Building The Ultimate Apocalypse Vehicle Part 5

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this thing is built right here this ain't even camping at this point this is a lizard man you're talking about mansion what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we're gonna continue working on our apocalypse rig here and as you seen in the previous video we started building our living area and today we're gonna continue doing that but before we do so we actually want to run to a couple camper and RV stores just to get some more ideas as you guys mentioned so let's just go ahead drive around see what's opened and see what we can come up with [Music] thanks under flooded over here dude that is crazy but we are here at our v-world ain't we yeah RV can't no it's called Camping World RV camping order whatever you wanna call it it's go ahead and check out some RVs do you want to check out some RVs and then probably go inside see what they got yeah let's see if we could do that maybe they'll open one up for us or whatnot look at that another F for feet 33 33 feet they're probably thinking we're here to buy a little camper yeah pulling off with this rig right here little do they know no sir we're just here to get ideas because this is like the perfect hauler ain't it oh yeah perfect caller for this type of situation I'm actually super excited to go in here a lot of people are actually commenting dude go to the Camping World or something that's the ideal place to find stuff yep so we're gonna go check it out see what we can come up with [Music] dude man this is crazy this is a sick look it has like a lock on it so you can open it and lock it look at this mini fridge right here that's that's massive but it's like a one that this is shake proof you know what I mean since we're gonna be like in a all sorts of terrain you bounce around and stuff and these doors won't swing open you know what I mean we're only gonna have to build like some kind of locks on ours for now you know we're just gonna see how long that thing lasts you know my kids right now we're not gonna worry about that but look at those little mini washers that is legit it's pretty sweet but I think we're gonna do the old-fashioned way grab a big old bucket yeah you spin your own clothes you know what if we get one of these things it slides out you just that's pretty neat that's pretty neat but we're looking at a bunch of stuff there's some not generators but how much are those they're like two to five thousand dollars dude so they're insane we got this chop for now we definitely need this important thing there's probably cheap this thing out here Thanks also you know we got to do it we got it and it does say stay everybody has to stay six feet back set except for me and you back away you're in so we're staying our distance you know trying to be cautious anyways let's keep looking all right guys so we just had to stop for a second there is a freaking Cummins generator we might use do you think that's a Cummins engine in there I have no idea does it run on diesel remote start look at the connections right here so this stuff can power a lot at once so we probably that's a big big plug right there that like the RV plug where you can plug in your whole entire RV I think so so I think we may just go ahead and purchase one of these here real soon I don't know which one there's lots of options here you know Honda Honda is probably the most expensive around here because wait I don't know there's another one over there for like five grand but I think this would be a perfect size we're not gonna run too much crazy stuff maybe a microwave I wish they had a caterpillar window caterpillar here's the match but it Cummins is pretty cool and remote start cuz we can like put it up in that area over there and just press a button start bad boy up I wonder what it takes diesel or wood we're gonna have to find this stuff out but we're probably gonna walk out with one of these definitely [Music] all righty guys so we just purchased some goodies we loaded it up in the back of the truck we're gonna show you guys what we got here in a little bit but they loud us to go in one of these let's see what's going on and check it out there's right here's a little one you know is bait basically the same size as ours dude and they got the exact same thing what I was talking about this is what we want to do in that corner but may make it turn into bed the best thing does it pops up and it goes down on these things right there and it's a bed dude this is perfect look at this we need to find something like this yeah that's what I was saying we've got a sink about just like this but we need you know we need one of these stoves we're probably just going online or something like that let me say what's in here whoo hey that's legit oh they even got a shower in there toiletries or whatnot whatever they call it that's it he said that's a pretty big bed right there you can sleep comfortably no problem oh yeah wonder how big this thing is no this seems about almost the same size the width yeah it is 8 foot wide probably but it's a little bit longer because it's a trailer yeah it's definitely a little bit longer but dude we can there's some good stuff like we can use something like this you know cabinet ramen noodles in there you know just quick stuff I sound like a speaker systems got outlets got the HVAC unit right there that's legit dude this is like perfect dude I know dude this is awesome even we got a little heater right here you know you know what a dishwasher and a fire extinguisher you got it all where's the fridge or is this the fridge well they made me the fridge oh yeah that's definitely the fridge you don't really need a dishwasher I mean oh no knock that stuff out by hand but this is pretty cool you know this is what I really wanted to look at get this idea right here to try to replicate it in our rate [Music] all right so we made it to one of these big boys over here the Raptor look at that automatically looks it got the seamless windows don't you check this out oh my goodness let me get back this is sick look at this this is basically a what's a called a garage because look at this it's all chains I'll go all the way up and you can pull your four-wheeler RZR in here that is pretty we can do dudes let's go in the inside this thing is built right here imagine this ain't even camping at this point this is a lizard man you're talking about mansion this is legit new invention mobile mansions mobile mansion Argonaut flatscreen hey that's a new name of RV business right there mobile mansion oh dude don't tell nobody that might as well might as well you know go out there and start using mobile mansions right there well it's over you're gonna oh my goodness that is sweet look at that another fireplace and stuff got a TV fireplace it's tall in here it's all wired for solar and everything dude hey what's in here we got a bathroom or something that's a sick master bedroom it's legit in here do you know let me see the better than them see the better dude that's that's huge not sure I hear much let's get out of here before I get tempted exactly what you said let me take them to show them this tower here right quick then I stole it but yeah let's go ahead or you want to check out one more maybe I want to check out the actual driving armies let's go let's go check out the biggest one they got [Music] [Music] alright guys so you just seen this Lysol everything and we are back and this is all the stuff that we got we also got a power cord right here these are the RV / camper power cords that you can plug in whenever you go to a campsite and they actually have like those plugins to power up your whole entire unit and also this is the exact same power cord that actually plugs up into the generator that way if we do fire this bad boy up we can run this whole entire unit and our plan is to actually where's that one little feet oh yeah I took it in there as you can tell we bought this little plug in the exact same plug in and we want to actually open this up and see if we can route all these wires to this exact plug in and just have it sticking out there you know what I mean so if you do run like I said camp side plug it in you got full power and we haven't used this thing so hopefully this thing actually fires up all of our power outlets that way we don't have to run anything and on top of that we do have you know these wires that we took off so probably hopefully run our brand-new LED lights so that's exactly what we're gonna do trying to get this thing hanging out there in our generator what do you think we should place that thing um it's I've been thinking right there it's perfect spot for a lot of people were saying some people are saying not to do it there but hey why not it'll be the best for us because there's already strong connections nice metal like plates over there they and the generator that we buy is pretty dang quiet so super quiet very good on like exhausted do you know diffusion you know the innovations are what yeah it has some nice exhaust pipes on there it's not fine but yeah definitely we're still gonna fire it up before we decide we're gonna see how it sounds how it operates not my good stuff and then well you know in its remote start so fits right here and you're in here and you really need it you know cut it on to use the oven or anything else you just cut that bad boy on a fire right up and on top of that we are planning on running solar panels so if we don't really have to fire that thing on to like run our refrigerator we want that always running you know that solar panels will do the trick for that but anyways we still got a lot more stuff out there you want that let's go through it real quick alright so back over here we did buy a water pump this is actually a very nice professional-grade one and it has five point three GPM so gallons per minute that's actually pretty dang good you can run the sink pretty dang you know it's powerful yes a powerful sink shower whatever you want to run this thing was actually like two hundred and twenty something dollars they're quite expensive yeah and then we got our water hose right here we can try to run this I don't know if we will exactly use this stuff but we're trying to run our sink off this and everything that's just good to have just in case you know just in case and also went ahead and got a bigger jump starter we do have one of these exactly the same if that sucker won't start you definitely need that and what else we got there right there this is our power cord no we were done oh yeah the power cord nice grip right there and like I said we Lysol all this stuff we want this stuff to sit out here let it aerate a little bit because you guys recommended to go there and we went there and that was actually the most dangerous zone we ever been into danger zone right there - there was one employee that was sniffling and whatnot mifflin red-faced he looked a little bit sweaty and that's like the start of this ain't it like we kind of looked it up to see what what kind of precautions we need to take and they did say stay six feet back we were staying about six double that yeah we didn't really know at first we walked in there everybody looked pretty legit then one guy started walking around I was like yo you know we got a back way and we were wearing gloves I should wear the mask but you know what he didn't call first knees or anything he was just you know could be it could be just a cold but right now you got to be super Union and we got to stay safe for our family as well which we're gonna probably stay away from that is in a couple days away from them maybe even a week or two we'll try to wear masks and just be very cautious guys just stay safe out there this stuff is actually really dangerous there's a lot of people that are you know they're losing loved ones and stuff like that we don't want that to happen we love you guys we're trying to give you guys a little bit of precautions don't go out don't go out in the stores you know we did we're just trying to get some content out but I think we're just gonna stay away from now and if we do full paint suit man see everything you're gonna pocalypse ooh but anyways what's the very first thing that we want to do pack this sucker open yeah let's go ahead and crack this sucker open and see what it's about [Music] why dude does it go up even louder maybe if you plug some stuff in it does get louder to generate more power but that's pretty sweet super silent I think it'll actually be perfect for up there done perfect area dude the way it sounds super quiet and I think it's like the perfect size for that area exactly pretty dang small and it has emissions control so I don't think any exhaust will get in there because it's all in outside and also check out this little display area right here got your data center your fuel meter you got your output dude this thing is leaning got like a eco mode what is that sucker right there oh you bet it's gonna run a lot quieter probably turns the rpm a little bit down but that's that main little plug that we got right there we're actually gonna run probably on the outside here looks I'm actually wire that fuse box up see if it'll power that thing up see if we don't actually power up this whole tower box all the lights and all the sockets so let's just go ahead and get to wirings [Music] [Music] alright guys so after fooling with this panel right here for a little bit we finally figured something out we got some power to some of these sockets not all of them but check this out dude that's some high power to power that right there which is crazy we also plugged into mini fridge so that sucker is getting nice and cold might throw some drinks in there here a little bit we got that socket working some of you are not working because this is such a weird panel right yeah this panel right here is made for some weird kind of electricity I don't understand it I know the normal panels that you have like at your house we're doing we've grown one out right there this one right here is weird because only the sinner ones that go to the back of that black plastic cannot touch that right there yeah that's that's the negative you know both of those big things are negatives I'm you know we're not electricians we're definitely not electricians but you know what we are lighting some things up here so let's just go ahead list all these lights and try to figure this completely out [Music] [Music] all right so we finally got our lights wired up and working all on the flip of a switch check this out right here that is what I'm talking about that's from that breaker box or fuse box we didn't figure it out 100% because some of our outlets are still not working as well as our family can't figure it out just yet we're gonna do a little bit more digging a little bit more research just to figure that out but as you can probably hear we are running off the generator currently and the generator will be our last resort because we are doing a solar panel system on the top of this thing now we're probably place our batteries right here that's gonna be the next thing that we're gonna do is actually build a lounge area that way we can cover those batteries up and also we're going to just kind of distribute the weight evenly so we're going to show you guys that solar panel system actually tomorrow in the morning all right so does the next stay here we are on top of the apocalypse right here what's some solar panels and as you can tell they only got four boxes which is four solar panels we do got a lot more but we just don't know how much we're gonna use just yet right now what we're trying to do is actually just do a layout of how this stuff is gonna be without picking up all this space because we might want to get up here later and just do a little bit of chilling or whatnot but anyways let's just go ahead and crack these suckers open lay them out and then I'll show you guys the rest of the components [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we did a few layouts that way we can see how much space we have up here and honestly how much solar panels we can run and we're thinking about running about eight of them I don't know if that will be enough to charge up like six to five batteries who knows we don't even know how much power these suckers produce either five or ten horsepower I don't know we're just gonna have to do our research there but what do you think about this layout right here I think that's a perfect layout because we if we want to we can walk straight through the middle if we add four more right here probably do eight panels total I think I should produce plenty of power not if we have to we can add more later on but like I said I don't know how much powers these suckers produce I know there's bones it's probably like I don't know I don't I'm a guest like 1500 watts so that's just a wild guess right there this thing can actually try I mean I think this thing can charge up about six batteries right yeah so that's exactly what this system does it charges like a couple batteries and then from the batteries it goes into an inverter or converter I don't know which one that is more than maybe I don't know but we do have the whole entire kit we're just gonna have to go through all that stuff and honestly just see what else we need for this kid [Music] alright guys we just open all this stuff up and we went through everything and we're just learning so much already right off the bat this is gonna be our charge controller which grabs power from the solar panels and sends it to the battery charging them up we got a Bluetooth controller that way we can just get an app and see how much battery power we have and how this system is actually functioning and it will warn you if you got like something wrong with this that's a good thing to have we got two of these that way we can run probably like four batteries or something like that which is a good thing because off of one battery they say that you can run their refrigerator 24/7 with up to two solar panels - right yeah off of just two solar panels which we're planning on running good that's gonna be crazy but we need that because we're gonna be running on LED lights refrigerator even I don't know the water lump stove anything you know we can run a bunch of stuff once we get this all set up right we got fuses to the battery that way we don't blow anything up and a bunch of like these are like solar panel fuses over we're good on fuses we're good on wires we got about twenty foot of this stuff that we're gonna run it from the outside to the inside and we even found an old inverter this thing still works right yeah Sarah should work and this is a pretty decent one these thing these things are pretty expensive but we're definitely gonna buy like a super nice one this is an 800 watts continuous - 1600 watt 60 meter watts of peaks of that that'll power that refrigerator no problem each solar panel is like a hundred watt so if we're running a dome that's 800 watts right so this is DC to AC so this should be perfect right she might just be the perfect thing but one thing that we're lacking is actually batteries what kind of batteries I think we should just grab like some marine grade batteries that we know the big batteries because we need something that this can actually screw onto because you're not screwing this on - no car batteries and they recommend a certain wattage so I'm sure we can find it so what do you say run to the local store and see if we can grab some batteries let's do it alright so we're here at the Auto Zone and we found two deep cycle batteries we actually called a solar panel place here nearby they said these should work perfectly fine with our system now let's go ahead and head back home and see if we set this thing up [Music] alright guys so we finally got our solar system set up and check this out we had to go buy a bigger inverter because I think this one is bad wouldn't work but everything is working this system is actually pretty dang simple and it's running off in just two solar panels one battery and one massive inverter here more power on our mini fridge and it's telling us that is charging pretty dang good we got full sunlight out today which is pretty cool and I gotta say this system was actually super simple to set up and we're gonna have consistent power through the day in the night so that's pretty epic but I can't wait to actually set up the whole entire solar all the solar panels really and more batteries probably and just have everything running off of solar panels but with that being said that's gonna be a wrap for today's video we got so much more to do but make sure your post certifications are on so you don't miss out on anything if you want an inside scoop before YouTube definitely give us a follow on Instagram and also guys if you want to help support your boys be sure to visit goon squad calm and copy one of these brand new t-shirts these are our brand new apocalypse camo shirts these are very limited so if you want you one of these be sure to visit goon squad calm and copy one so with all that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you guys next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,766,032
Rating: 4.8826971 out of 5
Keywords: building the ultimate apocalypse vehicle, building an apocalypse vehicle, building a bug out vehicle, building an off grid vehicle, building a military truck, goonzquad apocalypse truck, goonzquad military truck, goonzquad, rebuilt, wrecked, Apocalypse vehicle
Id: mXMototNBdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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