I Have Waited SO LONG TO DO THIS In BTD 6... - Bloons TD 6 Challenge

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lots of darts uh all right so we're gonna hop back in here we're gonna play some fun challenges um from the trending list so i actually just played this one this one was actually really easy though i was surprised because the way this works is there's a uh uh as far as trending goes it's how many likes does a it's a challenge have and what's the win percentage this is the 99 win percentage all right so um uh that means this is obviously very very easy so should we just test it out just to test it out monkey's available it's just a super monkey all right round 20. can you beat it with a million dollar super monkey do it temple me baby temple me victory is ours starting off strong guys alright so so we'll give it a thumbs up just because just because and then uh i'm just gonna go down the list here on the top challenges and we're gonna see which one's gonna finally trip us up here guys one more 78 let's see what we can do we got 5 200 to take down a single moab and you get dartling guns do you get any upgrade oh you do oh my god beautiful all right we're going to go for a laser shocking powerful darts dartling gun i'm going to go for another dartland gun up to let's see how much money do i got i got 1700 bucks i can get uh oh baby this is gonna be tough i think it's gonna go for a faster barrel spin just to pop it a little quicker now let's go powerful darts i think powerful dogs would be better for us and i'll make it focused so we can actually hit this bell up all the way across so no that doesn't mean that i lost 46 times that means that uh uh or i don't know what to talk about losing 46 times i've lost this challenge zero times here's our first try 76 percent of players were able to beat it and we are also able to beat it baby we're rock stars today man all right so you can see we're kind of just going down the list here and just knocking them out we get these check marks let's keep on going 54 though finally on our our first one where almost half the players that use that uh play this one are going to lose with only a dart monkey infinite zero zero dart monkeys what comes out here around 27 just balloons all right so it's all about that debt positioning huh only get one life so put this guy on last here see how good our positioning is this kind last put this guy on last as well last last now i didn't actually start this off by positioning these dark monkeys like i should have we're gonna put these guys on last for a little bit we're gonna try and get the max popping power out of them i got two more to build and we'll leave these guys on whatever they can be first class last close strong whatever all right we're gonna move these guys back to first oh oh oh there it goes oh i didn't have mud first in time all right all right see it's not super easy we need to build these guys quickly so we're just going to build them fast though i think i actually might be able to leave them on first to be honest i don't think that chasing is going to be all that bad i think this is just the area to leave them in you get the biggest loop i think this isn't a bad area either and let's go let's leave on first let's see what happens just build them all up uh for whatever reason 46 percent of players were not able to beat this challenge i don't know if they gave up after their first try or what um this time around we are able to take it down delicious it's all about that uh positioning guys not even targeting just positioning we didn't need anything out last wonderful 35 all right this might be the most difficult challenge we've played so far 35 percent of people don't mind your cash hard and chimps and we gotta beat round 76. all right so uh first and foremost you get a refreeze so i think we need it i do i do i think we need this we're gonna go for a refreeze here i don't know if this is the best spot so i might i might have to reposition this guy eventually but that's a pretty good spot here we got cash we need to need a uh probably a balloon dissolver i think would be the best thing to buy we're gonna put them sort of in the middle here um i'll leave it on first too we're gonna get a balloon solver with glue splatter as far as snipers go you gotta go deadly precision bro you gotta get that um instant ceramic popping power oh don't mind the money i see i see now but what the heck is going on here huh [Music] all right so this is not the answer i think i know the answer i think it's gotta include the heli pilot it's probably got some sort of send back here all right um so i'm gonna guess this has got some sort of downdraft here and we're gonna go for the insta kill on these with the druid of the jungle that drew to the jungle and we're gonna go for it man let's go let's see if this is enough i wonder i don't know man so far it's a bit of a struggle why are some of them not regen are we de-regening them somehow i don't know all right our drew it's not the answer either very interesting [Music] really making us think here what options do we have wall of fire i don't see it being the answer uh drew the jungle obviously not the answer by himself or at least with two of them oh heart of the oak you're right that's why we're learning to do that all right um ooh you can't sell either all right i did like my glue gunner and i think the ice tower might just need a better position i think this might be a better position possibly here but i think this might be a better position just to kind of get him going and then he tries to give you three wizards no don't there can't possibly be a triple wall of fire way to pop these guys that just can't be the answer can it can it i i don't know this is actually complicated because there's different ways to go about doing it um [Music] i think we were popping through the ceramic layer with this guy and i still feel like it gives us the most time if we've got this guy up to a down draft all right i guess i don't know do i want to get the quadrotors i feel like i don't want it you know i feel like i don't want it actually which is kind of weird all right just gotta leave them on the screen as long as we possibly can hope that our glue gunner actually does the work here i think is the glue gunner doing the work i guess that's a different question here he really isn't the ice tower is doing the work as what was happening here so i think we need to do the ice tower with the druids again i think that has gotta be it or even just one druid instead of this glue because this glue is just garbage at this point what is it doing all right well i mean this strategy might end up working but uh this is kind of weird i don't know is it working i guess that's the question are we just regening the same balloons over and over again uh oh we're starting to pop them glue uh oh no we might lose oh crap i think we lost [Music] i think we just lost guys maybe i don't know it's freaking close right now it's all up to the downdraft will the downdraft you know what i guess now at this point quad darts it up man quad darts it up we actually do want to pop the balloons very very interesting situation that we're in right now what is this what even is this is so weird it's working all right i know that we probably should be using a druid but this is still working um i think that i'm supposed to be using instead of this glue gunner i think the druid would instantaneously pop a lot more of these guys so oh no i'm creating a regen farm i'm creating a regen farm guys oh no oh no this is rough this is rough could we have the indefinite challenge the challenge that lasts forever oh no it's not gonna last forever because we're gonna die and the ceramics have started to sneak through oh god it's not over yet that's the craziest part about all this it's not over yet [Music] the the infinite challenge no why are they doing this to me where are they coming from oh my god are you freaking kidding me dude why look at this look at the regen thing over here it's just a giant ball of ceramics like what the heck what the heck all right we gotta pop these puppies we gotta pop them all right that's what we need to do get to work california get to work man no ceramics no ceramics no leaks no ceramic regens nothing coming out oh god oh no oh man we just made more we just freaking made more guys what the heck are we doing i think we have more ceramics than we originally started off with dude no don't let that zebra no no i keep down drafting things come on come on come on get him get him get him chris get him take him down come on i want it to be i want it to be so bad it just keeps going it just keeps going it just keeps coming oh no it's ceramic all right send it back to that ice prison right there oh boy oh boy we got a nice present right here guys we're about to unleash our fury one down oh let's make it two down oh it's freezing in the middle of a downdraft that's the problem and then they explode in different directions what the heck how is this even possible but we're making a difference we're making a difference boys no there's too many popping all at once oh god they're exploding in all different directions come on ellie polly you got this buddy you got this you got this my friend all right all right looking good looking good looking good there's less on the screen there's less that exist that's always a good sign man oh yeah oh yeah oh baby the infinity challenge is no more it's almost done come on come on guys you can do it you can do it you can do it all right i yep i can't pop them like this doesn't do any pops oh no zebras oh they turn into rainbows but i do not let them regen enough to cause any problems here delicious delicious please don't spam spam and get you banned don't forget about that i can't believe i haven't had to say that yet delicious looking good and i think if all goes according to plan here guys we could take down this challenge the way that it was not meant to be all right now i have considered making only fans where all i do is i eat bananas in one bite all right i've considered it i'm not sure if i'm gonna do it but um but uh it's definitely a possibility it's a real possibility it just could never be a youtube link you know that's just gotta know that my name is chris indeed indeed it is so we've got a big problem here all right uh we got a big problem here i can't sell i can't do anything i'm just stuck i don't know that's a question that you gotta ask yourself man you gotta dig deep do you want to donate twenty dollars do you feel like twenty dollars is worth it to donate to most people probably not you probably wouldn't want to donate i'm not worth it you know let me just spray it guys i'm not worth it i'm not worth your money um but at the same time yes yes yes same time i do appreciate it to the absolute max that i could possibly appreciate you know it really does mean a lot to me you know um this is what keeps me going your guys donations your guys help uh it keeps me going as a youtuber you know i i don't think i don't know all right little buddy last ceramic can we do it it took us forever it took us forever but we've got it covered man all right all right 39 this has got to be i think the second toughest challenge we played so far one dartling gun all right i think it's a possibility that this might be difficult mostly because you have to pop all types of balloons and we have to wait two rounds just to get enough money oh oh oh i need my monkey knowledge you're right that's why oh you chris you silly goose yo trying to do this without monkey knowledge good thing we've got monkey knowledge though i keep pressing play man it's just that's where my my mouse wants to go wants to go to play all right let's do it a no monkey knowledge play with that would have been pretty fun so we now we get half our one third off military monkey and we get the starting cash bonus so this should be much much easier for us one dartling gun challenge can we do it so uh one thing you have to keep in mind here is that the bottom path doesn't have lead popping power the top path does not have lead pop power until fourth tier so for around 28 we have to somehow figure out how we're gonna get lead popping power and to me i think there's only one answer here guys i think it's gotta be gotta be the middle path tower now the question is what other cross path do we want to go with hydro pod generally speaking the bottom path is gonna be much much better right you're gonna get the powerful darts it's gonna be better but the laser is not bad at all so and we get to have accuracy you know it's like would be rather the accuracy or do rather the bottom path what is the round that i have lost the most on i gotta say i think it's 63 the close second of 78. now i'm gonna i'm gonna go with i'm gonna go with 63. then 75 then 70 i don't know i don't lose on 78 that much anymore it used to be a tough one for me or i forget camo detection it happens you know i can forget camera detection but i think i also lose a lot on round 98 around 88 on my chimps runs man i have a hard time beating it so that's one of my toughest ones for sure even to this day 76 is easy for me i don't know why i beat 76. by that point i have group popping power but by 63 i usually don't i don't know is it my fault i don't know maybe i just suck but 63 is the toughest run in the game if you ask me i really do think so i think it comes out of nowhere you know like you specifically most rounds you're like oh i might have to build an extra tower to help myself out a little bit 63 is the first round where you have to like i have to build something for balloons now stabbed if i don't build something for blooms right now i'm done i lose now what's interesting here we can actually get a rocket storm against our moab those last three rounds really are ninja kiwi did a top-notch job in designing a difficult last few rounds in the game 98 tons of group balloons 99 fast reinforced ddt's that's not easy to take down man and then of course round 100 the bad balloon it's just completely different than all the other ones um it's not about how much damage you're doing anymore how much group damage doing it's all about a singular tower of damage now i might have broken my dartling gun here let's see if the glitch is still happening um all right it is not and my ability absolutely owns delicious uh highest round man i don't know what the best tips i can give you is when i ran mine i did like 15 temples and i didn't use very many 50 towers only things that actually damaged late game towers like a fifth year ninja fifth tier ice and a couple random fifth tiers that like do extra stuff that aren't normal damage other than that though two-fifth your ice actually is good but the bad balloons usually wound up killing you anyways all right so that was actually a fairly long challenge but not necessarily difficult i understand the 39 but it wasn't difficult oh come on really i mean i just don't want to play this because i don't want to freaking play it but i'm going to do it just because i can't have it happen man what kind of glue do we get we do we get a super glue all right we're gonna pop a superglue somewhere down in this general vicinity super glue big globs glue splatter why not and then we're gonna go for another village in the corner over here and we'll get him up to also a third tier and we're gonna buy a bunch more tartling guns now that should be enough here to take these guys down all right even if i only spam a few more dartling guns even if i have extra money left over this should be enough you know in fact i think just out of laziness i think the better play for me to do is to build more dartling guns but i'm lazy i'm gonna go for a call to arms all right let's try it out plus we get ten thousand lives here too which is kind of wild all right we're gonna start with our homeland defense i'm gonna go whoop homeland deep foods let's see hopefully this is enough again it's just a regular bad balloon this should be enough damage oh you know what i need though i do need cam text on this guy all right and use this called arms i'm gonna use the homeland defense here in just a second homeland defense lots of darts uh oh the alchemist yeah that could help out a little bit but um i'm not sure if i need him you know another one of these guys i'm a little afraid i'm not gonna lie ddt's man dd freaking tease oh baby this is gonna be close closer than i want to be for sure all right i think i'm gonna lose to the balloons i think the balloons are gonna kill me we do a lot of lives here but holy crap oh just because we have 10 000 lives we do survive alright super glue baby nice oh we could have got a oh a perma brew that actually would have been really interesting i didn't even think about that man was that even allowed was that allowed that challenge it was oh they wanted to use perma-row i didn't even see that i don't know why i didn't see that i just i looked at zero zero dartling gun i was like yes darling god [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 246,145
Rating: 4.9165955 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: CCedmo1KYx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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