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[Music] it is the will of god that we should be in good health always and be healed of every infirmity if you don't need healing someone around you definitely might need it this is your opportunity and for those seek around you to be connected to the teaching of god's word for healing don't forget god's word is god's medicine i prophesy a sword and i will come like thunder you will swim in the miraculous power city international presents harvest of healing miracles signs and wonders ministering dr abel daminer date 11th april to 18th april 2021 time monday to saturday 6 p.m daily and on sunday first service 8 a.m and 2nd service 11 a.m gmt plus 1 and a rebroadcast on the following radio stations radio aquaboom 90.5 fm uyo 11 am to 1pm xlfm 106.9 uyo 3 pm you know your fm uyo 100.70 pm to 5 pm comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm heritage radio 104.9 yo 10 p.m till midnight daily and also on kingdom live network station also live on facebook at able dominar public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter a bell domino and instagram at abel daminer watch real time venue power city international number ninety eight huangyeba road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet authority in my life is are you excited [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i have what god says [Music] when the holy ghost jesus is my salvation [Music] is the same i would never never never be the same i would never never go [Music] understood is everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava demina come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor the same i would never ever know i will never know [Music] [Laughter] in the name of jesus heavenly father we come humbly and respectfully before your holy war tonight and we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost thank you for everyone in this service and everyone connected to the service tonight revelation knowledge is gifted us veils full of clarity comes when declared tonight doubt and unbelief totally terminated your people built up equipped edified and by the end of this service jesus is glorified so we rejoice and we thank you for this great opportunity to minister to your precious people and we give you praise for the blessing upon your work tonight in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's please our faith together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of the service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community brothers and sisters we're so glad to welcome all of you we also want to welcome the entire quiet bomb state community connected by way of comfort fmx lfm radio aqua bomb you know ufm inspiration fm heritage fm we're so glad to welcome all of you to the service do me a favor tonight call a friend a family member a loved one and most especially if you're people that are sick or people that are challenged in their health or people that are struggling with you know a health condition there's there's a there's a there's a there's a whole lot of the manifestation of god's healing power through this service tonight whether on radio television online or physically right here at 98 juaniba road who nigeria so if you're in new york you can dash down to the church we're right here and it's a healing miracle service and we trust god that you will come here and get a miracle and if you can't get here there's no distance in the realm of the spirit just stay hooked stay connected and just believe god for great things tonight our social media community like you've always done let's get the gospel to the ends of the earth help me share the broadcast help me tag some people put them on all the groups in your page and of course you know make sure you there are monogram telegram whatsapp groups let's float the earth with the good news of christ and if there are sick people around you get them to tune in get them to hook up to the service tonight it's going to be an exciting adventure in the world of disgrace i want to welcome all our campuses around the world and everybody connected to the service get ready we're going to have an exciting time as we study the word of his grace together tonight grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world tonight glory to god so we're looking at the harvest of healing miracle signs and wonders matthew chapter 11 verse 4 and 5. matthew but just before we read let me just lay a little bit of foundation you know the stories of the four gospels present us examples they present us examples examples of the healing power of god examples of the healing power of god and examples of how it is ministered and how it is received examples of how the healing power of god is ministered and examples of how it is received virtually every bible subject requires that you keep listening to it because at no point will you have mastery such that you don't have to listen again and again you keep feeding on the world it's like you ate last year and then you say well i don't have to eat this year or you slept last week and they say i don't have to sleep this week there's nothing like that even normal human relationships and communications you don't say why do you say we have not spoken somebody says brother we've not spoken for a week why do you say we have not spoken it's like it's normal for us not to speak no we want to speak with people whom we're in relationship with all the time we want to relate with them we want them to know we're okay and we want to be sure they are also okay so nobody just says well because we spoke last month we don't need to speak anymore so when it comes to healing you've got to keep listening to the world and pay attention to the world matthew chapter 11 verse 4 matthew chapter 11 verse 4 jesus answered and said unto them go and show john again those things which you do here and see next verse the blind receive their sight did you observe the word receive the blind receive their sight and the lame walk the lepers are cleansed and the death here the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them they have the gospel preached to them now the healing ministry of jesus is the manifestation of the father the healing ministry of jesus is the manifestation of the father healing of the sick was the evidence that jesus sent to john the baptist this was the proof of the anointing in matthew chapter 14 verse 35 matthew chapter 14 verse 35 and when the men of that place had knowledge of him they sent out into all that country round about and brought unto him all that were diseased they brought unto him all that were diseased look at verse 36 matthew 14 36 and besought him that they might only touch the helm of his garment and as many as touched were made perfectly whole as they are the ones who besought him to allow them touch the helm of his garment he didn't carry his garment and put on them they were the ones who demanded to receive through the transfer by touching the hem of his garment and of course he says as many as touched him we're perfectly restored the fringe of his garment was a medium for healing jesus never refused anybody healing he never refused anybody healing because the healing ministry of jesus is the manifestation of the father in john chapter 14 verse 12 and 13 john chapter 14 verse 12 and 13. verily verily i say unto you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater than this shall he do because i go unto my father next verse and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the sun so jesus speaks here based on what will happen upon his death burial and resurrection so he speaks of greater works they will be done in his name and of course we know that the name of jesus is the authority of jesus the name of jesus is the authority of jesus in mark chapter 16 verse 17 mark chapter 16 verse number 17 and this sign shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues next verse they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover they shall recover so observe they shall lay hands on the sick but the sick will have to recover all right our own as ministers is to lay hands and when we lay hands it is left for the sick to receive and recover we are not the ones that get the sick to recover the sick must decide to receive and recover they shall recover his name is to prolong his days on earth and today jesus is with us matthew 28 20 he says lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen we have his name so we have his healing ministry we have his name so we have his healing ministry peter and john acted on this in acts chapter 3 verse number 6 acts chapter 3 verse number 6 then peter said silver and gold have i known but such as i have give id in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk rise up and walk we have healing to give and receive we have healing to give and receive it's in his name in his authority the healing ministry of jesus is prolonged in his name look at that same acts chapter 3 verse number 16 acts chapter 3 verse number 16 and his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong whom you see and know yea the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all the faith which is by him not the faith which is by us the faith which is observed look at verse 15 of that acts chapter 3 talking about this lamb man and they get beautiful 3 acts 3 15 and kill the prince of life give me verse 14 verse 14 but you deny the holy one and the just and desire a murderer to be granted unto your next verse and kill the prince of life whom god had raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses next verse and his name through faith in his name have made this man strong so the man must have heard about the name the man must have believed the name and must have received from the name hath made this man strong whom you see and know yea the faith which is by him had given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all next verse and now brethren i want that through ignorance you did it as did also your rulers so the lamb man had faith in the name of jesus and his his faith in the name made him stood up and walked had given him this perfect soundness his own faith in the name remember they shall recover you shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover faith in his name the faith which is by the sick man has made him strong in the presence of you all so peter explains it felt in his name because healing in the name of jesus is the continuity of his ministry and today we participate in the ministry of jesus by receiving and giving healing in his name we participate in the healing ministry of jesus by receiving and giving healing in his name can somebody say to me very loud the power of god is walking in my body right now say it again the power of god is walking in my body right now i am healed i am whole i am strong i didn't have a powerful amen now let's answer something quickly does god termed with sickness or disease does god tempt with sickness or disease well god doesn't give sickness we have seen that much from our study in the few days we've been studying in matthew chapter 7 verse 11 matthew chapter 7 verse number 11 if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to them that action the father in heaven only gives good things who is in heaven give good things god our father always gives good gifts serpents and scriptures represent the works of satan sickness is an oppression of satan put up for me acts chapter 10 verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse number 38 how god anointed jesus christ or jesus of nazareth when the holy ghost end with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him [Music] god does not tempt with evil god does not tempt with evil james chapter 1 verse 13 let no man say when is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man he won't test us with sickness because god gives only good gifts he won't tempt us or test us with sickness because god only gives good gifts in james 1 16 brother james says do not uh my beloved brethren verse 17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above the word do not air is the word planner oh do not be led astray we easily air when we accrue every and anything to god just like job thought that god caused the sickness and disease in his house job aired job thought it was god that brought calamity man as key words of the healing ministry of jesus jesus was never sick because sickness is not his will sickness is not his desire in first corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 brother paul says first corinthians 11 1 be you followers of me even as i also am of christ even as i also am of christ let's answer a few questions was paul sick in his body if yes was it god who put it there to keep paul in check or to test paul well a careful reading of the verses of scripture will identify the root cause of the tone the tone because brother paul says it is the messenger of satan the messenger of satan god didn't send it the turn in the flesh was sent by satan was this stone sickness the turn in the flesh well the term torn in the flesh implies opposition and persecution from human beings torn in the flesh not sickness and disease further references that establish that is number start 355 numbers that's 355. those you let remain of them shall be as pricks in your eyes and as stones in your sights joshua 23 13 joshua 23 13 there shall be a snare and a trap to you and is scorched in your sides and turns in your eyes george's chapter 2 verse 3 george's chapter 2 verse 3 but there shall be a stone in your sights and their god shall be a snare to you so brother paul stones in the flesh was a figure of speech for persecution a figure of speech for persecution and affliction he faced in the preaching of the gospel the turn in the flesh was a figure of speech for persecution and afflictions that he faced in the preaching of the gospel not sickness or disease look at what brother paul says in second corinthians chapter 12 verse 10. ii corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 therefore i take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches in necessities in persecutions in distresses for christ's sake for when i am weak then am i strong and of course you know god told him my grace is sufficient because for every minister of the gospel who is in distress and persecution to the threat of his life there is enough grace from god to sustain and preserve him my strength is made perfect in weakness my grace is sufficient for thee because brother paul says i besought the lord tries to take it away and god said we don't take away persecution we don't take away affliction but in the persecution my grace is sufficient for you are we in the building yes so the tongue in the flesh was not sickness it was persecution and affliction for the sake of the gospel that brother paul was called to preach now let's look at a case or a scenario here in galatians chapter 4 verse 13 galatians chapter 4 verse 13. you know how through infirmity of the flesh this is paul speaking i preach the gospel unto you at the first through infirmity of the flesh so when did paul preach that gospel to them at the first well this region was called galatia which constitutes of debbie and lystra derby and lystra okay an antioch so let's examine the first time he came to them and how he came to them acts chapter 14 verse 6 2 verse 10 and then 19 to 21 it's quite a read acts chapter 14 verse 6 they were aware of the situation they were aware of the situation made their escape to lystra and derby cities of laconia and the neighboring district verse 7 and there they continued to preach the glad tidings verse 8 now at leastra a man sat who found it impossible to use his feet for he was a from birth and had never walked last night he was listening to paul as he talked and guessing intently at him and observing that he had fed to be healed verse 10 shouted shouted to him saying stand erect on your feet and he lift up and walked he lift up paul didn't make him leap up the man lived up and walked because the recipient will have to receive intentionally and deliberately it is not forced on anybody you receive healing by faith and you act like people that are healed you receive the healing by faith when we release it to you through the teaching of the word or through prayer and then you act like those who are healed look at verse 19 to 21 acts chapter 14 19-21 and there came the certain jews from antioch and iconium who persuaded the people and having stone paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead next verse it as the disciples stood around about him he rose up and came into the city and the next day he departed with barnabas to derby 21 and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many they returned again to lystra and to iconium and antioch in this account brother paul was stoned and he was left for dead for healing a sick person the next day with the wounds he continues to preach and he came to them that's the ailment the infirmity the turn in the flesh he was stoned he didn't fall ill because he was preaching with the wounds he was preaching with the wounds now that said paul never taught believers to see sickness as the works of god never neither did jesus teach sickness as the work of god the work of god is the healing of the sick now like i've been saying in the last few days medication is not easy there's nothing wrong with medication we should never despise the natural chaos prescribed by doctors which are the wisdom of god too we shall always also know where sickness comes from look at matthew chapter eight verse one to three matthew chapter eight verse one to three when he was come down from the mountain great multitudes followed him too and behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying lord if they are willed thou canst make me clean three and jesus put forth his son and touched him saying i will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy was cleansed instantly his leprosy was cured and cleansed this is the father's nature this is our father's character he is ever willing to heal sickness and disease we are not allowed or we are not to allow wrong theologies wrong mindsets wrong thought patterns give us wrong ideas about god thereby hindering us from receiving healing and ministering healing god is good god is good we have a healing jesus hallelujah we have a healing jesus hebrews 13 it says jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever healing is given as a gift of the spirit the gifts of the spirit are a work of redemption so healing is given to us today the gift of healing just like jesus the church has been endowed with healing power what jesus gave us is the spirit the unconditional mercy that comes in the demonstration of his power is called gifts of healing healing is a free gift of god healing is a free gift of god can somebody say loud with me healing is god's act of kindness say it again healing is god's act of kindness i have been endowed with healing power say with me the power of god is walking in my body right now i thought i was here powerfully man now when it comes to ministering healing somebody can even be sick and he prays for the sick and they're healed you know you know there are some subjects in the bible you don't assume you know them and one of those subjects is healing another one is walking in the spirit you know you keep listening and listening and listening and listening and the more you listen the more you feel the more you feel the stronger you get you know with the population explosion globally we have in the world today a lot of unhealthy living you know because our health lifestyle has been compromised totally compromised so you can't take divine healing for granted no you can't take divine healing for granted healing is a subject you must listen to over and over and over again especially as you grow older you are exposed to different things you know people die of different causes that is why you can't afford to take the subject of healing for granted you should have the discipline to listen and listen and listen to the teaching of god's word which is god's medicine [Music] the word of god is god's medicine you must take it in over and over and keep your body immunized and in sound health you know even the technology we use all the cell phones television sets all our gadgets they are all detrimental to health all of them we are exposed to a world infiltrated with agents that are capable of breaking down human health cells you know human health systems look at our environment pollutions in our environment our society is filled with anti-health agents so the believer cannot take divine healing for granted you can't you can't afford to toy around with your health and with your body especially since you're still carrying on mortality the body is frail the body is subject to to to all kinds of things that is why you must have a constant intake of god's healing power you keep taking in the world you feed on the world you feed on the world and build a strong defense system against the invasions of our world today the more reason why you must be resolute about god's power if you don't know how to believe god on seeming simple things how will you contend when complicated things come you should learn to believe god for healing from headache learn to believe god to be healed from malaria when the symptoms come lay hands and rebuke it and refuse to listen till it goes learn to believe god for things that look seemingly simple you know little little things believe god for healing from them so that you build your faith to believe for complicated things because faith grows exceedingly faith grow it by feeding and by exercise you exercise your faith you exercise your faith you start believing for sibling small small things things that are not life threatening you believe god for healing on things that are not life threatening and you grow your faith through that such that you can even believe god for things that are life-threatening even in the area of provision you start believing god for basic necessities little little mornings here and there you believe god for them you call them you work in faith and trust god for favor and then you begin to see provisions supernatural divine favor divine provision so when you have mastered believing god in the little little things with provision you can believe god for bigger things because faith grows exceedingly am i communicating at all yeah you grow your faith you grow your faith you feed on the world you exercise your faith look at mark chapter 5 verse 25 let's see some key moments in that story mark chapter 5 verse 25 and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years so her condition was for 12 years it must be chronic very chronic condition look at verse 27 mark 5 27 and that's and when she had heard of jesus glory to god when she had heard of jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment when she had heard of jesus you know sometimes we underestimate the place of hearing there was another healing afterwards in that same mark chapter 5 verse 36 mark chapter 5 verse 36 and as soon as jesus had the word that was spoken he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe two times now all right so mark 5 27 when she heard mark 5 36 as soon as jesus heard look at the two instances number one the woman heard and she said second one jesus heard and he said the woman heard and she said jesus heard and he said which means you do not leave reports hanging whether you saw it on tv youtube newspaper or a friend said it you must say something jesus said to gyros fear not which means fear comes to us by what we hear fear doubt anxiety are communicated through worlds and as a born-again man you naturally are not supposed to be afraid that is why mark 11 23 says what so what whosoever shall say to this mountain be now remove and be thou cast to the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe those things which he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever thing he says in the greek the doubt is passive is passive which means it came so that means doubt came fear came and bought jesus and the woman with the issue of blood they heard something you can choose what you want to hear you don't want to do everything you can select what you want to hear you can choose what you want to hear jesus didn't exactly have the best report people didn't always say good things about jesus i hope we know that people had different versions some called him a wine bible some call him a friend of sinners some call him a gluten some evil said jesus was possessed with evil spirits there were different versions different versions you choose which one to hear there are different versions people have different things to say about jesus yeah in match chapter 6 verse 2 in his own hometown they had funny information about him mark chapter 6 verse 2. [Music] put it up for me and when the sabbath day was calm he began to teach in the synagogue and many hearings were astonished saying from whence a dismantlist they call him man man promises this man these things and what wisdom is this which is given unto him that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands next verse it's not this is the capital it's capitao carpenter the son of mary the brother of james and joseph and of judah and simon and naughty sisters here with us they were offended at him they were offended see you see you carpenter picking say you want to pray miracle for me kai i don't suffer i don't suffer capping tapiki oh mary picking now the beginning of mary for international audience speaking means the child the child of mary meripiki oh you know you don't know carpenter i've been down for junction [Laughter] when did which line did he go to which native doctor didn't mean to come back like that now our wonders will never end and they were hungry oh yes they took him for granted this one huh you better people are talking you don't shut up they were offended at him different versions except god has not called you when god calls you there will be different versions there are people that will hate you that you are called there are people that will not like you because it is your face if your face were to disappear and another face appeared there they would not mind versions that's why you must select what to hear because those who had captained her son those who had mary's son none of them received from god but the woman with the issue of blood decided to hear jesus the healer jesus the healer oh you must select what you must hear you must select what to hear now let's look at something the woman with the issue of blood had about jesus then she said jesus said about geralt's daughter and he said in the hometown of jesus they heard about jesus they also said are you following him the woman with the issue of blood had and said jesus heard and said the people in the hometown of jesus heard about jesus and said what you say is a function of what you heard whatever you give your ears to will determine what you say and what you say will determine what you have so in the hometown of jesus faith was communicated in one instance what was heard communicated fear in another instance what was heard communicated dishonor some people fear some people dishonor jesus said to jairus fear not only believe holy believe holy belief all things are possible only belief holy belief only believes all things are possible holy believe lord i believe lord i believe all things are possible lord i believe lord i believe lord i believe all things are possible lord i believe imagine if this woman was curious to know everything about jesus because some people what kills them is curiosity what did they say on the internet what did they write which video where can i find the video if she was curious she would have not received a miracle because her curiosity will have brought her in touch with unbelief and doubt and that would have dampened and contaminated her belief system there are curiosities that are not good for us a child of god you shouldn't be a gatherer of gossip and information because it has the tendency of giving you a permanent injury the woman selected what to hear she was not curious she was not curious curiosity is not spirituality curiosity is not spirituality there's there's nobody who is not influenced in one degree or the other by what he hears majority of things you know as a human being came from what you heard how will you underestimate what comes to your ears how how somebody used to respect very well somebody just told you something about him and they respect crashes suddenly you don't have value for that person anymore human beings are influenced by what we hear that's why you guard your heart how do you guard your heart you guard your mouth your eyes and your ears those are the gates to your heart why for out of it are the influences of life she heard about jesus and what did she hear she selected what to hear she heard about the healing ministry of jesus you must be selective about what you allow to enter into your ears control what you hear from movies news tv in mark 4 24 jesus said take heed what you hear take heed what you hear always know always know that a miracle is not logical there's no logic in miracles and remember fear is communicated by hearing you know jesus who is god if he didn't need man's action he wouldn't have said to that guy fear not only believe and the question will be how do you believe you believe in an active way faith is expressed faith is expressed let's look at what you can hear number one you can hear what the doctor said oh the doctor said you must respond quickly when the doctor gives you a report that contradicts the word of god like jesus immediately said to jairus only believe fear not he didn't wait for them for the issue to to sink in he struck it at his first appearance raise the volume of your world raise the volume of the word of god you've had over doubt and fear in fact sometimes you have to shout it can never happen it can never happen sometimes you have to shout you say oh it looks like you have eyebrows no it before they land it can you strike it before they land once you see the direction of the statement strike it the power of god is working in my body the power of god is working my body i have totally held i have complete healing my body is sound my body is strong don't wait for the statement to land don't wait for the statement to arrive meet it as it is about to land and settle it in space don't let it land in your space settle the matter in the space there it can never happen there are times you have to shout it can never happen never not here the power of god is walking in my body by his tribes i am healed somebody shout i hear you somebody shout i hear you you know you got born again by speaking is it not true you got born again by speaking you got filled with the holy ghost by speaking you got other people born again by speaking is it not true you praise god by speaking you pray and make power available by speaking so who told you who told you that you should underestimate the power of your speech talk is cheap who told you talk created the universe talk is not cheap talk is very expensive soon as fearful thoughts come strike in mark 5 15 they came to hear and to be healed to hear and to be healed luke 6 19 they sought to touch him [Music] they sought to touch him look at the woman who just heard about it she just started saying as soon as she heard if i can touch the name of his garment i'm just looking for him the day i see him and touch it i'll be fine the day i see him and touch him i'll be fine somebody said do you know him it doesn't matter the day i see him and i touch him i'll be fine the day i see him and i touch him and the moment she saw him she pushed through the crowd she was too much in faith to be stopped no protocol could hinder her bam she touched and the blood stopped why she said it and when you say it you shall have it she said it if i can touch i shall be made whole i told somebody we shout hallelujah i mean learn to have your own convictions when it comes to healing and miracles learn to use your faith even when there are no meetings like this even when we don't have a service like this learn to use your faith even when we don't have a service like this don't wait until there is a service to use your faith if the devil meets you at home and tells you you will die tell him it cannot happen the power of god is at work in my body are you still here in numbers chapter 13 and 14 there were some spies who went to check the promised land canaan 10 came back and said the power of god is true the promise of god is true there is truly a land that flows with milk and honey where when there we saw the land these are exhibits this is proof that the land exists but it's not for us there are giants of all that we saw in the land the only one that impressed us were the giants we have brought the proof that there's a land with milk and honey we entered and took and came out the giants did not stop us but our hindrance are the giants you we are not hindered from going into spy mentality mentality defines destination you can never be better than your thought process you can never be better than your mind they say we are grasshoppers you know dr gabriel they were balancing it you know those people that like balance he said we saw the land they say land like that and floods should make a honey balance it balance it we cannot go there are giants balance means i don't believe to eat when they say balance they say add doubt to it these people balance the report they were very balanced they were so balanced that they died in the wilderness that's how balance works you understand the way balance works is when you are balanced like that you can never possess the promised land the balance is in our balance we saw the land didn't they see the land we entered the land did they enter we brought fruit didn't they bring fruit and then we saw the giants then they see the giants there's balance they saw this and that don't always stay here bring the other side the other side of god they balance they balance it they do they like balance if the truth is not balanced it's not true what makes the truth is that the truth is balanced and the truth says go in and possess it don't go and examine the giants like i always say analysis leads to paralysis when you are analyzing too much you get paralyzed there is no logic in miracles miracles are not logical they don't make sense and don't forget the 10 spies were the majority the minority were too two said were well able to go and possess the land let us go at once we don't even need a strategy we will just walk over the land the tent said no a majority carries a vote democracy today they will tell you tell us be realistic give us a realistic analysis they gave them the giants but joshua and caleb had another spirit we also have in the same spirit of faith like joshua we believe therefore we speak hallelujah now you know historically about three million people were talking about three million people but joshua and caleb were the only two that stood out with a different report sometimes the right person may not be popular sometimes the right person may be the only person going against the norm sometimes what you believe for nobody may see it the whole world may be against you but once you see it in the word of god and you believe it in your heart get ready to possess it faith sometimes can have an array of enemies and doubt it doesn't matter the number if one person believes god god's power will come through don't look at the power of god based on the you know on the testimonies you have seen the woman had a personal persuasion only two people believe ladies and gentlemen build a company of faith build a company of faith around you people who takes god's word and radically believe it you know fear is contagious fear is more contagious than coronavirus fear and it can spread very fast bible say fear spread among them they cried all night we know of all night prayer i've not heard of all night crying but we saw it in numbers all night weeping three million people crying all night all night weeping they cried until there was no strength in them that is what fear produces bible say fear has torment it will torment you it will torment you you will die before you die you know when fear grips a man he dies before he dies some people die 10 times before they die once fear will kill you while you're still alive that's why you get rid of fear fear is not of god fear torment fear is satan's department of torment yeah fear is satan's department of torment the bible says he that fear it is not made perfect in love perfect love casts out fear fear torments most people are sick just because of fear fear the coveted season what made the covet so devastating was the fear that came with it fear they were pumping fear everywhere pumping fear everywhere fear filled the whole world people would be standing without coffee and imagining the coffee entering them fear when they come home they say covey that's gone maybe he's covered and as a man didn't get [Music] there was too much fear it was hyped all over social media all over television all the tv stations fear filled the entire world men were bound by fear and when fear takes over a place satan takes charge he comes to steal to kill and to destroy once fear comes know that satan is here god is never where fear is satan is always walking with fear when you see faith god is there what faith is to god is what fear is to satan what faith is to god is what fear is to satan say no to fear i refuse to fear i refuse to fail god's power is working mightily in me and then feed on the word of god regularly feed on god's word day and night be addicted to god's word hear the word often feed your spirit man by speaking speak speak speak speak speak speak all the time all the time let the word of god come out of your mouth all the time hear yourself speak god's word to yourself i speak god's word to myself all the time i'm the best preacher of myself take the word put it in your mouth and speak it over your life feed your spirit man ladies and gentlemen change your diet if you're feeding on fear change your diet look for sound word and feed your spirit aggressively feed on the word of god there is no incurable disease with god you didn't hear that there is no incurable disease with god i don't care which doctor diagnosed you there is no incurable disease with god none they are ayatobala tata there is no incurable disease with god i want to repeat it one more time there is no incurable disease with god if they like let there be no tubing in your womb let there be no tube god's power moves in there tubes are created there is no incurable disease with god hallelujah i said hallelujah no incurable disease with god can i hear you say that two times one more time can i have a powerful amen oh yes god what you hear god what you remember we are in the information age and satan is the god of this world so protect your ears and your eyes mind what you see mind what you see mind what you hear mind what you say mind what you see mind what you hear mind what you say if you're really serious about divine healing and you want to live in divine health you got to mind what you say you wake up in the morning you feel a pain in your body you open your mouth my body is strong my body is well the power of god is moving in my body my power of god is moving in my body you touch the place where the pain is the power of god is moving in my body refuse to recognize the pain recognize the oppression of god's power you stay in faith hallelujah the just live by faith you stay in faith you function in the reality of god's word you stay in the reality of god's word you stay with god's testimony you believe god's report you stand with god's report hallelujah i believe god's report i am what the word says i am i thought you would shout that i am what the word says i am i have what the word says i have i can do what the word says i can do the power of god is walking in my body my body is responding to the power of god my organs are responding to the power of god my system is responding to the power of god my bones are responding to the power of god my heart is responding to the power of god the power of god is walking in my body right now i thought i would have a powerful amen [Applause] and jesus healed them all stand on your feet that's all i've got for you and jesus heal them all you make up your mind not to tolerate sickness you make up your mind not to tolerate disease yeah and you make up your mind if you're sitting on a wheelchair see yourself walk out of it if you're lying on a bedridden bed see yourself get out of that bed it doesn't matter what the diagnosis and the prognosis are believe the word of god against every medical report believe the word of god believe the word of god there's a woman called lilia your mans she was a medical doctor all she said she all her practice life she never had one person die in a hospital because she would diagnose medically give them medication then tell them beyond this is the power of god so let me pray for you she will minister to them in the things of the spirit minister to them so they will go with their medication and the power of god and they all kept getting healed kenneth hagin told the story she never had one person there in the hospital because she engaged god's power and made it clear to them whether they are muslims or christians or not she told them about the power of god that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god we minister the things of the spirit we minister the things in the spirit it doesn't matter what the condition is there is no incurable disease with god you didn't hear what i said there is no incurable disease with god right now where you're hearing the sound of my voice you can make up your mind to walk out of that sick bed and walk into the healing power of god get me one microphone quickly i need dr gabriel to pray for the sick tonight get me a microphone quickly it doesn't matter where you are the power of god is at work in your body right now the power of god everybody say with me the power of god is at work in my body right now say it again the power of god is at work in my body right now see the power of god is moving in my organs all over my body the creative power the curative power the restorative power of god is at work in my body all of my organs are responding to the power of god right now all of my organs are responding to the power of god right now now certainly i receive healing healing i receive healing miracle for my body right now my bones are strong my bones are strong my bones are strong my joints are strong my bones are strong my joints are strong i didn't hear powerful amen say sickness cannot survive in my body can i hear you say three times two more times one more time say i have superiority by the power of resurrection over sickness over disease over sickness over infirmity i am loosed to enjoy the healing power of god in my body i didn't hear your amen dr gabriel come look at the cameras let's pray for this [Music] [Music] every terminal condition we rebuke you right in the name of command to flush ours of that body of that system be commanded every week in the name of jesus amen and right now we decree that the entire body system of that paradise paralyzed from the west downwards be healed now in the name of jesus amen we command that back ache that came as a result of the shift of the disc of that brother right now right now you are lying in a position that is immobile we decree right now that is healing in your vitamin dicks right now yes yes he restored in the name of jesus get up now and work get up now and work get up now and work by the power of the holy ghost healing is just right now the neighbor take it take it pick it by the power of the spirit take it right now take it right now pack it right now the name of that saw that saw in the leg is healed right now the name that saw that lake right now a new skin comes from behind of jesus in the name of jesus amen sit and take your hands of god right now by the power of the holy ghost take your hands in jesus mighty name with a neck condition i see a cast on your neck now that neck has been healed just now begin to move that neck begin to move that neck you couldn't do it you couldn't do it the cast was put on that neck two weeks ago now begin to move that neck begin to move you are healed right now you're healed right now you're healed right now move that neck move that neck that growth disappears that growth melts out that growth melts out in the name of jesus receive receive now receive your healing receive your miracle on television on social media already receive your miracle be healed from your head to the souls of your foot every week made whole thank you father now lift your hands and begin to give him praise i gave a joke a lot of us all over this building give him praise zakota maquila nakota agave god's healing power is all over this place all over this place now begin to do what you couldn't do before you couldn't bend bend you couldn't move your neck move it do what healed people do once you believe you are healed stand up and do what healed people do do exactly what healed people do right now you believe it you receive it you have it do what healed people do right now thank you father praise your father it is done go ahead don't be afraid you won't fall go ahead that's it go ahead that's it go ahead go ahead do what healed people do right now right now right now thank you father praise your lamb of god hallelujah it is dawn in the name of jesus can we celebrate miracles with a shout glory amen and every other area of your life your finances your marriage your family receive your miracle now now now now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus those documents are signed that check his side receive a miracle phone call receive a miracle email take it in the name of jesus praise your father it is dawn and we rejoice in jesus precious name amen amen amen glory praise god we're expecting testimonies all over the place i mean we have a lot of calls coming in emails coming in of testimonies all over the world i'm sure from this sunday when michael bush and myself will begin ask the counselor we're going to have a lot of calls we're going to read a lot of testimonies of what god has done this week during the week of the miraculous i mean we have all kinds of miraculous encounters people are having all over the world even right here in the house what a joy what a blessing and i want you to get ready because you won't be left behind every one of you hearing the sound of my voice you're a candidate for a miracle the power of god targets you right now you can't escape the target of god's power so your testimony is released thank you father hallelujah hallelujah amen i want to take up your offerings quickly and i'll be joining mr michael bush and as a counselor we'll be answering a few questions doctrinally bringing your clarity from the word of almighty god i want to thank partners and friends who continually give to this ministry to help us do the things we do and those of you that are giving to support our social media global campaign the campaign is on i'm sure you you can see what's going on all over the place the campaign is aggressively on and we're pushing we want to ensure that we reach out to to the people in on social media three billion people are on social media that is a world without walls without limits and that is a world that is real time we can hit all the three billion people at the same time on social media all it takes is just more money to push the messages out and nobody will have an excuse for not hearing the gospel the radio audience you know i'm sure you're all partaking in this and the gospel is getting clearer your convictions are getting clearer miracle signs and wonders are happening all over the world partners you make this happen and i want to appreciate and thank all of you for supporting this vision as we continue to thrust in advancing the course of christ you know every evening we're here tomorrow 6 pm i'll be live again bringing teaching in the same area of healing you never you never can underestimate your need for healing if you don't need it now somebody around you may need it and you may need it one day so it's important to build you up your knowledge to build your faith and to build your understanding on how to receive healing whenever you need it and how to help somebody receive who may need it around you i'm excited grab your office let's honor the word of god as we give tonight the banking details are scrolling online for for the tv audience the banking details idea radio audience mr michael bush will read the banking details before we answer the questions but i'm honored to serve you the grace of god lift your offerings up father we're giving faith we give you joy we are so honored to be called by your name thank you for testimonies miracles healing signs wonders all over our social media community our online community radio audience and those in the building here and all our campuses and centers around the world we rejoice and we thank you because it's happening right now it's happening right now it's happening right now in the name of jesus every need is met supernaturally favors connections opportunities released to you right now god's favor is at work on your behalf and we rejoice for supernatural provisions miracles in the finances of your people and we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen oh glory to god on social media once you confirm a miracle shoot an email to dr abeldamina yahoo.com we want to share in your testimonies we want to share in the good news of what god is doing around you and in your life through the teaching of this world right here in this house i look forward to connecting with you in the other studio and remember tomorrow 6 pm gmt plus 1 will be live again if you know of sick people far from where you are call them contact them reach out to them and ask them to hook up to these services god's healing power is available to supply everyone who is in need of it there's no scarcity in the availability of god's power until i see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at gmail.com [Music] it is the will of god that we should be in good health always and be healed of every infirmity if you don't need healing someone around you definitely might need it this is your opportunity and for those seek around you to be connected to the teaching of god's word for healing don't forget god's word is god's medicine i prophesy astral and i will come like thunder you will swim in the miraculous power city international presets harvest of healing miracles signs and wonders ministering dr abel daminer date 11th april to 18th april 2021 time monday to saturday 6 pm daily and on sunday first service 8 a.m and 2nd service 11 a.m gmt plus one and a rebroadcast on the following radio stations radio aqua bomb 90.5 fm uyo 11 am to 1pm xlfm 106.9 uyo 3 pm you know your fm 100.7 uyo 3 pm to 5 pm comfort fm 95.1 uyo 6 pm to 8 pm inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm heritage radio 104.9 yo 10 pm till midnight daily and also on kingdom life network station also live on facebook at abell dominar public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter abelldaminer and instagram at abel daminer watch real-time venue power city international number ninety-eight huangibu road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] [Music] [Music] as global bus said just a moment ago for part two of this global showpiece on radio and tv and on the social media and online of course okay so the bank details especially for our radio audience the account name is power city international there are free bands there is fcmb there is zenith and there is ubr start on this edition of the program with zenith 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12 then fcmb is 29 82 68 20 28 fcmb is 29 82 68 20 28 and of course the third certainly not the least bank is ubm 139 26 465 139 six four six five announcement number one down okay final announcement because global buys already seated and in 30 seconds you should be seeing him for sponsorship just call us up on plus two three four eight three two seven five six one or four or you email dr abeldamina at yahoo.com doctor there of course is the arrow my name is michael bush my production team and of course we're so thankful to them we're thankful to all of you especially our audience put your hands together for yourselves please so nice to see you so nice to see you buddy man that receives all the applause are the athletes and justifiably sell is here blah blah blah is an international televangelist is also on radio 11 hours all of 11 hours daily in nigeria i'm so super excited to see that i feel very privileged to sit by him every edition of this program he's written right now i thought they were 30 but now 32 books and counting you know the next two would be up soon and he continues to do great things intercontinental mr bush so good to have you here it's fantastic to be here it's fantastic to be okay global about two things we must do before we say sell number one is the prayer that we always pray the ritualistic prayer we always pray for acquire them for our government for our people for nigeria for our world let's pray father we thank you that grace abounds all over the nations of the earth because the truth of the gospel is being proclaimed more than ever before men are being raised in all the nations of the earth to preach the truth of the gospel with boldness so we pray from boldness more boldness upon your servants all over the world men and women brethren that are rising to preach christ they have ultras they have boldness to declare the truth thank you for our government in acquiring bomb state we use the aqua bomb said government as a point of contact to all the governments around the world that lord all of our leaders the governor his cabinet will have such unusual compassion to be able to continue to serve the people of aquarium and the people of nigeria and the rest of the world and create enabling environmental potentials to thrive and in the name of jesus we deny the devil access to our cities and our nations satan we bind and restrict and stop your activities and we declare that the gospel continues to gain fraud runs all over the world amen in jesus name amen amen no bubba fantastic um you know so just before we start looking at the questions by the way we spent last night in south africa yeah so be beginning there from in a moment let's just start off from where you ended um earlier during part one where you talked about the the resurrection no not resurrection oh yes that's the resurrection when jesus rules um i'm wondering the bible records that he he rose with many other people yes yes and we guess that would have been many generations who have been told so many people yes where are they where were they where did they move to where do they stay they are called a cloud of witnesses so when he rose with them the bible tells us that they appeared in the city all over the city and they were appearing to their great-grandchildren and they were saying hey this great grandpa on my way to heaven hey all of that was part of the proof of christ's resurrection now after that the bible says he was received up into heaven with a cloud that cloud is all of those people so all of those people are in heaven with jesus right now all right and that is why the word cloud there is not a cloud for rain it's actually the people are called cloud in the bible cloud of witnesses so he went to the cloud and on the day of our own resurrection we're all going to go with jesus as a cloud so that's that's where they are okay um yet today i was listening to it on radio as soon as i stepped out because until i finished my radio program at sex so as i step out into the car i i joined your life and then you said something about the resurrection of christ guaranteeing salvation yes what about those who don't believe they are not saved once a man doesn't believe that jesus rose from the dead he's not saved salvation is predicated on the resurrection that is why churches must leave every other thing and preach the resurrection because that is the fulcrum that is the basis for christianity if christ is not reason then our faith is vain we are still in our sins if you don't practice christianity you're not a christian it could be any other it could be worshipping in in any of the other regions or any other really religions but you believe that christ resurrected are you saved once you believe that christ resurrected it means the holy ghost comes in you the holy ghost is the spirit of truth so he will guide you into the bible because the bible is the only sacred book on earth that contains the comprehensive revelation of christ okay finally blah blah blah before we join um begin a global trip and um on this edition we're going to almost all the continents because we have too many questions coming they're from i'm just wondering you you study clearly it shows you studies so so so much in fact too much i am wondering therefore have you ever come across in in studying have you ever come across something that shocked you yeah the first time yes years ago the first time i discovered that water baptism was not relevant i threw my bible on the floor i just threw it away because when i realized that what came on me was an understanding that i will have to preach this so i will not be like the only voice against the entire church world that has preached baptism as a condition for salvation and i was not ready when i discovered i just threw my bible i said god no no no no then god spoke to me he said are you serious about preaching the truth of the gospel or not i said i am serious then he said to me then you have to preach everything that is the truth of the gospel so that was shocking for me very shocking but you still went back i won't forget i finally picked the bible the same bible and told the lord yes i'm going to preach it and i'm preaching it it comes to this persecution but it's part of it [Laughter] so okay so we can appreciate we can forgive others who threw their bibles down they would also pick it up they will pick it up okay okay they threw the bible they didn't show the word of god absolutely oh the bible they threw the bible down but they didn't know the word of god because the bible is not the word of god jesus is jesus is the word of god so the bible contains information concerning jesus meeting the bible doesn't save you it's meeting jesus but you need the bible to point you to jesus okay okay no bubba then finally you know it's a confession that i've made with um to you in private i've made it on uh you know the only problem i have with fooling you is that sometimes i just look like a fool you know it doesn't look like somebody you know i just look like somebody who's never read his bible who doesn't understand anything feeling like that means you are wise only ah wise person will feel like that oh foolishness and wisdom yes a foolish person will think he knows everything blow baba let's begin a global trip on this edition we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it okay so south africa next and johannesburg hello my able teacher and soul feeder global about dr ebel damina and the indisputable intercontinental mr michael bush thank you so much global baba for the amazing work you're doing you liberate one soul at a time from bondage with real true spiritual meaning i thank you immensely baba we are calling to this end time generation i've been benefiting from you teaching for the past five years and my spiritual life and views of so many things that used to discomfort me suddenly left me to be no to a more to a better i should be a better understanding of the true word of god that includes all temperamental fears i used to get so much light has been revealed in me due to my constant watching of kln may god richly bless you global and protect you from all the never learning or reasonable men amen there is this church i was attending before i finally stopped because of the lack of proper teaching of the true gospel of jesus christ and many extra other questionable things happening in the church when i am happy okay i'm happy when i go to church but when returning i'm very sad and empty as i'm not spiritually fed well with the true gospel of christ then until one of my friends introduced me to your channel kln since then my real true understanding of jesus came alive in me my former church used to do fit washing and during one renovation time in the church the pastor buried four bibles in four corners of the church and many other backyard issues my question global by is washing your feet and catching olive oil i am during service or olive oil service are they scriptural i want to beg you global but please pray for me because um i'm used to swearing at anyone who leaves this church okay the pastor is used to swearing at anyone who leaves his church also i sense diabolical means in in all of that please pray for god's blessing for my new line of business as royalto please pray for me and my siblings since we lost our mum last month due to sickness that took our life now praying to raise money for burial it breaks my heart please pray for me as i work towards settling down with my wife for god's speech i can't wait to visit acquire boom that's with you because of your best regards your spiritual son kenneth writing from jailbox south africa wow kenneth well we speak the comfort of the holy ghost the peace of god and we decree that you're far from oppression no we performed against you prosperous we rebuke fear and the voice of the enemy you are protected you are secured you are preserved and established in righteousness and we decree that you are favors to be able to have the monies you need to go through the process of the burial and settling whatever you need to settle receive a miracle for that in jesus name amen amen now back to your question on feet washing mantles and all of that they are not apostolic traditions they are not apostolic teachings and because the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets we stay up with apostolic traditions and apostolic instructions so that's why the teaching of god's word is much more needed more than ever before so don't be afraid don't allow doubts arise in your heart be confident in the love that god has for you and be confident that you're secured christ said he will never leave nor forsake bless you okay global papa we're out of south africa presently but for the road as we head to rwanda next let's take this anonymous entry dear doctor abel i mean i have a question after divorce can we get married again with someone else and god will bless that marriage because the scripture says that uh that is committing adultery well i don't know which scripture you're reading but i think you're not interpreting the scriptures right because once they say divorce it means the marriage is dissolved it means traditionally or culturally because marriage is cultural it is dissolved also legally is dissolved so that marriage is no more existing it's no more in existence and once it's no more in existence you're free to go and get married again you're free to go and get married again to rwanda next and everest right there from says hello global i'm being blessed by your teachings i just needed to report to you that right now i'm listening to your teaching on marriage i just want you to know that i love you baba thank you he loves you yeah from rwanda to zambia chandra is my name i'm 28 years of age i'm from zambia and i've been blessed and inspired by your teachings and preaching of the word of god through your books and social media we pray for your visitation here in zambia as soon as you can great man of god i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year in august and since then i've lost concentration and focus because i've lost weight as well i'm a youth leader in church and i believe that when you pray for my healing i'll be free from diabetes because prayer has no distance amen amen when we rebuke diabetes in the name of jesus we flush it out of your body receive a miracle of healing and restoration now in jesus name amen amen to kenya and we have two entries i'll start with the shorter one hello dr damina thank you for your great insight into god's word please explain matthew 11 12 peter in nairobi kenya right from the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god suffered violence and the violence take it by force is actually you know the writings in matthew well a lot of them were parables what jesus was simply saying is that from the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god is open and people are pushing into it people are coming into the truth that's all it means it doesn't mean praying and clapping under hitting the floor as violence it just simply means the kingdom is open and men are pressing into the kingdom of god to get seed from short kenya to long kenya praise god my name is pastor michael i write from kenya i recently followed the teaching on being filled with this spirit and i'm greatly catapulted by this sermon but the prevalent question blah blah bar came after you said a person must get its way through and come to nigeria for the laying of hands for perfecting partition i want you global baba to help him because even to have a ticket to come will take many years in saving and i want to be able to establish and reach many people with the gospel i'm now in my second year in ministry that god has directed me and i'm not happy with attendance and how people are dragging themselves in catching this message of grace since i planted our ministry we're about 10 in number i want you to know that due to listening consistently to you i found i couldn't flow in the ministry i was before because of the unscriptural semens of moses and law that difference created a mayhem between my pastor and me i did what you instructed other people to do i went somewhere else and started straight fellowship and instead of my pastor blessing me through insults and curses at me not to mention what he said okay he also asked me not to mention his name for the rest of my life but god is faithful after continuing to listen to your message global baba got healed and started ministry to preach the way you touched me and you continued to teach me now help me the way god will help you in everything about military invitation he continuously goes on and on well like i said you know we were just teaching on how how much you must desire impartation and i said there are times you even have to travel you know travel go to where the person you're learning from eats so he can impart into you all right so but that doesn't stop you from doing ministry that doesn't stop you from listening to the things i teach and growing in knowledge and effectively doing ministry and then pray for me to come to your country if you're not able to come you know pray that all of this corona thing gives way and we'll be able to visit different countries around the world and bring the love of god and we're able to meet you physically and do physical impartations if you're not able to come here so one way or the other because you desire it it will happen one of these days amen from kenya quickly quickly flying to togo hello global barber so glad to be enlightened by your teachings let the truth triumph and cover the earth please don't i want to know if there is any training we need to undergo as far as ethics is concerned when doing ministry for instance if i want to become a coordinator of power city campus in my country is there any special course i need to take from you in order to know how to organize behave and manage the campus brother david is in togo yes brother david there's a training for all people who coordinate power city campuses around the world so if you desire to do that you need to reach out to us there's quite a lot we're going to teach you and help you understand to make you effective in starting a campus and maintaining the campus from loma you know one francophone part of africa we're going to another cameroon dweller greetings the troubler of israel wow the troubler of israel that's a new one and the no nonsense missed the book okay okay global by our own was the new one my own is a good one okay i said greetings from my diligent disciples in the city of dwala in cameroon i'm kid c blaze luka baba there is a seeming contradiction in my mind about whether john the baptizer he should have been john the baptist knew jesus as the messiah before baptizing him or whether he didn't know him before baptizing him this in accordance with the gospel according to the accounts according to matthew 3 13-17 where john wonders allowed why jesus comes to him for baptism whereas he john is supposed to be baptized by jesus this shows that the first of all he faces of all objects because he knows jesus before the baptism progress process but john 1 32-33 shows that if not of water baptism john would not have known him meaning john knew him only after water baptism please trusted barbara do exegesis here well first of all the book of john does not give us the chronological accounts the book of job john is like a summary actually the first thing john just did was in the beginning was what the world was god after all of that he now went back to see how he can give us a few information all right that's why some theologians argue that the book of john should not be a synoptic gospel now but matthew went you know sequentially giving us the history and if you observe what much he was saying is that jesus shall have baptized john not because john knew that jesus was the savior but they already knew that jesus there was something special about jesus remember the mother of john had the prophecy concerning jesus so the mother of john must have told john a lot about jesus and then moreover remember the age of 12 jesus was talking with doctors and lawyers so there was something special about jesus he had a lot of education and you know his of modest opportunity made him stand out among his contemporaries so when john was saying you should be the one baptizing me not me baptizing you he was referring to the fact that there's something special about you even though we're cousins i know you but there's something about you you're more learner than i am you're more educated than i am because the bible says he grew in wisdom in stature in favor with god and man so all of those were the reason why john said you should be the one baptizing me not that john knew he was christ but it was in the baptism when the heavens opened that john's eyes were open to now know that this is actually the christ the son of the living god the one who takes away the sins of the earth so it's not a contradiction it's just the way the two books were written one was written from the end and then a little bit was added which was actually a lot of revelation in john no stories at all and then the other one went sequentially with all the stories and all the background it's not a contradiction it's just understanding that the two books were written differently from cameroon we stay on in cameroon and mrs john kept from cameroon i'm so grateful to god for your eye-opening messages i have a question sir after the burial ceremony of a loved one can a believer organize or attend memorial ceremony or thanksgiving life celebrations some years or months after that person was buried yeah why not there's nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with it go on honor the person honor the family you know identify with them if that's how they choose to honor and respect the memory of that person there's nothing wrong with it let's go to paris france and that is in europe says hello global mr bush i'm pastor steve i write from paris i appreciate your work and labor for the body of christ small grace and revelation knowledge unto the spirit my question global baba where were the disciples of jesus born again that is baptized with the spirit was it at pentecost or before pentacles and if not the pentacles when was it keep following keep following the class okay so from uh parry we go to germany excuse me from france we go to germany from paris we go to berlin barbara any um i agree to you all in the name of our lord jesus christ please kindly help me understand romans 10 9 to 10 in these verses i if i preached to someone and he or she believed in the message of christ jesus do i have to lead the person to receive christ i said in as we are told in romans 10 9 to 10 thank you global baba thank you brother bush may god continue to strengthen you too yours in christ jesus jeffrey que azuma tangito in berlin germany oh sure if you get somebody you preach to somebody receives christ let him in the confession let him declare his faith and let him be confident in what he has received okay some anonymous entry even as we make okay i hear that we have another caller i just go back to that caller hello hello we have many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yes my name is i'm coming from this place yeah shoot okay please my question is i just want to know after salvation is there any necessity for restriction that's my question okay i understand no there's no necessity for restitution what are you how are you going to study restitution you know what are you going to restitute there are so many things and if you're going to do it you'll have to do all of it if there's anybody that should have done restitution was supposed to paul when he was sold he went everywhere killing wasting lives destroying churches he should have been the first person to do a restitution but instead he explained to you if any man in christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are new so once you're born again there's no need for restitution no need whatsoever you know okay global we're heading out of uh germany as a matter of fact out of europe will be going um towards asia vietnam is an export of call in disguise we take this anonymous entry hello dr damina mr michael bush thanks for the teaching this is my question hebrews 6 46 i still cannot understand how he it is talking about salvation what i understood is that it doesn't make sense that after a certain time in christ having tested everything you start shaking again and we have to teach you again the basics like we have to be material i don't understand that well that scripture is remember the the people that the writer of hebrews was addressing you are not is you are not their audience they were addressing jewish people believing jews and non-believing jews that's the audience he was talking to and he was making them see the fertility of the law the vanity of walks and making them see that only what christ has done counts so that's why he says seeing that they have crucified to themselves the son of god afresh and put him to an open ship and because you know that nobody can crucify jesus the second time that means what he was actually saying to them is that when you've tested all of that you can never follow it if you read further he now say well persuaded better things of you that accompany salvation so that's actually the scripture for eternal salvation another caller hello hello many thanks for joining us when you're calling from i'm calling from potatoes your name my name is blessing sir go ahead mom i want to answer i love to pray but i lose interest in reaching the word of god so i need help and insight well uh you can walk you can pray without the word of god prayer without the word of god if you are not careful can't even take you into spiritism so the word of god is critical because what are you even going to pray prayer is fellowshipping with the world so my advice um i will advise you to get on youtube look for our materials on youtube just begin to listen to them one every day one every day and i'll guarantee you in a short while your habitat for the word of god is going to explode you'll betray the word of god and then it will make your prayer very effective and powerful it's very important that's my advice just go on youtube type ebell demeanor and look at all the messages that they have for free just begin to to consume them as much as you can it will help you a lot there are even teachings there on prayer that will help you there very important bless you okay in global about we're going to some dangerous parts of the world vietnam and later kuwait wow my prayer is that um time does not allow us to sleep there i don't want to stay there i want to spend the night okay we're covered okay i'm going together we should not be afraid okay yeah we should show you the presence of okay okay okay so vietnam hello riot my name i is live in vietnam please i need your help i would like to advise you to advise and teach me about the repercussions of breaking covenants with god actually i learned from my place of worship way back in my country and entered into a covenant with god in 2015. out of there i broke one not once not twice i'm confused on what to do blah blah blah sometimes i feel i wasn't supposed to get into a covenant in the first place i feel like i didn't do the right things yet i don't know what to do next and how it could affect me for playing babies with god above all it makes me feel like i sound too complicated in front of a man who was interested in marrying me i came across the teachings of dr ed beldamina three days ago and i feel convinced that he could help me with some ad piece of advice please teacher of the believer's message grant my humble request thank you sir what's the name sunita sunita listen carefully relax when you were making that covenant god didn't take you serious because he knew you are not going to do it so relax you're covered be at peace god is not holding it against you it does not even exist just relax enjoy christ enjoy what christ has done for you and i'd like you to email our office and order for my teaching on the promise of god the promise of god is a teaching series the promise of god and the integrity of god's word the promise of god and the integrity of god's word sit down with those teachings they will change your world for you bless you can we just take a last call on this edition of the program hello hello good evening mr bush and good evening um thank you for teaching us god's word thank you yes sir um sir i want to ask a question what's the name my husband lost his dad and his dad is a prince his dad died in america and while he was still alive he told them that when he dies that they shouldn't take him to they shouldn't bring into nigeria to bury so they are planning with burial now or his family members are trying i like giving my husband issues they want to tell him when to bury his dad because they said that because he's a prince that he cannot bury him anything that would tell him when to bury him and they would also ask him to bring money to do some things back here in nigeria so i want to hear what you have to say concerning this and then secondly so please i want you to pray for me i'm believing god for speed so i think i won't go to um speeding everything that i'm doing concerning my american visa so that i can go and join my husband in america okay let me just actually don't go away don't go away don't go away was your was your husband's was your husband's father a believer a christian was he born he was a believer yes was he in any church yes he was yes he was in a church he was attending a church in america but when he was in nigeria he was a pastor okay so what you do is tell your husband to last with the church he attended in america and let the church tell those village people that they have taken over the burial because he was a member of their church and he instructed them to bury him in america and that's what they will do that settles the matter permanently okay we need to go i'm on you know what what i feared most has come over me um uh vietnam love about we need to go we need to go we need to go yeah there was a prayer for her father in the name of jesus we declare that she has speedy favor and speedy performance amen with her visa in the name of jesus receive it we pray for others that are sick those expecting miracles those desiring jobs marital favors receiving in the name of jesus amen thank you father for answered prayer amen in jesus name amen amen that's this edition of the program my name is michael bush enough on this edition he is dr ebel damina continental mr bush what a day what a blessing we want to thank all of you thank you thank you thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve all of you the grace of god i'm excited tonight now listen you have to follow us on radio i'm on radio tonight 9-10 on inspiration fm 10-12 on heritage fm tomorrow morning on xlfm 5 45. 5 45. good morning every day good morning acquire bomb every day is 5 45 on xl xl 5 45 am and then radio acquire bomb 11 to 1 xlfm one two three you know your fm 355 and we're back here tomorrow evening on 6 pm on comfort fm it's going to be an exciting time we love all of you and thank you for giving us the opportunity to keep serving you and they will see all of you tomorrow enjoy the grace of christ be blessed and good night goodbye from uyo nigeria [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is the will of god that we should be in good health always and be healed of every infirmity if you don't need healing someone around you definitely might need it this is your opportunity and for those seek around you to be connected to the teaching of god's word for healing don't forget god's word is god's medicine i prophesy astral and i will come like thunder you will swim in the miraculous power city international presets harvest of healing miracles signs and wonders ministering dr abel daminer date 11th april to 18th april 2021 time monday to saturday 6 p.m daily and on sunday first service 8 a.m and second service 11 a.m gmt plus one and a rebroadcast on the following radio stations radio aqua bomb 90.5 fm uyo 11 am to 1 pm xlfm 106.9 uyo 3 pm you know your fm 100.7 uyo 3 pm to 5 pm comfort fm 95.1 uh 6 p.m to 8 p.m inspiration fm 105.9 uyo 9 pm to 10 pm heritage radio 104.9 yo 10 p.m till midnight daily and also on kingdom life network station also live on facebook at abel dominar public figure youtube abel domino ministries international twitter abelldaminer and instagram at abel daminer watch real time venue power city international number 98 juaniba road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,951
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Id: mcgg0d7L010
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 35sec (7415 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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