Beach Metal Detecting with the Manticore | 14K Gold Redemption

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[Music] good morning and welcome to dig in SoCal I am at the beach I am going to be hunting with the Manta core today so numbers will be a little bit different for me but uh hopefully I have a good day and uh after I'm done hunting Christine and I will do the wrap up and then we will go to the giveaway of the Xterra Pro so stay tuned for that it'll be exciting we may give away some merchandise as well so off to the hunt all right the first Target here is a 30. no idea busy number so 30 on the Knox within a quarter so I got it first here and it's in the scoop oh first find picked up on the Eraser tip all right second find I was getting you hear that grunt I have the iron on so I was here in this turns out it's gonna be a glorious tent stake nice nice heavy duty one too I'm gonna turn the iron off though I don't need to hear the iron all right I had a 22 here in the hole and uh I have a needle yes crazy that's pretty cool the Manticore picked that up but it was pretty deep too it was like six inches down some nice overcast morning by the way love the ways in the background um got a Target here mostly 90 so maybe a quarter I don't know if that'd be my guess on this machine I have it something right here see what that is still in the scoop oh let's see I guess that's about the size of a penny all green and corroded I'll have to uh double check make sure it is a penny when I clean it up all right I just had an 11 and uh I got this it's got a pointy spot right here it's pretty sharp at first I thought it was just a hunk of metal it might be an earring it looks like it could have a rusty backing right here or it could be a pin or a pin of some type um not sure I'll have to clean it up it's totally corroded so we'll check that out later but uh look at the debris on the beach a lot of seaweed dude there's a lot of damage here as far as how far the waves came up you can see how uneven the even the uh volleyball courts are just crazy all right this is pretty cool look at this I was just too along the beach and uh there you go look at that funny thing is I'm not getting not much of a signal wow I don't know if it's real it looks blingy doesn't look it's gonna be a real why the detector not picking it up is what I want to know so try something here let's go to beat I want Beach General low conductors try that hmm oops speech deep oops yeah that's weird interesting they put iron on nothing very strange if it wasn't for being on the surface I wouldn't have found it wow we're almost made out of all right I've got a 20 right here Let's see we got I said I got it there's a 17 18 19 there I don't know if I got it or not no maybe I didn't oh I got something stuck in the scoop there we go oh is that Brokers up bent I'm not sure wow hold on a second I can't tell if oh it might have been a bit like touring or a partial ring I can't tell there's a ring nice very soft metal fans in real easy so that so I'm not really sure I'll check it a little closer all right not too bad it's got a 60 right here 60 61. I'm gonna shake it out oh goodness huh well it is a ring I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a ring rusted on this side oh it's not it's welded together it looks like so it's not any type of keychain who knows I don't know if I can call that a ring but another find all right I am getting a signal right here in this pit that's like a coin we shall see I got it apparently so oh no yeah oh yeah that made my day I got me a car very cool I'm looking forward to the wrap up now all right I'm working the volleyball course here and I have a really solid 13. look at that [Music] see if I got it apparently so oh my gosh oh oh dude oh that is real wow score there's a lot of people around here so I'm going to be quiet here look at the there's a diamond Mist it looks like right there wow that is worth the trip right there that is gold for sure yeah there's a stamp in it oh my goodness I'm so excited wow 13 is a good number on the Manticore that's for sure awesome I made it down to the wet and this is my first Target um wow crazy by the way the um ring I found is a 14 karat ring so Redemption is mine how exciting I'm getting a Target right here move this seaweed out of the way happy [Music] hopefully no waves come in I'm not totally close enough oh as I speak I'm holding my ground I'm holding my ground you will not defeat me opened my mouth and here it came little stinker go away it's okay I'm not giving up I think I missed it anyway what's that oh darn you ah oh well another victory the waves did not defeat me this time all right I found another Target I'm a little bit further away [Music] boom boom it doesn't sound super great but let's see what it is sounded good at first and it seems kind of big so I'm not looking I could get too excited about it anyway I don't know let me get this shoveled away further manicure is very sensitive I think I have it out pretty high tone so there it is a little little piece of iron I don't know why it came at 99. all right so I'm walking along I saw red here and uh really sure what I got here whoa that is oh look at this thing how funny ew it's got a magnet here because it's all that black sand is stuck to it crazy on wood that's really weird all right that's different all right I'm getting a signal here 48 to 50 ish right on that dog print outside is it nope still there probably a bottle cap but you never know like I said I don't know the numbers on this oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no really dude this has been an epic day even if this is bling look at this oh wow is that something on it a butterfly wow hold on look at that oh my goodness I don't think it's I think it's just bling I can't tell for sure but uh wow and you know it's funny was I came down to this end because um I avoided it because two guys are out here detecting and I didn't want to get in their way but uh wow that's pretty cool let's see if it cleans up a little bit with the salt water here I am having a good day that's for sure oh run run forest run that's not that bad how am I getting wet but I don't get soaked yeah I'm guessing bling but I'll check everything there is it's hard to tell right now but it looks like probably a store marking there it might clean up but that looks discolored on this side either way that's a heck of a fine dang let the good times roll I was getting a 70s 80s and I just uncovered a truck I can see the back end of it here zombie oh my gosh that is incredible wow nice high tone dang monster truck very cool all right I'm three hours into my hunt and I don't know how long I'm gonna go that's uh look at the 2D marks it doesn't look very round spotty so it's gonna be interesting to see what it is gonna shake it out huh not sure if that's metal or Rock really bad signal nice and deep here okay it's out finally ah where'd it go okay another weird signal for a dime all right right next to that pit I had a really uh jumpy signal and uh see the rust in there not really sure what it is yet Bay part of a keychain that works one thing I do like about this beach is all morning long there's been a bunch of people probably locals that walk up down this beach picking up trash so they're getting all the surface trash up which isn't really that much compared to other beaches and uh I'm getting all the metal trash it's a good trade-off so I had another jumpy signal and I just pulled this out of the ground and uh I don't know this is actually I just broke off but it was attached here I don't know what it is I'll have to clean up and figure it out but that's blue Air definitely metal very interesting I'll put that in a special pouch and I'll probably have to Tumble it first and maybe ultrasonic machine on it let's see looks like I've got a little shiny underneath it so I pulled out the knocks and I wanted to um test this uh gold chain we'll either 15. that's go over to each two is where I normally hunt so we'll see if this thing is any better so all right look at that nothing hmm each one very faint I think you have to keep this thing cranked all the way up barely hear it um oops foreign a little bit more with the gold yeah let's pick up the gold one oops yeah it's horrible all right at least I know by using the Manticore I wouldn't have had any different luck with it than I did with the uh knock so that's very strange that this doesn't really pick up basically what it was made out of it is 18K GP and it's got some other initials there on the other side some sort of Hallmark I'll check it out cool all right I'm seriously going back to the truck now I made it back once but then I decided to come back out um I had a 20. right there and I found it with the pin pointer it looks like an earring um that'd be my guess I will have to clean it up and see what it's made out of and uh there's any markings or details on it I can't really make out what it is but it's pretty dark what silver does when it gets dirty like that but not count on that but either way you got an earring pretty cool so I gotta just get back over there actually I'm gonna head over to the showers over there to wash everything off but it's been a good hunt and uh don't forget to uh catch the end for the giveaway it's gonna be good and then I got two vehicles for the wrap up awesome Christine's gonna have fun with that looking forward to getting back and working with her I'm getting closer to the showers um I had a low signal here just kind of jump in a I felt myself hit something and I got it who I have oh it's a lion kid's toy that's pretty cool a little rust of the battery holder so it's got a place for batteries I wonder what it does I don't know very interesting probably my last find she's alive apparently yes um so I had a good week hunting with a manticore wow Manticore the park did pretty good um netted me two silver rings hmm I'm trying to get Redemption I don't think two silver rings equal your gold rings no however the beach hunt paid off Redemption no oh okay all right go ahead all right so here's our my fines you're a brat um however this is way more than your gold ring look at those tent Stakes except for the S is in a 10 sake anyway um here are the nice 10 steaks and here are the rusty tent sticks those aren't Rusty they're ant yes vintage that that always Nets me a lot of bread ties oh my gosh those are the words yeah look at all this junk over here um there's tons of junk thanks bobby pins they keep me real sketchy um two safety pins I got another one of these pumps for the uh bicycle pump or ball pump or whatever it's part of a key yeah oh wow funny huh got some good nice pull tabs and bottle capsule the pencil is my first find actually yeah I like that and then I did get a piece of glass off the beach I picked up a couple more and then threw them away but that one I left in my bag for some reason and then look at this [Music] he's good that's the guy that's on the train too though yeah Thomas the train but why is he why is it attached to a piece of wood I could not even begin to tell you that is so weird it's got holes like where maybe tires went through so maybe it was but there's only one I don't know maybe he's hooked to the train that is so weird yeah huh crazy huh odd but check out the rides all right calm yourself it's like one of those drifting cars you know you know Subaru WRX nice huh from vroom look at this though this is great look at the little arms it's doing it's doing the wave we really yeah it's like the it's like the monster truck thing you're having way too much fun look at how great this is I liked it oh it's kind of scary looking zombie yeah he's a cool truck look at the teeth definitely need some braces it's got some busted teeth the teeth are busted he's an orthodontist yes okay um I got two hooks and a weight nice and this was actually dug this up I thought it was just oh rubber and plastic but then I saw this is the way I got it with the detector there's probably a battery in there and the screw yep well I didn't do too bad in clad there wasn't a ton but there's over three dollars nice not too shabby that's cupcake man and then get into the jewelry check this out it Sees Candy money look at that butterfly necklace it's just so cute swing and then next to it that was mostly on the surface and I had some issues with the detector with that but it's actually stamped 18 K GP gold-plated so pretty worthless but it's a pretty neat necklace anyway um neither detector actually picked it up very well huh and then um this is I guess a ring I don't know what else it would be it was welded there at one point it kind of broke it loose when I tumbled it yeah oh hmm how weird yeah okay and then this one here was all corroded and I got it cleaned up see if I can focus on that okay oh you busted it well it was already busted um and then that ring is probably you said a toe ring yeah it's a toe ring yeah can we get a fat toe yeah but then the winner oh my goodness I got gold oh it's a little heart how cute beautiful ring well it's missing the stone yeah that's okay though it's so pretty and that is actually stamp 14k so I am back on the gold again I think that's my third gold of the year so it's now three to one I'm on my fifth gold you are golden thank you you just had a bright idea that's where the light turned on yes anyway that was a great two hunts um two Silvers and a gold this week not too shabby can't believe you yeah now I'm busy as a little B at work you're out there having fun without me it's not fun I'm not having any fun at all you were smiling when you were talking about this you liar I didn't have fun I swear it was very very boring and I didn't like it at all you're probably jumping up and down whoopee like that wow when the Manticore hit the uh when the Manticore hit the um gold yeah solid 13 and nothing just screamed at me it was just a nice nice solid tone you thought it was uh pulled up actually if it was on the uh Knox it would have been a pull tab yeah so I'm getting used to the Manta core I'm still a nox fan but the Manticore did really good this week really thrilled um I'll continue using it I'm not gonna try the headset too pretty soon here really because uh I want to see if I don't like wearing the headphones but I think I'll hear some of the real faint blurps hmm we'll see anyway it was good two hunts and I'm really thrilled to um be back on the treasure you've always found treasure yeah the best piece of treasure standing right in front of me vacuum cleaner exactly that's kind of weird it's actually a hardwood floor cleaner that we got our storage locker Hoover yes anyway the 32nd president thanks for watching oh we're going right after this we're gonna do the giveaway we are yes so stay tuned okay bye bye ready ready like spaghetti ready for what spaghetti how about a giveaway oh is that what we're doing yeah we're giving something away are you clueless or do you know I am not for sale okay I cannot be prize one Christine being given away no no how about your cupcakes no absolutely not they need to find someone else all right well keep your cupcake and give away a metal detector yeah the um Xterra Pro metal detector buy mine lab yes see I did it yay for you all right let's see who's gonna be the lucky winner okay winner like a chicken dinner boom Nick Denise hi guys you're amazing I love watching your videos and room oh congratulations Nick you are the winner winner winner chicken dinner you have uh minus the chicken dinner make sure you email me at billetdigans you have 30 days to respond to collect your prize holy cow if not we'll give it away again kidding you'll respond [Laughter] anyway um stick around we're gonna probably give away a couple um shirts or hats um we're gonna draw two more names and those winners can have a choice between a shirt or a beanie oh okay so the next two people all you have to do is shoot me an email also at bill at Dickens and tell us if you want a beanie or a shirt and if you want a shirt the shirt size then all three of you will need to email correct mailing addresses and all that stuff so let's see who's gonna get it make sure to email Bill you got that bill and dig in all right this next tour for merchandise let's see who they're gonna be oh did I do something wrong here all right do I have to get different scroll down okay my bad all right go go go for either a shirt or a beanie James Cisco yes love your videos trying the Xterra in your backyard that was epic all right James congratulations and go and let me know which item you want let's do one more let's go I'm working on it I'm trying to reach under the GoPro be patient oh my gosh and let's go the second winner for the merchandise is the Schofield I love an Xterra Pro that'd be great if you don't get the exterior but you get either a sugar beanie all right thanks for watching you guys catch you on the next one yes indubitably bye [Music]
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 8,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal christine and bill, diggin socal christine, metal detecting, metal detecting videos, diggin socal youtube, garrett pinpointer, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, garrett pro pointer, metal detecting parks, minelab equinox 800, metal detector treasure hunting, metal detecting city parks, minelab metal detector, xterra pro, xterra pro metal detector, beach metal detecting, metal detector finds, manticore metal detector
Id: xJYLlsxa3A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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