We Baked a Cake That Wants To Die

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hello uh the man's not here he's not he's not actually here there's something quite menacing hello everyone oh my god i'm kneeling down because i'm i realize i'm quite tall and if i do stand up it's like i'm almost off the screen is that the rumble game i'm just a young kid here like hi josie what are we doing okay kids today we are going to prepare gilbert no you know i was hoping for the caterpillar kick right if we like use some jam or something specifically for the bit around his neck we could be cut the first slice it just like oozes french nobility just you just like decapitate them i don't know i i don't know i don't have red jam and we can make him bleed orange it would look like puss oh no we can't do match we can't do it gilbert he's is sinking now like he might have lost consciousness already he's just kind of giving up he's like no i think he wants the coco so just leave that there we've put shark in charge gilbert dave's keeping an eye on them just in case in an ideal world gilbert would be dead what age is he um i can't remember honestly oh that'll do he can have this oh perfect can we get like a straw in it we can actually absolutely perfect age-appropriate beverages all around special juice that doesn't sound right the mob has noticed the lack of beans what does that mean oh no why do they want beans oh no we don't use beans we're making a cake i got to appease them here okay there's the beans what to say don't even don't even worry though that's fine don't even work this is like zookeepers talking about how they have to distract an animal with food there's the beans okay make the cake now they're distracted nice suit dan please don't destroy this one named oh yeah he just wanders into my house in a full suit he's wearing a full suit there's just to make sure i took off the jacket because it's a bit toasty lovely beautiful daniel please roll up your sleeves if you wash your hands like those swear to god you weren't right now you exist to make people go oh i just met people i hate you did you know you can make race car sounds with a can there you go race car sounds uh i can't i go to work one time and haven't been able to get to work since uh no it's just something to do oh my god there's a car in the kitchen oh no it's broken oh it's defective oh no i give up this is not part of the process no this is not part of the making process you drink canned for this no i got the sugar now a little birdie told me that you do not use weighing scales no i don't i use cups in my house cops cups how do you okay that's fine but the bit i can never get my head around is how do you measure butter in cups from a recipe like if you know the the ratio that's ground but like how do you well because when you you just take the butter and you just like use some quick max to work out how much you need quick quick quick math yeah just quick maths that's all you just quick math so like you work out like the length of the butter and then you just like kind of chop off the bit that you need and you know how much is in the total pack so you know how much butter you have and you go outside and hold the stick of butter in the sky you listen very carefully and if an eagle screeches three times then you cut it directly in half and use the whole thing now that's margarine you think oh sorry yeah my mistake can i just do 125 milliliter no i'm the jug we have a we have a weighing if you want if you're feeling brave no i got well i mean but i have to pour it in something okay hang on put it on there put this no you gotta turn it on oh geez i'm glad you went to the old school huh i don't like how close this is to like the amp it's fine that makes me very happy do you want me to do what i'm saying i'll do it but i'm just saying if there's like a fire like it's only a small fire we have we have a fire blanket oh that reassures fire blankets you've thought about this you know they used to call them the whisking king in college right don't think that's true no i don't know i think i remember that but the drip thing is people can verify it you have some fun there now oh thanks i did all the mixing oh you did do all the mixing and you did a good job of the mixing as well do you remember i did a great job would you be able to measure out the cocoa powder because this needs to go okay fine uh how much coconut oil are you gonna do myself that feels like so much more toughens your put hair in your chest cocoa powder everyone that's don't eat your greens eat cocoa beans oh no i didn't expect to just instantly go through it is very light to be fair and i think that's why it didn't seem right god we're doing good for rhyming let's see who's got this spot on time just give it one oh it looks like a chocolate mousse it does look like a chocolate mousse it doesn't sound like a chocolate mousse i regret it what does the chocolate mousse sound like in pain most likely oh god what a horrible existence this is oh god please this wasn't meant to happen why is biology to betray me do you ever come out with a voice or a sound and you actually scare yourself there was one time i was like on here like on a friday and i don't know what noise i was trying to make but i made like a perfect duck quack and i'd never been able to recreate it like it was uncanny and i scared myself and i just sat there from here like i mean she didn't i didn't actually it's quite scary magical john makes me easy oh like hello we're bacon today it's like oh straight like that's what you call the police if you hear that voice do you know what magical john reminds me of i like rusty spoons he does have the bags under his eyes yeah i thought one of the steps was like rinse because like clean your dishes but no it's risen and just firm to the touch take your cake out and rinse it out put it in the dirt down and make it clean you know can you you could definitely put a hip flask in the back of your head celebrating you leave him as like a little puppy probably yeah i don't know why i decided to dislodge him don't shake the baby like he's fine like you can like he's flexible they make him like durable you know so like he can take like a beating see like don't worry he's well looked after you know so i wouldn't be concerned talk to me child he's long pastor i was saying this to josie earlier like the only reason he didn't get blended in that stream is because it was a fire hazard it wasn't because because there was any risk to gilbert it's because i don't want to burn my apartment down i don't give a about him i did debate in that stream too and this is i've never shared this before oh i did debate cutting them up with a knife that would have been messy and it could have ruined a good kitchen knife yeah and i was worried i was worried it would damage the knife the knife and less so gilbert put the beans inside gilbert put the beans inside i don't think they're going to fish we have to actually open them at that point you know we're making a mess we do those little snap pots little teeny tiny ones if i dislodge his head it might fit inside the stuffing you can just stuff them with beans i think oh no that's why why didn't we just use that one do you know what we could just take that out and put in here it's gonna be hard to scoop now that's on the baking paper scoop it back in hang on hang on are we scooping it back we can make it work the alternative go on we make twice the amount we can have a lot of cake i mean that's not a bad idea are you aware of beans furby no but my life is not all the better for it i don't want to be aware of this it's nothing that bad oh it's so much worse than i remember come here no no come here you're not getting out of come here i'm holding something down i'll bring it to you why have you done this because i can don't i'm done off the screen there's a furby piano that exists and the lad took apart and rewired a load of furbies hello everybody and welcome to this exclusively asmr channel i'm going to give you some real good mixer asmr next we're going to be slapping a hairbrush for three hours non-stop it's whisper quiet worse for do you irish people sprinkle caterpillars on your cake yes we actually we go out to the garden at sunrise and we pick all the caterpillars off the plants and we put them on a cake that's how it works what would a caterpillar cake be like if you made it of actual caterpillar like you just grab like a bucket of them and bake them in the oven i don't know but i'm sure i'm sure a lot of cabbage farmers will be delighted [Music] oh definitely dead he hasn't moved in a while now shark is too afraid to move in case he wakes them up from the dead yeah i think i think shark has been afraid i think he's a little afraid oh no oh i thought that's it was a massacre oh no that's it's all over the caterpillar in the oven too everything is dying give it a good little stab stab rooney's that was an extremely accurate caterpillar scream oh i love waking up in the early morning when the dew is still on all of the leaves and you hear the caterpillars scream as the sun goes oh god you know the way the birds sing in the morning and they're like i'm a bird i'm a bird but imagine like you wake up but instead of going like all the birds just go ahead apparently kookaburras laugh kookaburras laugh do they imagine if a kookaburra had like a really creepy laughs if you're walking along it's like van carmen that doesn't sound right guys bon karma karma karma karma karma chameleon [Music] in the words of the greater keolin the thick cake be no stop that now let's say that word what do you think now let's say in today's society has completely new connotations how many c's do we have in the word thick you can't say it anymore see the worst thing is if you call someone thick in ireland it means you're calling them stupids yeah it does it's like your pure tick like had a slight bit spillover we should be okay that's grand it's not too bad i think we'll have enough here it's not everywhere everywhere oh jesus holy christ i've just had terrible series of thoughts what has gilbert just been a drug mule this whole time he's got this face in this box oh no drunk baby slice them up and see take a taste oh that's nice well that's very nutella oh jesus christ that's that's heaviness of course it's good but oh my god that's a petition for them to be sick do we need the drug uh [Music] perhaps i'm just moving things i'll give the table another wipe down as well you used to call me dishwasher dan back in college you're a whirlpool or a hot point sponge sponge this is the scary okay one of us would you want to hold this and i'll try flipping it okay i'm scared do you want to like sandcastle it all right three two oh i'm scared you can do it oh we cut the little bits here and then we roll from this side so that's on the outside so it's kind of like it's kind of like an edge bit too so we have to cut like a bit there and then leave and then actually i'm going to get a smaller sharper knife i think you can go a little bit more in for a third i think about here sorry she took the hand and all off you there hang on wait it wasn't my finger and you were cutting it's like yeah right here oh we need those bits the only more we don't that was supposed to be the feet [Music] we need this little bit for foot eat it are you gonna give him a that looks like that wait hang on i remember we have to do pecking swiss rolls hang on they didn't say this in the recipe you gotta score it a little bit down here okay yeah i say this i haven't made a swiss roll since junior search but listen oh no fear no fear no fear no fear more like a chocolate foot no fear it's rolling no no fear we just have to let it cool more now all right and then we put our pot on the buttercream great so how are you doing very stressed okay moment of truth oh no okay it's okay we can cover us we can cover that's fine baby there's a guy i don't think i can see it i'm gonna take a picture and show it there's a gap in the cake you know i think that might even be just the consistency thing because that was the bit where there was like the yes there was a little bit yeah so like that's probably just why that's like kind of torn now i think we'll get away with it i'm struggling with the fingers here i don't like thinking about the fingers well do you want to think about them as toes i don't know it's worse pray lads good luck cross the fingers cross your toes don't cross your toes i think it's stuck to the paper no it's stuck to them it is fully stopped that hang on okay wait wait wait sit scalpel pliers i don't have any tools jackhammers you want a pair of scissors oh no that's what where did that go where did that come from why buy it in the shop when you can spend four hours of your time and make one that's all the problems cause you look at the spatula and the amount of residue on it this is supposed to be clear i do feel very short next year oh my it's quite menacing me to stand in the doorway like this it's the fact that your arms by your side you're just like you just keep baking i'll just stand like this it's like straight out of a horror film you wake in the middle of the night to just see the silhouette of dan just standing well delfino plaza just plays on oh jesus there's been an unfortunate accident for this category right kitchen see where my thumb is here can you like unlock dislodge that bit there this slide is not a term you want to use in here for wearing a cake what's brown and sticky a caterpillar apparently nice prime ribs oh no no oh wait wait oh no all right so i don't know if we can save this so unfortunately this is the current situation oh jeezy doesn't look well does he he's definitely looked better oh no pour one out lads pour one out the fridge is just the morgue oh no let's put them in the morgue i have to make sure they're not poisoned it's understandable i miss my mouth what one oh no they are poison well death of pro [Music] death approaches for the smarty it's okay the floor is clean up floor is clean that floor so pouring this in the mold that is the pringles can lid very high tech very very specialist equipment come past the caterpillar that's a good one oh that's a good one that's a good one okay i think this might be good okay you want me to pop in the chocolate throw it in back it in so just open it over it you can pop in each individual square if it gives you some sort of satisfaction but i don't know what it does oh that's all the chocolate added nice noise i mean we just need to let that set it's probably very hot oh get a spoon trust me just drink a little i usually have to feel like that i'm so sorry let me just like take it in my hands like you're holding this drink from the pot it's so good we can get you a little shot glass that sounds dangerous you know i feel too bad i think i don't think i'll actually sleep tonight take the shot do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it i don't think it is it hurt my heart i've got nearly all of it i think i'll be better off just sticking my tongue in the glass you can do it off camera if you want i won't judge you i might actually no i can't no me neither what kind of oh no oh no his rib is exposed i feel like if we put him on the water cooling rack he will just fall straight through he's going to fall through it oh no lift go fast faster you know that could have been worse that could have gone way worse that could be a lot better but i mean another limb here oh i would sorry we can stick it back on oh holy ghost it actually looks a little bit better this is definitely an improvement this is not as bad as i thought it would be this ganache is really helping us out that hides the mistakes it does now if you just don't see the drippy weird bits back here you're doing great how do we get this out of the cap carefully i told you that way i'm thinking the best way to do it is maybe not that um but if you take a scissors and try to cut down the cap like a thin layer you might be able to catch like a blip of it and then just tear oh no it's it's bigger than the actual cake we can amuse the raisins as eyes he doesn't have he doesn't have eyes yet oh we do need to give him that he could be the faceless wonder but i'm not sure if he's going to be particularly happy with that there are some smarties that are just like falling off his appendages oh no it's like okay no no that's not gonna work nevermind i might eat that we can't give him a face well i don't think he's getting the face we can oh god let me see don't show up oh this is quite menacing please my face it hurts come past the caterpillar why don't you smile some more you wanna know how i got these scars what have we created what have we brought into this world oh look at the way he's like he's melts his face is melting down between the little the buttons look like ours cheeks yeah that's an ass oh no no now it looks like something else i'm not showing you anymore i've changed my mind oh yeah awesome it's not safe for work anymore it is no longer safe for work now how do i pick them up you don't if you pick him up like that you're going to get his face on arse nothing else careful don't make noise this way or two stop it it's almost all the way in it's getting a bit tough there's a lot of pushback i scoop him this way oh gee he's not gonna have a face but look oh no his face go just go just go no he's oh oh no with the chopping board oh we lost a lot of them he's ripped all right so here's how he's doing you could say he is uh pogging through the pain he's not looking too good he's lost all of his legs there we go good night compost good night nice sleep well it's a bit of bone at the end that's why i think we lost him he died do you want half of his face uh you know what can i extract him i'm good i think i think you should have half of his face it's only fair thanks for the cracked easy single on my cake you know it's pretty good [Music] that's good it's really gooey i bet if you mashed it together it would just taste like chocolate pudding are you saying we blend what's left of poor compost oh we forgot to make him bleed that's probably for the best now we we probably were the best i didn't think it would turn out oddly enough when we decapitated him that's probably the cleanest like cutting them up sorry mrs compost he didn't make it but on the bright side his insides are delicious this is what he was supposed to look like this poor thing instead it looks like this the melted face is like the worst part of it it really really sells us i don't know if it's solid enough never mind perfect you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 679,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irish, funny, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, caterpillar cake, rtgame baking, rtgame baking stream, caterpillar cake guide, baking video, baking cake, cakejumper, rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgamecrowd
Id: cZxzwy72bQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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