This 1 Tower Can BEAT Bloons SOLO! (1 Tower Challenge!)

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all right how far can give the single tower in the game wonderful all right so with this strategy one thing you got to realize that we're gonna do here is we are allowed to use farms and villages all right they are technically a tower we're still gonna allow ourselves to use them because it just seems fair all right it just seems fair so for now we've got our monkeyest going right now so my monkey a so far is defending I'm act a little bit surprised round four Oh God even around twenty eight the pineapples are just not gonna be enough no matter I don't care who you are you're not gonna pop those leads if you use farms you can use villages I would say I agree with that statement so I was thinking that way would you probably end up doing some selling here and there I think to start off with I would love to get a top path I think I mean we need to pop that Moab I don't think never missed armies gonna get us through anything but switching into a specter it's probably gonna be pretty important when we get the money for it right I don't know when we're gonna get the money for it though it's gonna be expensive as crap so then we have to switch into a top path or a start start with this top path switch into a some sort of weird specter play or something like that and then we're gonna decide either between a selling that guy into a sky shredder or going straight to a flying fortress so uh man I mean that's an interesting question do we go for a freaking bomber race that would probably get us through that led problem huh I think right I think we need to go for a freaking bomb race here all right we're goin bomber race starts the only way we're gonna get that let pop in Power Man only way palm races are pretty beastly and I think this is a really good position because the way the bomber races work is the more area that you're like on the territory the more bombs they lay so if we can be on this like map area right here for a super duper long time we can get bombs like crazy boys so we got two farms going right now I think we got to start upgrading though so we're gonna go wingman bomb ace really a winged monkey bommies I think that's gonna work I have a hard time believing that's gonna work bomb race it is boys Bob biome but don't bomb bombs all right that's gonna cover us for a lot of stuff here let's get them rapidfire action as well this is looking good this could get us far man I mean this is good at the very least help us farm a lot look at those bombs whoa baby I never realized how good this Tower is on this map Wow like straight-up unbelievable right now that's got camo detection too he's got all of our bases covered man he's on first second and third and even covering home right now that's what this guy's got for us let balloons are coming up soon though that's when they get a watch out for lead balloons man normally a big big pain but with this scenario with this loadout it's not looking too bad right now heck yeah dude heck yeah but I think it's gonna start to get really painful really soon I mean we have to somehow figure out how to stop a moab glass balloon here guys with a reasonable expensive Tower now I'm actually not above using continues here if we do fail it's it's it's okay for us to continue you know move on agreed agreed to just say it was screwed up and push forward all right so we're getting down to the all man we're getting down to the oh crap zone right here if regen balloons end up doing anything oh crap oh crap 31 831 is it was it orangey or was it a lack of skill I don't know we're gonna try it out again no I'm gonna I'm gonna give ourselves another chance here because I believe that this thing was just complete and utter unluckiness that's all I can think of loads more darts maybe will help us out all right so these black balloons do not get popped by the specter bombs and that's one of the major issues for us it looks like we will defend or we'll survive this time around so it was a little bit of RNG right there we got unlucky with that can you micro the plant I don't know man I feel we don't really need to I feel like this is such a superb spot it's difficult to to switch that up we're gonna have to get rid of this guy man we cannot handle this for much longer so we're gonna have to switch into do I need an MIT already I think I might need an MIT already if I have to sell my farms I gotta sell em man uh all right so we're gonna do is we're gonna do a quick little strat here we're gonna go like this we're gonna build this guy which build this guy which builds this guy which builds this guy one to sell for e we're gonna get rid of this guy to rebuy our monkey ace i pushing have done that i could save some money that's okay brenn range now all right we're gonna go on wing monkey and we're to get them up to a fighter plane for now and we're gonna see if this is gonna help us survive this is gonna give us camera detection wing monkey it's not doing well right now I think the figure eight was actually the best position for this guy he just goes right over the balloons all right now what we have to do is we're going to get this guy all the way up to fourth year here very very soon if we want to survive at all selling one farm though seems to be doing okay for us operation dark storm man all right now that's gonna be good for a long time we've got let popping power down we've got good balloon popping power uh we've got that Camel detection got all our bases covered and we even hopefully have enough for Moab popping power for around 40 so we're to get that Shh we're gonna rebuy the farm first all right we need to get that money flowing realistically I would love to get a Spectre so so far we've used both sides of the monkeyest man the middle path and the top hat and soon we're gonna have to switch into the bottom path spells be all three paths to the monkeyest this is just like a it's like a micro challenge Sharper shots you guys want it alright let's do it sharper shots I don't want centered path though what if we just want to go straight for the sky shredder so let's look at this the price here man spectre 20k $20,000 but for a measly $10,000 more and gets sky shredder and we won't require any selling um never missed our knees pretty good but got very little moai popping power this guy is got extra Moab missiles so we're gonna hope that this guy's can be powerful enough a realistically man if we could farm just a little bit more we might be able to afford a sky shredder on round what 42 or something like that what does this guy worth for eight so we got one two three four five that's $20,000 we need a total of thirty K so we're like we're close man but look at this hey this is gonna require a little bit of luck here put my winged monkey for a second let him follow these mob class balloons around we'll follow the balloons that we're moap last balloons and boom we keep on going man look at that look dude that was good that was good the reason why I like this spot is that he's following the path here all right it's not perfect but he's like on top of the balloons for a lot of this okay all right oh-ho baby all right sold the farm UPS I was worried man I was worried all right still alive for now but not alive for much longer because we need to go for that sky shredder boom oh my god look at the amount of damage you go from from the fourth year to the fifth year that's almost unbelievable at this point we're unstoppable let's also put him on a winged monkey here let's just let him fly let's let him do his thang man I don't know winged monkeys goofy it's like it's good and bad it's like it flies towards the balloons then it's like oh let me just go over here I don't know what I'm doing it's gonna fly away cuz I'm an idiot Flying Fortress $91,000 that's not that much money I mean if you think about selling this guy's worth 16 K so we need about what four of those guys and we're good it's crazy one missile it takes down ammo out by the way done alright here we go alright so like I said we get farms and villages but sadly we don't get to use an engineer if we were able to overclock this guy he would get so much more powerful but for now Skylar does not need a bit but that's true but you can eventually get a younger jungle drums called arms and eventually a fourth and maybe even fifth year monkey village if you're feeling it man so it looks like we might make it not just around a hundred might make it round oh god I don't know man holy crap I don't know can we make it to two corner plus it's a possibility so 60 pretty easy 63 usually not a big deal I don't think it's gonna be a big deal for us but I guess you never know let's check it out man sky Schroeder around 63 alright alright so I wouldn't say painful but you could definitely see that if we did not have wing monkey on like that could be a big deal it could be a big deal but nope nope love that little plane buddy love that little plane so one interesting thing that I you know I don't really want to talk about this too much that I want to get to be monetized I can get D monetized for this but one thing that I think people are misunderstanding about the whole crap I don't see anything wrong right now but a really the only place that there's gonna be anything wrong is at the hospitals every rail should be 100% normal and or closed down because people are not wanting to go to the hospitals so I think what you have to do is you have to understand the reason we're all doing this is this about us don't get overwhelmed here it is though boys we got it boo big plane we're currently on round 70 right now we've got a lot of money where to go call to arms we're gonna go for a secondary village here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna stay alive pass around 100 I think now one thing I want you guys to look at right now is the fact that run around 72 well we didn't even get rapid fire dude Oh give me a sec give me a sec run around 73 with a non rapid fire big plane alright the Flying Fortress of doom alright if anybody doesn't call the Flying Fortress of doom you've got issues alright every single time not just the Flying Fortress the Flying Fortress of doom but this is round 74 at this point and we don't even see the Blues like you see them for like maybe a split second do you see the pop you'll see the little pop thing but that's how insanely powerful this guy is now give me a sec because we're gonna make this guy that much more powerful we're not gonna overclock them or anything we don't want to be cheaters about this but we do want to make sure that this is going to at least as powerful as we can make it within a fair way to do it alright so what we're gonna do get rapid fire in the sky and the loads more darts then we're gonna go for our fifth tier homeland defense and then we're gonna get another fourth tier call to arms but all of this is going to lead us to is the ability to power this guy for only two ways again I don't know how jungle drums works here but skyrunner 125-thousand pop so what are we looking at now what do you guys think I would say it's got to be at least four thousand maybe half a mil Oh DDT's seem to be the big issue for us round 95 let's activate it oh look how fast that shoots dude that's it's insanity alright let's do another village triple this up triple dipper and we kind of keep these guys activated in fact you know what I'm gonna be lame alright we're gonna were to just we're gonna be lame about this we're gonna get three century bucks or I feel a little bit bad about this button be lame it's okay being lame is okay free sensory thoughts we're gonna do is gonna activate this guy or the wait for the cooldown to wear off I'm gonna activate this guy we're gonna do it slow after the cooldown watch it watch it watch it watch it boom alright shoot bad guys done watch this guy watch this guy watch this guy as soon as that guy's done we're gonna go for this guy boom alright so there we go we get all three of these villages basically oh my god round 100 already can we do it big plain monkey is only round 100 Oh baby look at that Wow it was demon like top it all man this guy is the best tower one of the best hours in the game for sure 100% imagine if we were like overclocking this guy's up or even Alchemy's him or something you know but now oh now we're getting down to the nitty-gritty here reinforced DDT's that's where it's all at man oh here we go our 10 man this could be the end right at the very end there a lot of animals have different types of intelligence though that you know make them smart different ways it's difficult to rate intelligence even IQ tests I feel like our flawed in some way they equate your intelligence to a certain set of rules that people have agreed upon that make you smart you know but it's not really true intelligence it might be problem-solving but like remember a room everything memorizing things they're all different types of uh-oh here we go different types of intelligence people don't think of that and there it is baby round 112 I am pretty happy with that 112 man I mean that we did that without any overclocks at all stay safe everybody see you guys next time goodbye and have a wonderful wonderful night
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 391,221
Rating: 4.8527846 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons, Bloons TD, BTD, Bloons TD 6 Sky Shredder, Gaming, Mobile, Mobile gaming, google play store, aliensrock, isab, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy, Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 Tewtiy, Bloons TD 6 challenge, BTD 6 challenge, superjombombo challenge, BTD 6 tier, Monkey Ace, BTD Monkey Ace, Bloons TD 6 ultimate boost, ultra boost, Support, Monkey Ace boost, Sky Shredder BTD 6, 1 tower challenge, one tower challenge, best tower Bloons TD 6, Sky Shredder
Id: bMQQrNsbf5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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