Is Hades too Easy? - Hades Ep1

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to hades we covered hades on our rapid roguelike review but i wanted to get a solo run in because you guys demanded it [Music] there will be more rapid roguelike reviews we're not done with that but like i said hades might be spawning a new series here depending on how you guys like it so we obviously briefly played it before and uh we lost i'm home i'm home i wonder if it reset my progress of talking to people welcome to the house of hades where wait i know you guess that means you died out there huh so basically the story behind this game is that i'm haiti's son and i'm trying to escape this place i want to get up to like the real world i guess which you know it's kind of a drag down here although these little spoopy guys are pretty cool what's up be on your way indeed stupid boy good to see you lad despite the circumstances remember your training out there so something about like athena being on our side and like trying to get me out too i don't know i feel like greek mythology is all over the place maybe athena made love with hades and that's she's my mom or something you know i don't know some really cool stuff down here some bone vases teapots calm candles achilles you're my bro here take this thing thanks so much sir no keepsake bracer this is how we leave i'm gonna get back into it use the mirror to grow stronger can i just start playing despite his lord and master of the house repeatedly insisting that he pick everything ooh one of those vibrating beds and we're off i can do this first get past the wretched shades of tartarus easier said than done and doubtless i'll be running into meg a river of flame up to be just beyond find a way up to elysium from there and after that all right let's give it another shot cool skelly can we play the game yet yeah boyo and we're off what's the thunder except what does it mean is this really him okay in the name of hades olympus i accept this message greetings there young man look your father's always been rather difficult and he's not so much as cold in quite some time you'll have a better home where you belong here on olympus and to help you on your journey have my blessing ooh thunder dash i'll take it old uncle zeus lending his support i never thought i'd see the day or night whenever let's go baby thunder dash pikachu use thunder smash i've got this bow and arrow now i traded it for my sword i think or maybe i can swap between the two of them i don't know i'm pushing buttons now ever shifting interlocking chambers aka roguelike proceed so when i get it right when it's flashing and we get like a super shot cool we're doing it mom oh i can dig this there's definitely some auto aim on this power up with my palm palm of power look at how happy he is about that pomegranate level two dash yeah there's probably a lot of secrets here that i don't know about i'm assuming that i'll just go ahead and read the comments later about how stupid i am and that'll solve that look at this stun lock action going on here too that's a rock oh sir hi i don't like how they can dash hit you when uh they're off camera that's a real bummer okay that guy got me that's what you get that's what you get nice nice so that purple stuff that we just gained in the lower right that is something that we use to permanently upgrade our character making this a rogue light the money in the lower right i am not sure did we spend any money last time we got special upgrades too that uh i gave one to achilles and it gave me some sort of bracer maybe i can try to find that now maybe i didn't equip the bracer i you know i'm not sure what i'm looking at here the doors tell you what uh upgrades you get when you go there so there's gonna be more purple stuff i only see one door so let's do it i suppose so look at this rapid fire boom baby piercing too that's hot oh tribe fork thing trident or heart trident let's go heart trident probably more health one shot in these suckers when i can deploy charger properly look at me go out i should really just be focusing on my dashing more because the dashing also kills them a centaur heart 25 health max puts me at the perfect number nice nice yeah i know i'm lame sack with skulls or key the key i use to unlock this bow so kind of uh important i'm not sure that's just money so let's let's go with the key here these guys are powered up somehow they got they're glowing it looks like i broke that off of them it was like they were shielded and because of that uh like you can't stun them it seems like maybe they're even moving faster oh my goodness that guy can dash yeah it says break when i get through that shields look at this this is the perfect combo dash shoot dash shoot dash shoot stun lock like i found a key cathonic key for sure you can unlock something back home my goal is to never go back home then why do i care about keys that unlock things back at home can i drink this it's a shop you say this is where we use our money okay instantly gain 27 uh purple stuff restore 10 when you enter a chamber that's pretty good since i'm probably gonna die 50 damage striking flows from behind i can't afford that let's go with the hydrolyte i don't know if there's a certain number of upgrades that we can get that's something that we're gonna have to find out that's something i'll read in the comment section about how stupid i am once again i don't know what that is it looks like on the bottom there's like a little enemy symbol with like two arrow up that probably means difficult enemies and then i don't know what that prize is probably money i don't have a choice though was there a stan was there like an audience there was an audience okay i don't know what these guys are bomb throwers shoot that shoot dash shoot dash that ain't broke this looks like a mini boss actually does this not looks like a mini boss these guys have way too much health not to be a mini boss and i just got hurt explosion radius on these things you need to pay attention to that yeah bro one of them's broken two of them are broken should we be focusing probably i was made for fights like this one's down i just unlocked the other one yeah yes you can what are you oh you will not the heart seeker i never took you for an archer though the power of that bow is undeniable use it wisely thanks athena thanks mom looks like we get boons of athena okay it's an upgrade your attack is stronger and can deflect i probably don't think that's very useful on the bow your cast we're not using cast at all and maybe i should be but i'm basically doing casts already by shooting my bow resist damage from traps let's do sure footing here like i said here's my cast it's like this like b thing basically the same thing except for after like it's like a one ammo thing and i have to go find that ammo why not just use my infinite ammo bow i don't know maybe there's some sort of power we get from like combining the two of them beats me this looks like the next level i have not seen any of these enemies i don't know what my future holds biting bolts or anubis coin oh those are just normal coins we'll go with the uh zeus boone again maybe i can upgrade my dash even more or get something even better loving the stun lock on this thing end of just the range in general boom baby boons of zeus lightning strike your attack emits chain lightning when you damage a foe oh absolutely after you take damage your foes struck by lightning or after you dash just before getting hit bolt of lightning strikes okay so that's like if i time a dash correctly i'm gonna go with the lightning strike here it's only 10 damage not the strongest but it's it's passive so all right centaur heart go look at that passive oh i jumped right in the spikes minus 75 damage from the spikes though bruh purple upgrade stones or gemstones gemstones please harder enemies though hello oh gosh champion skulls have yet to see anything like this ah god that lightning strike stuff though got a ranged dude got nothing on my stunt locking oh jeez [Music] that combo bruh gain 10 gemstones i don't know what those are for also a shop oh these things have uh they have like a duration to them i didn't read hydrolyte only applied for three chambers six encounters nah cyclops jerky sounds pretty cool but six encounters and maybe like if i got to the boss within six let's do the upgrade keys wow that lightning stuff out is there an end to these things oh clear what's summon and call me that does nothing summon does nothing i probably just don't have those abilities yet bag with skull on it we'll see what this does oh it's just a shop it's karen's shop hey good to see you out here mate it looks as though you've got some fine ways up for sale don't you i wish i could afford some stuff i can buy the heart let's do it that's pretty much all my money all right what's that looks like a jellyfish net netting up some blood with a super up difficulty oh boy what's this beyond the present chamber lies the outermost perimeter of tartarus promising terrifying dangers far beyond the underworld princess reckoning all right super difficult let's go this is where we die the boss is awkward halt zagreus not one step further first of the furries meguera haven't we had more than enough of each other by now besides don't you have some place else to be he's the megalodon father sent me all in all i'd rather be on your bad side than his now you can turn back like a good little man or i can send you home the painful way what'll it be she's kinky i mean you have to be to be the first the furries i'll have to go with the painful way a man after my own heart you only have one wing miss i don't know what she does this will be interesting trying to learn a boss's attack patterns for the first time you can't summon in friends that's just like cheating can we just like out bosses everywhere for doing crap like that like that's just not even fair i can just keep dashing though with you behind me and then i'll just keep injuring you that works for me we're only getting started that's a third of the way through you think you're gonna dan maku me don't you know the games that i play dan maku of course meaning bullet curtain don't walk over the traps i'm gonna kill your friends while i'm dodging your stupid pathetic intense at a bullet curtain halfway oh she got me there ah she got me finally you're spawning way too many friends all right we're three-fourths oh i dodged towards her how did that even work oh stop you got me got her furry vanquished i did it the ancient blood uh hearts it's it's fury nope it says furry ancient blood what do you do for me achilles might know what to do with this achilles would know what to do at this cool nothing left to do but to go up what if i beat the game on day one uh-oh don't mind me father storm my health there's a thing i can sell to or a shop what do i sell huh yeah i don't want to sell these things unless i can only have three which might be the case i might sell sure footing with the traps but yeah keep it for now shop instantly restore health give myself some free purple stuffs nah i don't need that proceed so it seemed like i was a mini boss and then a final boss and we have a ways to go ask fidel you want to do it to my ass it's nice and warm out here i'll give it that this is a long game you guys wowsers oh i'm in the fire oh gosh okay wow you can just walk right out there how do i get to the door how do i get to that door can i touch the door the once ferdined planes of asphadel are now engulfed in scintillating flame having been flooded by the river flagothon whose hideously superheated contents could bring death swiftly even to those resistant to most heat scintillating flames resistant i'm so scintillated right now oh gosh where is that coming from where is this fire coming from is that considered a trap there we go bomb of power take me onward oh gosh dive bombers [Music] what's that who's sending those shock waves stop it oh you like it huh how do you like it suck a nut bob of power lightning strike go 10 to 14 damage not a huge upgrade but it is something crowd control probably going to be pretty nice here i'm in the fire cuz i fell into a burning ring of fire i don't know what that prize is mini boss probably hello that's a problem neat seeking dudes with a giant smashy bud that's a little medusa bash fire dash fire dash fire dash fire dash fire um stone i'm getting the medusa part now it all makes sense into the fire we go focusing on medusa solely here she's the most annoying done bring it on stompy [ __ ] i got backstabs we're hitting him in the butt let's always dodge him to the one side and we get nothing but backstabs that's powerful got it until next time gigantic organ head there's only one heavenly archer i know of well several really anyway in the name of hades olympus i accept this message a message from athena apollo i heard about you artemis look i'm not like all the others on olympus the power of the hunt helps keep me company so maybe it'll help you too ooh boone's of artemis deadly flourish your special is stronger do we have a special what's this what is a special really your cast seeks we don't cast any damage you deal is a chance to be critical three percent pressure points i sure could use some company now that she mentions it special is my why ah jeez i've been totally forgetting about this special just let's get the basics down i'm totally fine with this you guys i'm not gonna be an expert here in the second time playing this ever what are these bubbles i popped it all right next were you special i'm remembering to use it yeah not worth it because you'd sit still for so long to use the special taking damage somehow a lot of action going on it's hard to tell i'm dying crashing waves a trident poseidon then in the name of hades olympus i accept this message hi there little hades you recognize your uncle do you not we have a lot of catching up to do but first things first you get yourself out of that tower underworld as for me i'll see if i can stir things up a bit to cover your advance what a chad poseidon chad sidon your special deals more damage and knocks away foes your cast blah and a random assortment of stuff nah tempest flourish although healing would be kind of nice ah now that i remember how to use my freaking special can i get a shop here to heal please don't go with the easy route sonova oh my [ __ ] swipes dude okay another stompy guy the point in the game where you start seeing mini bosses in the normal game get out of here the underworld's how am i dying shop sell i don't want to sell i want to buy you have health sir sir palm of power i just need something oh you know what maybe go to the shop karen you got it for me oh so what is that a boon from some lovely lady i can afford both a shrewd expenditure of wealth is sometimes boone me holy shield that should take damage damage foes around you and briefly deflect yeah okay i've been taking a lot of damage having traversed the flaming river flagathon to gain this vantage point relentless sacrifice must now confront a foe of unimaginable savagery who lies ahead waiting patiently it's time to strike my name's zagreus oh there's a boss to spoil the surprise old man not ready for a boss just yet i didn't get enough healing i got max health plus oh oh hello oh no this looks bad great okay shooting little lasers at me bone hydra that's metal as hell i can shoot through there the bone hydra's stuff though hydra that means there's more than just one head if i'm not mistaken and we'll probably get there one quarter of the through we'll probably see more heads ah okay so you can't shoot through them then more heads a lot more heads that's a lot overwhelmed a little bit here got me good got me good on that one literally still just a quarter of the way through this all right let's go baby okay that's a little bit more intense shoot me now you can't it's called being a genius now when he's gonna do that when the other heads are up that sounds like trouble speaking of uh oh wowzers there's a lot more heads now 18 health this is fine this is fine just another day just another day in paradise one seven health panic mode let's go what you got nothing yeah buddy [Music] but ain't broke it's gonna keep doing it huh [Music] you're predictable you've been weighed measured and found wanting [Music] here so they'll stop this is really annoying unbelievable stuff right there man i don't think this channel can literally handle any more clinchers you guys i am losing years off of my life for your entertainment diamond i who wants that i don't know can i get a full health here a full heal oh my goodness full heal me please i didn't see you come in 35 how about 135 3 take it or leave it eyes of llamas 15 chance to drop health for three encounters it's not a lot but i need the help could sell some stuff what do we not need we need we need all of this i mean i could purge the specials with the knockback but i think we actually used it pretty pretty nicely in that hydra boss to get those little creeps off me mama wow that was that was something else on what yes there's more to the map ah good oh yeah that's what i wanted here the fields of elysium isn't this like where happiness is shouldn't we be happy about this or their elysium guards in and try to spank me the rare heavenly splendors of elysium reserved for only the most great of mortal souls spread forth luxurianly all about the fire-stepping prince oh most great of mortal souls luxuriantly really that's pretty poseidon trident i'm in you son of a [ __ ] i'm in that's a that's a ball that's a guy with a push pop bright swords no push pop it right my health is just abysmal okay so the the ball bombs he's trying to respond he's trying to respawn elysium shits get respawns yeah right do they all respond no just the bright swords oh that ball blast though come over here be fun psych what a loser poseidon hello operator he just doesn't have anything more to say to me your boons with knock-away effects also rupture foes okay so that's my special knocks away status curse for three seconds victims take damage while moving ocean's bounty plus 55 percent reward for all of the rewards yeah i think at this point in time we're gonna end up dying what's the sword floating here nothing okay so we should just try to get as much as possible before we perish i don't see us making it too much farther than this because that was hella difficult if it's gonna get more difficult from here we're just we just don't have the upgrades necessary i don't think we'll take the key here got me good there a little butthole where an enemy is supposed to be dropping health centaur heart go there's a lot of traps here so it's a good thing we have 75 chance reduction is that just like a self-guided uh tesla chariot self-driving oh my god okay they don't give up works for me if you want to trail behind me you loser i kill via dash it's a shielded bro not a bright sword but what a bright shield i got hurt somehow there okay good good hit i was just i was specially oh my god you did not even hit me there though got him centaur heart i need health so bad what is that artemis or uh athena let's go artemis probably a mini boss yep centaur you come from the bowels of hell this is not your place or not centaur uh what are the what's the bull top called minotaur something tar about to turn him into tar just passing through so if you'll excuse me i will not the champion of elysium would never back down from such a contest neither will i wait you're not the champion of elysium you're the bull of minos i can't imagine who's even stronger than you visit heracles tell me it's heracles you talk too much come get destroyed what you got that did not even attack him that much until i understand what his attacks are did i take damage there suppose i did is quick get away sir full of my nose more like full of garbage ow he's charging me again mom mom stop look running at me dude what now 50 oh my god i should have definitely taken damage there oh that bull hits rather hard this is like the longest time i've ever played anything in my entire life wow i can't believe you took on the minotaur no way no wonder you're back here everyone knows that he's unstoppable especially me hey next you run into him could you get his autograph for me we got some deliverables i don't even know what to do with it who's that sniveling shade your immediate left there father already found someone new to do the busy work and here i thought i was utterly indispensable that shade boy is my newly designated contractor one whose responsibility is to work on this house though who shall pay for everything my subjects here demand i do not know you're trying to guilt me into funding the exorbitant furnishings you desire perhaps once we are finished with repairs for all the carnage you have sown throughout my realm then we might finally have time for all the needed renovations that have piled up renovation ghosts renovate some sort of special offer for me my good shade grand opening deal fountain chamber tartarus restore some health amid the gloom i'll take it authorized the fountain chamber in the depths of tartarus sounds like an excellent idea oh more stuff this is where we spend our gemstones okay chambers may contain an infernal trove or a regional keepsake collection switch keepsakes between underworld regions i don't know what that means go plunder the other shifting chambers of the underworld ought to be a little livelier with this that shall be of no help to you i'm sure oh gosh there's more wait what i can change the color and the draperies come on seating luxurious oh man what once was a small lounging area within the house of hades now was sealed off in other shambles since the multi-headed cerberus tore the space apart you have confronted the exalted shades with an elysium my child your father offers them a handsome bounty should they bring your journey to an end although i think the pride of vanquishing you would more than suffice in getting them to take up arms again the prodigal son returns everyone's saying i went easy on you zach don't worry meg i eventually managed to get home the painful way after all look i have a reputation to uphold and get past me again like that you best go all the way now leave me be and don't think you're gonna be so lucky next we meet out there achilles sir i got a relic of some sort out there a globule of ancient blood which formed after i fought with mega is this really the titan's blood i found the blood as far as i know yes lad that it is the who's exactly i'm not so sure you best hang on to it and keep it safe your weapons they shall thirst for it and drink it up not yet perhaps but soon my weapons will thirst for it what is that i can't spend it yet i wasn't supposed to get this far what do i do with this diamond and blood well this has been our first solo episode on hades you guys i think we absolutely killed it for not having any upgrades and for learning it most of those enemies i fought for the first time so hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as i enjoyed playing it let me know if you want more hades thank you for watching and i hope you have a fantastic day see you guys [Music] you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 107,774
Rating: 4.9522686 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Action Roguelike, action, indie, rpg, roguelike, hack and slash, dungeon crawler, roguelite, mythology, hand drawn, difficult, funny, fail, levels, bosses, tips and tricks, playthrough, footage, gameplay
Id: rEw8lzZ6KDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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