Every Item is Straw Man - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up youtube welcome back we're gonna do something a little uh unprecedented today i actually have to go back to the mods menu and turn the mods back on like that let's do it chat every item is what every item is what convince me go not cute baby holy water holy water could be a good one seven seals sci-fly brimstone twisted pear magic mush friend zone sci-fly binge eater straw man straw man guest certificate polyphemus africa egg scifly fruity plum i don't even know what straw man does you guys the hell does straw man do is it an active item let me look it up i'm gonna try to find it here straw man spawns a keeper familiar that shoots triple tears and follows your exact movements as you watch the keepers three health coins and can die if it takes enough damage he can pick up coins to restore health similar to other families of this kind you can hold the drop key to cause him to stand still if he dies his corpse turned into a few blue spiders he won't respawn all right doing it every item is straw man here we go i mean you know what screw it leave chat on screen and i also i want to get rid of my uh my d6 it's pointless to have as well but no no challenge should start with the d6 i feel like unless it's incorporated in oh i gotta go like this remove the six there we go let's do it every hour miss trout i've never even seen straw man never used it all right come on with me buddy i'm gonna army of uh keeper dudes but it's not like tainted keeper so we're not gonna be like getting the money dropped in the floor which is like one of the best parts oh he drops a bomb too that's gonna be interesting what a strange item though yeah i'm surprised this wasn't an activity that was me that took damage not the straw man butch early game maybe better keep them alive it's gonna be one room though that kills them all and you know that's true gonna be one room that's just super messed up [Music] ruins the whole thing and the the keeper can pick up coins apparently it's got three health can pick up coins to heal and i probably wouldn't get those coins then so if we can get well i'm gonna say we can get some items that could give us more coins but we can't get any items get a trinket maybe swallowed a penny i don't know how we dodged that come on with me come on with me but it's like eve this is basically a tainted eve run gotta start his tainted keeper you son of a [ __ ] i'm i'm i'm so in we have to start a state to keep her you're right how are we going to be getting the the stuff though we're going to fight our own dudes to get the money you said that i was like i can't not i gotta that's that's the thing that's gotta happen i have to buy my oh jesus i'm gonna have to buy my straw man though wow look at this look at this skill not even claudius can stop me hungry like the wolf chameleon bud you and me being tainted keeper maybe i should have been normal keeper to be honest but uh this will be easier to fulfill everyone's health refill full fill whatever you know what i mean oh everything's half off wonder there's some sort of weird bug where when one of them becomes half off they all become half off because they're all the same thing let's get some money i should have not spent 15 cents in the freaking item room i didn't i i didn't know that the thing could happen can the green fly stop being the most overpowered thing ever i'm dead i actually [ __ ] died because the green flies are stupid they're not good the green flies are literally actually just horrible way too overpowered for the first floor and they're completely unpredictable i just okay we'll just have to fight nothing but green flies from here on out i'm not that bad bro i'm just glad that i'm taking damage every time i pick up a coin but i don't get any of the coins just it's a really good feeling every enemy is green fly no that would be the hardest thing ever [Music] i refuse i'm gonna go see if my shop's half off again that was like the thing we could have gotten at least two more straw men out of that just kill him bro [Music] it could actually be a legitimate challenge if every enemy was green flies but every floor every enemy's two green flies next floor every enemy is three green flies line up that cancer too [Music] i'm getting lo i don't even know which one i am bro you're the one without health is easy autobots roll out keeper butts roll [Music] music volume chat where are we at i'm glad that you put that there that was a really nice spot to put that coin pump it good little quiet i think it's been a little too loud recently a little quiet sounds pretty nice i had to i had to get it we got him back to full health anyways and you know what there could possibly be some sort of bug right now where we're getting half off in the shop with this character with this mod and i don't want to cheat but like it's not my fault it's coated incorrectly so i'm like save my money for the shops oh my god can't be the gnome prime sub [ __ ] up shot speed down range out levels big jacks seven months what's up big jacks the tragic games 59 that's a lot of keepers 48th owl nlp okay like i said saving my money for the next shop i might actually just be able to afford the item room and the next shop since we're sitting here at 29 cents i'm feeling pretty spicy let's just go for it i like how i'm slightly faster than the pack it's like a race tainted keeper slowly pulling up in the front he's gonna take the lead every item is straw man on stream unprecedented especially after everyone left because they're like i'm not gonna wait for him to finish his meal i don't have five seconds but i've got five hours if you're gonna play isaac not gonna play isaac time's up [Music] oh come on there it is let's see bff working this guy i would imagine so i can't stand hearing about a man's hot sauce [Music] [Applause] yo bro it literally makes me sick to my stomach to hear someone else eating good luck living life because people eat [Music] literally everybody eats my dad has that trigger if he hears you chewing anything it doesn't matter it doesn't [ __ ] matter how hard or how loud he choose when he eats either doesn't care if he can hear you chewing when you eat how [ __ ] dare you chew how dare you have the audacity to chew your food in front of him chewing his food reasonable reasonable you know not no that's not like pent up anger no way that's just normal [Music] extra cringe bro me eating we're getting pretty luckier with these other nickel drops you get your money back if straw man picks up the coins i don't you know i don't know how that works well it's not half off but it's okay i'm still gonna go for it once again i don't know where i am there i am you can buy [ __ ] you little [ __ ] didn't see that tender rock doesn't matter flies anyways [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dance [Applause] [Music] short fees bombs explode immediately pretty good pretty worth i think cram in fellas how did you fall behind me how did that penny drop behind a group of like 75 dudes in before people on youtube too bro i literally can't even watch your videos the music's so loud i listen to nothing but dirk's bentley country music get your little boppity boop bops out of here [Applause] [Music] it's un-american is what it is [Music] don't you [ __ ] eat around me i'm the only one allowed to eat in this country you want food why don't you go back to where you came from [Applause] angel room for sure the dodges i'm listening to clown trap remix they all jump down didn't even notice that autobots roll out i don't think we lost a single one yet let's try bombing a boss that might be the way to do it maybe we could have used short fuse to our advantage speaking of america how's your fourth uh uncelebrated i mean like hung out that's where i was uh with my my girlfriend's mom and step dad when i taught them what the word cleave meant [Music] wow i don't know how i'm dodging with this big of a group but i am [Music] but yeah um i'm not feeling very patriotic but at the same time you know there's a lot of people making waves in this country a lot of people that that give a [ __ ] [Music] about other people and the future of this country and i think that like we need this new way of patriotism we need like this new where that people that are going to stand up no matter what and make you know make sure that this isn't a [ __ ] [ __ ] whole country movement that's not what i feel like i mean it's just so grim so freaking grim lately past five years lately [Music] first of all let's start by trying free healthcare just try it i don't even care if you disagree with it let's just give it a go once and uh also a four day work week who's who's with me can we agree to just start there [Music] happy dk 29 months four day work week who doesn't want a four day work week um actually though if you don't i'd like to hear [Music] i might be on like a one-sided track here i'm stuck talking to the same people oh you got to touch that golden key or golden penny i mean good good good good oh yeah i have one already actually of course it doesn't affect me i know how much i would have wanted it when i was working a five-day work week of course i'm working a seven-day work week now almost again i would be unaffected but that doesn't stop me from wanting things for other people if i had to work for 10 hour shifts no sir i have three-day work week i don't want a four-day one we've got great free health care i'm from germany i feel like um [Music] oh gosh [Music] we have two people that are low i was gonna say yeah so let's say that you had a five-day work week eight hours a day and you moved to a four-day ten hours oh nice dime nice dime placement really um would you work 10 hours a day for a whole extra day off because i feel like right now the way it is is that like when you get off work at six you finally get home you finally eat food and then you're like uh and like you don't really do anything productive you don't i should speak for myself i don't i didn't it was just like five days literally down the [ __ ] and then i had to use the two days that i had to like recover to like almost feel okay i like how they are also buying new friends they've come they become self-sufficient nobody's productive after the first three hours [Music] well what's a better way to do it someday work week but you only work three hours a day it doesn't add up did not get enough for you buddy i'm sorry you didn't make the cut but good luck next year three hour lunches so do you want to work till 9 pm communist stream literally talking some people would say that though some people would literally try to use that argument against me where i'm just talking about like doing the same exact [ __ ] thing but just different hours of work [Music] people have their buzzwords people that are just like literally lost and have like zero functioning brains they just decide what you've said and then they have their preset arguments that they use for everything just ready to go literally just rattling off what they heard from the news i think the funny part though about a lot of uh news and this goes beyond politics too is that uh the [ __ ] that you hear on tv or the news it's so one-sided there's nobody there to argue against them that you're like yeah it's like you having an argument in the shower and then uh you end up trying to have that same argument with people in real life and it doesn't [ __ ] work where's my guy there i just can't pick him up it's all of labs could be like a last ditch effort to live oh this is that's funny come on bud throne isaac with bubbling red aura for the current room enemies killed we'll drop half red hearts that would just give us flies i don't hate it i'm loving all this money that we're totally able to get to it's really nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] bam [Music] good maybe i was going to drop a bomb here and try to find a ticket room and get that nickel [Music] i'm a chef and work in forever hours so my opinion is very biased but i think there should be no way that they schedule you more than two days in a row some so some weeks you have five day work week some you have four day work weeks okay so every other day you get off i feel like that doesn't lend itself off for like it's like sometimes you need a weekend like two days in order to do something like right like if i'm gonna travel like to my parents cabin and relax or like do a fishing trip or like have us you know have a whole day where i can like on saturday where i can have friends over we can do a lan party and hang out the entire day because then we don't have to get up the next day and we'd have to start at 8pm i don't know i hear you though the chef grind i got it i think he meant every third day off and not yeah maybe not every other day whatever yeah right right right for sure for sure however the math works [Music] out oh my god so many people take damage when they just walk through and i can't just like specifically give the hell to the right people what's a lan party that's a lan party chat you're either you either actually don't know which is funny for me or you're being a dick to try to say that i'm super old because nobody does that anymore possibly both [Music] come on jump aboard straw man let's go problem with lan party is no friends plan stands for local area network where uh everyone comes over and we all hook up our computers and play something locally of course everything now is online which is why i said no nobody does that anymore anyways you don't need like a lan connection [Music] taking some heat there hard not to when they spread out so far experimental pill [Music] hp up speed down that's just bad this ailed to reblay briefly ill 15 months i worked two part-time jobs and owned my own business i'd rather only have to work one to make ends meet but right now that's not possible keep up the great work cuts cheaply ill thanks for the 15. butter snack shack 39 months yes absolutely vernal pathog three months such a bursary oh [ __ ] mega cheese nine months i think i read mega cheese um [Music] i had this conversation um with my grandma and i wasn't really sure how to respond and i wish i would have had something better lined up because i like kind of left it hanging basically her point she's she's old right she's super old and she is retired but she's out of the game but she was like saying things like we are paying people like unemployment way too much and people don't people no longer want to work because of how much unemployment that they're getting and i just think that there's a lot of people that are out of touch with um how people are having a really hard time earning money like for example with like the price of college back in the day with what uh what the minimum wage was back in the day and now it's like it's like this like minimum wage of course has gone up but but uh college prices have gone up so so so so so so so much more i don't know the math behind it all i forgot the numbers but basically like if minimum wage was to have kept up with uh increasing college prices it wouldn't be where it's at right now it would be like way higher um yeah that's you know possibly better than i don't know though it's literally doubling my fire rates is everybody though or just as my own guy this is my own guy yeah that's fine everybody else shoots the same american problems well there's stupid things too like god i pay so much money for health insurance like an unbelievable amount of money for health insurance and then i go get a surgery right and they're like that'll be seven thousand dollars after insurance has already covered what they will cover like most of it insurance did like eighty percent of it and i'm still spending spending six thousand dollars and it's just like i ah how how how do people afford this it doesn't make any sense it does that doesn't make any sense to me [Music] my brother his son has um a tree not allergy so like most nuts i think i think and uh they they can't afford to get him an epipen so they're like we just like be really careful but like if he dies i'm gonna they don't want him to die but i mean like they don't they don't have they don't stock an epipen they don't have like the ability to like not have him die and like tree nuts are [ __ ] everywhere like so many things have like uh oh manufactured in the same building as a tree nut they can't afford it apparently they only have like a like they go bad in like a couple months [Music] just like what the [ __ ] the person who invented uh oh what is it what's the stuff like he made it free for everybody so that everyone had access to it [Music] sorry i fall short on scientific names that's something i studied was it insulin person that made insulin [Music] or was it the person that made uh yeah i'm gonna go like this [Music] it was either insulin or it was uh like an antibiotic or something it's like this is just so backwards what we're doing so much money oh wait why i understand like [Music] surgeons like it's like a thing like it's like science is advancing and all that jazz like there's a lot of stuff that goes into a surgery of course [Music] but [Music] this is this isn't it penicillin thank you that's the word i was trying to think of surgeons don't make the money surgeons i think that doctors do make a lot of money i mean compared to most other jobs i think that they have a really stressful job and they're doing really intense things and they should you know i'm not saying that they shouldn't make money of course you're also talking about i think your point is that there's companies that are making tons of money insurance companies and all these things that's my angel room that i needed oh you still have to pay for it though i don't think it really matters then we probably should we probably run at devil rums instead then because we at least get two of them i did not actually expect the straw man to replace the key piece it's an interesting one we don't have an active item we can't get an active item so that's silly doctors aren't making most of that money really what happens if you go to the er to get help but you can't afford to pay it there's there's a lot of different things where you can apply for medical assistants for people that really like that they make like under 30 000 a year or something like that you can apply to certain hospitals and and get free treatment so there are all of these other things in place but these are just band-aids on the actual issue there's also a lot of people that are just strictly in medical debt they just they just can't do it and this isn't a political debate this is a human thing this is a mess this is like the worst room possible look at this this is an absolute nightmare where's my real guy over there there he is every place has their problem of course this just seems to be a big one for me personally my nephew personally lost her first one i'm almost dead oh my goodness how do i get help it's the melee it's the melee damage that's really uh killing me here [Music] it's also you know people on youtube beware there's gonna be people that are in the comments section talking about how much of a dumb ass and how i don't even know what the [ __ ] i'm talking about i'm sure but i haven't literally said anything other than the fact that my brother can't afford an epipen and i think that the price of my surgery was too expensive despite the fact that i paid thousands of dollars of insurance every year got health perfect not a political i didn't say anything political [Music] jgr13 [Music] that room that we were just in could have been a hell of a lot worse [Music] i'm dropping so many bombs that i try to run away from it but i'm like placing bombs on the other side of me you lose the forgotten after leaving the floor no i still have all mine right it says i only bought six but i definitely have more than six i don't think i i think my forgottens bought forgottens and i don't think those forgottens are listed but i wonder if i lose the original forgotten that bought the other forgotten if i lose both forgottens it shouldn't be political that you don't want poor people to die it i don't think it's a fourth person thing either i think it's uh it's it's it's an everybody thing yeah what'd you have to do oh tender five total what's up i mean if we're gonna [ __ ] about like the sheer numbers of people that are uh unemployed or are getting um money on unemployment i mean those are that's just not even half the people that also can't afford this [ __ ] you forgot the name oh you're not talking about um keeper forgotten keeper you're talking about forgotten forgotten yes the the thing only lasts for one room we lost him immediately i don't know why i took everybody with me on this i hate this room literally have to drop everything couldn't keep it all with me because i have to hold ctrl i'm just kind of trying to find my freaking shop dude vatican's prime sub i just forgot the name of that person he's ottoman he doesn't know what he's talking about in any argument ever he's stupid and i hate him the bomb and everything well just [ __ ] you this all is just a complete [ __ ] you we can't drop bombs anymore it literally can't happen our group of people is too big yeah we're getting to the point where i just can't anymore literally cannot i don't even know what just happened i don't know why everyone just died i'm confused sigil of baphomet i really want to bomb those guys though [ __ ] i can't i will die what's up dad okay why can't i get in there you're telling me that my friends here are uh they have too much health to open up your boss trap room that's that's just not that's not a thing you're dumb dirty deeds done dirt cheap what is this [ __ ] it's trash next time our trash farmer what i guess we don't get uh polaroid either i'm gonna talk to jgr and make sure that he makes sure that he doesn't uh affect polaroid negative and he doesn't affect e-pieces i can just spawn in a key piece i'll have to if i can survive that long again i probably won't be able to the only real way i can get money predictably would be if money drops at the end here money did drop hallelujah every item is straw man correct this is a [ __ ] show pikmin 4 looking pretty good you know what they say nothing is stronger than family you guys see those freaking vin diesel memes all over reddit yep i hate all over twitter we all know it's a big pr stunt right for the next uh fast and furious movie who's been diesel you all got played melee damage is just the strongest thing in the entire world and then and there's nothing there's nothing to it you shame if we send super fast extra strong champion melee guys after you game probably it's only time till we die we're bleeding not hard f those movies except one and two you know i don't think i don't i don't think i've seen a single one of them i also haven't seen 80 of uh marvel movies so consider me out of many loops i don't even know what a [ __ ] loop is i go can i leave please they're all basically eight just like all of melee let's just like throw all the melee at me no dog i heard you like melee super smash brothers melee i did see the john wick trilogy right wasn't it three or the two good one that's just funny that's just a good time everyone liked that just lost like all my family that was the largest pile of creep i've ever seen in my entire life by the way that was impressive that was like a i don't even know like a 33 room coverage creep [ __ ] very impressive [Music] trilogy i only saw two was it just two movies maybe it was two movies chapter two chapter three was 2019 no i'm right 2022 would you be chapter four you mess with my family now die hit on my main character it's pretty good but this visual bathroom that's probably going to keep me alive shot right when he pops up can we also make it so they never do that ever they should never be able to shoot as they pop up so that you have no idea where they're coming from there was one maggot there that i didn't see and just ran train ran freaking train on me speaking of train it's been a while since we've played monster train there's just too many good games coming out steam sale update you guys summer steam sale update what what do you guys buy top picks [Music] from a list three months seems like an interesting challenge also pog three months darkest dungeon for six bucks outer worlds new near toad vane about hades [Music] garfield cart borderlands 2 loop hero hey spyro trilogy lego marvel superheroes i was hoping gtfo was gonna be cheaper anybody here play gtfo anyone here a big fan i'm always down to find games that are kind of like uh deep rock galactic where they're a co-op shooter everyone's on the same team i like that [ __ ] etfo's great big fan it's okay big old fan it's a bit laggy yeah but what about lan party would be lagging in [Music] um i can leave that and come back for it right my character ever needs health or maybe i could just try to even get the right guy in front to grab the health there we go look at that smartness of course it's not working now who needs it okay nope not working news on ender lilies yeah i uh sat down to record that on monday but as i was saying earlier in the stream i felt like [ __ ] so i i didn't actually record it i i would like to record it and finish it i bet you instant viktor would have a great time with gunfire reborn i played tons of gunfire reborn there's actually one a video i put out of their new update on my main channel very recently so invicta i think honestly would probably not enjoy it but asked him i think about gunfire and he said that he's never played it and i'm assuming it and since then he's looked at it little ducky 30. so i don't think he would like it [Music] personally which means before you were born rip nickel trying to save my family here my watch list i think most of it that i've been playing on stream as a while ago but yeah that summer update the video i did with retro and if you want the full video of course retro posted it and wander i don't think he posted it but wonder was also there wanderbots um we didn't get a a polaroid let's just give that to me now before i forget was unusually entertaining um i think it was usually entertaining i think it was predictable even fun idea it's good stuff or one out take a shot every time i lose a keeper or some may call it the forgotten hit by brimstone yeah i'm pretty sure it would just end everything melee brimstone damage one spider could destroy everyone i can't get this money i'm not fast enough it's almost like i'm on the cathedral with less than starter damage that wouldn't do anything right no sky sir for six months what's up more runs after this i think we'll switch up games after this probably phantom abyss i had fun i think you guys enjoyed it [Music] or maybe muck maybe we'll take a a poll to see if you guys want to watch phantom abyss or muck but i bet more people were there when we were playing phantom of this so just generally more people are going to vote for it but much pretty funny too i can't get these coins man [ __ ] hate that dude i [ __ ] hate you so much [Music] this challenge is so unbalanced okay sure all right we lost i guess um i there's no way to tell where i am there's no way to really dodge the light beams with everybody and i just tried to move most people out of the way turns out i was in the way but was i able to see myself not in the least bit so that's that's that challenge may we never do it again thank you guys on youtube for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 83,969
Rating: 4.91117 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 54sec (3054 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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