Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - The Purging Flame Build and Mythic Path Guide

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hey everybody it's bulgey here back with another pathfinder wrath of the righteous build video today is going to be a really quick video because the full release came out today and i want to get to playing it but um i never really made an angel build so i thought i would get this out before i actually start my full playthrough when i do my playthrough i'm going to uninstall all my all my mods play it from start to finish and then start uploading some content after that so i just want to get this build out there before i start playing i call this build the purging flame and that really has to do with a build choice that we make very late in the game i'll explain that when we get there this is going to be my take on the typical holy avenger style character so a crusader that is compelled by divine intervention to wage war against evil now this is the first build i've come up with that uses a spellbook merge so i'm going to describe the mechanics now the angel allows you to merge your mythic spell book with a full divine caster so that means clerics and oracles and what that allows you to do is to add your mythic rank to your caster level for all purposes so anything that is affected by caster level is increased by your mythic rank so for example we take mythic rank three where we choose angel at about level nine so it's going to bump our caster level up to nine plus three which is twelve and now we're a twelfth level caster we get all the spells of a twelfth level caster so you basically instantly get six level spells um all of your variable effects that depend on caster level are bumped up to 12. so things like damage dice durations of spells caster level checks to overcome spell resistance all of those things are increased by your mythic rank so a very very powerful thing it makes the middle of the game so much easier and the power jump is extremely noticeable so let's jump into the build here now we're going to go a full 20 levels in oracle i chose the oracle because as this holy warrior character um unlike the cleric an oracle is chosen by divine powers he really doesn't have a choice in the matter clerics get their powers through devotion and study oracles are kind of imbued with their power by divine intervention so i think that really suits the build here we're going to go with the standard oracle i'm going to go asa mark and i'm going to go angel ken to get strength and charisma the background doesn't really matter you could do whatever role playing choice you want to we're going to go 19 strength 12 constitution 18 charisma charisma is going to be our casting stat we're going to really benefit from high strength of charisma and for most of the game we are a melee build i'm going to go persuasion use magic device mobility you could go with whatever you want here maybe a lower religion could be good as a role-playing choice our first feat is going to be power attack this is going to be a two-handed um weapon damage dealing character and power attack is really solid for two-handed weapons um your curse is not terribly important there are some that you definitely want to avoid wolf's guard face has the least drawbacks um i kind of like lame i like the idea of the the old guy who's a little bit slower but just really uh you know hard to fatigue hard to get exhausted can wear heavy armor into combat i think i'm going to go with elaine just for role playing our first mystery and we're going to take another one with a mythic ability way later in the game our first mystery is going to be battle and this is what turns us into a melee character we get a ton of great spells our revelations really improve our our melee abilities and uh it's a great fit and really strong overall skill at arms first level is going to give us proficiency in all martial weapons and heavy armor so right out of the gate we can wear all the weapons and armor we want spells i'm going to go with divine favor and shield of faith to begin with and for this one i'm actually a waffle good um number one is a great role-playing choice for this particular play through being an angel and in fact i like this this later on in the game i'm going to really role play this as being kind of that stereotypical really strict lawful good seeing things in very black and white terms so awful good is good here also we get to benefit from the stoke race of the champion later in the game second second level we're going to take another level of oracle we don't get a whole lot here we get to choose oh actually we get our bonus spell in large person very good for a two-handed weapon build you can now attack from the back row level three is going to be oracle no surprises all 20 levels all oracle we're going to take cleave we're going to get some use out of this for the first few levels because we don't have our bab is not high enough to get more than one attack so if you have two enemies clustered around you this is actually a good use of your action we also really want to get a cleaving finish which that is a prerequisite for i'm gonna go with weapon mastery at uh third level and you know to go with the holy warrior feel uh i'm gonna go with greatsword there's a lot of great two-handed weapons out there but i'm gonna choose greatsword for this one and my next spell i'm going to go with unbreakable heart unbreakable heart is a round per minute buff that dispels mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions crushing despair rage fear and also effects that would cause them to harm an ally so things like confusion and there's actually a lot of confusion in the early game so this is a really really strong spell to pick up at level four we're going to bump up our strength all of our ability score increases are going in strength get our skills up we get some second level spells uh let's see here i am going to start off with a line weapon so we can get that the good alignment on our weapon which will bypass a lot of the early game damage reduction we get cure wounds for free and we also get bold strength for free from our um from our mystery at level five get our skills out of the way our feet is going to be cleaving finish every time we get a kill with our two-handed weapon we get a free attack near an enemy that is within our reach i'm going to get a lot of use out of that i'm going to go with remove fear 10 minute buff to give us a buff on or a plus 4 bonus on fear saving throws also if somebody is under the effect of a fear spell this will suppress that effect for the duration of the spell next level up to you i like to have lesser restoration there's a lot of ability drain and damage in the early game so being able to remove that on command is really great at level six we're going to pick up our third level spells and i'm going to start off with arkhan's aura this is just a really solid debuffing ability it gives you an aura that gives you a 20 foot radius where enemies must succeed on a will save or they take a minus two penalty to attack saving throws and armor class great spell and it's a minute per level our feet at level seven is going to be out flank we should have our baby high enough to get this now and we are going to take warsight here warsight is going to let us roll for initiative twice and take the better result and at seventh level which is what we are now we get uncanny dodge so we can't be caught flat-footed that means we get our dexterity bonus which is zero to we never lose that so really we're getting that for the initiative oh you know i forgot we probably want to pick up less in the early game because you don't have heroism yet so maybe get this before the unbreakable heart and remove fear less is a nice little buff in the early game i like to go with remove paralysis when you need it you need it it's nice to have on hand and i'm going to go with by the way we got magical vestment from our battle mystery so this is a really solid ac buff lasts an hour level i'm going to go with prayer here for a round per level luck bonus to attack rolls damage saves and skill checks also gives a penalty to our enemies at level eight go more strength get your skills out of the way we get to choose a weapon for improved critical this is from our weapon mastery revelation and third level and of course we're going to go with greatsword you can choose whatever you want but i like great sword crusader's edge that's our first belt this basically gives us bane to our uh our weapon when we're fighting demons or well really any evil outsider but the majority of those evil outsiders are going to be demons and that gives us an extra plus two to hit it gives us an extra plus two d6 force damage on every attack and if we crit they have to make a saving throw or become nauseated for one to three rounds and nauseated means they can't do anything if they do save they're still sickened for one round so they still get some penalties at level nine and this is at about the point in the game where we're going to merge so i'm actually going to um finish leveling at level 9 and then i will do the mythic rank so you can see the spells that you get with the merge it'll make sense once i do it okay level 9 we are going to go with dazzling display dazzling display is not great on its own but it is a prerequisite for something we really want later grace is nice kind of underestimate the value of this it's a swift action and you can't get hit with attacks of opportunity for moving so if you need to reposition you pop this for swift action that means you can cast it any time during your round and then run away without getting a tax opportunity so this is really helpful if you need to get healed up or if you need to you know save one of your squishies that's getting targeted and our next third level spell i like resist energy on a spontaneous caster just being able to have all these energy types on demand i like that uh remove curtis is helpful let's see what else i like to do delay poison on scrolls so i don't get that we're not investing heavily in charisma so i'm not going to take things that require saving throws because that uh our say our dc's for those are going to be kind of low at fourth level our next spell i'm going to go with divine power a round per level buff very strong gives you a stacking or i should say a scaling luck bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls and strength checks strength-based skill checks also you get an extra attack per round like haste and at this point in the game even though we're level 9 we did merge our spell book at this point so this would be cast as a level 12 caster and let's see so for every three casters that's gonna give us plus four to attack and damage already very strong at level ten we're gonna go oracle now as i'm doing this build video i'm gonna kind of swap back and forth and try to make sure that my mythic level matches about what i would be at each point in the game that's going to be kind of tough to do so bear with me we get some extra spells here now you can see that i'm getting six level spells at level 10 why because at this point in the game you've merged your spell book you've increased your caster level by your mythic rank our next choice here i'm going to go with deathword i want to have that ready at all times and i want a blasting spell i'm going to go with flamestrike we picked up some good ones other good spells include things like cleanse to heal yourself and cure a bunch of conditions debilitating effects burst of glory if you want to give your party a sacred bonus to attack and saves um those are really the only ones that i'm thinking of here get another level six spell uh i'm gonna pick up heal there heal is a great healing spell all through the game cures all kinds of conditions does good healing you will use it often our feet at level 11 is going to be shatter defenses and at about this time we get another revelation as well at level 11 i'm going to go with combat healer be able to get off some of those healing spells that we need as a swift action once per day actually twice per day at level 11. so that's very helpful to keep your party up or keep yourself up if you're in trouble now we're level 11 but we get to add our mythic rank which means we're getting really close to level 8 spells where we get frightful aspect and when you have frightful aspect everything is going to be automatically shaken with no saving throw so getting shatter defenses is really great shatter defenses allows you to attack flat-footed ac on shaken targets which means they don't get their dexterity bonus to ac now i know that's a mouthful but it's a great combination our first seventh level spell seven level spells are leave a little bit to be desired for me i'm gonna go with bistro grace of the champion uh we're probably gonna be using our angel spells at this point uh i think i'm wearing the ring that gives me this we'll talk about that later you get some pretty solid spells like this one for one minute per caster level all of your attacks deal an additional 1d6 holy damage per four caster levels uh we right now are a level 14 caster so what's that an extra 3d6 holy damage pretty solid ward against weakness all all allies gain immunity to fatigue exhaustion nauseated sickened diseases poisons ability damage and ability to drain this is amazing having this on your party at all times is going to be crucial i'm not going to go through every single angel spell but suffice to say that they're quite good at level 12 bump up strength we get another greater weapon focus this is from our weapon master revelation in the beginning of the game and we're going to go with greatsword again so we have greater regular weapon focus greater weapon focus improved critical all for one revelation pretty solid level six i think at this point i might take blade barrier it's nice to get some guaranteed damage and then i'll take greater restoration to restore negative levels and things like that at level 13 we're going to get our skills out of the way we're going to get our feet our feet is going to be great cleave now at this point these are kind of filler feats you could you could have you know different choices where you can customize your character here i really like grey cleave if you're surrounded by you know 10 or so small enemies and you're enlarged this is a really great use of your action also this is the prerequisite for improved cleaving finish which is going to allow us to get an extra attack every single time we kill something instead of just once per round so that's going to do a little work for us this is the prerequisite for that going to go with that and we get another seventh level spell and go with the resurrection be able to pick somebody up to full health if they go down in combat is pretty nice and we get eighth oval spells at this point because we should be mythic rank four um i already picked up when i went mythic ring four i picked up frightful aspect so the next spell i'm going to pick up here is probably going to be holy aura we're going to get firestorm from a ring so i don't want to take this right now i'm going to take holy order at level 14 we get our ninth level spells so this is because we're mythic rank 4 thereabouts so we get to get these really nice ninth level spells i think the first thing i'm going to go with is mass heal it really doesn't get any better than healing your whole party for 10 times your castor level and removing all negative effects basically from them so very strong spell um also we get our angel ninth level spells which are amazing giving your entire party ages of the faithful which if you remember was basically every low-level defensive buff in the game sun form you become incorporeal and you get the ability to shoot holy fire as a swift action 1d6 damage per caster level and of course wrath of the righteous the game's namesake here all demons in a 40-foot radius around the caster make a wool saving throw if it's failed everybody takes 10 damage per caster level so we're going to be at 30 caster level when we max out that's 300 damage if they save 30d6 so very strong stuff oh yeah basically aoe resurrection here at level 15 your skills out of the way you get improved cleaving finish now we can use cleaving finish any number of times per round every time we kill something we get to get a free attack we're going to take iron skin we're kind of running out of good things here we haven't taken our second mystery yet so once we take our second mystery we'll open this up a little bit and our last revelation is a really good one we get another eighth oval spell don't take firestorm if you get this it'll overwrite the level seven firestorm that you get from the ring and we don't want to do that you might take something like greater angelic aspect which gives you a lot of buffs but it gives you a minor globe of invulnerability which i believe negates all spells that are level 3 or lower i might be wrong on that other ones to think about the storm bolts and then i'm going to take winds of vengeance and this gives you a additional plus three bone a 60 bonus to your speed so you're flying around you get total concealment against range attacks if you're hit with a melee attack um you instantly do 58 damage bludgeoning and this target has to make a savings or get knocked prone nice little utility buff there at level 16 take another point of strength your skills out of the way get another knife elbow spell i'm going to go with summon monster get some movonic divas because we are good at level 17 we are going to take now it's getting really close in the game to the point where we're going to be casting spells a lot as a swift action so i'm actually going to come down here i want those spells to land so i'm going to grab spell penetration i know we have we have super high caster level so maybe this isn't necessary but i really want to make sure that we land those spells and also we've kind of run out of good offensive fees for melee nothing much at level 18 you've pretty much capped out your spells at level 19 at this point in the game we've taken our mythic ability second mystery we're going to take greater spell penetration just so we make sure we get all those spell resistance checks and we're going to take firestorm and like i mentioned in the world like i will mention in the mythic rank part of this video this is the point in the game where this character decides there is good there is evil anybody who is not supporting the cause for good is an enemy and must be purged by flames so this spell is actually really cool not only is it like really good damage so you drop a flaming circle on the ground that does 1d6 damage per caster level it lasts for a number of rounds equal to your charisma mod so with us we'll be buffed with oh i think that'll be about seven rounds so 1d6 damage per oracle level 20d6 for seven rounds solid damage doesn't hurt your party and it looks super cool fits the build theme too and finally at level 20. get our skills out of the way we get two final revelations we get our battle revelation and i i'm not entirely sure but i kind of think that this is a placeholder because this is not the battle revelation in the uh the tabletop but you know even if it is it's pretty solid and then we also get our flames revelation so that any fire spell we cast and remember we are going to purge by flames um any fire spell we cast is empowered pretty solid combo all right taking a look at our mythic path here now i'm going to go pure role playing here i'm going to go close to the heavens because we are going to go with a full angel build here so there might be other things that are better statistically but i think this is the way to go for this particular build okay our first ability our mythic abilities and feats are kind of all taken up because we want all the casting feats we're going to get a ton of spells we get crazy good spells from our angel spell book that gets merged to our oracle spell book so we want to cast as many of those as possible our first mythic ability is going to be abundant casting to get the ball rolling on that we get four more first second and third level spells per day at mythic rank two we're going to take our first mythic feat and because we're going two-handed weapons mythic power attack is really a big chunk of damage here so i'm going to start with that we also get to summon some paladins and we get heaven's breath so we get resist acid resist cold and immunity to petrification is where mythic rank 3 is where we're going to choose angel we're going to take the mythic ability improved abundant casting now at this point we have castor level roughly 12 so we actually do get fourth fifth and sixth level spells for um to benefit from this and here's where we choose mythic spellbook oracle this is going to merge our spell books and you'll see that i get a bunch of new spells to my oracle spell book right now so let's see here we get some extra second level spells i think i'll go with maybe effortless armor to make those mobility checks get another third oval spell remove curse fourth level spells we're going to be blasting later we're going to want some blasting spells i'll show you when we get that in the build it's very late in the game but we do want some so i'm going to pick up holy smite right there hopefully you have scrolls of death ward or somebody who can cast death ward and freedom of movement because you really do need these spells if you don't want to buy scrolls then i would recommend picking up one of these probably death word first for sure there's a lot of energy drain in the game but for right now i'm going to go with holy smoke and our fifth level spell again i do want to get some i do want to get some blasting spells so i'm going to go i'll go flamestrike later right now i'm going to pick up trucing just make sure that i can hit those enemies that rely on illusions for their defense and i think i'm also going to pick up cleanse because it's just a really nice cleanser breath of life to be able to pick somebody up who's died recently our sixth level spell i'm gonna go eagle soul gives us a sacred bonus to eight seas take your bonus to strength all these things stack with everything else plus five sacred bonus on persuasion checks uh fast healing gives us just a ton of things and any critical threat is automatically confirmed against evil creatures so this really synergizes with everything we get we also pick up sword of heaven uh this imbues your weapon with holy power it deals in addition to d6 holy damage on every attack spells you cast deal an additional two dice of damage and this i believe you get two uses at this point and it lasts for a minute we're going to modify that but for right now that's what we get we also get a slew of really powerful angel spells and i don't want to go through every single one of them but just suffice to say these are going to be what you're spending your spell slots on for the most part we get things like bolt of justice powerful stroke of energy that deals 1d6 holy damage and they need to make a saving throw or we get knocked prone if the target's evil it's 1d8 per level evil outsider that means demons 1d10 per level with no cap by the way when we level this thing out we're going to have 20 levels of oracle and 10 levels of angel so that's a 30 level caster plus our 30 our additional two dice from sword of heaven and just this little i guess it's not a little sixth level spell is going to be doing 32 d10 to demons 32 d12 to demon lords crazy damage crazy spells another one ages ages of the faithful you can see against the combined effect of shield shield of faith protection camaros displacement resist fire all the energy spells for one minute per caster level crazy stuff going on here at mythic rank four we are going to take we're actually going to take an extra mythic ability and we're going to pick up enduring spells and there's a reason why we're picking this at exactly this time right now anything that any spell that you cast that would normally be longer than an hour is now going to be 24 hours okay not too great because we don't have that many buffs that are greater than an hour but we are going to pick up something next level that's really great we also pick up an improved version of our sword of heaven and without a doubt the best one you can get right here is everlasting flame so usually sword of heaven is one minute only now it's going to scale with our mythic rank one minute per mythic rank so right now every time we use sword of heaven we get four minutes worth we also pick up an eighth level spell now i'm assuming that you're about level 13 at this point in the game so we're going to pick up frightful aspect first at mythic rank 5 we are going to take greater enduring spells now what this does is anytime you cast a spell that would be 5 minutes or longer it lasts for 24 hours now if you remember last mythic level we took everlasting flames so that our sword of heaven will last a minute for mythic rank so now our five minute sort of flame or sorry sword of heaven is going to last us 24 hours and if it doesn't do that right now because it's technically not over five minutes it definitely will on our next mythic rank so this is a crazy buff take something that is normally something you can only use one minute a minute at a time and you use it the entire day i am going to take burning bright for our improved halo while this is active which is all the time all demons and undead are going to take 2d6 plus mythic rank damage per round nice little aoe damage buff at mythic rank 6 we are going to go with weapon focus now we have uh weapon focus and greater weapon focus so this is going to double those bonuses and we're also going to take at this point you get to pick one of these there's a lot of good ones um i would probably either go with um guide the faithful for a penalty to ac or maybe abolish guile something like that so what these do is they get they empower your healing spells to remove so disease mind control effects poison things like that and also your weapons are going to do more damage against enemies that are associated with disease guile poison on death i'm going to go with kyle there's a lot of demons with mind control also at level 6 all of our damage is converted into holy damage or sorry mythic rank 6. all of our damage is converted to holy damage so um spells you cast damn it weapon damage you deal all that is turned into holy damage which really nobody in the game has any resistance to so basically you completely ignore damage reduction from this point on at mythic rank 7 we're going to take our second mystery and we're going to take flame now this is the point in the game that to me is kind of um a major shift in my character's story when i actually do this play through this is the point where he realizes where he makes the the very harsh decision that there are two sides there's good and evil it's black and white there are um there's there's good in the world and there are the enemies of good and they have to burn all right so this is where he's gonna purge by fire uh all non-believers basically now you get a bunch of things first of all you get a lot of spells so you get some great fire spells including fiery body which is a great level 9 spell but we also get to cast any spell that has the fire descriptor empowered and starting at level or mythic rank 8 we get to cast one of those spells as a swift action every single round so that's why we're taking this this really turns this build from pure melee to one of the most powerful gish builds there is in the game a gish build is something that specializes in melee and spell damage so really late game this thing becomes a an absolute monster and also it has a cool little kind of storyline to it your next halos is really up to you i like blinding light to blind enemies blinding is a nice buff yeah i think i would go with that one at mythic rank 8 this is where things get really crazy we get another feat and i believe at this point we are going to take extra mythic ability and make sure that we're getting more of those seventh eighth and ninth double spells four more per day we also get to choose the greater sword of heaven and there's one that to me seems like the clear winner speed of light when you have sort of heaven active which by the way we have 24 hours a day you get to make two additional attacks as per haste so two additional attacks at highest bab and all spells of level seven or lower are quickened so we get to cast a quickened spell every single round like i said this immediately becomes an incredible gish build that can do a lot of melee damage and a lot of spell damage and all of it is holy damage so really fits the theme of purging evil through fire and flames here and if you remember we picked up a ring that actually gives us the spell firestorm which i think we'll see right here yeah this is the spell right here oh no this is the firestorm oracle mod anyway firestorm is an amazing blasting spell does 22d6 damage we can cast that as an instant cast because we get it as a seven double spell from a ring that we can buy from a vendor starting i think in chapter two so it's really easy to get and it's an amazing spell usually it's an eighth level spell but because we get it from the ring we cast it in seventh level and because we cast it at seventh level we get to get it instant cast so really cool at mythic rank nine we're going to take at this point you know it's up to you there's a lot of good things you could take maybe a beneficial curse if you want to get the benefits of one of these curses without getting any of the drawbacks that could be good maybe you want to go with ever ready for more damage on your attacks of opportunity thundering blows there's a lot of great choices here really up to you you know if you're running with a skull maybe you want to get mythic charge when you're doing your beast totem charges room for room for creativity here we don't need to take us in an element you might think so because we're going to be doing fire damage but remember that our improved sort of sort of heaven does all holy damage so we don't need to worry about resistances i think i'll go with thundering pose and finally at mythic rank 10 we're gonna go with improved critical i don't think we need to get spell penetration because we're up to i think it's like a plus 34 check to our you know we have 30 levels of casting we took the two spell penetration feeds this would take us up to level or it would take us up to plus 44 for caster level checks i don't think we need that much so i'm just going to go with improved critical greatsword give us some more melee damage i'm also going to go with our final improvement to greater sword of heaven and i'm going to go with overwhelming flames so attacks of the owner with the imbued weapon now deal addition with additional weapon damage to uh all enemies within five feet so every time you hit one enemy you basically cleave to every other enemy in melee range pretty solid all right so let's take a look at this build in action real quick now i did make this a mistake when i made this save file i actually did this build as a shield slam build so it's a little bit different from the build that i just listed out um it can it it will have very similar damage okay now the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to drop that really cool oracle revelation here oh it casts on myself okay yeah just cast on me so i'm gonna get in here get these guys on me and we are gonna cast cleansing flames well it's called firestorm but there it is i mean that's a pretty badass effect right there and it doesn't hurt you but it hurts all these guys once i get my attacks out there we go get some damage going there you can see actually you can't see anything because everything's on fire but i'm gonna drop an instant cast firestorm that was with my shield there's our firestorm that is extremely low how do you roll 20 d6 and get 34. kind of curious on what the probability of getting something that low is messing up my build videos but anyway he made it he made a saving throw these guys did not so you can see these are some of the this is some of the damage that we can look forward to as a swift action every single round guaranteed not like eldritch night where you have to create every single round starting at mythic rank 8 of course we can really pop out a 22d6 in powered firestorm every single round very cool stuff all right that's the build i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it like comment subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: BolshyPlays
Views: 43,254
Rating: 4.9417124 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder, kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, WotR, Build, Guide, Classes, blaster, spells, Angel, Holy
Id: Or_nUa7Opw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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