Buying a mountain top
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Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 4,168,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 33sec (11973 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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Guess what I'm doing for the next 3 hours 19 minutes and 33 seconds?
I'm at 1:54:10 currently. Dude amazes me in the stuff he does lol
I'm still hoping for a long video of the road. All the "dragging stuff up the mountain" vids really got me interested in seeing that turned into a road that doesn't require multiple people and serious heavy equipment to get cargo up.
He pushed it in here, but didn't finish it. Really interested to see that finished so the SUV can make it up with groceries or whatever.
Also, that second camper has been explained finally. It's been in some of the other peeks we got at the mountaintop . I just assumed his buddy had parked it up there, but apparently it's a backup (and probably provides guest camping space I suppose).
This video also explains the trail trimmer (he was bumping into trail overgrowth a lot up here), the crawler dump truck, and the log skidder (mentioned it twice, and we know he went and got one).
An hour of skidding the logs around would be cool too.
Three hours and twenty minutes of mountain grown heavy equipment, watching now.
great video!
I get a minecraft vibe from this video. new world and building you stair case to you mine.
Just chiming in to say Three Hours and Twenty Minutes!
watched it in 1 sitting
Found his castle. Where is his mountain top?
Watched it all, gonna spend some time on maps to track it down. Finally found his house. Obviously I'm not visiting, but he's on the other side of the mountain from me give or take