Regional Connections, Industry Chain Completion, & Custom Retail - (Clearwater County #21)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of shorewood in clearwater county now i say city but it's not really a city yet i think we might want to change what it is right now it's a town just like the other towns so we're going to do that in just a moment but i want to talk about what we're going to do today so right now shorewood is a big cul-de-sac and there are no local roads to get to either ashland or belmont so today we're going to fix that and the reason that we're doing that is people need other ways to get around rather than funneling onto the interstate the other thing that we're going to want to contemplate is uh really what this city is about and emily and jackson anderson brown have been thinking about what they want their business to become and they have all of the makings of a really fantastic furniture making company all they need is a factory so they're going to work on that today as well and those local roads are going to be critical in getting people into their community and not bogging up the highway which is where they want the freight to be so we're going to work on that today but first i want to take a look at this so i made a little tiny mistake and we're going to fix that right now the mistake i made is i put the power line right in the road and right now it looks like i'm selecting the wrong node i'll just back that up just a bit now there was some concern that i put this landscaping underneath uh the power line and that's not a problem this tree is a problem so we'll call up we'll call a mulligan on this tree but generally municipalities and people are allowed to plant within a an electrical easement even if this is buried you could plant things there it's just that your own discretion and risk so uh you know utility companies will generally have a brochure of approved landscaping that could be installed underneath here and if for whatever reason a community decided to deviate from that and plant something that's inappropriate the utility company could come in and cut that down so if we were going to simulate that let me see if we have a good split tree no that's not going to work well i don't i don't have a good example of of what i'm talking about but there are sometimes trees and we'll take a look at this picture this picture demonstrates it well uh so there are some places where trees that are too tall for these utility lines are planted and the utility company comes in and does this to them what they would really prefer that you do is you actually come in and you look at you know some sort of understory tree a smaller tree that will never grow to be as tall as the power line so you could see something like this this would be no problem we could plant a whole bunch of these they're never going to get that tall so the kinds of trees that i would expect to see you know a flowering but not fruiting crap apple that would be one that would would make a ton of sense because in that case you're not going to leave a whole bunch of fruit within the right of way which is a problem and you're not gonna get a tree that's more than eight ten feet tall so but that that would all be within their approved list and in fact utility companies will sometimes even provide grants to plant uh landscaping within those rights away easements so it's certainly not abnormal and something i would expect all right so let's get moving on some of our uh parallel paths and something to make this not a cul-de-sac so mention it's a cul-de-sac so we zoom out here you get one way into town and it's the highway if you want to go to belmont you're coming here you're going through the highway and you'll take this county road if you want to go to ashland you're hopping on this highway it's not an interstate i should i should quit referring to it as such there is a direct access still this one this gentleman is likely or gentlewoman is likely very reluctant to give up this direct access it would kill their business so it will likely stay as this for a while but we could add a parallel access road and that's what we're going to do so what i think we're going to start out with is a a highway we'll have a highway leading just a normal rural highway and we're gonna mirror this bridge it's interesting i have this road over here and it's wanting to snap to this road so it's causing all sorts of problems and i also have prop anarchy on because that's what i do so we're gonna we're gonna take that off all right we've done some things here with our height some some not so good things so i'll need to clean that up just a bit and then what we're going to do is we're going to create a path where we can make our connection here and we're going to want to prioritize this movement on this on this highway so we're gonna use eminent domain on that house which will very much upset the owners there but this is for the good of the community so we'll we're gonna take this readjust and then we'll come through here and add their house once again all right so now you might be thinking what do we do with this first of all there are some trees that are way too close to this highway truthfully they're too close to that but this highway and we're probably gonna need to give that a careful once over and make sure that our connections are are we're not we're not seeing any trees encroach upon the right-of-way at all that that wouldn't that wouldn't ever fly in fact i'd expect to see a significant buffer i wish that i had some sort of uh some network that i could snap onto the side of here demonstrating the clearance zone but i i don't i don't have that so that's okay we can we can still work with what we have and so we're going to make a connection now i don't want to get wait if i were to make a connection here for instance that's way too close to the interchange and would potentially back the interchange up into the highway so what we're going to have to do unfortunately is actually come through here we're going to mirror this road and have a highway going along the side of it so you've seen some of these crazy things most likely in places you visited or places you've lived and you might have wondered how did this monstrosity come about this is how this is how strange things happen when you have things that you need to accomplish that conflict with one another like having prop anarchy on because that's what i do so i'm gonna turn that off one more time all right so now i've got all these shown as [Music] elevated bridges we're gonna we're gonna fix that we're gonna push these to the ground and then we're gonna we're gonna do something really ugly and that is you can come right here and make our connection so we we have basically a frontage road here now all right so we're all cleaned up and i hate this [Laughter] but it's it is very much needed in this area so this is going to be the first of our connections we're going to need to signalize this so let's go ahead go into traffic manager we'll toggle a traffic light here because this is going to have a it's going to carry a significant amount of traffic at some point [Music] and i'm a little dubious about this bridge right now i'm not sure that it should be the same height as the highway so i think i'm just not going to worry about what the sloping tool does because i'm going to use that to fix it okay so yeah this is going to be just a just the shade lower than the other bridge but it lines up with the height that we're experiencing right here and that's that's the part i really care about so we've got some power line things happening here i don't like this we're gonna fix this there we go so now we want to prioritize the movement of the highway and what that means is we're going to have to deviate from the grid that is currently built so that means we're going to use some more eminent domain so i did not mean to inadvertently take out that house but i did so we're gonna we're gonna work around that a bit so this you know some of you might be watching right now you know feeling pretty horrified and i don't blame you uh but this this does happen uh where a highway gets prioritized as a result you end up with some eminent domain being used to make a safe access you might even see an access consolidation project occurring with this and uh you know unfortunately there are homes that are taken so that the highway is safer this is completely normal it's unfortunate but at the same time generally the the owners of these buildings that are or property are handsomely rewarded for their contributions to the to the highway project so i am going to turn off collision it can be a it can be a little nerve-wracking doing that bluntly because you can end up in some pretty sticky situations so i think that this homeowner was not interested in allowing highway to come right along so we're going to bend it around they offered the corner here so we're going to take that corner [Music] okay and the dot has once again successfully navigated this situation it's not an easy one but it's working and from here on out it should be a smoother path there are no homes short of this one fronting and we can come right along smooth out this curve another home right there across the the rail and then we end up on a really important corridor here in ashland that goes right past this uh the the grain elevator and the cargo terminal anyway so it's this it couldn't be a more ideal location for this so let's start on the easy side maybe i should turn off anarchy again this is one of those fun situations where i'm not exactly sure why anarchy isn't working for me i have both anarchies off and it's still allowing the trees to pop up right through the roads so a little frustrating but we can we can overcome that it's not a huge deal we're just going to need to go go ahead we'll grab a brush make it road with just go down each road it's going to be very careful about this and in fact i'm probably going to save that till the end and we'll just go ahead and make these improvements now and i think i figured out what it is it's collision it's collision i turned off collision and whenever you turn off collision you create problems so yep it's collision so not a big deal there's a couple of spots where i care about this more than others i just need to choose my spots right here that's that's the one spot so you might be appalled that i am allowing homes to exist on this really high capacity road and i i i get that sentiment and i i i certainly feel the same way that said homes uh at least here in the us in rural areas often end up on these roads for reasons such as this this exact scenario the d.o.t comes in they want to improve a highway someone does not want to give up their home understandably so and as a result we have a we have a home on the highway and sometimes they're really close closer than you'd probably feel comfortable with so i did lose a home i am not 100 sure where that home was i didn't maybe i didn't maybe it's okay yeah i think it's i think it's okay i don't see a spot where i lost the home so this is our local connection into ashland now and you can see that there are already people using it now if we take a look i would i would anticipate yeah we're getting some utilization so this is going to do a couple of things it's going to breathe some life into this area which is good uh through the towns at the town of ankerton clearview dakota cape rouge you're gonna see some some activity because this is a significant and important corridor now so you know whether that's good or bad it depends on who you are i think that the dot would look at this and think we're gonna save so much wear and tear on the highway keeping the local trips to the local roads we are in love with this um the county has to maintain this now i'm not sure that there is quite quite quite as in love with this there were a couple of issues with trees and spillage because of these assets i'm going to manually place a couple of these trees there we go and that that'll that'll do the trick so we have ashland covered ashland has an access but ashland doesn't have it very many accesses directly to uh over to belmont so that might be something we want to think about a little bit too so i would anticipate that you know every mile or so you'd see a freeway or a bridge connection over the freeway or the highway so we're going to do that now we're trying to do it in places where it's logical so right here there's a clear connection we're gonna make that one we're gonna make this one here let me just draw those in right away this will be good this is a good starting point anyway so let's identify where our nodes are because that's going to be our starting point we're going to need to add some we don't have enough nodes here to make [Music] to do what i'm hoping to do which is just to elevate a portion of this so i'm gonna remove this one node that we have and of course i'm not gonna be able to there that'll be a way to remove it i'll just raise it up nope i still can't well at the very least i can do that and that will allow me to go through and add in my own road and i'll make sure it's elevated and then we'll just pull this up a bit we're not going to want this to be any taller than it has to be because this is already going to be incredibly steep we're going to likely need to do some significant work to the roads here to make this happen yeah 19 grade awesome so that's that's that's troublesome now this is the kind of thing i assume would have happened along with the the highway being built so this is a this is a mulligan on the highway so uh just keep that in mind this this is something that to get something like this retrofitted and you're only doing it when there's a highway project otherwise it's just not it's not financially practical you'd have a really tough time justifying this level of expense for what is really a low volume roadway so i i wouldn't anticipate that this would be something you would you would see as a standalone project even the replacement of the bridge deck would be controversial for some people brothers maybe not so much this bridge probably means a livelihood for someone ah great that was not what i meant to do but i i certainly brought that right back down to where it was so that's a thing all right so we're gonna give this attempt number two just make sure we've only got a couple of things selected not everything on the map as as was the case before there we go it's looking good so i want to give this a little little pass with my brush and feather this out a bit especially on highway projects like this they love to bring in their fill and just smooth everything out make it real nice and the height looks it's pretty good it's [Music] i wouldn't necessarily say that this is an oversized overweight route if you were bringing in you know say a turbine this probably isn't where you want to do it and that's that's an interesting topic too because that would be something that you'd expect to see and that might actually drive the design of this corridor where maybe this bridge deck is higher because it's an oversized overweight route where you would want to think about that larger freight and if that were the case it would justify all of the bridge spans along this route being taller than this but it could be it could be good enough it's really hard to tell in the game all right so we've got a couple more i'm going to take care of those right now as well and i'm going to do the exact same thing i just did oh and i'll do that which was not not at all what i wanted to do that stinks so i am going to take a momentary break to fix this and uh i'll be right back with you [Music] okay we're back in business that uh was an unfortunate mistake but it happens and you know you just have to move on from it i know it's one of those things that can be very discouraging and in my time playing the game there have certainly been times where you make a mistake you know maybe this one wasn't so severe but i've certainly made mistakes that have been discouraging enough that it's caused me to i don't know if i call it rage quitting but it wasn't far off uh and uh we're not gonna do that we're better than that we're we're better than that we're gonna do we're gonna fix it up and keep going so so i've noticed that my auto saves again so i i switched over my tree to to uh my tree mod to tree anarchy and it has had an impact on my saves so it does take longer that's okay i'm willing to to deal with a bit of longer saving if it means that my fps is higher which i have noticed slight improvements and i've been doing some other things around the edge to fix things the problem with adding all of these mods in you know if i were to start the series completely over from the very beginning i think one of the things that i would change i went kind of crazy in the beginning adding all of the mods and all the assets that i thought i want throughout the entire series and then you know you spend a bit of time playing and you realize actually i'm missing this and i'm missing that and i'd really want to get these in here and as i go through and do those things which is no problem everyone does that i i create more chances for errors more issues that could potentially occur and the other thing i'm doing is i'm loading up a bunch of really complicated buildings for the capital i'm not even sure if i'm going to use them all but i have them all in my pack and it is it's certainly more uh it's troublesome uh in terms of my loading times so if i were to do this again and i'm going to i don't know when any of my series are gonna end but i'm gonna continue to release it uh episodically in terms of um you know when i when i actually provide the mods to you guys and when i add them to the build myself i like adding mods and assets i mean it's it's a blast you've got to do it in a way that's sustainable and i don't know that the way that i have been doing it is the best way to do it so it's been nice to to take a little bit of time to to clean things up a bit so i know that there have been some concerns about you know maybe it's just me but i've had concerns that i had not released a modified asset list uh in a timely fashion the last couple of rounds and the reason why is i'm cleaning things up i'm trying to get things just right and until i feel confident in that it's it's tough to have to do any more so this one right here is our last one and i'm going to again time lapse straight through this oh and this did some things to these decals i want to see if i can raise these up so it's interesting that this is actually a desired behavior of the decals the reason why they do that is well i don't know the reason why they do it but one of the reasons it's nice that it happens is you could create a textured grass effect for instance if you were doing a well-manicured lawn in front of a mansion or a golf course you could do that but we ran into some issues here uh not a big deal though we were able to take care of that so we've got our bridges and this provides some local connectivity over to belmont now it's not direct and we're going to want to take care of that but i think we're going to save that for another episode because i want to really start thinking about our factory and meeting the needs of the community because we have significant residential demand and commercial demand and the citizens are pounding at the door of the village of shorewood to uh to let the let the elected officials know how they feel now in my area the the significance between a village and a city is really the way it's organized the government structure so whereas a city will have a mayor and a council which could be organized as either a strong mayor or a weak mayor a strong mayor would be an elected official that works full-time and is kind of the the ceo of the city if it were a strong council weak mayor system you would have a city administrator so that would be a professional who went to school to be a city administrator and uh their day-to-day job would be responding to the council the mayor would act as the tiebreaker and work part-time so different structures a village on the other hand has a village board there is no mayor they the board appoints a president from the from the the members on the board uh then the board would be made up of trustees so it's it's a slightly different setup it certainly works for a smaller area you do sometimes see larger villages there are a number of reasons for this and everything comes down to taxes and if you guys want to hear a better breakdown of why there are towns villages and uh you know maybe even counties or consolidated counties let me know i'm happy to talk about that uh in in a future episode but i really want to do uh i wanna if i'm gonna do that i wanna really do it well that's that's something you should always strive for at least in my opinion so right now we've got this and there are a couple of things that were pointed out that i thought were really good points that i did not address i think i might have even mentioned it in the previous episode that we have this uh biomass pellet plant and we do not have uh sawdust that that this would actually be turning into our paper products and then we have our paper being stored outside so and i think i even said when i built this i am not gonna do that so we're gonna get rid of that we're gonna fix this and then we're gonna start working okay so now we have our warehouse that stores paper clean this up just a little bit just the just uh just enough to feel comfortable but not so much that it takes a lot of time because you'd expect this to be messy anyway so now we have a place to store our paper we've got all these logs and we want to store our sawdust so why don't we go into our forestry we have sawdust storage which actually the exact same way and i'm just going to throw anarchy on for just a moment because we're gonna take this this uh plain timber eliminate this and move this here instead so this should probably be set to full just like these so we want this to to be filled so that we can take these and immediately load them into our processors so right here we've got our timber raw forestry product timber raw forestry product the difference between these is nothing it just makes me feel good so we're going for it and then we're getting our paper and storing that here our plain timber i just screwed up so the plane timber needs to go somewhere and that was that was going into that so let's put that back we're going to take some liberties here build a bit under the coast they're gonna reinforce this that would never happen this is way too expensive they would find a more remote piece lander more likely they would just get it to conform this piece of property i mean that would be the most rational thing to do but this is a game we're going to take some liberties and make it work and to make it work we are going to uh you know paint the coast and i like that anyway it's fun so there we go we've got a lovely factory district here with a million dollar view and we reserved this land right here for a future city park so even though this is by by and by and far this is absolutely where the furniture factory should be it's not where we're gonna put it so we're gonna put the furniture factory up here along the highway and it's out of the way we're gonna need some roadway connectivity here we're gonna try to not block our ability to create a future highway connection and in fact we might just make that highway connection now uh an at-grade surface level connection that everyone will hate and we'll make it right in right out only so that will at least provide some degree of safety although you know a 35 mile per hour road teeing into a high speed arterial highway is never a good idea so so we have our furniture factory here wood vision and we're going to put that right here it does have some pollution but it's not that bad i don't want to put that on the water side that is that would be foolish and kind of a waste of the resources so much of the coast has already been used in a way that is less than ideal uh we're going to try to save the community from itself or maybe it's just jackson brown from himself because he's got some ideas and ways to improve what he's doing but he's not necessarily doing what's in the best interest of the city all the time and that makes perfect sense why would he be looking up for the city he would be looking out for his bottom line so it's always important to keep that in mind i think i wouldn't demonize a developer for not thinking with the city's you know interests in mind it's just it's the reality of the world you know why would they care about the city in the same way that the city would care about the city they need to maintain a profit and that's why planners exist to act as as the the individual that represents the city in these dealings so we'll have this little factory node here and uh i think that we're going to also add in our raw product right over here and because jackson's thinking ahead we are going to ensure that we have a nice connection over here sweeping curve for our trucks make access from a truck significantly easier and that gives us the opportunity to add a little bit of landscaping which i will never turn down the opportunity to landscape a bit now we're going to keep that landscaping away from the corner and in fact if we want to head that way we should probably look to use some really low you know sorts of decorative things nothing nothing that big and even that we're going to want to maintain that vision triangle so i'm gonna just avoid it i don't think that he really cares all that much in fact i think he cares about this much [Music] whoops nice little line of of things there grass is kind of what i was envisioning just to add some grasses underneath here it'll be a less than perfectly kept area but it's it's perfectly unkept so uh and then we're gonna want some factories to store our timber and our paper over here actually we don't even we don't even mind because we're gonna do is we're gonna be taking all of this anyway and uh exporting it so they'll come up this road this is going to be a freight route now we're going to want to think about that and potentially upgrade this road so we're going to want to export all of these goods they have good access to the highway so this is an ideal location from an exporting standpoint if you were going to rely on a highway to uh to really carry all the weight there and that's what we're doing and then over here we're gonna have some industrial roads and this will really denote where we have the industrial traffic and then the neighborhood is gonna demand that we get a traditional street over here because this is still a very rural place we're gonna go with these suburban streets i believe we haven't had any yet but this won't have lights and that to me would be something that would would would fit in while here and be what they would expect now over time you might get a mix uh this is these are the some of the first sidewalks in residential neighborhood here if not the first and i would imagine that as a part of this project you might also see a safe routes to school project where you try to at least create a path to get the school on a sidewalk so maybe a cut through the center of the community you pave up there and you go down here so now at least you only got to go a block or two to get to a sidewalk somewhere so it's not ideal but it but it works and for the time being this is an expensive endeavor and one that is not well received by the community so i would imagine that you kind of take the little win that you can that you can you can so and at that this is not the kind of city that i would expect to see a planner in so i don't even really know who's going to bat for this besides a lone official that doesn't care if they get reelected or not because this would certainly tank there it would take their chances at a second second term in the office or another term in office okay so we have this over here and i would like to see just a little bit more industry over here so we're going to reserve some land over here for industry i'm going to paint that right now this was not at all necessary this is not this is again not building because there's a huge demand for it but because there's someone who smells an opportunity and decides to strike well they have that opportunity available to them so uh jackson's doing this not because the community has a large outcry for it and in fact all this does is create a more significant demand for this creates even more demand for residential which which is which is a problem we're already seeing so we're going to develop a bit more residential but i did want to name this park and one of the things i saw in the comments that i really loved is naming this after the lions club so this will be lions park and i'm going to see if i can find an asset for that because i think that that would really fit in well in this community so we're not going to develop the parks today that's probably in the next one but i do think that uh it makes sense to to get it named these are places that will be developed they're gonna have to fundraise to make it happen so we're just gonna continue our existing grid and we're going to again say that the church owns all of this land so we're not going to develop any of that so what that means is that we are essentially left to just build out here as best we can call a mulligan on these two roads and divide this up a bit more i only want to put two lengths of road in here so we'll give a little bit of space for for the yards and then the other thing i want to think about is i want to be able to mirror the coast somehow these would be dangerous fema lots or fema fema nightmare lots but we're going to build them anyway they're going to have flood insurance because every now and then we're going to have some issues here okay so the interesting thing i just mentioned that we weren't going to develop housing along these industrial roads up here we weren't going to develop industrial roads down here but in this particular location these folks are going to deal with it because you know they they uh unfortunately for them they were here after the road uh and the developer doesn't want to pay for this improvement so they're not going to so that is kind of an unfortunate reality of coming in second sometimes is there there are things that are near you that you might not think are appropriate and i think we're gonna have one more of those things before we end this one so we have we have one thing that this community desperately needs that it doesn't have if you think long and hard enough you might be able to figure out what it is so i want to make sure that we're still in shorewood we are so that's good so our building themes here will apply now i did add oh they came back to haunt me the trailers so i really thought that i've removed these i'm going to theme manager again i'm going to find you american eclectic and i'm going to use my skills to ensure that they're actually gone this time so i think i eliminated the trailers which is another thing that exists with an american eclectic but i did not remove the construction pads all of them anyway so you might notice that there's a little bit more variation in the buildings that is because thanks to some some members on the discord server i have added some additional buildings and those will be in the pack for this week i've also removed this building i really dislike that it has an orange roof i did add recolor and the thought was maybe i could make the roof color change now i can change the color of the house which is nice but the roof is what really bugs me so we're going to use re color and do some things in a future episode likely in ashland but for the time being i just want to make sure that we don't have any more orange roofs because they don't really fit the character of the build and i wish that i would have eliminated them sooner because ashland is just chock full of these and i'm hoping that at some point they will level up to a point where they don't uh pose an issue anymore but time being we are where we are with them so this has fulfilled most of our residential demand you see that now when we look at it we have a low demand for residential but we have something that we have a high demand for and that is any place to go basically anywhere that we could go to to get groceries or or something of that nature and communities of this size often have stores like the dollar general for better for work so i'm going to place these here for now and we're going to build a parking lot for this and i'm bringing it back so i've seen a number of comments that have said that you know there's some disappointment that i have not been using the parking lot assets that i was using at the beginning of the series and the main reason for that is i think i i got into a mode where i was building parking lots non-stop and not really doing much of anything else and i don't want to i don't want to do that to you guys okay so we've got the start of this we're gonna add some accessible parking to start out and this is a very big parking lot and that to me is completely logical in a place of this size i would expect that they would over park everywhere because this is the only way that people can get around [Music] okay so you know i watched it i i will be up front with you i have not had the opportunity to work on a dollar general that said it's interesting i watched a documentary or not a documentary from the news show about dollar general in the way that they picked their sites and you know what what they're looking for is land that they can rent that is built to suit rural areas high traffic volumes good visibility you know in an area with incomes of a certain level where really there aren't many standards for their buildings so you know we're looking at this there's basically no glazing or windows you know that it looks like a vent maybe there's a back door a loading garage so we're going to want to check that out we're going to need some sort of drive back here very bare bones building now this is a warehouse and this is what they are this is what they're what they're working with so we're going to send this back here [Music] and i have a very simple circulation pattern they're able to come back around load come out this might there might need to be some sort of hammerhead here or something to to allow a turnaround to occur i don't know i'm going to skip it for now just because i'm not going to add things that i don't really uh if i'm not really 100 sure how it would work i'm not gonna just fudge things in there and that you know that's really a fire department sort of thing normally so i'm just guessing in that in that area so we're gonna fill in just a bit again dollar general not interested in much in terms of landscaping if any at all maybe we'll get a couple of pine trees maybe they'll preserve some of the stuff on the site it's built to suit so they're not going to take responsibility they're they're telling the person who owns this site who they're renting from we're going to give you x number of dollars you know whatever you you've got to make it work and that developer is going to do whatever they can to to keep the prices down so that said i don't think anything's going to develop behind this so we are going to add some landscaping behind it and i do want to take a look at this let's look at our building's spawn points just back this up we'll come around here get this into the area it should be and then spin it right around there we go so this will cause the freight vehicles to come back here same with trash vehicles and what i think we're going to do for the forest here is what we did before [Music] and just highlight some we'll copy it and then we'll come through here the one bit of concession that they'll give is a row protecting the homes or buffering the homes and the light that we're going to add into the parking lot which will again be pretty minimal but some is necessary they will even acknowledge that and let's take this tonight so we understand what we're doing because i know that i i've added some uh bluntly crazy stuff because i didn't really i didn't really get it i was doing it during the day and that's not the not the greatest time so this is actually kind of a nice okay i wouldn't say this is nice this this makes sense to me it seems like it would be cheaper this right here this is some expensive led stuff this would certainly be required in the city this soft light would be a nice concession to the neighborhood that is already unhappy that there's a commercial user here even though they shop here it's not as though they're shot there they're not they're gonna hold back from shopping so i'm gonna go three in space place these right in here and we'll try to evenly space these there we go [Music] and then we've got light in the back this one light back here so we're good i think that yeah this this to me makes some good sense dollar generals got excellent and actually they're gonna probably want this they've already got a highway advertisement they're gonna probably lobby to have this over here and no one is going to exist in this town this village to fight it so uh they won't so you come in here on the highway and you can see dollar general look over there's the sign come down here there's the store we should really take a quick city tour [Music] so [Music] okay so i think that we're in a good spot with this episode i hope that you've enjoyed it if you did hit the like button if you aren't subscribed please consider doing so and i will uh see you in the next one this has been a really fun build for me and i'm looking forward to doing some more take care bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 83,299
Rating: 4.9728131 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, clearwater county, cities skylines small town, cities skylines small american town, cities skylines small town layout, cities skylines rural town, cities skylines lets play, cities: skylines, cities skylines detailing, cities skylines detailed build, cities skylines rural area, cities skylines rural map, dollar general, cities skylines furniture factory, cities skylines highway connection, city planner plays cities skylines
Id: rui8QpdgmK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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