FIRST LOOK: Trickster - All Tricks Analysis - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

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for the trickster nothing is set in stone because every stone can be smashed to pieces if one is powerful enough with every tweak and twist they make to the world the trickster shatters mundane understandings of reality often simply for the fun of it [Music] okay what are these [Music] uh all right sneaky quack if a character can catch an ally when they are unable to defend themselves effectively from her healing she can heal a vital spot for extra healing the character's heal he heals extra damage any time her target would be denied the dexterity bonus to ac or when the character flanks her target this extra healing is 1d6 per die of your sneak attack this additional healing is precision healing then well like i get too steep i don't understand this so i get i get sneak attack to trickster and that will level up all right mythic trick summon nixie prankster okay what are the tricks athletics one any character can break free from entangling effects by succeeding on athletics check but if you are strong enough there is no actual difference between being entangled and suffering from any other debilitating condition every round you attempt an athletic check to remove one negative condition affecting you the dc of this check is equal to the effects original save dc plus 15 save these three plus 15. i mean that's that's too much what like so if something is 30 then it would be 45 you're never gonna succeed with that uh okay knowledge you can now understand how to use magical items even better every item with an enhancement bonus that you identify as this enhancement bonus increased by okay that's cool world you know so much trivia that you know how to do almost anything better uh and can give helpful advice to others whenever you or anyone within 50 feet from you make a skill check other than knowledge world you attempt a knowledge world check to add half your mythic rank to the original check the dc of this check is equal to the czech's original dc okay even in the world wound you can find yourself healthy meal and some useful items every time you rest you search the surrounding area finding a random potion a random scroll okay you learned how to heal not only the body but the soul as well your treat affliction removes not only poison and disease but any negative condition affecting the target that's cool that's really cool [Music] knowledge world is bugged or else it would be broken what do you mean whenever anyone 50 feet from you make a skill check other than knowledge world you attempt a knowledge world check to add half your mythic rank that's not dead broken um like you just get a small bonus to a check that's not that good this religion one is really good mobility acrobatic movement to avoid attack of opportunity reduces your movement speed despite the fact that the skill is called mobility with this unlocked this confusing problem is removed that can be cool um no no no it means you do a knowledge world check and if you succeed it half of your mythic level goes into the check perception you see more than other people you are under constant effect of c invisibility and can now find hidden items in unexpected places oh that's cool wait and you get bonus items only for trickster you're so good at demoralizing enemies that just entering combat against you is enough to demoralize them any enemy that begins combat against you is immediately affected by your demoralized ability they're not immediately demoralized it's just you do a dazzling display immediately stealth you can easily slip into shadow at any time you can enter stealth during combat as a move action the stealth is not broken by a single enemy detecting you instead it acts similar to invisibility giving you total concealment against all creatures that did not succeed oh okay okay okay this confirms we will do an assassin play through we will do an assassin play through at some point oh this is cool uh stealth in combat magical effects do not differ much from magical traps you can and can be disabled just like any device you can as a standard action attempt trickery check to dispel any effects on target or on the ground treat this as the dispel magic spell only with a caster level check replaced by a trickery skill check with a minus 10 penalty okay so like take mythic spell focus now mythic skill focus plus skill focus the trickery bonuses and you can dispel any boss or anything [Music] infused magic device you have learned a way to improve efficiency of used magical items caster level of all abilities for magical items you use is increased by your mythic rank now i want to use a scroll savant main character trickster okay so that's the first one improved mythic okay rank two athletics two you can already break free from continuous conditions but if you're strong enough there is little difference between continuous and instantaneous every time you fail a saving throw you can make an athletic check against dc equal to that plus 20. okay the athletics one is like it's too harsh like plus 20 that's ridiculous and that really is ridiculous this is cool but you can replace everything with this with your athletics check but you need ridiculous amount of athletics [Music] uh like you need a lot arcane too you can reveal hidden effects that can be used by wearers of magical equipment every item you identify gets what what every item you identify gets an additional random miner of pack you get red that that's basically a randomizer in the game you know so much about the world only problem is that you have to identify it oh if anyone else does it's broken oh that that should be fixed i think [Music] uh you know so much about the world that you understand that everything in the world is decided by dice and you are good at dice you have some very special dice that you you will use from now on every time a member of your party would roll a one on a d20 roll the result of the roll becomes 20. natural one becomes natural 20. all right it seems the second ranks are the big deal you know nature so well that you know what it is that it is natural to find gold and valuable items in the wild every time you hunt you get some gold potions scrolls and other valuables religion you select two domains you gain abilities of those domains and use spells from those domains once per day as long as the level of those spells is lower than your mythic rank oh mobility instead of just avoiding attacks of opportunity by your acrobatic movements you can instead make them yourself every time you avoid one wait wait what wait so i can walk around in circles with acrobatics and if they would make an attack of opportunity i'm gonna keep attacking [Music] and what okay that's actually fun oh my what the hell what is trickster perception 2 nothing can escape your notice you automatically detect creatures who attempt to use stealth you also notice more about yourself and your companions allowing both of them to take special feats from a special trickster list oh yeah yeah yeah that's um i know that one you get some like improved crit and all that i heard about that you're so good at demoralizing your enemies that they lose the will to fight completely enemies affected by your demoralized ability must succeed at a will saving throw with a dc of 10 plus your ranks in persuasion that's plus 30 at level 20 uh or become paralyzed and completely helpless they will make another round saving through against the condition every round hmm i feel like this is not so good because enemies get so ridiculous dc's later that this is not that great hmm like it's too it says it's your rank so not your actual modifier it's your rank in persuasion um perception two is the [ __ ] for physical builds it's yeah yeah yeah that's what i wanna go for for improve critical stealth too you exceeded stealth fading fading from sight with your every move your stealth is in combat now works more again to greater invisibilities what so if i stealth in combat i get so not only you get hiding hide in plain sight or what is it how is it called uh or hide in shadows or something like that so that you can use it in combat but it acts like as a greater invisibility trickery too multiple magical effects do not differ from complex magical traps yeah yeah as a standard action attempt to dispel all magic effects on the target or on the ground treat this as the greater dispel magic spell only with a caster level check replaced by a trickery skill check wait what's the difference from the original one oh this is that's this spell and this is greater this spell you have learned of a way to use items so delicately that the use is completely unnoticed ones you use no longer lose charges for use and you can equip any magical item spot possible regardless of requirements what wait does that mean a wizard could wear blade armor they shouldn't but i'm just saying like anything okay do you know why this is op there's a wand in the game not even that late i think in act three or four there's a wand that you can use three times a day that ignores spell resistance and immunities you get em you get infinite spell resistance bypass with if you take this as a trickster as the trickster mage you can bypass resistance forever it's not a one though it's a meta magic rod isn't that tight isn't that considered the wand for the same purpose that would be worth trying nonetheless like it's too good to not try if that works that would be op that would be incredible [Music] all right uh greater mythic trick rank three now at least you can call yourself really strong the most athletic athlete in the world and as such your base attack bonus can't be low not lower than your ranks in athletics and if your base attack bonus is equal to your character level it becomes not less than your ranks in athletics 5. okay that's that this oh [Music] and the problem is that by the time you get this it's too late that's just that's silly i can already see like a do wielding god with this you can reveal item properties that aren't even there and couldn't possibly be there every item you identify gets an additional random major effect the problem is like yeah for this you need to have our con on your character well this is on mythic seven uh lore three you know nature so well that now it is perfectly natural to find powerful magical items in the wild maybe they do grow on the trees after all you return from your hunts with random magic items wow mobility instead of avoiding just attacks of opportunity you can now avoid normal attacks too every time you're hit by an attack you can attempt a mobility check with a -10 penalty if the result is higher than the attacker's result the attack misses [Music] what is trickster man so you can already take mirror image blur displacement they all work you have to pass all of those separately and now you can take mobility 3 which is possibly the most powerful of that and then have armor class trickster tank confirmed persuasion three you're so good at demoralizing demoralizing your enemies that they lose the will to live enemies that fail their saving throws against her demoralize ability must spend their first round making a coup de grace and what wait what they have to make a coup de grace themselves what is this [ __ ] okay imagine that okay we need to try it out at some point we just go in and [Music] imagine everyone just suiciding when you go into battle i i this would be worth the story mode play through just to check it out because like it probably doesn't work very well in high difficulties but this would be worth a story mode play through just to see everything suicide as you enter combat oh that's good that's funny stealth three you exceeded stealth so much that you can avoid spells targeting you you gain spell resistance equal to your stealth bonus minus 10 it's really high that's disgusting you can get like 30 easily trickery three living creatures also are also just complex devices and can also be easily disabled you can try to disable them forcing them to make a fortitude saving throw dc plus 15 plus your ranks and trickery that's 35. if the target fails it dies okay the problem with this is uh the reason i don't like any of the trigger any of the trickster abilities that say your rank in a in a skill because 20 is the maximum so this will all be 35 and on core demons have plus 32 plus 33 and plus 36 saves like so if they don't roll a natural one you're gonna fail it is too low at last you notice the most important thing problems within yourself and to negate those problems you learn to quickly find ways to use other mythic tricks you can now use up to two wandering ranks one wondering rank one mythic trick that you can change every day uh i wish it was rank two rank one is not that great you have learned that there is very unconventional there is a very unconventional and effective way to use scrolls apparently there are those guys called wizards and they use scrolls in a very original way instead of using magic from scrolls outright they're copied into their thing they're this thingy they call spellbook and then use the spell every day you now have one of those spell books and you can copy spells into it from scrolls as if you were a wizard of your character level okay do you know this do you know what is like the equivalent of this the equivalent of this is baldur's gate fighter mage you level up as a level 17 you level up as a level 18 mutagen fighter and you dip whatever you want but just let's let's assume you level up as a level 18 mutagen fighter then you're already tanky as hell then you get wizard you get access to mirror image shield all this nonsense you get the wow you get the full benefits of a wizard [Music] of being a wizard wow that's cool and it's still okay like you still have two of the hardest chapters in the game left of you this is a mythic rank seven religion three you now know enough about religion to start your own start to start what to start your own you can select two additional domains so you will get four domains okay this is crazy okay for our character what would i think first mythic trick we would have to take then perception right because we will one defeat at rank four [Music] then second what would i want this we have to plan this actually because this matters a lot um i'm honestly thinking about the trickery one for the dispel that can be really useful persuasion one but i don't have like i have zero charisma i have seven charisma that's not gonna work [Music] um what is the master shapeshifter okay so this is great for druids because you get plus four to your physical ability scores so you get plus four strength plus four dexterity and plus four constitution but a lot of people don't know that human form for your kitsune is also shape-shifting so if your kitsune and you turn human and you take master shape shifter you get plus four by default to all your physical scores um honestly like infused magic is so good i'm even thinking about taking that i could get another wizard for free at level 17. do i want it though probably not [Music] does it stack with bulkhead bear yes it's so it's above that it's like i don't know it's a universal buffer i don't know how you want to call it it's a shape shift buff it's a polymorph bluff buff we're not going to take our condom because i it's not going to be me who identifies things it wouldn't work i don't have religion either either so let's see second levels [Music] uh i'm thinking about the athletics because i get either either trickery or athletics okay so this is what i'm gonna go with because that's what we have there's nothing else i can do we will go with perception obviously perception one two then trickery one two [Music] uh perception 2 trickery 1 trickery 2 athletics one mobility is good as well i either athletic storm ability of course is what i would take or i can fake stealth but stealth [Music] i we can always get greater invisibility [Music] but the question okay stealth is very good but here's the question with stealth so if i have stealth greater invisibility of myself and they have true sight will it immediate will they immediately see me or they still have to roll their perception check [Music] that's very important because if they see me with true sight just like a normal invisibility then it's not good because almost everything has true sight especially late uh but if they still have to make perception checks then this is very good because then this is like a special invisibility that is actually better than the spell invisibility they don't need to roll perception of a true side in that case unfortunately it's not that good this breaks engagement unlike having improved invisibility on you yeah but if they have true side it doesn't matter that's the problem in which case i will probably take athletics [Music] and then we would go trickery 3 is also not good i'm gonna take athletics three at the very end i think but it's ten right [Music] no wait this isn't seven okay so perception one two trickery one two no that's not gonna work uh are there any limits on respecting your own characters outside this challenge for you no and the challenge we can okay i'm gonna go i know what we're gonna do we're gonna go with perception one so perception two at four so we can take special feats like uh critical um then then we're gonna take athletics one which would be amazing but then we're gonna take athletics two and the first will be athletics 3 so our base attack bonus can't be low right we are dual building we can take [ __ ] ton of dual building attacks and if my athletics is going to be disgustingly high the attacks cannot be lower than my ranks and athletics actually i'm not even sure if that's good that's ranks in athletics wait that's not that great not point since oh it's not points uh that's 20 oh that's actually not that great i thought it's gonna be your modifier why does everything have to be ranks okay that's not good i don't like the rank three ones then rank three is not good uh then maybe we are going to take the wizard one uh i'm not sure which one is the best one them [Music] maybe mobility then ability one [Music] but if we take mobility too we're not gonna make use of that because mobility 2 is [Music] this is tough [Music] [Music] it's good for a caster with trickster you think you would have low attack due to their bab you mean like athletics is good for casters [Music] maybe i would take arcana but not with this character you can't [Music] we can take stealth um okay i'm gonna go for stealth perception perception two stealth cell to stealth three and then we're gonna take trickery at the very end for this spell we're gonna go with that sorry that took long but that's kinda important to decide [Music] what did i take first uh master shape shifter rapid shot uh i'm gonna be taking ranging shots here [Music] right every time you miss an enemy with a ranged weapon your aim improves giving you stacking plus one bonus in attacks against the same enemy up to a maximum of your mythic rank every successful hit lessens this bonus by one and i would also take probably bigger they are [Music] okay uh perception one which unlocks perception two yes oh you get spells what is your dc what determines your dc as a trickster what this one summons an extra planar murder pony to your side once one once per day one okay i'm curious [Music] okay okay we're gonna summon the murder pony boeing path of the trickster [Music]
Channel: HDHaZmY
Views: 128
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, WotR, Wrath of the Righteous, Builds, Composition, Set Up, hdhazmy, hazmy, Guide, Tutorial, Epic, Last Azlanti, Challenge, Owlcat, Trickster, Feats, Tricks, All, Best, Amazing
Id: SYA4IBiwsV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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