NO LEGENDARY? (Minecraft Build Battle)

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hello my name is green and today I'm back for some more build battle because I haven't played it in months but I have a conspiracy theory that people that give me poop just because I'm a youtuber so I'm gonna Nick myself this time give myself a false minecraft name and today I'm gonna be sir grain no one will suspect a thing what's our theme oh we get to choose now Yeti sushi snake prison cell transfer I'm going for snake yeah alright let's make a pretty cool looking snake I'm gonna get a green block a lime block and we can even get ourselves custom skull with a color in black there we go let's first off start off by making a long snake body and we'll wrap it round just once and we'll leave and go up a little bit and if we make ourselves if we make it go around like so that's pretty good ok so if we add the neck going around like this oh no which way which way do I want it to face probably this way this will work really well okay so now we've got like the basis of where we got the the thing you know the body going we can thicken it up a little bit but not so much around the actual tail and I've actually got today the replay mod running in the background while we play build battle so at the end of the round we can see from like up there where normally you can't get to because of this this barrier who doesn't let you go we can actually see what everyone's doing from a bird's eye perspective and see what it looks like afterwards so that would be really fun and we could also see how this looks sped up really really fast as well so that'll be really fun and I'm hoping to get some good wins out of this cuz I haven't played him a little bit out of practice on the old build battle it is one of my all-time favorite minigames as you can probably yes my favorite probably being build swap itself and I just want to know I don't know I proved to myself that it can still I can still win and I can't still do it but I played a few practice rounds before I recorded because you know got to get back into it and I lost every round and I must admit I I didn't feel like I deserved it now normally when I have a build that isn't very good I'm more than willing to concede that it you know it should lose it was bad I should not have won that but these builds like they were just 2d so I built okay the theme right was Apple and I made this amazing like really big it had legs it had arms it looked really cool this this entire visit this Apple and it was even eating its own Apple it had a mouth it was eyes it was cool it was funny it ticked all the boxes and did you know what won this pitiful 2d Apple on the floor it was literally just a circle on the floor like how am I supposed to I although I shouldn't be salty so that's why I've decided to nickname myself this time so that I don't have to deal with that because I felt like I was being persecuted because of my YouTube rank they were like oh he's a youtuber I don't want him to win so nobody's gonna know that sir grain is actually me Oh should I put the eyes on the front there he looks a bit derpy I will put that on the front there we go and he looks kind of happy I like that it looks kind of happy but I I should probably go for go for that there we go something like that will work really really nicely let's give him a bit of it yes all right got one minute left easy pickins if you ask me go around and give him some fangs and then what we can do is just add some darker green splotches on him so that he's got a bit more texture because he's in he's a bit bland at the moment he's all one colour and hopefully this will see this one through I've got high hopes for this although let's hope there's no there's no other building pros in there do you know what annoys me about the you know that you have to choose the pole at the start so you can choose you can choose your theme in like you can vote for it so I really don't like that because what happens is people tend to pick really easy themes all the time and if you want if you wanted to say go for something more complicated like a crocodile you couldn't do it because people just want the Sun which is just you know a circle alright we're done I'm I'm really happy with this I think that looks excellent oh no someone's made exactly the same thing I must admit I think mine's a bit better but I'm gonna give it an okay probably because it's very similar to my own no this one's excellent as well wait wait what's happened to this snakes but oh it snakes on a plane oh my goodness that looks exactly like mine from building your comments this looks like a very hungry he looks like a very good caterpillar I like this it took me a while to figure out what that last one was here we go this is green give me a legendary this is excellent come on legendary come on No okay uh we got different snakes here kind of I'm only gonna give this one okay cuz I mean what does the guy have to do with any of it oh okay I was wondering where it was it's a brown snake I must admit looks like a poop snake wait where is everyone gone where did everyone just go oh look it's like snake the game that's interesting I like that I'm gonna give that you know it's a bit more a bit more interesting this little bit I'm gonna go okay my rules for voting are if you can tell what it is then it gets an okay what is going on here shake snake they just know that gets a poop see they didn't build it they get a poop everyone kind of went for something similar to me oh look the eyes these people know I'm gonna go away not maybe oh good and this one is you can tell that it's a snake but it's not the best one so I'm okay we've had some really good builds this round really good builds I'm impressed this one's this person has done a lot of detailing around so I'm gonna go for good cuz the snakes alright yeah but you've got the grass and the water hey sir grain wins see I'm starting to think that my YouTube rank works against me here so sir green needs to you know keep going I think sir green is the name we're gonna go for I really wish that I could just be like it's me the real agreein and make a really big reveal so let's take a look at that round in the replay mod so as you can see this is the build battle map everyone is interconnected on the same map but not all of them are filled in with people some of them are blank so if we speed up the process we can see everybody simultaneously making their snakes and you can recognize some of the ones that we just went over particularly the one with the snake on the plane I am 90% sure he saw what I made on building a comment so I'm hoping that he was a viewer and will watch this and realize he was in the same game as me so that was pretty fun let's go into the next round we got Western rock band elephant waterfall and B waterfalls bit yeah let's go for a B I think you could do a really really cute B if you try there we go nice people agree so what can we do with these yeah like jazz we can do some antennas let's try and go for a really really cute one how big how big do we go so the first thing we need to do is like define how big this is gonna be I reckon three across and then two up and then three across again that gives us a really nice shape I think right so now we can take I think we should replace it to be honest with these we won black in yellow Lagoon yellow but go yellow but we replace it with the clay because it's just it's a nicer texture it's a really nice texture I think clay on the whole fits better van wool so we'll take that and we'll make just a few layers whoops don't want that let's get rid of the walls so I stopped I stopped accidentally doing that do we want one layer or do we want to do - let's do two thicker layers see if that will make a difference for us because bees don't actually have that many stripes they've only got a couple and it's interesting beats have these bright colors on them to warn other animals not to go near them it's the same with wasps so yes sorry for that is a biology lesson coming out but yeah they have these stripes on them to let other animals know that they are dangerous and it's the same with like when you see bright red toads you might think oh why are they like letting letting everyone know where they are it's because they're poisonous as heck and if you eat them you're probably going to die and it's the same with these guys and wasps as well but then you see those like little Hornets and they have the same thing but they're completely harmless so yeah interesting biology lesson that I do love bees bees are so important for the planet that's right so we got ourselves a little carrier here but the shape is pretty lacking so if we shapen this up by adding just a few blocks on either bottom half that gives us a bit more fat I guess to our bee we could even add a little bit on the top here no I don't think that really adds much we could add a add a line in here not entirely sure I might come back to that we'll add a bit here and a bit hand just do the same thing again tway did I mess this up no didn't yeah we'll do the same thing again down here yeah oh we got two minutes left so we've got plenty of time I hope and we can add a little bumble bee belly under here bumble bee belly so if we give up if we just flatten this off so we have a surface to work with and then we make and then we make a little behead here how are we gonna do this so yeah I think that that will work let's get ourselves some spruce fence for the antennas maybe they have little antennas well mess this up I'm running out of time here so let's speed things up let's get ourselves some custom heads just the black one will do it's the very very best of them and we'll put our little antennas there now what we're gonna do is we could put the lies here and just use the blush trick because this build is lacking and it's not cute enough so we'll do a little bee thing here there we go and what we need now is some proper dark block and we're gonna give him some little little legs there we go oh no 30 seconds 30 seconds to add a lot of legs so of course bees have six because they're insects I probably will not have time to add them all considering this one has taken me ten seconds I don't have time nine seconds all my girls can I make it oh I did it I missed the stinger though Oh that'll have to do Oh at least I got the legs on these are cute these are okay they're very you know very easy to make that's pretty cool No oh no I didn't add wings what a fool what a fool I am I didn't Oh No what's this looks like a should have done a Beedrill I should have made a bee drill that would have been epic oh I can't believe I forgot the wings I wonder how many people were screaming at me for that one this is okay oh look at this I mean I need a whole hive and these the heads now I'm not usually a fan of these cheap tactics but I'm gonna go good on this one cuz that's pretty creative see these are the ones that I really can't respect too much they it's a bee so it gets an okay but yeah and same with this one it's another 2d one if this isn't this isn't pixel painters so we're gonna have to go okay again even that actually is bit better than the other one I should have really given that a good um this would be I think they really struggled with the bee but if I was nice hard to tell so what we got here lots of flowers where the bit the bees are on the fly you okay bees are you okay these look like little worms Oh No okay I know what I said about pixel up but this one's pretty adorable that one's got a lot more got a lot more Wow I kind of like it yeah I kind of like it I like the pink little wings but it's a big box sir grain here we go I didn't it looks like a giant ladybug cuz I think wings uh-oh I won anyway I think it's cause of the shape hey what a night yeah we still won I can't actually remember if anyone else deserves actually there was that one with the wings I think they deserve to win that one so I think I've proved my point okay before this episode I legitimately let's reveal myself uh Nick it was me the whole time hahahaha so before this I played four rounds of practice and I probably built better things and I did this episode and I lost all of them as soon as I Nick myself into someone else into sir green I won all of them ridiculous so it goes to show that a youtube rank doesn't actually help you in this game anyway thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you want to see some more build battle please let me know in the comments below and a like always indicates whether you enjoyed it thank you again for watching good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,264,845
Rating: 4.8189702 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, build, battle, kids, family, friendly, funny, minecraft build battle, building time, building minigame, mod, showcase
Id: o-KxpmbuH-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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