Building a Theme Park that feeds its visitors to Dinosaurs in Parkasaurus

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full disclaimer I actually got a key for this from guys who made it it was already on my radar cuz like people were recommending it to me but I thought I'd check it out okay dinosaurs now on the loose right no I know II know it's just strolling over okay it's not gonna get that far oh wait no whys my expedition arrived no the dinosaur is escaping it's not going to get that far okay we just have to get him back inside it's okay it's just a baby I need the balloon shop explode we need to pick up Mildred get the dinosaur oh this is a big cage for Mildred find the straights donation boxes the people would feel more inclined to give you all their money should we be like really in their face about this you know we're a poor penniless like dinosaur exhibit all of your money will go a long way here someone's complaining about there being too much garbage why the Yelp reviews so bad he stole all the ketchup packs you host weddings to stars you organizing a wedding for a friend you don't like and that's why you gave two stars I was Mildred doing it's two days old she's really not happy here you go Herod will give you a tree that towers over literally the entire park that that chickens working overtime at the moment Oh Mildred is not happy what's going on here Oh Mildred like leaves like Percival alone yeah just just poop at the keeper that's fine we now have Gertrude and Eddie one of these names is not like the others it's like strategically place a few trees you know if you want to make sure with delicate and fine in the park Eddie is weak Mildred is strong a feed Eddie - Mildred no cut guys you can't just like turn the dinosaurs on each other we can't we can't just do that this exhibit looks kind of cool now credit where it's due I think we're actually doing pretty good party pack one is just a metal fence and space classes doesn't sound like much of a party and why Artie fixed fences the fence strong oh you mean these fences do you fix them it's what fun watching Artie's passive-aggressive this like you know me Eddie's body would make a great sound you guys hate Eddie little money Larry knows what r500 hey Artie do you think Eddie would taste better with salt and pepper or a nice dry rub I slept on a bench four stars all her name is Edie as well Eddie oh sorry no you actually write that that's Edie let's patch right there I don't know why they keep getting stuck in the fence you know yeah okay we're gonna see like what happens if we start feeding people to design source Oh they got out oh no do Triceratops and like Stegosaurus get along probably should have thought about that before I just placed him in the same pan when to clean the toilet when it's smelly disgusting or the apocalypse I like to imagine that last category is when we play city skylines look up some new visitors so what we're gonna do box them in their new exhibit it's fricking Edie Edie just killed that woman [Music] Stegosaurus baby is worth coming back for two stars had a great time two stars the most fun ever two stars why ten out of ten Park cannot recommend more two stars let's get more eggs in the enclosure just kind of shove all the dinosaurs in this one pen we have more Dino Park has a ton of dinosaurs I love this place who starts oh thank you okay master chef burger Bonanza we're making dino burgers object themed after dinosaurs and not cooking the dinosaurs I built a park over the course of 30 hours with all the diners and best ratings last week oh wow okay yeah so you know your stuff when it comes to this game well you know that's not to brag or anything jrw you know you really have 30 hours in this game but like you've seen the rocks cut the rock collection I have in this half the pen you've seen the freaking rubber tires put Eadie down before she kills the kid I think it's okay guys why is no one mentioned the huge poop for stars you don't understand how big that poop was hey they're all unhappy so something went wrong maybe it's just cause it seriously do I have to start my own stream so that I get like a glass of water because people are gonna keep freaking out until I'm hydrated do I need to like take my break now because I don't think you yes yes I dine escaped oh wait hey looking out what the hell is why is the staff room oh okay okay get to my office quickly get to my office quickly we need to hire some more security oh good Oh No why are people still paying the admission please why is it every time I walk away for five minutes to grab a drink yeah you guys just total everything we've built okay I mean we still made a good profit that day you know so could have been worse like a lot overall good day but personally hate my child no stairs overall is pretty good little Timmy got taken away I'd like to point out this review is on par with you might want to clean up the can zero stir this guy is as upset about a can on the ground as this guy is about his child being eaten the food was amazing for Dino park some people are just unfazed I think the horror that was to say what size burgers we got oh my god we get to choose a lot we get to choose the top the top in the meat on the bottom cheese cheese she just a block of cheese Gura as well thank you very under it there's an FPS mode where you can be a guest of the park or go around shooting your dinos with a tranq law are you making that up this is Sir this is just a completely different game III would never have guessed that this will be in it i tranquilize like other people here Wow all the babies are so cute especially Roscoe two stars how we do on The Hobbit at front as well it needs more rocks okay okay let's just do some delicous I kind of plan on here and the enclosure then I've get a few more rocks you know bone tree would like a fine-tooth comb do yours chicken thanks dragon we won't hatch them just yet because I want to have more money so we have like the biome setup keep them in the oven a while you know keep them toasty and you eat the dinosaurs I mean the burger meat has to come from somewhere I'm just saying actually no I forgot it's all just cheese nevermind literally the most successful day in our parks history three stars I'd recommend some fisherman's friend or your strange truth might Roche isn't really sore or anything it's just cuz I like you know that feeling when you've been talking a lot and you just get a bit tired from talkin that's basically what's happened to my voice at the moment no you need water drink honey hey guys I'm not in any pain oh my god guys he just said he's dying you just said he's gonna die on stream they quickly sent some water to his home RT why do you live i'm calling 9-1-1 the fire will be here any moment with the hose pipe streamer Johnny's life on air gets F inch at the banana stand okay I need mr. manager that's out that's where we end the stream we have to get the banana stand don't don't guys we have 17 grand hang on yeah you're all worried I'm gonna die of thirst oh oh oh hydrate the Dinos and we've converted like literally the remainder of our park into like a glorious ocean and stop stealing the ketchup packets the Sun was too bright like brandy come that's not my fault oh yeah sons I just like to shine it on overhead you know what I've been great if I wasn't an that big ball of fire in the sky thank you what do you want me to do wait there's actually a shade pack oh my god it's it's time we're gonna do just one cheeky thing as well before we wrap in the stream because people have been begging for us just exploded they hadn't even got out yeah oh my god why are they on these guys are coming into the park they're in the queue to get back inside and they're just ablaze thumbs up for the baby Tanner park was pretty dirty I tripped on a can the policy of my lower him loose should be reviewed my little bit me and my bit I hate my arm the more upset about like just a lack of bins and the fact that dinosaurs were Asian people in the park at least they left or ketchup oh yeah it's true no one stole any ketchup today it's a saving grace [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,664,602
Rating: 4.9683399 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, Parkasaurus, Zoo tycoon, Dinosaur tycoon, Dinosaur theme park, Dinosaur park game, Parkasaurus gameplay, Parkasaurus funny, Parkasaurus early access, Dinosaur theme park game, Jurrassic World evolution, RTGame theme park, dinosaur theme park funny, dinosaur game, funny dinosaur game, funny dinosaur game pc, dinosaur park game
Id: _e2vO7QsXpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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