BTD 6 but you can't attack the Bloons...

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welcome my little leaf cakes ie the own today we started off with a simple one for us what this challenge is gonna involve is this going to be the no projectile challenge so what we have to do is build towers that have no direct projectiles that they can shoot let's get going man where's Hank it for a little bit uh so what I have to do is that to do this very very weird weird a challenge where I have to do only towers that can shoot not just from a distance but our projectile list so a good example here we go we can hopefully save our spikes what there it is but by him oh yeah look at that oh come on give me another one yours ma'el spike backers keep pumping them out pump them yes Thank You spike factory because being so amazing so uh I've actually got a little list of love of towers that I think that I can use here I'm thinking a spike factory it's sort of like a again I look at in-betweener it's not like an exact direct thing it never attacks the balloons directly right the druid I think a zero three druid but also out of range is gonna be important for us so we're gonna have to get it out of range and get them upgraded here we could also build farms and villages those obviously don't attack at all well besides the fifth-year village and then maybe there's a couple other ones that I'm thinking about like I think the nuclear sub could probably work for us that's not really a projectile it's an aura of damage there's a couple other ones that I'm like sort of iffy on like I think the ice tower as a base tower might be fair to use because he doesn't really necessarily shoot out a projectile he just kind of has like an aura of damage around him and I won't upgrade him further than like a zero zero or base or something like that eventually we might get him up no no we will never get him up Grady just leave them as a base tower and see what we can do all right kate says we can use the ice tower balloon trap out of range that's definitely a reasonable one to use all right we're gonna do Benjamin all right this is our start here we're gonna go Benji I think bloom traps could be a pretty fair one because they're they're kind of like a spike factory for sucking up blooms basically so I think that's a pretty fair one but yeah I think ice tower was pretty good but even things like the mortar and the sniper even though they don't directly attack the balloons I think that's more of a projectile you know the snipers shooting out a bullet and hitting a balloon you know the mortar is shooting out a bullet hitting the balloon but the ice tower like isn't really shooting out an aura of ice or ice or it's not really um it's it's more of a jazz an aura effects I think we're gonna build a couple ice towers in here if I keep the alchemists out of range I might be able to power certain people up but I think keeping them out of range it's gonna be a little dude a little bit difficult so buddy I like a watch myself on that one all right Alchemist does throw an alchemist potion though if it only throws it at my towers think that's fair but throw sit at the blooms I think that's cheating all right so I'm gonna try and stay away from The Alchemist and Tolle maybe later in the game maybe want to throw them in a corner somewhere all right so let's start off with some farms right in the middle middle of frickin map your man just like that just like that but round 14 we take this thing down with a spike factory by its frickin self that's amazing straight-up amazing all right here it is bump up up up up up boom we just doubled our pop power just like that right - we're still rockin spike factory how the heck is this guy so good 27 is gonna be a tough you know that's gonna be everything all together uh I can't build a low level sub I have to go all the way up to nuclear sub to make this worthwhile oh crap oh crap oh crap spike factory we need to get this guy going in here man we're gonna get another one of these guys boys we're gonna lose thank you guys so much you guys are wonderful oh man Jonathan and then decimator and Jonathan again and we still pop the balloons it's all thanks to you guys all right so we're still doing well I mean holy crap were doing well but I think I need to change my strategy up pretty soon I need to start getting some good strong popping power and I think there's only a couple towers that could do that properly all right let's get our drew it up pop them in the corner here you got to watch this guy because what we're doing is we're building them in the corner here's we can't do his regular attack if I put him over here I would looking citizen siddur myself cheating no it's weird but you don't notice but the white balloons are actually faster than the black so don't you guys notice that or not everybody always assumes the blacks and whites are the same balloon just with different projected Isles it's not true they are mighty different all right here we go let's start them up in the corner here but by them we're gonna get one of these guys boom boom and we're going through to the jungle already this is just to clean up some of the balloons my spike factories have a little bit less stuff to do basically it's all I need to do man I think this is a great combo by the way Oh God we're about to die faster production faster production no no no no no no this is getting scary guys these pink balloons are wild but we're taking them down I'm basically limiting myself you know what like I know the tower that I want we need some money's going right now yes Mike factories to demolishing I am very surprised how good these guys are doing I've got a sister I've got a wicked idea a wicked wicked idea I don't know if this is gonna work I've got a wickedly superb Lee weird I freaking diya here let's see if it works now it's probably not gonna work but I'll try I'm trying we're gonna go like this we're to go BAM like that all right now watch this this is goofy does this spike factory is not gonna pop that many balloons as he currently lies all right but but give me a second here we're gonna make some ridiculously awesome plays here all right so this is working fantastic let the spiked fenders just clean up all the balloons but don't forget these druids are also doing a lot right now I'm gonna cheat for like a quarter second all right only a quarter second here we're gonna wait until the rounds over so we don't fully cheat all right here we go no real attacks are gonna get off here we're gonna go uh pop him right about here there we go no real attacks come out of that guy no darts no projectiles just an aura of action and then I think if we're going for it man we're gonna go for the aura of action from our ice tower on both these sides all right ba-bam there it is so I've gotten confirmation from you guys earlier that the ice towers are allowed alright nothing crazy no ice charts no ice charts but the ices are allowed because they don't have a really have like an aura attack it's really goofy it doesn't actually work the way a normal attack does Arctic wind I think I think an Arctic wind might work yeah that could work faster production team fast production Mathilde mehleb Shraddha all right I'm thinking this ridiculous bow of shredder action is going to help me out a lot in the long term ooh I wonder hold on hold on hold on so if I do smart spikes now I don't think I could do smart spikes I need to do these red-hot spikes man but I'm hoping that the bulbs and the BFBS are gonna walk through here and get hit by this thing look at that it's perfect oh man it's not unbelievably perfect but it's pretty perfect it's pretty pretty perfect my pretty pretty princess over here all right mo up coming it doesn't even matter to spike factories like a boss no glue no mortar mortar shoots of projectile you know no no like projectiles just trying to stay away from the projectiles spike vectors are kind of like almost a cheater tower because they like sort of shoot a projectile but it's not directly at the balloons where mortar is aiming for the balloons like a sniper also like doesn't shoot a projectile it's just instantaneous but like come on let's not a lot of each other here the sniper is shooting a projectile all right purpose pike yeah I mean that's an allowed Tower we're totally gonna go for that later on all right we got to get some more MOA popping power though like where am I gonna get it from I mean I'm hoping that this guy is just gonna be enough for me maybe just do two of these guys oh crap oh crap I got a better idea spike binds who uses spike binds well I got a wonderful idea let's do spiked binds in a better spot so let's do them like this ready go spike binds like this with of course you've got to go fast production and even fast production because they they shoot pretty slow but now the nice thing about these is that the explosions are gonna be sort of like gradient it you know they're not gonna happen all at once they're gonna be spread out it's gonna be wonderful oh I love it look at this guy go oh yes spike mines for the win we got to watch out round 63 is coming up man we really gotta hope for the best year I think a permafrost larger radius is an order here that'll increase the amount of balloons that I can pop with my sub over here I'm hoping that my subs gonna do a good enough job here I don't if I put him down to the corner like in in a mass taking mistaken way like it's going pretty well pretty well super vines is very very expensive but I think I think we can do it guys what do you think maybe we should go for it here we go so we popped the pfb layer whoa I don't know if that was a good thing or not now they move faster through the map uh we really gotta hope on this guy did you see how only sauce that was who spirit of the forest wonderful idea oh man you guys have the book the best ideas we're totally gonna go for a spirit of the forest later I love it I love it I'm actually most amazed by the spiked bonds at this point all right I'm afraid I'm a little afraid let's get another through it lets go through it in here through a Jew a druid popped down there we go one of those quick guys are we doing here how we doing oh yes look at that all right they're only gonna get tougher though but it looks like we do wonderfully man so these guys got oh man this guy already cawthon pops 63 was a breeze who would have thought oh we got the top path sup man we're probably gonna go up to an energizer later I'm also thinking we might go for a middle path ice tower all the way up to fifth here but holy crap there's a lot of mobs coming in spiked minds is getting overwhelmed right now that's not good uh-oh Oh doh last spike bites come on come on come on little buddies take it down just all right there we go Benjamin coming into play right now this is wonderful sabotage that could work if we keep it off in the corner there but I don't even want that like is that even worth it glue storm if I put him off in the corner for show I think we can make it happen one thing I'm realizing about this map though is that there's pretty much stuff everywhere so like finding a spot where things can go down was really difficult like right here if I get any extra range boosts or like a B FB comes through like he can attack so I can't do anything down here I could only put things like over in the corner ears my space is really gonna be limited here basically more money slurp it up let's put it in sort of a weird spot I think this might actually be beneficial here we're gonna put them like right here we're Nago and freeze deep freeze Arctic wind we need that larger radius of course and we're gonna get that snowstorm up crew because it gives us that extra range all right still this is not really projectiles more of an aura an aura of death basically I love it this is going fantastic man blooms got nothing on us all right let's get a little more farm action in here before we make some crazy plays and I want to make some crazy plays right now moon trap oh gosh dude let's do that before we forget oh wait no we can't can we I liked the idea of blue trap but I think it's still it's got other shots that you can do it's not gonna work man blue storm I like the idea Lewis if we put him in the corner here so in fact why don't we do that now let's put on the glue Gunners we don't forget one of these guys in the corner ba-bam all right I said I wanted one more of these guys and then I think oh I got a fantastic idea oh god you guys reminded me this earlier I think we got to go for it I'm pumped man I'm excited you guys ready for this we don't have the money yet Oh spirit of the forest 54,000 dollars of pure unadulterated joy right there man oh my goodness pure unadulterated blissful wonderfulness right there I mean he's got bananas he's got peaches or monkey fruits I don't know what are the heck of these things monk fruits it looks like like why is he sitting on a weird log with monkey fruits on him I don't know but he's just so happy he's just so wonderful it'll look at Zappos could work if I put him off in the corner like over here but I don't know if that's worth it you know I don't know all right let's slow these guys down keep them on the screen for a little bit longer oh crap that didn't do anything to anything all right we're really relying on this guy but the the balloons have been on the screen for a long time that's the good news well spike vector doesn't directly attack the balloons they're also they're not like I don't know it's hard to explain either like a half cheating Tower they're not really a projectile but they're sort of a projectile plus it just makes it so much more fair if I get so you spike ivories so I'm crap crap crap crap crap don't die on me now come on oh my god the Moab shredder kept me alive right there oh my goodness barely barely keeping me in the game he was around 76 hopefully our nuclear sub keeps us in the game here um Oh God oh man that was close that was really close we almost got overwhelmed a bunch of rainbows turned into ceramics right there at the very end ooh baby this is getting scary I'm getting so afraid man I feel like we're about to die at any second look holy PFDs how the heck do you stop that all right slow down slow down where's my mouse my mouse is gone where did it go where did it go it's stuck it's the same color as the background or it slowed down that's terrible I hate that so much why do I even try man all right we're almost there though we almost got that money's we're almost there spear to the forest meet another $600 come on $600 oh here we go $500 500 Beasley dollars where is it alright screw it man I can't I can't I can't live with this if I lose after this we're going spear to the forest we sold a phone and make it happen and then how about this guy let's say you know what let's do it again let's go pain let's go sabotage ready for this get ready for this action so he's growing his thorns right now they're growing but they're not out they're not out yet look at that oh yeah started to take over the map here wonderful spirit of the forest go baby go alright ready for this double slow down here okay slow him down keep him on the screen let's sabotage him here let the spiked factories do the work and it looks like oh we power through it man we power through it around 78 though we've got a wonderfully super amazingly strong spirit of forest growing his jungle vines all over the place it's beautiful man I wish they'd turn into flowers and just brew awesome right in front of your eyes I baked it looks so much cooler if you pop balloons get stronger or something I get that was so cool dude the more balloons you pop the stronger it gets I would love that I'll disappear to the forest love it the ninjas attacking is he ah we gotta sell them he can't attack get out of here ninja no none of that action I don't know if I can put him down here have him no tech no I think it still gonna attack we've got to leave them off the board no more ninja no more ninja okay so this is actually kind of cool so now the spirit of the force like slowly take these guys down this guy's still doing a great job I think we did another one let's do another one of these guys alright let's do a couple of them all right we're going pretty big on them we're going moive shredder figure stacks red-hot spikes good for DDT's as well so there's nothing wrong with that it's crazy to watch these big balloons coming here though we've got bf B's up the wazoo Sol but that one got popped faster for some reason I guess spike factories hit it more oh man all right what would you do alright I got I got the plan here we got to go for its round baby already oh no we got to go for another one of these spike mines look at the mo of shredder spikes though those are delicious get them guys going oh man I'm feeling good right now we just beat it on hard but we're gonna keep on going guys we're gonna see if we can push it to the limit a maelstrom and the corner is that worthless I don't know that's worth it maybe if he keep him overclocked um alright what do you little bit more money in here let's get some more money flowing - I really need more money yes you always need money alright look me in the eyes well I'd say you always boom spike storm spike storm spike storm let's get one more spike storm while we're at it strip up some money this is getting a little dangerous though I'm not gonna lie there we go we got four spike storms freaking ready to go no I can't put the Druids next to anything else because they're not allowed to do any direct attacks a direct attack would I would be considered a cheater at that point so what I got it is I can put them off in the corner here even though it's not really the way I want it to be it's it's the best way to complete the challenge I think blow blow um Oh necromancer behind the wheelbarrow you think I should give it a shot alright let's oh look at that now that is one of the coolest things I think I've ever seen in my entire life if this works alright dude I got to give you some mad credit here if this works are we making any balloons honey pollutants though these they're everybody's not doing anything alright DDT's got nothing on us man they're not a problem that's done an issue for us at least alright do we need to get a legend of the night behind the wheelbarrow would that work I don't know what else could we build behind the wheelbarrow that would do something that would not actually oh crap we gotta get em mmm oh you know what ooh super mines which one do I want to get his super - oh I think I want to get him is like a a middle path here they're like not even on a middle path like in the middle here let's put a quick JJ JJ the spike factory plane right here we're gonna get him up to a fourth tier spike mines and now we're gonna have to go all the way through purpose Pike fantastic idea let's get a purpose by killing let's put it you know what let's just do it here this is what I'm gonna do watch this section work out perfectly I'm gonna go for a perma Spike are going to get oh but you guys think it's better perma spike with fast production or bigger stats because I can get a village I can power them up and get them that lead pop and power that might be nice if we can get him that let Papa power over here all right let's try it guys let's go for the engineer behind the wheelbarrow see if we can make this work for ourselves I don't know I don't know again I don't want to be able to hit the balloons it looks like it's gonna be tough can't the balloons right now still can't hit the balloons can't throw it on a balloon trap though he's not throwing down blue traps can you not see through walls so throw down blue traps that sucks the balloon traps count us through walls oh man we tried though that's the good news we tried alright we got a lot of money to deal with I think I want to get I gotta get I gotta get that's super mines I've gotta with invest production plus this guy's got to go on far yeah I want him to thrown on his spikes down on the bottom here so that these spikes can kind of throw up in here and get caught up first man this is even with a spirit of the forest working in over here whoo a spicy I mean at least he gets rid of all the other balloons just kind of kind of awesome we do have a glue gutter he's hiding over here where did he go he's built over here somewhere DDT's there they go I just spit all over the place look at that damage though now that is delicious all right we got it we just got to do it we just got it - it's a screw it let's go for it we're only six grand down in the hole all right super - you guys ready for this are you guys ready for this this is gonna get we're gonna get a super power super mines right in the middle of the map throwing randomly - absolutely oh these guys I'm so excited right now all right then we've got to power them up a little bit all right we can get a lot of stuff to power them up all right check this out now watch this the is like a big chunk of loose perch it's about to hit round 98 which is even bigger chunk of balloons this is super mines true power though watch what happens when you hit a ball Oh baby look at that Oh check these other guys out oh my god that's awesome if he can aim properly here boom look at that explosion that's one random projectile shooting out and exploding everything there yeah I think you guys are right we got to get our farms back we got to make some more money flowing in here all right so hold on hold on we're gonna overclock it we've got it overclock and of course heck first things first though let's just get a quick jungle Ramazan you know it doesn't have to be crazy it's quick jungly drummy it's gonna be increase the speed by 15% special but at least he's there check this out though as soon as you get those bonds boom their daddy around 99 look at that super vine explosion oh my god this is wonderful this is a freaking bad balloon here how'd that even happen I don't understand how we're so powerful but we're about to go in a free plate pass round 100 here guys oh man the no direct attack challenge has been a complete and utter success how could I put this guy out well alright man I don't really like this idea but I think it's already over to try like this we're gonna get rid of this guy we're actually gonna get rid of think this guy this like glue gun we're gonna pop the engineer over in the corner here see who these DVDs are get strong guys alright let's see if this is far enough away to not get the stuff on the stuff yes it's far enough away no cleansing foam for you now the reason why we did that is we wanted to make sure that our village was not gonna power this guy up at all now we can rebuy the village but bam ba-bam looking good looking good now we can start the overclock festival here we go this guy's gonna get overclocked and non-stop yeah I know the foam is one of those things worked like it's like not really gonna do anything at this point let's be honest with each other it's not like a camo balloons gonna randomly kill me here like DVDs are strong and everything but it's not really my problem at this point let's do them let's see if will work I know he's too fat look at that that's so cool though how his range works yeah he's - he doesn't work guys that's gonna attack look that you can hit the Blues right there you can hit the balloons right there oh yeah he's attacking we got one pop one single pop all right let's do the overdrive bop boom ultra boost Oh God so watch this we're gonna lock this guy in place up in the corner there so we can't attack we're gonna go for a quick support Chinook all right and then we're gonna go for a quick perm abreu 2 per Maru these guys very quickly I don't have money all right get the permit roof boom perm abreu primer bro come bro bro before we start attacking come on bro bro bro oh I think he tacked it he oh we got some pops oh crap Oh guys we suck oh man now where do I move in he might have to be in the corner over there are these powering people up still need to move around more but at least we're kind of off the corner at this point oh crap broseph sprayed up so if you guys don't know / Maru is weird if you buy a perma brew you gets him to Peru things and then you sell him all those effects go away so kind of sucks yeah he's got 11:28 pops now gosh darn it Chris gosh darn it we were not successful automatic loser complete failure at life why do I even try alright let's try moving this guy over in this corner this oh he could see through walls oh I forgot he can see through walls guys couldn't we put them where do we put them oh oh this could work maybe all right launch him down on the corner there or otherwise I have to sell them no I've already said no to infertility ten times no more inferno let's see let's hopefully this guy doesn't attack hopefully I don't know man those BFBS might be too beefy for them you can see the range here like I'm waiting for it be up you to make it to him but these super mines are popping them so fast I stream on Fridays at 4 o'clock you at Central Time and Sundays at 4 o'clock US Central Time by the way if you guys enjoyed this video or you're joining the stream make sure you press that like button alright I know it doesn't mean much to all we attack didn't e he a frickin attacked yeah I don't know where else to put them please please please I know it doesn't mean much to you but it means a lot to me if you press that like button alright pretty pretty please do it I know there's a lot of you guys that watch my stuff but don't subscribe please subscribe as well alright I know it probably doesn't seem like much but there's a little real baby button down there were so close to 500,000 I've been working on it for literally like 10 years of my life and we're so close make your help to make it happen so you guys will do that for me that'd be wonderful umm you know what this might I set to sell him I can't keep him he's attacking see you later I can't find a spot uh-oh TV T's are getting pretty crazy right now though this thing's gonna start spraying Wow eight times if you sell it while it's active you can lose all of the stacks but if you sell it while it's not active you don't lose the stacks it's really goofy I got a superb plan here get ready watch this guy's watch this spike Factory deliciousness the engineers got pops what how's he getting pops Oh big blooms must be getting all the way to the very end we're gonna sell them it's got to be gone get rid of them hold on give me a second here guys give me a second plus you might be getting powered up by the village you know who this though oh man look at that beautiful sight to see now we're gonna go for a spike storm with bigger stacks alright this is gonna be so many projectiles on the screen guys oh my god is beautiful hahaha oh my God look at them all here we go alright now we gotta be getting a little bit laggy over here can my computer keep up can OB us keep up hey can my internet keep up can your guys internet keep up I don't even know here comes the lag guys maybe we'll pop the balloons faster though oh I ran out of money there it is but watch this watch this Oh [Applause] or balloons they have no chance all right 150 man what chicka-chicka what would so many projectiles oh look at him dude 152 plus with this strategy what is even going on these days man I don't even know oh look at that lag I can't even press things I can't even click things that's how bad it's getting look the perma spiked here though perma spiked yes perma spiked bad balloon come on this perspective takes my bad balloon all by himself check this out watch this go on no yeah yes yes all right here it is man I think this is gonna take us down this bad Bloom's got to go he's going he's going strong I'll run away one second shell launch the spikes guys shell awesome launch them launching [Music] yes yeah your purpose bike can open it like a boss again so reminds pop count is currently yeah oh my god what even number is that we've got 18 million toward a 2106 is that hey you guys look at numbers - look at that pop count though it just goes something like thousands at a time so yeah why not a couple X 4000 for you 18 million I mean let's see what else Scott anything even close to that - I mean this guy's been around ooh three million all right this guy's been around for not even a million Scott Oh what the heck he's got all my pops man eighteen mil rancid brews welcome to the extreme club my friend don't forget to message me in discord for all your special perks oh there they go 59 we tried so hard right there but if you guys want to press that like button subscribe and I will have you guys seen these new microphones these new headsets they're called chin sets they hook up to your chin it's supposed to give better audio quality
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 443,006
Rating: 4.8570275 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons, Bloons TD, BTD, Bloons TD 6 ice tower, Gaming, Mobile, Mobile gaming, google play store, tower defense, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 challenge, BTD 6 challenge, superjombombo challenge, BTD 6 tier, spike factory, Bloons TD 6 spike factory, BTD spike factory, BTD no attack, Bloons TD 6 no attacking, no attacking challenge, Bloons TD 6 no attack challenge
Id: iWXUexvAfZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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