Zombie GOLD Motherlode

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hey everybody welcome back to the flower gold wizard channel i'm jason that's rigby we're part-time gold prospectors based in wisconsin we hope to earn your subscription today how we gonna do that well by trying to get on the best gold deposit we possibly can and possibly teaching a little something along the way and basically just have fun we got some new equipment to test and we brought some really good snacks only one thing i didn't get any sleep last night any at all so i'm feeling a little weird today [Laughter] well we made it that's right i didn't even fall asleep on my feet here's the spot we're to work today right here i want to work that edge right there from that tree laying down in the water there all the way down probably to where that little dam is right there i'll scoot on down in there yeah there we are and i'll drop this baby down into number one and i'll give you a little look-see now we came down here last fall just before ice up we dug around in this right here you can see it's filled back in with uh late blonde wash sand and that used to be all nice cobbles in there including this giant boulder right here well not giant but it's a big boulder hey and we inked that on there we got some really good gold up in there and i did a little bit more testing right in there and i did a little bit more testing right up in there you can kind of see where it's all gotten filled back in there but i want to start pushing my way deeper maybe in here a little bit or up in there where i haven't touched any of that stuff mostly because of these branches in the way right here but there's all kinds of cobbles down in here where we're walking and i know all this stuff has gold but you really want to try to find the concentrations of gold like right inside of there be a pretty good spot looks like somebody started a dam right here going all the way across but that's no big deal that doesn't mean they worked all this material that's for sure so we are going to work a whole bunch of material today and run it over my new sluice configuration i'll show you that right now now i changed my sluice mats around quite a bit why that's fun i like doing all kinds of stuff with my with all my uh tools out in the field and it's it's just plain old enjoyable and this time i have my black indicator mat as always that's about one of the only things i never change you drop material on there and the gold sticks to it just long enough it creeps along the bottom that you can tell you're putting gold on there each and every scoop well today we've got a piece of micro dream mat one foot length of it i've got two pieces of mother lode matt from gold hog i love this stuff here this here is gonna be more of an experiment but i've been experienced with this gold hog mat before and that stuff is the coup de gras and we have some uh devon gold bdr mat right here the mini i i love that vdr stuff but i'd like to have different capture areas for a different piece of gold say a piece of gold lands on this one well it might not like it it'll like this one it'll get trapped in there if it doesn't like that one maybe it'll get trapped in this surface area you know who knows and it's like i said before fun so i'm going to start doing a little bit of classifying here's my classifier right here i'm gonna fill up two pails and we're gonna run two pails over this bad boy at a time we're gonna get some gold back in a bit test pan test pan results now that was one scoop right there you saw me put it in that shovel and here's the gold out of that one scoop right there there are 11 pieces that i can count a couple of them pretty darn small unless he wants to try to count him but i gotta tell you that's pretty impressive for one half of a pan and we pulled off the bank just a little bit i think somebody's been in here because there's no gravels left up and up towards that bank there at all as soon as i touched it it was right down to the gray clay so somebody has been in this area and worked this pretty darn hard all the way up to the bank they even dug a little hole in there somehow or another so i came off the bank about two feet as soon as i started hitting cobbles and gravels i took a shovel out of it right exactly right there and there's gold to be had there and that machine over there is gonna catch it so i'm gonna do some classifying set up my sluice and get to running got it [Laughter] i'm still classifying and this particular classification sample right here i wanted to stop and just take a little look at now i shook this one out quite a bit but as you can see this rock right here has all kinds of clay still stuck to it now there's going to be gold stuck in that stuff that's why we go after the clay this stuff has amazing amazing gravels in it with really really good sticky brown clay it's not that stuff that's too dense for the gold to penetrate but it will go into it and get caught in there just long enough for me to come here and get it out now here's some of the stuff that i've been washing off here and even some of these got a little bit of film on them yet but not too darn bad so i think we're gonna be in the hunt that i really think we're gonna be in for some awesome gold today because this material is just getting better and better as i get that hole deeper and deeper so i'm going to keep washing these rocks here and we're going to start running oh yeah you get to nap on my jacket all right we've got two nice pails of what i believe is prime prime stuff so i'm gonna go ahead and put my sluice together today i got my big one as we looked at before and that does have legs now i just jb welded some little square tube holders on there that works just fine now i could spend a little bit of time making that dam just right to accept my sluice and work properly but it's just so much faster and easier with these darn legs so i'll get these things in there and tightened up set up right over in there we're gonna see some gold all right now i've got my sluice in the water and i did throw a test scoop on there and as you can see there's the material that just doesn't want to budge up top and i hardly have any pitch at all now i could do that by raising all this dam up a little bit higher etc but i'll tell you why it's doing that right now because the front of my sluice is up in the slacker water and as it comes down into a boat right in this here area it really speeds up see if my sleuth wasn't here matter of fact i'll just go ahead and pick that right up now the water is going quite a bit faster there now to make up for a little bit lack of pitch that i'm gonna have here i'll just back that up a little bit and get it into this faster water then it's pushing the material over the riffles versus the pitch pulling it over the riffles so let me get this baby set up we'll run all right i believe we're in business i've got that front edge of this sluice move down into the faster water just a little bit and watch as i throw it on there some of it does stay on there just long enough for me to see if there's any like that piece of gold right there see how it just sticks onto the mat just for a second now that might stay on there for for who knows how long but that's exactly what this indicator mat is for it tells me if i'm scooping gold on my sluice or not i'll just keep grabbing some of this stuff here and i can feed this on there pretty quick i know for a fact that mother lode matt and that bdr mat take a lot of water flow and i'll get to know this dream mat here but we are on the gold 100 i do see some micro micro absolutely micro fine specks of gold right there hanging on to that mat as well so we're on it let's run a whole bunch look at all the pieces in there oh my goodness now if i can stay awake long enough we're going to absolutely crush it today video update and point of note i've been watching this here dream matt and i noticed that there was hardly any material getting stuck in those little holes ah that these things are designed too and the gold goes down and it gets pushed back up against the flow into those little holes well i got a little closer inspection and i noticed down there each and every one of them had a little air bubble in there so i took my finger and i just dabbed each one got the air bubble out now it's holding on material note the self and you guys baby boy's trying to take a nap i gotta tell ya i haven't seen this much gold hit my sluice in a mighty long time this is possibly the best material i've ever had anytime anywhere there is so much gold in this stuff i'm not even done with this first peel yet we still got that one to go both of them are just over half full pills but this is gonna be absolutely stellar just stellar we are almost done with our second pail and this pail was just as good if not better than that first one look at some of the pieces showing up here that might even be a dark picker right there look at that thing hundreds and hundreds of pieces that's gonna take me about five more minutes maybe not quite that much and we're gonna clean this puppy up because i see gold just stacked up in this dream mat up top here when i let this thing clear out a little bit every one of these you can see gold in it this is by far the best i've ever seen i can't wait to get this in a pan all right we've got our buckets run and all my concentrates are in this pan right here and that's quite a bit i wasn't expecting to have quite that much black sand but there's hardly any larger stuff whereas my other mats would capture a little bit more of this type stuff right here it's a lot of really fine black sand and i know there's a ton of gold in there and i am going to take the time to pan this one out it's going to take a while but we're going to do it and note the self i siliconed all those mats in there because it's i'm not sure how to connect the three different styles of of uh materials together now silicone doesn't stick to them as well as you'd like and when you pull them out of there and try to roll them up or whatnot they uh they break apart so i got this whole thing siliconed in there and that is extremely hard to wash those little those little eyelets out of there i tell you what but i did see a ton of gold and i think we got got it all in our in our bucket over here in our pan so let's pan it out but not before we have a little snack yeah just a little bit of a beef stick yeah he needs that he's a hard-working miner and i think i'll have a piece of smoked salmon yummy oh boy he's helping himself he really is a hard broken miner so we'll pan this pan into this pan and do some panning mm-hmm very gently i'll save all them tailings we'll get them home and run them over my clean up sluice or something cause when i leave today we are gonna have a monster pile this is the new gold mother lode let's prove it and the results they are pretty darn stellar i would say for just over a level five gallon pail that is pretty darn good there's some really really nice looking pieces in there now i do think that i might be blowing out some of the really super super fine stuff and i panned through this pretty good and you know i didn't see a whole lot get by me but i saw a whole lot more go over the top of that sluice over there than what's showing up in that batch right there so either it's still stuck down in all those little teeny holes and as a matter of fact i can i can see gold stuck down in there i'll have to figure something else out yeah some of these are still full of material well darner that stuff's really hard to clean out this was pretty easy and obviously that vdr mat was a piece of cake just give it a little splash and it's over with but i'll have to come up with a little something for that but nonetheless we're still running and we're going to pound more and get a lot of gold right buddy on second thought i panned what was left in that pan there and it's still full gold my bad oh so tired come on ring me slide over here let's see a little napper well that's going to be a wrap for today holy cow i wanted to get 10 full pails run i only got eight tired bags killing me but we got a ton of gold i think i may have just found the new gold mother lode let's get this stuff in the truck and home and we're going to clean it up because it's going to be something special back in a bit ah well we made it back here's my gear as you can see i've been playing around with my high banker a little bit i'm gonna have that in that spot soon enough put a little mod to it that's right that baby's gonna catch goldie nobody's business let me grab a little something out of the fridge of wonder here bam i'll get my clean up slew set up right over here we'll see what's in that stuff all right here's our material right here that baby is chock full of golden goodness i'll start feeding in my clean up sluice right here this shouldn't take long at all these little cleanups looses plow through that material real quickly all right our container is empty got it all in here and it's looking pretty darn good so far a lot of these look like they packed up just a little bit that was some heavy stuff but there is some gold showing up on some of those little eyebrows right there so we'll just have to get it into a pan and take a look at it and the results that's everything out of my snuffer and everything out of our container look at the amount of pieces of gold we've got in this here thing it is absolutely incredible let me put this thing in three we'll get up close and personal now again there's no darn pickers in this stuff not a one as a matter of fact i can feel a couple of them but i there's nowhere near i can pick any of that stuff up but that is totally awesome right there let's tap that into a little smile [Music] oh yeah well i gotta tell you that spot might be my brand new gold motherlode for the amount of pieces we got there and eight five gallon pails or eight half pails yeah you just can't beat that especially not wisconsin or anywhere for in the midwest for that matter i want to thank you guys for coming along and i hope i did earn your subscription today we put a lot of effort into our videos but mostly it's just out having fun and there happens to be a camera on so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build our channel flower gold wizards oh damn you will shatner
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 349,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dan Hurd, Gold prospecting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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