Busting Scary Minecraft Myths To Prove Them Wrong

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[Applause] did it to not sleep and then seen this Shadow watching your every move did you know seed at zero isn't actually impossible and is 3am actually cursed or is it just a clickbait abuse today we're testing Minecraft's scariest myths But first you combine the music discs are they hiding a terrifying secret message these are known as the cursed discs of Minecraft but what I find most strange is that there are hundreds of videos on the internet investigating each of these discs individually and what they mean but what do they mean together I couldn't find anything on it unless Mojang has actually been Banning these videos from YouTube let's see if this myth is real alright we've chucked them all in listen carefully okay we've got some footsteps someone's running and then screaming in a portal and a song bro all I hear it just sounds overlapping one another this doesn't mean anything we need to like sync them up somehow but we can't do that in Minecraft because this is when you place it in the block how can I get it to the exact millisecond I need to use something outside of Minecraft I I've managed to import the discs from Minecraft into this audio software that's the waveform for disc 13 that's the waveform for disc 11 and this is the waveform for disc five now while disc 5 and 13 are the same length 11 is not even half the size so I don't even know how we line this up because if they start the same exact same combinations of sounds we heard before maybe we need to reverse them after all disc 11 has different meaning if you reverse it that means we have to reverse each of these waveforms individually this is gonna take forever guys so while we wait does crying obsidian actually have a trapped inside it personally I believe this Theory might be true because we've seen stuff trapped inside of blocks before like Souls inside of Soul Sand but the strange thing with this block is the color of whatever is trapped inside of it has actually changed from Blue to purple now I can already see you guys type in the comments your history what are you talking about this has always been the texture for crying obsidian except it hasn't now you guys might not remember because it could be before you were born but back in 2012 crime obsidian was added to version 1.3 for just a few days and back then it had a totally different texture with blue cracks instead of as it was actually crying real tears so why did Mojang feel the need to change it to a portal color unless what else was released during the same time as this update guys wait amethyst that's the same color this was also added in this update so maybe they're connected maybe this block could be the portal source for this it has the same color and everything I spent hours researching but I found nothing about amethysts and portals being connected was this myth a lie was I looking in the wrong place ah okay new Theory maybe it has nothing to do with amethyst what if it has everything to do the ruin portal after all this is the only structure in the game that spawns with crying obsidian and if you look around it kind of seems like the portal exploded and released part of the nether so what if at some point the portal got so unstable that it actually trapped the portal inside of the crying obsidian after all they are the same color except there's no evidence of these portals ever exploding like even if you break them they don't blow up wait a minute there is actually evidence it was added in the same update or maybe just the update before the respawn anchor if you put glowstone in here it looks like another portal and if you fill it up too far it blows up and that could be the reason why crying obsidian has been created and you know what else has the exact same color of purple the Enderman and particularly when the Enderman is teleporting look at this ready we've tossed that boom purple particles the exact same color as in the crying obsidian so maybe they're harnessing that power in order to teleport but Power Enderman using this block to teleport is there a way we can release its power and if so could it then allow us to teleport anywhere we want it might not be impossible and speaking of impossible does seed zero actually not exist or is Mojang lying to us and secretly using this seed to hide something away maybe even a band entity so if we go to create a world and in the seed box we just type zero see it allows us to do that it doesn't stop us you think if it was an impossible seed it would like give you an error or something and be like you can't use that but just loads fine what we're just 300 and now it's loading terrain what what is going on I thought this seed was impossible I thought it was just gonna crash my game but I literally have a world right yeah I can see it with my own two eyes and it looks pretty normal to me this is just a planes buying bro what wait we are on seat zero right now what that ain't no zero your sword I typed in zero so the game literally just forces you to not load a zero how does it do that so it must figure out that I've typed in zero and just change it what turns out a seed with the number zero does not exist because for any seed to generate something it needs a value to Define its generation and zero would create nothing but I wasn't ready to give up there had to be a way to trick the game no am I reading this right guys hold up it says seed zero but it says the seed is a budget is a random alphabet letters out here how does these letters give you the c0 but I can see in the screenshot he has zero okay there's no way this works right d d n q a v b j how does that equal zero okay I I must be getting clickbaited right now unless I'm not it's loading up it seems to be working I mean why wouldn't it it's just a bunch of letters and again a totally normal Minecraft world yeah okay just like the other one nothing seems weirder out in the ordinary okay no I definitely got clickba right now if we do slash saying it shouldn't just give us the letters right slash Sade and what it's true it's this is Riff okay I mean it didn't have the weird Woodland Mansion thing but this is actually zero I've done it we've busted the first part of this Theory but the real question now is what is Mojang been hiding in the scene why did they feel the need to ban it in order to protect players there were tons of tutorials online on how to summon Mojang's so-called banned entity and I tried them but nothing worked bro that's literally like the 16th thing I've tried I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or it's because I'm in creative mode but I think this is something you guys are gonna have to try for yourself let me know can you load scene zero but that's not even close to Minecraft's biggest secret do the pillagers actually corrupt allies and force them to become vexes but do these mobs even looked at similar I mean this guy has like these little flappy wings that look like sticks and wait a minute hold up the texture looks almost exactly the same on the Vex and they're both obviously little ghosts that fly around and even down to the color this is just a darker shade of blue as if the live has been sucked out of him and if we give this man and I installed that actually looks like a Vex that looks just more alive if this theory is true then how did the pillagers crop the Allies in the first place and why why and there's one place that will answer all of our questions the home of the Pillager the Woodland Mansion all right let's see here guys do we have anything that hints towards allies whatsoever okay giant Pillager statue is a little bit self-obsessed but still nothing to do with Adelaide these are literal jail cells are the pillagers experimenting with them or even torturing them the only issue I've personally never seen any evidence that the pillagers are running experiments on the alleys so maybe it's something they do themselves I mean pillagers can attack stuff indicators have axes a vocals have magic and when you kill an Avoca it drops a totem of undying and these kind of look like an ally with like their little wings and everything what if the Allies that don't become vexers are forced into totems if this is true can they do this to any mob and even you but what's worse is what the shadow man can do to you reports claim a shadow version of a player with one key difference the shadow has something on his head that looks almost like a top hat but how could this exist in Minecraft now when I think about where the scariest shadows in Minecraft are the first thing that comes to mind are the caves except for there to be scary Shadows we actually need shadows and if you Casey had a notice by default nothing in Minecraft has shadows in order to save computer power so since the shadow man is an entity and it is a shadow I figured we need to turn entity Shadows on but what kind of Shadow am I even looking for because Minecraft Shadows look at me it's literally just a circle that that is not scary in the slightest but Minecraft isn't the only place where shadow man has been seen there are thousands of reports of people all over the world waking up in the middle of the night who sees shadow man and a suddenly unable to move green so if I just stop moving that means the shadow man will strike how long do I have to start moving for I don't I don't get the rules of this game I I don't understand so instead I searched every corner of the cave but nothing happened does something need to happen to cause him to appear wait I've I've read somewhere that the shadow man attacks people in real life who don't get enough sleep causing something called sleep paralysis and this is where your brain is awake but your body just isn't so you could scream as loud as possible and nothing would happen your body would just be completely silent and in Minecraft if a player sleeps for three nights in a row Phantoms start to appear so maybe these mobs aren't real they're just hallucinations visions that are part of this sleep paralysis so to test this if we just stay awake for what like 10 nights that should be able to prove it in the meantime let's try and prove if the 3am curse is real oh my gosh I am so tired y'all it is literally 3 A.M in the morning I've set up all night to test this theory for you guys so please Please Subscribe and I'm literally risking sleep paralysis on my other game right now we need to change the time in Minecraft to also 3am now Minecraft time is weird 6 000 is midday which means that 12 000 is midnight so 15 000 must be three a.m look there it is that's where the Moon is right now in real life and in Minecraft which is kind of creepy now the 3M M curse is also known who's the devil's hour this is the time and day when unexplainable paranormal events happen such as things just appearing or Vanishing Into Thin Air and Spruce Pine is often known as one of the scariest biomes for this to happen and wait did you see that guy's there wait there wait every time I look at just a bit guys rewind the footage are you seeing that you just haven't seen it bro wait am I seeing things around or not I swear everywhere I look here they just disappear okay am I just really tired that I'm saying things now wait I'm recording replay footage we can check that I searched through my entire replay footage analyzing every frame but still found nothing was I hallucinating yep that's me just running around like a madman looking for entities in the trees that don't exist like obviously I I should have seen those entities nearby right because that's where I saw them before but I've actually searched this entire forest and haven't seen anything that would be out of the ordinary literally nothing I honestly guys I think my mind is playing games with me I'm just gonna go to sleep warning the footage you're about to see is extremely terrifying watch at your own risk [Music] okay if I am terrified right now okay I'm sorry that this camera quality is so bad and it's so dark but I'm literally just taking a nap on the couch here at the office it is like what 5 a.m right now in the morning after I film that bid I'm sorry I don't have a camera already I think the camera's upstairs in my studio but like I just gotta woken up because the light the light on that downstairs just turned on it just turned on and I I swear I saw a shadow like come up across the Timber and the vanish I wish I could on a video but I was literally like half asleep I don't know where there I'm saying things right now but I think it's about a good time and I need to check whether we're up to 10 days on the Minecraft world but I I I'm not sleeping here anymore I'm not I can't sleep to this office anymore I'm terrified just for everybody who doesn't believe me right now look at that the game literally says I am on day 10. so now we're just looking for a shadow and yep I don't see one has it escaped out of Minecraft into real life okay no you don't honestly saying stuff like that is just freaking myself out I don't actually believe that but I can't seem to spot it maybe where the thing I saw in real life was a realistic Shadow but we don't have realistic shadows in Minecraft so maybe if we enable like a Shader pack here guys that will give us realistic lighting and therefore realistic Shadows holy guys bro using shaders makes everything so much more scary with realistic Shadows it is so dark everything's a shadow how am I going to spot this Shadow entity wait guys that that shape in the in the dark it even has a hat no no I don't really do it but just as I was about to shut down my PC and leave I've Got a notification the audio it's finally been reversed but what does it sound like what do we hear silence wait no I hear something it just sounds like static bars we cannot understand anything what is that this can't be right I have to be missing something no that would be too obvious unless that's what they want us to think guys I have a crazy idea these discs are named 5 13 and 11. what if that's the number of seconds we have to wait before putting them in the Jukebox I mean it's worth a shot one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen wait guys the music it's not overlapping one another it's actually connecting there's no more gaps all the audio is joining together wait it's working okay I can hear like these giant footsteps of some sort is that the warden there has to be the warden right okay and someone's a player is coughing and the wardens attract us noise it's coming towards him what was that sound some sort of portal wait those are the pages of a book being turned and why is there music is the player using music to distract the warden while he's reading some kind of book why is the book so important oh no the music stopped why is the warden chasing the player he's going faster faster and then just died portal sound guys I can't make out what's going on here but if anyone knows let me know in the comments down below because after all this investigation is a team effort how did nobody ever try to do this before will this video get banned what are the warning Secrets was the player trying to open a portal to another dimension I don't know but that's a theory for another video
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 5,149,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, busting scary minecraft myths to prove them wrong, testing scary minecraft, busting scary minecraft myths, scary minecraft myths, scary minecraft stories, scary minecraft seeds, testing minecraft myths, cursed minecraft seeds, minecraft creepypasta, testing scary minecraft myths, minecraft scary warden, minecraft shadow man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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