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come on one more time give the lord a shine if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet is [Music] [Applause] come on come [Music] i have what god says [Music] is [Music] [Music] but [Music] jesus is my salvation jesus is my righteousness jesus jesus never never be the same i would never never never be the same i would never never go [Music] spirit everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr ava come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the lord i would never no with the holy ghost the future is not impossible the future is not dark yeah the future is not a mystery saith god the future is in your hands the future is in your hands so you take hold of the future take hold of the future the future does not decide itself you right now decide the future and navigate your path in the future and the future does not determine its outcome you determine the outcome of the future for safe god i have put my word i have put my power and i have put my grace within you you rise and save them the way you want to see them and you will see the future organize itself to accommodate what you say and it will give you what you say did i not say in my word what things so ever you desire when you pray believe you have and you shall have what you say the power of the future is not in the future it's in your mouth right now so fear not fear not be courageous be strong quitting like men look into the future and say it the way you want to see it and see it come to pass save the spirit of grace thank you father glory to god glory to god glory to god hey hey don't be afraid don't be afraid your finances are not going to collapse there is a word for your finances there is a word for your ministry there is a word for your career and there is a word concerning your marriage saith god everything that concerns every area of your life is important to me because i love you therefore i do not keep you in the dark concerning the things that affect you your marriage your ministry your finances your career all the answers are right in my hands and they are right before you did i not say in my word ask me and i will show you great and mighty things that you know not i gave you my word that i will show you so i show it to those of you that will care to ask those of you that will seek to know and those of you that will seek to understand saith god it's right before you my spirit my spirit will show you the deep things of my heart and my spirit would lay bear before you my plan my purpose my intent concerning you so therefore fear not rejoice and be glad rejoice and be glad you are the light in the midst of darkness and no matter how dark the dark may be a ray of life makes a difference in the darkness and you're not just a ray of light you are the embodiment of my life saith god because you have my word on your inside therefore don't be afraid don't be afraid cheer up stand up look at the future and rejoice because the future will work in your favor glory glory glory glory glory i tell you days of glory days of grace days of beauty days of jubilation days of celebration hey there will be an outpouring of my glory like never before days of celebration says the spirit of god thank you father praise you father things about yourself things of the spirit things in the spirit concerning you i unveil to you by my spirit you take hold of it you take hold of it you take hold of it and by it were a good warfare saith god it is a good warfare because the outcome of the warfare is in your favor it is a good warfare safeguard because the outcome of the warfare is in your favor it is a good warfare because you already know the end of the warfare because you have the prophecy in your heart so you take my word you take the prophecy and declare what i have said to you and be not afraid be not afraid you shall never be ashamed says the spirit of god hallelujah thank you lord jesus oh yeah don't get me wrong they'll be dark for the world they're gonna get darker and more complicated for the world but you will be the shining light in the midst of the darkness you will be the light in the midst of the darkness their confusion will not affect you because you already know ahead of time and you already know that i have already made the way i have already made the supplies i have already made the directions available to you so you will not be confused because you will know what to do and you will walk within the confines of what i have provided and here there will be days of glory the world will be so flabbergasted that while they are confused were composed while they are running around we seem not to bother because we already know the end of this matter from the beginning why because we are in him who controls the end from the beginning somebody shout hallelujah [Music] many thanks for joining us many thanks for staying tuned smashing 2021 to you wherever you are it's the freestyle edition of ask the counsellor i say freestyle because this edition we're not just going to be following any order we just go to anywhere as we see the entries come we just take will not be following those continental bases that we always do that's number one number two it's strange you know um i don't know what this is how the new year is going to be that blue baba would just wake up and say okay i'm not teaching today um all of the two hours let's do ask the counselor it's a good thing it shows you that this year is going to be a fantastic year because what we were used to is global we take our time like one hour 30 minutes and we have just 30 minutes for us the councilor but now global by starting on the clean sled and saying look take all the two hours and do ask the counselor we you know because we are not used to this kind of goodness you know we are suspecting that one day we wake up and say okay i'm doing teaching for two hours we'll get to that in a moment okay um there's always this traditional opener that we do before i bring on global i need to do that the bank details account name is power city international of course and there are three banks fcmb there is zenith there is uba ago as they arranged or as they arranged on this edition of the program fcmb 2982 68 2028 2982 68 2028 that's for fcmb power city international zenith is bank number two 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12. zenith bank power city international uba is the last one 139 26 465 139 26 465 uba power city international that is announcement number one announcement number two is about calls uh just before i came on the producer and i were discussing now we're going to put out calls you have so so much time to call but i think you allow us like 15 minutes to set the stage then come back and then we start with calls so plus 234 if you're calling from outside the country otherwise it's oh 806 800 993 especially for the radio audience oh 806 800 9939 but if you're calling from outside the country remember plus two three four or you send us an email or two ask the counselor now at or an sms or two plus two three four seven or three six nine one eight six four two finally for sponsorship excuse me i was discussing this sponsorship matter and i'm happy with the way it's catching on and the way people are veiling themselves so for sponsorship call plus two three four eight three two seven five six one or four you email dr abeldamina at it's simply uh dr okay so my name is michael bush my producer is pastor ige query complete with the production team and about now i'm joined by the mind of the moment the man for every season a teacher like none other prolific arthur has written over 30 books and an international televangelist is also on radio all over the place helping welcome global baba dr ebel damina yes absolutely good to see you it's good to see you too but what manner of year would this one be well like i said you know uh when the lord spoke to me prophetically it's gonna be a year of a lot of drama for the world but the people of god will walk in the light and as they walk in the light the light of god's word will make them stand above the circumstances of life so yes this is victory for us amen victory amen yeah that's a good one blah blah blah are you are you against are you four when some senior pastors like you at the beginning of every year they would roll out prophecies as handed down by god are you falling against that well uh again um it depends on what the prophecies are usually i believe that prophecy should be to the people of god to edify comfort and exhaust them that's actually primarily what the prophecies are but when people begin to get beyond prophecy into predictions okay that's where i have issues because the gift of prophecy is to edify the church you know it's basically within the church the gifts are to function within the church and build up the people of god much more fantastic we launch out in the moment first though let's pray for our world let's pray for this year as morphe let's just pray for the year that this year must behave itself unlike the other one all right let's pray father we rejoice and we thank you for your goodness your faithfulness the steadfast love of the lord never fails your mercy will never come to an end great is your faithfulness we acknowledge your goodness we acknowledge your mercy the forgiveness of sins we acknowledge the fact that we are accepted in the beloved we acknowledged the fact that while we were yet seen as christ died for us we acknowledge the fact that the thoughts you have for us are the thoughts of good and not of evil to give us a future and a hope so we rejoice and we thank you for qui-bomb state we thank you for everyone that is in acquire thank you for our governor and his cabinet thank you for nigeria the president and his cabinet thank you for all the nations of the world and the government of those nations and the citizenry of that nation lord we ask that this year 2021 we decree that every month and every day and every week and every hour of this year we bring on that subjection every circumstance and situation and we decree that in the name of jesus the gospel thrives this year amen preaching of the gospel comes with such clarity the light of god's word shines in the dark places of the earth disciples are raised believers are equipped the glorious gospel shines through the course of this year and satan will serve you in notice you will not you will not reign in our cities communities and in our nation amen we frustrate every device every strategy every network and every fiery doubt of the enemy we stay in faith and we resist you steadfastly satan you will not interfere or you will not manipulate or we refuse you the opportunity to mess around with our world for as long as we're here we are the light of the world so we declare that there's a restraint on your activity and we thank you father that your counsel and your purpose for each one listening to us at this moment we'll find expression amen we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus name amen amen amen fantastic global i i just want to seize the moment on behalf of the global community of uh listeners and um and uh viewers and followers to thank you for the work that you've done um since was that june july july since you started i think that was july 6th we started july yeah sure and so we just like to thank you um you've given all of yourself you've done so much and as we get into a second year we can only just continue to ask god for strength for you amen thank you and you too i must use the opportunity to appreciate it i knew you would retire you have been a blessing and we thank you for being selfless being sacrificial and uh you know giving yourself to this cause we truly appreciate you thank you okay there's something i said at the wee stages you then you didn't have the microphone i didn't know whether you would have wanted to react let me give you that moment now when i said not that global by saying two hours for ask the counselor are we going to wake up one day and say so and the riot life part is going to also be two hours yes are we going to ever have that no i don't have that in mind okay i just i just felt like this evening we should just spend the whole time just interact we've had a lot of preaching today the years just started sure you know let's just interact and answer questions it's a fantastic beneficiary and we have so so many things absolutely just chill out hang out together very nice very nice i like to thank you and you know i have not mentioned those of you watching on social media and those of you listening on radio like i always do make sure you invite some people ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves and those of you on social media facebook youtube twitter instagram help us share the video on all the groups in your page tag some people you know put them on monogram telegram what's up look let's make sure that all over the world this evening this particular episode let's make sure it goes viral as viral as it can go every one of you let's get everybody to work let's get it done tonight and thank you for making that available amen amen so blah blah blah from july um that means should be about seven months about seven months yes yes seven months um what what's the greatest feedback you've had as it has to do with riot life well first it was 30 days of glory then 60 days of glory then riot life which is in one riot live season 2 and then ask the counselor yes well the feedback is that people are growing spiritually i mean people are just growing spiritually a lot of people have come face to face with this truth a lot of people their eyes are open believers have you know been built up so there's there's such there's such fulfillment to know that what we're doing from right here in uyo is reaching the nations of the earth and people are really benefiting and growing because that's what the essence of preaching the gospel is to be able to raise disciples raise believers and build up the body of christ and i think that purpose is being achieved around the world have you had any moments at all any moment at all whether a minute a second a day an hour a week where you felt discouraged on this mission no i have not you have never felt discouraged on this mission not even a sign of it so nothing anybody has said or done i'm not even aware they're saying anything i'm just i'm only aware of what we're teaching and how that people are getting blessed simple that's all i'm aware of honestly okay let's also quickly talk about the unfinished business of the other day i remember i think it was a sunday when we're here together and then you mentioned the man i went to see and who said it was going to go out he said it's not going to be here he's gone i was told where did it go i was told today that the man passed whether yesterday or this morning he's gone but before even he passed he was no more talking to anybody it was quiet all through the spirit till he passed he told me he was tired of hearing his gun and he meant it and i prayed for him and he said thank you for all the teachings you know what a blessed way to leave the earth man he said greet mama greet the girl stick with your applause greet the church and it says global baba yes i entered the room he said global baba and i'm like this man the man is with jesus man and he said he's going to ask brother paul if you think so i'm sure there are fellowshipping okay sure so okay one last one before we get down to the nitty-gritty of today's action yes and that would be about this journalist his name is mr claire to support i don't know whether it's listening or watching but somehow you get to see this okay uh cletus support is one of those investigative journalists you just must like i'm proud that is my friend you know and all of that he writes for premium times premium times an online newspaper and there are no nonsense newspaper okay so today he calls me up and says to me you know doctor abel damina is so good that was that global baba he's almost better than dr abel are you serious it's almost are you sure so this so somebody can do better than dr abel damina so he's global baba i told him when i come i would put the question to you because yeah global but that's my job my job is to ask you the question so yeah dr ebel damina who is global barber i think that question should be thrown back at business because you started it oh no so you know so he went on and on and on and on that he really would like to meet blue barbara i said okay i'll find out on the program and so i put the question oh goodness yeah absolutely okay so global but let's get down let our charity on this edition of the program begin um abroad i know it's always starting at home but today the charities start from rome so we start from the uk birmingham dear doctor abel damien and family greetings from birmingham in the united kingdom much blessings for your continuous commitment to all things of god indeed we are and continue to be enlightened by your dedication to educating all of us thank you i'll be much uh grateful robert barber to receive a copy of the 2021 bible reading plan please my understanding is that it's going to be free four times a year please include me in the mailing list thank you thank you thank you globo babati in birmingham all right noted actually we'll get all that out by sunday by sunday we're going to make announcements and we're going to shoot emails to people who really want to read the bible four times within this year and for those who are going to read it once within this year all the reading plans will be ready by sunday we'll be announcing them and we'll be mailing out to those who are asking for you know by email yeah okay so let's just stay on with t he sent another entry still from bimingham and he says de globa more grace for all you do and greater rewards both in this life and in the lives to come look about the fruits of your labor even on earth are bountiful indeed across continents your crowns in heaven are indescribable intercontinental mr bush you are amazing and your laughter is going on my family oh no [Laughter] i continue to remind myself that between you and us at um logic yes logic says logic birmingham our requests are never a prayer topic so we rejoice at all times thank you global baba firstly my utmost love and appreciation to mama russian is it okay to speak to her please i really really really appreciate the opportunity please thank you she leaves her number all right so we'll get your number to mama mama we'll give you a call okay secondly may i have the models for sequential learning from the foundations please ask me as your instruction global i'm giving myself to learning like never before i've come to understand that i have to be intentional about my growth and ministry as one appointed to equip plus by the holy spirit you have toiled to make available for us what would have taken us decades of research to gather and learn none of us have an excuse not me anymore anywhere as moral facts look bob i have identified that i miss my beauty schedule as a mother of three teenagers as a wife and as a pastor and as an academic i can still manage at least one full hour dedicated learning every day hence i received the enablements by the spirit daily to do so the biggest hawk is waiting for you when you arrive in birmingham blah blah blah in 2021 i can't wait t oh thank you t uh what what we're going to do is the module that we're going to give you my office will make that available by email how we started where we started teaching which is um the new and the old covenant in christ then you will progressively go like that to where we are now so they will email all of that to you and you can place an order for them in their sequence okay so we leave um tea and family in birmingham the united kingdom and head to zimbabwe i remember i told you and this edition of the program is freestyle it's the new year edition so we're just doing it anyhow we can so dear dr ebel damina sir my name is tsunami lovo plum tree in plum tree town zimbabwe i want to thank you for being effectively used by god to expound the word of god to the world more particularly to me i'm a chaplain in the zimbabwe republic please your teachings have changed my testimony all together i started listening to your teachings global baba in 2017 sir some bible schools need to be closed down i used to ask questions pertaining to some of the things you have cleared i became an enemy so to say to my pastor i'll be seeking clarification incredible questions i'll be really asking sincerely and respectfully but no scripture based answer will come when i shared my convictions which would be scriptural responses would just be sentimental clearly punctuated with anger sir you are a true freedom fighter forward with the keruma down with sedo evangelion down with cellul disdaia hi i was about to think that maybe i'm not reading the scriptures well bless you your photo is now long he's proportionately deep to ami pateka thank you wow praise god and that's a testimony fantastic praise god fantastic praise god okay global so we head out from zimbabwe to abdia state tabias that is in the southeastern part of nigeria this one complements of the season to you global baba dear dr damina i'm transmitting from aruchuku kingdom in abia said i wish to use this medium to express my gratitude to you for the labor of love that you are doing globally daily by unveiling the truth about jesus and bringing sanity to the body of christ since eliza this is the mighty revelation of the glory of the father and it will continue to spread like fire like wildfire yes no matter how it shifts or how what it takes falsehood how much it takes for also to spread around while truth is putting on its shoes falsehood cannot go far without being squared back to his pandemic box of deceit apologies are not needed here as far as truth is concerned global baba i've been on learning to re-learn things almost one year now from your radio programs on he mentions the radio station and it goes on so terrorist season one how to be filled with the holy spirit man of god ever since i left bible school that's in 2011 my life has been that of continual struggle yet in the midst of this struggle people still stick after me daily i like the commensurate power to back up this call man of god i can't have someone like you in this field and continue with this struggle though i've been very selective on whom to take this problem too with sound in doctrine in my church we claim we have all the gospel he mentions the church but i can't find it there since 2001 only from one doctrinal confusion to another i would never admit to be edited blue barber please i've been on my own for more than four years now though i have not started any ministry since god has not told me to do so i saw it as an opportunity to go to my radio every night that's 9 p.m to build myself up and your messages have done so much in me right now sir help me please i want to be free from unnecessary struggle talk to me sir i know how hard it is for you considering you are tight shadows but you can snatch out a second just to help me out sir for your labor of love in word and sound doctrine i'm forever grateful to your authority i'm forever loyal to your authority in the lord apostle samuel chukwuemeka in abia state wow what a blessing i will make sure that we reach out to you especially if you left your phone number and if you didn't we'll send you a mail asking for your number and i will speak to you okay back to ogun state is a state in the southwestern part of nigeria it's next this one says it's confidential so it says hello global baba i've been in ministry since 1999 so wonderfully church the man of god taught us the word with great passion we love jesus i was later ordained as a minister after so many years my wife and me towards the end of 2017 blah blah blah he called me and said he would want me and my wife to start up a ministry not under his ministry but solely for my wife and me he rented a place for us gave us some chairs he bought some mics too my wife and i started the ministry in december 2017 blah blah blah we struggled all through and in 2018 we decided to bucket the property and move the fellowship to our home and then i encountered one of your messages on youtube sir after listening to that message and i asked myself i hope i'm still a believer what i heard you share since you have been a believer i don't think i did hear such before now my wife and i have decided to start having fellowship in the house and building our faith again i really need spiritual counseling on how to go about this ministry work i live in open states all right we will try and reach you and what our advice is email us another mail with your phone number and you know i'll also ask the office to send you a mail asking for your number so we can speak with you thank you anonymous entering says global barbar just please explain the meaning of isaiah 9 6. explain isaiah 9 6 i think that is his question isaiah 9's can we have that on the screen please isaiah 9 6 isaiah 9 6. can we have that okay isaiah 9 6 okay global but looks like we okay he's there now for under us a child is born to us his son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father the prince of peace next verse of the increase of his government and of of peace there shall be no an enough peace shall there shall be no end upon the throne of david and over his kingdom to establish it and to uphold it to justice and with uprightness from the from the later from the yeah from the later time fought even forevermore the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this so it's a prophecy on the incarnation a prophecy on the incarnation incarnation means god becoming a man to save man so all of that was the announcement prophetically of the birth of jesus and of the incarnation of god in humanity that's what that prophecy is about when he talks about government there is talking about the reign of christ which is spiritual not physical the reign of christ that is christ taking over the hearts of men and occupying the hearts of men the kingdom of god in the hearts of men that's exactly what you know that prophecy of isaiah was unveiling ahead of time okay i think about now we can start looking at the first window for telephone calls i just give the number again in case you're listening to us on the radio so it's plus two three four eight oh six eight hundred nine nine three nine just um dial and ask your question right now just dashing away from that anonymous to another well this one gives his name that doesn't give us where his writing from fezdo this caller hello hello many thanks for joining us hello hello hello mr mr bush welcome to the program you know where you're calling from my name is adito i'm coming from michigan wow yes michigan detroit i'm so excited this i can't believe that i'll be able to get through the proper uh life this would be a good sign that's gonna be a good year amen it is we are so blessed to have you sir bless you thank you i don't even have to contain myself god bless you sir for all your hard work and labor over us amen this is uh this is a blessing for me to be able to speak to you or sleep with your life so i have a couple of questions i was listening earlier um you you mentioned about the bible reading plan for the years and i wasn't clear how we could take advantage of that do we email at the counsellor to take advantage of that or is there a special email to request for that that's number one number two is um also you also talked about i think somebody emailed from uk asking about some teaching modules i would like to be a part of that also i would like to know how i can be a part of that what email to um request for that and then um another question is with regards to scripture in the bible where it says husband deal with your wife with love and paraphrasing and then it says because if you don't deal with your wife with love so that your prayers will not be hindered i would like to became please speak a little bit to um in terms of clarity to that scripture does it mean that if there's an issue between a husband and wife there's no point praying or to resolve the issue according to beverly i mean literally according to that script though our prayers will be in that if we're not excused for our wife and then finally my last question is is there any plan are you thinking of writing a bible commentary is there any plan for that because i think i know you have repeatedly taught us that to read the scripture from genesis to revelation typically i've always been made to uh majoring and focusing on the new testament the epistles from romans and the hospital revelation but ever so we started talking about reading the bible and taking the approach from genesis all the way and i know that you have also taught us severally that we interpret the old testament with the life of the new testament i was thinking have you ever considered writing a commentary of the entire bible based on the revelation and knowledge that god has shared with you in terms of the old testament so that some of us now official generations who pick up the bible with your commentary will have a good grasp of what the bible is talking about okay thank you again for calling in and happy new year our first question is on uh bible reading plan what i'm gonna do is on sunday i'm going to announce there are two reading plans the first one is reading through the bible one full year so every day we read together and at the end of reading you drop comments on the facebook page we have a facebook page that we created a group just few days ago for all those that are going to read the bible with us in one year so you go on that facebook page and drop the things you learned and show us where you found christ in your reading so everybody can learn from you and at the end of the day i will drop my comments at the end of each day so that's what we're going to do as we read and then there's another reading plan which is going to be for people who in who are intensive and very you know half the time you want to read the bible four times in one year three months every three months you want to read the so people who want that reading plan have to send a mail to dr ibel damina at so we'll just email to you the reading plan for reading through the bible four times in one year the third question is as it regards uh the module the module we are giving is people are asking us from the ministers who came from school of ministry because i was talking about you don't teach haphazardly as a teacher of the world you must be sequential and there's a module for teaching which we use in power city to transition our church from what we were teaching before to the truth of the gospel beginning from the new and the old covenant in christ and then it progressed like that so that module will be to give you all the teaching the third teaching outline and you can order for the material so if you're interested in that send a mail to dr abeldamina at and you can put the two requests in one meal third question husband and wives uh husbands dwell with your wives according to knowledge that your prayers be not hindered he brother peter wasn't saying that if you don't leave you with your wife according to knowledge your prayers will be hindered what brother peter was talking about you must understand your wife understand how she functions understand her body language understand the things that gets her angry and the things that make her happy communicate effectively with your wife to a point of adequate understanding the hindrance there is so that you and your wife will not have friction that will create malice in the marriage and once there is malice your prayers are hindered because you can't pray with somebody you're keeping malice with you can't pray with your wife when there is misunderstanding the hindrance is not that god would not answer the prayer is that the prayer you will be hindered from praying together if you allow misunderstanding exist so he's not saying that if you are angry with your wife god will not answer your prayer no what he's saying is that all this misunderstanding two of you can pray so a hindrance has come to your prayer life so avoid that hindrance by being in harmony by understanding your wife enough to be able to give her the right answers and the bible says you should deal with her according to knowledge he didn't tell the wife to deal with your husband according to knowledge it is a responsibility of the husband to study his wife enough to be able to give in as much as possible as the head of the union because once there is a problem in marriage the first suspect is a husband realize in eden when adam and eve misbehaved even though it was eve that lured adam when god showed up the person he asked was adam where are those he didn't ask if he asked adam so that's the point in a marriage it is the man that takes responsibility to provide leadership provide love provide comfort and if there's a breakdown the husband is the first suspect so that's why the husband must deal with his wife according to knowledge and create a platform so the enemy does not hinder your prayer lives by bringing unnecessary misunderstandings i hope that is clear i think that's all the questions yes just my follow-up question excuse me my follow-up question to is would be that i know you hold two degrees as it has to do with the bible i have four wow i have a diploma in theology i have a bachelor's of art in theology i have a masters of art in theology i have a phd philosophy and phd ministry this this this this depth that you have as it has to do with the bible is it is it a function of that those degrees or is the function of study what is it a function of well again it's a function of personal study because many people have the degrees of but can't explain the bible so it's not just the degrees the degrees will give you some basic help but beyond the degrees you have to spend your own personal time in concentration to study effectively to be able to arrive at this understanding and again you also have to pray for many years of my life i heard kenneth hagin talk about praying the prayers of ephesians chapter one and that he prays it every day of his life and that's why he was able to come by the understanding the ad of the scriptures so that challenged me i started praying the prayers of ephesians chapter one in 1988. what does the he says that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of your calling what is the riches of his inheritance and the exceeding greatness of his power towards what we believe according to the walking of his mighty power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead father both all principalities and powers so i made that my daily prayer and when you begin to pray such prayers and you begin to study the holy spirit answers your prayer by bringing you into these depths it's a lot of study and of course resources will help because there are many things you will need resources like the greek the hebrew and how to interpret them and a lot of material okay you know global i was just going to ask but i don't know whether that last line you dropped about resources helping whether that preempts that next question i'll just put that in the cooler meanwhile i'll come back to you in a moment business scholar hello uh good evening sir pastor isaiah in abuja yes sir happy new year papa your prophetic ministry is welcome bless you thank you sir bless you thank you sir bless you i i call to appreciate you sir thank you for the spiritual revolution that you are actually dishing out my study life have greatly increased praise god and i want to you this medium to appreciate you sir thank you and i'm i'm planning that before this year ends i will come to the city with you that's right so that i can see more of what god is doing through you sir you're welcome yeah god bless you sir i actually sent a meet to concerning the bible plan for the year i think i will need this sir yeah we're going to email them out after season yes it's all right sir you'll get it sorry yeah bless you okay pastor isaiah thank you okay so back here blah blah blah okay two quick things that i need to say let me say the one first that we promoted before we went on that call yes and that would be studying you can open your bible and read it 50 times a day and still not have this kind of depth very true you know that is why we do not encourage encourage christians to read their bible for themselves because god has placed teachers in the church to teach so it is a responsibility of the teacher to actually teach and equip believers so that's why the teacher now has to label and when he labels out of his label he now pause for knowledge to the believer so they are also equipped that is the way it works but if the teacher does not have the knowledge of hebrew and uh which one is the other one ibrahim and greek is that not a minus well it could be a minors but if he relies on a lot of resources you know he exposes himself to himself to resources and humbles himself he will come by resources that will give him to a great extent this knowledge to teach others without even greek and hebrew but greek and hebrew is a plus advantage okay but you know you just alluded to the next uh word the word that i was going to take up in a question humility you said humble i'll come back to that again because i have yet another caller you're connected you're connected welcome to the program you're on with us ma'am okay can i ask your question yes ma'am fire on what's your name where are you calling from my name is joy i'm calling from abuja go ahead ma'am my boyfriend is our sonny tiger i want to ask and i want to know is it proper to say a tie to a person that has not started the ministry yes no you're not quite okay i should call it okay that's a good one that's a great question uh that's a great question well first of all joy i think from the way you're asking your question it's like you have not followed what you teach for absolutely a long time you're just new so the basics uh i think you will need to first of all go through some basic teachings teachings on you know um what what is the word of god what does the word of god say about salvation what does the word of god say about the holy spirit how do i study the bible how do i understand but i will answer you very briefly we do not pay tithes in the new testament so obviously you belong to a place where you've been taught about paying tithe we do not pay tithe because there's nothing you can pay where god is how much can you pay god so we do not pay we don't owe god anything if anything at all god in his grace has decided to give us everything he gave us for free without any condition in the old testament they pay tithe and the reason why they paid tithe was because they were under the law but jesus has fulfilled the law on our behalf so today we don't pay tithe but we give generously if you study the new testament which is acts of the apostles to revelation you will never see anybody paying tight or receiving tithe but you will see people giving generously so yes we give generously we give willingly for god loves a cheerful giver so the question now is can you give to a pastor who is trying to start a ministry but has not started yes why not if he's in need and you have the resources and you know that he's not being funny he is very genuine in his plan to work for god it's a good thing to support him bless you okay global baba i'm still looking forward to having other calls but before that let me go back to there's something that was promoted earlier and that is humility yes why are yourself so humbled by you know in having the opportunity to work with you these last seven months for instance just i think the last edition of the program because of time of the lack of it i couldn't dwell on that you know my paper my papers are always flying because i have too many of them yeah nobody has no paper i'm the one with papers so my paper flew away and went to the ground yeah you went and picked them up why would you do that no barbara to me it's that's the right thing to do to pick the paper because you are busy and i'm here with you and you need that paper so i i brought it up okay okay global come back to you and then you can start thinking about the question which would be why do other senior pastors like you not do that this caller meanwhile hello you didn't answer the question about the commentary oh comment yes comment i would like to talk about this commentary i would even like to be a part of the sponsorship for it we need a public commentary by you sir please comment on that okay now that you said you'd like to be a part of sponsorship maybe i'll think about it the truth of the matter is you know me i'm very friendly no but that is how to do it yeah you know the truth of the matter is with commentary i'm a bit careful with bible commentaries the reason is because in sound bible teaching you must make sure your sentiments your opinions your nuances don't affect the interpretation of scripture it must strictly be the way it is supposed to be scripture interpreting scripture and i'm already doing commentaries for you people all my books are commentaries all the books there is no book of motivation every book i have written is scriptures interpreting scriptures on subjects so what we may do at the end of the day is we may take all those notes that i have made on a lot of scriptures and put them together and attach them to a bible and form a bible that you can buy and have those commentaries attached to a friend of mine in america wanted to do for do it for me while i was still preaching prosperity he offered he would do it for me but uh just within that time the holy ghost opened my eyes to the true gospel and our friendship had an issue so eventually that's what i will have to do a bible with commentary teaching notes that i have written over the years in fact my plan is some of the notes will even be notes i i wrote with my hand attached to it so that it will really have originality so i'm looking at it it will take a bit of time but we get there and thank you for mentioning and thank you for having the desire to be part of sponsoring thank you okay about the okay i'm told that the producer says we need to just take one more call then we go back to the entries that i have on paper this caller hello many thanks for joining us ma'am your name where you calling from good evening evening hey love screws bless you logs happy new year happy new year happy new year bless you i just came to wish my daddy happy new year happy new year and you tell him that this year we are very fired up the way he brought us to this here is really really amazing we are fired up and uh there is no place for the devil to hide no this word we are mounting up and we are going to chase him out of this edge amen amen amen thank you daddy thank you daddy you're doing a good job thank you thank you happy new year love screws yeah so she says he calls uh she calls into the program to wish her daddy happy new year yes so me i just left he greeted me oh love screws okay so global papaya we were discussing yes humility and um so why are other senior parcels i i well i was going to say i know but let me not um say that let me just say that it's possible for a senior person to stand there and wait for either somebody from the congregation to run and help me or i finish and go and pick it up well you see the message people preach determine the the way they they they real life the way they react the kind of doctrine doctrine is everything the kind of doctrine you are exposed to the kind of doctrine you preach will determine your practice for example i could imagine you were standing with jesus and the people fell jesus you will bow down and encourage jesus took a towel with a bucket of water knelt down and watched the disciples feel that's jesus so when things happen the way to look at it is you ask yourself quickly what will jesus do if he was here and whatever jesus will have done is what we're expected to do but was there a time you yourself were arrogant it was a time you would not have done that well again i i wouldn't say there was a time i was ignorant looking back you know i have always been i've i was raised up with an attitude of service that's how i was raised up in my christian journey just to serve and i served in every department you can think of in church so that disposition helped me a bit even before i got into the message of christ but there was just a bit of it because that's what everybody was doing so maybe if it was back in those days and such a paper falls i won't even wait the protocol will have been around me to kneel down immediately and carry it but when i got into the message of christ i discovered there's no need doing all of that i mean you are what you are by the grace of god nothing makes you more than what christ has done anyways okay um in 15 minutes we'll get back to taking calls so if you are watching or you are listening to us just hold on with calls we'll take that back we'll open that window again in 15 minutes i'll also in another minute go back to taking your entries that i have here right in front of me but just now you were answering the caller from michigan yes you said when it has to do with commentary have to be very careful don't let no answers don't let your personal answers your personal opinion your personal sentiments reflect in that do those three reflect in the answers you give during ask the counselor no i i i just ensure i answer strictly what scripture teaches so even the answering of our questions in the counselors commentary it's the document yeah it's commentary and it's doctrine now pure doctrinal nothing personal at all because there's a way to build people once you bring in personal experiences and stuff into answering doctrinal questions you have infected it you have corrupted doctrine you know and this morning i was teaching that we do not we are not of those that corrupt the gospel and how you corrupt the gospel is when you make your experience and your personal dogma superior to what the scriptures aim to communicate to those the scriptures have been given to okay sec guns show makubo right doesn't tell us from where but it says greetings dear dr ebel damina i thank god daily for you i've recently left a mainstream church where i was obtained reverent the reason for my departure global by about from the church was mainly doctrinal the church mixes the law and grace and still uses elements and symbols i just could not function and preach the truth of christ freely as i would have been going against the doctrine of the church global i have now joined a new crystal centric church the church of this world takes its credentials its meaning they revoke all this means they revoke their donation can the persons of the nation be revoked does that mean the new church has to obey me again am i wrong for continuing to believe that i am a pastor with or without a touch or donation i'm asking in line of the spirit or of the church of christ which is not a religion thank you in advance just before i answer that mr bush i just observe on facebook it's like somebody is actually throwing tantrums here who believes that christians are supposed to pay tithe because abraham paid tithe and it looks like some people are trying to help him here you know again that is why people must really really really humble themselves and calm down and when you see people who are not stupid say things you have to calm down so that you don't allow you know ignorance undress you in public because the person is saying that abraham paid tithe if you get to that genesis chapter 14 there's no mention of pay to pay means you owe and you are paying what you owe you owe god nothing abraham never paid abraham gave and if you observe there was no instruction given to abraham anywhere in the book of genesis to give tithes so that means if he gave tithes it was out of his generosity that was how generous that's the degree of abram's generosity in genesis chapter 14 he gave tithe remember when abraham gave tithe there was no law so he was operating new testament in genesis and in the new testament which is the new testament after the death of christ we do the same thing abraham did however we do better than abraham because abraham didn't have christ physically abraham didn't have christ die for him yet he was generous to give ten percent he gave a tent he didn't pay in the new testament we give generously generously liberally and freely this is it in the new testament the new testament is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus himself being the chief cornerstone that means our christianity is apostolic and historic so if you if it's histor historic and apostolic brother paul says no other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid christ jesus brother paul said i have laid the foundation let every man be careful the way he builds on it so what is this foundation apostolic what is the apostolic foundation it means what the apostles never taught and what they never practiced were not supposed to teach and practice it so jesus never paid tithe jesus never received tithe paul never paid tight paul never received tithe peter never paid tight peter never received tithe james john none of them paid tithe none of them received tithe and they laid the foundation of the new testament however in acts chapter 2 people gave and gave their best all through the new testament people gave and brother paul says we give generously for god love it a cheerful giver that's new testament once you start thinking pay you have gone back to the law of moses and if you really want to pay tithe then you you have to look for a high priest where you'll be carrying animal to every year so he can kill the animal and offer sacrifice for you like they did under the law which renders the work of christ useless which makes you an antichrist because then you're rejecting what christ has done and you're opposing what christ has done romans chapter 10 verse 4 christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes that should help you settle that that issue watching by way of facebook now back to this question uh mr bush asked the last question about is that not not humility is that about nobody you read you ready i was reading it it was an entry right okay um i'll just get it i'll just get it now yeah i just get ready um okay kind of persons okay this is about mainstream church about kind of okay well you see when people tell you that your ordination can be revoked as a pastor don't let people just intimidate you you should go back to the bible what does the bible say the gifts and callings of god are without repentance the grace and the ordination is not the people that own it it's just that the people where the people used by god to deposit something in you and that thing is permanent they will not withdraw it they won't take it from you it's been given by the spirit of god on your inside to serve the kingdom of god it's a calling is a gifting of god is a deposit of the spirit so nobody can withdraw ordination however if you are in this honor if you are living in dishonor you limit the oppression of god's deposit in your life that's what it is you just limit it but if you're living in honor and the people are just being wicked the people are just being unforgiving the people are just being dubious or they just want to intimidate you then you must remember that because you're not living in dishonor you're not living out of order out of line what god has given you is permanent on your inside and you must keep serving the body of christ with that gift whether you are still in that denomination or not don't let anybody intimidate you what god has put on your inside even if you use human instruments to put it inside you it's permanent whatever god does but why does god remain so silent seeing the way the so-called messengers uh misusing the opportunity the privilege of being a bridge or being a channel why does god keep quiet why does jesus allow them go on you know god in his nature is long-suffering and the reason why god is long-suffering is that god is not willing that anybody should perish so even when people are misbehaving god is just long-suffering giving them room and believing that eventually they will come around and do what is right so it's the long-suffering nature of god it's just like god sees people sinning and misbehaving and even insulting him and even saying there is no god and yet he keeps them he blesses them he protects them because god does not react god in his nature and in his love pro-acts and he has offered us his love so he's long-suffering waiting patiently to see what his love is able to bring out of us so that's why it looks like goddess noria okay so it's some uh five minutes past the top of the hour and uh if you're just joining us it's a freestyle edition it's a special edition of the program it's supposed to be riot live and ask the counselor but today all of the two hours been located to be allotted ask the council on global babanai michael bush i just here pushing your mata to paris france next france of course is in the continent of europe says hello global baba and intercontinental mr michael bush i'm steve from paris and my question what's the difference between redemption from sin which is by the death of jesus and forgiveness of sins which is resurrection of jesus hebrews 9 12 we have obtained eternal redemption from sin by the death of jesus so sin can no more keep us in bondage so what is the rule of resurrection since we are already freed from sin by the death of jesus regards steve in paris france well steve the resurrection of jesus is what gave you the forgiveness and the redemption from sin redemption is apolotrosis the price paid to sin so you can be free from sin so you won't have to pay sin for sinning the wages of sin so you pay sin wages when you sin so jesus offered himself a ransom he gave himself as a ransom for your sin that is what is called redemption and based on that redemption he has offered you the gift of forgiveness so when you receive that forgiveness you are eternally forgiving that's the difference between the two and how that's how the two interconnect in explaining to you the concept of god's plan for man okay global mobile we're going to canada next in the americas says hello global baba and mr bush please go baba i want you to pray for my mother-in-law she's always sick and she never seems to see what is wrong with her she's been to the hospital she was given drugs but no change she's also taken traditional medicine but still there is no change and it keeps getting worse she's also always tired she can't even walk well and she loses weight every day global baba please sir can you pray for her to get well thank you misha from canada father we pray for your daughter we ask that a miracle of healing is released to her right now amen your body be healed and we command every hold of the enemy terminated receive your healing right now there's no distance in the realm of the spirit we declare you healed in jesus name amen amen okay global about quickly we just say that in another three minutes so they're about to open the second window for telephone calls on this edition of the program but this one a collar cola innocence yes says i have been listening to your teachings and i think they are quite insightful i would like to ask can somebody lose his or her salvation wow this is a billion dollar question and i'm not able to give you all the answers tonight because it's not just a matter of yes or no scriptures have to be explained to you but remember jesus said that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life everlasting is not temporal everlasting is not conditional everlasting means eternal or forever so what you received is the forever life of christ that means that you never lose it why don't you ever lose it because you're not the one who acquired it the person who acquired this life for you is christ himself by death and resurrection and when he offered you and you received the moment you received he became your life and you can never lose that john 10 28 29 hebrews 7 25 hebrews chapter chapter 10 verse 12 13 and 14. if you take down those scriptures and read they will give you some more light to know that we do not lose salvation because we didn't acquire salvation look at the way brother paul puts it being confident of this very thing that he who has begun this good work in you of salvation will be faithful to finish it so salvation is from jesus to jesus he saves and he saves eternally there's no losing of salvation okay we make progress now to benue states in nigeria says my name is samuel global i'm writing from benue state is there anything god cannot forgive like belonging to one of the world's renowned or called organizations like illuminati like free mercenary etc i understand their members surrender their souls to their gods can they retract and god accepts them or they are doomed for life global baba no they are not doomed for life there's no sin that has not been forgiven by the sacrifice of christ there's no sin at all so if you're in a cult you're in illuminati or you're in any of those calls and you have discovered that you really don't want to continue and then the gospel is preached to you and you receive the gospel at the moment the gospel is received everything with that cult is terminated that's why jesus said all power is given to me in heaven on earth under the earth so because jesus owns all the power there is no cult that is called enough to negate what christ has done as long as you have received the gospel and have received salvation in christ jesus okay we're ready now the second window for telephone calls on this edition of the program opens now but meanwhile let me run to rwanda where fred is waiting for us been following you we really want you to come to rwanda now i have questions i've been recycling two kinds of righteousness but i think i'm missing out on something did god give ten commandments through angels as the promise of what christ would do in a believer global baba and the law came from moses commanding angels to work with him i understand angels work for man but what about those angels who worship god all right again you must remember first of all thank you for inviting me to rwanda we would love to come to rwanda actually our team have been to rwanda and they had a conference with a number of pastors and spent time to teach the gospel for a few days and they came back and then the pandemic pandemic happened and we've not been able to come so we're looking into it and if you're interested just send another meal i will connect you with our pastors who are working on the rwanda project and then we see what we can do with you people in rwanda and then i would love to answer your question but i think mr bush yes i have the call just take this scholar i like it i have a call yes i have a call this caller hello hello good evening many thanks for joining us and where you calling from my name is during the series i've done this sometimes in july and since then i have been glued to my review and has been awesome for the day i have a goal of nature and it is glory each time and then um i tried to ask it and maybe it doesn't come i just allowed me because of the study you just get answering those questions asking all the questions i don't know i just can't ask the question again yes thank you very much thank you thank you and sir i am emmanuel the person that met you in your office in the last day of the 50 days of programming okay on sunday and i talked to you about the business i have done that um glory be to god during the course of science you study and um all these things i've been able to come up with something because i wish to see that because i tried reaching out to me i have been unable to reach him so i don't know how you can take this but okay it's easy all you need is just stop by power city any of the working days monday to friday office hours you'll see mr ennis tell him i spoke you spoke to me on broadcast and asked you to see him and he was scheduling an appointment for me and you but congratulations and the bless you that's the beauty of following the teachings if you really follow the teachings patiently all your questions will be cleared within a number of days because the teaching is progressive and as you keep following this teaching clears the other one the next one clears the previous one it keeps going like that bless you okay but let's go back to canada and um this one is quite an interesting entry okay you have something wonderful okay rwanda do you remember the question okay i think it has escaped you know about these things there's so so many others ten commandments and the law of moses yes it was yes yes yes ten commandments and the law of moses so now the ten commandments were given by god through mediums remember in hebrews chapter one verse one god at sundry times in diverse manners spoke to the fathers by the prophet so in the old testament god spoke to them through mediums and so when the ten commandments were given there was angelic interference in the delivery of the ten commandments and that is why they are the way they were written now if you come to the new testament you'll find that every time jesus talked about the ten commandments he didn't call them ten he called it the commandments the commandments and every time he recited only about six of them and i took time to explain that in my teaching on the two kinds of righteousness and i also established that the ten commandments actually came from god but the way they were handled and delivered will require explanation from the new testament however the law of moses was given by moses and because angels were released to walk with moses they were involved in the enforcing of the law of moses and this is how to know it the ten commandments were in the ark of the covenant the laws of moses were attached outside to the ark because the ten commandments were not part of god's covenant they were a man's covenant given to all the men and getting those men to comply with those standards on their way to the promised land so again listen to the two kinds of righteous make sure you have the whole series and it will give you clarity on that issue you also wanted to know that he understands angel's work for man but what about angels who worship god well again remember angels only worship god because they work for man because intent the reason why they were created primarily was not to worship god was to serve man but in their service of man part of their assignment in serving man is that they worship god okay let's take this next caller hello hello good evening many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yeah it's victor this is the deal on the line i'm calling from calabar go on victor yes sir i really appreciate what you guys are doing happy new year wish you a serious new year many thanks victor glover i've been following you for five months now and when i was in new york i came around to the church to see how i can meet with you to discuss with you but the opportunity was something to make you think you were handling your program yeah so right now i'm talaba i'm a footballer yeah right now i'm going to team and i'm suffering from injury i need you to pray for me and i need assistance okay we have a we have a power city in calabar one one seven old udupani road by floor mill junction if you get there ask for pastor philemon since you're in caliber help us to fill him on the assistance you're looking for but i'm going to pray for you father we ask for healing on that knee injury we rebuke every every disease around that knee and we ask for a speedy recovery a quickening by the holy ghost receive healing right now in jesus name amen okay global let's hurry to canada next in the americas says greetings this is fabrice kevin from canada global thank you for your labor in sound doctrine to feed us so that we can grow spiritually i thank god that i've come to the knowledge of the truth so early at this age i have a facebook page global baba which i used to post useless things but this year everything changed when i listened to you and followed you for the first time during the beginning of 30 days of glory 20 20. from then i began sharing your videos on my page and i learned from you daily many people are coming to the knowledge of the truth blah blah blah many people send me messages that they want to learn about salvation and i teach them what you are feeding us and send them your eternal salvation book rule baba many people thank god so much after reading it and they get excited and confess that they were in darkness all along however there is also on the other hand so much negative reaction to your videos on my page because many of them don't have the knowledge of the truth and some are seeing them for the first time i want permission to be streaming your videos on you know your videos live on my page that is to premiere them i've observed that sometimes when i stream it would be the time you are live on your page premiering sometimes due to time difference so for other lists i decided that i observe and respect that to be done properly so as not to confuse people i decided that my page is not monetized okay my page is not monetized i've had some temptation to do so but i determined not to you are the first man of god the only one as a matter of fact who doesn't monetize his videos on media platforms and that's so amazing you are a force to reckon with indeed i followed some in the past whose videos are 250 dollars just to watch you are amazing thank you global but i look forward to your favorable consideration pray for me also the road is not smoother when you and during persecution because my father is a pastor and when i began to explain scriptures with a little greek and hebrew you have taught us he hated that my family members have not come to the knowledge of the truth and sometimes i receive so many threats but i continue to speak the truth no matter how hard it is and preach the gospel despite that i'm strongly discouraged from doing so your boys your boy fabrics iran in canada global bank you feel that festo best caller hello hello hello welcome to the program ma'am the volume on your set is a bit um it's too loud can you just move away from yourself a little okay can you hear me now yes ma'am but i can still hear a voice at the background go ahead mom you'll know where you're calling from all right i'm charity i'm calling from canada kanu go ahead mom please i want global but to explain a taste for me some i was i was arguing with somebody over an issue so the lady lily told me that everything that happens happens in the life it is the will of god that god knows about it if not that god has the power to stop that thing from happening so i was telling her that god does not do evil that's right but i don't have enough enough knowledge explanation to have to give it's everything that happened in life that god is destined to happen if not that he has the power to stop it okay it means i need the explanation so that i can get back to them okay what you do is read for her james chapter 1 verse 13 to 17 james james chapter 1 verse 13 to 17. read for her read for them first john chapter one verse five first john chapter one i hope you're right in first john chapter one verse five james chapter one verse thirteen to seventeen which says let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted of evil neither temptation any man verse 17 says every good and perfect gift cometh from above from the father of lights with whom there is no variableness not a shadow of turning all right now when she says bad things cannot happen without god's permission let her know that it is god only give man the freedom to choose but god does not control what man chooses so when man makes a choice man will have to live with the consequences of his choice so evil happens as a result of the consequences of choices that men have made that contradict what god's plan is for them god always gives you the choice to choose between life death good and bad when you make your choice for bad you will suffer the result of choosing bad it is not god that controls that it is your choice so the only role that god plays is that god gave man the the freedom to choose the will man is not a robot man has a will he can choose good and he can choose bad and god does not interfere with your choice but because he's a loving father even when you choose bad he still looks for a way in his mercy to help you out of it all so the scriptures to read and explain this is james chapter 1 verse 13 to 17 and first john chapter 1 verse 5. and a lot more but if you start with that that's a good place to start okay global people let's get back to canada and rejoin fabricio ram yes sir fabrics what you will do is i'm going to ask our studio to send you a mail and build a contact with you and when you build a contact with them they will give you the permission to stream some videos that they will send across and then you can stream them on your platform and get more people to hear the gospel on that side and i want to thank you for making your page a gospel preacher very very grateful and let me also encourage you you know jesus himself was rejected by his people he came to his own day received him not it's part of the gospel persecution is part of it and you must stay strong and resolute like i was preaching this morning if you followed what i preached you just make up your mind and be dogged if you follow the school of ministry i did within the week that was my emphasis you've got to be ready to fight so you can continue to preach sound doctrine i pray for you that you are encouraged you are strengthened you are kept and in the name of jesus i decree that you are not discouraged in any form that you are kept by the power of god and delivered from every wicked and unreasonable man great grace is upon you in jesus name amen rachel p kupara i'm coming to you any moment now this caller hello cleveland sir welcome to the program your name are you calling from happy new year the same to you my name is joseph i'm calling from calabash joseph fire on right good evening happy new year sir evening and happy new year bless you i want to ask a question i think uh moderato actually little of that question and that has been my major concern um i don't think i'm into in the ministry work i'm a prophet but i did some businesses for some years now you know in invested in some businesses and they failed some of them failed about two of them are running now successfully and those on that field i believe that i applied the right strategy for the uh my major question is why is it that god allows something to feel you know while he watches now taking his time from what you told us how you were teaching the messages that were and you later discovered that they were not correct so now standard you are giving us the life the real resolution of christ my question also included that why is it that god was watching you even as a tavern you were preaching those messages and he was quiet and now people are dying go to the not boko haram are killing people and god is quiet that's a question sir thank you oh your question happy new year your question is very good now this is the way it works remember again god said to adam i you know the tree of life the tree of the knowledge of good and evil eat the tree of life the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die when adam was disobeying god was watching and god didn't stop him then when he has finished god said adam where are thou the point is god made you a free moral agent god didn't create you as a robot because a robot will be in that god is using remote control to control your life but god doesn't want to function like that he made man to make choices and live by the consequences of his choices god wants you to to to take responsibility for whatever choices you make that's why james 1 13 that i read for that mother who called from i think he says let no man say when he's tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted of evil but every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lust that's where the will of man comes in god gives you a will and you now make the choices so and god will not interfere with your choice you know and stop you the best god does is god begins to woo you through circumstances god begins to drop the right information around you waiting for you to pick them up he sends you help he sends you help he doesn't force you because he does not want to use sup your will that's the way god functions so all those years i was preaching the wrong thing god was watching me and god was you know you know walking through circumstances to bring me to the light if when the light came i rejected it god wouldn't have forced me i would have still sat there preaching nonsense but when the light came and i saw the light i was sincere in my heart i embrace the light and look at what god is doing today so that's the way god functions he will show you he will call your attention to something even when you were making the choices for maybe those businesses god must have spoken to you in one way or the other he said that you didn't notice or you notice but you didn't pay attention but the mercy of god is always available even when we make the wrong decision to still look for how to bring us out of it the bible says you you know god will not allow you to be tempted above that which you are able and he will with the temptation make a way of escape that you may be at it so god in his mercy doesn't abandon us even when we make wrong decisions he still comes through for us expecting us to take the offer he makes available to us like the boko haram thing in the north is part of humanity human wickedness you know god is not going to force but as believers begin to pray for people that are under persecution brother paul says the prayer is not to stop persecution the prayer is that we be delivered from wicked unreasonable man you know in acts chapter 3 when peter and john raised the lame man at the gate beautiful they arrested peter and john and gave them the beating of their life and threatened them not to preach in the name of jesus when they came back they went to their company look at the way they prayed lord behold their threatenings and grant unto your servants that with all boldness we may preach your word look at what they say to god why do the hidden rage and the people imagine paintings the kings and the rulers have set themselves up against christ and against his anointed and they now say lord behold what they have done grant us boldness to preach they didn't say father kill them destroy them stop them no you can't stop persecution it's part of the gospel it comes with it okay so what you pray for is that god delivers the brethren that i wear this boko haram deliver them now it's one thing for god to make a way of escape for them is for the another thing for them to accept the escape because if god is making a way for you to escape and you refuse to escape he can't force you again it's just like when when the angel brought peter out of prison if peter had lingered around they would have taken back to prison but when the angel brought him back the angel told him to run to leave and he ran the bible says he put on his clothes and dressed well and left town that's the way god delivers also beyond god delivering us we too must accept responsibility to respond to the way god has made available to us i hope that helps a lot of you just in time rachel p copara you just need to wait a while longer as i take yet another caller hello hello good evening many thanks for joining us mom your name where you calling from my name is kate and i'm coming from london fire on papa evening kate bless you happy new year happy new year bless you happy new year thank you oh very well i was just waiting for you to land thank you happy new year to you too all right papa someone um posted a question of instagram and the person was saying that jesus is not god and i told the person that jesus is born mind if jesus is thought how come jesus never was good and only god is good then the second question i didn't hear the first one if jesus is god how comes he did what if jesus is god how come he never admitted that he was good and only god is good okay the second one is how come jesus didn't know when he would come back okay only god knows and the third question how come he cried and praised god on the cross is god is jesus nothing for myself okay those questions are yeah they're very easy now number one how comes jesus if he is god he doesn't know the day he's going to return number two how why did he say there is none good about god and that was when the rich young ruler called him good master what shall i do to inherit eternal life observe that all the questions he's asking are within the four gospels none of those questions goes beyond the four gospels so who was jesus in the god for gospels he was a man galatians chapter four verse four to six when the fullness of the time was come god sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law so remember again when jesus was born as a man he grew in wisdom in stature in favor with god and that means he learned he grew as a proper human being you must remember that jesus is hundred percent god as though not man and hundred percent man has do not god so when jesus cried on the cross it was the humanity of jesus when jesus said he doesn't know the day when the father will come when he when when he will come he was as a human being as a man when jesus said no one is good but god he was talking as a man but when jesus rose from the dead wherefore god has highly exalted him and giving him a name that is above every name at the name of jesus every knee shall bow when jesus rose from the dead jesus said the father has committed all knowledge all judgment to me so jesus knows the day he will come after resurrection because after resurrection he occupied the office the regency on high and took over the authority of the heavens and today jesus is the one seated as the regent on high so it was because he was a man that's why he said the things he said but jesus is actually god who became a man to save man i'll encourage also that sister kate if you listen to all the things i taught on in christ realities season one in christ realities season one it will take care of all those questions with sound exigencies i hope you're able to use that to help that brother bless you okay let's make progress finally rachel p cooper will have a day in the sun thank you global baba for your labor in edifying equipping and perfecting the sense your labor is not in vain but i pray you continue to be kept by the power of god spirit soul and body lacking nothing please sir is it proper to condemn in the name of jesus when praying given that there is only light in god of jesus well anybody condemning you is operating under the law of sin and death which is the law of moses jesus himself said i am not come to the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved condemnation is from the devil there is no condemnation in jesus remember the woman caught in the very act of adultery was brought to jesus and she didn't argue she admitted she was jesus said to her neither do i condemn you go and sin no more there's no condemnation in god so if anybody is condemning you he's operating from mount sinai and you need to run away from him very very fast because mount sinai is condemnation mount zion is righteousness and acceptance before god christian in italy you are next but first this caller hello hello good evening good evening good evening mr bush good evening bless you amen my name is mrs i obama i'm calling for morgan state okay now daddy please i would like to ask a question about my paternal father okay okay let me start when we were done we realized that he's into occult okay so when we were going up when as we were going everybody had in mind that okay when we have an opportunity to leave the house if you can find where to hide your head just go so we have issue of mental and insanity running in the family default born and the fourth bone which is dead now so but i've been since i got married i visited him just once just to annoy him then since that time i've not been going to the house so it keeps on probably my mom telling everybody that i've not been coming to say hello to him and stuffs like that but i know that even if i go it's not like he has any good intention towards towards us in any way i guess maybe it's under a covenant that we don't we don't know what it is all about okay so but but you know people keep on like he's still your father no matter what you have to honor him you have to go and greet him i was like why should i waste my time going to greet a man that knows that i know has nothing good to offer me intense even when you go to greet him he will insult you say nasty words about your god about your religion and because it's it's because of the muslim but after people would say he sent you to a good school he trained you well he did this and stops and stuff like that so my younger brother called me this morning again that it's time to kick my mom out of the house with the fat and with like accusation that that i've not been coming to the house to say hello i've never come into the house to greet him and israel's like that so i don't know what to do okay it's very easy what you should do first of all is and the reason why you're feeling like that first of all is because you have not understood the authority you have in christ and i would not encourage you to go there without an understanding of your authority because your conscience could defile you and he could say things that will hurt you so the first thing you will do is if you can consent concentrate and give yourself three to six months to study the things i teach religiously like you are a student in the school for six months get my materials on youtube or order from the office the authority of the believer knowing god in christ the identity of the believer you study all that and build yourself up spiritually then you can go to the village or wherever he is and see him and even greet him give him gifts wish him well and thank him for what he has done in your life and he will discover that he cannot toy around with you even the demons and the cult will warn him to be careful with you you know and that way you'll be able to you know help your mom and you'll be able to also show the others in the family that you have come into the light remember light doesn't run away from darkness it's darkness that disappears when light shows up if you're truly born of god you are light and you you've got to dispel darkness so my advice so that you go there after you are built up give yourself a few months and study and give yourself to teaching but in the interim since there's pressure what you can do is you can package some money a gift and send to him with a letter telling him that because you're very busy now you'll be able to see him but here is a gift from you that you will come in the course of the year then give yourself to a proper study and grow up in the knowledge of christ somewhere halfway into the year you land there physically and manifest your glory of god in your family that's my council global barber yes so that other one is wisdom you know just send the game to the gift and wait and then people building you go there five yeah like a bulldozer without breaks okay back to italy now hello global baba my name is christian i'm one of your spiritual sons i live in italy please love about i want you to pray for my mom she's very sick and admitted in the hospital i pray i believe a prayer from you will perfect our healing thank you daddy father we are we ask right now for healing for that woman there's no distance in the realm of the spirit and we command you be healed sit and get your hands off her body let the healing power of god flow through your body from your head to the souls of your feet be healed right now amen in jesus name amen hello i celebrate god's anointing and grace upon your life and ministry i'm one of your students on kingdom life network tv i would always be your students by the grace of god i perceive a great zeal and grace to study the bible upon me lately before now i couldn't sit with the bible for more than 20 minutes without dozing off but lately i could sit with the bible for two to three hours reading without distractions la baba so my challenge though is that i am doing is that all i'm doing now is reading i wish to graduate to study but i don't know how to do that please if i find favor in your site i like that one teach me how to study the bible profitable effective and effectual i wish you guide me on what versions of the bible to buy supporting study materials or particular time of the day to study and perhaps even posture to assume when studying and so on and so forth i'm so glad he asked that that gives me an opportunity to explain something that is why i am i am a bit sluggish in sending out the bible reading plan because if you really observe the epistles very well believers were not asked to study the bible for themselves believers were asked to be in a place where they are discipled where they are taught where they are trained so this is what i will advise you to do because you are not meant to study on your own get my teachings get a complete series sit down with it and as i'm teaching you're making notes as i'm teaching you're making notes when i'm done with a particular teaching go back to the notes and check the notes in the light of scriptures that is how to study and study eventually in that process you will grow to where you can now pick the bible and study the bible the way i do is a process of growth and discipleship and it's important so order for books order for series of teachings i have done complete ones and then begin your own story you'll be amazed at the growth and you'll be amazed at the maturity that will come to you and it's not just for you for for you alone for everybody that desires to grow spiritually and be effect effective and efficient um patrick you are next first though this caller hello hello many thanks ma'am for joining us where you calling from i'm calling from hello where are you calling from hello are you still there okay let's make progress um hello global baba please help to explain these scriptures matthew 24 15 to 18 luke 17 30 to 31 amo patrick let's go first scripture was put up on the screen for matthew 24 15 to 18. matthew 24 15 where are you therefore shall see the abomination of the solution spoken of daniel the prophet uh stand in the holy place who also really let him understand next verse then let them which be in judea fleeing to the mountains and next verse let him which is on the housetop not come down to take away anything out of his house yes neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes next verse next verse and walk on to them that our child and to them that gives sock in those days next verse but pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the sabbath the next verse for them shall be great tribulation so what he was explaining now he breaks it down it is tribulation that there will be tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be what he's simply saying is brother matthew was quoting from daniel that there will be tribulation and the tribulation is on if you're on the mountaintop that is you have to escape don't come to where the tribulation will find you and if you're in the valley where this tribulation run to the mountain he was just teaching you that we will there will be tribulation for your christian faith and for your belief in jesus christ that's what that place is communicating tribulation trials and temptations for preaching the gospel for your faith in christ like we have boko haram in northern nigeria right now that's what daniel spoke about and matthew quoted from omega patrick they still luke 17 30-31 but this caller hello hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yes happy new year um i'm i'm starting our comfort register go ahead sorry happy new year happy new year bless you thank you as we go that was he said that they seem not unto them between the different events that soon after and the thing that is not onto this phantom i want the number said the blood of david is speaking more than christ then the blood of christ speaking better than that of jesus so the voice whether okay mr stanley from the things you're asking me i can tell that you're not following our teachings very religiously and if you do not follow our teachings religiously you're jumping to and fro today you're going to hear this one tomorrow come and hear us next tomorrow you're going to hear that one you are the one that will be that you're the one that will suffer you will suffer a lot of ill ignorance you'll be confused you'll be messed up completely so you have to make up your mind who you want to listen to if you want to listen to those people that are teaching you without giving you clarity then you better stay there if you want to listen to us you better stay here and pay more attention now back to your questions the first question is you said is divorce is seen divorce is not a sin but divorce is not god's best for you it's not a sin but it is not god's best for you god's best for you is that what god has joined together let no man put asunder however because marriage is a human institution like it is with all human institutions there are situations that could require divorce or who are run for divorce and when such situations arise they are clearly stated in the bible you know your pastor or the authority you submit under will be able to counsel with you and help you then the the first question which i have forgotten i'm sure mr bush will remind you the producer has it okay the first question saying unto that sin not unto that again sin unto death you will need to get soteria season five soteria season five and listen is a long explanation of scripture but you know i can give you a little summary but you still need the whole of that satiria 5 to explain sin unto death is when you reject jesus christ when you reject jesus you you're eternally damned sin not unto death is when you offend a brother or a sister or you do something that is wrong and they say we will pray for you and you'll be helped or you'll be saved or you'll be healed that's the difference but you need sound exigencies of scripture to really understand it in the light of christ so soteria season five the last question is um sorry the blood okay the blood of evil the blood of evil is actually the animal sacrifice that abel offered which was temporal which was temporal and that's where the blood of jesus speaketh better better there doesn't mean better good better best better dear the language of hebrew is better there means eternal the blood of ibel was temporal which is animal sacrifice the blood of jesus is eternal which is what jesus has done forever on our behalf i hope that helps you but it's important that you follow these teachings very religiously so you are established beyond being confused by any other teachings coming from any place bless you okay let's just get back to moibo patrick luke 17 30-31 but i'm told that we still have to take another caller hello are you there good evening welcome to the program you know where you're calling from this is johnny iranti calling from calabar okay go ahead happy new year michael bush same to you happy new year bless you happy new year yes please my question is simple i've listened to you when you preach on the fact that believers will know when jesus will come and recently a number of preachers have come up with timetable to give dates when jesus will possibly return please do we go with that no don't go with anybody's timetable the what we mean by believers will know is because you have the spirit of god you know all things so when the timing is right you will have an idea you will have a knowing in you that the time is at hand you will know it but when somebody's giving one guy gave one time table and he even did video online and i called the publisher the publisher we started talking the publisher said this guy is a theologian he has given a date that jesus would come december 9th last year so i laughed i said after december 9th i will call you we shall discuss this matter december 9 has passed then he now said to me after december the guy called again and said it was a mistake it will be february i told him after february i will give him the whole of february me and you we will talk about this matter in march don't follow those things you know preachers just sometimes i don't know there's no verse in the bible that gives you that kind of arithmetic calculation but as a child of god you have the spirit of god you will know the times and the seasons when you are about to leave this world and drop this mortality and put on into immortality don't follow all those calendar stay with the fact that you are saved you're born of god keep walking for jesus like you know like this is the last time you have and just keep walking until the trumpet sounds bless you another caller hello your last caller hello what's going on are you there okay but let's get back to you patrick because of time on the lack of it luke 17 30-31 look 17 30 to 31 even though or shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed in that day he which shall be upon the house stop and he's tough in the house let him not come down to take it away and either if he let him likewise not return back next verse remember lord's wife next verse whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whoever shall lose his life shall preserve it jesus was talking about the cost of discipleship that if you're going to follow him you must be ready to you know damn everything and he still mention the fact that there will be temptation there will be persecution there will be affliction all right that's what jesus was talking about the cost of discipleship and the price you will pay for standing up for the truth okay i'll still take um the last caller but let's come to you now i think this will be the first time we have come to you on this edition of the program this one is a counseling entry and let's go hello daddy and mr bush thank you for this opportunity to actually have somebody i can speak with i started fooling you some weeks before the first phase of 30 days of glory and to this day i have been blessed daily i'm really grateful thank you global baba before i started following i'd been saddled with an inferiority complex i feel so bad many times and okay i think i should say i felt so bad and many times looked down on myself even when i tried my best to do the opposite i'm now doing well in anything i set my mind to do and maybe because i feel like others are better than myself i don't have friends because i feel they have better friends than myself i'm more of a self-contained person than not i'm currently 24 but while in my teenage years i knew my dad had verbally abused me so much always saying how others are better i should look at how i should look at my mates and how well they are doing how i constantly am wasting his money and one time even said i'm not his priority after all he has other children and to him maybe he wasn't just abusing but hoping to make me better so he goes on and on and says this mindset can destroy badly i don't want it anymore please help me out i don't want to be depressed anymore global thank you praise will you well praise what you got to do is you've got to soak yourself soak yourself in the teaching of god's word soak yourself in the revelation of jesus see yourself in christ once you see yourself in christ it will delete all those files of verbal abuse it will take away all that inferiority complex your realities in christ will overshadow overwhelm you to a place where you're confident and bold to live out the life that god designed for you and it's a good thing that you knew you i will encourage you stop by power city as much as you can all the time whenever you can and get some teaching sit down soak yourself with those teachings and i'm telling you the power of god is the word of god is powerful enough to restore your dignity and your self importance and self-worth to you bless you okay let's head to eket looks like that will be the last point to still have entries from our far fielders italy canada everywhere in the world but hello global baba i greet you in the mighty name of jesus amen i've been following your teachings these days and discover that you preach the truth the way it is blah blah blah please i want you to pray for my son he's been very sick for weeks now also pray for my husband and me for financial breakthrough thank you god bless you i'm deborah roberts from father we pray for that family we rebuke infirmity disease affliction go in the name of jesus amen the healing power of god permeate that entire family your bodies be healed and restored in jesus name amen amen okay we need to go but um we can just dash a quick one to just plato state hello dr damina i'm reverend henry are gonna say in jos i've been with you and i'm joshua carlena yes over the years at the vice letter times ministry those years in township school where the ministry started you and joshua used to come after your days in prices college then we'll talk when the we will talk the day we meet i'm still in just as god will have it oh thank you bless you and thank you for reaching out okay looks like a fine place to live it i was trying to see whether this short one i could um squeeze in and okay initially uh hello global people my name is christian i'm one of the spiritual sons i live in italy please pray for my mom i think we did that already yeah we prayed that prayer but we can do some closing prayers for others let's pray together father in the name of jesus we thank you that you are always always willing and ready to cause your power within us to move into producing miracles we pray for sick people anyone going through a period of infirmity we rebuke sugar diabetes high blood pressure we rebuke every form of infections we cast down every demonic hold will rebuke depression oppression we come against everything that contradicts god's purpose for your life we command sick bodies be healed be healed amen in the name of jesus amen the healing power of god flows through your body those in need of a miracle receive a miracle we command favor and dust to open up for you receive opportunities and in the name of jesus we thank you lord for a release of miracles a release of miracles i'm praying for somebody right now who is watching with pains in your eyes excruciating pains in your eyes we command your eyes be healed receive healing for those eyes receive healing for those eyes somebody else watching right now you have pain in your right right arm severe pain you've seen the doctor and that pain refuses to submit to medication pain go in the name of jesus somebody else you stepped on a an object some time back about 14 years ago you stepped on an object and since then you've been limping with your right leg now in the name of jesus that pain that infection and that attack of the enemy lose in the name of jesus amen father thank you for miracles thank you for your healing power upon our viewers and listeners today receive that miracle now amen in jesus name amen amen on that prayerful note will come full cycle on this edition of the program tomorrow is another day many thanks for staying tuned on behalf of producer pastor aj aquarium the production team and of course global baba this is michael bush your uncle inviting global baba to take us home but we just need to go home you are going make sure you follow all the broadcasts tomorrow and even tonight and don't forget sunday morning 7 30 a.m and 10 30 a.m will be explosive here at the power city international 981 neighborhood will you acquire bomb state and until we see you again tomorrow evening enjoy the grace of god and be blessed goodbye from oyo nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,175
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Id: r935ljLcRgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 30sec (7410 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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