Rebuilding A Wrecked 2019 Ford Raptor Part 5

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you have them I don't need them just throw them on way that was a tough one dude oh my goodness look at that we got this piece completely what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are here at the original goon squad garage where we're going to continue working on our brand new build the 2019 Ford F-150 Raptor and as you guys seen in the previous video we finally got this sucker sitting on all fours got all the suspension basically repaired and we even took that sucker ripping we took it in some fields did some donuts and we even ripped it on the road and I gotta say that thing absolutely rips so we're super excited to just keep moving with this project try to get it finished up in a super epic way of course and as you guys seen we ended up picking up most of our parts from the dealership and we didn't get to crack open a lot of this stuff that's exactly what we're gonna get started with crack open all this aluminum stuff that fiberglass Fender right there which I think is going to be pretty cool make sure none of this stuff is damaged and then after that I think we're gonna start working on that quarter panel over there maybe cut out that rear glass then we're just gonna start getting at it and maybe even get it completely repaired today so I said go ahead crack open all these parts and then we just go from there [Music] foreign guys so check this out we finally got all of our parts unpackaged here and what do you got to say dude these suckers are in perfect condition no dings are dense no damages which is a good thing because we don't have to like send something back or anything like that and we do only have just two of the rear doors we don't have that front passenger door which we're still waiting on could be here today could be here tomorrow who knows but good thing to just have these doors in man this is just nice exactly and all these parts are here are aluminum and fiberglass of course the fender and they are super lightly look at this thing this thing is super light you can technically just throw it up in the air and it'll float dude pick up that whole entire thing dude man this thing is light might fly away dude that's what I'm saying that just goes to show how lightweight this truck is dude dude it's crazy but dude this is crazy to see this whole entire side right here which is just awesome because we're just gonna work with what we got and we may have something differently planned on how we're going to repair that side but right now this is our Fender right here too this is completely fiberglass and it almost looks like somebody likes sanded it with like a palm sander or something like that because I mean it's fiberglass so they probably like repair that a little bit yeah dude I'm surprised with the quality of this fiberglass which it is OEM of course and it basically looks like a metal Fender or something it just looks perfect dude it's really nice fiberglass parts and it has some thick primer in there so it's a good thing we're just gonna sand it down and just paint it and we got this other rear door over here which is in perfect condition all we're gonna have to do just slap this circle go ahead and pick that door up if you will dude is it lightweight too yeah everything is look at that dude I mean it's crazy I mean that just goes to show why they put a V6 twin turbo and it's able to rip around yeah it's able to rip around because this truck is super light man it's crazy whip around and break loose like we were doing I can't wait to actually get the bed on there I think it'll have better like uh traction on the rear tires yeah I mean because right now it's super light a little bit of weight will help it but dude as for this quarter panel over here what we're planning on doing is doing a couple test aluminum welds today we're gonna have a buddy come out here is facility builds yeah he got his own YouTube channel and he has a pretty nice aluminum welder and we just want him to come out here and test a weld out real quick we're probably going to cut into it with like an angle grinder and clean it up for him and see if he can actually tack that in if that's possible then we'll probably just end up replacing this quarter panel in like a section like this because we're doing a lot of research and to replace this whole entire thing you're going to have to take the rear glass out which we still will have to yeah we got to take that out regardless but we're gonna have to take the front glass out probably the whole entire interior you're going to have to probably uh like the roof which is a lot of crazy work so if we can actually weld this sucker in we're just going to weld in a section right here something super small and probably will be a lot easier than replacing this yeah definitely oh my goodness this is going to be so such a breeze if we just able to weld it in right there and right there dude that's just going to make our whole entire job just yeah definitely it's going to make it a lot easier and we bought some kind of uh extractor tools for our rivets and rivets now we looked it up and that tool is like five grand then somebody sent us a link so we appreciate you guys for like reaching out to us and always helping us out handheld better than five thousand dollars but you know what this is gonna be it's gonna take a little bit longer but it's gonna be better for us to work with to figure this stuff out and then once we need a big gun we're gonna try to get one as well yeah we're actually in the process of trying to get a bigger gun if if possible but we're gonna work with what we got so this is the extraction tool right here there's also the insertion tool which is over there as well so you can pop it out with one tool and then you insert a new one with the other tool which is going to be pretty awesome to try to figure that some of that stuff out but as of right now we're probably gonna focus on this real quick we're gonna try to go ahead and remove this rear glass without damaging it because that's an expensive one right there definitely probably remove some of this interior over here the back seats all this little rubber lining and stuff like that and see what we can do foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] builds is up in here laying down some dimes dude yeah I wouldn't call those dimes almost this is this is really thin metal and uh but I'll give it my best shot here with this next weld but dude that's pretty good so far dude right there that's just that's grindable right there switched up the fillers there just messing around just getting a feel for it so that's like the one of the main things I wanted to call him out here we're going to do a couple test welds here just to get the fill forward to see if this is possible I mean it looks pretty good dude yes sir yeah we decided to just test it on this bed for now before we test it on the actual truck itself but you said that it's possible that this sucker could warp a little bit because it heats up pretty hard right aluminum is uh really finicky it warps easily just want to keep the heat input low we'll have it right and then heck yeah we'll kind of let's let's check out your welder over here dude you got a beast of a setup right here now yeah look at that hey give me some space so HTTP invert take 221 AC DC has pulse it has a really good Arc Dynamic and uh he's got a throttle it's got a gas pedal that came with it right there dude oh so it's an AC TIG it has pulse features it has a bunch of Arc Dynamic features a bunch of stuff I haven't tapped into yet but this is not your uh Chinese or Taiwanese welder this is actually probably manufactured in Italy yeah dang dude that's nice dude we gotta definitely get our hands on something like that or even start practicing with aluminum welding dude or just call him more often that's what I'm saying dude this dude I've only been welding for oh for a few months well with this welder uh but I really do enjoy it it's pretty easy dude you've been welding like steel though for a long time right dude you guys got to check out his channel he is just an amazing fabricator dude we're gonna leave that probably appreciate that hey yeah we're gonna leave that down below but another thing is we kind of were testing there and we just kind of cut in a pretty big uh Gap right there right like almost like a 1A at 1 8 Gap from the grinder wheel but whenever we're going to be doing the new piece they're going to be touching each other so so if aluminum is touching each other it's a lot easier to weld so you're just welding right on top definitely but so this right here is a really good sign that means we're actually going to be able to just splice in just a section right there and not have to change the whole entire thing dude yeah because like we mentioned before the roof the the windshield and a whole bunch of other things it's just going to be a whole entire like different headache so we don't want to folk really focus on that too much we want to focus on just the damage part yeah sure so as right now you're going to give it a couple more shots right yeah we'll give it a few more shots see how it goes try to get some dimes oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] look at this this is a gold mine look at this got a Jeep drive shaft Springs but you can build a whole like art piece out of all this stuff the other car out of all this man this is like so much years of a car building dude Parts dude and Pops is out here just cleaning stuff up is there anything that you might want to keep are you sure this is all trash uh no more no more no more we're gonna have plenty of traffic this is a good tool right here it is man can I have this but anyways he's gonna go ahead and take that to the scrap pile let us know how much how much you think this is going to be pops not being 17 seventy dollars that's a lick I've been about like fifty dollars what do you think I'm thinking like 35. all right so we'll figure out once he gets back yeah well I guess we'll keep you guys up that's pretty cool right there look at that target practice and all hey we should there's a little dangerous we didn't tore that thing up look at that dude who hit it right there that was me definitely dude I'm a sharp shooter but anyways Vasily builds already took off and let's show them the line of Dimes that he threw down dude check this out man so he did a few different test spots right here and we even sanded one with the grinder to see if there's any imperfections in the weld like cracks and stuff like that and it is nice and smooth that guy did a really good job huge shout out to him his this is his last weld after doing a few tests and it's actually perfect that's exactly what we're looking for I don't even think we're gonna need Bondo right there I believe just some glazing putty and it'll be good dude you need to go dude that is just awesome right there that just that's just exciting to see because now it just makes us want to fix this section like even quicker definitely it's gonna be super quick and another thing is he's actually going to get a different uh rod with Miller rods filler rod that's going to weld even better apparently so he's got a little bit more specs on the type of metal and all that good stuff he's gonna set it up perfectly we just got to get ready for him right we'll be ready right now we are getting ready let me go ahead and hop on that side yeah on this side we already went ahead and took out this rear seat the sub boot for all this stuff over here this rear glass is pretty complicated dude it's a lot more complicated than I actually thought at first I thought it was just this little sliding glass was complicated but dude there's like a brace or what's it called a rail for the sliders or whatever Grill up there and a sliding rail at the bottom with like some metal like wires running here with that motor and everything this whole Contraption thing is massive for this rear glass dude usually you'd be able to take like a putty knife on a Sawzall and be able to cut up in there but there's no way to get back into here because this rail's in the way yeah so what else what can we do right now one thing that we're going to try right now is to cut just this Edge right here where there's nothing in the way and try to get a metal wire through it and just do the old school way and see if we can just hand saw all the way through if if we do run into some issues who knows may have to bust the glass oh dude that's an expensive one I already know without even knowing yeah but anyways right main thing is not to try to damage anything even on the interior of the exterior with that wire because it's super sketchy but I think we got it yeah I think we got it just so with that wire you can easily cut like something like this because that metal wire getting whenever we're going cutting it'll cut through anything so I say we just give it a shot and see what we're working with [Music] thank you [Music] wait that was a tough one dude that was probably the toughest glass to date to pull out right there all done with brute strength and piano wire just pulled that sucker right out man but dude look at that man nice clean cuts hey that thing does pretty well it does but it was pretty tough because you got to hit like certain angles with that wire because there's like that stuff behind there and if you do like too sharp of an angle you're gonna start cutting into aluminum dude and aluminum cut super easy I mean it's a super soft metal so we had to be careful with all that stuff and we threw some tape here on the bottom and at the top that way we don't mess up the paint but over here really didn't matter we just scuffed it up a little bit but dude man honestly if you just put that wire right here you can probably cut through this pillow right here dude no doubt man that's how soft that stuff is but you know what I'm super happy we didn't damage this because that just looks expensive dude we just saved probably like a thousand dollars right there but it's crazy dude it's like one piece of glass with a little glass in the middle that's just like super unique right there man but you know what we got it in one piece yes sir I wonder how they make this so that'd be interesting to just know that stuff but anyways we can move on to the next step which is basically removing this quarter panel yes sir I mean we went ahead and exposed all these rivets right here that we're gonna drill out or like probably use the belt sander we do have an extraction tool right here that I actually popped them clean through the metal but we're probably not going to use that because I kind of want to retain the other side you know leave it still yeah because the new rivets we're gonna actually put into places where the old ones are not so like in between them right because we want to have that strength right you want to put it in a new spot you can't put it in the same spot because that thing actually like it expands into the other piece of metal and like grabs it somehow yeah so we're just gonna do completely brand new areas and I don't even know if we're going to end up even buying that five thousand dollar rivet tool because I was saying this may do the trick dude we're gonna test these suckers out and if it does pretty well on here we're gonna use it on that whole entire bed right there and we should be good dude but how high are we gonna go here we're not going too high to go just a right here right where the damage stops right here because we don't want to go too high we don't want to get in the that roof area because that's a whole different ball game of its own and we'll probably go either this low this low just depends honestly yeah dude this is actually not that much as I was thinking before now that we got everything removed yes sir but dude it's time let's start removing this and maybe what fit up the new one let's do it [Music] thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness look at that we've got this piece completely mocked up and it fits perfect man perfect and we did some precise cuts at the top and the bottom there was a little bit of a change of plans right there was a little bit of a change of plans we thought we're gonna use this piece right here but we actually went further down because we wanted to go past the door latch right here because that right there is going to tell us that this thing is perfect it's in its spot and that's exactly where it needs to get sure that's an absolute point you can't get wrong if you don't if you screw that in you won't be off you know what I mean over here if we would have uh just went up here we would have kind of been off a little bit up or down so I was like dude let's just do it to that that's the best way to do it and right now this thing is on here uh of course it's a little flimsy right now but once we tack it in we're gonna move everything in its spot and I think it's going to come out nice was it not crazy yeah exactly I think it's gonna come out perfect but was it not crazy to see what was going on behind there it wasn't like structural or anything I mean this is just like a little skin dude compared to the what's going on inside it's like the actual still behind there so that's like the structure piece this right here is just like a little flimsy skin piece dude there's a body palette I don't know what this is used for maybe it's a little bit of like a crunch panel or something like that that's about it but the structure stuff is behind here that's why they call it this just outer skin right yes sir but everything went so smooth right there the next thing that we got to do is actually try to line up some body gaps with this door right here but if you close that door check this out man with that with that new piece you can see how bad that door really is it's all like bit and stuff like that because of course aluminum bins real easy but you know what right now we're gonna just actually pop this door off throw the new one on there line everything up make sure this is sitting nicely and then we're gonna leave it on here that way whenever we're welding and stuff we need a reference to the door yeah because we're gonna have to like hold a few things in place as we will so that door needs to be be on there as well so yeah so basically we got to line up the gaps perfect or basically like you're doing uh the final Gap lineup you know you're 100 right there so let's just go ahead and smoke off out the door and then we'll just go from there let's do it [Music] alrighty guys so we quickly went ahead and threw on this brand new door here now I gotta say dude if it's about perfect dude let's check that out man that is legit man all the way around dude and those are the original hinges right there which I'm surprised because usually when like a car gets hit in the door or something it'll throw everything out of whack and everything here is perfect I think it's because the doors were aluminum so they didn't really like put a lot of stress on the steel hinges yeah they just kind of crush oh yeah I forgot yeah that still hinges aluminum door here I can't wait to get this front one but for the most part like the all the gaps look pretty dang good so I think we're just gonna replace it and that'll be it dude but of course we're gonna have to paint the insides and swap everything yeah we'll probably wait until this gets finished up that way we can paint the insides of that as well dude I can't wait to actually start painting and seeing what this uh paint looks like and seeing what it's going to cost oh yeah and seeing how we're gonna blend it all it's gonna be awesome sir but that's gonna be pretty much it for the Raptor tonight you might have noticed a couple packages coming in a little bit earlier we had actually a little feud between FedEx and UPS dude it always happens man they'll come at the exact same time they'll fight to whoever pulls in the driveway first man I was like come on calm down guys everybody can deliver well they're all cool but anyways we got a pretty cool package here for the Hellcat as you guys know we did the wide body and we had to order the wider Wheels that's exactly what this is right here and this right here where do we order these off of dude I think we ordered these off the eBay special site right there man special man they're fairly priced at a thousand bucks so I think I think it'll do the trick right there go ahead see what these suckers look like and I think I think we went to perfect Wheels right here because we didn't want to go with nothing like too crazy because honestly I couldn't think of nothing that would look as good as this as good as the as good as these wheels right here for sure dude every time I see these on the road dude I'm like dude we gotta put those on our Hellcat and you ready for this day dude let's go ahead dude oh are you ready oh man oh my it's getting serious pop it off oh damn that looks good man I absolutely love these wheels right here and this is the flat black and we're thinking I actually posted a little thing on the Instagram story and I was I posted like a satin red wrap and it looks super sick I'm honestly what do you think I think it would be a sick color with these These are the uh these are Hellcat Wheels right here these are what they Hellcat wide body comes with this is their original style one right here we got the SRT caps and everything it's gonna look super sick but let us know what you guys think about that wrap right there we're definitely gonna have to get some tires as well probably some BF goodriches some wide tires dude that's pretty much it I just wanted to show you guys these wheels for tonight I guess as right now I'll just catch you guys tomorrow in the morning [Music] foreign [Music] so your feet don't get hurt the chatter [Music] genuine ostrich three paints did I absolutely love Crocs but you know what I ended up giving away one of my pairs that's why I bought two just in case you see somebody walking barefoot there was this one guy he was like limping around or something it looked like his feet were hurting and I was like dude I'm gonna give them my Crocs dude dude for sure man and it's hot out today so the actual sidewalks are pretty dang hot so that dude definitely appreciated some brand new Crocs yeah this is like the only type of shoe that I would give away because they're so breathable and plus I always wear mine with socks so it's not like super filthy you know what he stood straight up and he walked away walked away man he was grateful for those dudes exactly but anyways it is the next day here we ran to the dealership to check on our front door which is going to be a couple more days and we ended up ordering the rest of the parts the bed sides but more importantly we ended up ordering the actual self-piercing rivets which that's going to be in a couple of days and we're gonna get this sucker mounted on here permanently probably in the next video as well as get silly builds out here to throw some dimes but that's going to be pretty much it for today definitely make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and if you want to inside scoop before YouTube definitely give us a follow on Instagram at goon squad but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below we'll catch you guys next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,059,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rebuilding a wrecked ford raptor, rebuilding a wrecked ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a ford raptor, rebuilding a ford f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked f150, goonzquad raptor, goonzquad f150 raptor, rebuilding a wrecked truck, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 f450, goonzquad, goonzquad garage, goonzquad headquarters
Id: d6nWxrvKeUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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