Building The Ultimate Apocalypse Vehicle Part 3

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[Applause] what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we're gonna continue working on our apocalypse right here and as you seen in the previous video we started maintenance Ingush thing and we still got a little bit more to go like greasing up all the fittings making sure they're full of grease and also trying to find our rear air leak to hopefully get our central tire inflation system working again and maybe take this sucker off roading but let's just go ahead start by crawling under this thing and we'll go from there [Music] alright guys so we just greased up a few fittings and I gotta say this driveshaft took basically this whole entire tube of grease up I mean it's crazy how dry it was but after like 10 pumps of grease some of the old grease came out and it looks like still original factory grease and hopefully none of these bearings are actually bad I mean they seem pretty solid to me so if anything we can replace the u-joints not a big deal but other than that let's just go ahead and keep moving and hopefully get this whole entire thing greased up [Music] alright guys we just got everything greased up and we also went ahead and crawled up under here and found our air leaks we actually had two lines that were leaking one of them would just tighten up it's good there and also one of the elbows the brass elbow is actually leaking went head through some brand new Teflon it's all nice and tight nothing is leaked and it's nice and quiet hopefully our air pressure stays but right now I actually gonna jump in the cab and try to see if we can get our actual tire inflation system back in working let's do it do man I want to see this sucker go down so we can crawl this time your consummate you know there's like a little like recess a little like thing that we have to do so we're gonna go ahead and do that see if we can get this thing working because that thing will be awesome to completely deflate the tires and stuff like that and if you get stuck you know that's the only way to get out really but deflate them and go did you see the size of that transfer case is literally the size of a transmission dude it's basically the exact same size as that transmission but it is an all-time 4x4 so they probably will drive yeah so all time all-wheel drive you said and also a lot of people are saying to make sure it's not actually 800 hours instead of 800 miles now think it is 800 Mosca just looking at those brakes over there and those look like our original brakes yeah I mean these trucks they don't run off hours they actually run off of miles yeah we got a mound me even on even on the title it says 710 miles but we drove like a hundred already so we got 800 something miles so good there let's go ahead and jump in here and see if we can get this thing working alright so actually no luck trying to deflate these tires because the lights are still solid on the monitor on the inside which means we do have a problem and we're thinking that it's actually this sensor right here if the sensor goes bad that system will not work so if anybody knows where we can get one of those sensors please be sure to drop that in the comment section down below or email us that'll definitely help us out a lot but we're gonna move on to the next thing we actually discovered something pretty dang cool if you pull this pin out right here it'll actually allow this cabin to be on air ride we were driving with the pin put in there where'd you put this pin just on the side yeah it actually goes in on the side if you lock that certain replacement is basically solid solid it was a super rough ride and that probably explains why we were bouncing around so much now that we unplugged it and it's gonna be on air ride and we got everything greased up let's go for another round and see how it see if there's a difference really [Music] kinda like now I used to bounce around I couldn't record yeah really hard out spices leaving sketch now you see how it goes for a little bit more [Music] all right so we are back from our test-drive and I got to say this thing does drive way smoother than it did before and there's no weird vibrations or noises coming from underneath us and to top it all off we gained about five to ten more miles per hour which is crazy I don't know how greasing it up made it happen but it did this thing does move a lot faster but anyways while we still got a little bit more daylight's we're gonna move on to the next thing and actually scuff these wheels and just do a little bit of touch-up paint get all four I'm looking brand new [Music] all right so we finally got all four wheels painted and we threw some tire shine on the tires just to make it pop but it did get a little late on us because we got an early start on this video so we'll catch you guys tomorrow in the morning all right so it is the next day here and since it is gonna be raining on and off today we're actually not gonna focus on the exterior of this rig the next thing that we're gonna do is jump into that box and start cleaning that sucker completely up maybe do like a little interior paint and also start brainstorming of how we're gonna turn that thing into a camper I can't wait to get to that but before we do that we do want to actually take this sucker off roading some light trails where some logging trucks go maybe we can find some other pretty pretty crazy trails for it we just want to get a feel for it and just give a test of that all wheel drive so let's just go ahead and start hitting that way [Music] so we've made it over here to some trails and I gotta say the plate here was amazing it drives really good I'm actually surprised how well it drove all the way up this super steep hill done I mean you did kick on that van you know I mean the first time I ever did that so first time we kind of gave is some heat because we're going uphill for like a few balls but knew we're good dude how smooth is a driver and now it's super smooth the cab is nice and soft the hug on two batches go 20 miles an hour I mean that's the speed limit but we're just going to go ahead hit some trails secretly to find and just go off-roading a little bit hopefully we don't get the top of our truck yeah that's one thing is try to avoid and low heat and so as his keep on going [Music] dude this thing is insane in these woods it's actually a lot of fun driving on these trails do this thing was made for the name for this type of stuff exactly because it's handling perfect man this thing probably has seen road roads all this life this is about Tom it's actually living you know living its dream off-road dude check out all the bugs actually looks really cool man this thing is looking like a it looks way better in the woods you know what I mean it looks way bigger and stuff like that it's like you were saying that's performing outstanding the temperature is good everything is running good there's no warning lights and heck look we even came to some fresh water you know everybody's buying out the water we've got some fresh water coming out of the ground might as well just go ahead and drink it dude we're about to I think well this is this road right here is for logging right yeah it's a logging trail Road well it is a wildlife park but they allow people to drive down these roads and there's some trails that they made like side trails that you can take but I'm kind of iffy about them because you know they're like mostly full wheelers yeah but there is actually some trails that are made for big rigs as well that sucker is tall we may try some there's actually some pretty cool viewpoints that we're gonna probably hit up yes let's just keep on go and see what we can come up with [Music] [Music] [Music] if you don't explain but you doing [Music] dang-son we made it we made it to one of the little what is this it's like a little viewpoint it's a pretty sweet I think there's a waterfall somewhere over there but let's just go quickly check it out and I guess we'll find another trail this trail was awesome you know what I mean very awesome dude hopefully we don't find a trail and get stuck you know that's what I was afraid of I don't think there's gonna be really hard to get this thing stuck unless you're like in some sand yeah I you didn't talking about like if you're going you can't go no more you're gonna have to reverse these trails you can't even like turn around you know what I mean yeah you might have to back it out but you know what it's a blaster [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so we just stopped at another viewpoint and I gotta say as a passenger man it is pretty dang smooth we've been up here with Jeeps the can-am and it's pretty rough and it's super loud with this honestly I've had the smoothest ride which is kind of crazy but I guess this is what it's built for we went through all sorts of terrains mud clay sand now that it's getting crazy we're kind of getting a little bit scared like we'd get stuck since our deflation system doesn't work but I mean it's performing amazing we're having a good time out here it is raining a little bit which i think is gonna wash it off on the way back home which is kind of a good thing but right now we're probably gonna start heading back because we did make it a couple probably like 10 15 20 miles out here so let's go on and start heading back [Music] I gotta say I just had the time of my life man I've had many vehicles on that road and I thought it's gonna be super rough just cuz we're going on gravel but super smooth and it went through it so fast and now I'm better go back home using the highway and down these hills but yeah we're gonna do we're gonna test out these brakes now going down the whole entire Mountain you know to me but I gotta say the way that this thing ears down and gears up is perfect for off-roading on-road it shifts a little bit rough but I think it was designed for off-roading so I'm super happy with how that turned out and I guess we're just gonna see how it does going down this hill right now but I'm having a tough time of my life dude oh yeah it is a lot of fun on the trail and to be honest with you I feel like I'm driving a regular vehicle man it's a lot smoother than the Jeep for sure dude on that trail oh yeah but I feel like I'm driving a regular vehicle other than the shifting right now you're very but it'll still smooth yeah let's go ahead and head back home [Music] all right so we are finally back home and I'm totally blown away by how this thing just performed on and off road definitely did a lot better off-road as we mentioned before because we just went like 20 miles on all sorts of terrain and we drove it back on the highway didn't break anything of course they'd probably be super hard to break this thing but it's just so perfect I just can't believe it we can work on a few things maybe make it a little bit smoother baby gear the axle stuff like that we'll look into but as right now let's jump into this box and start cleaning it up [Music] [Music] all right so we were just about to start vacuum in and removing all the crud out of this box but there's a few things that we want to remove before we do that that's actually these metal rails right here they're just gonna be in the way once we get to our flooring we haven't decided on the flooring but we're gonna do something awesome but most of these bolts are actually stripped and pretty badly rusted so what we're having to do is actually weld some nuts and bolts to them just to get them unscrewed but there is a good bit more to go so let's just keep on doing what we have to do and try to get these rails out [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we finally got these super heavy rails removed I'm guessing they actually loaded up some heavy weight in here at some points but we're not gonna be needing none of that now it is time to actually measure out our square footage because we got it nice and clean in here and actually run to a local hardware store and pick out our brand new floor maybe get some interior paint maybe even some LED lights who knows so let's just go ahead head that way and see what we can get all right so we made it here to the Home Depot and check out our vinyl flooring options here we got plenty of colors but I think we want to go with some light colors just because I think it's gonna look best when I paint the walls light colors as well so it's between this one and this one which one do you want to pick I think we should just go with this one because it is a wider you know piece wider blank you know be a lot easier to work with and that actually look really good you know it has a little bit of light color some of this stuff is just way too white and that gives it like a more natural look to it so yeah I think we're gonna go with like a bright theme on the inside so I think that's perfect look that it's got a little bit of brown and white in it so it looks good dude what we need is I think 104 square feet so so go ahead grab like six boxes or five boxes I think five bucks to each box is like 23 foot so let's grab what we need and keep looking for some more stuff [Music] [Music] okay so now that we got everything loaded up into the big rig let's go ahead and head back to the house back at the house here and what we're about to do is actually completely clean this floor using our mop and some cleaner as well and then I think we'll be able to start applying our vinyl flooring [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so the floor is finally finished and I gotta say we knocked it out they did we knocked it out dude it looks like 10 times better inside here actually cleaned it up and dude dude that looks like real hardwood you know I mean it looks legit not all most OEM wood and this stuff is water from fried this bag will last for a good bit no matter how much water we throw on it this is built to last dude this thing is starting to take shape dude yeah so we wanted to start with the floor and this is kind of the color scheme that we're going with on the walls we're definitely to do white so it's real bright in here yeah you the brighter you get it the more bigger you know it seems yeah and right now we're actually just meeting some ideas how we're gonna actually build off the inside because we do need a bed here and also I want to you know RV ties need a little kitchen you need some cabinets you need like a dining table we're thinking is doing like a little like a loop around table right here look at what everybody can sit around it but then whenever you don't use the table you can just pop it off right now and it's just gonna be a bed you know to make it maybe a red ground couch we'd have to build a custom one that day you know too much space I think I mean it wouldn't be no issue would just get our own foam you know do whatever you know exactly hey if we start running a room in here I think would just go up top you just build another double decker yeah what if you built like a nice little chill spot up there possibly you know I mean you got a little ladder right here so I'm like during the summer song you just go up there and you know tan you know next to a lake or something join them all do that pretty crazy what about these life from definitely get rid of these lights we're gonna do like some nice sleek led by yeah Red River but all these lights for Mom we're probably gonna go ahead get rid of this and all this stuff that is really useless and we're gonna run our own electricity there is electricity they have months of these little boxes as you can tell all the way around so we can easily route our own lines so that only run that only were these lights only work right here when you have a generator plugged up to it right yeah those lights right there the big ones so you plug in the generator so we're we're not gonna be using none of that we're probably gonna go solar right solar and inverters converters whatever you can you'll probably put like hide some batteries inside here just just make it legit exactly I'm probably gonna do like some nice underglow under this frigate so that's a whole nother story yeah right now we're gonna focus on the inside but dude that's pretty it's turning out absolutely amazing I can't wait to actually use this sucker and go camp out me weird use it man we're already using Ellis time we can go ahead and use it you know just lay down on the floor I'm not you sleep in here tonight no crack all the windows open I'm good I love I love how there's so many windows I mean that's plenty I was thinking like maybe cut a whole little ladder to go outside hey what if we can find like one of those military style you know latches a circular wheel not a huge one you know and probably like do it right here in the corner and just go up there dude that would be sick actually now you know you're onto something but definitely give us some ideas down below let us know what you shoot what we should do because we really want to be off the grid right oh yeah for sure oh and also we purchased the fire extinguisher we're going to quickly throw that in but as we walk around I've seen a couple pictures of where people put like awnings on the side I think that'd be really cool definitely gonna look for a custom awning I guess is maybe we need one that comes out and I'll be pretty tall perfect no you put some chairs out underneath it don't hand a little bit you think this fire extinguisher will fit oh we're about to find out but dude we were looking up these door handles these door handles are super expensive how much do you find out people who door handles was like $500 dude that's insane and a whole LED light kit for up front and I believe you change all these regular halogen light bulbs to LEDs it's like yeah it's like 800 800 s yeah yeah bad but it's still up there and that's something that's super expensive I'm going to crack this sucker open right here just go right there you guys know we need one of these on all time maybe it's too big or that thing I think it's perfect something like that all right so I think we might purchase one too a little bit too large but you know what we'll just have this in the actual camper over there just in case you know we're cooking a sausage you're gonna stake or something blows up you know what I mean today can be crazy so definitely want to have as much of these as possible but that's pretty much it let's go to the paint what color we're gonna paint it right quick before we wrap this video well we said white but we got a already sick paint exactly plenty of tape here but we're gonna go with something like this this is interior paint and primer so this should be perfect I think it's gonna pop perfectly and I got the semi-gloss not the high gloss not the set and I think this in my gloss will give it a little bit more light in there you know especially once we throw some LEDs in there dude this thing is gonna be sick so make sure your post notifications are on because this thing is gonna be definitely epic when we're done with it and we're definitely gonna use it as much as possible but guys that is gonna be a wrap for today's video if you want an inside scoop before YouTube definitely give us a follow on Instagram and if you want to help support your boys be sure to visit you in squad comm and coffee submerged but with all that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you guys next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,172,440
Rating: 4.9017935 out of 5
Keywords: building the ultimate apocalypse vehicle, building an apocalypse vehicle, building a bug out vehicle, building a military truck, rebuilding a military truck, rebuilt, wrecked, corona virus, corona virus truck, goonzquad, goonzquad military truck
Id: Pg4cKGLa57w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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