Rebuilding A Wrecked 2019 Ford F-450 Platinum

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[Music] this is a freaking big rig dude that's legit man what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are picking up a brand new build it is about 5:30 in the morning so we're heading out to North Carolina about a five-hour drive as you can tell we got the heavy-duty trailer on there so it's gonna be something heavy-duty so let's go ahead and hit the road and see what we got [Music] where are we going yeah four minutes away four minutes away we've been driving for about five hours the weather's been good the traffic's been good right after Thanksgiving so hopefully they go quick over here - yeah truck runs good and everything everywhere just down the road man we're about a bus - right and we shouldn't be here man this is crazy man so we've never been here before yeah we've never been here to this auction but I'm just thinking about how we're gonna load that truck up because it is super wide it's a dually but I think we'll figure it out we may have to pop some wheels off or something out hopefully it fits on that trailer man I know the this truck is a lot wider on the front as well let's go ahead and see what we can get let's do it everybody's loading up you should have pulled in over there this is the exit how big this option is over here can't really tell from out here but I see something nice over there a Porsche little old boxer older Porsche let's go ahead park your truck run inside grab our paperwork and then check this sucker out I don't know they might bring it on one of them big old trucks right there or we may have to drive it out I don't know how they do these big trucks but we you know we may have to get it loaded backwards or something that way the weight placement is proper but we'll see let's see let's go ahead and go inside and pay the people so they're sending the car out right now or the truck not the car we're gonna go ahead and drop these ramps and we're gonna see how he's gonna bring it out here maybe four words maybe backwards but we're gonna figure it pulls up here dude maybe it's too wide I don't know I don't know yeah it's a dually it's super wide but we should be able to handle that I think son what here's your hit come on we're gonna scrape our wheels but that's what we got to do right here no brakes the monkey gon kill it alright so we couldn't we couldn't film too much cuz loader got kind of got mad so we had to cut it yeah but did we had to damage our wheels a little bit here oh just get it loaded it sounded funky but you know what we just sent it up that's all good though they'll get polished out or whatnot damaged our trailer alert well this ain't our trailer this is my brother's trailer but think we're good dude f450 though nice i just ran inside got the title dying son I think we can just send that out polish that right back to original right there but hey this is they don't even have machines designed to pick stuff up I guess what he was saying yeah he said they don't they can't even pick this truck up so I don't even know what we would have done if this thing wasn't running drop he would probably had to push it somehow up here he would have been so skinny but I'm gonna put this title inside we'll do a little quick walk or else do it alright so the front end here looks pretty it's pretty bad I'm sure the apron the tip of the apron here is bent yeah they're both bent that way maybe maybe the frame ins are probably bent or they they're bent but not crazy and see these are actually bolted up to them so as you can tell they just went the actual frame horn probably got bent or they might have went over it we don't know too much until we take this thing apart but dude this thing is massive dude we can't believe you look how its it look how much bigger it looks compared to this truck here makes that truck squat it makes it yeah it looks good actually like that but it makes you look so small this truck used to look big but you know what hi the truck wasn't big enough you know Texas style bro it's huge a DF over here which we're probably gonna be deleting on this truck couldn't really nude on the jamb so say too much now clean it is underneath man or cleans big fuel pump massive brand-new tires I was kind of sketched out how he was lifting it from the bottom here dude I was looking but there was no damages that I was just hoping he didn't as you can see a little bit of scratches or yeah this thing is tough yeah this thing is too you bored look at the side steps who just pops right out oh yeah man I think it comes on the Platinum this is the Platinum Edition but we had light on the bottom of the mirror f450 now with the f450 platinum you get the bigger brakes up front and I believe they're good brakes axles I think stronger axles wider front end wider front end burn radius is gonna be amazing this is like the perfect toe peg right here this is we got it Sporto in that truck really we were going for the tow truck but then kind of went out of hand we went ahead did a big lid we did that lift that kind of just went out the window because we noticed it's gonna be tough even hauling it back there's gonna be a challenge definitely a tough tough to haul back but good thing we got that thing a little bit tuned and we got basically everything we need in that suspension is amaze vention that brakes on the trailer know we just got a creep back and because this truck weighs what like 15,000 views this is a heavy truck we've never hauled anything this heavy before too much will probably blend onto that because I already see you straight well the camera dude camera on the side here what is that say kid I love the color but look at all the orange peel from factory Ford yeah why defender flares super wide it's not like the 350 where they're just somewhat wide these are super wide let me get inside they have terior dude it's pretty clean man oh dang we got a moonroof oh snap how big is it good that for a second let me hop in here okay you guys would spike okay so we got a blown - blown roof air bags I think all the bags are actually blown the seat bags are blown this thing only has a thousand miles on it as well it's clean though all black coppers are not even that dirty got push to start the old f250 that we built was turnkey so that kind of sucked but is have remote start on the con dude I'm hoping so it better definitely do that for sure dude a platinum and you can drop the tailgate with the double click the button go ahead give that a try and see if that works [Music] that's legit man so that's pretty much it let me turn on the dash here got like moving you know all the good stuff get the moving pedals if you're super sure yeah everything it's platinum and platinum is fully loaded but will inspect the interior a little bit more probably later shut that up we're gonna probably go ahead Oh careful with that one that wasn't a good sign there just leave it open for now we're gonna yeah we're gonna have to strap this sucker down on four points because if we don't man this thing is heavy very sketchy very sketchy not that let's do a quick walk around walk around completely around this sucker super clean couple scratches here and there but nothing that we're that we can't take care of wood is in the back over here dude tell me this thing's got one of them steps no way I've always good but that's as high as it goes out there I mean as low as it goes that's all you need really what we got back here though dude that's some crazy we got oh man we got some EA SPORTS FIFA 16 I just came up right there that's cool in here we got a frame we got a rebar and stuff up there man he's probably the car that this this truck ran into right here to definitely run into it took all the parts with it got a couple goodies in here should we take some of this stuff out you think I'll just leave it let's go ahead and strap this sucker up and then we'll go through everything once we get back I think this is the think this is like would you hold on Tino yeah oh nice that see how how sturdy is that thing Jake the truck pretty strong laughter three well yeah let's go ahead and strap this sucker up and hit the road let's do it [Music] that's how we doing doing pretty good right now but very sketchy very sketchy because the the wage is not distributed properly sorry the weight is not distributed properly but that's the only way we can load it on this trailer but I mean it's doing good we just got to be very careful I'm keeping my distance like I don't know like 20 cars in front of me you know that I'm in but let's just slowly make you Peck home that's all I care about you know Toby I was just doing some math on the calculations of how much we weigh here because I didn't want to be illegal or anything and for a CDL it requires you or for for you to have a CDL that you'd have to be on 26,000 pounds right here that truck back there where you said 15,000 pounds but it actually weighs 8,000 pounds the curb weight I don't know what I'll talk about because I thought it was 15,000 pounds I think the towing capacity is 15 that is 15,000 pound or something like that or maybe even more because this trucking haul 18,000 pounds is good blend stuff and that's what I found out this counter weight we're underweight we're good we're all legal is just it's just eating our cast avoiding our gas we're watching the needle would actually just go down I got it at level 6 on the tune because I need full power but I mean we're all good here we just got to go way slower than the speed limit go like 10 under so by far one of the sketchiest things we've ever hauled another Kubota skid-steer weighs a little bit more than this thing back here but the way is just the weight is distributed it's just odd you know but I think we'll make it back safely do it creep on home [Music] hi guys so here it goes our official first pit stop on the way back so yeah we drove for two hours a couple of hundred miles we're gonna go ahead and check everything on the truck make sure everything is tied because this thing is a beast man this truck has been doing really good really good reload six eating a lot more fuel but dude it's actually hauling it perfectly so the steering is nice and light you know nice and light everything is nicely I mean I can drive it all day you know it's really easy just kind of like driving an airplane yeah and there's around a little little corrections like this because the wheels are so wide the tires are wide but it used to it I guess like I'll grab it on the way here and once you get a little bit used to it you're kind of good let's go ahead check everything out let's do it do that hitch is holding up dude very thankful dude very thankful for that hitch that's probably doing a lot of the work here like the way it sways will come loose go ahead give it extra two cranks on each one you think that hitch did a lot of saving right there all the time and that thing is a beast dude and so some crow is bouncing around a lot and like as you can tell here the torsion is flex all the way out so there is a lot of weight on this front end but that's the only way we can do it you got to put about 60% of the load up front here in this box on the trailer so that's exactly what we did and it's pretty good let's check you can check the rear as well yeah check the rear then get some fuel in this thing you just get back right back on the road wait there's a lot of wait these these suckers are getting they're probably balled by the time we get back my daddy these are some really good tires about torque Toyota dude shoutout to Toyota man they're most very comfortable and quiet tires no I'm not very side dude and they driving really smooth as well they got bounced out nicely so there's no like little bumps and stuff so they're nice and quiet but other than that dude we should be good to go [Music] [Music] we finally made it back that was a rough ride what you got going on here just water all radiator fluid yeah some coolant coming out of there but they finally home we're gonna go ahead and unload it this time I figured what we should have done here we should have put a piece of wood right here that way it lifts it up a little bit and it probably would have avoided that so that's what we're gonna do to unload it just put a piece of wood along this this seam right here and I think it'll be all right go ahead fire it up quickly back her down if you land anywhere lands right into that building guess he's going longer you don't scratch the window the wheel with your eyes come on with it quickly he's going keep on going dang-son we didn't check the clue is there anything but you know what we sent it go ahead Park it and cut it off hopefully this thing didn't get stuck in a squat position but we're gonna catch you guys tomorrow we'll talk about all this stuff alrighty guys so it is the next day here and now we're gonna go over all the damages starting with this front end here we did get the hood to pop and if you look closely you'll see some scrambled eggs under here I mean it's actually not that bad there may be some hidden damages once we start taking all this stuff apart but as you can tell here we're gonna need the whole entire cooling system radiator condenser this thing is just pushed up against the motor luckily the engine I don't think it moved back yeah I don't think there's any engine damages but maybe like the one of the pulleys is probably rubbing up against stuff that's why we're hearing a little squeak and a little clack clack so hopefully nothing too serious but as you can tell that fan is pushed up against the motor under there something but you're gonna we're gonna need the whole entire front end we're probably to go with OEM parts OEM hood om front bumper maybe on the headlights will do something aftermarket because we found some sick headlights actually that's pretty much it for the front end we're gonna have to start taking it apart in the next video but stay tuned for that basically needs the whole front end right that's pretty much it definitely some frame work here we noticed that as well the frame rails are probably over a little bit the aprons are also over a little bit more you have V tune V Tunes gonna come into play there then I can't wait to do the frame work is gonna be really exciting and it's gonna be awesome to see how that gets done but this is a big truck big frame man we need to know the code forward how do we discover this caddy vonda's gonna need this code right here what is that if you don't have the key or something yes if you don't have the key hmmm but this side is generally perfect condition other than probably this door over here a little bit right but luckily the doors are savable because these doors are really expensive they're full aluminum but I believe these doors are actually the same on the f-150 s and the f250 so I have 350 NF 3500 this thing we noticed that when we were facing our old f250 but that's pretty cool and also underneath we did notice another damage that the skid loader did I don't know if you'll be able to see this but one of these skid plates for the gas where the fuel tank was actually kind of damaged pretty badly so yeah man that's crazy that sucks dude I think we're gonna have to replace it I want this thing to be brand new so definitely we have to by that I mean the skid loaders uh even mentioned himself they don't really have the proper equipment to be lifting trucks of this matter this is a Big Bertha so huge man I think their forks only like ended off like right here so you got like a still a toy it was really sketchy the way they lifted it but you know what there was no other way to do this truck so that's pretty much how we had to get it done on the trailer and also in the rear in all this trash that's in here I guess that's just how they get rid of their trash what do you think I'm guessing so mean every truck that you probably get will probably have half the car parts on here but luckily they threw the Ford parts in here because this is a Ford front piece I think off of focus or something like good old Ford scrapped right there that'll come up on our bank account for like a couple bucks right yeah we'll scrap all that but check out this platinum child that made out of platinum that's plastic it is plastic I thought it was aluminum too but that's actually all is it pocket it is yeah look it's been in like plastic definitely plastic that is hilarious that's pretty funny what is this got two cameras here I guess oh I know when you dropped the hitch how do you boy that's probably a lie I think that's a LED light LED light there'd be another like if you want to do a reverse cam it while this is down here close it up imma battle click the key button see if it lights up oh that is a light that's created pop the thing oh yeah popping the my thing is when you pop this tailgate you're not gonna be able to use your reverse cam unless there's a reverse came up oh yeah there is a camera all the way up there I think this thing has 360 like bird's-eye view on this whole entire truck which we're gonna have to show once we get into interior but dude check out these terrorists all these leds leds everywhere there's any halogens on this truck alright so we're just gonna open up the rear doors cuz the front doors are actually butting up against the fenders there come on in here oh mine they even have the dang freaking stickers still on the Platinum man nobody even sat in this thing's is breaking in the rear seat look at the Ford see the leathers not even that tight I guess I'll tighten up over a period of time sitting on it stuff like that son you know stuff like that but dude legit let's see what this is a nice little armrest bangs in here one right there and check this out we got some heated seats back here which I don't think any other truck does but Ford mostly doesn't even does not have them so that is legit and we have some vents in the back which are Denali yet again does not have that's crazy got some two USBs what does that is that Oh get it out there a sweet pretty sweet plug in your laptop that is just beautiful right there man just want to go stargazing right now but anyways as we were saying all the airbags are basically blown in this truck I mean every airbag you can call out even the both si airbags which is gonna be fun sewing that sucker up right there which we had practice on the Lamborghini so we had good practice there I'm sure we can knock these out but dude rain tears actually I feel like some sort of somebody has a backwards head backwards thing yes somebody oh yeah it was put in wrong always put on backwards on backwards but dude check out these toggle switches man my wondering wasn't in my for how many toggle switches are there six six light bars I wonder if they're more actually hooking up buy something right now as we speak we'll have to find out later but the interior is pretty fully loaded we're gonna dig into this when we're gonna be taking apart this all these airbags yeah definitely save that for another video another video we're probably gonna start with the front end right run and try to get all that took apart start ordering everything as soon as possible and hopefully get this thing on the frame machine in no time alright guys so that is gonna be a wrap for today's video I hope you guys have enjoyed this build as much as we are a brand new 2019 f450 something epic I know you guys enjoy the GMC build but now we brought in a duel so make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything also guys be sure to follow us on Instagram where you can get inside scoops there before YouTube and if you want to help support your boys be sure to visit goon squad calm and coffee submerge but that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 2,503,229
Rating: 4.8686972 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 ford f-450 platinum, rebuilding a wrecked 2019 ford f-450, rebuilding a wrecked ford f-450, rebuilding a wrecked f-450, rebuilding a wrecked ford f450 platinum, salvaged 2019 ford f450 build, rebuilding a salvaged ford f450, rebuilding a salvaged f450 platinum, 2019 ford 450 platinum rebuild, 2019 ford f450 platinum build, rebuilding a wrecked ford dually, goonzquad ford f450, goonzquad
Id: e5lOOrRTaik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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