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you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the seal farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo [Music] 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wannabe road uyo aqua bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and ritual dominar come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time put those together [Music] is [Music] revelations [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on i am what god [Applause] i can says what god says [Music] [Music] but i would never never be descending with a holy ghost [Music] jesus is my righteousness is i believe is [Music] i i would never never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own [Applause] you are redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take [Applause] ever know be the same [Music] your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified thank you father that by the end of this series we will leave this place better than when we came we give you glory and honor for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our feet together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram and we want to welcome the acquire bomb state community connected to the service by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know ufm inspiration fm heritage fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service do me a favor of friends and loved ones invite a friend of yours invite a neighbor get somebody to tune to this radio station right now tell them life is flowing through the airwaves and we're so glad to welcome all the social media community around the world i want to thank all of you for what you do together as power citizens online do us the favor you've always done let's flood the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus grace let's lighten the dark places of the earth with the gospel share the video on your page and join as many groups as possible share the video with all of them drop the video monogram telegram what's up groups let's lighten the dark places of the earth all our house churches and all our bible study centers connected to the service we want to welcome every one of you and all the campuses around the world we're excited to have all of you connected get ready it's going to be an exciting time of studying the word of his grace are we excited to be in the building this morning can you give the lord a great shout and celebrate glory amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get in the world grab your pen your bible your notebook let's get in the word hallelujah i said hallelujah all right john chapter 5 verse 39 john chapter 5 verse 39 you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me they are they which testify of me they are they individually and they are collectively testifying of me this is new creation camp meeting and we've covered a lot of grounds for those that may be listening to me for the first time there's quite a lot we have taught but we just continue we'll encourage you to get the materials for what we have taught before now in john chapter 1 verse 1 the scripture tells us in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god verse 14 and the word and the word was made flesh the word that points to god was made flesh that word dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth full of grace and truth the word for son is the word hoyos and we have explained that hoyos is what you call matured a matured seed or an heir one who is one with the father one who is one with the father notice at no point was jesus called first son at no point was jesus called first son jesus was called the only begotten there is a difference between first and the only begotten he is called the first begotten he is not called the first son he is called the first begotten neither is he called only son it is called only begotten song please that's important these details you won't find first son you will only find the only begotten song because the context there is that it is referring to his incarnation the word only begotten is the word monogenesis mono genes and it is a key fact because john repeats that terminology in the gospel and in the first epistle of john he uses that word only begotten look at john 1 14 john chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father only begotten of the father john 1 18 john chapter 1 and verse number 18 no man had seen god at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he had declared him john chapter 3 verse 18 john chapter 3 verse 18 he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he had not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god hebrews chapter 11 verse 17 as a figure of isaac hebrews 11 17 by faith abraham when he was tried offered of isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son first john 4 9 first john chapter 4 verse 9 and this was manifested the love of god toward us because that god sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him that is like repeating john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life so john 3 16 is repeated in first john 4 9. so that terminology only begotten son of god is restricted to the gospels john used it here to refer to what john said in the four gospels so him being called the only begotten son of god is referring to the incarnation the incarnation the begotten only of the father or the only begotten son these are terminologies referring to the incarnation remember it says that whosoever believes in him will live through him in first john 4 9 john 3 16 that you may have eternal life so eternal life is to live through him eternal life is to live through him because life is only in the sun life is only in the sun he is called in the four gospels the only begotten son that means that terminology will speak of the incarnation look at john 1 18 again john chapter 1 verse number 18 no man had seen god at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he had declared him that what no man has seen god at any time that word at any time in the greek is a word that means us at yet no man has seen god as at yet at any time as at yet that means before now no one has seen god before now no one has seen god at any time before now question who came into the world who came into the world god okay so god was in christ god was in christ okay second corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 and 19. was in christ so who came into the world god so no man has seen god yet no one has seen god yet some people may say it is only jesus who has seen him that's not what jesus is talking about here because let's read again john 1 18 john 1 18. no man has seen god at any time or us at yet the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he had declared him no man has seen god yet that means through jesus god became visible through jesus god became visible he has declared him that word he has declared him the word sin has to do with a physical appraisal no one has seen god as art yet no one has seen him to be able to appraise him the only begotten son he has declared him means he has become visible in the song then the word only begotten actually means only one who came from god which is deity deity meaning jesus is deity who has made god visible he has made god visible john chapter 5 verse 36 john chapter 5 verse 36 but i have greater witness than that of john for the walks with the father had given me to finish the same works that i do bear witness of me that the father has sent me next verse 37 and the father himself which has sent me had borne witness of me you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape you are neither had his voice at any time nor seen his shape 58 and you have not his word abiding in you for whom he had sent him believe him you believe not go to deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 12. deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 12 and the lord spoke unto you out of the midst of the fire you heard the voice of the words you heard the voice of the world but saw no similitude only a voice you saw no image you saw no similitude only a voice verse 16. this includes dove you didn't see dove you didn't see any image all those churches that designed on top of their church doof holy spirit and counter hour they put doof that's i don't worship that's i don't worship he said you didn't see any similitude so where did you get that when you're drawing you only heard a voice that means the only thing you heard that is god are worlds you didn't see any image no image all those calendars with jesus face is idol worship that can be jesus that's just an american man who acted the part of jesus and has made money with you being you know fooled to believe that you have the picture of god inside your house and you hang it in the palo god is what a guest in this house a silent listener to every conversation you see you you see you you have it hanging all over your house you're in idle worship you didn't see any image you only had a voice look at verse 16 of that same deuteronomy chapter 4 16 the reason why you didn't see any image lest you corrupt yourselves and make you a grieving image the similitude of any figure the likeness of male or female all those people that say a child was born and the child came with the face of jesus and blood was dripping in the hand of the child have you had such things as witchcraft that's total witchcraft that's magic or some people say they saw a hand in the sky and blood was dripping from the hand that's witchcraft that's not god don't be carried away by all those stupid things or they say they went and saw a woman of god and jesus appeared on her face and blood was coming out of her eyes that's dracula that's dracula that's not god don't be carried away by all those stupid things are you hearing what i'm saying let me carry herself he said the reason why you you are not allowed to see an image that represents god is because you will be corrupted and you start worshiping objects look at it lest you corrupt yourselves put verse 16 up lest you corrupt yourselves and make you a grieving image the similitude of any figure the likeness of male or female 17 the likeness of any beast like dove like eagle eagle christians yeah witchcraft in fact i don't worship you are not an eagle christian you're a new creation don't be copying all those stupid philosophical uh titles that motivational speakers who cannot explain the bible carry around parading themselves in the name of gospel preachers a motivational speaker is not a gospel preacher they say they say clear demarcation sharp dividing line between the preacher of the gospel and motivational speakers we are not in the same boat we are not in the same boat bible teachers are people who explain christ from scripture and they stay with the context and the content of the book they don't add their nuances into it those are bible teachers and they are laborers because it takes labor to dig out these realities so don't be mixing us don't be mixing up put it back put it back put it back the likeness of any beast that is on the earth the likeness of any winged fowl that fly it in the air 18 the likeness of anything that creepeth on the ground the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth he is saying to try and create a picture in your mind of god is idolatry to try and form an image in your mind of a god is idolatry because nobody has an image of god you saw no image you saw no figure not winged foul not anything that moves on the earth you only heard a voice i'm teaching good you only heard a voice because you're supposed to have you're not supposed to have an image or form or or shape no one has seen god at any time so there should be no figure no one has seen him i said yet are you still here that word shape is how something is built the word shape the word he does in the greek how it is built he says you haven't seen that you haven't seen him no normal physical appearance he said you haven't what is jesus referring to he says you haven't heard his voice and you haven't seen his shape you've not seen his build on his smack he says how then do you disclaim my witness you have not seen his ship you've not even heard his voice how do you disclaim my witness the person talking to you is god who became a man how dare you argue with me i'm the only one that came from heaven you you are of the earth 80. no one has been to heaven no one has come from heaven only me i'm the first person that descends out of heaven and if i tell you about god you shouldn't argue because even the world you don't have it abiding in you teaching good you didn't see your ship you didn't hear his voice how can you disclaim what i am saying the word seen in the world is the word sight using first corinthians 5 7 we walk by faith not by sight sin to citing he now says in in john 5 38 look at john 5 38 hallelujah john 5 38 and you have not his word abiding in you for whom he had sent him you believe not then look at the next verse you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me hmm so he now says i'm the only one that can reveal god the only begotten has declared him has made him visible i'm the only one jesus talking that can reveal god the only thing you have are the scriptures and the one talking to you is the one the scriptures testify of in other words if you want to know how god speaks and how he does look up to me jesus is talking that's what he's saying and someone says how do you know god's presence how do you know god's presence how do you know how god looks like his word his word he says you search the scriptures the written word for they testify of me so the manifestation of christ is the manifestation of god no one has ever seen god until christ came look at john chapter 14 verse 9 john chapter 14 verse number 9 jesus saith unto him have i been so long time with you and yet has thou not known me philippe he that has seen me has seen the father and how sayers thou then show us the father he says he who has sent me a sin one who looks like the father how does god want to be seen god wants to be seen in man god wants to be seen in man or in a man god has revealed himself to us in a man he said before now you didn't have any shape to say it's not true you didn't have any shape to say it cannot be god in the flesh because you have no form of shape so you cannot confirm or refute he says if you search the scriptures you know it's about me the scriptures reveal christ and the christ is a man you didn't hear that the scriptures reveal christ and the christ is a man first john 4 12 first john chapter 4 verse 12 are you getting blessed no man had seen god at any time if we love one another god dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us when jesus came to the earth those who saw him did they see god when jesus came to the earth those who saw him did they see god those who spoke to him did they speak to god those he spoke to was god speaking to them okay very important very important why because jesus is god he says he that has sent me a sin the father why because jesus is the father manifest jesus is the visibility of the father jesus is the father revealed jesus is the father made bear unveiled in first john 4 12 there where i say no one has seen the father is the word purport purport means ever yet ever yet look at first john chapter 4 verse 12 13 to 15. hallelujah no man had seen god at any time if we love one another god dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in us we in him he in us because he had given us of his spirit so the spirit of god in us is the proof that we're in him and he is in us next verse 15 and we have seen and do testify that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world whosoever shall confess that jesus is the son of god god dwelleth in him and he in god god dwells in us and love is perfected in us the word son is the word hoyos like the father god dwelleth in him no one has seen god john 1 18. he now sent his son so that you will see the sun and in seeing the sun you see him hallelujah [Music] if you believe his son he dwells in you john first john sorry chapter 4 verse 17. hearing is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we where in this world wow that's a shouting scripture yeah that's a shouting scripture whoa i tell you as he is the son who is like the father so as he is who will be huh speak to me like you have some strain man so are you where in the future now as is so are you right now the only way god is described again is so are we so are we jesus is a father manifest god in the flesh he says as he is so are we in this world why because he said he has given us of his spirit he has given us his spirit and because we have the spirit as he is so are we in this world look at john 8 36 john 8 36 if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed if the son the word sunday is the word holyos like the father jesus is called the son because of identification with us you know what jesus is called the song because of his identification with us so in him identifying with us god became son clear in god identifying with us in that identification he became son so the sonship was for identification we will explain a bit later he is called the son that is this is the father manifest this is the son that is you cannot find outside this person you can't find him you cannot find god outside this person son that's why the article the son jesus is the son he's not son his day son he is the son he is the completeness of the father the completeness of the father first john chapter 5 verse 4 first john chapter 5 verse 4. for whatsoever is born of god over commit the world and this is a victory that overcometh the world even our faith next verse we see that overcoming the world but he that believeth that jesus is the son of god verse six this is he that came by water and blood even jesus christ not by water only but by water and blood humanity and this is a spirit of very witness because the spirit is truth verse seven is not in the original at all the whole of verse seven is not in the original it was added by translators because he doesn't even make it doesn't even make sense but there are three that they are recording heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three are one it is not in the original so verse eight verse eight verse eight and there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one now go to first john chapter five where he says born of god whatsoever is born of god born of god is a greek word gino gino gino o gino it means you are fathered by god or your parentage is traced to god and the reason why this is so is because of jesus begotten of him begotten of him first john 2 29 first john 2 29 and there are if you know that he is righteous you know that everyone that does righteousness is born of him born of him means fathered of him he is fathered of him first john 3 9. first john 3 9 whosoever is born of god does not commit sin for his seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he is born of god fathered by god born of god then he said there is a greek word sperma the dna god's dna is in that person first john 4 7 he uses the word repeatedly because we are fathered born of god father of god why is he saying that why is there reputation of that that's the essence of seeing as he is so are we that's the easiest the reason for that emphasis is that we are fathered by god so since we shared the same dna as he is so are we in this world he now uses a similar term because if you call someone a holiest of god you must be fathered by god and then he replicates him we replicate the father so he's saying that we are born of god if we believe in christ do we believe in christ praise god you're fathered by god that's the word genoa genuine we come from him genuine monogenua we come genua will come from him what does jesus represent to us don't forget that before now he is called the son his son the son every time sonship refers to us is always in the plural we are sons he is the son whether is paul's epistle or any of those writings every time you see plural son is talking about us look at galatians 2 26 galatians 2 26 226 galatians okay give me romans 8 14 romans chapter 8 verse 14. for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons see that in plural they are the sons of god 15. for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father 16. the spirit itself witness with direct witness with our spirit that we are the children of god songs is plural is used for identification but whenever he's talking about jesus he points to one person singular we by identification with christ we have plural songs now are we the sons of god why because jesus is the mortal son model all sons came through him by believing he is the model song john 3 1 and 2. first john sorry 3 verse 1 and 2 first john behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god therefore the world knowed us not because it knew him not next verse beloved now are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is son child son jesus the scripture you son for jesus singular children plural for all of us hallelujah look at hebrews 1 6 i'm going somewhere just stay with me again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith and let all the angels of god worship him is that incarnation or resurrection resurrection when they bring that in the first begotten okay the first begotten did you observe that what the first so what is the first begotten huh okay what is the only begotten what is the first begotten okay okay some of you know your show what is the only begotten song what is the first begotten okay good stay with those stay with those terms stay with those terms colossians 1 18. first begotten only begotten and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the first born from the dead the firstborn from where the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence first born from the day first born because it's going to relate to an experience the word there is the word proto-tokus in the greek proto-tokus proto-tokus means principle leading or model principle leading or model that which is an example for orders prototypus it means the first of its kind which means before now there was nothing like it prototypus the prototype the model that means any other person can take the sample details and reproduce the first one will be prototypus the others will be like the first one so every subsequent one will be of the same it is the first one that will be called the model one what am i busy talking when mercedes-benz produces a car the first thing they do is to produce a model all right when they produce a model or the brand they bring out a model they use that model to sample interest and sample the market now when they are displaying the model and the sample of that brand of mercedes-benz what they are telling you is if you like this model we will must produce it for you and whatever we must produce will be exactly like this model no more no less anything you see in the model is what you will have in the other cars so that first car is the model that first car is the prototype or the prototypus god wants to produce sons god wants to produce songs so guess what god does the first thing god did was to produce one song and that one song became the prototype that one song became the model what is god saying whatever you see in that prototype when i must produce all the others will be the same no more no less no inferior no superior so when jesus stands and i stand we are of the same stock what he can do i can do what he cannot do i cannot do as he is the prototype determines the rest are we teaching here that's why it's called sun we are called suns same same you you're not a poor poor you're not a poor poor from poor house poor family you're not a nobody you're not managing what jesus is not you're not what jesus is you are as he is he then says so are we in heaven i feel like running around do you feel what i feel okay now wait wait wait i'm still heading somewhere so jesus is called the first begotten from the dead then he is called the fullness of the father at the point of resurrection he is the first begotten from the dead and is the fullness of the father at resurrection the first bird is the womb of mary the first bird he used the worm of mary the second bird he used the worm of death first birth incarnation the womb of mary resurrection he used the worm of death so every other one after the first cannot be called first begotten they will only be called begotten like the first one after resurrection can he ever be called only begotten again can jesus ever be called the only begotten of the father anymore after resurrection why because he's not the only one anymore i'm here so when people are singing jesus now the only son of god what's wrong with your mind are you thinking how can he be the only son what about you so that song is doctrinally we should flush it just flash the song he can be the only one he was the only but he is no more the only he is now the first and he will never be the only because when he became the first other sons came out so he can never be the only anymore teaching god thank you lord the only begotten is the first from heaven the first begotten is the first from the dead the only begotten is the first from heaven the first begotten is the first from the dead so you can say i am like the only begotten that's a tall order because you didn't come from heaven so you can be the only begotten for you to be the only begotten your first four had to be in heaven then if you had come from heaven you will be the only begotten but you never came from heaven you are from the earth 80. so hebrews 12 22 now says hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 but you have come to mount zion unto the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels next verse to the general assembly and church of the first born which are written where in heaven and to god the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect the church of the first born are those which are written in heaven so the body of christ is called the church of the first born the word church there is a word for assemblage the assemblage of the first born look at romans 8 29 romans chapter 8 verse 29 for whom he did for know he also did predestinate to be confirmed to the image of his son that he might be the first born among many brethren he is the firstborn he is not the only begotten he is the firstborn among many brethren colossians 1 15 to 17 colossians 1 15 who is the image of the invisible god the firstborn of every creature the firstborn of god every creature for by him we are all follow please follow me please follow me please follow me for by him where all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible by him they were created whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist what a loaded verse those two verses we can preach them for five years i kid you not i kid you not i'm serious the verse of the scripture speaks of his deity and his humanity because man doesn't create god creates by him all things were created that's deity and for him that's humanity follow because man doesn't create so when he says by him that's deity for him that is humanity look at verse 18 and 19 whoa and he's the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead and in all things he might have the preeminence for it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell give me the next verse and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things to himself by him i say whether there be things in earth or things in heaven it please the father that in him should all fullness dwell wait he is called pro-son the one that came first for others to be like him jesus is called the first son pro prototype prototypus the very first one that is like this and every other one will be like him will be like him will be like him so the church is called his church in church of the festival look at revelation chapter 1 verse 5 revelation chapter 1 verse number 5 and from jesus christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten from the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood he is called the prototypus from the dead referring to his resurrection remember we were also dead in sin jesus became like us from that state he was so that he is born again he identified with us in sin so he can die and be like us and be born again to pave the way for all of us to be born again he's the first to be born again are you still here he came from death and his resurrection is called a birth when he rules he was born he was born from the dead so his resurrection is that breath look at acts 13 32 acts chapter 13 verse 32 and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the fathers next verse god had fulfilled the same unto us their children in that he had raised up jesus again as it is also written in the second psalm thou art my son this day have i begotten thee incarnational resurrection resurrection that means the message of christ in luke 24 26 ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory the word from incarnation then from incarnation we have his suffering his burial is raised from the dead now look at me everybody his suffering his burial his resurrection are all of it part of the world in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh so death burial and resurrection is it the word okay so the word died huh the word was buried the word rose again and the word is exalted huh are you in the building okay then he is the first begotten three days and three nights he rose from the dead and he's called him first born so when he's raised from the dead he identified with humanity in his death he became seen and is raised from the dead as the first begotten so anyone who believes in him is raised once you believe in him you are raised from the dead once you believe in jesus you are raised from the dead and once you believe in jesus you're born again raised born again one with him the same way he too was raised from the dead you too when you believe in his resurrection you are raised that's your salvation is the resurrection of jesus salvation is what salvation is what i had somebody trying to preach this message on radio and i just prayed for him you know a number of pastors in our choir bomb now are trying to preach what we preach but they are not preaching it right because they refuse to humble themselves so we can teach them so they are preaching nonsense they must say you must believe the resurrection because if you don't believe in the resurrection you are not saved salvation is in the resurrection and listen when you believe in the resurrection you must stop doing bad things number one number two you must repent number three you must put away all your bad bad friends then that is when you can be saved can you see can you see that we cared message the reason that message is wicked is because it sounds like the gospel but it is not the gospel are you understanding it sounds like it but it's not the gospel what that man is preaching is more weaker than not preaching at all it's better not to preach than to preach that kind of thing yeah he said with us it's a form but it's not the gospel the moment you add to the resurrection you have cancelled the resurrection if you can stop doing bad things why will he die then jesus doesn't need to die he will leave you to go ahead and stop the reason why he's died is because he found out that till man dies man doesn't have the power to live righteous so he became and to those that receive him he now gives them so the problem many of them are going to have is they instead of humbling themselves even if they have to come by night we will teach them even 12 p.m so that nobody will see that they came and we promise them we will not announce their names are you understanding so that at least they will not go and google spoil everything it's even better they stay away anywhere another one said beware beware of idolatry beware of idolatry because as long as you're in idolatry you cannot make heaven you cannot make heaven you are still wearing earrings you cannot make heaven you are still what airing in 2021 you are preaching airing into wait wait wait this is not 19 this 2021 you are still talking airing no if or not even a man that does not know the gospel knows that hearing cannot stop god is that clear see this gospel you must humble yourself and be discipled there are no two ways about it there are things we say and they sound easy by the way we say it because we have gained mastery it's like the job of a specialist when a specialist is doing something it looks very easy until they ask you to do the same thing then your whanau is not as easy as you think are you understanding the way we are doing it looks like the thing is just easy no there is a there is a secret there is a training there's a training and the training is rigorous it's he's hardly born he's not muay moi he's not he's serious there's a training required and you find out that those who humble themselves and ask questions and come close and seek to understand they will do well but those who don't want to you can't copy grace you come for to copy grace and you cannot steal grace no you can't copy it and you can't steal it see that you can't ministry is grace yes you receive it total meekness there's a meekness required somebody says dr damien i asked everybody god learned from him i didn't say learn from me that's a name from us did i say us ask us questions did i say that yes i didn't say me how can i see me even in the day of elijah elijah knew better god told him there are seven thousand so i didn't see me i said learn from us the fact is you don't know it you don't know it so what do you do look for people who know it and learn from them it doesn't have to be me just look for people who know it i'm about to close the service look for people who know it and ask questions then we will tell you what it takes to preach this thing his work is labor to dismantle a concept of scripture is work to be saying the same thing all the time for one year is work to be saying the same thing all the time for five years praise god the moment you add anything to what jesus has done you render it useless what christ did is complete in itself it's a perfect job christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes the moment you believe and accept what christ has done you're righteous whether you wear a ring or you wear trousers or you remove all understand naked you are righteous you didn't hear what i said we are trousers or we are airing or remove all and stand naked you are still is it close that makes you righteous anyone who believes in jesus is raised from the dead and that resurrection makes the person born again this is called the church the church is those that are called out ecclesia called out once the church of defenseman that is god called us out of the dead he called us out out of the dead so everybody in the church is born from the dead from spiritual death to spiritual life that's the church of the firstborn he is the head he has preeminence jesus is the head he has preeminenced colossians 1 18 as i close colloquium chapter 1 verse 18 and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the first born from the dead that in all things he might have what pre-eminence the word proteo first place he is called the model the kind of the son that we are he is the model song this is the kind that is why paul will say you have to acknowledge who you are in christ that the communication of your faith may become what effectual how by the acknowledging of every good thing that is where in you because you're aware in christ now cabaret okay leah pastor gabriel come come let me show you let me illustrate something as i get ready to pray for you dr gabriel is like me okay so both of us are together when the devil tells him malaria or the devil tells him corona what does he do he looks at christ no corona he shakes it off you can't stay here because as he is so am i that is acknowledging the devil tells him you won't succeed he looks at christ successful in all things he tells failure out why as he is so am i he cannot be sick i cannot be sick he cannot be stranded i cannot be stranded why he's the prototypus he's a prototype he's the model god does not produce to combo god produces brand new any man in christ you are not a tucumba product and god does not have stepchildren he's our collective father somebody shout the spirit of adoption lives on my inside now stand on your feet and shout about father does the cry of the spirit of adoption that spirit cries listen carefully god has set forth the spirit of his son in our hearts what what does that spirit cry does that spirit cry you over diary does that spirit cry jehovah knee see does that spirit cry jehovah keno what does the spirit cry he's my father abba is my source he's my origin his dna is in me what can't touch him can't touch me what can fight him can fight me what cannot stop him cannot stop me what cannot hinder him cannot hinder me there's no generational cause in him there's no generational cause in me he is only a carrier of blesser i'm a container of blessing blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed going out blessed coming in blessed the fruit of my body blessed my basket blessed my story blessed the work of my hands blessed blessed bless bless bless [Applause] that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so am i in this world he's righteous i'm righteous he's holy i'm holy he's accepted i'm accepted he's in charge i'm in charge he is the head i am the body i am part of the head i am in that authority i am in that name i reign in that name i rule in that name i dominate in that name i thought somebody would shout hallelujah are you blessed in this service lift your right hand to heaven father we pray for everybody under the sound of my voice the revelation knowledge continues to grow big on our inside until nothing else matters barriers terminated obstacles terminated sickness and disease abolished satanic holes totally abolished in the name of jesus i speak great grace over everyone hearing the son of my voice great grace upon you great grace upon your family great grace upon the work of your hands in the name of jesus and we decree right now that everything that christ has provided is made manifest in you father we give you praise in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality can we rejoice for 10 seconds rejoice for 10 seconds rejoice for 10 seconds rejoice rejoice for 10 seconds rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice glory [Music] glory [Applause] glory glory [Music] amen listen i want to thank all of you you know i want to take up your offering but before i do that i want to thank all partners of this ministry today's partnership sunday i want to thank you all partners of this ministry who continually partner and support the work of god in this ministry especially those of you that have made commitment to partner with us the next 12 months of 2021. we want you to know we love you we thank you you know you made commitment to partner with us this year so we can reach the ends of the earth with the gospel not because you have too much money but because you have too much value for what jesus has done therefore you're willing to make all the sacrifices and i want to thank all of you including those that are just hearing for the first time today i want to become partners you know if you want to be a partner of this ministry you just need to send a mail to dr abeldamina indicating your desire to partner with us the next 12 months so together we will get this gospel to the ends of the earth you know and we'll be honored to have you on on our partnership team but i want to use the opportunity to tell all partners those that have redeemed their commitments those that are redeeming their commitments today those are planned to redeem it in the banks tomorrow or so want you to know we love you and my prayer for all of you today in the name of jesus every partner who supports this ministry with their finances at the korean are declared that god supplies all your needs according to his riches in glory wherever you are around the world you lack nothing you have the favor of god and the grace of god you are a partaker of the grace upon this ministry all the partners in our campuses and bible study centers around the world great grace is upon you and god is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work you lack nothing you are supplied for by jesus christ and we command the devil to take his sons off your resources in the name of jesus thank you father for answered prayer in jesus name amen all of you partners thank you again for partnering and i want to encourage all partners to make sure that as you send in your partnership also those of you that indicated interest to help us with the projects for 2021 you know help help me make sure you turn back your forms you know your partnership i mean your project forms just to help us plan well towards all the projects god will have us do this year and thank you once again everybody grab your offerings we want to honor jesus as we give our offerings in response to the word of god just grab a good offering let's give with joy in the building on television the banking details are there online the banking details are there so that you can do your your transaction you can give to the walk today and and give to us the advancement of the kingdom of god so everybody grab your offerings leave them up to heaven i want to pray over them and then we will give a joy father thank you for the privilege to give we give a joy we're giving honor we're giving acknowledgement of all that jesus has done and we give to honor the word of god we just received i pray that every offering today becomes a sweet smell before you thank you that both we and our givings are accepted before you and we thank you for the blessing upon this house in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen now you know don't go away because in another five ten minutes another five minutes uh i'll be joining mr michael bush right here we'll be answering your course and responding to your queries and making sure we take care of everything that you have written or reached out to us on so don't go away get more people to hook up boot online on television and on radio radio audience mr michael bush will read for you the banking details once it comes on in another five minutes or so can i have a powerful amen all right hidden let's do it as we give just drop your offense anywhere on the pulpit here anywhere hit it let's do it as we give praise god [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah intentional intentional god [Music] everything is working for my good dependable dependable guy everything is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] is amazing will be is good to me hallelujah i say hallelujah is god good to you if you know it's good to you shall glory take your seat and bring out your kingdom investment and the worship offering for this service very quickly we have to do it spiritually so that we can enter the next segment of the service kingdom investment and your worship offering just bring them out and let's stand to our feet everybody when you get yours stand to your feet let us give and so when we say we give we give joyfully we give generously please stand to your feet everybody take your offering take your kingdom investment as you come out the kingdom investment in the baskets and the offerings right here you know on the puppet everybody standing please please learn always to stand when we stand we are offering to god we are offering everything to god everything some of you when you don't have cash you don't want to stand you have something to offer you yourself you are an offering and we do that in honor to god raise up your offering raise up your offering and thank god just thank god and give give to him with gratitude zac apatos cain amanda who sky at the heart father we thank you we rejoice this to this day we are so grateful that we have this privilege to give thank you father because we receive that kingdom which cannot be moved and we have grace where we we serve god acceptably our offering is accepted and so we thank you for these blessings we thank you for the blessings that you have bestowed upon us and we thank you because this week no luck all sufficiency in all things and we continually abound in every good work in jesus mighty name let the believers say amen praise the lord please quickly just and joyfully and come to the front and drop your offerings kingdom investments in the past power city rejoice before your king somebody makes a noise up in [Applause] thank here jesus we give you grace yes yes he is yes [Music] foreign is every is glory amen oh i tell you now at the end of the counselor we will pray for all partners in the house and give you a few information for the rest of the week but right now let's welcome mr michael bush as we move into ask the council praise god [Applause] so nice to see you good to have you here so nice to see you okay for the radio audience without any further ado please be seated thank you let's just give the account details out to those who might need them power city international is the account name there are three banks there's fcmb there is zenith and there is uba i'll start on this edition of the program with fcmb we need to do something about where that noise is coming from producer producer producer the noise is coming from here okay so the account name is power city international fcmb 29 82 68 2028 fcmb the account number is 29 82 20 68 20 28 89 29 82 68 2028 that was fcmb power city international zenith is bank number 2 10 12 36 5 9 12 10 12 36 59 12 the net bank steel power city international finally uba 139 26 465 uba 139 26 465 power city international account details number two actually this information is for those who might want to call in especially if you are listening to us via the radio plus two three four eight 06 800 9939 that's the telephone number to use but if you are within nigeria remember to extract plus two three four otherwise just same widow sex eight hundred nine nine three nine email ask the counselor now at sms plus two three four seven or three six nine one eight six four two i'm trying to really really squeeze in so much action and make it as snappy as i can because of time or the lack of it for sponsorship you need to support the program you need to sponsor what we do especially on the other mega platforms coming up soon call plus two three four eight three two seven five six one or four or email dr abelldamina the doctor there is gr okay so at this point i just need to tell you my name is michael bush i'm the uncle pastor iga aquarium the production team all join me to also formally introduce global babadi international televangelist prolific author he writes and teaches like no one else does and see how he's standing there he's just standing there as if he's not the one help me welcome global baba dr abel damina intercontinental mr bush so good to see you today wow you look good so global by the fashionista no bobby looked at your jacket have you looked at your hands oh no so nice to see you and then of course our resident pastor is also here pastor president put your hands together for him the pastors of conquest are also here put your hands together for them we hardly introduce them so nice to see them too and nobody should remember kevin festus yes he's back here he's back he's wagner he should be back it should be bad so good to see you so as the counselor is doing all sorts of things for them and bringing them all back to where they belong put your hands together for them to see him you know what i've done to him now let me see how he goes back no it's not possible i finished it but finish this matter okay global but let's open with prayers as we always do prayers for acquiring prayers for our government and people prayers for our country and of course prayer for our world let's pray together father we rejoice that we have the privilege to declare before your word today the things that concerns our peace and concerns the advancement of your kingdom in our time thank you for acquiring state thank you for the governor's cabinet and all of the public servants that continue to serve us every day we declare that you keep them preserve them meet all their needs and continually help them to fulfill the purpose of which they are in office in the name of jesus amen we pray for our nation and other nations of the world we decree that the word of the lord continues to prevail and reign and that the purpose of god continually finds expression thank you that the gospel advances souls are saved disciples are raised and all over the world preachers of the true gospel are rising everywhere and we rejoice that our prayers are answered right now in jesus name we pray amen amen okay we are set to go i love about last night we slept in the middle of nowhere because we're doing anonymous readings at the end of the program so we're going to begin from nowhere anonymously as well thank you so much global barbara for the direction we received from you in word and you too mr bush for reading the questions in such a way that blah blah blah can answer i thank god for you too according to first corinthians 7 14 blah blah blah for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband elsewhere your children unclean but now are they holy elsewhere your children unclean but now are they holy so if the children can be holy because one of the parents believe or believes is it therefore okay to say that when both parents are unbelieving they bear on holy children that's one two if yes how is it that all children that are born qualified to go to heaven unless they make a contrary decision from believing the gospel at the age of accountability global baba well again you must remember the way brother paul wrote to the church at corinth he said to them i could not write unto you as unto spiritual but as unto babes because you're a canal so from chapter three right to that seven where we are reading now and over that everything brother paul will be communicating will have a lot of figures of speech so when he said the believing husband sanctifies their unbelieving wife and vice versa it was not saying that the believing husband makes the unbelieving wife born again what it simply means is that the believing wife because she is connected to a believing husband will enjoy a level of spiritual covering and blessing by virtue of being related in relation with someone who knows the lord and vice versa and their children are holy not wholly in the sense that they qualify for heaven only in the sense that they're in an environment where someone who knows the word of god is there to make a difference ultimately a man must believe in jesus ultimately a child must believe in jesus however babies there's a difference between babies and children babies are you know infants who have not yet come to the age of accountability when they die they automatically go to heaven because there is justice with compassion look at the way jesus is saying it suffer the little children to come to me for of such is the kingdom of god so children you know uh have not had the ability to make the choice and because they are not yet there there's compassion with justice however when they get to an age of accountability now they will have to make the choice so that's the way it functions with everyone okay so group of about that anonymous entry yeah very good very good that anonymous entry continues now to matthew 24 44 therefore be also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh what is jesus talking about here sir and how do we become ready no he was talking to the jews that they should be ready is the figure of speech it's a parable what he was saying is that you people are not even ready the son of man you've been waiting for has come and you don't even know so he was using that to reveal to them that he is already among them to be ready simply means you know to know that the the master the savior is among them for us readiness is receiving christ once you receive christ you're born again you're ready you're in heaven already okay so he continues he or she continuously said global baba kindly shared some detailed gospel light on romans 8 5 to 8 so i can know where i stand as a christian with respect to those romance 8 what does he mean by for to be carnally minded his death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace what death is he talking about well can a reminder is referring to a man without christ spiritually mind that is traveling to a man with christ he was just dealing with the true natures the nature of the born-again man and the nature of the man that is not born again so he was explaining both nature if you come to verse eight give me verse eight of that first uh romans chapter chapter eight verse eight romans eight eight so then they that are in the flesh cannot please god give me verse nine but you are not in the flesh so he is dealing with the two natures the believer and the unbeliever and he's using flesh and spirit to explain the two natures okay so he concludes now he or she concludes what does he mean in verses seven and eight by enmity against god and not being able to please god seven because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it's not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be eight so then they that of the flesh cannot please god with jesus that's exactly what you've explained okay he's dealing with the nature of the man that is not born again and the man that is born again the man that is born again pleases god he pleases god because he's in christ and christ pleases god all the time the man that is not born again no matter what he does even if he does good things he does not please god because he has rejected what qualifies him to please god and that's the passing of jesus the next anonymous entry is a longish one it's so so long global comes in pages one two three four and it's just one question you know so i'll try to see what i can do it opens it says global about sent to a detailed email but it's like i attached the wrong attachment so i have copied from my whatsapp message and pasted my por my pastor's point of argument from second samuel 12 16 to 23 that god killed david's son and afterwards blessed him that god shouldn't be taken for granted that god can do an undue but i am left frustrated because i know from what i've learned so far from the doctrine that god is not a killer below is what i copied from my pastor supporting that is clearly written in the scriptures how god loves and at the same time can kill depending on the situation please sir briefly on this issue with bible scriptures clearly painting god as a killer is that where my past that because that's where my past is holding on that is clearly written in the bible and the pastor has left a long long one and talks about the fact that i mean god kills and supports it with the bible verses well obviously your pastor is mentally agitated your pastor is suffering from parallel gizmo it means he is not balanced in his thinking if you read the bible very clearly jesus said i am i am the only way to god meaning i am the only revelation of god if god kills jesus will have killed jesus never killed god cannot kill he that has seen me has seen the father what i see my father do that i do first john 1 5 god is light and in him is no darkness at all god cannot be light and darkness good and bad that will make god a bipolar god god is not bipolar he's not suffering from a disease so what happened to that child what happened to that child was the inactivity of god god removed his hand from that scene and because god was not involved the outcome of that sin was death the wages of sin is dead so that child dying cannot be god punishing god loves man so much and because he loves you he has made provisions instead of you dying he died for you god commended his love toward us in that while we were yet seen as christ died for us so you know you may not be able to convince your pastor because your pastor may be seeing you like a member of his church therefore you can't convince him so the best thing to do is to pray for him you know try not to join issues with him because where he is right now in his mind he has a mindset it will take him humbling himself and allowing somebody to correct that thinking pattern otherwise he will keep maintaining that position so the best you can do is pray for him but you yourself must know that god does not kill and make a life god is only life god only gives life john chapter 1 verse 1 4 5. he says in him was life and the life was the light of man and the light shines in darkness god is light and life he's not dead and disaster okay so global about the his pastor i would just like us to dwell on that a little because the producer and i had a long argument about this so i like us to also put out what the pastor said the pastor continues is also the common mistake that some christians make about god you only see one side of god and refuse to see other sides for example god is the god of love but it's also the god of justice in the time of noah who sends the flood to destroy the earth was it satan no read the account in genesis 6 5 to 8 as follows 5 and god saw the wickedness of man was bearing the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and he repented the lord let me say this that man has a mindset that even if you spend 10 years teaching he will never come to terms god cannot have two sides the moment you say god has two sides what you mean is that god is the one responsible for death that means god is the creator of sin that means god created sin and you seem to trap man then when man entered god killed him that makes god a wicked god that can be my father but the bible tells us in romans chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so now the justice of god we are not denying the justice of god god is a god of justice god is just in all his ways it is because he is a just god that he does not overlook sin it is because he is a just god that he punishes sin it is because it is a just god that the wages of sin is death so how does god in his justice punish sin how does god in his justice not let sin go unpunished in his justice saying that no man has what it takes to pay for sin he became a man and when he became a man he took the sin of man on himself and he died the death that man should die and in dying the dead express is love to man now hold on so in the expression of his love when you believe in that love sin and its consequences are terminated in your life that is the gospel mr bush i know where the man is coming from i know the school of thought that's what i'm saying the the discourse will be endless that's where the email is for four chapters the man is coming from a mindset that believes that god sets the trap you fall in the trap he punishes you it's a very is a very ungodly mind can a pastor think like that he's not the only one there are many of them it's a whole school of thought it's a whole school of thought they believe that god is behind evil they believe that god uses evil to punish his children they believe all sorts you know and all of that they call it the justice of god but look at the justice of god romans chapter 5 verse 10 look at the justice of god romans chapter 5 verse 10 for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to god by the death of his son much more be reconciled we shall be saved by his life that's the justice of god global baba the intercontinental okay two more anonymous stakes then we find our way to some far-flung continent of the world and that would be australian ocean i'll be going there in a moment this anonymous entry hello global baba i need your counsel on how to go about a disciple that is addicted to porn he has been on it for more than seven years sir whenever he tries to stop it he always finds himself in it again he has made so many promises to himself to stop but he couldn't he even fasted because of this addiction but all to know available what should i help him do well if you have somebody a disciple who is addicted to porn put more put less emphasis on the pawn don't make the pawn an issue make him hearing the word an issue if he keeps hearing the word after a while the world will change his appetite when his appetite is changed the desire for porn will die on his own he will walk out of it but if you make the pawn and issue you will torment him and torment him and he doesn't have what it takes to be free from it so look at this we all with open face beholding the glory of god as in a mirror we are changed into that same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit so the spirit of god does the work when the man focuses on christ ultimately it is christ that brings the change okay our last anonymous entry on this edition of the program hello global barber may you please explain to me in details the counsel of god according to psalms 81 1. is this more like the board of directors now that's thinking like a natural man the council of god simply means the entire plan purpose the the the program of god and the council of god is salvation okay that's the whole council of god god's whole plan it's a council yes that council is god's counsel oh oh oh oh blah blah blah so that council is god's the council of god oh my that is what what is god's intended plan what is god cooking to carry out the only thing god is has been cooking from the beginning of time is to save man okay yo baba you know just about um five seconds ten fifteen marks seconds back in time you answered a question that i think that same answer would hold for this man all the way in australian almost like the end of the world yeah great things in the name of our lord jesus christ dr damina my name is janice garrido i am from the island of guam located in the mariana islands in the pacific for students of geography guam is the largest island in micronesia okay so i've been following your teachings and sunday services for some time now sir i would really like to purchase your teachings and dvds and reading materials if possible i also want to be mentored by you to be equipped and so i can in turn equip the next generation please let me know how i can order pay and receive your teachings thank you also i need counselling on how to handle a situation i learned recently that my granddaughter has chosen lesbianism at first i was very disappointed we found started reminding her of how it was an abomination in the eyes of god and that she should have known better than to give in to this evil she subsequently distanced herself from me she's my eldest granddaughter dr damina i love my granddaughter and i miss her how can i love her and not offend god at the same time how do i love and welcome her to my home and back into my life without offending god how can i preach and remind her of our sinful ways please help me to approach her and love her the way jesus would maybe i could call to reconcile being that it's a new year and a new beginnings janice garrido in the island of one well janice well what you do is first of all our office reach out to you on materials how to get them and all of that and they will be shipped to wherever you are in australia now secondly what do you do with your daughter uh the first thing to do is to call her and reconcile apologize to her you know it's it's true that as a parent it's heartbreaking for you to see your daughter getting involved with another woman you know and all of that but remember that lesbianism is not more than lies and stealing sin is seen what she has done is not the unpardonable sin is still one of the scenes that human beings get involved with so look at it like that and pull her back in love her don't talk about the lesbianism just love on her you know show her as much love as possible tell her how much god loves her tell her how much god accepts her tell her what jesus has done for her tell her what jesus is to her who jesus is to her tell her that even no matter what she has done she is loved and accepted preach the gospel of salvation get her born again and then just open up to the teaching of god's word what is happening to your daughter is she's suffering from identity crisis she doesn't know who she is so as you reveal christ to her and as she begins to see christ and his love suddenly she will realize who she is and she will rise up like the prodigal son and say to herself i'm bigger than this and walk away from me that's what you should do love on her collar remember is the love of god that leads us to repentance so when you demonstrate that love on her it will make it easy for her to embrace god's love and to embrace the gospel fantastic you barbara they're in the continent see the way my producer is standing here he's folding his hands and looking at you in amazement and he has been with you for decades me not just started how do you think i'll be looking at you anyway okay global but we stay on in um australia and australia even as we come back here on air we just leave we'll go back to that continent and continue our continental tour right now back in the live church here back in the live audience mr kevin festa's mba are sending a question blah blah blah i want to know the difference between the holy ghost and the spirit of god you said there was no holy ghost in the old testament but there was spirit of god what was the work of the spirit of god if not the same as the holy ghost please can you express it all right yeah the holy ghost is the spirit of god so this is what it was in the old testament the spirit of god was not giving is that word the spirit was not yet given because that jesus was not yet glorified that means the holy ghost was not living inside anybody but the spirit of god was moving all over you know but he was not living inside people because jesus was not yet glorified so when jesus rose from the dead the spirit was now shed fought and given it was at that point that men could begin to function you know with the spirit of god on their inside so that's why nobody was born again until jesus rose from the dead because born again is a work of the holy spirit the holy spirit in but the spirit was you know it was hovering he was all over the place walking through times walking through figo's symbols to reveal the plan of god until the resurrection the moment jesus rose from the dead bomb men can get born again by being born again the spirit comes in and when the spirit comes in from pentecost people begin to speak in tongues okay kevin pesos mba that one for you dr morphia you're next he writes dear global kindly through more light on the scriptures first john 3 9. this question is because as believers sometimes we may fall into sin which of course we have forgiveness for first john 1 9 if you confess or three whosoever is born of god cannot do not commit sin for his sperma his seed abideth or remained in him and he cannot sin because he is born of god what he means is you have a nature that does not have seen as a lifestyle it doesn't mean you may not make mistakes but those mistakes are not your natural habitation it's like a ship that falls into mud and a pig that falls into mud a piggy mud is at home a ship in mud is not at home the sheep will start crying till you bring it out so when a man a person born of god sins you can be comfortable in sin you can't have pleasure in it because the nature you carry sin is not your environment that's that's what john was talking about okay so global bubba we'll just quickly round off i'm told that we're just waiting for calls we can just squeeze in a couple before we round off better live the last live audience question global but in relation to the question you asked in the first service if anybody has been saved without receiving the holy spirit kindly please explain what happened in arts chapter 9 verse 2 with those believers not saved before paul laid his hands on them it's a live question from the live audience and this is going to be the last one i will take on this edition of the program kindly explain what happened in acts chapter 9 verse 2 with those believers not saved before paul laid his hands on them uh those believers were saved because pentecost had happened remember paul and jesus never met that's why paul said i was of one born out of due season by this time people were born again by this time they are the holy ghost but paul was persecuting them just like boko haram in northern nigeria killing pastors burning churches and destroying churches is persecution for the gospel it's not because you are not seen it is the way the gospel operates the gospel attracts persecution persecution is one of the things that the gospel attracts and when persecution happens when you have christ and you know who christ is you have the ability to withstand persecution our first caller on this edition of the program hello many thanks for joining us and where are you calling from good afternoon global pastor afternoon bless you continental sir michael bush many thanks from ocean state that's your friend this is sure we thank god for your life and for the program thank you papa before my question i want to say this in the vitamins uh witnessing postpartum me as a pastor and my family we always get leads to churchill in a nightmare why do you go late because we like eating and eating and eating and eating rewards from you by the time we get to the church we shall lose with the power of god that's right we will bless god bless you man of god whenever i teach now my children my family yeah that's right that's right amen amen now my questions are look at chapter 23 23 i just want you to please help us kill more life number 23 numbers 23 23 put it up for us numbers surely there is no enchantment against jacob neither is there any divination against israel according to this time it shall be said of jacob and of israel what god hath wrought next verse behold the people shall rise up as the great lion and lion okay you know in the time of jacob when all of those jacob jacob esau abraham there was a lot of idol worship and there was a lot of enchantment and witchcraft but because the children of israel had a special covenant with god because of that covenant that covenant prevented a lot of evil things against israel to prosper because of that covenant so it is in the strength of that covenant that the book of moses was talking about the fact that no enchantment against jacob remember jacob's name was changed to israel meaning a prince with god so the position these people had with god gave them that opportunity to function in a specific level of authority by virtue of the assignment of god on their lives so that's what he was talking about in numbers okay so global baba let's run back to the continent of australia and australia and try to fly straight to the uk that is the continent of europe dear honorable general that's a new one again there's another one for you the honorable general they keep bringing the world oh no go overboard nobody i discovered you a few months ago i love the way you do excellencies on the scriptures please stand with us in prayer for the fruit of the womb i desire your mentorship program also furthermore please experience on this subject are there only nine spiritual gifts in the bible what about ephesians 4 8-12 romans 12 6-8 first corinthians 12 8-12 thank you and god bless you more david mandy in the uk well david mandy those gifts of the spirit in corinthians where brother paul listed them all out he was showing you how those offices function with the gifts because within those nine gifts are all the offices apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher they operate with those nine gifts so yes there are those nine gifts but there are other gifts like giving is a gift of the spirit like ruling is part of it in the book of romans he talked about other gifts that can be found in the church for the edifying of the saints another caller okay so we might i'm probably i'm supposed to pray for the fruit of the world oh father we pray just hold on just hold on yes we pray for this family right now we stand in faith for the fruit of the womb amen and we declare that you receive that miracle amen in jesus name amen amen this scholar i apologize for keeping you longer than necessary on the line but your time starts now hello hello good afternoon papa good afternoon good afternoon mr bush good afternoon i'm lord do more calling from power city oklahoma okay you know the first series was so important when you talked about jesus that is not just a name it's an authority yes and also after that i was i just started to go do a little scan of my bible okay the only place i see um the person who used the name of joy was when peter told the man in the name of jesus rise up and walk so directly using the name other place was used referring to the teaching or the preaching question to the name of jesus in his teaching or in the addition of the third parent resurrection now in prayer i want to know how should it be used is it right to be every time he will pray with the name in the name of jesus or can we just declare without using the name that we know that we are speaking in that authority and it will still come to pass thank you very much sir well again jesus said whatever you ask the father in my name he will give it to you yes so when you pray having known the authority and that office i mean you're free to use in jesus name we pray in jesus name sometimes you may not use it the important thing is that you communicated and you have undeniable access to the father okay we need to go we just have a little under four minutes but let's see what happens so from the continent of europe we're going straight we're coming straight to africa south africa here we come there my name is michael shaballah from south africa thanks be to our lord jesus christ for revealing god through revelation knowledge using a just man like you my question is about the prophetic gift please can you clarify some more because it's very controversial in the sense that many of them received the gifts before they are even born of god most of them know nothing about god so i'm even starting ministry based on the gift they have they have but no knowledge of the bible what kind of gift is that what are they working for thank you so much well there's a gift of of of the spirit and there's also the gift of divination and sorcery and sometimes the gift of divination i mean the operation of sorcery and divination may look like the gifts of the spirit because there's a woman in acts chapter 16 who was following brother poland saying these men are the men of the mo of the most die who show us the way of salvation the prophecy was accurate but the bible says after two days brother paul thunder said you unclean spirit out of her and the spirit left her and she could no more prophet lie so you know that's there's that spirit of of divination double barber yeah we need to go but we still can um take this one um nobody my name is emmanuel lazarus doesn't tell us who is writing from since my questions are i've heard many preachers say that rapture is expected to happen three years from now or not more than ten years from now so sir how is this true in the light of the gospel and and two what happens to the people on earth after the rapture leave those people alone leave them alone those are all these theories you know somebody that's how somebody came out last year and said jesus is coming december last december the night and the people that he told did a video and i call the people and said on the 10th of december we will have this discourse so when i call them on the 10th of december they laugh they say the man said that know that he miscalculated the calendar that it will be february so i told him this february we will have that discussed so this week i call him i say what's up man he started laughing all of those people are just doing a trial and error i'm telling you nobody has the accurate date right now but when the time comes we will know the time we will know the time we will have an understanding of the season and the time it will not take us by surprise but to start calculating calendar dates is out of scriptural teaching okay global let's just squeeze in this last caller hello are you there hello hello yes ma'am thank you for joining us you know where you're calling from okay go ahead yes ma'am because we don't have time you have 30 okay i think we shall skip that to keep that we need to go we need to go global baba so we're spending the night in south africa even as we stay in south africa but i'm wondering about the man worry who said you would die in um you're still here i was thinking that one is a joker no they actually did a video so you know what is a joker is a joker so you haven't died yeah he's a joker i'm just warming up love about our producers will have fun our producer says we'll have one minute with you guys one minute to start this thing we need to go we need to go to maurice another day so on behalf of my producer and his production team that's pastor ijquery my resident pastor that is pastor prays and everyone this is michael bush your uncle inviting our doctor abel damina to take us home now listen to me everybody thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god you don't want to miss our broadcast right now on excel fm one two three and three to five on you know ufm and this evening 18 i'm 9 to 10 on inspiration and of course 10 to 12 on heritage heritage fm tomorrow morning 11 to 1 on radioacquire bomb one two three on three to five on union and tomorrow evening six to eight we're back here live on comfort fm we love you guys and always a joy to serve you the grace of god good to still have dr gabriel with us we love you man and looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow and until we see you tomorrow enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed goodbye from you nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,043
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: v-FmzA1W0SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 5sec (7745 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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