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[Applause] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet now say this after us [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on [Music] i am i can do what god says come on [Music] [Music] but i would never never [Music] jesus is my righteousness jesus jesus be the same i would never never never be the same i would never never ever know ever [Music] me i will never never everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord ever the same [Music] [Music] my expectation is fulfilled it has come to pass already in the name of jesus and lay hold upon that which is mine that shatters and abraham's tagged not at the promises of god what was strong in faith giving glory unto god last saturday [Music] with the voice of thanksgiving i give you praise i thank you because of harvest of answers i give you praise that god is strong the new jobs are here healing in the body have a supernatural conception all kinds of miracles upon our lives we receive in the name of jesus christ [Music] of the spirit indwelling me it's upon me and the same influence come upon me and all that's connected to me in the name of jesus i also come as a child of god into every terrain in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel in the name of jesus christ [Music] your hands above your head just put your hands together celebrate our top my doctor glory somebody shout hallelujah are you ready for the word of god lift your right hands to heaven father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost we speak words which the holy ghost teaches comparing spiritual with spiritual i ask that revelation knowledge is gifted everybody in this service were received from the most more excellent ministry of jesus christ today your people built up equipped edified and we thank you lord by the end of this service nobody lives the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerful amen lift your right hands let's release our faith together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says that amen like thunder we want to welcome everybody connect you to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we want to welcome you to the service today and we want to also welcome the acquire bomb state community connected right now by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb inspiration fm heritage fm we're so glad to welcome all of you to the service today give me the favor you've always done call a friend a family member a loved one ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves i also want to ask you social media community let's get the truth of this gospel to the ends of the earth so do me the the favor you've always done share the video on your page share with all the groups on your page join as many groups as possible let's get this war to the ends of the earth put them on monogram telegram and whatsapp group and it's a joy to welcome all of you today and want to also welcome all our campuses around the world our uk campuses today begin to meet physically after the lockdown and we're so excited we want to congratulate our coordinator for the european mission ambassador andrew his wife and the entire leadership of all our campuses in all the different parts of the united kingdom and europe oh congratulations guys we're excited about what god is doing and if you're in the london area the uk area make sure you locate our campus at your all our campuses and if you don't know where they are if you reach our office in the uk we give out the number on social media it's actually on my facebook page all the details and you can get them there so you can join the brethren physically and sharing the blessing of physical fellowship today also makes our lucky campus i just came back from lagos i met the brethren yesterday our lucky campus today makes them two years since they were inaugurated and i want to appreciate i want to appreciate the brethren in leckie you know pastor pastor funke and pastor jones and all the leadership of the lekki campus congratulations guys it's just the beginning of greater things that god is going to do you know with your campus and you know as we reach out to the nations of the earth but we rejoice with all of you as you celebrate today in the lucky campus and i'm excited to have everybody in church this morning now we're excited for the word this morning can we celebrate the word of god with a shout this morning [Applause] glory amen grab your pen you'll not book your bible you can be seated with your sweets myself as we get into the word of god this morning and the first up is a lady foundation that i'm still going to work on in this service um the book of john chapter 5 verse 39 john chapter 5 verse number 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify if your parents mind i will underline that they are they that is the scriptures are they which testify of me this is jesus speaking the word such is the word investigate investigate the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but the scriptures are my testimony meaning jesus is the message of the scriptures john chapter 1 verse 45 john chapter 1 verse 45 philip finded nathanael and saith unto him we have found him of whom moses in the law and the prophets did right jesus of nazareth the son of joseph he's the one moses in the law and the prophet did right all right now look at your bibles we are still establishing this foundation in the book of luke chapter 24 verse 25 when jesus rose from the dead on the way to emails he met two disciples and arguably cleopas and his wife and they were discussing the events of the past three days and jesus said to them gentlemen what are you guys talking about and they said jesus are you a stranger in town have you had have you not heard about jesus a good guy that was killed the other day they were preaching jesus to jesus but didn't know jesus you can be in church and never know jesus and be lost in religion religion is man's efforts to go to god or to look for god christianity is not a religion christianity is a relationship with god where god doesn't wait for you to come to him where god has come to us that's the difference between christianity and religion so they thought jesus you know was was was was a matter a good guy who died so jesus taunted them in verse 25 and he said unto them a full slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken all that the prophets have spoken next verse but not christ if you are reading well you should have known that christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory next verse and beginning at moses beginning at moses at chemosios in the greek beginning at moses and all the prophets moses wrote in the law and the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself the things concerning himself in all the scriptures beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded only there was a bias there is a bias to bible story there is a bias in bible teaching he did not expound everything he expounded only the things concerning himself why because the scriptures testifies of him look at john chapter 5 verse 45 john chapter 5 verse 45 do not think that i will accuse you to the father this is jesus talking there is one that accuses you even moses in whom you trust beginning at moses even moses in whom you trust look up everybody jesus is saying i'm not the accuser here i will not accuse i do not accuse there is one that accuses the accuser of the brethren is moses now moses is not as a person but moses has a system moses has a function all right beginning at moses is not a person when he said beginning at moses he's talking about the writings of moses or the teaching ministry of moses remember ladies and gentlemen that genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy was the teaching ministry of moses to the jews it was moses teaching that was documented genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy was moses communicating christ to his audience in those books so genesis is the promise of an exodus when moses was teaching them genesis he was expounding and showing them the promise that there is an excellence coming so genesis is the promise of god of an exodus because exodus is a type of moving out of bondage into rest which is in christ is a typology and all of that was moses's teaching to the jewish people and so when moses began the book he began by saying in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth but as elohim it is later arrest does the hebrew what he meant is that in the deathless past elohim created the heavens and the earth now john chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us so the word that was god became a man so jesus is the world that became flesh so in the beginning jesus created the heavens and the earth why because all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made remember all things were made by him for him through him so he is the reason the logic the logos god's thinking pattern is the idea the touch the intent is the reason behind all of creation so he created all things for himself so in the beginning god created his crystal centric is the message of christ creating all things the next verse the earth was without form void darkness was upon the face of the dead and the spirit of god moved so jesus was the spirit of god moving in the face of darkness verse 3 and god said let there be light that lie it was jesus because that light was not moon and star because later on you will see the creation of moon and star so that light was jesus in the darkness the heart of a man that is not saved so when he said let there be light he was calling the light to shine out of darkness which has shown in our hearts the book of second corinthians where brother paul brought the revelation out because remember the new testament interprets the old testament i repeat the new testament interprets the old testament let me add a little more the old testament must be explained the old testament must be explained please stay with me so the old testament must be explained in the first service i took time and i began at moses like jesus will begin and we travel from genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy bringing out christ from all of those books in details get the material it will help you i'm just going to proceed from where i stopped in the first service now remember he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself now look at that john john chapter 5 verse 45 observe john chapter 5 verse 45 do not think that i will accuse you to the father there is one that accuses you even moses in whom you trust now observe the next thing for had you believed moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me have you believed moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me meaning moses wrote two things number one he wrote accusation number two heroes christ so in genesis there is a segment for christ and there is a segment for accusation exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy moses wrote two messages so now it is left for the pastor to rightly divide accusation trash it and feed you christ because christ is the diet of the believer not the accusation of moses but in the books of moses there is accusation and there is christ that's why the word must be rightly divided am i communicating at all so now we looked at moses and we brought out christ from the books that moses wrote and i'm not about to go back like i said so in genesis is the seed of the woman in exodus is the passover lamb in leviticus he is the offerings all the offerings in the book of leviticus in numbers and economy he is the brazen serpent on the pole he is the water that came out of the rock he is the manner that was typified by the manner in the wilderness and in deuteronomy he is a prophet like unto moses because in deuteronomy moses said to them a prophet like unto me shall the lord your god raise him shall you hear look at it look at it look at the acts chapter 3 verse 22 acts of the apostles chapter 3 for moses truly said unto the fathers a prophet shall the lord your god raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear in all things whatsoever you shall say unto your next verse and it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people why because whosoever believes in him shall not perish he that believeth not is condemned already why moses already told them there's a prophet like unto me so in deuteronomy he is a prophet like unto moses all right now we get out of the children now we're done with moses we move to the next books of the bible in joshua he is the scarlet robe that was given to to to rehab the harlot that's khaled robe scarlett is red which is symbolic of the blood and because they have believed and took the robe and held one side and the children of those spies held the other side there was a connection between rahab and god's people so by that typology they have believed in the gospel of the blood that's our rehab became a righteous person so that khaled was symbolic of christ in the book of of joshua that is what is symbolic the scarlet rule and we can go on and on and bring out other revelations i'm just giving you teasers to help you see in judges it is a secret because in the book of georges chapter 13 verse 18 he talks about secret he is a secret same word as wonderful the name in isaiah which means the word secret which is wonderful is figurative is a figurative representation of jesus remember the old testament is jesus concealed the new testament is jesus revealed the old testament is mystery the new testament is revelation the old testament is the new testament concealed the new testament is the old testament revealed so to understand the old testament you will have to wear the binoculars of the new testament and look at the old testament it's one book the bible is not books it's one book and the message of the bible is not you will make it it's not you will succeed it's not to stole your waiting gown it's not 15 keys or 35 pillars the message of the bible is a person his name is jesus and anything preached out of the bible that is not jesus is a waste of your time the message of the scriptures is jesus is the diet that believers feed on are you still here yeah he is then in the book of root he's the kiss man redeemer yeah he's the kinsman redeemer in first and second samuel we see him in the sufferings and the rejections of the entrainment of david because before jesus became lord he was rejected he suffered so in the in the sufferings and rejection of david there was a symbolic communication of how christ will be rejected and he will suffer and he will die and he will rise and glory will follow that's infested second somewhere are you still here first and second somewhere in in the book of first and second kings we see jesus as the redeemer then solomon and we see jesus as the greater than the temple in matthew 11 42 jesus talked about one that is greater than the temple matthew 11 42 to 46 put it up for me my jesus answered and said matthew 11 42. matthew 11 42 okay because of time so jesus said there is one greater than the temple in this place because when we see in the books we see the glory of the kings the glory of the kings of israel of which we see jesus having a greater glory and dominion than the kings of israel so their their royalty was symbolic of the reign of christ in ezra we see the explanation of the nail the nail that was used on jesus's hands ezra you will see that explanation in nehemiah because of time i told you i'm just giving you jesus in nehemiah he is the rock that nehemiah spoke about and he is the bread from heaven in nehemiah in esther interestingly esther is one book that does not have the name of god the entire book is written without the mention of god in the entire book of esther and that's why some people who don't have understanding when they read the book of esther they use it for pageant beauty pageant you know and you hear people say one night with the king what an insult why would i be going for one night with the king when the king lives inside me why do i want to have a one night stand with the king when the king lives in me forever i don't need one night with the king i have eternity with the king glory oh god he lives in me but when people don't understand you know you know when people don't understand the gospel you are given an aspiration gospel a gospel where you are aspiring to be the gospel of christ is not aspiration the gospel of christ is what has been done already you don't aspire anything in the gospel you only receive what has been done so that one night with the king is a scam there's nothing like that you and christ are together forever i will never leave nor forsake you i will be with you forever so you don't need one night you have forever isn't that some good news here tonight so esther is one book where there is no mention of god and that's why people who are not understanding the message of the scripture can use the book of esther for all kinds of things but it's actually the message of christ how does christ come into the book of esther esther could not see the king until after three days of fasting so she asked the whole of jerusalem israel to fast together with her and that on the third day she will appear before the king and ask for the redemption of israel from the enemy mordecai and if she perished she perished and that was a type of death burial and resurrection jesus died was buried on the third day he arose and he went up to the right hand of the father and appeared before the king on your behalf and i have news for you and that was your redemption that was your freedom from the oppression from the chains of darkness and it delivered you from the kingdom of darkness and has translated you into the kingdom of his dear son when he died you died when he was buried you were buried when he rose you rose am i talking to somebody here he has quickened us together and raised us up together and made us sit together with him we're in the heavenlies so the message of esther is the message of death burial and resurrection listen carefully everybody no book is allowed in the scripture that doesn't have the message of christ there are extra books but those books are useless because they don't have christ in them a book only passed the test of being canonized when it had christ in it so the 66 books are tied together by one's message and that message is christ is the message of christ remember our theology is christology our theology is christology the bible is a theology and the theology of the bible is christology but in the study of christology we arrive at the mission of christ which is soteriology and when you study soteriology the essence and the reality of his death burial and resurrection which brought salvation is only made visible in your heart by the spirit the work and the work of the spirit which is new mythology new mythology and the practice of pneumatology is ecclesiology which is our study in relationships it's our study in relationships am i teaching good stay with me stay with me stay with me i want to show you through the scriptures so that if anybody is preaching nonsense you shut him down don't let anybody waste your time with anything that is not christ from the scriptures the bible is not a book of business principles is the message of christ the bible is not a book of agriculture even though jesus talked about his sword and so deceived but if you observe he wasn't teaching business principles because when he finished he said the seed is the word of god he opened up what he was talking about so he was using natural situation to communicate spiritual realities why because the audience had a low iq is a method of communicating with people who are spiritually dull people that are spiritually a lot you don't use parables you speak with plainness of speech and when you got born again you were quickened to understand revelation so that's why we don't use parables for you we we give you spiritual revelation knowledge am i teaching good nehemiah esther the one that out of due time became our mediator and intercessor in the book of job ayah manahata in the book of job he's the base man redeemer the days man mediator job said oh i wish i have a man i have someone that will speak to god on my behalf and will speak to to me on god's behalf a mediator one that stands between me and god that will tell god what i'm going through and i will explain to me what god has to say and today we have the mediator between god and man and that mediator that job was looking for we have him physically today his name is jesus and with the hope of the mediator job said i know that my redeemer leave it even if my body is rotting in this rotten flesh i shall see god he had hope in the mediatorship of jesus he could see it ahead even though he couldn't lay hands on it because it was not for their time it was kept for our time and today we have the reality of what christ has done we are that people that are born in due season we are recipients and partakers of the glory of god in the face of jesus if your email is louder enjoy the grace of god when i tell you the bible is the book of jesus i'm not making noise i know what i'm talking about in the book of psalms in october he spoke of jesus the anointed of god and then in chapter 22 of psalm he talked about the sufferings of christ the bulls of bashan have perfected me thou shalt not leave my soul in hell no allow thy holy one seek corruption i know massata and then he prophesied lift up your head all you get be lifted up everlasting doors and let the king of glory come in and and the regions of hell shouted who is this king of glory and prophetically they answered them he is the lord mighty he is the lord mighty in battle lift up your head all he gets and on the third day jesus rose david talked about the sufferings of christ he talked about the reign of jesus he talked about the three days in hell david the book of psalms is the book of jesus it's not a book for midnight prayer it's not a book to be reciting is the revelation of jesus psalm 16 talks about the reign of christ this is the day that the lord has made what will rejoice he's not talking about another day other than the day of resurrection when jesus rose from the dead it was that day of rejoicing he said hold me not back i've not gone to my father your father my god your god but tell my brethren tell my brethren tell my brethren for what he does sanctify and they that are sanctified are all of one for which cause is not ashamed to call them brethren somebody shall jesus is my brother say we're family whenever we see jesus seated we see him seated as the high priest these are christo-centric scriptures in the book of proverbs he is the wisdom of god proverbs 81 he is the wisdom of god improve us for it he is the part of the righteous that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day that perfect day was the day of resurrection in proverbs 16 15 he is the shorty of a sinner the shorty of a sinner in psalms i mean proverbs chapter 18 verse 8 chapter 18 verse 10 he is a strong tower the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous runs into it and they are saved whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved in the book of proverbs he is a brother that's ticket closer than a friend he's a friend that's ticket closer than a brother he is one among thousands in the songs of solomon he is a shepherd the groom speaking of us and him the marriage that can never be divorced the union that can never be separated that is all that the book of solomon is painting the picture of christ and the church and that union that cannot be broken because of his resurrection in the book of isaiah it brings us a lot of revelations on the sufferings of christ he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him by his tribes you are healed all we like sheep have gone astray every man has gone into his own way it pleased god to bruise him on our behalf who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed isaiah took time to open it his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father the prince of peace of the increase of his government there shall be no end and brother paul will put it like this they that receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness they shall reign in life through one jesus christ our lord the book of isaiah is the king that reigns in righteousness he is the appointed one isaiah 12 35 isaiah 12 35 the king that reigns in righteousness he is the will of salvation with joy withdraw water from the wells of salvation isaiah 12 3 in isaiah 59 he is our intercessor the mediator in jeremiah all the names of god reveals the character of christ is in jeremiah he is called el shaddai he is called missy he is messy he is el shaddai in jeremiah 23 verse 5. in jeremiah 33 15 he is the lord our righteousness jehovah's seat canoe in ezekiel he is a true shepherd the lord is my shepherd the true shepherd the great shepherd hebrews 13 20 the great shepherd the true shepherd john 10. ezekiel 34 23 he is a true shepherd in ezekiel 48 he is jehovah sharma the lord shall be seen there the lord shall be seen there the revelation of god sharma in the book of daniel is the son of man daniel 7 16 son of man daniel 9 24 messiah in joel in hosea before joe he's a son out of egypt the sun out of egypt you remember when he was born he was asked to go out of egypt josiah prophesied it in the book of hosea in the book of joel he is the spirit i part my spirit upon our flesh in the book of joel is god dwelling in zion joel 3 17. what i'm giving is the substance of scripture in the book of amos he is the salvation promised hemos 9 11-12 in obadiah he is the deliverer of zion in mount zion there shall be deliverance and holiness and the sons of jacob shall possess their possessions he is the deliverer in zion in jonah jonah 2 9 salvation is of the lord out of the belly of the whale jonah acted out the drama of dead burial and resurrection on the way to tashish they threw him into the sea and the fish swallowed him three days and jonah said in hell i cried salvation is of the lord and the fish opened his mouth on the toddy and vomited jonah jesus died three days on the third day he rose and jesus said as it was in the days of jonah that is a sign that shall be given to this generation death burial and resurrection the message of jonah was clearly the message of god's salvation in the dead burial and resurrection of christ it's his book that book belongs to jesus nobody else nobody else nobody else it's the book of jesus somebody shout hallelujah and then of course as i round up this and then give you a few things before the service is over in micah he is the pre-existent nature of god micah 5-2 and now he is a stronghold in the day of trouble stronghold nahum once ever in habakkuk is the faith of christ the joy shall live by faith in a hug i is the desire of all nations hagai to serve and the desire of all nations shall come and i will fill this house with glory and the glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former jesus is that desire of all nations in zechariah he is a shepherd that was smitten and the ships ship scattered in zechariah he's the shepherd that was smitten and the ship scattered zechariah 13 verse 7 in malachi america he testifies of jesus and john the baptist was going to be a forerunner in malachi 4 2 he is called the son of righteousness so the epistles are not magical books they explain what was contained in genesis to malachi with the benefit of the new we can now see genesis to malachi as types and shadows of christ you search the scripture so an accurate study of the bible is therefore to see the scriptures through christ to see the scriptures through christ once you cannot see the scriptures through christ you are lost once you lose sight of the scriptures you'll be in the bush are we still here look at matthew 28 20 matthew chapter 28 verse number 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen it's not an end of the world disposition because we have used that as a message of doom that statement in itself when you say all authority in heaven and earth is given to me it shows you a relationship heaven and earth is a mode of communication to show you a relationship that exists between immortality and mortality heaven and earth and we said that the gospel is a relationship the resurrection of jesus which is the gospel is a relationship and not just a mere event so the resurrection of jesus therefore is a present tense reality why because the gospel is a relationship the gospel is also the resurrection and the resurrection of jesus is a relationship remember lo i am with you always so the gospel which is about the resurrection of jesus christ is a relationship every time you go out to preach every time you go out to announce the resurrection the relationship that god has extended to mankind now we said that salvation can be achieved within microseconds but discipleship is a lifetime matthew 28 19 says go and make disciples teaching them the what mattered to you in the greek martial where you have math at you it means to make people learn is talking about systematic learning organize learning not have hazard learning the church ought to be a place where you are giving a course of study not haphazard scattered preaching not inspirational preaching not motivation systematic theology and organized theology where you go from module to module that's how the church ought to be because the mission of the church is to equip to train and produce disciples who are able to disciple others so they must be organized theology systematic theology and if you observe brother paul's theology what we call the polite theology is systematic it's observed the teaching ministry of jesus was systematic theology beginning at moses and all the prophets systematic not just scattered preaching you know not preaching at people's needs not preaching to help people arrive where are you arriving you arrived you are in christ anywhere you are arriving that is not christ you have missed christ christ is the final bus stop he is the destination point but motivators will tell you you will get there and you ask them where is there they say there's a place called there so the church ought to teach look at that matthew 28 verse 19 and 20. matthew 28 19 and 20. go eat therefore and teach all nations ethos you know last sunday we looked at the ethnos look at verse 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world and we said a christian cannot grow without teaching you cannot teaching there is a word that does call in the greek d-i-d-a-s-k-o-d-dasco and i've given you the compound words we have didacho which means to teach or to instruct then we have didache d-i-d-a-c-h-e an explanation didachi and explanation look at matthew 7 28 where the word didachi is applied matthew 7 28 and it came to pass when jesus had ended the sayings the people were astonished at his doctrine at his explanation at his didache and that is the way he explains scriptures his mode of explanation doctrine didachi look at acts chapter 2 verse 42 acts chapter 2 verse 42 and they continue steadfastly in the apostles didache apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers the apostles died they continued steadfastly in the way the apostles explained the scriptures that achieved in acts 5 28 when they accused the disciples acts 5 28 saying did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in his name and behold you have filled jerusalem which you are dieding you have filled jerusalem with your explanation and intent to bring this man's blood upon us you are filled jerusalem with your doctrine didachi your explanation in matthew 16 12 jesus warned his disciples matthew chapter 16 verse 12 then understood the how that he beat them not beware of the living of bread but of the doctrine of the pharisees and of the sadducees the doctrine the didachi the explanation of the pharisees beware of the explanation of the sadducees and pharisees they are selfish explanation they are convex explanation they are materialistic explanation and you know people preach material materialism every verse of the scripture is for money every verse they see in the bible they must corner it for money including the books of the bible psalm 92 no psalm 91 91 for 91 blessings materialistic gospel jesus warned the disciples to beware of such teachers to beware of such people it doesn't matter the title on their names and the size of chain on their neck and the size of color on their throat it is not about dressing and chain is about content beware of the doctrine of the pharisees the deduction of or explanation they have a legalistic explanation that is not the true explanation of the scriptures so the word there is the word didachi then we have the word didas kalia daida scalia we have died the scalia that is the body of truth the body of truth when you put together everything i've been teaching you about christ about the law and the prophets in christ realities soteria when you put all of the modules together it is called didascalia that is a body of truth a body of truth i have delivered to you that has formed the basis for your persuasion that has formed the basis for your relationship with god it's called dida scalia that is the doctrine of christ the doctrine of christ therefore will be how christ is the interpretation of genesis to malachi the doctrine of christ is how christ is the explanation of genesis to malachi look at festivity chapter six verse one two three festivity chapter six verse one to three let us many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of god and his doctrine be not blasphemed and they that are believing masters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather do them service because they are faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teach and exalt next verse if any man teach otherwise if any man teach otherwise and consent not to hold some words the word who gay who gained you in the greek wholesome healthy healthy sound put it back wholesome words even now he explain what he means by wholesome words even the words of our lord jesus christ and the words of our lord jesus christ is the doctrine which is according to godliness anybody that avoids teaching christ anybody that shies away that says christ is too much a man of god broke my relationship with him why he said you are preaching jesus too much that was the end he said you are preaching jesus too much i said is there anything wrong with that he said no nothing is wrong but i'm too old to preach it and he has members thousands in his church so i wonder what is preaching there because he is too old to preach christ any church where christ is not the message it's a club you are hanging out in a club you're not in a church what defines a church is not the building design what defines a church is the content that people have felt another man of god told me if i start preaching jesus i will soon run out of material i said because you don't know him so since you don't know christ why don't you resign leave those of us who have what to say about him forever let us preach then you learn from us must you preach nonsense is a case of the blind leading the blind and all of them will anywhere in a ditch and that's when those churches people are ever learning and they have never arrived at the knowledge of the truth they keep learning here they don't know who they are they are afraid of witches any child of god in this church that is afraid of witches is an insult to my teaching that which has not been born plus the great grandfather even if i sleep without praying it cannot scratch me and if i see them now urinate on them and they can do nothing nonsense you can't sit under my teaching i'm afraid of witches they are the smallest level in the qatar of demons they are the smallest i have dared the devil for decades now if they burn you well appear here let me sound your face bastard you say you're a child of god you're born of god and you're afraid to go to your village go and get born again my friend you're born again and you're afraid to go to the village have you ever seen darkness running from light who runs from who darkness runs from light you are the light how can you be afraid of your village you should be the one going to the village and they are hiding because light has arrived [Applause] you are the light of the world a city set on a hill that cannot be healed i'm not making mouth i have confronted them in their different greeds including a bomber's greed i have encountered them and they bowed i went to honor on a local government to preach the whole town was quiet ah why is there nobody he said today is april day if you come out they will match at you see me they never bond them me the lady that came to receive me ran back to the room and told me to run that if i don't run a book i see me wrong in me april when i have the name of jesus i walked to the room sheila and i walked because i didn't understand what she meant few minutes as i sat down they arrived with marchette and matchat at the door the match merchant cut through the zinc door i stood up it is written touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm i pulled the door open i told the man kneel down he knelt down i removed that nonsense i saw t-shirt with rapper i said lift up your two hands my friend should get science shoe shoe shoe get size kneel down he knelt down i said have you heard about jesus before i say you need jesus there's nothing in this nonsense you need christ while he was kneeling down others went and removed their distinct 15 of them came and knelt all of them down all of them 16. i led them to christ they got born again i took them and handed them over to a sims of god pastor i say start foundation class for them we had crusade the other day everybody came out even though they were hiding came out to see eponylinda do you know what you carry whatsoever is born of god overcoming the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith sayadaw behold i give you power to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the devil and nothing shall buy hurt you if you are still afraid you need to be born again god has not given us the spirit of fear but of love of power and of his sound mind shaddola kotama you have not received the spiritual bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption whereby we cry am i teaching good here they give you water they say this witchcraft take it ya know my calada drink it nonsense the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof the world and they are dwelling there is no portion for witchcraft but the witches and everything they belong to god god owns the world get out of fear and if you're still if you get born again and if you don't know how to be born again come for counselling we're here tomorrow 9 00 a.m come and beat us we will shut you out quickly flush out the nonsense clean you up watch your brain watch it well watch the nonsense put light inside [Music] say i'm born of god shout it let the devil hear you shout it louder say like you know what you're talking about say i have the dna of god in my inside god is not afraid i'm not afraid as he is so am i what cannot fight him cannot fight me what cannot defeat him cannot defeat me i am dead my life is healed with christ in god i didn't hear powerful amen when the gospel is preached demons and devils go to hide the reason why people are afraid all over the land is because people have not been taught the gospel people have only been taught traditional religion going to church is a natural family culture so they don't know why they go they just go because everybody has to go to church so they have the form of godliness but denying the power and from such turn away hyannah but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth as many as receiving to them gave him to become the sons of god even as many as believe in his name i'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is there of god unto salvation somebody shot power three times two three somebody shot the doctrine of christ look at that festival chapter four verse six as i round up first timothy chapter four verse six he says if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things like i'm doing now thou shalt be a good minister of jesus christ nourished up in the world of faith and of good doctrine we're run to that was attained somebody shot good doctrine say it again sound doctrine where christ is taught from all the old testament books and properly so did scalia now the person who teaches died the scalia is called died as carlos [Music] i am your dad as carlos died as carlos that's the person who teaches it but the very act of teaching is diagnostical died that's cool in case you're making no sense write something that is called that is carlos is d-i-d-a-s-k-a-l-o-s didasco is d-i-d-a-s-k-o you cannot have a growing christian you cannot have a disciple of jesus without teaching where there is no teaching people cannot be discipled you can have crowd you can have an audience you can have people who are in church every sunday they attend sardis like fans they come to church to see the latest thing in some churches this week is a music concert next sunday comedy sunday the sunday of a thousand love another sunday singles mingle and double with mingling another sunday one first sunday koboco service my father my father what are you waiting for another sunday a guest speaker who will now come and do bible teaching because the pastor is a coordinator week after that business empowerment trying to be a multipurpose center but that's not what jesus asked us to do that's not what jesus asked us to do teaching them to observe the things that i have commanded not to teach everything you teach the things he has commanded so the things he has commanded are the things about himself not a series on how to fish how to fish how to build a fish pond and produce anointed fishes because they were fishermen in jesus time or how to collect taxes because matthew was a tax collector or how to build like paul real estate in the 21st century in the church strategic investment in the real investment i mean in the real estate business that's not that's not the curriculum were to teach his resurrection they were to teach his resurrection because his resurrection is a relationship make disciples of every nation disciples of what disciples of his resurrection it means that you must not allow your culture especially when you are born in a particular group in a particular country or nation you must not allow that to influence your lifestyle against the word of god let me add this very quickly the scriptures are meant to confront you the mission of bible teaching is confrontation the scriptures are meant to confront you what do i mean by that they are meant to confront your beliefs the scriptures are not written to agree with you when i'm teaching people come on my place i don't agree he has not even heard anything i don't agree that's an illiterate talking intelligent people don't talk they wait to hear everything when they have had everything they ask intelligent questions when they are finished asking their questions then they arrive at a conclusion don't disappear and say i don't agree that is not true the woman is not the helper for the man no it's not true see illiterate the word health meat is the word ezra ezra is used 22 times and it is only used for god so god is the helper of both man and woman the wife is not the helper he's god ezra and where that verse was written was after genesis where the tree of life and the three of the knowledge of good and evil then god says it's not good for a man to be alone i will give him a help that help is jesus who came to help man from his decision against the gospel but when you do when you don't listen you you bring your crk knowledge into the headquarters of revelation knowledge you start shouting i don't agree i don't see our key most some teachers are not even born again they are not even christians they are smoking and teaching uh genesis chapter one uh chapter one verse one then that that year you let you now want to come and and be disagreeing with revelation knowledge is something not doing you the scriptures are not written to agree with you the scriptures are written so you agree with them you are the one to agree with the scriptures that's why it will confront you profitable for teaching dieter scalia explanation scriptures which is to convince you reproof election which is also to bring you to correction and finances which is to set you right and then out of that to instruct you which is spiritual growth scriptures are not for you to agree with them because i think in my opinion that is the way i even see the scriptures someone said dr damina why are you so controversial dr tamira you're so controversial why won't i be controversial the book i am preaching from is a controversial book the bible is already a controversial book and if that's what i'm preaching that's why i sound controversial i am only controversial to the wrong things you have put in your head which if you calm down we wash them out say don't go to that church they brainwash i will never go to a church where they don't bring wash i want to go to a church where they brainwash because my brain is full of nonsense and i need it to be washed by the water of the world since you've been coming have you not been brainwashed has your brain not been washed it's called the renewing of the mind the bible on its own is a controversial book the bible says it i it it is settled i believe it despite your opinion despite your opinion it's not about how you feel about the bible it's not about how you feel about about the truth of the scriptures is that you must agree with the scriptures in fact you believe it first before you understand it that's bible for you you have to believe it first then you begin to understand it we're teaching you god i don't agree that you are who who cares whether you agree or not what matters to us is what the book says i don't agree that you are who if you are that an authority why don't you open your own page and teach your own there why are you coming to our own to say i don't agree because you have nowhere to say it so you you found where people are you now want to alter your unpopular opinion against the instituted authority of gospel i think i should close the bible is christ centered is centered on christ you don't have to agree with christ doctor damien why are you controversial you are you normal don't you know that normalcy is no good you must be abnormal life has no respect for normal people was jesus no man the lord said you should not do anything on saturday jesus went out on saturday and started healing people he went against the law they said why are you healing on sabbath he said which of you shall have a good on a sabbath day and the goat fall inside your hole and you won't bring it out they kept quiet he walked away very controversial guy he looks at their temple he said destroy this temple and in three days i will raise it up he said you must be mad how old are you this temple took us 46 years he said don't worry you understand later he didn't even care to explain if you like understand if you like don't understand all i have said is pull down the temple yeah we build it up and after his resurrection they now understood that what he meant was the temple of his body meaning that temple doesn't carry god this is what carries god stand on your feet this morning somebody shout glory [Applause] tell somebody my body is the temple of the holy ghost tell somebody i house god tell somebody if you're looking for the presence of god don't look very far this is the presence of god i carry his presence i wear his presence i move with his presence i didn't hear that amen like thunder lift your right hand father i ask that revelation knowledge grows and grows and grows until nothing else matters that the eyes of your people's understanding be flooded with light barriers terminated obstacles are broken whatever is not planted by god is rooted out sickness and disease humiliated satan embarrassed in the name of jesus i decree that you function in your authority you function in your authority reign over sickness reign over sickness reign over disease learn over failure in the name of jesus [Applause] thank you father for answered prayer thank you father for the blessing in this service in jesus christ's name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality grab your offering let's give in honor of the word of god when we teach the world we ask people to give to honor the word of god to honor what christ has done and today we have asked the counselor in another two or three minutes i'll be joining mr michael bush i will answer as a counselor and thereafter we'll do all other things that we need to do in this service but are you excited this morning grab a good offering everybody those watching online the banking deals are there on television the banking is idea radio audience mr michael bush you read the banking details for you before before you know while as the councilor is on so grab your offerings everybody and i want to thank all the partners and friends of this ministry as i announced next sunday is partnership sunday so all partners get ourselves ready we have a lot of walk because june is our final month before the 30 days of glory so we are counting down therefore we're going to do a lot of social media campaign we want to get this gospel as far as possible how many of you believe that what we're teaching here should go all over the world we want to get it as far as possible so we want all of you who are partners and friends to get ready apart from our partnership givings next sunday we also want to do a crazy social media campaign through the month of june and i want people that will support me with a hundred dollars two hundred dollars five hundred dollars a thousand dollars whatever you can afford i want people that can really support me let's get that on the way there about three billion people on facebook alone the world is 7 billion that's half of the world we're not including youtube and instagram and television we want to reach as much as possible because that's why jesus died and we are his representatives on earth today so i want to encourage people that want to support me this week so we can begin the social media campaign immediately this june we're building momentum towards 30 days of glory so if you want to send a thousand dollars 500 200 100 whatever you can afford you want to support this noble cause remember others gave for you to hear so when you give others will hear and that's very important all you need to do is shoot a mail to dr ebeldamina at ask him for the banking details we'll send it to you to support the social media campaign and i want to thank you for standing with us to see to it that we get to the ends of the earth i'm expecting to hear from you today and let me also mention that if you are listening on radio 2 you can send a mail and for those in the building will give you the opportunity to do so today but everybody else thank you as we look forward to a great time of teaching next sunday i'd like you to lift up your offerings we want to pray right now father we're giving faith and we give in honor of christ our offerings are a sweet smell before you and we thank you for the privilege of giving i decree that this week anyone here with a need your needs are met supernaturally receive the manifestation in the name of jesus god supplies all your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus thank you father for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen the online and radio audience you don't want to go away because of the counsel in another five minutes or so but i'm excited to serve you the grace of god all right we want to give our offerings hit the music let's do it as we give anywhere around the pulpit just come you know in order and just drop your offerings as we celebrate christ hit it let's do it hallelujah [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] really forgive me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh everybody shout hallelujah we're never tired of giving amen it's time for our kingdom investment and general worship offering is our monies that go to where our feet cannot go even sometimes our voices here can't get there you carry microphone and speak only 20 people hear you but through your monies there's a voice that reaches millions isn't that wonderful so the least we can do is give our monies to send the gospel to the ends of the earth amen you have your monies in your hands lift it up to heaven let's give thanks remember you can start small it's not until you have abundance physically that you start to give as you start giving from the little that you have before you know it you are investing so much in the kingdom and yet you are living comfortably amen me that's how i want to live that most of my money is pushing the gospel and yet i'm living without luck don't you want to get there amen lift it up to heaven speak to those of you send it on a mission say these monies in my hands go and prosper the gospel go and prosper the gospel say to your monies if you don't have any money speak in tongues because by the time we're up getting afraid again maybe next sunday there will be mornings in your hands in the name of jesus you will have to eat you will have to spend you will have to sponsor whatever it is that you need to sponsor but put the kingdom of god first and his righteousness all these other things will be added to you thank you father we give in light and in revelation we give with understanding we give with expectation that these monies will go and do your work they will go in your name and create habitation in the souls of men that the gospel will reach them and they will be caught up to to jesus you know in your name thank you because this is not in vain this service we do in the name in the giving of harmonies we give you all the glory in jesus mighty name we pray amen those of you with kingdom investments you drop in the vasquez and the rest of us our general worship offerings anywhere on the altar let's come and give this morning with thanksgiving hallelujah [Music] your presence [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh that's [Music] that's what we get amen well stand with me for one minute let's receive the intercontinental mr michael bush as we begin as a counselor right now put your hands together for him praise god all right good he's coming good afternoon thank you for joining us um just stand with me as i take the opening announcements and then as soon as global bar joins us you all can be seated bank details that's always the traditional opener that we take when we are throwing open ask the counselor free banks all of them have one account name which is power city international i start on this edition with fcmb 29 82 68 2028 29 82 68 20 28 that's for fcm b power city international that's the account name the same account name of course goes for zenith the number is 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12 power city international finally of course uba certainly not the least 139 26 465 nine twenty six four six five that's the announcement number one quickly quickly announcement number two any moment now i think in the next five minutes it's a freestyle edition and we're going to try to really speed things up on this edition in the next five minutes we'll throw open the phone line and that line is plus two three four if you're calling from outside the country otherwise it's all six eight hundred nine nine three nine to also send in your entry into the program you can avail yourself of the email address which is ask the counselor now at oberosteel the sms line plus 234 again if you're doing from outside the country otherwise it's all 703 eight six four two final announcement just as i prepare the guns for global barber to join me for sponsorship for support for partnership just call up again if you're doing from outside the countries plus two three four otherwise it's 0803 275 6104 or you send an email or two to dr abell damina at the doctor there of course is the arrow my producer is pastor ig a query complete with the production team and of course we're grateful to mama global mama dr rashford damina who is with us my name is michael bush i'm super excited to be here i'm your uncle but now the man of the moment writer like none other teacher like none other global doctor abel david i'm fantastic just so so nice to see you and i hope that the trip out was beautiful it was explosive very explosive very very like grover looks more like somebody was in lake uh i went to lucky yes that's the place to go that's the only place no no that's not the only place [Laughter] okay global but let's just set this because of time the lack of it we just do our opening prayers then we throw open the program let's pray together father we thank you for the opportunity to receive answers for prayer we receive answers and solutions and direction and the blessing for quite bomb state the governor his executive executive cabinet all public servants civil servants private individuals business people in acquiring state we decreed that this state continues to go forward the grace of god continues to abound in this land and the message of christ continues to thrive and grow mightily in the land we pray for nigeria and the rest of the world that ministers of the gospel are unleashed disciples are multiplied and the glory of god is being made manifest in all nations thank you father for answer prayer in jesus name we pray amen amen okay so please be seated thank you for standing with us and thank you for always supporting us global by the point must be met today is the 30th day of may in the year of our lord 2021. yes and just yesterday in nigeria governors for instance the one in aqua bomb mr domimano and his deputy mr moses frank apo mfro celebrated their 6th anniversary the same way with president muhammadu buhari at the national level and it's just fantastic in the build up to this anniversary you are taking out a week or two or three almost the whole month teaching about relationship between government and the citizens very true what's your thought as a celebratory anniversary both for the governor deputy president and vice president well my first thought is you know we thank god for the relative peace we have had in this country and my prayer is that they should look more into security because if a government that cannot secure a citizenry has failed in its responsibilities and obligation so i think the government needs to really really seriously look into security and ensure that the territorial integrity of this nation is not compromised that's for national what about local well for quite bomb we continue to believe god for all the projects that the projects the the deep sea port you know i heard of the fertilizer ahead of the cap land and all the other projects that god will help you know uh his excellency and his deputy and the entire executive council to carry out those projects so that people in the society will have jobs you know gainfully employed and the economy will do well and the society will do well so that also the gospel will continue to reach people and the blessing of god for this land will not be denied fantastic can we just put our hands together [Applause] at the point of a life transmission it's coming very close to half past the hour to the minute and now ask the counselor a global show piece on radeon tv and on the social media by power city international broadcasting from number 98 when we bar wrote in the heart of who yo yo is the capital of aquarium okay mister state in the deep south of nigeria of course the country on the west coast of africa this now is the time to start hello global baba i am showing shown and i write barbara from i'm trying to see from okay frederick maryland in the united states of america remember it's a free style edition i'll just be going around the world just like that blah blah i've been following your teaching for over a year now have concluded that it would be best to join with fellow believers in christ who are also persuaded in the same teachings so i would like to connect with others who follow your teaching in my area as well on sunday may 23 2001 during ask the counselor one of the messages came from a brother martin in damascus usa inquiring about a campus to fellowship or the possibility of starting one i'm writing it as well to indicate that i would be interested in supporting to study campus in this region i live in frederick that is in maryland not very far from damascus i'm ready and willing to be trained as well and to assist in starting and coordinating a campus in this part of maryland i'm happy to connect with this brother in christ and work alongside him and to serve in whatever capacity is needed to support power city international in maryland thank you so much for giving yourself to study so that you can serve off the grace of god it's indeed the privilege to be your student and spiritual daughter igly awaiting your response grace and peace continue to abound towards your family and you sir wow that's a good one well those of you in maryland if you live anywhere in maryland in america we'd like you to you know expect a flyer on my facebook page tomorrow talking about launching of our campus in maryland and we want to be able to contact every one of you in the maryland area so the flyer will be on my facebook page tomorrow and we would like you to email and let us know those of you that follow this our teaching so that we make sure you're all together a team as we launch power city maryland please are they expecting to hear from you people the email address to direct your mails to if you're in maryland i want to be a part of power city is dr ibel damina at if you shoot email we will contact you and see how we can build that team to reach out to the greater maryland with the gospel of christ thank you for writing to us absolutely so producer who just gets said with the technical team calls can start to tumble in because of time or the lack of it next blah blah blah an anonymous entry hello global i'm not a member of power city international but i confess i follow your teachings all of them and it got me counsel and it's on marriage i've been finally a student in a baptist theological seminary i've been in a relationship over six years blah blah blah my fiance and i decided to get married in december 2021. all of a sudden global babashi brought the idea of pursuing a master's degree which was not part of our earlier agreement though i'm not really against it the issue though baba is i'm actually skeptical about how life would be after marriage considering that it means both of us are still in school and i'm also believing god for a pastoral call in a church i will need more finance and she isn't employed as well we are both 29 years of age i don't intend keeping her single unnecessarily for long and yet the financial commitment of having a family is getting me worried i believe that in the morning of council there is safety please what do i do blah blah blah well two of you need to sit down and talk about the issue you know uh sincerely you know sit down together look at all the the the advantages disadvantages what your resources are able to accomplish and based on that you can make a plan she can go to school while you're married you know and she can wait a bit you know so it depends since you're already in school and you're about graduating it will depend on two of you sitting down and really working the plan together and see how that will work since you love yourselves and you've decided to get married it's just to fine tune your plan and and take take note of priorities and work according to the plan that's what you do hello global okay i'm told our first caller is on the line it behooves me not to keep him or her waiting longer than necessary many thanks for joining our program hello hello your name where you calling from good afternoon my name is yeah where are you yes the children who have mattered they know where you see their attitude that they are doing how you say you don't have right to advise them if you are politicians what they are doing that is all right if you don't have me i'm here to advise you well your parents are not subject to your advice you are the one that should take their advice so if you're mature you're born again and you observe your parents are not born again and the way they are behaving is not good what you do better is to pray pray that god will send laborers to get them born again that's what you should be doing rather than advising because whatever you want to tell them they already know okay so just pray for them to be saved that's what is more important and when you pray for them to be saved god will send laborers and when they get born again it will be easy for them to walk out whatever their differences are so your priority should be for them to be born again okay so producer can we just make progress we have a little under 24.5 small minutes till the end of this edition of the program blue bubble my next entry is so funny and i'll tell us at the end i saw you smiling that's why i consider it so so funny okay hello bob and mr bush god bless you both for the wonderful work you do in god's kingdom i've been sending this email and i've been following that ask the counselor has not answered my question please i need clarity i've been following global bus teachings and when you talked about husbands you did not mention the ones that cheat and what to do in that case i believe it will still come as the teaching goes on but sir please what do you do when you are married to an infidel he doesn't take care of his family we have not been together for over one year and two months now he barely comes home he stepped foot last in february briefly and didn't even stay up to 12 hours i've not started working even though i do one or two businesses he sends money when it feels like for our daughter's upkeep there are so many things to talk about but i need counsel my decision to move out and go or divorce is it a bad decision seeing that my mental health is at stake global baba please note we married as believers in his mind he's a believer but his actions are not i desired to follow the other day's teaching when you started talking about brethren whose conducts do not glorify god but the rain cuts me off i just need counsel baba thank you sir i would like to remain anonymous and i'm writing from abuja but this way i find it funny you know mrs bush and i this is bush stays in abuja i still know you we have just one daughter and all of that and um when i was reading i said ah what is going on but i go home every day you know i just came yesterday you know so probably this is not me no god but i'm just thinking about it yes but more than that more than that is the point about um it's a point about okay not working okay so so that in case you know that there can be people watching us yes that could be him so my wife works of course also global but yes well first of all um christ will not cheat so that's why all the teachings are crystal centric what christ will do is what a husband is supposed to do and if he fails to do it then you need to either get the word up you need to call his attention to the word of god or of course take him to your pastor your pastor should be able to sort your differences that's the way it works and from what you're saying it looks like you and your husband are not under any spiritual authority it looks like two of you are just freelance christians and that's where the problem is because if both of you were under a spiritual authority you would have spoken to your pastor long ago your pastor would have called your attention your husband's attention to order again that's why it's not good for christians to just be a independent you ought to be in a local church you ought to have a pastor so that if your your spouse is not behaving right you talk to your pastor about it your pastor will counsel you your pastor will pray for you and your pastor will talk to your husband that's very important so i think first things first you and your husband need to first of all establish who is your spiritual authority that's number one then number two you need to get your husband and you to see your spiritual authority and present these issues to him and let your spiritual authority counsel with both of you and after counseling is your spiritual authority that will know whether you should walk away or you should divorce or whatever the matter will be but you need to be accountable to somebody that is a spiritual authority over you and your husband that's the way to go about this issue okay global by justin time another caller hello good good morning bless you call you from where south africa i just hope this network will allow us go go on this is the second campaign i don't want to tell you this question okay okay can i just apologize to you i just must apologize to you please try and see if you can call us again we can barely hear you and would be absolute waste of time to allow you go on okay so global baba another one and by the way we can take to two entries uh from the live audience if people are already producer post resurrection jesus broke bread that's communion with disciples on the way to emmaus peter while fishing etc you talked about comedian global baba bread and rabina are you against the directive of christ or the last supper where he said do this in my memory do you do memorial for somebody who is alive or somebody who is dead i'm asking you who asked the question is jesus alive or jesus is dead he is alive so no memorial service for him so again i think to help you a lot more you will need to order for my book on the communion table and let me just shock you a little more there is nowhere the bible talks about holy communion it's not in the bible we don't have holy communion in the entire bible 66 books there's nothing like that in the bible so i don't know what you mean by holy communion are you talking about the passover are you talking about the supper or are you talking about breaking of bread so you need to send another question and clarify what you're talking about because all of them are different and for your information there is no word in the bible called holy communion so you need to send your question again in a properly framed way so i can answer you bless you just in time this caller hello good afternoon many thanks for joining us where you're calling from yes my name is nelson and i'm calling from delta state i have a very important question i want to find out a brother got married two two thousand days ago and currently they are in court because the brother found out that their wife lied and the court has asked them to go back to the uh to their church so that they can be properly cancelled but the brother insisted that they will not continue with that marriage because he believed that the sister told him the whole truth and not knowing that all the sister told him was not the truth so insisting he's insisting that the mother should be should be caught now before they get into what could cause a problem of higher problem than they are into so my ad my question is as a pastor should i should i support the cutting of the marriage earlier now or allow allow or allow them to use the judiciary to to end the marriage well i think because the marriage is already built on falsehood there's no truth and once there's no truth there's no marriage so you can go as a pastor and just get them to end it dissolve it or if you don't want to take their responsibility on you can send them to the court if they need a cut marriage and it can be dissolved in the court because falsehood is no foundation to build their home okay hello group of about this week one please i always thought that trust comes with believing so why didn't the people trust moses well they trusted in moses they trusted in moses and the word trust and believing don't don't don't bring english language into it try and understand the context the pretext and the post text the people trusted moses because everything moses told them they took it hook and line and sinker but they missed the message of moses and the message of moses was christ that's why i say you trust moses who is the one that accuses you i do not but if you really believed moses you would have taken me serious because i'm the one moses was writing about so that's that's what jesus was talking about they didn't believe that's why they couldn't receive christ because they didn't believe the message of moses even though they trusted moses and blinded their eyes to the message and stayed with the law so the context will explain the use of the word trust and the word belief the context of that particular scripture okay let's make progress hello global and mr bush my name is osasko i must commend you global baba you are a great great great man of god global i'm worried because when i was in the world i committed adultery but i got born again last year that was in 2020 since i started listening to your preaching and sometimes i still feel guilt that i should go and confess my sins to the husband of the woman i committed adultery waste before god can forgive me please global barber advise me on what to do get prepare your coffee when going [Laughter] yes moreover that guilt is not god it's satan that wants to kill you fast because god has no guilt there is no condemnation in christ that lady has moved on don't cause trouble for her marriage gather your broken life together look for jesus heal yourself and find your life because if you try it she will deny that she knows you and the husband will deal with you brutally so just save your neck go to if you don't know how to get freedom from guilt go to a pastor or get a ticket fly to uyo or enter a bus come to you let's free you from guilt package you together and send you back in peace so that that woman can have peace in our marriage forget that you know her and move on with your life okay i knew that applause was going to come and he deserves another one [Applause] okay let's go now to echo in aqua bomb steve let's uh benjamin olai tour writes supposing that a woman that listens to different preachers of the gospel listened and she had another gospel contrary to the gospel of christ and she decides to act differently because a believer's day-to-day lifestyle mostly is how they understand the gospel that is preached to them the husband says don't use my money to pay tithe but she refused to listen because she just had you say disobey your husband if he stops you from honoring god to have pain of time is part of honoring god and feeding god in fact she prefers to do that than to help the needy what should the husband do in this scenario go baby just hold your thoughts to scholar hello hello good afternoon many thanks for joining us your name where you're calling from thank you good afternoon blah blah blah good afternoon bless you thank you i like to stay anonymous please okay thank you blah blah blah please i have a question which is very touching i went for a counseling somewhere in the church and they were not collecting money for the counseling but after prayers about to kick-start their one-on-one counseling they said you should give a voluntary donation if you have so one a man came up one of the workers started collecting community dwells at that time i i started behind at the back i noticed he squeezed some money and put in the back pocket and hand over the remaining to another who was i think the head of that his unit at that time i felt disappointed and discouraged i didn't say anything after the counseling they still asked him to attend to me he attended to me and said all he needed to say to be honest my mind was not in anything he was telling me am i supposed to report him to the pastor to the church authority or just let it go but if i continue if i don't report him it will affect my faith in case i want to go there to worship and if i report him will i be doing the wrong thing or the right thing please and an answer thank you sir that was a thief you are standing with them well what do you do i think you should mind your business because that that may be how the the system has been organized to function everybody is doing everybody everybody's doing it because where you will go for counseling and they're asking for money already the setting shows you that there's a problem because you don't collect money when you go for counselling how many people met jesus and jesus collected money from them how many people met paul peter james john all the apostles freely you receive freely give we only take offerings in services after we have taught you the word of god for the work of the ministry not in counseling and counseling somebody is coming so you can enlighten him you don't ask for offering except the person deliberately feels he wants to support the work it's not supposed to be like that so again like i said the system will define how everybody is behaving inside the place so my advice um leave them alone and just be praying for them that's what you do okay let's make [Applause] let's make progress dr ebel damina my fiancee and i are planning to get married soon my retail counselling has commenced but unfortunately global baba we just discovered we are both a s as a genotype kind of advice thank you john well two of you have the choice to either go ahead or to stop and now to be based on your faith do you what do you believe what do you want to do do you want to believe that you know everything will be fine there is no yes or no to your situation it is dependent on what decision you want to make so again i put it back to you you have to make the decision whether you want to continue or not if you want to continue it's okay if you don't want to continue it's okay the choice is yours okay global baba so the choice is this is okay this wash your hands of the matter global baba because we have seen people who are married under those circumstances and it worked for absolutely and we have seen people who married and he didn't walk so at the end of the day the choice is yours if you want to believe god for a miracle in that marriage the miracle is yours global but you know that's why i'm i'm just completely overwhelmed and proud anytime you offer counseling because it's so real it's so it would have been possible to say no how can you do that no do like this god is going to do this but you know so this one we have given is just true i'm sure even jesus would have said this that's right hello mr bush thank you for opening our eyes to the word of god from the time i started listening to your teaching you activated the hunger and fest for more and you have activated the love for god in me i like to thank you for your labor in the world that has developed me and many brethren out there may god bless you because of feeding on the words global barbara that you teach i've opened the church branch of the church i belong to here in lusaka zambia but i should really say blah blah blah that is your impact on me that has made me to open this preaching point and not of our church is not because of my church i'm sorry daddy if you think that i'm trying to be ungrateful or disobedient to the church but that's the truth i did a certificate in pastors training in a school called bible training center for pastors btcp i specifically opened the preaching point to preach what you have preached to us which is somehow different from what we've been learning in my church now global i have four members at this preaching point now but i really want to be the best to them as you have been the best to us so i want you to recommend books for me as a young minister that i can buy to study and be more equipped in the world and be your photo copy lastly please pray for my preaching point and for god to give me boldness and grace and that he will confirm his worth with signs and wonders and also that he would arrange situations and circumstances to favor us financially for even the place we are meeting is not that good due to some trouble with finances many thanks and leaves his contacts and gives his name as moses in zambia well moses get every book i have written there are no there's no selection read everything because all of them are written to equip you to be an effective and efficient preacher of the gospel so order for all the books and if you're asking in which order to order them live before the cross life after the cross the office of the pastor every man a minister just go like that the new testament ministry i mean everything you know okay so um the producer has just gesticulated that we have a little under five minutes and i'm trying to see whether in two minutes i can squeeze in three entries hello global i want to ask if it's right for a parent to chase out his children from the house simply because they don't want to get vaccinated against schoolvit 19. thank you for your feedback people have situations about issues i mean well except the children are really babies you know if they're babies and if they're babies they won't even disobey their father so for them to disobey means they are adults i mean they have their choice to make i mean if they want the vaccine let them if they don't want the vaccine leave them out don't make it a big deal in your family you know uh even god doesn't force people to take things god shows you the repercussions he shows you the choice and he allows you to make the choice so if they're adults let them alone don't chase them out of the house okay groupover let's quickly go to lometogo where chris is writing to us from and says hello global baba and the intercontinental mr bush global by every night and day i look for the renewal of your energy for the fulfillment of this great nation may god bless you and protect you against all in the powerful name of jesus daddy i'm going to be a member of the academy soon and i'm going to have all the details i need to have all the details of the one year training and impartation that starts january the possible amount we have to disperse thank you again for everything here what's a huge your son chris wow chris well uh our office will respond to your meal with all the details for the one year bible school which is 2022 we're still working out the modalities but our office will get back to you okay hello i promise i was going to squeeze in three this is the third and the last one wow what a blessing to listen to you teach the word of god thank you daddy i'm caliph and in cameroon you're a blessing indeed blah blah blah please i want to get clarification on this should someone go ahead and marry a lady if your family refuses they refuse because the lady has two kids with other men and it's not as educated as the man she's spiritual and loves the lord and has truly changed but they say no they say such past life can affect the couple in the future if the man hasn't heard from god should he pray or no back out you don't have to hear from god to marry a wife because god does not interfere with you marrying he gives you the freedom to make your choice if she's born again you're born again that's all that god is concerned about about having children that becomes your personal choice if you still love her and want her and desire her strongly even with her children sure you can go ahead and marry her and if your family say no that's why marriage is not for boys is for men and if you're a man your family won't stop you from what you know is good for you so again back to you you decide what you want to do she's born again she's not that educated she has two children do you want her if you want her by all means go for her if your family is opposing take time and explain to them your convictions and if they are still opposing keep explaining until eventually they see reason why they allow you get married bless you go mama thank you go mama thank you global mama thank you and the triple j plus to pick jeff kloss to pj plus thank you and everyone producer pass toy jquery thank you my name is michael bush lo baba joins me now to take us home club baba with the prayers mr bush i'm going to pray for them father thank you for that brother who asks us to pray for his ministry his ministry prospers and thrives we also pray for people that are sick we command your bodies be healed amen we pray for people in need of a miracle receive a miracle now amen in the name of jesus amen thank you father for needs that are met supernaturally and for testimonies in jesus name we pray amen amen praise god well what a joy to be able to serve you the grace of god thank you for giving us the opportunity to do this remember this today we are live at 1 2 3 xl fm and we're also live at six o'clock i mean this evening at 8 9 to 10 and 10 to 12 9 to 10 inspiration 10 to 12 heritage fm tomorrow morning 5 45 xl fm eleven to one radio acquired by one two three xlfm and we're back here tomorrow evening at six pm gmt plus one with god's word you wanna you don't want to miss what i'm going to be teaching tomorrow in the service thank you again for being a part of the service till we meet with all of you again tomorrow enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed goodbye from uyo nigeria amen praise god somebody shout hallelujah
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,401
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: anVWEszDua8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 38sec (7358 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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