Building The Ultimate Apocalypse Vehicle Part 12

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we're gonna continue working on our pocalypse rig here and as you can tell we are getting really close to the finished product and all we got is some final touches and once those final touches are complete we got some awesome accessories that are gonna be absolutely epic for this rig so let's just go ahead start with the very first thing that we need to do and actually install a septic tank for this thing is as you know we do got some running water and we need a place to store all the waste so let's go ahead show you guys our septic tank and where we're gonna place it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so this is our waste tank right here we did have a bigger one but we exchanged it for a little small one because we were thinking about actually installing it on the outside like you usually would but since we're not gonna be using like sewage we're just gonna be using like waste water we're probably gonna go ahead and install it underneath this sink that way it's a lot easier for us cuz we don't really want to take up too much room on the outside of this rig we want to keep it nice and simple you know just keep it that military look you don't exactly exactly you know though we do got a 35 gallon tank up there and this is a 12 gallon tank of course there's way more up there and we're gonna have to empty it quite often I think it'll be easier to keep track yeah we're not gonna be using this al way too much you know what I mean just for little things like dishes and stuff like that mainly we're gonna be using the water probably for the shower whenever we set it exactly exactly so not a lot of waste will be going in here but as you mentioned it's only gonna be water or not so yeah not sewage so it won't be a big deal we may have to go ahead and move some of this plumbing around because this thing is a little bit longer than I thought so let's just go ahead see if we can get this sucker fitted in here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we finally installed our waterways tank and I gotta say it turned out absolutely perfect we did that figure out a lot of this plumbing just to get it to fit and we added a piece of foam so it's nice and level as well as a strap so doesn't go anywhere as for the elbow that we had to glue to the bottom of the sink it's gonna allow us to quickly disconnect this hose right here no way we can just take this sucker out and quickly dump it with no problems whatsoever I'm only thinking that this may sag right here if we do run some water so we'll find out later because that glue is still drying in the meantime we're gonna jump onto the outside and actually do a lot of brainstorming on where we can place our propane tank and our tankless water heater so we could have a nice hot outdoor shower [Music] you [Music] alright guys so check this out after doing a bunch of brainstorming I think we found our perfect spot for a water heater in our propane tank that's for our tank we're actually got to mount the bracket up against the wall it's gonna be perfect away from everything and out in the open same goes for a water heater actually gonna just screw it down right here behind the snorkel and it's gonna be easier to route both of these things together and whenever you do need to take a shower you'll be able to just got the water hose right here just connect it to your tent right there which is perfect right there that's gonna be epic there that's gonna be perfect and also I'm just thinking if we do use the propane stove on the inside we could easily run the lines through there oh yeah just drill a hole and run an extra line there there's no problem but as for this thing as you can tell it does have a hole up here because this thing does release hot air like a exhaust basically and I think we need to test this thing before we actually screw it on there because we might need to actually build a exhaust pipe sticking out the side if it does get - yeah exactly in Austin there's nothing up in this box right here in - all metal and it's also a good thing that it's covered because from water and whatnot you know well yeah and this unit is basically outside so there's air always blowing around you know it's not enclosed and it's an outdoor unit so let's go ahead and actually connect this sucker and see if this thing actually works [Music] hi guys check this out we finally got this sucker to work and I gotta say it produces some super hot water you get almost burn your hand dude or you can burn your hand this is on the minimum settings if I turn it up all the way to max gas pressure gas ammount dude it goes up to life 104 degrees which is like hot tub water right there 128 degrees really Oh coming off of it and the thing is as soon as you cut that water on it automatically cuts the propane opposite propane cuts off and also appeared this isn't we gotta go back cut the water off thanks hon what happy effing utley busted a line this line right here is pretty dang Finn but I got to say the pressure coming out of the water hose from the house is super high we're probably gonna run off the pump from in there right yeah we're probably just gonna relocate it to the outside that way we don't have to buy a secondary pump and it's just gonna be overall better yeah exactly and also we still are going to mount it right there because we figured out that there is not too much high heat coming out of here so I just go ahead start mounting that and this propane tank and I don't want to start plumbing right after [Music] [Music] all right so the water heater and a propane tank is finally mounted this sucker is nice and style I don't think it's going anywhere we are kind of if you own the water tank or the water heater there because it is a little bit flimsy but I guess we'll just have to put it to the test as we drive this sucker around but that's for the plumbing how we're gonna do it we're probably gonna bring the water pump out here as we mentioned before we're probably gonna worry about that later next thing that we're gonna jump onto is another accessory it's gonna be an epic one something that every big rig needs let's show you guys what we got alright so as you guys know we have been running a train horn on almost all of our trucks and we absolutely love it and it does come in handy as well but today I think we just got one of the biggest train horns for one of our biggest trucks here this is a horn blaster horn let's just go ahead and crack this sucker open we already opened it but you guys got to see this thing for yourself here do this thing I'm not sure what type of metal it may be aluminum but dude this sucker is gonna scream and my main concern is where we're gonna mount this thing weird main thing CERN is how loud is this thing going to be this thing but yeah anyways let's go ahead and figure out what we're gonna mount this sucker and try to get it all wired up [Music] [Applause] I had to hold one of my eardrums dude I wouldn't allow that there's an echo throughout like the whole town right now dude also I do hear an air leak right there yeah I didn't notice that there was some kind of air leak on a tee fitting that we actually found them - the girl found in the garage because the kit didn't come with one because it was made to route up a different way but we just did it to our actual air cam was a lot simpler but we're gonna have to pick that tee fitting up probably tomorrow yeah it is that's kind of late but we'll probably pick up a new tee fitting at a truck store tomorrow in the morning next stay here guys and we've picked up a brand new brass fitting this morning and we finally are holding some good air pressure in here I don't think it's leaking at all listen to this oh yeah I do that bout wind F right there but anyways what we're gonna do is find a nice location for this switch right here and finish up all this wiring and then we'll show you guys what else forget [Music] all right so we got our switch installed right here in this little plastic square we're thinking about doing it to the metal pulling this whole panel off but dude that's just the perfect spot for it works properly dude we're thinking about doing an actual pool horn that they have in semi trucks dude that'd be pretty dang cool dude those are just super easy to grab I think it's called a tube stringers hopefully whatever you call that me I wonder how they run are they let's is it like a button or is it run all the way over there or something like that yeah I think like the truck store might have one so we'll have to definitely check that out or what if we added like an extra pedal in the floor right there pedal or just one big button that you can just stop cuz that would be pretty cool you're just driving you press your brakes in that button at the same time and dude that's perfect but we'll do that later right now let's go ahead and hop on the outside and show you guys another attachment we want to do all right so moving on to the back here as you guys know we got this heavy-duty pintle hook attachment that we can haul with some heavy-duty trailers and possibly haul our forklift and other heavy equipment but not only that we also want to haul like regular trailers that way we can possibly haul our Jeep in like Arcanum or even possibly our boat which would be really cool just imagine a military truck going down the road and the back is attached to both you see like a cool boat and like taking it to the dock and put it in the water dude that'd be sick so what we're planning on doing is actually welding this sucker up right up through this metal right here which is some pretty strong metal and possibly doing some kind of prices and stuff and just making it super strong and I think I'll be perfect and also we can throw in our Jinhua hitch because it is a little bit high up it'll bring it down to the perfect height that is perfect so let's go ahead crack out our welder and see if we can get this sucker welded on [Music] alright guys so we finally got this hitch mounted on there we even welded these little plates I mean this thing is on here for life it ain't going nowhere dude it's strong enough to haul anything right now dude I'm sure this could even hold heavy equipment if we decided to do a pintle hook to the drop hitch oh yeah dude right now what do you want let's go ahead and throw that at Gen Y hitch on there oh yeah we let loose matching primer on it and there's some camo paint and then we'll throw the Gen Y hitch and possibly the boat on it it's good let's do it [Music] a perfect Apocalypse rig or camper rig with the boatman it's like the perfect set of ride that set up by the lake dude that would be awesome but this thing definitely needs a reverse cam after that I didn't have to spot you for a good bit there but let's walk around see what's going on here the boat the boat is actually perfect height so the drop hitch and we even got one more thing to drop down so dude we are good on the height of this thing yeah you can go even lower and it's gonna have the torsion dude they're gonna be flexing they're super happy about that gen-y pitch actually fitting up but what do you say do you want to are you willing to go around the block with this or he's still kind of sketched out about it the way it is I mean I'm kind of sketched out but you know we can always send it but I doubt we're gonna back this sucker in like we do man there's you know difficult gonna have to pull in straight and just somehow leave the boat and it's up to you man if we can send it we can send it you want to let's send it one time all right let's do it [Music] if we got it would make some wide terms of this thing dude we're good it's easy do you feel it up no I don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was pretty dang crazy driving our very first load with this thing and I gotta say that engine whatever it is you cannot feel anything back there I mean you can't see that sucker as well you know the main barely can see well maybe like add like some little mirrors off to the side or we can have like some camera systems that run full time now that's pretty cool that'd be actually pretty perfect for this situation because we actually had to back it up into the front yard because I don't think we'd make it through the gate can't get it to the gate dude I don't think I can back it up that perfectly but anyways moving on to our hitch over here it's on there but we are not 100% ready to actually take this thing to the lake or anything like that as you can tell we need to actually wire up or probably do some chains up to the actual truck itself probably weld some links right there and as for light system we do have a connection for like I think this is like semi-truck connections only semi attachments are there was this attachment right here look at this what is this oh no and I think this is air brakes yeah I think they actually connect or you can actually connect like an air brake actual like semi-truck trailer but you know by pin oh-ho hey I know they actually sell the actual military trucks so that would be perfect for all on military trailer yeah yeah military trailer I mean we can do our big ol forklift with it if we get one of those but what I was wondering is I wonder if they sell like AI adapter that plugs into there and this thing can actually plug into the other side there that'd be pretty easy to wire up instead of having to do all types of like wires and stuff yeah exactly but other than that man the hitch attachment and we welded on there is not going anywhere and it looks like it's supposed to be there looks good I don't even see it so cam okay I gotta say the rear end looks way better with this jinhua hitch what if we came out painted it as well hey not a bad everything gettin came out paying everything camo painted but dude I can't wait to actually haul something to the lake or haul piece of heavy equipment to like our shop or something like that alright so actually Billy just took off because he had to be with his family and his wife I mean it is a Saturday after all and we work like some dogs so it's only right but anyways I went ahead and backed up the boat with the f450 and it is out of the way what I'm about to do is actually give this apocalypse rig a wash because ever since we went Willing up in the mountains it is still filthy from that time and it just needs a wash man I just want to clean it up now we'll probably bag that unit right there just so just to be on the safe side so we'll go ahead and break out the pressure washer and get to [Music] alright so the exterior of the truck is finally nice and clean all the way from the top to the bottom there was some thick sand on that so I'm happy to get it off it did kind of stain it a little bit but you know what ain't nothing that a little bit of camouflage paint can't touch up but anyways I'm actually gonna jump into the inside here of the camper and there is a big mess in there so I'm gonna do a bunch of cleanup probably sort everything out and also I'll probably wipe the floors and everything that needs to be wiped and just get this sucker ready for some living [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so the interior is finally nice and clean it turned out absolutely amazing I might even sleep in here tonight I don't know but check that out guys check out the awesome format as well got that sucker for Christmas but anyways that's gonna be a wrap for today's video we are getting really close to the finished product here let's say we're about 95% finish so stay tuned and let us know if you guys want to see us actually go camping on this thing for the very first time I mean there's still a little bit more that we need to do here and there but that's gonna be pretty much it so make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and also if you want to inside scoop before YouTube definitely give us a follow on instagram at goon squad and if you want to help support your boys be sure to visit goon squad comm and copy some merch but with all that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to stay tuned and we'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,290,842
Rating: 4.9247565 out of 5
Keywords: building the ultimate apocalypse vehicle, building an apocalypse vehicle, building a bug out vehicle, building an off grid vehicle, building a military truck, military truck camper conversion, goonzquad apocalypse truck, goonzquad military truck, goonzquad
Id: IAHvqozgoBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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