Zul'Farrak Horror Stories | Rogue 1-60 | World of Warcraft Classic

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“You shouldn’t tell other people how to play” bro I love this video I wish he would do more

👍︎︎ 106 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

"The mallet's keeper, whose name can fuck off"

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/MrT00th 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

This guy reminds me exactly of Uberdanger. If you like this, You'll like that too.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/HarvHR 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is rly good! Sadly he has only 2 wow videos (i dont care for other games tbh 🙈) but I‘m hoping for more of this good content in the future!

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/gizmuo 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does it all rly happened like that? I did run ZF maybe 8 times and all of the groups where rly nice. Never had so much bad luck in an instance.

But the video and how he tells the story is really super funny.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Garoktehone 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not my video, but damn I've lived thru all of this.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/DoctroSix 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Holy crap that was rough. That’s the classic I remember, patch 1.0, everything being hard, each group wondering whether we’d make it to the end, be bested by the dungeon or sabotaged by our own idiot selves. Things have been quite smooth this go around, comparatively, it’s actually somewhat disappointing

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Kotobeast 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Those bot voices absolutely killed me. "You guys new?" sounding like an old veteran was perfect

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ASouthernRussian 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

the only thing it was missing was a scarab wipe.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Blacklion594 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello welcome back to another one last episode we made an everlasting friend and an eternal enemy this episode we take a deep dive into zolf Iraq to uncover sacred artifacts Godzilla copyright infringement and party members suffering from dunning-kruger syndrome this is the tale of the carrot on a stick our story begins in the shimmering flats a desolate expanse devoid of vegetation and most other signs of life in the shimmering flats everything is white as far as the eye can see if there is round-the-clock NASCAR and what little civilization exists is entirely dependent on fossil fuels whilst the average boomer sees this place as a vision of heaven I hate this zone in fact seeing it become submerged underwater during the Cataclysm trailer was for me the highlight of 2010 but I digress the shimmering flats is home to many goblin and no engineers who spend all day drinking white monster energy and racing and dangerous makeshift vehicles now this is podracing one of the gnomes named whizzle brass bolts has a level 50 quest which reads the following the trend deepens all four Rock the central city into NARAS there is a sacred pool from that pool the trolls summon a huge beast Godzilla he's so fierce even wait he's a gnome he's so fierce that even his scales crackled with energy it's that energy I want to harness for my car bring me the electrified scale of Godzilla and in exchange for my trouble he offers a highly sought-after trinket the carrot on a stick which as you know from last episode increases mounted speed by 3% ok seems simple enough right just got to go to a dungeon kill a boss but you are wrong oh my sweet viewers I wish I could tell you it was going to be that easy but mounted speed comes at a cost and if you want it you must be prepared to pay its price the task ahead was going to be gargantuan and with my current level being way lower than is recommended my chances of success was slim to none but you know me iron will ninja way whatever [ __ ] role the next part the video welcome to Lord Iran the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms three years ago the denizens of this beautiful land lived in peace under the Alliance of Lordaeron the elves in the north were happy the humans in the middle were happy the dwarves to the south were happy and the gnomes were gnomes and then the prince became a death knight and killed everyone with his mind-controlled army of the dead Prince Arthas marched north towards the elven city of Quelf alas on a mission to seize the means of production of Sunny Delight during the battle a certain high off named Sylvanas please don't ruin my character Windrunner told Arthas that the skulls on his armor look quote a bit gay in response to this Arthas tore her soul from her body and turned her into a banshee some would argue that this was a disproportionate reaction after wiping out the population of northern lauder on arthur's mind control would dwindle and he'd [ __ ] off back to northrend to cry about it no longer mind-controlled all the undead who used to live in lord iran were like oh I guess we just go back to living here then and so Lord Iran became home to the Forsaken the no longer mind controlled undead army led by Sylvanas Windrunner and they're all super pissed at office I'm sure they will forgive and forget do you think we had forgotten did you think we had forgiven never mind but if we go back even further Lord Iran was originally home to the forest trolls of the almighty Empire for hundreds of years the trolls did troll stuff but then the elves arrived and they knew magic discovering that the trolls were susceptible to fire the elves pushed themselves and established quele for lusts and the trolls were pissed but then the humans arrived and the elves taught them magic discovering that the trolls were susceptible to fire the humans push them east and established Lord Iran and the trolls with his present-day the once great Armani Empire now looks like this reduced solely to one area the hinterlands and the trolls are pissed but why did I just tell you all that well remember this gnome who just so casually asked us to kill Godzilla for electrified scales yeah it turns out this guy's Rilla is actually a demigod secret boss and his summoning ritual requires you to be in possession of an enchanted mallet how to obtain the enchanted mallet you asked well luckily for me this troll left an ancient tablet in their will and it details how to obtain it to create the mallet of zolf Arak one must first travel to the altar of Zul and obtained the sacred mallet from a troll keeper next one must bring the sacred mallet to the altar atop the troll city of chinfa law using the sacred mallet at the altar will infuse it with power and transform it into the mallet of soul for rock ok seems simple enough right just gotta go off the troll keeper for the mallet then I go boy you are wrong the troll keeper in question lives in the hinterlands the troll keeper in question is part of the aforementioned Amani tribe the troll keeper in question is pissed now I could spend the next couple years of my life working as an envoy for the Horde easing tensions and improving relations with the Armani tribe earning their trust over several years and then eventually cashing in my socio political clout points for a sacred mallet but I don't have time for that I just want to make mount go fast and so I set off for the hinterlands on a mission to obtain the mallet of Zul Farouk the item required to summon goz ruler following the directions of the tablet I made for the altar of Zul where the mallets keeper would await me upon arriving I find that the mallets keeper whose name can [ __ ] off is a level 50 elite mob oh that's not good and being a level 43 reanimated pile of bones I begin to have second thoughts oh she's 50 now you guys know me the last thing I am is a quitter I always stick it through to the end and I don't quit but I'm gonna quit but just as I turned to leave I looked up and saw familiar face a mage by the name of Merrill's who just yesterday I had a whole adventure with the footage for which is unfortunately lost forever due to Windows patented shutting down your computer right now [ __ ] you technology now Merrill's wasn't here for the same reason I was but that didn't stop them from being a total pro in helping me anyway together with this random warrior we managed to take down [ __ ] off and obtain the sacred mallet now we just had to bless it the intended way of doing this is to battle your way through the troll city of jenthor a law a city littered with elite mobs that increase in level as you ascend eventually culminating in a grand battle with the leader of the tribe vile priestess hex who is blocking your access to the altar required to bless the sacred mallet however my teammates opted for the high IQ play of running in dying walking back to your corpse and repeating until you reach the being the insecure rogue player that I am I simply stealth my way to the top god I [ __ ] love being a rope once there we waited for the priestess to turn her back then Merrill turned the Watchmen into a sheep and we scrambled to bless the mallet before the priestess turned back around now with the malice of Zilpha rock in my possession I was ready to find a group and start my dungeon experience because I had the mallet of sulfur Rock finding a group was incredibly easy now this might be largely unimpressive by the time the video releases but having the mallet at such a low level was a huge deal during the first week of the game at the time of recording level 43 was already incredibly ahead of the curve so to have an item that was intended for level 50s and above pretty much made me royalty of having them out as sure that everyone in the group would obtain their mounted speed trinket and I was there for sure this dungeon would be a happy fun great time enjoyed by all I mean we're just five incredibly ahead of the curve World of Warcraft addict there's no way we're not mentally stable surely we will get through this dungeon just fine me and the tank met up with the Warlock just outside the dungeon and after summoning the other DPS and the warlocks healer girlfriend we rode into zolf Iraq and started our assault going against the norm the very first pull of the dungeon was not made by the tank but instead the Warlock after we down the first pack the tank respectfully asked the Warlock to allow him to obtain aggro first which the Warlock responds it was a non damaging curse she's just still a growing The Moth but okay the tank then pulls the second pack and for some reason whilst we're still fighting it the Warlock pulls the third despite the overwhelming numbers we emerge victorious and I'm feeling optimistic about the rest of the dungeon if we can overcome a pool like that this dungeon should be no sweat the warlocks game a girlfriend then says with no cc and no type this will be long and painful and I just it is at this point the tank asked the question on everyone's mind you guys knew the Warlock vendee spawns his DPS Patton summons his tank pets confirming what we all suspected but that's okay new players are players too and I'm sure this warlock will learn as the dungeon progress is that the tank should be the one to pull mobs so healer then chastises the tank for two hand tanking which is literally not a problem especially not at this level further cementing in our heads that these two partners in crime are the worst type of more a [ __ ] who speaks with conviction on a subject they very clearly know nothing about the next bull goes smoothly as the tank was able to get aggro before the warlock shocking how that works but the two Warriors were very clearly still feeling the effects of the priests last moronic idiot statement to combat the plummeting morale at the hands of these two retards I attempt to bolster the troops we are doing fine and will continue to do fine the healer then immediately complains about going out of mana in the previous fight you know the one that was so tough because her boyfriend pulled the entire pack next the tank tells us to follow as we are going to walk in a specific way to skip a couple of mobs to my dismay the Warlock had not mastered the ancient art of Dee summoning your pet and so everything was pulled anyway Thank You voidwalker fortunately we make short work of them and the tank asks that the Warlock put his pet on passive during short cuts to avoid such blunders in the future the Warlock then tries to use what I said earlier about letting people play how they won I was referring to the tank as an argument to be made why he should be allowed to keep ninja pulling mobs further ahead by some grace of God we actually managed to conquer the first boss further ahead still we come to the second boss who spawns when you get too close to his cave the warrior warns the Warlock in advance but alas too late at least his void Walker was there to tank it briefly am i right the boss fight begins and let me tell you this boss is a real piece of [ __ ] he constantly summons these basilisks which by design have too much health to warrant focusing so the fight just becomes a race to nuke the main guy before you all perish miserably it is nothing short of a miracle that we pulled through but with the hardest boss encounter complete and with no casualties to boot I was confident that we could take this run to the end we proceed to the third boss where everything goes fine well I mean the Warlock did commit suicide with Hellfire but everything went fine as we clear the way to the next boss fight the tank politely reiterates for the party Reed warlock - please let him make the pools and to not attack unless he's in the fight pretty reasonable right just don't tell other people how to play the other warrior chimes in for the first time to say he's new and the tips the tank is giving are actually helping him learn and of course the warlock has a problem with this - stating that the tank was displaying lame as [ __ ] behavior though I'm preventing wipes no you aren't we pull the fourth boss and I try to raise morale once again we'll have fun smiley face but when the warlock immediately resumes crying after the fight the polite tanks patience had come to an end without a further word he posts the damage meters in chat for the last fight revealing that not only is bounced the Warlock doing the least amount of damage out of the damage dealers he's also being out damaged by the tank and the healer in fact his pocket healer girlfriend is doing more than double his damage now I'm no therapist but I suspect being presented with the irrefutable evidence that he was [ __ ] useless shattered through his dunning-kruger syndrome and induced a psychosis I really don't care what you think kid can we get the law he isn't even doing deadly crying face stop bounce the Warlock then left the party and took his heal ago friend with him later [ __ ] wahoo bounce projects onto the tank and tells him to eat a bag of dicks before being ejected from the instance with a complete lack of self awareness he then starts whispering me all this [ __ ] about how the tank was toxic and I tell him to take a breather he tells me he's going to be just fine and I totally believed him the last 30 minutes had been nothing short of a true test of patience but with the end of the dungeon quite literally in view we weren't going to give up now we replenished our group and marched onwards to what could only be certain victory that carrot on a stick is so close I can taste it after surviving the pyramid after surviving the pyramid gauntlet where waves after waves of trolls attempt to murder you we clear the fifth boss encounter which is actually the group of people we just rescued from captivity not a good day for these guys I also remind the group that I have the mallet of zolf Iraq which I must not have mentioned before because the warrior acts accordingly with a positive spring in our step we headed to the final encounter and it was here that it became obvious just how much of a clown fiesta we had been putting up with before where Baus was a bumbling ignorant [ __ ] blood I was a cold calculated killer he also didn't have his tank pet out so good job blood I the final boss fell and it was time to move forward to the true goal raela for an hour they had suffered through an agonizing dungeon experience at the hands of two idiots but I was finally about to reap the rewards of my patience except not really at all because we accidentally pulled one too many mobs on the way and wiped and then blood I immediately quit good job blood I the party subsequently fell apart and I was left careless and heartbroken I'd like to tell you it gets better from here but we really are just getting started fifteen minutes later I find myself invited to another group having the mallet of zolf Iraq truly makes you feel like the only dude at the party with weed we make it to the cave and once again someone accidentally triggers the boss fight me wipe no problem though everyone actually seems competent this time and it is an easy mistake to make after explaining how the trigger zone works we attempt the fight again but unfortunately each [ __ ] because the party leader was focusing the ads instead of nuking the boss as you're meant to we wipe again the gila leaves and i am removed for having a quote bad attitude I don't know what I did to trigger this man's inferiority complex but I can only deduce that he was threatened by my Chad war what can I say being an alpha peak male specimen really is a curse twenty minutes later I get into another group having Mallett ABS or Frank you know the drill fast-forward to the cave same [ __ ] different group bus gets pulled we actually come out on top and an agility ring drops which is a nice upgrade for me but then the healer needs on it and wins when confronted he went on an insane tangent accusing me of conspiring to sell the ring instead of using it and so he took it to prevent such an injustice wow what a hero even after checking my gear and seeing that it was indeed an upgrade he stands by his ignorant objectively wrong statement trying to coax the rest of the team onto his side thankfully for me the rest of the party are sane stable people and they do not concede to his [ __ ] they tell him to give me the ring and after he does he pulls a bunch of mobs wipes the party and leaves if you're starting to see a correlation between being ahead of the curve and being a crybaby loser I applaud your perception another 20 minutes pass we refill our ranks reset the instance and try again five minutes in our warlock gets stuck in a wall his pet pulls everything and we [ __ ] die I close my eyes take a deep breath and pray for whatever God will hear me please please just give me one good group I just want my carrot please I just want to go fast we return to the instance and suddenly everything starts running smoothly we take down packs with no problem the first boss falls and we're on track to make it to the second boss in record time for the tank then leaves the party and half stones out I call in an emergency favor from a guild mate we summon him and head into sulphur Ark for what I can only hope is the last time we fight our way to the cave and to my surprise nobody Agro's the boss in fact everyone knows what the hell is going on towards the end of the fight our healer succumbs to the swarming mass of basilisks and I know it's only a short amount of time before we inevitably wipe I last hit the fast and vanish the hell out of there as everyone around me dies screaming cuz I [ __ ] love being a rope with the hardest encounter down we breeze through the rest of the dungeon and approach the sacred pool with this be it after suffering through five hours of quitters blamers and insecure warlocks would I finally face-off against Godzilla we get ready to pull the final pack and the tank says he has to go I'm just kidding we steamroll the pack and I walk up to the gong strike it with my mallet of zolf Arak and finally we summon Godzilla slowly he emerges from the pool before entering into a full sprint charging into us and knocking us airborne holy [ __ ] this is a real fight holy [ __ ] so tanky after being knocked airborne again I use this downtime to ingest a tasty beverage mmm G fuel 10% off with code Barney Godzilla puts me in a block of ice for 10 seconds and after emerging from my icy tomb I make the final incision godzilla is defeated and that my friends is the tale of the carrot on a stick and hey if you like my videos consider supporting me on my brand new patreon Wow patreon Wow more Wow classic videos to come please like and subscribe okay Bob [Music]
Channel: Barny64
Views: 1,513,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barny, wow classic, world of warcraft classic, 1-60, wow 1-60, world of wacraft leveling, rogue, classic, wow leveling, dungeno, raid, guide, quest, 1-300, horde, alliance, grobbulus, zul'farrak, mallet, funny, blizzard
Id: 8SXMolmBSUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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