Gold Dredge Finding a Pile of Amazing Gold

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[Applause] [Music] what's going on guys Justin here X4 prospecting Mr will terminal Compass of NC it's the weekend you know what that means we got our Behemoth dredge back there at the creek hopefully about to find the mother Ro we'll see stay tuned all right so we are picking up where we left off in the last video last video we came through and we cleaned out this entire hole right there so today we're going to pick up and we're going to start up here hitting these uh holes all the way down the Bedrock and then we'll end up right here main reason being we are really low on water so we got to build a dam to keep this dredge floating so we just gassed up let's get after it with run number one all right so we know there's really good gold in this whole Bank we've been testing and obviously our last clean up from the last time we were out here with this first with the dredge the first time uh without amazing gold so we're just continuing where we picked up last time following the gold wherever it takes us [Music] all [Music] is look all right so we just finished with run number one we came through completely knocked out that hole all the way down the Bedrock followed the edge now we're down in this hole working our way that way so let's take a look at the mat and then we'll do a quick clean up and see how we're how we're doing and this cleanup is brought to you by Gatorade Fierce purple cuz it's awesome I you want that [Applause] [Applause] all right guys so as I mentioned we cleaned out the rest of this hole right there came through got up underneath this root system right there came through and we finished off run number one right there um we took the cone off of the uh dredge nozzle and it does allow more suction but it also allows for clogs so we got a clog somewhere right up in here so we're going to take uh that hose off that's why we shut down but while we were shut down we went ahead and did a cleanup of the Box oh yeah one of these days we're going to have some nice dredge mat up in here but here is our first run cleanup oh yeah look at that and is not bad for run number one all right will yeah right well we found the uh clog huh do it yeah did it you is all right we just finished up with run number two got back into the uh hole that we did in the last video worked uh the Bedrock all the way down moved quite a bit of material and here is the Box so let's go ahead and get that thing cleaned out see how we did oh man that was pretty that is very pretty I love it all right guys we have run number two and boy did we get on a nice patch gold check this out oh yeah yeah as will said we've had Snuffer dumps that looked way worse than that that's a good bit of gold we say will early dude yeah it's still early in the day so uh we're going to get back after it oh yeah all right so we've been doing some test panning I've been getting really good pans from there will was getting really good pans from there it's kind of a catch 22 but uh it's the best catch 22 you're going to get that's right either way that's right so we're just going to start from the front and work backwards so we're going to hit this hole first and then we'll work of towards that hole let's get after run number three e on that might be a lot of gold all right guys we just got done with run number three so we came through this whole area it was Bedrock we stripped all the Bedrock got all the gold off the Bedrock all the nice material off the Bedrock and then we proceeded to break up the Bedrock and I tell you what there was a lot of gold when we started breaking up the Bedrock you can see all that fresh bed Bedrock that we've been breaking up and uh yeah there's a hole right here I kid you not it's 3 ft deep uh I think will did you snuff up that that gold I did okay yeah he got an amazing test pan out of a hole over there that had a bunch of clay in it that I couldn't get the dredge nozzle down into anyway um the majority of the Run number three came from that hole got a little bit of material from that hole but uh we're going to do a clean out and see how it Compares with all the other cleanouts so let's get this done we'll come back to you all right we have our results from run number three and breaking up all that Bedrock what you say will it was worth it it was definitely worth it guys check this out boom oh yeah definitely digging that definitely digging that all right we're about to start run number four we're just gonna start off in this hole over here and well we'll just see what comes of it might uh migrate back up to the hole that we just worked I don't know we'll see let's go ahead and uh fire her up and get after it I there I got my there's will emptying his Waiters second time today I couldn't move well we just finished our what was that fourth run fourth wow most we've been able to run so far yeah and we ended up in this hole right here because we were test painting and I found a spot right there that had a ton of gold in it so that's where we ended up started over there and worked back this way and there's the box and there is the mountain of material we moved we moved a lot of material today all right we're going to get this all cleaned up and we'll come back all right we just did clean up number four what do you say will I wish there were more hours in the day and I wish I had more energy I don't I don't think more hours would do anything for us I'm pretty beat man we've done some work today and well it is definitely paid off here is the gold from cleanup number four boom oh yeah definitely digging that we haven't even done this SN dump yet that's Stellar right there heck yeah oh man all right so uh we just did our Snuffer dump and I'm going to go ahead and call this we definitely just beat our all-time best record gold check this out that is a pile of gold a thick pile of gold man that is so pretty oh I couldn't be more stoked well I guess I could be if I wasn't so exhausted H but all the hard work well it's paid off definitely digging that well this one's going to be hard to guess so you want me go first oh don't know I need to look at it for a little bit before I give you my to on I keep losing so I kind of nervous to give my answer yet uh I don't even know cuz we've never dealt with this much gold yeah I don't even know what this much gold looks like that's over a gram it's got to be that's got to be over a gram I'm going with a 1.19 GS leave your guess in the comments below well what do you think as he stares it down it's a pile it's a pile um you said 1.19 yeah and no I'm not going to one to you um I think you're pretty close I'm going to guess 1.15 all right going 1.15 all right guys well we're going to get that all snuffed up and we'll come back to you when we're leaving cuz we got to get this big Behemoth up out of the creek and up uh 10 foot bank so let's get after it all right guys it's going to do it for me and Mr internal Compass of NC today on the creek hope enjoyed it we're going to see if we can't get this bad boy up that hill and uh get on home to our families so we'll catch you guys at home on the scales and with that we are out all right guys well we have made it back to the scales man I tell you what that was an epic day and look at all that gold got it all cleaned up separated from the Black Sands ready to throw up on the scales and if you recall will guessed a 1.15 G after I guessed a 1.19 G leave your guesses in the comments below tell us how much you think that is see what we ended up with would you look at that at 1.76 G for once will take the pot with the golden eye good job will I honestly thought it was going to be more than both of our guesses but uh the scale doesn't lie so it's a stellar day either way stoked about that all right guys you know what to do if you like the video let me me know in the comments below and uh well we'll catch you guys on the next adventure and with that we are out
Views: 202,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold prospecting, gold panning, prospecting, gold, gold pan, nc gold, nc gold prospecting, paydirt, gold mine, gold mining, mining for gold, miner, mining, sluicebox, Gold nugget, dredge, dredging for gold, Goldrush, gold rush, where to find gold, how to pan for gold, where is gold, black sands, Is there gold in NC, where to find gold in NC, panning for gold, dream mat sluice, Prospecting for gold, prospecting gold, golden, how to find gold, Gold dredge, Highbanker, Dredge gold
Id: Vhx-Q-VQiCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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