest to search around a giant hub world find the missing chapters rescue every B inside them by beating the level and then go back into the lair with all of them by our side acting as extra hit points to stop capital B from taking over the B's this game is basically a giant metaphor for saving the bees and that's a horse I can get down with I mean I don't know about you guys but I love bees I think they're adorable I mean just ask me back in 2015 with my old vine account there are bees everywhere I'm really sorry you had to see that saving the bees aside is ukulele on the impossible lair a good game well if you're asking me I think it's pure brilliance it's way better than the first one and this is coming from someone who really really enjoyed the first one and how do you know you can take my word for it because on this bit of the game I was supposed to grab a secret by bombing a wall in there running around the back of the cave together but instead I did it the wrong way and jumped over the gap I'm hardcore I know what I'm talking about so where the original ukelele was basically banjo kazooie again I mean it's essentially the same team that made it ukulele - instead goes through a sort of mix between donkey Long country thanks Bert donkey long and Yoshi's Island most notably with how you can grab items with your tongue and spit them out back at others the fact that you do quite a lot of jumping ground pounds for the environment and the hit point system because much like baby Mario and she's island if you get hit you lose lately for a second you need to grab her again in a short amount of time before losing her forever why on God's green earth doesn't she just come back to you what do you benefit from behaving like this back oh look I lost you now I'm in danger why do you do this who are you helping differences though you can carry on even if you lose your partner unlike Yoshi who doesn't want to carry on without his lunch and that ability to carry on with or without your partner isn't the only place it starts to feel a lot like Donkey Kong Country funny again considering that that is another originally rare develop title like banjo kazooie was so that means if there isn't a ukulele first-person-shooter in the works I'm gonna [ __ ] not only is it a 2d scroller but there's a lot of those automatic and manual fire barrels in the air that whiz you around plenty of swimming sections a few sliding sections where you jump from vine to vine while flipping between different heights the rope swinging back round climbing sections and of course the main attack you'll be doing from start to end of the rolling which goes as far as allowing you to do that neat midair jump after running off edges to feel even more like Donkey Kong there are hundreds of Secrets hidden behind walls and scenery in the foreground you bounce on enemy's heads to reach higher places and grab collectables this truly feels like an indie devs response to Donkey Kong unlike Donkey Kong though you don't get multiple partners to find and use with different abilities you just have Layla she's your permanent fixture and I wouldn't describe her as a powerup you begin every stage with her but that doesn't mean she's useless or only exists as an extra hit point for you if that were the case there wouldn't be any of those bells to call her back if she vanishes off screen after you get hit with her you not only get the extra hit but also get the ability to ground slam and do a mid-air 12 or a tiny bit of extra distance in the air so playing carefully is majorly rewarded I mean it's totally possible to finish a stage as you can alone but it's better to have the duo together so try keeping it that way especially since the enemy behaviors are all over the place some jump in the air whenever you jump or attack some charge at you and can't be harmed from the front some fly some give you Koopa shell style projectiles so I'm just getting your way by bouncing you back or messing with platforms some can only be fired out with an item or door slam and others want to make you crap out a kidney these crabs man I tell you they're worse than crabs if it does get a little frustrating or starts to feel too much like another Donkey Kong game the main thing that makes it shine past anything negative as far as I'm concerned the controls you want to know how I know they're so good swimming in this game is actually fun that's how I know for me when it comes to Donkey Kong Country Games the defining factor that makes me never enjoy them as much as older Mario games is the control I do love a bit of dkc don't get me wrong but the weight and physics of those games I really don't like that much impossible layer though I've got to say I prefer massively over DK sees controls you carry a lot less momentum and weight than a DK see making it far easier to move freely and position yourself exactly where you need to be at a moment's notice without the worry of slipping off of things awkwardly positioning myself too slowly at the last minute or dropping down too fast I know this is why so many millions loved dkc games and I still do too but for how many precise and tight platforming sequences those game can have the controls are far from my preference it's hard to describe just how good you can feels to play you don't flow but you're not too heavy your jump arc is exactly how you'd expect turning around and slowing yourself down after gaining speed running or rolling is responsive and fast hell even with the rolling I can control my momentum more in Yuka and don't get carried away because the only way to keep a roll going perpetually in euchre is to keep smashing into enemies and objects otherwise it's more like a short dash and again unlike Donkey Kong Luka can perpetually roll on his own without laylee so yeah maybe one hit away from death but at least you're not completely defenseless whenever laylee leaves the screen unlike Donkey Kong who loses quite a lot of abilities when he hasn't got a partner with him again making laylee feel more like an extension to Yuka's abilities instead of an essential powerup she has a lot of benefits and it's good to keep her but losing her is nowhere near as much of a pain as losing a partner is in Donkey Kong you can even tailwhip when standing still so attacking while needing to be still isn't a hassle oh no looks like the internet physically came to my front door and I'll bashing it down because I said I prefer this over dkc so I'd better carry on quick undoubtably the coolest thing in the impossible layer is the impossible layer itself which you can access from the very beginning of the game and where you can use all the bees you rescued as extra hit points to make things a little bit easier the layer acts as the ultimate challenge of the game and it goes on for what feels like a good half an hour with the hardest platforming in the entire game and even four separate boss encounters with capital B after every section of it which also get harder the closer to the end you get in case you're wondering yes I did try doing it after only rescuing one B and I beat it finish the game see you next week well I sort of be okay yes so I was pretty useless on it but I still think it's cool that you have the choice to tackle it whenever you want to if you feel like you can tackle it or you feel like you've played enough of the game you can just go for it in fact one of the games unlocks requires you doing it all without saving a single B on a brand new save file so the impossible layer is most certainly possible just not very easy in the slightest it's an endurance test to the max and allows you to truly demonstrate everything you've learned throughout the whole game and even after I decided to rescue every single B because I mean I was gonna see everything the game had to offer me anyway I got 48 additional hits forty-eight yet still had to retry the entire stage seven times and I still took 46 hits worth of damage god damn if you've done this without rescuing a single B or even taking a hit I demand pictures just to give you an idea how extreme this really is you could spend 25 minutes reaching the final boss maybe longer than that and then beat it only to then fail at the final sprint section while everything explodes around you and if you die you need to start from the beginning of the layer all over again bosses included it's a little sadistic and a major difficulty mountain but I won't lie when I say the adrenaline I got dashing through the final sections with barely any hits remaining made me physically shake and it felt euphoric to finally finish it it's also just really cool to see the things you've collected throughout the game actually contributing as a gameplay mechanic to the final hurdle and the attempt count and percentage bar give you a great idea on not only how well you're doing for the just one more time mentality and the competitive aspect but it also gives you the chance to work out a ratio of percentage through the level to how many B's you'd potentially need to rescue for another attempt just in case you don't want to go for every single B and you can get relatively far without that many B's to begin with what's that you still don't think ukulele is a horror game well how about you take a look at the first thing you see after you fail an attempt at the impossible lair getting to the other levels in the game doesn't just require finishing the last ones though you also need to get past trowels of the snake hands-down the best character in all of ukulele just for his voice alone but why is he called trouser don't get the pun well don't worry I'll show you what may may in the original game he was the guy that you could buy new moves from with the quills you collected but in this game you have to give him some of the limited twit coins you find in each stage to get past these barriers that he calls pay walls there are five Twix coins hidden in each stage to find so you can go back to the hub world and buy your way past him he's basically money bags from Spyro but not named after a prick unlike money bags though in my opinion trouser is far more lovably hateable since he has the absolute gall to flaunt the cash he's taking from you and buys pointless things for himself while you're standing right next to him you don't ever get the coins back but hey at least when he buys a barbecue he ends up burning his entire house down serves you right don't need to trouser you already are one I suppose I'd better find some more coins in the other levels to make up for him wasting them all and hey look at that I managed to find them all in this stage so than using an instrument what's that instrument where's this banjo kazooie gotta make one thing abundantly clear though the impossible layer looks fantastic not just the 1080p 60fps gameplay from the Steam version review copy that you've been watching me play yeah I have even touched the switch version I just want to show support to playtonic games great I'm just talking about the style of the game in general character designs environments light effects detail it's so great if you weren't a massive fan of the 5 world six if you include the hub world in the original ukulele and weren't too keen on how long you'd be exploring the same themed visuals in each location getting the missions done I'm happy to report that the impossible layer will blow you out of the water I wrote down blow you out the what I meant I meant to say blow you out of the water there is so much variety in the stages and they're all so beautifully crafted there's so many stage themes colors enemy types each level in all the books you jump into feels like its own contained mini universe the foreground is busy and lively without being a headache and keeping it obvious or what's interactable and the backgrounds have so many little details and animations poured into them it's actually a shame you'll mostly be blasting by them or focusing directly on what's in front of you I mean I do find it a little confusing how roll and gets you underneath objects and yet lately somehow clips through the object anyway but at the same time this is also a game with a be called Willy comb I'll say that again a be called Willy Co so whatever this is fine and you know me with any kind of video game visuals I'm obsessed with the effort dedicated to the little things the level flagpole sinking when you walk over them and then rising up again with sparks and the fire looking like 2d animated paper I also love how the checkpoint marker as a 3d scanner that captures the exact frame of animation you currently we're in when they fly by it's a world where planks of wood have eyes purple feather quills throw up smaller versions of themselves bushes give birth to bombs fans say hooray when they're blowing and get upset when they're not enemies live in houses with framed pictures of characters they hate and the bees live in house is decorated with more bees even the individual bees you rescue for the beat alley and all have names and brief descriptions like the monkeys and apis cape and countdown timers sound like this not that this has anything to do with anything but I really love how you can looks when he's holding something in his mouth he looks like my dog holding a rubber ring the wrong way hey there stand right there Buffy you've got to say though this music my god this music [Music] and that that was just for the tutorial stage it gets better from there they knocked it out of the ballpark once again so all of you on the screen right now I loved the more atmospheric tracks from the original game to accompany the long sequences of exploration in one location and not annoy the hell out of you but impossible lairs music takes it into overdrive not only because it knows exactly when to be atmospheric but it also knows when to be energetic mysterious bouncy daunting groovy chilled and aggressive exactly when it needs to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all the tracks individually are a great lesson with their varied instrumentation and weaving melodies they all stand out I found myself humming too many of them even if they were more ethereal and droning and they even get away on the occasion re mixing memorable themes from the previous game [Music] [Music] the level design is well have you played Donkey Kong Country did you think they had creative levels with plenty of stuff to platform around extremely tough but fair sections with tricky enemy placements many environmental hazards that can be used to your benefit lots of horizontal and vertical platforming challenges centered around running jumping swimming and climbing a few times you get to directly affect the environment around you to progress and plenty of cartoony satisfying action if yes then you'll love ukelele - it's more or less Donkey Kong in design as much as some of the mechanics you mostly get left-to-right affairs where you simply make your way to the end to rescue a B and on the rare occasion by which I mean twice there's levels that make you search down five individual branching paths from a Centerpoint in order to grab keys and bring them back to the middle to rescue the B in each level there isn't even a massive checklist of items to collect only the five Twix coins and the B at the very end which not only makes the game flow a lot better without so much stopping and searching for a million collectables but also lets you focus on all the challenges in front of you difficult moments in this game are mostly down to the platforming and not as much where the TWiT coins are hiding and how you reach them I mean the game does have them but they're pretty occasional compared to the amount of Donkey Kong's absurd stipulations for getting all the puzzle pieces and Kong letters you can't still get mileage out of every stage by exploring though and curiosity is rewarded but it's mostly with a buttload of quills which are optional to grab depending on how much you want to alter the game with purchasable upgrades so you aren't missing too much if you just want to have fun and not search every single wall which is still more fun for me to do than in Donkey Kong Country anyway because of the buttery controls and despite the 2d plane many stages still offer you a lot to work with there are puzzles and secret areas requiring you to grab a particular projectile and then going back through the level to use it making sure you don't kill the correct enemies in order to bounce on them on the return trip to reach the higher areas and parts where you grab the projectile and have to use it further on in the stage while making sure not to get hit and potentially lose the item before you're able to use it luckily though you can still save the item if you're quick enough oh baby did you see that oh come on how did I even do that I don't even know those are some tight hit boxes ukulele is better than dark souls turn the TWiT coins themselves are sometimes hidden in dastardly places that make you go all cheeky and other times they're on screen waiting for you to grab by taking a small diversion to find a secret entrance to an area or by taking a risk against a group of enemies defending the coin and I like this since you need to buy your way past pay walls it's nice that those players who don't want to go out of their way to complete everything are accounted for by giving them very easy to spot and grab coins that are delved out just often enough to get you by comfortably but with a little bit of extra searching just in case you're a few coins out of reach for a paywall there are even some secret exits to a few levels to rescue more bees in the hub world did I mention this was like Donkey Kong cause it is it this is this is Donkey Kong I mentioned earlier that quills are used to buy equippable upgrades and you can get them from the returning character vendee the vending machine note sorry vendee the big chunk of cheese and where these are useful this means you can grab as many as you want the pace is up to you what's that you still don't think ukuleles a horror game or take another look at vendee if you do decide to grab as many quills as you can though the amount the game showers you in for completing tiny side objectives like with finding the colored ghost coils doesn't only feel rewarding since the quills do have a very valuable use for upgrading yourself but are also just immensely fun to do in the middle of a stage especially since every ghost quill has a different method of spitting out quills around the stage under different time limits and all work themselves around the already fun levels in particular they like to activate near enemies and difficult platforming bits so it's nice to just get that extra reward for doing a difficult thing you're already going to do and by the time you find them activate them and beat them you've taken a sidestep in the level that lasted less than 10 seconds also some of the ghost quills have Twix poins as rewards so it's worth trying to find and complete them all anyway and if there's no coin there's a dumptruck of quills to reward you even the hub world the means to pick which level you want to play is in itself a giant level but top-down it has enemies to fight it has dozens of secrets to uncover shortcuts looping you back to earlier parts of the world and you can do most of the same moves in the main stages but just with a more restrictive jump for the sake of not being able to break the puzzles this is how you do it Mario 3d World this this feels like a mini Zelda game there's a shocking amount to do here it's actually here where you can find all the upgrade tonics that you can then later buy from vendee in the pause menu and there's over 60 of them yeah it's huge and it's great you can even find hidden extra bees that you can usually only get from regular levels this side quest to do too with these challenge rooms hosted by the main collectible from ukelele one pay jeez hey can I say after talking to them you get thrown into a challenge room where every enemy needs to be bopped with you only having two hits per form to restart and if successful the pages just float around and magic themselves everywhere with this dumbass expression on their face I love him but this also means they alter the hub world even further so you can reach even more levels and secret areas for tonics and bees I know the pieces of paper being able to do this makes no sense at all and that they've essentially gone from a collectible in the first game to a god-like deity in this one but to be honest if I had this character model I'd use it in every game I ever made so what about those tonics well there's over 60 of them and damn do they change things up it can be as useful as laylee staying around longer when you take a hit longer invincibility frames making the 12 jump damage enemies no slipping on ice and this amazing gliding spin jump that saved my life many a time or completely useless like bighead euchre or the plethora the utter bacterial infestation of filters and aspect ratios I won't lie some of them were really cute and could even be mixed together since you can equip three tonics on your person at any given time but most of the time they were totally useless and almost funny when considering that someone will use them for speedruns and will hate every second of it or you can slow down the entire stage if you're an insomniac and need to find a way to fall asleep but even this tonic system has its own perks to consider you see if you're struggling with the game and save up your quills for an upgrade that actively helps you out like extra checkpoints or something that ends up subtracting from the potential quills you can earn in the stages then making it harder to save up for future upgrades if you have a helpful one equipped on the flipside if you equip a tonic like giving enemies one more hit point but also googly-eyes you get even more quills on top of what you collect instead of subtracting them and I didn't think the extra hit point enemies was too hard since it gave me another chance to reach a higher platform secret by bouncing on them in case I messed it up the first time the more tonics you equip to make the game harder the more quills you get as a reward to purchase more of the tonics you find in the overworld more risk more reward it's a great system and if you don't massively care about buying anymore upgrades if you already have what you want to make the game easier you can just keep them equipped until the end of the game because you no longer care about saving more quills for other upgrades the balance is perfect well except for the broken controller tonic seriously every control being reversed for the sake of plus not point three times more quills for a stage is not worth it put it this way the extra hit point enemy tonic gives you plus one point five times more but at least the quill magnet tonic doesn't affect your quill count at all which is awesome because it's easily the best tonic in the game and allows you to skip tons of trickier precise platforming segments because you can just make the quills float towards you even through walls it even makes the ghost quilt challenges ten times easier and allows you to grab every single quill they drop to award you with insane payouts seeing as there's also treasure chests in the hub world that contain keys and sidequest items that need to be paid for to open with quills ya quill magnet was the best tonic for me by far you can even spend tiny amounts of quills at the wooden plank signs with eyes so they can give you hints on whether tonics are hidden in the hub world what they're gonna do with the feather quills I have no idea maybe they'll put them on their heads or something with all this being said though do you think you're Magda impossible they're easier for yourself by equipping tonics you can't what's that you still don't think ukuleles a horror game well I found a cold pot that sounds like Johnny Vegas PG tipps tea is completely natural this is the scariest game I've ever play you can even do this brilliant thing to the levels in the hub world and yet another side quest by utilizing certain characters setting a book on fire freezing it pushing things in front of it turning on machines near it basically anything you can think of you unlock an alternate version of the same stage for every stage and it's completely different to play in basically every way just with the same enemies and themed obstacles they're rearranged with new visuals and brand-new scenarios with special handicaps more challenges more TWiT coins to collect their brand-new levels they're accessed in a similar way to how Mario 64 allows you to change aspects of the same level depending on how you enter the painting when the game wants to get difficult though it really does get difficult with the chase segments especially these moments are always blood pumping and often furnishing what's wrong with word today that's supposed to say frustrating why did you autocorrect and the alternate stages are often harder to make you boil over even more it's never unfair just really hard and luckily you get unlimited lives along with very quick load times after death so it feels a lot like Super Meat Boy in some instances with how quickly you can retry tricky moments also good because every time you die you lose all the items you've grabbed up until your last checkpoint except for me my game broke on one point and I didn't lose anything every time I died so take that twit back up that rhymes or something doesn't it oh no don't worry looks like the glitch fixed itself Oh looks like I'm gonna need a twit Bank after all towards the end of the game it will test you to the limit not just for finding and grabbing collectables that sometimes require sacrificing laylee to reach them but with just finishing the levels themselves you'll be thrown into some do-or-die situations with plenty of time to hazards moving platforms and disappearing platforms often all together but with these controls it feels so good to pull it all off well when the enemies want to attack you anyway he's a bit shy what's that you still don't think ukulele is a horror game well I found a ghost quill that sounds like wallet jeez so how about I turn the game upside down with Game Boy Color and Game Boy resolution this is unplayable so there we go ukulele and the impossible lair I definitely prefer this over any Donkey Kong Country game I've ever played yeah I'm sorry guys I'm just being honest yes this does mean it has some of the dkc trappings like non backtracking doors which means if you've missed a secret or something you can't just go back through the level you have to restart the whole thing over again that's kind of annoying but it's nowhere near as bad as Donkey Kong and to be honest I'd recommend this over tropical freeze any day of the week I know I was given a PC review copy but I just bought myself this on the switch just to have any way to show support to the desk and to give myself a version to play while I'm on the go it's that good so yeah if you Callay lee hwan didn't sell yeah I'm pretty sure that this will give it a go I mean good pass away go out ok platonic I take that back go bankrupt Oh perfect now the Internet has fully broken through my door looks like I'm about to die bye everyone [Music] huh what's this who killed Mozart I don't know I'm not a policeman hello what's that you heard I was bored and so sent me a game that I can play and you thought you'd buy me an actual halloween-themed game because all the other games I've covered so far this month have been really stretching it and you left it for me by the front door I thank you very much now I've got to move I was just getting comfortable as well what's this then dear caddie thank you for reviewing the PS classic we sent you and dumping all over it here's another free gift for you you ungrateful swine your parents should be ashamed medieval ps4 review code oh my god yes here it is every one of the game that the 2019 I was building up to thank you so much to Sony for sending me a review copy this one I was excited for what can be said about the original medieval other than it makes Google think you can't spell I made a video about it years ago that you can see right up there and to put it simply I love this little 1998 gem the quick and reactive hack and slash gameplay the locations and atmosphere the voice acting the music it's pure playstation bliss as far as I'm concerned and after 21 years it's great to see such a diamond in the rough get the high budget main console treatment it deserves and no I'm not talking about that the original game sold decently at the time at least enough for them to make a sequel in the year 2000 but over the years the series itself garnered more of a cult following more than a pop-culture mob like crash inspiring for the ps1 and then in 2005 Sony decided to remake MIDI eagle for the PSP and then in 2019 Sony decided to remake medieval for the ps4 and then in 2033 Sony decided to remake made okay so before we get into the main game itself did any of you check out the demo for this when it launched I did and can I just say that this demo took me right back to being a kid again I vividly remember playing this games demo on this magazine demo disc years and years ago and to see that the ps4 remake demo gave you the exact same levels to explore and same structure is the original ps1 demo before cutting you off and tell you to get the full thing made my insides feel like warm soup you know the kind is so good it gives you acid reflux the ps4 demo gave me indigestion not only that but the main game item you could earn exclusively from the demo was a neat little bonus in the form of Dan's old helmet but which you look at that well played developers this isn't just a cosmetic thing it's an additional difficulty that makes the enemy's way tougher and hit you much harder what a nice thanks for making me sit down and wait for eleven gigabytes of two levels to download now whether or not this stuff is from the copy Sony sent to me or just part of the digital deluxe bundle I'm not sure but I also got a few bonus items along with the main game including an adorable digital comic book with animated panels and music going into more of the history of sir Dan's character and even a digital concept art book that lets me move a cursor around the screen and point at things can you see that this zombie is without a head well now you can Oh Lord watch out everyone it's the mad family don't we all love those people oh yeah guys our family is so wacky we're so funny when you get to know us we're all mad in this house this isn't a car it's mom's taxi isn't daddy pig our home wait just like your real-life daddy by Minna sure he knows we're all worst parents suck kids suck and that's why I have this gay so we get this brand-new and glossy intro cutscene for the remake to kick us off and would you believe it's more or less a shot-for-shot redo of the original game my nostalgia levels are already bursting and I only ate 10 minutes ago the main villain of the story then appears as Eric who my phone corrected to as Aaron and he honestly looks as good as he's ever looked for what that means anyway he doesn't look like a moldy shriveled banana a possessed village family look great too and not like what my face is like when I run out of chicken nuggets Ari you're probably wondering what's going on I just assumed you've already played the original silly old back of brother here is the rundown in the kingdom of gala mere that lived a sorcerer named a Ciroc sorry Aaron who was the Kings jester and court magician over 100 years ago but got banished after dabbling in necromancy you know as you do as an act of retaliation he built an army of the Dead hero himself and attacked a castle but ultimately failed due to the courageous acts of sir Daniel Fortescue who led the charge into battle against Zarek and struck him down despite being mortally wounded at least that's what history told us you see actually Daniel was appointed as captain of King Peregrine's Knights for no other reason than he was a terrific storyteller who lied about how many battles against dragons he won and was just a little bit of a jerk who stepped on other people and worked his way out to being one of the Kings favorite people the captain of the Knights position he held was purely honorary because when it came to the battle against Zarek he actually got shot on the first charge he didn't do anything but because of his good standing with the King he became the ultimate face of all the legendary heroes of Galu Muir much to the despair of the people that actually knew him so like or lump it when Zarek raises the dead many years later a step 1 for his revenge against Gama mere duty calls and sir Daniel is the one resurrected into action from his crypt in order to save the kingdom because of his fraudulent history and even though he was a bit of a sarcastic coward in life in death with everyone telling him they know the truth and they he'll never make it he finally has a chance to prove himself as a worthy and loyal warrior and sir Daniel can't speak so his actions are very important Galla Muir is a gothic horror paradise graveyards have coffins literally leaping out of the dirt and soil crop fields have been overrun with possessed scarecrows and living rusted machinery insane asylums have been left alone for patients to go totally feral ancient towns flooded for hundreds of years are suddenly risen again villages of people are turning violent and aggressive and undead soldiers from many eons ago I left restless and wandering all thanks to surak's magic so you've got to fix all the locals problems put the undead to rest stop Zarek from finding a special key that kept his shadow demon army locked up for years and finally take him down and also if you have the eye for it which Dan doesn't you can retrieve all the hero chalices from every level and finally earn yourself a legit place amongst the Hall of Heroes and not because you were the Kings spoiled little brat changing you know what I've always wondered why there's a statue of sir down in the middle of this cemetery but as a skeleton with no left eye and a missing jaw surely that's disrespectful maybe we should go to Mount Rushmore and put a hole in Lincoln's head ok so now we're at the main menu and my god look at it it's the same as the ps1 game too handle much more of this wait a second is that what I thought it was it's the original voice clips oh oh oh my my poor aching heart I cannot take the nurse to stop I can't take the dust alg ah the intro level and dance crypt remains is one of the easiest intro levels in videogame history it lasts about a minute long and is a straight line with one branching path so it's here where it's completely safe to pull your own arm out and use it as a boomerang and listen to lady Olenna from Game of Thrones read you a bedtime story you must be out of shape after 100 years lying on your back and that's not the only edition in the audio department yes they use basically all the same voice clips from the original game but the music backing it all up even though the same tunes has been completely redone with a proper full-blown classical Orchestra and it sounds magnificent in fact I got a digital soundtrack with my review copy too and he even showed me studio footage of the musicians recording the music it's so cool to see the magic happen in real time and sometimes pretty funny [Music] I don't recommend you listen to all the individual instrument parts though because then all you'll be doing is watching a lot of quiet nothing and then all of a sudden you also get to see a woman eating her packed lunch this is the digital deluxe content I paid for so many evil is an action adventure platforming hack and slash hybrid that uses a lot of short stages instead of one giant open one by using a variety of ranged and melee weapons to protect yourself while interacting with objects by pushing and using your weapons for secondary uses like lighting a club on fire to make a torch you solve puzzles survive waves of enemies all with different designs attacks and defenses fight a few bosses and eventually beat zero there's a nifty Auto locking feature that you can cycle through enemies with by pressing l1 after beating one of the earlier bosses you can dash and then do a dash jump for a longer gap the levels have plenty of hidden areas accessed by using other weapons effectively you use different colored shields of different strengths to guard yourself from attacks and obstacles by holding another button - and what the hell are you door you find health bottles to extend your total life bar and find a life pause to refill them and well yeah it's all great stuff it's good to see it come back playing this game felt like I was cradling my own son I make some [ __ ] up babies in fact I was really surprised how well the level designers held up from the original it's nowhere near as linear as it looks even if a stage lasts no longer than 10 minutes you'll be searching all over the place for runes to open other gates and doors in the level and keys to access other areas from previous levels optional and required even with a cheeky new boss hiding behind them if you're lucky the same goes for the map screen level select after certain parts of the game it's totally up to you which direction you go then after reaching the ends of those branching paths you then use other items discovered in other levels with all the delightfully colorful characters to get even more items for use towards the end of the game story or just more weapons shields extending health bottles life files or money which can be used to them buy more ammo weapon enchantments shield repairs or if you are really unlucky extremely powerful and valuable weapons that get stolen from you by an imp and the only way to get them back is by buying them from a gargoyle and they're usually the most expensive items in the game and because of that I hate these little [ __ ] 's more than anything they're fast they're tiny they're hard to hit they set you on fire they steal your weapons and make me want to boil the first thing I see I also make too many babies they've got to go somewhere you can even discover totally optional paths for optional for example like this one part of the game where you grab a talisman from a cave hidden behind a breakable bookshelf then use on a cauldron in a much later stage leading you to two optional search-and-rescue quests in a brand new optional level in the ant colony which then lets you get rewarded with one of the many chalices you can get to unlock increasingly better tiers of weapons after you finish a stage and a new optional chicken drumstick weapon that bombs enemies and turns them into edible roast chickens to get your health back now that kind of stuff makes it worth going out of your way to get everything and not just for completionists sake or the additional gameplay segments you'd otherwise miss you won't be doing exactly the same things in every stage either such as with the final boss where the first part of it gives you a one-off segment where you need to share your own health to stop your own skeleton army from falling apart so they can take down the opposing armies health bars and inside the insane asylum where you have to survive increasingly difficult waves of enemies and zombies to then open locked doors and finish the level I think many evil would like a word with you Call of Duty Asylum grounds force you to solve riddles from another character while more of the hedge maze opens up with more puzzles you need to solve and even the ant caves throw you into a total maze like the labyrinth you need to work your way out off by the way the dragons are Scottish who dares to enter my lair and wake me from my slumber did you know fairies have stubbles and check it out even the Hall of Heroes makes its glorious return the mechanic in which by finding a very well-hidden chalice in every stage that you can't pick up until killing enough enemies to fill a percentage bar then allows you to get taken to the hall after every stage so you can talk to one of the many statues of your old friends or rivals that know the truth about your history and in order to help you out give you either a brand new weapon more health files or more money and something the remake does which I like a lot is let the souls of the enemies you take down float towards the hiding place of the chalice if you're struggling to find it with this system you get a ridiculous arsenal by the end of the game and since the order of weapons you grab is only relative to how many chalices you have and not the level you get the chalice in it's a fantastic completionist reward the more you get the gradually more powerful weapons you end up with the final one of which being well Oh Tati's what's that you don't think I'm worthy enough to get to the upstairs level well I'll show you oh crap just like I showed off in the intro or the origin voice samples are with the hero statue too but just totally uncompressed for the ps4 disk space and I'm majorly happy with that because the deliveries of these guys just can't be approved it's impossible and does sound a bit different but he's still voiced by the same guys the original game and to be honest he didn't really sound like anything to begin with so if you don't like it then you're a bit of a even the evil sorceress zerach has his old voice clips returned which is great since he has the greatest delivery of an English swear word I've ever heard in a game rest in peace Paul Darrow you may have not had many lines in this game but damn did you own the screen when you did all the weapons have a standard and alternate swing or firing mode too usually a quick and weak attack and a stronger attack that needs to be charged up and basically all the weapons have different added effects for their charge attacks and not just the damage so it's definitely worth searching high and low to find the chalices and experiment with the weapons well except with the crossbow the alternate firing mode is served and doing the same attack but holding the crossbow sideways now come on that's funny no matter how much you hit me you'll never cleave me you've never played the original game before then everything I just said will swear your decision on whether or not you should purchase this remake but if you have played the original before that everything I just said has essentially wasted your time want to know why because this is note-for-note exactly the same game as the original including one you get completely trapped by spinning scarecrow can't attack can't guard can't run can't jump and have no choice but to game over no joke though aside from some new controls and a smoother play experience in general everything else is identical the structure stages and level design spending your entire body around when you swing a sword I still love that you could easily beat this 2019 remake while looking at a medieval guide book from 1998 well except when you're trying to find the locations of the new hidden Souls added in this game that you can grab and take back to other levels and put them in a place they tell you to put them yeah this was boring as hell so I won't talk any more about it so aside from the obvious looks which I will get into what else are there in differences well first and foremost the control is buttery smooth swinging swords and spamming square for quick attacks feels a lot more like you're gliding sword strokes across the screen and doing flowing combos instead of just rapidly darting your arm left and right like in the original and platforming as much ease here in this version due to the tighter handling jump park with more manageable mid-air control and less slippy weight when landing sir Dan feels more grounded which is great because that makes jumping on these mushrooms a lot easier and lets you fully take in the delicious sloshing sounds they make you've also got the choice to equip two weapons at once and switch between them with triangle which believe it or not is revolutionary for the series and this not only makes switching between your preferred range and melee weapon much less cumbersome and feels much better to use which encourages you to use more weapons when it was a bit of a put off in the original with how clumsy it was but it also makes some weapons like the enchanted broadsword much more fun to use you see the damage of this weapon is criminally ridiculous when it's charged to 100% enchantment and a merchant gargoyle but whenever you have the weapon equipped it drains its magic at like 1% a second in the original this was really annoying because you'd use the weapon and then to save the energy for it pause and switch out with another weapon and then pause and switch out when you wanted to use it again every single time you wanted to use it but now all you have to do is equip it to your secondary weapon rack use another weapon as your primary so you don't waste the magic of the sword and then quickly switch it out only when you need to use it and then switch it right back again so it can be in your weapon rack and not waste the energy I mean after fully completing your fourteenth level you unlock the magic sword which is permanently powerful making the enchanted sword worthless after that point but for the first two thirds of the game is a bloody godsend there are other weapon balances too like with the standard bash attack for the club and hammer the hammer itself is an optional weapon to unlock but the standard bash attack behaves exactly the same way as the club and breaks the same objects except the club has a percentage bother when it zero will break the weapon forever until you get another one and the hammer never breaks now in the original game the choice between the two was a no-brainer get the hammer and never use the club to bash things only use the club to light things on fire but now even though the hammer bash is the same as the club bash to compensate for it being a weapon that doesn't break the standard swing is much slower which actually made me consider if in certain places I wanted to use the quickness of the club and sacrifice a bit of percentage for it or open myself up to more attacks with the much slower bash of the hammer that doesn't break it's a small change but really appreciate it but then the hammer does have one of the best alternate charge attacks in the game so yeah I ended up mostly using that anyway what else has changed well you run all the time that's something and the speed of Daniel is pin point perfect and nowhere near as erratic as the original game if you only had a d-pad for the original game you'd need to double tap the arrows to run so yeah I'm glad we all have analog as standard now Dan is just smoother to control all around camera control is improved a ton has to be expected with the right stick moving it around instead of the triggers but then this is a bit of a double-edged sword the control of the camera itself may be better but in my opinion the camera distance is just a little too close for my liking especially in the more claustrophobic corridors and crypts the only places it feels exactly the same as the original are when you're in the fixed camera locations it's mostly fine and you do get used to it but it's not ideal there's also this new feature with the left trigger a strafe command yeah even though it looks like one this here is not an aiming feature which would make way more sense with an angle like this and trust me I tested it out on the first proper level of the game I got on top of a hill and aimed down towards some of the enemies with the throwing daggers only to see the camera constantly snapped back to my eye level it never stayed up or down they clearly wanted this to be used as a strafe so if that's the case why is the camera pulled in like in Resident Evil 4 when it's not built like that look at some of the times I used it you can barely make out what's even going on the camera is so close I mean it's really nice to aim left and right more accurately and get a better idea on where things are from a singular perspective at least and with this feature you get use out of range attacks against groups the original game wishes it had if you use it well you won't waste any ammo at all and with the fire-breathing dragon armor in the late game using it while strafing is practically game breaking it's so powerful but if you can't aim freely up or down and don't have an aiming reticle because you still have the auto lock fairy thing why is the camera like this it's cumbersome especially when you want to use it as a quick camera snap to get behind down which is handy as hell but with the camera being so close it can cause disorientation Mario 64 DS managed this absolutely fine it's a shame too because with this feature I use ranged weapons way more in this game than in the original it is useful but definitely could have been better and this isn't me calling for the fact that you should be able to aim the camera up and down and for really aim around with like a third-person aiming mode or something like that because honestly with the way this games bill that would break the game entirely it'd be way too easy so what I mean is just pull the camera back when you go in to strafe mode I don't know why it's so close and also do yourself a favor and remember that if you want to quick turn the camera whenever you press the strafing trigger the camera locks you behind wherever Dan himself is facing not where the camera is facing so make sure Dan is facing the way you want the camera to point before pressing it also there's this golden armor I found in my inventory which may have been a digital deluxe exclusive again but I'm really not sure and even though it looks cool now I'd rather have jawless Johnny over here by the way what is with this Apple in a hat that I found hidden in a haystack what's that all about oh he's in the end credits - why Apple Apple Jacks Jack Skellington skeleton sir Dan no I don't get it bouncy bouncy bouncy brain jump on dude and bounce against wishes cause she's so much fun bouncy prett Oh Oh yo nobody stops my floppy brain birthday sorry sorry everybody caddie just went Maddie but he isn't a baby so aren't we all glad e how about dem visuals then hmm okay so as a whole the game looks magnificent don't get me wrong it can look downright gorgeous for a ps4 game and it's very much like a dark folklore fairy tale come to life but unlike the insane trilogy that took the exact same cartoony style and just amplified it I seem to think this lost a little something in translation from PS 1 to ps4 this looks a lot less Tim Burton and more 2019 Adams family I mean you could call it nostalgia but I'm not too sure the jaggedy and primitive ps1 models and textures really gave the original this unmistakable sense of angular gothic harshness like a mansion there were darker colors a bleak atmosphere it's slightly more unsettling more unsettling than being able to see through Dan's arms though no note that will never be okay even with Dan's standard run don't get me wrong I loved the goofier lolloping bounce as he gallops around with his spine popping in and out of his body except when he does this Dan please stop it but he's lost that weird Richard urgency from the original he looks way more skeletal in that game and feels like he's been dormant for a century and can't figure out how his joints work take other examples like the ant caves in the original game I'd argue they were actually kind of creepy with the stiff enemy movements and utter pitch-black tunnels but now it's mostly brightly lit and the is kind of cue well except the an Queen I mean you can stuff that in your mum ha although I can't deny it does look great and has many pluses one thing I do love is how Dan twists his whole head around and stares at you if you haven't moved in a while when you buy things from the merchants gargoyles they end up scuffing down your coins that's brilliant the enchanted earth actually looks like a magical forest this time and not like your great granddad shed the Crystal Caves look untouched and gleaming and not like a dirty kitchen the chalices you collect actually get individually added onto the long table in the Hall of Heroes the paws of the ancient dead look even more foreboding and diseased the larva looks suitably the hot spears and arrows you fire at enemies get stuck in their bodies while you fight them lots of weapons have unique particle effects Jack of the Green has these brilliantly stony stop motion start animations there's flies gathering around rotting meat at the market of the sleeping village the world map has subtle animations from the obstacles you'll encounter in the stages and the extending life bottles you collect once run out won't just go empty but will fall over on top of your health bar I'm not going to sit here and say this game isn't pretty and has no detail because it certainly does and it can be utterly revolting like with the pumpkin serpent that thing looks next but aesthetically I really think many evil is better suited to blink gothic horror than bouncy and cartoonish even if it is a little bit morbid and what about this framerate a I've been waiting for me to mention it so here's the thing this game touts that it's ps4 Pro enhanced I use a ps4 Pro and most ps4 games with Pro enhancements allow you to pick between performance modes and visual modes to go full-out with 4k resolution gaming at the cost of lower frame rates God of War does this and heck even neo did this back in 2017 and allowed for a mode with seamless 60 FPS gameplay that still looks fantastic but many evil doesn't have this in any options menu I could find so I don't know what exactly the enhancements are but whatever they are I'm sure they could have been sacrificed to get the game running smoother than this most of the time it runs at 60fps fine enough and during indoor sections is actually perfect but when you notice those frame drops in bigger open areas boy do you notice them especially in areas like the sleeping village which never seem to run smoothly no matter where you are neo is a much bigger game with similar structured levels instead of one giant open-world and yet it still looks better and runs smoother so if regular ps4 owners are stuck with even worse frame rates than what the ps4 pro can handle I kind of feel sorry for you well hey at least with whatever system you own we can all play this that hiding in the grave hello but hey from the sound of my ranting from that part of the video just then you may assume that I'm disappointed with the medieval remake and I'm not I still recommend you go and get it it's good I just think it could have done with a little bit more refining I mean it's still the same bass great game that I've loved and cherished for years but it controls as good as it ever has done and it still looks and sounds fantastic but I wanted to call this the definitive version of medieval which I don't think it is I think it's as good as the original which is more than I can say for medieval resurrection at least oh ma I can see myself going back to this one over the original just because of how it feels to play and that it fulfills my nostalgia by using close to all of the original voice clips and that it's exactly the same six to seven hour adventure with the exact same levels it knew what works from before and kept it in while updating around it and I appreciate that but damn I just desperately wished the performance was better and the camera not as unpredictable if anything when the PS 5 finally launches and it makes ps4 games run even smoother that's when I'll be replaying this one I won't have a reason to go back to the ps1 version after that what what what all I care about right now is where the hell is the love for medieval to it was really good the original game has been remade twice now I mean even the digital comic book that came with my game directly references the events that happened after medieval - and on the loading screen for the time device level what's this it could take you to modern London or Egypt is that a teaser Sony there baby a teaser hello sit down you're Fortescue what's that you're coming over for dinner tonight but you can't chew what I'm gonna go and get ready right now so you can come over whenever you want and drink all of my wine with your throat that doesn't exist and I'll go put on your favorite song [Music] I know what hides under your bed every night children it's chainsaw Louise was dead a Halloween in crap yes there was daddy candy doesn't make mistakes on the internet so why am I talking about a spooky game in November which is so clearly not well because this game came out on Halloween and I couldn't get video like this done on the same day it came out I mean who do you think I am marks pliers so just before the Halloween chills finally leave us and open the doors ready for Christmas I think we can fit one more review in here as I dive into the Luigi's Mansion free Oh perfect this is exactly what happens when you make a youtube video about spooky game in the wrong month everything breaks Karis do you mind fixing that up quickly thanks hey guys welcome to my house wanna play some Slenderman or layers of fun no thanks I want to play Ouija mansion sick I couldn't tell you how happy I was that a third game in one of Nintendo's most bold and unique franchises was coming out I was so happy that I told Nintendo personally over email and then they invited me over to their UK headquarters to check out the game early a few months back by the way you see this box here this was also lovingly sent to me by a Nintendo as well along with a review copy of the game itself so thank you so much for that but in this box we have well first of all this incredible sure that I'd be wearing in this video so thank you this amazing hat I mean you gotta love it and these amazing pumpkin carving stencils which are useless right now but I shall be using them next year and this holdup Luigi's moustache which I use as a wooden spoon weirdly enough though in this box they also sent me another switch I I have three now I have more Nintendo switches than arms oh forgot about that one what's going on in this game then Peach Mario Luigi and three toads have been invited to a giant Holiday Inn called the last resort we're all having a fun time during the long trip on the bus and then here we go then off on our jolly holly's to a building that looks a lot like the Tower of Terror I like maybe that was the point and I mean well it's nice and all there's a lot to see absolutely but there's nothing really to do so perhaps we should just go to the reception oh lordy that is not a face I was ready for am I ready to check in well no actually not only because I need to clean up after what I just saw but I'm a little too distracted by your employees try humping the desk now you may all be wondering why on earth would we go on holiday to a resort that looks like this after five minutes and well that's because a lady called Helen gravely invited us all down out of the goodness of her heart with no ulterior motives whatsoever god damn it Tom so I guess it's time to go to bed eh I'm sure everything will be a-okay and nothing at all will go wrong okay that was precious Oh would you look at that everything went wrong now the room is filled with spooky decorations and dressing table jump scares for some reason I can't handle this I think I'm gonna go and hide in the bathroom Oh what no not the toilet - wife I need a way it'll grab it though as it turns out big shocker King Boo actually invited us the entire time and now he has all of our heroes in the same location Odie he's got them all stuck in portraits we better run away before he captures us - hang on wait is that it's at any wise la blah blah blah find the poltergeist vacuum fight your way through angry ghosts mario is missing three don't ever brush your teeth again because ghosts like to shove the brushes already by-the-numbers but how is the game to actually play well if you're asking me it's basically the same as the other two but with way more bells and whistles attached to make it not only the most enjoyable but most brain scratching Luigi's Mansion to play so far in terms of puzzles for the most part you run around haunted locations look inside cracks and broken walls for clues on how to get to other rooms use your flashlight to stun enemies and reveal hidden ghosts that all have many different puzzles to solve in order to get them to appear or to stun them ready to be captured oh and you steal a ridiculous amount of money creatively hidden in every possible place you could imagine I'd call a Ouija a dirty rotten thief for doing this but honestly the entire hotel isn't only out to kill him but he's also cleaning up every room as he goes around the hotel so I think he deserves some compensation your vacuum by default can suck and blow job which then allows you to solve many of the puzzles in each and every room of the utterly gigantic hotel and the vacuum even allows you to pick up and fire projectiles on the odd occasion but you'll mostly just be sucking because as we all know a flashlight that you charge up in order to stun ghosts is back and that's not all it can do it can activate light switches and disintegrate rats it is a bit weird how you can freely move Luigi with the left analog stick yet the flashlight and vacuum aiming on the right stick is tank controlled but once you get the hang of it it's totally fine just remember please remember that most of the main moves the ones you can do with the vacuum and flashlight can be activated with all the triggers which is 10 times easier than using the face button since you can still aim with your thumb while using the triggers since the original game Luigi has thankfully got over his habit of molesting every bit of furniture to find hidden items and ghosts but now he has a new disgusting pastime farting so hard that China pops break apart weird implications aside though this is a move I massively love it works great in most situations as an AoE explosion attack to blow up all surrounding interactable objects for money and even works as a great pushback attack during ghost hunts to disrupt their attacks defend yourself or even jump over hazards when timed just right and this isn't the only aggressive move Luigi has please don't piss off Luigi you also get this new slam move after successfully grabbing a ghost in the vacuum for long enough you get the chance to physically murder them more than they already have been and this not only knocks down their health a lot more but also breaks objects you aim the slam towards knocks down the health of other ghosts that you slam that ghost into disrupts their attacks and stuns them without the flashlight ready for a vacuuming combo and this makes the classic ghost vacuuming gameplay the series is best known for easily the best so far it's not only the most strategic and multi-purpose but so much more satisfying for a third game in instead of you just running around and sucking up the ghost in the exact same way after stun them not to mention like in the second game the money this time still has a use it's not just to improve your rank after you D haunt the building you can actually buy a multitude of different things to help you out okay well three different things a couple of revival bones in case you came over the location of one boo projected onto your map and the location of one gem projected onto your map this is well fine enough I suppose but you know what Luigi's mentioned to have upgrades for the Poltergust and they are nowhere to be seen here no health upgrades stronger slam attacks nothing just extra lives and locations for hidden extra content especially disappointing since this extra hidden content rewards you with nothing at all I mean come on that really sucks yeah you get a new colored skin for one of your gadgets and a new flashlight but that's it no hidden ending or anything I mean sure you can improve your ranking for the hotel at the end like in the other games but I mean that was the least I was expecting because that was a feature from two games ago the lucky thing at least is that finding the hidden gems and finding the money to buy the things needed to find the hidden gems mechanically is very fun to do most if not all the objects in each room are interactable in some way and finding a dumptruck of money as a payoff for exploring feels good to put it simply as is solving an obscure puzzle accidently and getting a shiny rare gem from it rewards may be lackluster but completing for the sake of completing can be quite fun it also feels good that within 45 minutes of playing you'll be a thousandaire there's so much money in this game just make sure you search through every single bit of rubbish set of drawers cupboard ripped wallpaper folded up clothes and box of tools towels by the way whoever came up with the idea to go back to egads lab at any time to buy stuff and then carry on with exploring at the exact same position you were in earlier deserves a raise this was so helpful in fact no you should be the head of Nintendo yeah take over from Doug waluigi yeah I totally forgot egad is indeed back the inventor of the Poltergust that you're using to capture the ghosts and after you rescue him within the first hour of the game that's when things really kick off you not only rescue him with a gadget that allows you to bring back to life dead paintings and allows you to track ghosts that are escaping from you and reveals objects that exist in mirrors but not in Rio and reveals invisible objects and doors that look like they should be there but aren't but at that point you also get the quest to save the rest of your friends by searching every floor of the hotel and by defeating boss ghosts that have stolen the elevator buttons giving you access to said floors this means amazingly enough this game takes a direction much more similar to the original Luigi's Mansion which I massively prefer over the second one there's exploration and backtracking through older floors and rooms that you go into or to find hidden money and extra ghosts well not entirely I mean it's still mostly a linear adventure and each floor basically acts as an individual stage that you may or may not have to return to the only thing tempting you to go back being all the hidden stuff but each floor does offer a much more interesting explorative vibe as you've dark back and forth between rooms finding keys to unlock more doors only with a few times it feeling like a straight one-way Trek sometimes you'll be going back to where you were earlier and sometimes you won't be it's kind of a mix of Luigi's Mansion 1 and 2 and it gets the balance pretty good I mean at the very least does it feel anything like the Super Mario Bros stage selection from the second game on top of all of this you get even more to play with like the new suction-cup system which allows you to stick your own plunger onto objects and walls and pull against a suckable bit of rope this is sounding more and more like something Wario would film in his bedroom this mechanic is equally great fun to experiment with and is multi-purpose it's great for a last-minute bit of self defense but also great for pulling away reflective armor ghosts where when your flashlight doesn't stun them and also makes its way into puzzles and exploration a lot as you clear suitcases out of your way and pull things towards you that wouldn't usually be able to be pull you can also do the slam move with smaller objects too and it totally wrecks the room you look me in my slippery old eye and tell me that this doesn't look exciting combine all of this with the classic Luigi's Mansion staple mechanics like using mirrors to find a hidden objects and switches with the fixed camera angle and you not only have the most capable luigi so far and also the most attractive Thor I mean like one of your french girls and speaking of attractive is GUI ji this monstrosity is luigi's helpful clone for this game and he's the scariest thing Nintendo have ever made even taking over thumbs in Mario 64 he turns to stiff rubber whenever he remains still he slopped through walls like the t1000 he sounds like this and the way that the real Luigi goes into a coma-like trance whenever GUI G takes over hints are something much more sinister going on the good thing about GUI G though is that he's yet another additional mechanic to Luigi is already ridiculous Arsenal and provides for even more stars of puzzle and combat encounter whenever you choose to use him like I said before he can fit through metal grates slide inside pipes fall through gaps in the floor and can be used alongside Luigi if he's in the middle of using the blow or suck mode of his vacuum meaning you can get an extra strong pull against your plungers or give the other Luigi a chance to bugger off while the other holds a switch down his total lack of health and melting away whenever he touches water also adds a lot of tension to those few moments where you need to rely on him to capture ghosts especially in the past where the real Luigi is trapped or being attacked by something and you have to solve a puzzle or defeat an enemy under a strict time limit to save him he can even be used as a decoy for other ghosts if you're feeling like a proper bastard all of the gooey G stuff mixes together with everything else that sounds really disgusting to make not only the most difficult Luigi's Mansion game but equally one of the most challenging standard Nintendo single-player modes in recent memory involving the universe of Mario it's all totally fair mind you but with the amount of gadgets to play with new moves and GUI G at your disposal there's so many options for tackling any and all combat and puzzle situations that you'll often forget what you'll be able to do and you're not completely overpowered because of the lack of a jump command and the fact that everything that you plan to do has a little bit of a wind-up time it's creative its engaging and mechanically at least it's the best of the trilogy in my eyes saying that though when you're low on health does the low health noise need to be so loud that every other noise in the game towers under its weight did you know I'm no 1l I don't know if you noticed it's very subtle oh by the way yeah totally forgot to talk about the booze I mean they're certainly here in this video game there's just not much to say about them other than that they contribute to the terrible completion rewards so what more can I say about them oh I know you can do this to them you know what the scariest thing in this game is though luigi talks to egad through a Virtual Boy Oh No okay now you need to come over here immediately come on don't be shy come and sit on my lap we will e we G because I need to tell you the main thing I don't like about you so as far as Luigi himself goes well he's still the cowardly lovable dog we all came to know in the original and he's got the greatest strafing walk cycle ever put into a video game but as far as the setup for the story goes it's basically the first game all over again even to the point of Luigi being invited to a haunted location only to have his friends get trapped but somehow it's even more abridged than your standard Mario plot and it tells this story in a lot less mysterious and creepy way compared to the first Luigi's Mansion I mean the first Luigi's Mansion story isn't exactly soma but I mean take the port race for instance finding out that the missing Mario is stuck in one in the original game is actually used as a plot twist and he's quite an unsettling revelation you just kind of stumble into it while you're searching through these gothic horrible dirty dank sewers and you're stuck behind a cage and everything just looks very unnatural but here within five minutes the gang are already trapped and they're jingled around in your face like car keys every major cutscene usually involves something going oh and then Luigi going and it tends to play more to its strengths in comedy more than atmosphere and that's fine and everything but I still play Luigi's Mansion for the sharp contrast in atmosphere to standard Mario not the silly slapstick in exuberant villains I mean even though I do love the villains in this game they're all brilliantly characterized it still feels more kid-friendly than the original and less concern with being about a haunted location the ghosts in this game are just what so happened to be the enemies more than being the entire center point to the spooky thrills at the first game and even the second game had that's where those two games shined in its atmosphere in the visual design in how everything worked together in this horrible gothic universe I'm fully aware though that this is still a Mario game so plot isn't what you should be going in for but I will still prefer the atmosphere of the original which in my opinion is what elevated it over its gameplay and that sucks a bit because like Luigi's Mansion 3 does look fantastic in every sense of the word I particularly enjoyed how Luigi gets scared totally rigid and changes his animations for a second whenever he gets jumped and how about that bit where egad is running behind you that alone makes this a Game of the Year contender look at him okay the grass in the gardens reacts to your vacuum perfectly if you grab a pumpkin with your vacuum then your flashlight shines through the carving and creates a projection toad can't follow you whatsoever and he likes to off himself it's all great stuff the only issue I have with the visuals being the physics I'm seriously what the [ __ ] is going on here and here with the most low poly and ugly trees and hills I think I've ever seen I mean good god they look completely dreadful the music is brilliant stuff too since it changes the instrumentation and genre for every type of boss ghost that takes over each floor and the sheer variety of art deco 5-star Hotel locations and maintenance areas makes every minute of this game a pleasant surprise you never know what comes next but this then comes at the cost of it not being as dark foreboding and properly spooky like the other two games which made me love Luigi's Mansion in the first place again the atmosphere went a long way with those games and I think we've now totally lost it but then then I remembered the entirety of the Egyptian suite and the way that you can blow away and suck up every grain of sand in specific places to create ramps or dig up treasure and I'm blown away by all the level of detail in such a small part of the 12 hour adventure even slamming ghosts into the sand leaves accurate body shaped prints behind the sand physics here didn't need to be this detailed but they are and stuff like this makes me totally forget everything I just said about the atmosphere what was I saying anyway Who am I what are you doing in my house I'm gonna call the FBI most important question of all though is this can you pet The Ghost Dog [Music] that is better than petting my own dog you are enough and I don't recommend Luigi's Mansion 3 on that alone ok maybe I do but everything considered taking the lack of atmosphere and disappointing completion rewards out of the way this game brings the series back to a strong point and is way better than the second game for how it lets you get lost and explore in an abandoned and eerie building all over again even if it's mostly brightly lit I must stress as well mechanically it's by far and away the best Luigi's Mansion it has creases that could be ironed out but it does a lot more with its premise as a sequel than the second game ever did almost at the point of this feeling more like a true Luigi's Mansion 2 plus there were far too many moments that I just loved while playing this game I loved the king ghosts boss where the only way to stun him was to joust with him and wait for to charge right into you like a real jousting match I loved all the blowing into musical instruments you could do in the music halls I loved activating the chainsaw in the Botanical Gardens and shredding up every single thing in the room I loved that part in the museum when I was thinking about how the hell I was supposed to smash these glass cabinets because there wasn't anything around and then I couldn't find anything after finishing the area but then I gasped in delight as I realized I could pick up toad and launch his gross fungus head into the glass and break it that way I loved that bit where one of the bus ghosts it doesn't turn out to be a boss at all he just wants to make a good movie so films you having a Godzilla battle with another ghost while you both stomp around an annihilate an entire model city but then you're feeling like a bit of a Johnny so you followed the director back into the editing room suck him up even though he's innocent and get an achievement for it I was caught off guard so many times I was able to let past a lot of my personal preferences towards the original game and there's so many more surprising and downright creative and brilliant moments like that which I won't spoil here not just for how they look but how they mechanically work and how the puzzles are solved within those moments once again in terms of pure content depth of gameplay and charming levels of detail and character Luigi's Mansion 3 is easily the best one judging it if you're going through the campaign and not bothering with all the side stuff and completion at least that stuff still sucks or blows whatever setting you like best you can even play the campaign in coop and there's a few extra minigames that you can play in multiplayer modes I'll win on with the talk about them because we're grown adults playing Nintendo games nobody wants to play with us anyway I think that death stranding is next on the agenda so can't wait to see how terrible or brilliant that game is but if I'm gonna be sitting on this sofa for about 120 hours walking in a straight line the house is gonna need to be clean before I do that don't want to get any red all right let's do this all beans it's November it's nearly Christmas Christmas is a happy flappy time of the year where everyone loves each other and everybody gets a kiss you would see on the lippy dippy that was really greasy but as it gets closer and closer to the holiday season there's one question that ends up bubbling in the back of my brain why are you all so miserable cheer up isn't any Christmas what's wrong with you you get present secretly here's 10 people in games that really need to stop bitching what happens when Princess Peach gets her very own video game she runs around in a big dress without falling over somehow and smacks everyone upside the head with an umbrella great that's what I always to be serious though super Princess Peach is one of the most underrated games of all time in the Super Mario series if you ask me I think it's fantastic but it isn't without its questionable aspects first off you played the game in a place called a vibe island which explains why peach is totally happy never committed to Mario and secondly there's this thing in the game that I like to call the emotional baggage at the drop of a hat by touching any of the four emotions on the bottom screen of the DS you can manipulate peaches emotions to your whim and taking away the fact that someone being able to do that to you is horrifying when you tell peach to get sad she gets really sad like she gets so sad her tears come out like Niagara Falls oh it's so sad being the princess of a kingdom that literally does nothing woe is you but this many tears streaming out of her face though why is she only number ten simple because she uses her tears to get through the game she runs faster makes plants grow that she can climb up create ice on cold surfaces to slip under things moves water wheels this is useful sadness if my own depression could power a steam boat I'd stop taking my medication neo is a fun game neo is a fast game neo is a difficult game and if you're not busy dashing around the open-ended spaces of each individual stage looking for shortcuts and upgrading yourself by defeating enemies you'll most likely be going up against some of the trickiest boss battles in recent gaming history one of the bosses though I must be honest does annoy me slightly the aggress because before you even start fighting her she's hunched over in the corner having a good wind row up lady why are you crying you can't be in pain already I haven't even hit you yet is it your nails what you got to do is clip them there's no need to cry about it Oh oh good god what is up with your face you know what if I had that face I'd be crying too I'll let you off you ever heard of Captain Bible it's a PC game from 1994 where you play as a superhero so useless that he doesn't think to bring a paper Bible inside a world that erases all his data from a digital Bible and yet he needs a Bible to defeat the bad guys what's that you haven't downloaded the correct bit of the Bible to combat these lies being shouted at you from these robots well sorry it looks like you can't disprove them in that case that means you lose why don't you need to download the Bible one passage at a time anyway aren't you a gift from God can't you just I don't know remember the Bible you're a very bad this entire setup would be sad enough as it stands but one character in particular sticks out for taking the trophy in sad the sad trophy leader of Bible Court is this guy and he's so sensitive that as he's telling you what your mission is he just can't handle it and slowly starts breaking down more and more as he describes what's going on maybe he just realized that he was the leader of a group called Bible core I mean if that was me I'd cry it's a running gag in the Metal Gear Solid games for Solid Snake's genius behind the scenes Otacon to love something and then have that thing die the man is a curse not kidding in every main game he's a part of he kills a character just by loving them a sniper a doctor his own sister and whenever this happens in the story the waterworks fire up I mean I'd totally understand this for the first game you know the dude doesn't get out that much he pisses himself when men stand in front of him so when he starts getting serious with another character yeah whatever he fails to understand the point of everyone killing each other on the battlefield and losing the first person he loves I get that by the second game you know what I'll let him have this one as well losing his only sister who he hadn't seen in years before they could repair their broken relationship fine have a good old cry but by the fourth game dude everything you touch dies you should be used to it by now why are you so inconsolable whenever you bone someone they die you should be expecting it by now even worse after you finally get over yourself and say I'm done crying I don't have any more tears to share you then cry even more about the same person not long afterwards I mean look at you you've got a Macbook what more could you want Shadow the Hedgehog as a concept just confuses me he's basically the dark half of Sonic the Hedgehog he didn't need to be any more than that so why when he got a starring role in his own debut video game was he nothing but brooding and moody 24/7 yeah I get it his favorite person in the world was essentially murdered and he doesn't know if he's a robot or not but was this enough to pull out semi-automatic weapons and start saying the D word I mean come on man from the very beginning of the game he has amnesia he doesn't even remember why he's here or what he's doing what's he got to be sad about if he can't remember anything you know what's strange life and this game proves it because it's called life is strange and it shows you life being strange like a young teenage girl that goes to a high school but is also able to pause and rewind time to change the events of the future that's pretty strange but you know what I think is the strangest thing of all how bloody sad these people are light and up guys for God's sight you especially little miss plum can stop and rewind time at will do you think anyone else can do that when life gets too tough cry me a twatting river you think you've got it bad now wait until you have a nine-to-five job with bills to pay Thomas was alone is a game about shapes that had to work together and solve puzzles but that's not all these shapes have names and feelings take Laura for instance according to the wiki at the wait a second Laura is a depressive AI who suffers from low self esteem due to her belief that everyone she meets abandons her you're a rectangle Psychonauts is a good game I think I've played it yet the one thing I do know about it with all the creepy easter-egg videos I've seen on YouTube is that there's a moment where you can dive into the mind of another character called Milla and find a hidden room where some of her deepest and darkest memories are stored in this room is a slide show called Milla's children chronicling the story of her old job working in what I think is an orphanage and having a grand old time until she pops out for milk and cheese and comes back to see the entire building on fire Oh further on you can open up a box and jump right on in to see what horns Milla's nightmares and this is where you see the ghosts of the children she couldn't save burning alive and forever asking her why she left them alone all this considered I must ask why are you all so sad you're already dead and also you were probably all too young to have had any kind of meaningful friendships or memories if anything I think Mila did you a favor you missed out on school bullies exams PA and when you grow up into an adult with a drinking problem she saved you shut up Santa doesn't come to Alcoholics Maximilian Payne is a very troubled individual in fact he's so troubled that it took him three games to come to terms with his life turns out that before the events of the first game max lost his wife and his kid to a sadistic group of junkies and I'm sure that's enough to break even the hardest of people but I mean for three games three of them surely buy the third game he'd be called minimum pain it can't get any worse as time goes on where I have to start questioning the sadness levels on this chap though our wit the facts that firstly he nearly has it on with another woman in Game two so he's clearly moved on in some capacity and secondly despite how sad this man is he's still able to pinpoint accurately take down every single person that stands in his way rifles handguns rocket launchers machine guns it doesn't matter he's still able to dive around like Tom Daley and headshot multiple people at once during the same jump you tell me can somebody who is truly that sad ever be able to pull this off I don't think so max when you shave your hair off you look like me that's funny cheer up when I think of the ultimate sadist SADS in videogame history none stick out quite like the ultimate shadow of sagging ttan Ethan Mars from heavy ray he spends the entire game from start to end moping and moaning bitching and complaining not asking for any help from anyone cutting his fingers off and this is very strange to me because at the beginning of the game when he still got two sons and a wife who hasn't divorced him yet he's perfectly happy come on Ethan chin up first of all only one of your sons died you still got the other one and second of all your wife left you so wha boohoo here's another one for you see she even let you take her bra off you're practically married already by the way so why if you lost a kid you know what the best thing about losing a kid is you can just make another one oh I was looking for that and the moral of the story hello this is ubereats this game is boring and tedious 9 out of 10 babies and jars Conan O'Brien The Sound of Music and pick what does it all mean well I can try and figure it out oh look this game has difficulty levels I mean that's something okay fine I don't know but one thing I do know is my death stranding name apparently all you need to do is combine the last emotion you've felt with the last food that you ate then you just put man on the end and that makes me horny pizza mum as a kijima fan everyone is asking me what I think about death stranding and to be honest I have no clue why are you asking me there's rain that causes things to age very quickly swimming around a void and then flying into a baby inside a guy's throat invisible monsters called British Telecom handprints all over your skin dead bodies that leak black fluids are put towards the sky golden skull mask Norman Reedus crying over the most impractical umbrella he's ever say grenades made from your Wie there's so much to absorb here that by the time I saw the name of the prologue chapter I was convinced it said porker I didn't know up from down after I was done with this game look I didn't know so duck was in it dead stranding is one of the most frustrating games I played in a long time not because it's frustrating to play but because I found myself totally in love with the world of the game and I was desperate to see how the story unfolded I wanted to see where everything was going how all the characters would end up figure out what everything meant see what insane monsters would appear later on but in order to do any of that that meant I had to trudge through one of the most tedious repetitive and utterly uneventful beginnings of a video game I think I've ever played and to be honest me calling my experience with this game the beginning I think is being massively generous I gave as much time as I could possibly stomach to allow it to grab me in fact I gave it nine and a half hours nine and a half hours for it to give me a single reason why I should persevere and after all that time I was still doing the same rubbish and feeling totally unfulfilled with not even Kojima's ridiculous cutscenes feeling like enough of a reward the one you've got there is a load bearing s oh I've got one of the yes I consider these one of the trademark brilliant aspects of Kojima's games they're not for everyone but I love the stupidly long cutscenes and I was the most excited for these over anything else the fact that the cutscenes slowly dealt out more and more nuggets of lore and world building also tantalized me these were the reason I kept on going but they weren't enough to allow my brain to be engaged with what I was doing whenever I held the controller in my hands and eventually I lost it one mission had me walk out of a room and build a post box oh slow down I carried my dead mum Apple I don't talk to him to a furnace I burned my mum today what did you do what did you do today normos reader this isn't a Kingdom Hearts two situation where you have three hours of a slow beginning before dozens of hours of an imaginative and excellent action RPG waiting for you and at least you do different things in the first three hours of that game even if it is a little slow death stranding probably becomes the best game ever made later on in the story for all I know so I'm sorry if my opinions in this video don't reflect the rest of the game but what I'm aiming to discuss in this video is that if nearly 10 hours of your life isn't enough for a piece of media to strike a chord with you why should you carry on I was giving it the benefit of the doubt after five hours of nothing but 10 what I'm trying to say is that if it ends up getting absolutely incredible at like the 20 hour mark or something then in my opinion it's failed totally in terms of its pace and with investing its players because that's nearly an entire day of gameplay to get to that point with that being said this video isn't a review I haven't finished the game because I'm only talking about how I didn't want to finish it after everything I've been through this is more an impressions video of my first 10 hours yeah 10 hours of a first impression of this game and the weirdest thing is this isn't even the worst game I've ever played it plays exactly how it should everything works but the stark contrast between the intrigue and entertainment I got from the story and cutscenes and the bland misery I got from the gameplay supporting them was too much for me I don't care if the entire point was to make the very idea of delivering items from one location to another soul-crushing and thought-provoking it's still the thing that I need to do in order to uncover more of the engaging plot the plot was like a chocolate fondue for dessert after a main course of soil I honestly think I would have preferred a death stranding movie if most of your time was gonna be taken up walking around an empty world posting parcels like an Amazon prime driver urinating in a bottle if this is what postman have to go through every day lives god damn think twice before you complain about your fire TV stick being late I mean I would absolutely go into more detail about the gameplay because there is a lot to go into and I would go into detail about everything else I mean have you seen these visuals boom boom boom I walk them in my room is beautiful a lot of work clearly went into this game which makes me all the more sad you see all of this here this is disappointment and as we all know ver experience that is worse than any kind of anger II Oh what you think that being a postman is a quick and easy job do you do you have any idea what I had to do to get this to you picked it up and moved it yeah I hope that huh I'm off I don't even remember all during any thank you so much to the sponsors of today's uh-huh that's not monster ah wait a second where were we oh yeah the aim of the game yeah what the hell do you even do in the game though it's quite simple really you play ass and Porter bridges Sam Porter bridges more like Jim tater wedges and taking away the fact that he can come back from the dead which ends up playing massively into the story all he knows is delivering that's his life day after day you're sent around by higher-ups trying to rebuild America after a world catastrophe but they can't do that without your unique skills centered around delivering [ __ ] once you're able to reach certain areas you can connect them into the giant communications grid as it were allowing them to not only keep in the loop with everyone else but send and receive vital packages of their own in order to carry on rebuilding this desolate and broken country by using their own unique skills the reason this is such a difficult task that not just anybody can do though is that the world although empty is dangerous and nobody really wants to go out and deliver things themselves for fear of death and if the wrong people die how are we gonna fix murk the world itself not only attacked people and cargo with this rain called timeful that aggressively Ages anything it touches but also has plenty of rogue camps out on the field of evil people trying to stop all deliveries in the world steal supplies and capture the entire world for themselves to be honest though as far as I saw they aren't really a problem they barely put up any kind of a fight at all especially when you get a projectile weapon later on also after this mysterious event called the death stranding happened beings known as brick Turner appeared on the cusp between life and death to attack any other living thing you can't see them you can't fight them off and whenever they claim a victim a huge explosive crater is left in their wake this is why nobody wants to go outside themselves and where you connect everything so who is the best person for such a difficult job Oh No postman by taking any and all orders from everyone around you you pick up boxes of important crap throw them on your back and deliver them to their destination or put them in a post box for someone else where you can then get more stuff to make your job easier and carry more important supplies to get to other places so that everyone can make new gadgets together and fix the world you were essentially a human shield for the bigger and brainy a lot using their inventions to try fixing everything from behind the walls of a bunker while you risk everything sending it out you're an expendable asset to a degree and boy are you made to feel like that if I can give the game credit somewhere it's that you feel like someone being worked to the bone with the weight of the world on your shoulders oh I gets it Seamus very subtle and you at least aren't as fragile as a toothpick when you're thrown into any and all stealth and combat situations you are capable of defending yourself you just aren't exactly shadowed the headshot that's that baby you carry around on your chest does have a purpose it's not just weird for the sake of it he can detect the location of invisible enemies and such and you can end up carrying way more than you'd ever expect in fact you end up looking like a giraffe for 75% of the game and it's so stupid here's the thing though aside from the time for being a constant worry these moments of being hunted by ghosts or intercepted by evil people are so infrequent in comparison to the endless and tiresome amounts of walking and delivering you'll be doing this here this is basically all of the footage I captured for nearly 10 hours of gameplay and no matter how brilliant it gets if the curtain is lifted after a certain point in the story it's still hours and hours of this the best way I can think of it is that death stranding is Crazy Taxi but without the crazy or the taxi so it's just man the easier difficulty options may recommend you pick them if you have little experience in action games but I can assure you right here and now at least from the hours I play this is not an action game you can make any and all claims about the core of the game being the entire point that the lowest of the working class are vital in rebuilding and reconnecting everyone in our world how we take what we have for granted and how the game is supposed to be monotonous because you're supposed to feel like a fatigued errand boy and sympathize more with the unappreciated people in our world but at the end of the day the game still wants me to play it in this state in order to reinforce the themes of the story and I'd be absolutely fine with that if this were in an indie experimental game that costed a fifth of the price and lasted me a few hours at most I mean the vanishing of Ethan Carter is one of my favorite games of all time that has barely anything in it but walking but that is a $20 game that lasts for four to five hours and does a lot more with itself in that time in terms of wild exploration and story this is a $60 game that has you repeatedly doing the same pain for these slow delivery stuff for tens of hours tens of hours in fact how long does it take most people to finish the game oh yeah roughly 50 hours takes Shadow of the Colossus for a second there's a lot of elements in that game that are similar to death stranding but it all feels like it has greater purpose not only because you get a totally epic and unforgettable boss waiting for you after the long empty tracks but you feel the isolation and get the point that the game wants to hammer into you they want you to experience the downtime to strengthen the narrative it makes you realize how small you are you question if you're doing the right thing and you feel everything it needs you to feel in six to eight hours that's how long it needs it doesn't overstay its welcome and provides a unique experience that isn't conventionally very action-packed or thrilling for a lot of it now imagine if Shadow of the Colossus lasted for 50 hours and maybe you'll see what my issue is debt stranding succeed in making you feel a certain emotion in its gameplay but in my opinion it takes it way too far I don't see the artistic value in making the gameplay as dull as it is for this long making the scope this huge especially when there's a very interesting story accompanying it that I'd like to see very much and if I was supposed to question anything on these tracks all I wanted about was if there was an apocalypse in the future with the only thing left to be monster energy monster energy it gives you the strength and energy to throw the rest of it away I can't even say it's like one of those truck simulator games where the entire point is - just drive for hours on end in real time because at least there you know what you're getting you're buying a simulator and typically once you're set up in a simulator you can allow yourself to zone out and just enjoy the minimalism and simplicity you can relax here and I would say the same for death stranding except there's too much maintenance and babysitting going on which never allowed me to enjoy my surroundings or get lost in the atmosphere there's so many gauges meters menus worrying about the state of your packages stress levels of your baby state of your shoe stopping and starting to grab more packages and life-saving supplies stamina refilling building items to climb difficult terrain easier and even a balanced mechanic that you constantly need to correct by either holding each trigger down every so often to shift the weight of your deliveries on your back or by holding both triggers down all of the time to keep your balance but slow you write down all of this stuff in any other context would be depth but here it's just the game nagging at me when I'm already bored just walking everywhere they were annoyances and interruptions more than management mechanics to me and I couldn't get sucked into the world further what the names in this gaben bloody dumb die Hardman was what's that about you we're just putting movie titles as names in our games now with the landing man on the end if that's the case where's Shrek tumor the first time in the game where I felt like any kind of meaningful stakes were on the line came in for me at the six and a half hour mark no I'm not joking that was the first time I felt engaged with the game and like I was affecting something like I had to organically react to something it was five hours before I found my first vehicle to make travel faster and easier it was eight hours before I could use a projectile weapon to deal with groups of enemies much faster it was eight and a half hours before I could start building my own vehicles in case my current one got destroyed or the battery ran out and I couldn't build a generator at that time but ultimately these upgrades don't matter to me because whether you're using a vehicle creating ladders and ropes for easy climbing using exoskeletons to carry more and run faster cradling your baby whenever it's stress or even taking advantage of the online features to give items to other players or share vehicles and even build new structures to make traveling easier it's all to facilitate the same exact pedestrian gameplay you've been doing for hours and hours beforehand but just slightly faster even extends to the side quests which are just more and more deliveries exactly what you're doing for the main quest none of the new mechanics or upgrades improved my experience it just made it less painful as painful as some of the glitches I found though no no not as painful as them I mean they're funny and everything but they also totally messed up while I was in the middle of doing so that's not great is it sunny Jim jeez Louise look at me growl also Norma's readin is disgusting he uses the toilet doesn't wash his hands and that strokes all over his face I know instead of getting poo germs off our fingers let's take a selfie oh yeah the online czar thing in this game isn't it so much like how the game is supposed to make you feel totally alone and everything as an individual there are some glimmers of hope in the form of other online players delivering other things at the same time as you just not in your world linking into the theme of Technology and connectivity in the story you can all leave signs for each other for hints tell each other to not give up build bridges for easy crossing of canyons leave ladders behind to get across deep bodies of water and even work together to complete construction of loads of different travel routes by chipping in your own collected resources this stuff is all useful and it was nice to see how far other people would go to make sure your own deliveries are made as smooth as possible and I also like being told to keep on keeping on every so often but if this was supposed to make me think about how amazing connectivity is and how social interaction is important even if you never see who you're affecting no sorry I don't get it not just because you only do things for other players for the sake of getting more likes to increase your rank and get more items meaning it's ultimately selfish but in hindsight it's also depressing because it only served to remind me that I'm not the only one boring myself to tears running around a load of rocks for two hours at a time not even the incredible visuals and use of music gripped me it just made me think hmm I'd rather just go out myself get some exercise and look at the wonders of nature in real life so I did see this here these are called the wookie hole caves they're in Somerset England and became a tourist attraction once archaeologists discovered the bones of an old woman living inside them with a perfectly spherical crystal ball starting the legend of the witch of woe keyhole the caves are genuinely breathtaking and are even right next to cheddar gorge a colossal series of limestone valleys that reminds me a lot of death strandings visuals that's caressed say hello Karis did you also know that level 2 on the NES game Battletoads was named after this series of K and not after Star Wars like everyone seems to think hmm well that was fun wasn't it back to peeing on a rock candy what the hell you doing baby alone I'm pretending I means that stranded so we've all seen human enemies many a time before in other games and honestly yeah I can't say much about them here the stealth works fine the combat works fine the idea of them looking to steal all of your packages and you being able to steal their stuff and return is fine so what about the more interesting aspect of the game the BTS what are they what did they do this is one of the things the game tries to stick out from the crowd with entire sections of stealth with invisible enemies that your baby can only point towards and flash your radar faster as they get closer you have to remain still hold your breath if they get too close it's all a bit again if these encounters improve as the game goes on I don't care because in my opinion it takes way too long for that to happen if that is true up until where I stopped playing these things posed barely any kind of threat at all and aren't that creepy mostly because you can't see anything every single encounter of BT's for me wasn't a nail-biting life on the line situation it was a delay you know when you play slender and whenever you see the Slenderman you just need to go the opposite direction that's exactly what you do here it's a constant game of re-routing your sat-nav due to a road blockage you can't see they're slow not very exciting not tense and oh my god if you have a vehicle on you you could just drive by them without a care in the world totally breaking this mechanic in half the only part where I fell any kind of tension or panic was at this part here where I tried to bike up a rocky Highland like a dumbass and ended up getting caught by the BET's I lost my bike a ton of packages fell off my back and then I was randomly swept away back down the hill straight into the mouth of this Chinese way this bit was fantastic I was lost confused freaking out and then I escaped the thing only to see my bike returned with all of my missing packages and nothing else was affected it was just an inconvenience again it was just a delay and even better after going through with all of this I still ended up s ranking the delivery anyway so again I wondered what indeed the point of the BET's were in fact whether it was a side quest or main quest whatever happened to me however long it took however far I traveled I still ended up s ranking practically everything delivery I did I just kept on s ranking and that's cool and all but I don't know why I was s ranking so every single one felt like a hollow victory in fact when it came to another part later on I even let the beetee's deliberately catch me just to see if I could get another one of those cool oily squid whales and I did and but I got this cool wolf looking thing instead and I was stocked up on weapons to fight it so instead of running away like last time I was able to fight it and I had fun at this point I had to let the bad guys nearly kill me in order to feel engaged with what I was doing the real funny thing about all of this though is that I tried being clever on the first boss the main bad guy Higgs told me that I should let his pet monster eat me if I was tired of the grind and wishing for an end to it all so you know what I did I figured hmm this is a kijima game the dude is famous for putting wacky Easter eggs and clever fourth wall breaking bosses level solutions in his game so I tried something a little funny here I thought how about I let the boss flattered me and you know what happened when I let it do that I died got a game over and had to restart I thought that might have been the point I thought I was supposed to be tired of the grind and figured I take the bad guy up on his offer just to see if something happened secret dialogue a trophy a new pair of pants I could wear in the game anything but no I just got a game over so in the end in a game where I'm supposed to be fighting the bad guys I ended up agreeing with the bad guys like I said at the beginning of this video though this emotion for me right now is all stemming from disappointment because I can see every single thing the game does brilliantly I don't hate death stranding at all but I just don't understand why it takes so long to get going or why it fights with you for as long as it does and it just completely lost me and when I mention this on Twitter loads of people were telling me oh just give it one more hour but that's not the point cuz I'm giving one more hour of an already 9 to 10 hour journey that I didn't enjoy so I don't think the game has earned anymore of my own time and personally if I was looking for one particular thing of a game everything that death stranding had to offer me so far has been done better with a variety of other games already do I want a walking simulator that takes this minimalistic gameplay organically weaves it into the story and doesn't anywhere near as much I'll play Firewatch do I want an utterly giant open-world with ridiculous scope that allows me to traverse practically anywhere at my own pace I'll play breath of the wild do I want to feel totally alone but with the subtle online mechanics working in the background centered around me being able to help other players and other games while remaining in single-player and with this distant sense of camaraderie as the other players leave me hints and messages to remind me that I'm not as alone as I feel I'll play Dark Souls do I want stealth mechanics in a huge open world with endless possibilities I'll play Metal Gear Solid 5 another Kojima game even for eye candy do I want something that just looks breathtaking and nothing else but also has better animations and realism as I react to the environment and has a more engrossing truckload of gameplay possibilities with a brilliant story I'll play Red Dead Redemption - and come on seriously those tripping over animations and death stranding are downright laughable and when you jump around the world you look like a member of the goof troop if you're asking me the characters and the world are all the Deaf stranding really has going for it at least where I decided to stop playing where I couldn't take any more well that and the BB noises coming out of the controller that's pretty cute which means I'm not entirely done with death stranding just yet I think I just might watch a couple of cutscene sets on YouTube or something I don't want to play the game anymore and while I'm watching those cutscenes I'm going to be drinking monster energy the sponsors of today's video [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you want oh I love ending oh boy boy boy it's a game that has all the younglings slaughter I what can I get him he's got a very punchable face can't wait to play with the force what kind of insane magic do you think we can do Star Wars the film series where there's plenty of stars but usually only one war I like Star Wars a lot I'm not a die-hard fan or anything but am i excited for rise of Skywalker yeah so I figured hey why don't we take a look at that new Star Wars game that nobody's talking about Jedi fallen order but before we get into it we need to pick our difficulty and I think I'm gonna go with Jedi Master because if you seen what happens to the grandmasters you know something I wasn't expecting to hear in this game Jedi rock music that the kids listen to on their headphones good lord what do you think that's like it sounds like someone being sick my favorite okay running around now this is a lovely train isn't it hang on a second I think someone put the wrong game in this can't be Star Wars the stormtroopers are hitting me okay hold your horses yeah well done what is going on here first of all we're listening to Nicki the Hutt and all of a sudden we're being attacked but somebody so this game takes place in between Episode three Revenge of the Sith and Episode four a new hope the galaxy wide extinction of the Jedi Order has already happened thanks to Darth Sidious Vader has already been in command of the stormtroopers for a few years and you are a Jedi in hiding oh like obi-wan there is all your name is Kal and you're a ginge yes and while in hiding you have a best friend at your day job known as rock which doesn't sound too bad with an American accent but with a British accent he's called prof. and that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard one day the Empire finds out there's a Jedi hiding in your workplace that's you just in case you couldn't guess and after a daring escape you hook up with a band of raggle taggle rogues with a lady called seer and a four-armed nightmare monster called freezy breeze made these three trees fries grease you find out that the Empire are looking for a special map that has the location of all the remaining force-sensitive children in the galaxy which means that if they find it then the Jedi could face complete annihilation with no hope for a bright future and so by working together you go on the hunt to reach the map before the Empire due by using your own ship to jump all over the galaxy help kal rediscover his old Jedi abilities he's lost over the years since the Jedi Masters were initially wiped out and you see as ex jedi ability of being able to detect kids that makes way more sense in the story believe me to find the next batch of younglings and restore the Jedi Order because if out out this story isn't amazing but it gets the job done nicely it's not exactly that bad either it's just nothing groundbreaking it feels like a side story because it is a side story it's nowhere near as integral to the main saga as something like rogue one is for a side story but it does feature enough twists sad moments and badass moments to hit all the right spots for a simple to follow story that's entertaining to go through the characters are all memorable and likable or hateable depending on what they're going for and there's great flourishes in the stories such as how they paint the Jedi Order as an incredibly flawed system therefore giving decent motivations to some of the more nasty people in the story and there's even this great moment during one of Cal's flashbacks where you relive the moments right before exit sixty-six happens we're all the clone troopers turn on the Jedi Masters and during this flashback you know it's coming because everyone's talking about it behind your back and then during some training exercise you get surprised when you see a clone trooper suddenly aiming dead at you which further throws you off since it just turns out he's testing you for the exercise you're doing this is a great moment I've got a little bone to pick with our main character cow you know the guy on the front cover that I said I could deck in the face problem is at the beginning of the game he has a little bit of a mouth on him and he doesn't know how to shut it did you get here how did you get here that's a really big bug you are not approved trash trash just not proved trash yeah it took me a few hours to warm to him he's not awful or anything but to start with he has something to say about everything flapping his mouth off like nobody's business not adding anything to anything and for a while his dialogue did feel a little bit forced well I mean at least he has anything like this Johnny in that old Star Wars ps1 game the rebel fighter is hovering rings my mind oh no Cal no what are you doing put that guitar down with that hair we don't need a Star Wars edgy arrow although saying that Ed Sheeran looks like he came from Star Wars anyway as we get into the game itself though I have to apologize for something very wrong in this upcoming video some of the footage you're going to be seeing is around 30 fps and the rest of its going to be 40 to 60 because for a game about geniuses that can read people's minds and push things by literally pointing a finger at them it wasn't clever enough to tell me that there's a hidden ps4 Pro performance mode in the options menu of the game and you know what let's start off by talking about that fallen order as a whole looks pretty terrific except for Cal's face I mean what the as a whole it does make you feel like you are in a part of the Star Wars universe zipping and zapping around it and not just because you're able to cut and slice the grass like a Jedi gardener that's why they called it ground fault it just looks so authentically Star Wars at least the original trilogy Star Wars you know that dank and swampy rusted technology aesthetic it looks great and like the rock music you got to hear at the very start you experienced one to one more of the culture of the planets of Star Wars on how a lot of the flora and fauna react to intruders especially the hostile wildlife and how they behave when they're unaware of your presence they fight each other and chip their own health bars down they hunt other humans which can be used to your advantage and hell they even eat old bodies that perished only recently since the game is set between episode 3 and 4 as well you get to see remnants of battles from the prequels on certain planets as well as glimmers of what's to come for the future of the saga chronologically it's a great mix and the detail gone into the lightsaber combat animations are to die for gorgeous I mean seriously look how cool this is and I don't know about you guys but I was left in all the first time I used my lightsaber to light up a dark cave I don't know it's the little things it looks great very oh the question I have to pose to all of you today is well is this worth the sometimes dreadful framedrops that can often lead you to death totally out of your control yes I'm playing this game on the ps4 why not on the PC because full origin that's why and I did initially buy the game on Steam but then when I booted it up for the first time and it asked for my origin account login information I decided this team could go be yourself too but even with performance mode on and the ps4 Pro fallen order likes to stutter a lot and texture pop-in is a little too frequent for my liking is this enough for me to get angry no because I think the game succeeds in too many other places for me to get that furious and I mean this game is so vast and huge it's understandable to a degree but at the same time this is such a reaction heavy game so a better frame rate would have been very appreciated ever seen a place like this before yeah it's amazing it's almost like it isn't even there a game itself is an action adventure and I haven't enjoyed a Star Wars action adventure as much as this since Star Wars bounty hunter on ps2 if that game was the Star Wars answer to Tomb Raider then this game is the Star Wars answer to Tomb Raider though I think Lara Croft is much smarter than Cal I don't know isn't it a little dangerous leaving that thing on while it's in your pocket can where the game shines though is with the combat it's what you're doing for most of the game and I really bloody enjoyed it dodge rolling parrying reflecting bullets lock on targets you can switch between it's all very lords of the fall even get meditation pads to rest out that restore all of your meters and health packs at the expense of respawning all the enemies in the area and you can even level up here with skill points you earn from beating enemies to be fair though this is more like Sakura than Dark Souls you don't collect points to spend on different attributes you gather xp until you clock over one additional skill point and if you die you lose all the XP you gathered up until your banked skillpoint but don't worry you can always get it back by damaging the culprits and you reach them by utilizing many shortcuts you unlock to loop back to earlier parts of the level so when you next need to rest you don't need to travel as far to reach them sound familiar yeah me neither and by the way you don't just have a lightsaber but also force abilities you get throughout the story meaning slowing enemies down pushing enemies back or pulling them towards you during all of your other tactical approaches to battle that I'll get into in a minute and those skill points they don't just upgrade based strength or defense that's dull you instead get a metric bun load of new moves to play with that can turn the tables in battle very quickly or are just incredible fun to use the game isn't easy it's actually pretty challenging but it isn't too hard either it's a decent balance but does favor more to the hardcore crowd than casual like there's no stamina bar and healing is really quick but enemies are sometimes faster than you can stun lock you if you aren't careful and hit you like a truck most of the time you will lose in this game this is basically Star Wars sick hero but just a bit easier I mean I lost on the tutorial if that gives you any idea you know how I knew that I'd really enjoy this game before I played it when i looked up the amazon reviews and everyone was whinging about how hard it was also like insecure oh there's minimal iframes with the dodging meaning that the game is more about positioning your body during the combat and pre-planned roles since sidestepping only gets you so far even when attacks are just about to hit you you have to allow hits to come to you so you can time a counter guard which sometimes opens up the enemy to a one-hit takedown but often it's more like a tennis match of waiting for a string of Perry's by you needing to guard at the very last moment before being attacked then attack back and then parry in response to their counter-attack to chip down the enemy's stamina meter so that they can stop guarding you sometimes you need to bait their attacks parry and then immediately dodge their counter and attack them from behind since they're counter to your parry is too quick to even guard the next one let alone parry it back and with certain enemies they can stun lock you very easily every enemy and boss big or small provides a totally different approach for lightsaber and best use of your unlocked abilities along with the force which is great for use in crowds like when force pushing a group of enemies off a ledge or when you slow down a melee enemy to heal or take care of other ranged enemies safely while the melee attacker is slowed down you even get the incredible double lightsaber blades for a better crowd coverage at the cost of low attack and this gives you extra benefits like infinite blaster rebounding straight back to enemies if you parry the first one correctly and keep holding the guard button down even better if you're brave this upgrade is in the early game if after you finish the first proper planet you explore you go to Dathomir as early as possible which is very difficult for this early in the game for the lack of health and upgrades you have but once you reach the end point that you're able to explore - you unlock the double lightsaber for use in every other point of the game making the other more bearable planets that you could have picked first even easier as you can deflect every single shot fired at you from clumps of stormtroopers with the infinite bullet rebound ability I mentioned earlier when usually you just have to time each individual guard for each individual bullet to rebound them back with the single blade much like what my masseuse said when she took my socks off there's a lot to work with here even the force meter to do force moves and the special high damage attacks I prefer massively to something like God of War on ps4 since instead of a simple cooldown time to get the force meter back up again so you can exploit the special moves over and over again you have to land successful hit and get into the combat Nittis and gritties in order to refill it then rewarding you with the chance to use more powerful moves the strategy is never as simple as spamming attack and rolling over and over again or guarding and countering over and over again or chipping down health and running away over and over again and for most of the game it's an extremely tricky yet engaging dueling system that tests your reflexes and attention to the max and because of the sheer speed of everything even gang encounters feel more doable than in something like Dark Souls 2 some beasts can even hide in nests and spring out at you or damage you heavily after you manage to slice them open so you're constantly on your toes and you never know what's around the next corner keeping everything fresh and exciting some of the bosses from being absolute pops know what I'm about to say does not apply to every single boss but some of these guys have Dark Souls 2 levels of record player spinning in place as they track you right before they perform any attacks sometimes even during the attack and the teleportation in the grabs my lord this waste should be illegal look I'm totally down with more position based combat instead of exploiting iframes but when you're given absolutely no chances to avoid or get away from certain attacks I make noises like a boy I found in a cave in the first proper level of the game was called embargo and was an absolute battle for no good reason at all and since he's encountered at the very beginning of the game I'm sure he's the reason most players quit he's relentless and every single grab an unblockable attack is potentially fatal with his broken hip boxes and teleporting grants i've got no issue at all with him being a high-level enemy for the early game being too shorted by him with my tiny health bar is totally fair but that does not excuse his bugged move set and the real funny thing is that no other single boss or enemy from that point onwards is this difficult or broken nope not even the final boss who's hard don't get me wrong but nowhere near as hard as this Angry Frog slug for this point that you discover it and why he's at the start of the game makes no sense to me at all you know what he reminds me of that troll in Dark Souls 2 yeah that troll the hardest and most glitchy enemy in the entire game that they put at the very beginning of the game because and because of this I thought maybe I was supposed to come back to him later but oh no I wasn't gonna let him beat me I'm as stubborn as a mule wait a snowmobile yeah I waited until I got the healing stim so I could healed twice during the battle but once I got them I went straight back into the lion's den and made some strike yeah I like mine medium rare peg if you're stuck at this point of the game take my advice stay as close as you can only tap dodge to get away from his bites roll away only at the red attacks and make sure you roll only at the last possible second because this twice oak will follow you until the very last second during the charger funnily enough by the time these things became regular enemies ten minutes later I had no trouble with them at all because I had so much practice with dodging their broken hip boxes from the boss pal but that learning curve for the very start of the game was unnecessarily brutal by the way why does Cal in the pause menu look like he's being told off by his math teacher sure Miche I'm really sorry please don't get the wharfs oh by the way why is going on with some of the enemy behavior I don't mind them being agroed when you're a certain distance from them it happens in Dark Souls and such and it helps you manage large groups a fair bit well I mean - moments like this this this is just this is just creepy I'm talking more about stuff like when they randomly decide to pop out of thin air and gang shave you I mean luckily this only seemed to happen to me on Dathomir but still what is this all about how am I supposed to react to this I'm so right now nothing is gonna calm me down let me rub you miserable sack of spit [Music] I'm not angry what are you talking about yeah you know what bd1 has calmed me right down and you want to know why because he's got one big this little guy is like sparks the dragon fighter Spyro he's your assistant you could almost call him a birdie he scans objects around the levels for heaps of interesting law information in case you don't know what a storage crate is with the tap of a button he gives you a quick health injection that refills every time you rest at a checkpoint or get a game over and after you knock down any enemy for the first time he can scan their information which directly gives you hints and the ideal methods of fighting them in the future if you found the enemy particularly difficult oh and by the way thanks so much for subtitling every sound effect he makes mr. game it's not like he's actually saying it oh babe the vault yeah that's where I was headed to break trail when you first meet this little robot though you get to customize your lightsaber at the same time and you bet your crack I went green as soon as possible blue is overrated get over it and once I was able to pick purple oh my god that's even better yeah boy I'm Samuel L Weasley you also do a lot of sliding in this game like a lot of sliding that there's so much sliding in this game why is there so much sliding is this star wars or Swanage the video game oh yeah this is a Star Wars game isn't it in which case let's talk about using that force now this is one of the major things that makes this game definitively Star Wars and once you mix it in with the combat it makes everything all the more experimental and fun you start off with the ability to slow down enemies for a second to get an easy hit in but then force push to well take a guess and then Force pull which can even give you the chance to grab some airborne robots and let bd1 hack them onto your side force push is easily my favorite by far though you can push rockets and grenades back at enemies and even upgraded to push entire groups of enemies off the edge of cliffs for an easy win and you may think that force low is a little pointless to begin with since the enemy speeds up again after you touch them often leading to you getting here but I used it more defensively slowing down enemies so that I could back off and heal then charge attacking back into the fray while they couldn't guard me these abilities also extend into non-combat situations though like with puzzles and hidden rooms where you need to push pull and slow down specific objects at certain times open other doors to other areas and get special loot these feel extremely tombraider ish and when i say that i mean new tomb raider ish there a nice change of pace honestly physics puzzles make perfect sense for someone with the force and it feels good to solve them since they aren't as blindingly obvious as you'd imagine some of these make me think a lot of the shrines in breadth of the wild actually and hey if you finish a puzzle and end up with nothing more than additional costumes or cosmetics for your lightsaber bd1 or your ship or even more law information to scan even though i loved reading all of that stuff and seeing all the costumes I could get it doesn't matter if you don't enjoy any of that because you still get a dump load of XP to build up to another skill point anyway so you get gameplay benefits for solving puzzles too which feels even more like Lara Croft and I really like how you're using the force to listen to the echoes of the past it's a really cool idea where where way hang on a bleeding hole who's this uber niba no key in fact to further utilize the falls into the gameplay they make the skill tree menu contextual by making you have to meditate at a checkpoint to access it and the reason you've forgotten all of these moves that you need to unlock again is because after order 66 happens you have got more and more disconnected from the force as the years have gone on so the more you do in the game the more experience you literally and metaphorically save up and the more you're able to remember from your older Jedi days by meditating and concentrating to fund all that stored experience into a new memory which also explains why older Jedi are so much more powerful it's all about the experience and channeling that experience now it's just more literal with it being and again it keeps the forces this mysterious presence - instead of just this thing that you have made even more mystical by the correct decision to make Cal already a Jedi when the game begins so you never see him randomly get the force and don't see this random transition of this kid has made a glorious term ending midi-chlorians that must mean he can do the force real good while exploring on the extremely odd occasion you can even get yourself permanent extensions to your force meter health bar and an additional healing injection so it's always worth searching the levels from top to bottom and solving tiny puzzles every so often to see what you can find ah yeah as it turns out the loading times on ps4 can be pretty abysmal to be honest it doesn't happen everywhere but specifically it happened a lot here on the planet Kashyyyk whenever you're loading from a Foresti area to a more industrial area and it looks so goofy because Cal just kind of vibrates in place while the world craps its pants around it all in all it does end up having a bit of everything in it though despite the more obvious comparisons it's got a bit of uncharted with platforming and climbing around the world there's some new Tomb Raider games in here with the exploring for hidden items and puzzles there's mirrors edge with this insanely fun wall jump parkour system that very dastardly hides some secrets away from you brilliantly there's some dark sonio with its combat and approach to difficulty and most notably to me 3d Metroidvania this I wasn't expecting to see and to be fair it's not the biggest aspect of the game but as you grab new force abilities in BD one circuit upgrades the game that allows you to go back to previous planets and explore far more than you could have expected with areas you couldn't access before sometimes it's for story reasons sometimes it's optional but it's always a good feeling to come back to an early area after being overpowered and slice enemies in half that gave you such a hard time at the start or you could try solving the puzzle without the correct ability yet which means you just end up aggressively touching every single door ya Cal give that rock a good hard pack I think it likes to quit all pack much like other Metroidvania is the levels themselves are gargantuan and you'll be getting familiar with the ins and outs of the dozens of layers each of them have the more you fly back and forth and since there's no teleportation function you instead get this incredible map feature to help you link together all the different areas and shortcuts in the planet that you're on unexplored paths locked doors easily distinguishable floors it's all here and it's all pretty comprehensive and easy to read reminding me a lot of dead space actually Jedi fallen order was way more explorative than I ever could have expected it really is massive yet impressively it's not too bloated or repetitive since each planet has a huge variety of different visually and geographically designed sub locations that all link together making the interconnected areas feel like you're travelling through many of the different open stages within a singular giant stage in fact I even got a lot of ratchet and clank vibes from all the individual island venturing and ziplining / bottomless pits and the idea of leaping from planet to planet at your own accord it's got such an adventurous feel to it which keeps the pace nice and smooth the environment in each planet even has their own quasar telling you what you can jump on grab climb up or wall run across without being too in-your-face and obvious keeping the immersion up for those really struggling with the game too you can know the keys you move or you can always forego the experience points and scanning bonuses you'll get from fighting a difficult enemy and find one of the many alternate routes to loop yourself back around above below to the side there's so many pockets and little cabinets to discover mix this in with the lightsaber parry in combat with unlockable force moves and force powers for combat and exploring and you have a pretty fantastic time despite some of the issues that I've brought up and don't worry your mom didn't lose that rug in the living room last week Star Wars Jedi fallen order has it what is going on with these walkies man they look horrific well whatever the Wookiees may look whacky but as far as the sounds are concerned it feels like a John Williams Star Wars movie soundtrack in fact it's so convincing I was surprised he didn't write the score it can be emotional sweeping marching foreboding chaotic cathartic and uses plenty of the classic instruments you've come to expect from a William score when certain scenes need to play themselves out you know there's the bongos and a light percussion to drum up the mystery or suspense there's the woodwind and brass bouncing back and forth the more cheeky and laid-back moments and eerie ringing strings whenever you're hiding from something there's always something new to hear and it even dynamically reacts with what you're doing in the game whether you're searching a new location for the first time or battling it out against a million enemies all at once I was more caught off guard honestly by the high amount of moments the game decided it should let the visuals and atmosphere speak for itself there's a lot of quiet downtime for a lot of the planets where you just hear the sounds of nature and distant growls of monsters screaming at blaster shots from storm troopers and it all feels so alive when it does that it knows not to overwhelm you and for a huge game like this I appreciate that it's also great to hear how casual all of the storm troopers are despite the threatening murderous dictatorship they're working for and how they talk back and forth with water cooler chat while they think no one's looking it's reducing the quality of my posture and a name doesn't surprise me killed it even going as far as to write tall confident and bullying when you start fighting them Oh need to get scared and nervous the more of the group you start to cut down I also really liked how whenever you move with the lightsaber equipped it audibly reacts to how you move and much like how I feel about this hammer this is really good yet I fall in order on ps4 at least does have a few technical problems and as far as the whole game itself is concerned without the errors it's not the best thing I've ever played in my life but I was not disappointed at all I loved my time playing this and I think it's about time that companies started taking more risks with kid-friendly material like Star Wars and then making products and games with them that don't necessarily have to appeal to a more wider casual crowd because this is more niche due to its difficulty I can really appreciate that I mean how could I be disappointed with set pieces like this or this or even this and then you hijack it this really does feel like the blockbuster game of the holidays just in time for when the new movie launches provided that you go for a difficulty that isn't the easiest one the exploration and stuff is totally fine and the map feature will delight any completionist but in my opinion it's the combat that will give you the most enjoyment and mileage out of your time with the game sure it will be a little bit tough but push yourself and you may find that this is one of your favorite games of the year and this is a Star Wars game by EA can I just remind you you're done good good you did done good you know any jokes bTW my beep baby trill beep I don't know why boots real paper
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 2,297,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, jim, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, spacehamstergames, spacehamster, dykgaming, didyouknowgaming, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, completionist, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, retro, reviews, comedy, funny, jontron, brutalmoose, caddicarus seasons, complete season, season 13, complete, caddicarus season 13, caddicarus season, season 4, marathon, all episodes, compilation, best of, funniest moments, best moments
Id: mM0wi6Sjrf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 26sec (12326 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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