Sunday 2nd Service | 15 Sept. 2019.

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[Music] broccoli broccoli the bomb Bruno so Kelly Oubre nakaka Gabri naka kya karu bra praise you Father in the name of Jesus Lord will rejoice because we are in that name the name that is named in heaven and on earth the name of Jesus and we thank you that we have access into the deep things of God by the Holy Spirit so I declare that revelation knowledge is gifted everyone in this service bodies and yolks are destroyed whatever it's not planted by God is rooted out your people are built up equipped and edified Jesus is glorified thank you for answer prior in Jesus precious name and every believer since he powerful a man lift a rod has to have unless release outfit to get us to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen well wonder welcome every one of you joining us for elf Kingdom live network Facebook YouTube all the various platforms we're glad to have all of your connection and our campuses were glad to have everybody connected to the service this morning you'll get ready the word is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I have an amen from the house oh my goodness are you excited about the gift of eternal life can we celebrate the life of God with a shout get excited let's celebrate eternal life let's celebrate the reality of Jesus in our hearts hallelujah amen you can be seated at your seats myself let's get in the world praise God alright so we're looking at a healing ministry of Jesus and we've been on this for a week four weeks now and we're gonna be here for a bit more because like I said in the first service healing the subject of healing is not just what you choose to hear is what you need to hear and the reason is because you need a healing boat for yourself and you need it for those around you you need it for yourself and you need it for those around so that is one of the aspects of the doctrine of Christ you can afford not to pay attention the healing ministry of Jesus first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 1 moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand verse 2 by which also you are saved if we keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain 3 if I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and that he was seen of Cephas then of the twelve after that he was seen of about five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but song fallen asleep now please listen carefully we established that there was a vital truth about the humanity of Christ there was a vital truth about the humanity of Christ the truth is the incarnation of Christ presents present to us O God character it is not an addition to who God is it is actually an explanation of who God is the incarnation of Christ is not an addition to God is actually an explanation of who God is an integral truth of the gospel which we preach the incarnation of Christ first Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 but if i sorry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of the truth now please pay attention it's important for us to break this vast down when we say truth the pillar and ground of the truth we've already dealt with pillar and ground the mainstay all right the mainstay of the truth now when we say the word truth is a noun in the word Alethea e th e IE Alessia the weight of these is much more than that it's much more than you know truth as per debunking falsehood you know somebody said did you come to the house you said no meanwhile you came on somebody say you're lying he didn't tell the truth us know what we're dealing with here the truth here is much more weightier than just the bonking a lie it has to do with the reality the reality all right it's like Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life the truth Alessia the clarity the truth the clarity or the explanation the clarity or the explanation look at the use of that word in John 4:23 2:24 John 4:23 2:24 but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship Him the father seeketh such to worship in God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth he uses the same term in speaking to the woman at the well in spirit and in truth now remember the discussion was about a place of worship and he says he now sees that there is a spirit and a truth about washing there is a spirit and a truth about worship in other words there is a reality about washing which in this context may be the you know very opposite of a shadow a practice or a ceremony because in our minds when we say worship you think of instruments and choir then you think of I am what God says I am where is Islam at so you think of worship in that form know what Jesus is teaching here about worship may actually be the very opposite of a ceremony a shadow of a practice because there is a reality of worship look at John 14 16 to 17 John 14 and I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the Spirit of Truth even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you even the Spirit of Truth so he calls the spirit the Spirit of Truth why did he say that obviously there a set of facts that has been discussing there was a set of facts that he has been discussing so he says the spirit is a spirit of truth or the spirit of the reality of what I have been saying he is the spirit of the reality of what I have been saying so if he says you worship the father in spirit it means there is a reality of God has been a father that our worship is seeing the reality of God as a father the revelation of the reality of God as a father is washing the revelation of seeing God as our Father is washing his the rest song is not a dance is the revelation of seeing God as our Father Oh you began to look at the mode of washing that this is the reality of washing the revelation of God as a father this is the reality of washing the revelation of God as a father so warship is not a song worship is a demystifying of God as a father it's not a song and it dance there's so much to be corrected in the body of Christ it's not a song and a dance you know I came to church today we didn't worship God who told you we can have a complete service you taught a song and it was a powerful worship without one song a full service without a song from opening prayer to close in prayer no song yet the powerful worship sounds because a song don't define wash because worship is the revelation of God as a father in the heart of FEMA once you see God as your father you are in worship once you see God as your father you are in worship that's why worship is in reality spirit and in truth and we're dealing with that word truth I was still in the building we are dealing with that word truth all right didn't good this morning okay now pay attention now Jesus now says this is the fact that the story that you will not need to go to Jerusalem to worship you will not need to go to any mountain to a ship the truth of this is in this washing the truth of not going to the mountain the truth of not going to Jerusalem to worship is in this reality that God is our Father that is washing and I don't need to go anywhere to know that God is my father that revelation is washing when you use the word Elisha it has to do with a relative fact that you have been discussing before now so we look at it a bit more so that we can understand let's look at the objective of the word Alethea it is the word Allah he knows it's an adjective used as a comparison not necessarily a lie when we say truth is a comparison not a lie look at it it looks 1611 if therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches the true riches technical that word true riches you cannot say the truth on earth or you cannot say the riches on at a lyricist okay but he uses storages in other words that which will stay and that which will go the riches on earth will go but the riches of God's Word will stay so that which will stay is called true riches you sing now the song will finish but the revelation of God as a father is your eternal reality so that is why there is a difference the comparison there when he uses the word true riches true worship he is dealing with that which is temporal and that which is permanent are we together in the building he's dealing with the contrasts he's dealing with the contrasts and you will soon see a little more of these he's dealing with a contrast thank you Lord Jesus that which will abide forever he calls true riches that which is not temporal but which is permanent look again at the book of John chapter 1 verse 9 John 1:9 that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world that was the true light he says John was not the light his delivered comparison so that does a comparison between the prophets who carried a message and the message himself the prophets who carried a message are not the true light but they are to be a witness of the light Jesus is the true light they were temporal he is permanent they were temporal he is permanent it doesn't mean the John the Baptist and other prophets were liars it just means that Jesus is the endpoint Jesus is the standing fact of everything that they have said he is the standing fact of everything that the prophets have said in John 1:9 then John 4:23 like we saw earlier he now sees but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship Him true worshipers that means true worshipers are they that have a permanent effective and real revelation of the father those are two oceans those who discover and dance and dance and shout and shout and shout meanwhile in their heart they don't even know who God is singing to an unknown God that's not washing the single sweat but they don't know who they are talking about that's not worship that's noise that's realize is they in vain do they worship they worship with their lips but the revelation is not in their heart is vain washing it's not a song that makes a washing is the revelation contained that makes it was the revelation contain makes it washing I think I should be a full full teaching in this church and worship and praise a full thing so that you stop doing what you don't know I should do something because sometimes you think what sheep is just you know nice songs no is the revelation of God in the heart of a man so the believer has the revelation of God in his heart when he walks is washable when he sits is washable when he's eating his washable everyone is driving is worshiping because there is a consciousness of that revelation in his heart are we in the building it's not sweaty he's not jumping shouting all over the place that's not my subject but I feel the pool to them Abraham said I am the young lad shall go yonder to washing that's the first time that what worship was mentioned in the whole Bible I am the young lad shabooey under to worship and we shall come back and when they went under to worship there was no song when they went under to worship there were no equipments there was no choir when they got to Mount Moriah the only thing that happened there was as they put on the altar with a knife and they called that washing that was washing and when they finished they came back they have finished washing yeah they went to worship does this does a lot of this mention no singing that was on me you know I like church where people sing and sweat save Johnny not here we don't want you to sweat so you don't sleep when I'm teaching I want you to be fresh so when I'm teaching you here because what you hear me teach is what makes you who you are say hey not singing and dancing you can sing at home you can dance in your car you can even carry your camp park in the bosom blow the music and dance there but what we come here for this is the pillar and ground of the truth this is the mainstay of the revelation of Jesus say he might communicate you know I mean I have no big problem with singing I don't have a problem I like singing especially songs that reveal wire you know songs that agree with what I teach a lot I love to sing them because as far as I'm concerned singing is sustained talking did you hear that what did I say singing is that's what it is okay look honest hallelujah [Music] I've said the same thing in two different forms hallelujah ooh I sustained the hallelujah that's what makes it a song so if I must sing it must be what I am saying I must sing what see singing is doctrine it must be a teaching science singing service is a teaching service inherent happy it way you come together and everyone has a song is Sam a doctrine a doctrine or teaching so when you sing a song it should teach you something about Christ it should be a doctrine it should be a teaching don't just sing a song that makes you feel good sing a song that resonates with who you are in Christ or the reality of the message I you with me here yeah except you're just singing for entertainment purpose which you can sing the bunch can sing to face any of those people can sing their song and dance and feel good but if it is as it relates between you and God it must carry the truth the facts of the gospel am i teaching here please very important now so they went you're not to worship and what did they do Abraham brought a knife which exemplifies death burial and resurrection the revelation of God in his sacrificial work so that's why when we sing it must agree with our reality in Christ Jesus true worshipers are those who are permanent effective unreal look at John chapter 4 verse 37 John 4 37 and here we see that same here in is that same true one soweth and another repent the word true again john 632 john 632 then jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you Moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father giveth you the true bread again the word true give at you the true bread I am the true bread now whatever same is it wasn't saying Moses gave you fake bread mmm-hmm what he was saying is that Moses gave you bread you eat and you're hungry but the true bread is the bread you will eat and never hunger permanent eat Ana and during the bread of God is a he the way you eat him you're never hungry again that is the true black bread that is the true bread so we have true light we have truly cheese we have true bread we also have John 728 then cried Jesus in the temple of Sethos say you but know me and you know as I am not come off myself but he that sent me is true whom you know not him that sent me is true John 850 many scriptures good for your health and I sick not my own glory there is wonder sick head and georgette John 15:1 I am The True Vine and my father is the husbandman so when he says I am the true fine what why did he say that because Israel was called the vine so since Israel is the vine I am the truth the eternal vibe that Israel exemplifies so he says I am The True Vine all I am the vine God planted not like Israel just like people go to Jerusalem and they say they're going for pilgrimage no you should go to Jerusalem for sightseeing and for visit just like you can go to for sightseeing and for visit there's no big deal about Jerusalem it is another country another place that's all it is so that's why Jesus now said you you don't need to go to Jerusalem you don't need to go to a Mount in Jerusalem true worship is the revelation of God in the hearts of Emma while she spiritualize Jerusalem you are creating a theology once you spiritualize Jerusalem you're creating a theology that has no beginning scripture so Jesus says I am the true vine I am the one my father planted and my father is the husbandman another scripture john 17:3 were dealing with a war tree and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only through God the only through God that is Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent the only through God all the truth about God is Jesus Christ the truth about God is Jesus Christ John 1935 and he that saw it bore occurred and his record is true and in order he said that he saith through that he might be faster solonius chapter 1 verse 9 for their themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had on to you and now you turn to serve God from idols to serve the living and true God the living and to God Hebrews 8 2 are dealing with the word truth or truth a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle of the truth Tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man Jesus the minister of the truth tabara why because I was a temporal Tabernacle so Jesus is the minister of the permanent tabernacle Hebrews 9 24 Hebrews 9 24 for Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us Hebrews 10:22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water let us draw near with a true heart a true heart first John chapter 2 verse 8 first John chapter 2 verse 8 again a new commandment I write unto you which thing is true in him and in you because the darkness is past and the true light now shine it the true light now shine it fast John chapter 5 verse 20 what in exigencies on the war truth and truth and we know that the Son of God is come and has given us an understanding that women know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life so when you see the word Allah knows it is in comparison that is an everlasting fact and everlasting fact the true God true worship true light true Tabernacle all of that is everlasting in other words before now there will be facts that don't last for long before now there will be facts that don't last for long but this one is an everlasting fact eternal fact so Alessio no or a letter knows when it is used for Christ or for God has to do with the eternal nature of God with the eternal nature of God the true bread the true light the true tabernacle through worship the true God all has to do with the eternal nature of God true richest truest True Vine and others and what to construe that exigencies is that the church is the ground and pillar of the truth the ground and pillar of the truth first Timothy 3:16 and without controversy so the ground and pillar of the true or the mainstay of the truth that is a reality that cannot be altered altered a reality that cannot be altered the ground and pillar of the truth the truth is a reality that cannot be altered that is what we have in the church the church of the Living God which is the pillar and the mainstay of a reality that cannot be altered or an everlasting reality or an eternal truth that the charge is the mainstay of an eternal truth now listen carefully that means that what we are self pull around in the church is not temporal that means what you should be hearing is not how to get cars and houses those are temporal that's not our main ste what you should be hearing the charge is not how to sew clothes how to remain relevant in the contemporary world by developing skills those are tempera the Church of the Living God is the pillar and the mainstay of the truth that which is everlasting are we teaching here yes that which is permanent that which is eternal now he calls the church a mainstay of a propagator of a base for eternal realities the church is a base for eternal realities like I said to you is not a subject of argument is an eternal fact the church is a place we are will fellowship around eternal realities where we fellowship around the true God where we fellowship around the True Vine where we fellowship around the true prayer where we fellowship around the true riches where we fellowship around the true worship that there is a singular truth in the church and it is a revelation of God in the heart of a man which is eternal as truth as vine as God as worship as bread all of these are metaphors for this eternal reality am i communicating at all that is what we assemble around the Word of God for that means there is a krugman or there is specific information that we assemble around a specific meaning the church is not a place for general teaching soap-making network marketing I saw one church today they say their first service is wealth making service second service healing service that's not the kuruma that automatically makes a charge in social organization is no more a charge how will I go to church to be taught wealth making am I sick what is University of were you there for what is University of who you for if a church has to teach me how to make more wealth then it means all the secular universities are useless otherwise I will not pay school fees in an institution just go to charge to still be taught what the institution specializes and has the expertise with the certification to teach why should I go to a clerk because a pastor is a work in world making is the crack as you are going to require when there are experts who live in the world making world three bills and they are up to date with the latest strategy for making world why wouldn't I stay with those Xbox and burn school fees then go to applaud just like a debauch doctor a bass Thomas mind he must mind his job description what is the job description of the past oh he is a laborer in world and doctrine what doctrine the mainstay and the pillar of the truth many person like me for this man because I've just rendered them jobless you must stay with your job description there is division of labour in the society there should be no clash of interest I am NOT a medical doctor I'm a doctor but not medica hence I will not inject your bumble I am NOT a medical incarnate I'm not a a doctor in economics so I will not bother to talk to you about scale of preference opportunity cost demand and supply feasibility study the market atmosphere that's not my calling I will unveil to you God in EEMA the kunafa da da I will unveil to you the realities of the nucleation that when a man is born of God he is born to overcome say I hear you my job is to reveal to you God and your place in God so you and God can have the vibrant active relationship and so you can walk the face of the head make him manifest the savour of his grace say I hear you does the job description of a passport and we will do well to stay within specification are we teaching here let me come down so the church is still in the building is the propagator is a base for eternal realities he calls the church the hold of the household of God meaning a family a family and the church God's family is built on this reality through washing through bread to find to riches through God then Paul sees it is the Church of the Living God as you some walk there he says calls it the house of God EKOS is the greek word used for household or use for a permanent relationship permanent relationship household in permanent relationship why did he say that he calls the church the Church of the Living God or God's permanent house God's permanent house those who use Oracle said it is useful a place of origin where you live we are you still we are you hail from the Church of the Living God is God's place of origin we are his death we are he lives we are he hails from bidden God said in the prophecy I will live in them I will walk in them I will be their God they will be my sons and daughters so the Church of the Living God is where God lives we are God hears from we are God operates from he calls it the house of God and then after he calls in the house of God in a car seat of the church the word church means call ecclesia called and called out from in other words don't look for a location we are looking for the church dull look for a location look for men we are looking for the church dull look for a location look for men man house God man house God am i teaching good man house God so he calls it the house then he called it the church the called out ones then the church he now says the pillar that is this called out ones are the propagators of the truth they are the propagate toss of the truth so we come together and our coming together is to hold on to a truth when we gather like we have gathered like this our gathering together is to hold on to a truth what is that truth the reality of God living in man don't you even say your house god I see God in you that is the truth we hold on to that is a reason for our assemblage COLLADA Bosco the truth about God the truth about God then he uses another what what appalls intelligence he using words I admire big time analysis the word living God as though he died before living God why did he use the word Living God every sincere scholar has found out that the reason God is called Living God is because of the resurrection of Christ every Cynthia scholar have come to discover that the only reason why God is called the Living God is because of the resurrection of Christ because he uses the word sow for activity one that is alive living God it talks about his resurrection that is that God is seen alive in Christ Alleluia that is God is seen alive in Christ alive alive alive forevermore my jesus is alive alive forevermore alive alive alive forevermore my jesus is alive forevermore sing Alleluia hallelujah my jesus is alive forevermore sing hallelujah hallelujah my Jesus he's alive again stone is rolled away he's alive again he's the longer where he lives he's alive again hear the angels sing let all the Warriors he's alive he lives in me let all the Warriors he's alive the resurrection of Jesus it what is what scholars have concluded is a reason behind God being called the Living God that means we see God alive in Christ am i teaching here by we see God alive we're in Christ not that he died before but the reality of God the power of God the life of God you know the move of God the impact of God accessing that reality called God is only in a man his name is Christ sad Christ God is not real to us he may be somewhere but Christ brought the reality of God to man in human form am i teaching good here Christ is the reality of God in you so the worship of God is the revelation of that reality see I hear I hear ya the worship of God is the reality or the revelation of the reality the book of Philippians now says we are the circumcision that worship God well in the spirit and have no confidence with in the flesh that is our worship is the revelation of God in our hearts not instruments not clap in a shot we have no confidence in the flesh our confidence is not in the things with you is in the revelation given by the Holy Spirit of God any man teaching good we worship God in the spirit why God has set forth the spirit of his son in our hearts crying Abba Father that is washable true worship is Abba Father flowing out of the regenerated spirit of the believer hang about Shakya it may not be a song it may just be a statement or an acknowledgement and that is worship and that is not just washing that is everlasting washing not just a velocity that is permanent Washington they are not a layer are you still in the building a field is thin here the consciousness of the reality which came by revelation of God living in the heart of a man is Washington he lives in me I said he lives in me I say he lives in me ooh then he now says in the next verse and without controversy the world without controversy it is the one home alone home alone Yama knows it means this is our common confession with our controversy is not an English word is a Bible word so follow my explanation this is our common confession homology o menos without controversy don't forget the church is the pillar and ground of the truth he now says without controversial since the church is the pillar and ground of the truth this is our common confession as believers this is our common that men stay that truth is our confession what is our confession that God is manifest in human flesh is a greek word used to be our God is manifest that is our view of God is a mammal we see God in a man does our common confession that God to us is manifest in humanity that's our common confession does the main stage as a pillar that God is manifest in the flesh that God is manifest in the flesh mystery of godliness the word godliness is your devotion or your approach to us a higher being or your approach to us God that is what God did in Christ unveils the mystery of our true worship what God did in Christ unveils the mystery of our true worship what God did in Christ unveils the mystery of our true worship of God this ability is Jesus Christ God's visibility is Jesus Christ oh the invisibility of God has been seen the invisibility of God has been seen the key truth Paul is pushing here or passing here is that God was seen God was in and is so vital to teach the visibility of God vitae pollutions 115 column Colossians 1:15 who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature the image of the invisible does not make English sense you can't have image and have invisible if is invisible he has no image if he has an image is not invisible but in brother Paul use of worlds and LeBron aboard he now says Jesus is the image of the invisible that while God is invisible Jesus brings God to visibility that is Jesus on veils God or Jesus is the revelation of God in humanity that is man has seen God and man can identify with God that God is no more a mystery God has been domestic fight in a man so that man and God can be united together shout I hear you [Music] Jesus gives visibility to the invisible - I support the image of Jesus gives appearance to the hidden God he unveils God he reveals God Jesus is God revealed in humanity when Jesus walked the face of the earth it was God walking in human form so man can touch God come feel God can talk to God can hear God can know God because God is revealed naked in Christ Jesus brought God to man in his naked form in and out that is there is nothing about God anymore that is hidden when they saw God in Christ they saw God in his neck headphone not in healing so God does not have any hidden agenda everything that God is of doing Christ did now whatever Christ didn't do God can never do is it getting clear whatever Christ did not do God cannot do Christ is the revelation of God thank you not hallelujah I said hallelujah I said hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God so brother Paul teaches that very much he calls him the image image look at the contrast image of the invisible you see a lot of that impulse writing Pharisees am mysterion mysterion and apocalypses all of them up a contrast apocalypses revelation mystery concealed and brother paul says he has given to me the revelation of the mystery in the same statement revelation of the mystery you know the apocalypses of the mysterio now he says Jesus is the image of the invisible is it's this there's an expertise in use of words displayed here there's an expertise Jesus is the representation of the invisible God you'll see that in Romans 1:20 Colossians 1:16 first Timothy 1:7 team Hebrews 11 27 Romans 1:20 Colossians 1:16 first emoji 1:17 Hebrews 11 27 so the incarnation of God is in Christ is the word akan that which is not seen has now been seen and a translation says Jesus is the mirror of the of God not seen until now Jesus is the mirror of God not seen until now he mirrors God for presents Jesus has caused visible passing God visible personality so the incarnation of God is very fundamental so jesus demystifies the temple he demystifies marsinah he demystifies Mount Moriah he demystifies Mount Horeb he demystifies all the offerings I've been trying not to do this now should I do it I've been trying not to do this this temptation is too strong a man of God was trying to respond to Benny Hinn's position and he started quoting scriptures I've been trying not to reserve because this guy is my friend so he started saying how can Benny Hinn say this money does there's something wrong with the prosperity message what about Luke chapter 6 37 give an e shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over hey Luke 6:37 is not talking about money he's talking about mercy he's talking about human beings that if you are merciful to human beings they'll be merciful to you as I said he says give and it shall be given good measure presence she's gonna get a run over shall man not God God doesn't need your money to do you good how rich are you coz if I want a house I will not ask you if I'm hungry I won't ask you for food how much food do you have that can eat then he says the captain upon a Thousand Hills they belong to my God is not for sale then he now quoted the Wonder is bringing me now say what about sin offering trespass offering what about all the different offerings in the Old Testament hey dummy those offerings are all symbols of Jesus there are symbols of Jesus the same offering was a type of Jesus being our sin offering the trespass offering was a typology that Jesus will be our test first of all those offerings were point us to Jesus the Old Testament is types shadows prophecies and promises everything pointing to Jesus John 5:39 such the Scriptures for in them you think you had it analyzed but they are there which testify of me there are no scriptures for collecting money there are scriptures are revealed Christ the practices of the Old Testament we are all point us to Christ if you want to talk about offering meters let us show you the right scriptures don't insult the Bible for a few dollars I believe in giving and we all believe in giving but we don't believe in manipulation is that clear we give because God is a giver how can I have God in me and not be a giver for God so loved the world that he if I am born of God his nature is in me I wanna give I don't need somebody to be manipulating me bring a thousand dollars to break the backbone of your problem God will solve your problem without an offering because he loves you how much did you pay for Jesus to die how much did you pay for Jesus to be buried and I have news for you how much did you pay for Jesus to rise from the dead he does PR not a song but gave him up for us how shall he not with him also freely give us freely have received freely give that's a good and preach the Sagada represent the Sagada self undoes the god that our religious and of his fullness have we all received grace for grace a man can receive nothing except it be given to him from above God gave to all so that is not so that we can use it to manipulate him he gave to us because He loves us amen I needed to clear that I don't like to see anybody handle the Bible can see eat eat eat eat challenges my calling it challenges my colleague and I have a mandate to defend God's character I hope you understand that I'm not looking for trouble I'd like to settle trouble I'm not looking for exactly unless anybody now that I've said attack include all the shadows all the images everything in the Old Testament is demystified in Christ demystified well the moment you become a man you unli Kate the moment you become a man you are touchable you are reachable you are syllable you are evil slappable that's why he could slap jesus because he was now even when God became a man we could touch him we could feel him we could hear him we could even slap him because the moment you become a man you're the communicate people can now see you feel you and predict you and that's the love of God that God loves us so much he became a man so we can feel him we can touch him we can know him we can relate with him and we can predict him and we can understand his intentions and motives not in the ceiling anymore is it clear here now say you say without controversy great is the mystery of godliness that God Himself is manifest we're in human flesh if you was seen it means he has a voice he has ideas emotions he has reactions we could see his deeds his words his actions and without those deeds words and actions you cannot authenticate resurrection Christ rose from the dead and if he has risen it means he was here before you can say a man as reason who was not there before and if he was here for and is the onerous listen whatever he did before he must continue to him what was it to him before he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil now that he has risen from the dead he has to continue going about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil the healing power of God is active today as it was before God heals not to get anything from you but because he loves you in closing today let's look at the woman with the issue of blood sick for 12 years suffered many things of many physicians in other words her experiences were enough to build a belief system in her I mean a man that is sick for 12 years must have arrived at certain conclusions a man that is sick for 12 years has seen doctors upon doctors he must have had so many opinions from doctors that those opinions have given him an opinion so after 12 years of suffering you must have arrived at a conclusion the sets of for you a belief system so this woman with the issue of blood twelve years suffered many things in the hands of physicians it had become a lifestyle for in fact they say where you be so sick for a long period that you become a self doctor you know what table to take you know what tablet not to take you know which one works you know which one doesn't work you know the reactions that each tablet will be because by reason of use you have your senses exercised you can prescribe for yourself you can even recommend medication for sick people 12 years is not my money this woman for 12 years and not idle 12 years but previous of active engagement buddy says she suffered many things of many physicians must have spent a fortune remember I told you that your experiences and perception can be so real that you can even see a miracle undoubted they say well you will experience life life will deal with you so much that you will see a miracle and say is a lie it is acting that is why your experiences should not build your perception the Word of God should build your possession sell me very large I believe the Word of God it is final authority in my life there again it is final authority in my life said one more time the Word of God is final authority in my life say my experiences my perceptions are subject to the Word of God I didn't have powerful amen the woman had opportunity to hear the world and Chicana resisted the world in hopelessness she could have said there's no point what are you preaching to me after you know how long I've been in this condition the Pharisees were in the same synagogue criticizing Jesus waiting to hear the latest arrow he will teach but the power of God was present to heal sometimes you have the power of God in the Miss of Iran crowd you know you critics who gather and you teach the word and the power is present and nobody's affected it's not at the powers in there so the crowd didn't make a demand on the power that is available but the woman chose what to hear she said if I can but touch the hem of His garment I know not I feel I know I shall be marrow she spoke the expected end she did not speak her condition she spoke the result when you are receiving healing you don't describe the sickness you declare the result calling the things that be not as though they were I shall be made who what I want is holiness what I want is healing so I speak what I expect when I touch him this is what will happen she prophesied her future you are the prophet of your life you didn't hear what I said you add the profit of your life say very loud say it louder say one more time say I shall have what I say so I select what you say say again I select what to say I select what to say I say what I shall have not what is happening I call the things that be not as though they were I didn't hear powerful women in the healing of the sick we speak the expected body be healed we don't look I see people I see oh you are so sick look at how dry your legs will dis legs walk that's what happened in Ezekiel 37 son of man can these bones live he brought me to a valley full of dry bones an open Valley and they were very dry and then God said to me son of man can these bones leave I said Lord down Lois is a shot of man don't put the responsibility on me you professor you professor don't put it on me it's in your hands the world is in your heart that is the Word of Faith which we shall have I was discharged today right now right now bones to be caressing big caretta caretta caretta be corrected every blood disease I speak to that disease I command you flushed out flushed out flushed I speak to every organ in your body that is malfunctioning right now you are gums be corrected be corrected be corrected be corrected I command your heart to be healed your kidneys be restored your liver corrected receive a miracle now when Jesus saw D of thing what was their faith they are one their faith was their want their faith was their one they showed that they wanted it that showing that you wanted his faith all God needs is for you to want it if you want it you will have it socata as if you want it you will have it because it is provided in the goodness of God he went about doing good what was the goodness healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him he spoke the expected end Jesus Saturday Centurion I will come to your house and healing he said don't come to my house I am not worthy for you to enter my house but Speak the word only you are the living world your word is as powerful as you you don't have to physically be there your world convince your presence the Centurion understood that world's cannot barricade words he understood that distance does not matter to world he understood that the location is irrelevant speak the word only and my servant shall be here jesus said I have not seen such great faith no not in Israel an understanding of the functionality of God's power is called field you don't have to go to a village and carry sand god damn this infernal village is still in kindergarten class the god I serve is the Lord of the universe nothing is hidden before him I don't care where you are here in the son of my voice it doesn't matter where you are right now there's no distance in the rim of the spirit I command the situation correction as I'm speaking right now some of you millions of miles away situations are being corrected on your behalf miracles are happening right now on your behalf miracles are happening right now on your behalf miracles are happening right now on your behalf where in the name of Jesus give me a few minutes the woman said if I can but touch the hem of His garment I know not I feel I may not feel it but I know it I may still feel the pain but I know something that is superior to pain I may still have the condition in my body but I know something that is superior to the condition what I know will swallow what I feel what I know will swallow what I feel are you still in the building she chose what to hear she chose what to hear she must have heard of Jesus for a few weeks or few months but she has had other things for 12 years but she chose what to hear keep the switch of faith turned on keep the switch of faith turned on keeps a the power of God is flowing through me keep saying it the power of God is flowing through me the pain is pounding you are saying the power of God is flowing through me the power of God is flowing through me come on Ana the power of God is flowing through me you go back for the test the test is still negative the power of God is flowing through me you keep saying it until your reality out of numbers the contrary situation you keep saying you keep saying that woman kept saying if I cannot touch if I can but she kept saying it everywhere she was walking through the crowd to talk Jesus she was seeing him if I can touch the hem of His garment I know I know if I can but touch the hem of His garment she said it so much that the crowd couldn't stop her she said it so much that no protocol could stop she said it so much that she didn't need Jesus permission to take it she touched it and pulled it Jesus stopped and said somebody because the only person I can withdraw this current must be somebody violet la fĂȘte makes you somebody somebody touched me the disciples everyone is not she said you don't know what I'm talking about everybody's touching me but nothing is leaving me one person has touched me and off-loaded something and the woman came and told him the truth and he says daughter you have faith not my fate the man always has a part to play in healing your faith has made you whole he saw her faith when they saw when they saw his faith talking about the disciples the pub God has nothing to do with the number imagine three million people only two people believed only to Josh one column and only two of them experienced it a whole crowd can be gathered if you are the only one that believes the pub got walking a direction that's why when it comes to receiving from god damn you waiting for your friend to follow you when it comes to receiving from God everybody is on your own say I receive say it again say it again say it again see if you need to stand up and shout it for you to collect it don't do what others are doing everybody has a way of receiving is who say I receive right now in the name of Jesus the power of God is flowing through me do you have the power Natalia Negron tOSU colada when the problem is very noisy speaking tongues until the noise of the problem is swallowed but she'd be loved building up your most hi everybody [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] power of God is at work in my body say the power of God is at work in my body say the power of God resides in my body say my body is bought with a price sickness cannot survive my body I declare right now I engage the power of God the power of God [Laughter] [Music] supernatural Ezra Vasa supernatural edge Revis on your skin refreshed your heart refreshed you are live now refresh your kidney renewed your body respond receive it in the name of Jesus I rebuke asthma I rebuke migrants I rebuke at conditions I rebuke every form of depression break your horse in the name of Jesus I lose you right now from the oppression of the enemies be loosed in the name of Jesus the Lord shall raise him up and the Lord shall raise him up and the Lord shall raise him up and the Lord shall raise him up and the Lord shall raise him up every condition in your body flushed out your body be raised up in the name of Jesus and if they have committed scene it shall be forgiven scene is not a barrier to the healing power of God look at this jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood then they came and told Jose your daughter has died sometimes when pray the situation can be was sometimes so you stopped praying the problem becomes complicated whether it is complicated or not the power does not increase it is the same power that was a to it all you need to do is stay in faith stay where whom resist steadfast where in the field you stayed there with doggedness it must be done all it must be done or it must be done it must be done it must be done there is a never giving up attitude that accompanies an understanding zip a beauty case and Jesus went to Jerusalem fear not only believe it doesn't matter how was the condition gates they are not only belief they reason why it is getting worse is to give you fear so fear not you don't need more prayer just keep your feet in ducked fear not no matter how multiply the problem becomes fear not only believe for God has not given to us the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind don't you even say fear not only believe keep yourself in the field please may look rough ER not only believe in the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption whereby we cry let me tell you the truth miracles at your optional uma displays miracles are erupting all over this house nepeta Kitana random random and hotter I command that condition with blood to cease right now somebody with a blood condition here I just saw it totally cleared it's over it's over it's over in the name of Jesus stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ has set you free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage whom the Sun sets free is free hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody sorry Healing is my right now say it three times two more times one more time now go ahead and celebrate you will live long you will live healthy and you will live strong you will live long you will live healthy you will live strong listen carefully zoom me in if you ever make up your mind to die or to leave this world live without pain decide today that you will live this world without pain make up your mind the day I decide to leave I will live with a smile I'm not going to live with pain when you decide that and begin to speak it now it begins to organize your future save me I will live without pain if Jesus Therese and I decide to leave I will live with a smile no pain no torture I will not be bedridden and I will not be a sympathetic case I will leave this world bound singing health with a smile you didn't say amen to that well go ahead and celebrate that that's a good one amen if you leave me I will keep you till evening cause this scene is doing me swimmy seriously can you feel what I feel can you feel it on your leg what about the other leg what about your wish what about your hand what about the other hand what about your neck what about your head what about your whole body can you feel it all over you somebody shot Clara then I could often let's give and celebrate Jesus whoa get a good offering let's give and celebrate the lump of garden woo thank you Lord father we give in faith we give with joy thank you for healing and miracles all over this building in our campuses on Facebook YouTube and all the platforms the power of God all over the place no limit no barrier now we give our offerings of gratitude and appreciation for the labor of the world in this church and we give so that this good word comes flood the bloom abou planet so thank you for the privilege to make a difference in our giving today in Jesus name and everybody verse is amen hey guys well signing you off men continue and join the power of God it's ever abiding where you don't miss that when is the service I'm gonna continue teaching these realities invite some sick people invite some friends of yours if you have people in the hospital get there and get them to hook up today when is a service in hospitals doubt do a lot of good for them let's just charge people out of hospitals this week make up your mind to visit some hospitals with that power inside you and heal some people how do you feel like when you know that somebody that is lying down in the hospital what he needs to leave that place is in your hand and you're keeping it from him and you've got it so this week make up your mind to visit some hospitals and discharge some sick people and let them enjoy the goodness of God through you it's very important it's very important make up your mind to visit a number of them this week minister to the sick pray for them show them the goodness and the love of God and cast out some demons and we look forward to connecting with you on Wednesday and next Sunday we love you guys our campuses will leave you in the AVO hands for coordinators looking forward to reconnect again shortly until then enjoy Christ he was around the wall please hit distill let's do it us McGee [Music] [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,507
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: nacn4pf-ZOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 50sec (6050 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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