By the way, Can You Become a SuperHero | Final Episode

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today we're gonna be playing can you become a superhero we're going to make you guys help the elderly walk across the street before we go i would like to go to the armory okay we're helping the elderly oh and you don't assume there will be t-rex and like pterodactyls over there with dan being the game master no you know you know what you know what nobody look at me and i'll teleport into the armory oh my god they go that's okay fine allow it i guess that's awful sure dingo you teleport to the armory what do you want well i mean i'm getting a bunch of smoke bombs for myself sword and guns okay grenades yeah i kind of just like i grab a lot of guns and like big swords and then maybe i look at this like hand axe and i'm like why not sure you hear me from yelling from the other side all right so you guys all are decked out with weapons cut two you guys helping the elderly crosstalk with neck down a particle of dust touched you yeah there's like a rock in front of her and you just shoot the rock as you do steven you've seen to the future a person's about to get hit by the bus three i shoot the tires of the bus the tire of the bus hits the bus rolls killing 20 people inside oh my god save the elderly that was my objective saving the elderly that's all that matters it's a stranger it's a strange man okay the man lives he's like oh thank god you saved me my name is sean thank you so much for saving no problem sean just doing my job all right and shawn goes away all right what about the 20 minutes you go back to dan fury mission success great job helping daniel nearly cross the street yeah good job team and she got to see a show so the woman seemed very happy that's great all right now that i can trust you can you one second i gotta stop i gotta stop laughing trust is a very v you can only use trusted very loosely in this situation i can't narrate it what's our next mission we got this now that i can trust you you can totally trust us you have our award i can definitely trust you now you guys have proven yourself and i was wrong to ever doubt you yeah this is another bank incident there's a man who is going to destroy going to the street earth the earth he doesn't know it yet he doesn't know what he will but will he will i like this inevitably narration that's great i love that power okay his name is sean you're gonna go have to go and kill him isn't that the guy you just saved sean well the name sean is so generic you may as well call him john there's a picture of sean shown up in the hologram it's it's the guy you say okay he could have facial reconstruction surgery recent information has shown that he was supposed to die on a bus but somebody saved him we can't figure out who it is he also killed like 20 people it's awful damn this guy sounds like a villain i think we should bring you to justice right now by the way before you leave one warning about sean he does also have a superpower it's incredible luck that's all oh no i should not use my thing on him no i mean like luck isn't affected by intelligence though go ahead actually or so we say but it's dan we're talking about anything could happen so our strategy should be put him in a situation where he cannot avoid or you know blindfold him or stab his eyes out permanently wait a second i have a positive rapport with this guy i'll hear that cry wait wait i still want to ask do we get paid for this no it's a unpaid internship all right let's go wow sean lives in this blah blah apartment you can teleport there okay so no no dingo just teleport me there what about us what the hell actually you know teleport all of us we'll just hide okay that's actually a better idea let's do that all right you guys are outside his apartment i guess pizza delivery room service room service hello hey shawn was it who's this hey it's the guy who saved you yesterday i'm just here to do a follow-up evaluation about your health yeah i'm fine okay thanks bye click um this is stupid does he have a balcony or like stephen okay dingo teleport us there hosa make him stupid he's stupid now boom dumb big sean proceeds to destroy everything in his own house and can hosa stack his power yeah he can hosa keep on winking at sean until he has like negative two thousand iq that's a good idea to the point where he forgets to breathe all right just keep winking at him so like he's okay this is hard did you just suddenly become like the most powerful person from the group that you can literally wink somebody to death this is not gonna work i know daniel is gonna backfire this any time no no you wink at him like 25 times he becomes so immensely strong so powerful but he's dumb as a brick so he's not moving anymore oh thank god okay can we just like cut off his head or something no that sounds good he's so strong that he can't seem to get through his skin i mean i could teleport him on top of a volcano yeah i'll do this that's a good idea knowing that damn it um fudge a woman comes out of a different room say what are you doing please stop don't kill him no okay then i kill her what wait don't kill her don't kill her we don't know who this is no no no i have a family no please it's gonna backfire this is the long because i've gone without killing anyone inside this woman shawn's gonna go nuts and she's gonna destroy all of us ma'am this is uh this is an allergic reaction your husband is going through and we need to take him to oh uh god shoot her in her face so i need you to turn it down okay the hulk woman starts attacking you guys hey hosa keep on winking no stop now again no no you go to a battle with this woman bingo teleportation would be good anytime soon i agree i think i think we should just kill sean right now i am going to teleport him right on the edge of a volcano and then sparta kick him in dingo you teleport him to the edge of the volcano he's extremely heavy the heat's extremely intense so just drop him there leave him teleport away okay wait okay wait future sight says what what happens in three seconds nothing yet okay okay can you just stand by i'm thinking of just like i'll leave him there i'll kind of like slide down a bit on the other side and watch um okay you just sit there you see him sizzling he's not really burning because again his body is way too strong but he's still dumb as a brick so he's not moving i'm yelling at him oh you're yelling at him get it in the hole cut through j houston steven jay is still wrestling with the hulk woman um can i undo my wing no time oh time what's the only way how long when the plot is convenient enough oh great ah so i can't undo this situation oh as you say they slowly become smaller and smaller and i'm just beating the [ __ ] out of this woman and now you guys are returned to normal the crap out of this woman for no reason i mean after i broke her ribs arms and legs i think she's plenty restrained i agree cut two dingo and sean diego you see sean returning to normal and then he gets consciousness oh i'm gonna kick him in before you go up all the way to the volcano he comes down because it's really hot faster than teleportation well actually that's true but then he was watching dingo dingle can't teleport if no no shut up before dingo uh teleports the band's already down there who are you why are you trying to kill me well i mean stab his eyes it's my job screen unfortunately is my civic duty to murder you and then i'm gonna put down a smoke bomb and then i'm going to grab him and teleport him at the edge again but i'm going to push him into the volcano he falls down into the volcano no yay wait his luck stacks okay wait hey then go tell can you tell up more me there so i can start like collapsing the volcano in itself hey that's a good idea i think that's an overkill like no nothing's overkill all right let's do this who else wants to come this is you know the uber let's go i would love to see i would love to see this tinker you teleport stephen and jane to the volcano jay what do you do i just start clapping randomly i there's no burrs around here as you clap the volcano starts to collapse on itself this ordinary man named sean is dead good congratulations all right you guys can go back now all right uber take us back yeah her name's dingo you give me like five stars oh yeah no this is six stars all the way up a volcano all right that's a job well done good job guys but there's so many plot that that it's not solved who is sean who is this woman sean is a random person and the woman is just crazy woman i agree don't look into their personalities too much they're nothing more than filler characters yeah why do we care about npcs no but you all eventually returned to dan fury congratulations woo he did it [Applause] we should get paid though like just like that the unpaid intern saved the day once again goddamn what will happen next time did they actually save earth or did they just kill a random stranger because some dude with an eye patch told them to tune in next time wait wait a second yes tune in next time instant distrust unpainted turns and their adventures
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 4,150,807
Rating: 3.8837681 out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, superhero, superpowers, the boys, avengers, my hero academia, can you survive superhero, survive, hosuh, danplan, heroes, how to get superpowers
Id: tpe3BEjVR0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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