Scat Man - Repentance Challenge Run

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance we've got a lot more challenges to do let's do scat man this is the one where we can drop poops and from the poops we gain bff's dip friends it also looks like we have three times butt bombs i don't know what that's gonna mean at the nine volt so that we can charge the poop in the middle of a room or blindfolded by the way poop transformation i don't know what the poop transformation does oh maybe we just had three buff bombs just to give us enough bombs like we have 16 bombs right now give it a shot you guys so our dips have got to do the damage for us and uh we basically just have to lure enemies into it and hope for the best like i dropped another bomb great let's try a butt bomb see what happens probably could have put that closer to get that key butts what are you doing we also have a trinket that'll allow us to to poop in the floor sometimes mysterious candy oh we got stompy the chia seeds what do you call them the things ah but we kind of want to hope for not burning basement we want the the normal basement with all the poops the cellar whatever this is the first frickin room you guys look at all my friends mom didn't think i could do it sure my friends are a piece of but they're my friends damn it and i love them oh yeah oh yeah bosses are gonna be pretty interesting yeah look at the poop just flailing off the back of my body let's go oh save me my friends sacrifice yourself for me stop it's probably not gonna be very useful although if i get the uh petrified poop trinket i'm gonna take that over the candy for sure i guess so stompy there's a high chance of breaking open some pots getting a quarter maybe i shouldn't write off shops just yet stop it on tinted rocks that feels pretty good widow gonna jump right into him you got demolished oh tears up that's gonna be really good with all of those tears that i'm currently shooting out this is fine we one shot at the boss one shotted what does that even mean we killed the boss pretty quickly top secret one what say you a health upgrade that's very good we're only going to the mom fight which is surprising i feel like we could take this further not gonna lie but then again um i don't want to speak too soon how do we get those holy dips that we got before double bomb room you son of a i'm in oh this is not so bad it's not so bad tower card that's pretty bad blow up the uh oh i don't know where to shoot these bumps away got a crawl space though with gotta go pills point four eight speed gears up oh just like just look at my speed next floor let's send it no burning i forbid you from burning no son of a come on over here water's warm oh my god he just ate my come on poo friends get in there there we go they're surrounding him he's like ah oh again i'm gonna get him get him get him get him yeah buddy hey we're still getting poop in this floor so this is fine i have turdy touch i don't even see that i didn't even register that i had dirty touch i just like don't even see that item if it's not a dps upgrade does it exist i think it was a trinket that we got that gave us oh i got to touch those guys it was a trinket that gave us the holy dips and uh other champion dips that would be a game changer right now we really have to pay attention to which enemies can we walk into with contact damage and which ones can't we push it a button i'm a button pusher oh touch him touch him touch him touch him yo the place if i drop poops if i get hurt no none's habit would be hot right now iv bag um i probably i gotta stick with the poop oh here's the transformation isaac will heal half a red heart for each time a pile of poop is destroyed i did not know that i did not know that i would have used that to my advantage a little bit better i think so let's test it that's correct i heal via poop i can already go back in iv bag so wait a minute if i was all red hell fenn um wouldn't it be beneficial for me to just walk in enemies and take the damage i'd get the health back plus dips plus interest heal eel ah this is great this challenge is awesome i'm having a good time so far the dips kind of follow me so i have to like lead them like the pied piper i'd piper more like sewage piper huh that was actually not a bad joke good job way better than your stupid-ass jokes more health lots of insulting you stop ignoring me you're just loaded on the health i'm just like happy about that we're doing a really good job awesome that's give me more attention hey secret shop you know i was like shops are not even gonna be a thing here i am just tons of money overflowing from the brim what do we have down here a uh rotten heart i yeah i wouldn't mind the rotten heart not gonna go with the other trinkets though well you know i suppose that the swallowed penny would double payouts from iv bag right now you know what could we get 15 cents back from this yeah i think we paid for that trinket glorious top secret room but i don't take damage very nice and soos roon hagolas rune pretty pointless boss time baby plum not gonna be able to do the thing where we don't shoot baby plum now apparently there's some sort of unlocked the chat from twitch streams uh spoiled for me oh well surprising amount of my dips are dying to baby plum right now we did it we got him come on guys one more there you go health up greater than a deal with the devil would we want any kind of deal with the devil i think angel would be better defensive items offensive items we just don't have the capability to do anything because we're blindfolded and just so we're clear by not even going into the first devil room we now have a guaranteed angel chance that is important to note because so many people yell at me for not going into that first devil room use up the rest of this black ruin the iv bag or speed point to speed very good it's hilarious that we're almost capped on fire right right now when we're blindfolded i'm looking at dirty mind right now the item that spawns the dips dips deal contact damage to enemies equal to the damage isaac had at the time it spawned so we do want damage upgrades so i suppose that the devil room could have been useful for damage upgrades right still meaningful and you know we have fly love too so if i was able to get to that fly we can touch all flies there's not gonna be any red flies um ed ed i'm bombing dang it what the heck i can't do anything with these rooms i'm not gonna sit here and watch my children die oh butt bombs come on what are you flying you big blind dummy that's for you what happens if we're out at butt bombs we only have nine left what am i doing right now what am i doing i'm just waiting for my dips to die maybe i should just start touching people more charges that sounds worth it harbingers ah that would be a pretty easy victory i think i think i have to there's no way i can't go harbingers i'm not a huge fan of harbingers but clear clear choice here go get em harbingers does contact damage also spawns a bunch of flies don't be good it'll touch off too every now and then already under the boss fight carrying queen oh god that's probably gonna be one of the toughest bosses i could have imagined on this fight since karen's queen's face is invincible and it's still gonna be doing damage and eating my dudes just eating it's just eating my dips oh god it's a slaughter this is literally the worst boss harbingers please help me out here it's too bad we didn't start with number two so i could just drop butt bombs yeah very nice and a damage upgrade and an angel room and a bunch of crap this is fine i guess we're gonna fight the angel why not harbingers has got it bruh i'm sitting here looking at the speed down pill you know what would be a really cool idea i know that there's something called the false phd that makes it so that every single pill is is actually the worst version it'd be really interesting if there was an item or a trinket that made it so that any of the effects from the pills applied to the enemies of the room so like my speed down would slow down the enemies imagine having that with false phd that would be popping that could already be a thing i don't know i haven't unlocked everything so that's the flies touches the flies touching the flies touching the flies patrick the guy that touches the flies gluttony prepared to feast on balls of steel pill a library very interesting book of bilal could give me a huge damage boost anarchist cookbook does that drop butt bombs yes it does there's the butt bomb smokey effect you know what why don't we go crazy here this is one fred that should be able to i i would think almost one shot of boss one book charge a boss larry junior not a good time for you mr drops poop you're making me more powerful than you could ever imagine and big horn not gonna be very easy to hit with uh anything let alone anarchist cookbook we'll have to time this just right hands up hands down drop the book now that was way too early that was way too early oh direct hit captain we got him though we got him and another angel room i don't even need this but we're like so far up in the red health i might as well take regeneration and uh what do you got yeah there we go good stuff good stuff tougher of the two angels here going down pretty fast though ow that's my face that's also my face might not get any angel rooms because we have no more protection but that's fine we're gonna just cruise through this challenge i can't wait for mods to come back and for new challenge ideas to spawn from this i can't wait to see what is going to happen now that people are going to be coming back touch him when he's down right no you can't i'm betting though mater's gonna flood back since isaac is hot again and you know what that means it means we're gonna get some horrible ass mods and we'll probably end up doing some worst mods it's a shame because that guy spawns flies that i could touch get over here nah my harbinger is taking care of it ah shoot not getting nearly as many dips because we don't have the poop and there's no more poop on this floor okay that i didn't really consider that you guys the fact that without the trinket without the active item we're no longer spawning i'm just gonna walk through this it's just gonna have to be calculated damage from here on out but it's fine though because i walk into the enemy like i said i drop a poop i get to pop the poop and i get the health right back watch me spawn some more flies for me would you that's what i'm talking about yeah so much for no more dibs we're swimming in dips i couldn't have more dips huge growth ladies bro get em dips oh you know what with my holy mantle we get one free touch per room and if i do it right we should be able to touch multiple things yo watch me frickin do baby holy mano was such a good play i'm not even going into my shops anymore i don't even care you guys walk to the finish line watch this swagger am i gonna turn the hand into poop before he grabs me no final boss go um see if i can get with some of these bombs nice nice nice nice nice touch as much stuff as possible just keep touching just keep touching touch for the win dirty mind is appearing in the basement yes okay so we finally unlocked that item so we can have it on normal runs we did super well we crushed that challenge i hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as i enjoyed playing it can't wait to see dirty mind when we're out there in the wild let me know your thoughts on this hit that like button if you enjoyed yourself and i will see you in the next one see you guys
Channel: Hutts
Views: 275,503
Rating: 4.9732084 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: xVnzjf2yQV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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