I was sponsored to Build The Worst Roller Coasters Possible in Planet Coaster

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it turns out frontier the developers of planet coaster are aware of what we've done before in this game and they approached upon myself and call me kevin specifically with the task to build the worst park possible i saw kevin's park baby steps amateur level park he didn't kill nearly enough people as he could have his park wasn't efficient with murder so we're gonna one-up him i am proudly sponsored by frontier for this video to design the worst theme park possible we're playing planet coaster console edition on ps5 if you like what you see in this video there's a link in the description below to check out the game for yourself planet coaster console edition is also available on ps4 xbox one and both xbox series s and x what do we name the park first things first just hello it's just hell itself there's no other name for it come on kids we're gonna take you to hell today yeah i love hell fun for all the family before anything else uh like the most important thing marketing nothing else matters if no one else is coming to your park what's the most expensive marketing campaign we can do family hour let's get as many kids as we can i don't want janitors because that implies the place would be clean it's close enough to christmas as far as i'm concerned this year let's get the king coasters currently losing six thousand dollars a month but that's fine we need more festive king coasters i want these guys to outnumber the actual people at the park this family is just mobbed in the middle look at their happy faces are you having a fun time at hell we're gonna create a custom coaster uh is there a filter for speed and now i just want it i could just make it like a straight vertical drop i can make it so the track just goes through the people here it comes oh no it passed over their heads i don't think it's quite getting them what's going wrong it's not hitting them it's somehow avoiding all the people which is no good oh there we go okay so yeah that that is now getting a steady flow of people why isn't it hitting the mascots it's specifically hitting like the park goers it's just it's filtering out the crowd it needs to complete testing oh it needs to complete on the track doesn't it how high up can we get again on one swing okay that's a good indication so we can go a little higher oh ahead for heights we got a trophy it's jaw-dropping the reviews are coming in for our park coasting along what jesus this seems like a great park i'm i'm getting every accomplishment scream if you want to go fast we can make the iron horse it could be a train yeah this will take you around this is this is going to be nice it's just a relaxing train ride there's no there's nothing nefarious with this one so now you can tour the magic that is our derelict field you get a full view of all the wild exciting rides that await you in hell okay i just need to connect this to the path and i think people will actually use it obstruct it we will get this to work i think it's on the ground now we've done it market and muggle another achievement i like the arch we've created it's simultaneously uh wheelchair accessible and then not at all uh what are we gonna call this one the porn express i mean there's nothing really inherently wrong uh with this attraction it's just really dull okay now real quick i need to i need to we want it so there's 20 trains and then the speed we want to be as low as possible at five miles an hour so now when you're in this part of the park you can also just hear the train sirens just screeching the first train is off there's nothing to use the boring express for four percent of guests right who say they want to go on the same four percent of people say there's nothing to do everyone who gets on the train is like why have i done this but the nice thing is because we have this backlog of trains that first train can't finish until the previous 20 trains have made a lap of the track because they're gonna get caught in traffic so that means you really get to take in the right there's a lot of litter in the park make sure there are enough bins i mean i know there's people in these costumes but you could probably fit some garbage if you just toss them out you know and they'll dispose of it later like they'll be fine there's like a buffer between the person and the mascot costume then you guys need the toilet i gave him a toilet can make it so it costs money five dollars it is a privilege to be able to use the loop in this team park okay so the spicy chicken is the one that's probably going to make them need to lu the most so we're going to hand out as much spicy chicken as possible it's free spicy chicken is just straight up free and there's nothing else on the menu so that's going to destroy their battles and then that we get them with the five dollars for the loop this trains look at how slow they go how long does it take to complete the ride fast forward so it was 11 30 when we started every time there's a slight incline too it seems that the trains really struggle so an hour has now passed five hours like at what point do you just jump off the train like you might break your leg from that height but at what point do you just chance it a full day has now passed at this point in time hunger is starting to kick in everyone on the train is also severely dehydrated look at the date dan wait oh my god no the day is changing much faster than the time oh no if you look at the date and if we've used that the metric it's it's it's now june i think when people got on the train it was i think it was april the casket expressed oh no i think express is an overstatement this training going quick okay we still haven't hit the traffic jam which is unfortunate so this is the endurance part of the train we have to wait for all these other trains to go and these street trains leaving the station i believe is dependent on other people getting on the ride so now you've just stopped entirely in fairness to them they've almost made it back there's just two this there's tree trains between them and freedom you can only live three days without water well you know it's just survival of the fittest this family like they just want to go home god love them they've still got smiles on their faces after all this time oh my god they made it how are the guests doing the boring express is amazing the queue for the bourne express was really fast i'm bored of looking at the foreign express fireworks displays oh oh this looks magical put one of them there and then what we're gonna do is we're just gonna fill the path with as many as possible this is a fire hazard oh it's fine do the mascots will catch fire first so the guests will actually be safe if you think about it you know those mascots are just gonna go up in flames so what i need to do now is i think i just need to get more attractions in the park so that i can trick more people into coming in okay it begins this is the first of many uh adding them on is just taking a brief moment to render just because there's so many parts i believe right now well how does the blender do so far we can start testing it like while we're going oh god oh it goes quick that's minus 17 geez right built for two i thought just launched a vertical drop coaster using wide height capacity flawless character an extra feeling of rider vulnerability we can get a vertical drop on this one [Music] oh god this one can go upside down as well hang on how bad can you make this one i just want it so like it just spirals down to your demise there's like beams set up for this like this structure needs some support you know you're not gonna be able to hit the like the part goes okay if the entire thing collapses okay here we go we're at the top and now we go in the free fall here we go you better hang on here comes the shoestring oh god are the people okay this is the moment where things went wrong that's what let's resume time she's gone she just got launched i think it's time because they're not riding this one anyway we should probably just disconnect this one how much damage can it cost it hits the train okay if i try type i don't know what's about to happen look at this little kid pictures taken moments before disaster away they go that's a sturdy train at least it keeps them safe surely this is enough in terms of food so that uh you know does all stop say like just screaming i'm hungry and like i'm thirsty and fix the roller coaster i think it just hit my dad because i'm getting real tired of those complaints okay so i want to make the boring train worse and i actually did just have an idea terrain i go to sculpting what if i just like encase it so it's just darkness so now it's just three days in the dark so you're probably just gonna go insane as well there are people on the ride currently you probably just see like the light just being snuffed out like we got to escape it's like dad i'm scared i'm scared too we just have to be brave we bought the day pass and we're gonna make use of it people were always saying that like you know the scenery was too boring so that is a bunch of rock formations i think that's gonna be much more exciting oh god the problem is this gets very close to the past this is going to start to encase the land below as well oh god this goes right through the game just goes to show that you know anyone could be an artist and just because your art is different from what society expects doesn't mean you're any less talented there we go it's done the dark train is complete yes we've created an ocean it's beautiful wait no this is calm water what if we make it make it dirty now it's all sewage okay what i need to do now is because they're all funneled in here i need to get a car like a coaster that drops it in here and it just like scrambles around inside the interior so in this these four meters the hydraulic launch will get you to 78 meters per second an acceleration of 20 meters per second squared no track supports too i think the only support you might find in this coaster is from god because i don't fancy your chances otherwise oh god this guy's like solution it's like godspeed i've the best job in the world i don't work a day in my life i think it needs to come off just a little sooner i feel like there's a i can hit more people just that little bit earlier i think that will make all the difference yes yes it does oh that's perfect yeah that's exactly what we want the carrots just like funnel through the crap there's so many people injured they're just getting hit by the coaster now and like rolling in the garbage those people just want to get to the park faster they've got the fast pass that's all it is we just give you the kick you need to get to the front of the line crashing the party trophy er oh gee yeah no i think i've crashed it all right i love how it games just like after doing everything it's like here's an achievement you're doing so good that park's going on the fridge i don't i don't think kevin stands a chance like i i'm just too familiar with killing people in this like fun family like theme park game and god do i love my job i'm gonna get like a bullet train it'll be a bullet all right it's gonna it could only go down at a 30 degree angle yeah we gotta do a wide blender just to get down okay here is the end oh god we're almost at our destination i want to see what it looks like from down here we just have to we just gotta last a moment until the train comes down let's give it a moment and we'll be okay i'll create some more staff in the meantime we could use some here comes the train here it comes it doesn't even make it happen [Music] this guy's had a bad day [Music] jeez oh i'm pretty sure that's killing everyone take that kevin i had a lot of fun with this session i think you can probably tell thank you so much again the frontier for actually sponsoring me to do this planet coaster console edition is now available on ps4 ps5 xbox one and xbox series smx link in the description below you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,116,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, rtgames, rtgaming, rt games, planet coaster, rtgame planet coaster, planet coaster funny, planet coaster funny moments, planet coaster funny parks, planet coaster death park, planet coaster bad park, planet coaster death trap, planet coaster killing, deadly roller coaster, planet coaster funny gameplay, building a rollercoaster, building a rollercoaster in planet coaster
Id: 4h29y4eYPEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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