Is 1 Tower Chimps Possible Now? (BTD6) GODLIKE SAUDA

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hello and welcome my barbie dolls with anchovy flavored scratch and sniffs on your butts how you doing today it's super jumbo here and one thing that we're all very clear about right now is that soda is pretty freaking awesome she is the best hero in the game and i have to say this from experience ninja kiwi's gonna nerf her so one thing that i want you to do and i want you to think about is what medals have you really been struggling on lately what medals do you really just want to earn just so you can have them on your game before ninja kiwi comes in here and says nope we're not going to make it so easy for you you're really going to have to work hard on these instead so take advantage of this while you've got the chance because right now we're going to see how far we can go with zada now i'm not going to go as far as saying that you can run tower chimps but two tower chimps has been a really long thing but i think for a really long time it's been one of the most concentrated hardcore efforts if you are a pro you've done two tower chimps before in fact when the game first came out there was only like one maybe two strategies that would even existed for two tower chimps and then they upped it to you know maybe five maybe ten maybe 15 and then now we're up to about 25 before this recent update but as of right now there's likely more than 100 different two tower chimps strategies and a majority of them are with soda so what i want to do for you guys today is i wanted to try a quarter quart one tower chips i want to see how far i can get with soda on chips by herself now i'm not saying that this is the most valid strategy in the entire world and that this is exactly what you should do but i just kind of want to see where we can go and how we can do this and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to go a step further and i'm gonna see what i can do with a fairly fun fairly equal tower to see how easy two tower chimps really is right now so i've got my game sped up right now we're currently on round 17 and all you're going to notice is that all of my money is going to go straight into soda here every single dollar that i earn we're just gonna level her up a little bit i'm also just leaving her on first i'm not changing my strategy my uh targeting or anything over here but the only thing that i am going to watch out for is right now the only thing that so that soda cannot pop is lead balloons so that's all we have to watch out for around 28 round 30 around 37 and 38 i think both of those are pretty terrible rounds so we're gonna do all that and hopefully own them all all right so here's round 28 first thing we're going to do reduce our ability this is going to take down the original leads here on round 28 we're going to earn some of our ability back because we want to earn it back for around 30 and try to use it as fast as we possibly can in addition i'm going to change targeting too strong here i'm going to see if that's going to help us out at all so i'm going to press this button right away as soon as i possibly can see how many leds we can pop here we got one two three and five left oh this could be interesting here i'm hoping that we can get this around this little uh turn table right here let's wait it out we're not gonna do it just yet we're gonna wait wait wait wait wait and now all right so that's gonna allow us to get every single lead popped over here we want to get this on this uh cross path so they can end up popping all these blues but now we're in the home free for a while all right more lead balloons coming out on round 37 here so this is actual micro required what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna leave her on strong for now we're gonna see if we can pop these guys down let's slow this down a little bit um i'm very worried about these leads they are going to be difficult no matter what we do but here we go right away lead balloons get them popped you actually have to plan ahead at least a little bit here we'll leave her on strong for now but i might end up changing that soon let's switch her back to first we don't want to hit the lead blooms on accident here we won't hit all of the leftover balloons and all that nonsense do some camouflage coming out here and everything that's okay i think i think i hope i'm gonna leave her on first for one second we're gonna move her over too strong again jump on these leads hopefully that's the last of the leads filled up and i do want to actually earn my ability back as fast as i possibly can so the these red blues over here are actually perfect i know it seems weird to be like oh we want this to take more time but we actually do we got it back to half strength right now we're gonna move her back to strong we're gonna level her up again and now we gotta watch out for these levels around 38. this is again going to be difficult for us so what we're gonna do is right away as soon as we can we're gonna press this button there we go all right so we pop some of the leads there move her back to first clean up all these balloons here again this might seem pretty easy to you guys but i have practiced a little bit so i actually know what i'm doing at least at least a little bit i guess i got i guess all right ceramics coming here this is actually gonna be pretty difficult man i know it seems weird but ceramics can be deadly let's see will we take them down we do take them down uh we're gonna wait a second here and we're gonna jump on these leds it looks like we do take down round 38 and we're in the clear again for at least a few more rounds all right so for round 40 the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna jump on it we're gonna do as much damage we possibly can and what we're gonna do is we're gonna wait for our ability to come back believe oh crap i actually did not want to pop this guy [Music] um we'll be able to pop them i don't think so actually let's see if we can get our ability up in time oh oh and we don't so believe it or not that's the first time that she's ever actually killed the mo up for me here um that's kind of weird actually we might have to plan this out a little bit different there we go see oh no it did pop oh all right all right if we could do that much moab damage let's just see if how much damage we're going to do by just leaving her without a sword charge or a ability yet see what's gonna happen all right that didn't work at all so i have one more technique that i can try off and that's using my ability over here so i don't get the max amount of attacks off with sada in range and that seemed to have worked but we still have to get our ability back so we have to hope that this mob being slower than the ceramics from before is going to allow us to get this ability off it looks like with perfect timing we do take down that mob very very scary but again with a little bit of micro a little bit of timing a little bit of skillet we're able to take it down which by the way if you guys are enjoying this content make sure you press that like button for me make sure you subscribe don't have a super delicious day until this video is over though don't don't do that for me please so we actually hit a very very good mile marker for us round or level nine rather level nine is the clear soda champion round level eight gives us an extra bit of attack speed which helps us out quite a bit but then level 9 increases our damage a lot all right so what this allows us to do is to do three layers of balloon damage with each strike instead of two this might seem like it's only one third more damage but it's actually more than that because now we're cutting uh through even more layers basically ceramics down to greens and then greens into nothing instead of taking more than three shots to do that now it only takes two shots so there's just less balloons in in general to have to deal with so it's increasing their damage even more than it may actually seem which is why damage is such a sweet sweet nipples kind of thing to get over here all right so 48 was literally a breeze no problem whatsoever still got around strong for 49 though it's not going to be easy but it's not going to be difficult we're just going to throw her over here let her be on strong do a little bit of that action actually we can level up to level 10 here so we can get our ability going if we want to for around 50 and beyond but i'm gonna move her back to first here and i think this should be enough to kind of clean up the rest of the balloons here and it is no problem but for round 50 watch out we're going to throw down on this mob right away here popping a bunch of leads in the process all right this could be a difficult round this is definitely a round we could lose on looks like we're able to take down those ceramics and move her back to strong here for just a quick second and switch back to first i want to pop these yellow balloons ooh that's rough all right i'm just gonna leave her on first for a little while in here um last now i don't want to hit those random ceramics and first strong first we do pop a bunch of random balloons here i've got my sword charge ready to go i don't know if i want to use it just yet um there's a lot of balloons on the screen here i'm gonna move her back too strong for a quick second here see if we can pop this bulb just a little bit better and first and i'm gonna throw it down right no i didn't want to do that all right we're gonna do something weird here uh we're probably gonna have to sword charge all right um i think we lost just being straight just being straight here oh what why didn't that happen all right so we got a chance rainbows pinks nope yellow sneak through rough all right so what we're going to do is we're going to change our strategy completely we're actually going to just put around strong here we're going to get rid of these lead balloons with our sword charge we're going to try to get it back early for round 51 just in case we need it so let's get rid of just some of these random balloons in here take them all down few ceramics on the screen that's not a big big deal now that we got around strong we can jump on the mob here we should just be able to take it down with what we've got left here and that worked perfectly all right and all of our abilities are going to be back by the time we need them for round 51. all right so 51 is a big chunk of camo ceramics wasn't sure how bad this was going to be but because sawdust automatically camera detection looks like we do got this one covered as well don't need to use any abilities and this is important though i know i'm talking a lot about which ability i'm going to use when and how and if i'm going to save them but this could mean our death if we don't use the ability at the right time or whatnot it could just completely kill us for the next round so thinking ahead is actually important here all right we still need eighteen thousand dollars here to level up so that's not happening anytime soon we're gonna leave her on strong for now i'm gonna use my sword charge here get rid of all the balloons see if we can do some extra mob damage with these guys all right just put her on first i guess why not oh that's perfect watch this watch this boom jump on that kill a bunch of the balloons hurt the ceramics as well which may not seem like it's important but i think that'll get us through these random balloons here got her on first and we do clean them up beautiful and we've got our abilities pretty much ready to go here pretty much not exactly we gotta run strong both abilities ready to go here we're gonna jump on this mob right away see if we can get through that guy very very quickly there's not very many balloons in the way so this this ability isn't going to do much but um the other one will oh that sucks a yellow balloon all right i went for the leaping sword here a little on the early side because i was allowing myself to get some extra red balloons to sort of slowly sneak through the map here which allows me to get my abilities back again for a round that i think we're gonna need them around 54. now we're gonna keep her on strong here there's only two go ups on this map but uh on this round but they can still be pretty difficult because they're surrounded by billions of ceramics so we're gonna go for an early sword charge pop those guys down we're gonna put her on first jump on this moab and see if we can clean this guy up fast enough first i guess close strong whatever as long as we're popping by webs here that's what i really want to do all right that mob's not gonna pop though that could be difficult that might be too much for us to handle oh yellow balloons it's kind of hard to believe that we're on round 55 now with a single hero what the heck is going on right now is this possible should chips be this easy i don't know now i shouldn't say easy this is the easiest map in the game and we are spending a lot of money on things so that's definitely something to keep in mind here but it's not like it's an automatic win or anything like that hmm that didn't go well and every round is a bit of a fight uh that is definitely definitely true so uh let's do a pop them on strong here we're gonna jump on some of these oh that's not what i wanted i want to jump on ceramics not green balloons dude what the heck all right i'm gonna do this a little early here we're gonna go for our sword charge i'm gonna see if we can get back something to pop this mo up or just hope that these abilities come back eventually alright i think we got enough damage here you cannot pop full strength ceramics but slightly weakened ceramics you can pop so that's how close we're cutting it right now guys did we damage the ceramics or not ridiculous all right another ability here on our moab everything else should just be cleaned up every round is an uphill battle we're gonna go for another early moab strike here all right last second ability not sure if that was the best thing to do but we're back in action to pop these moabs i think with a proper ability here we might be able to take down both these mobs at the same time we're gonna put her on strong and i'm gonna try to just jump on both of them ready for this slice slice oh dude get it that's terrible all right another early sword charge just get rid of the ceramics take him down get us back in time for this moab damage and that's just a very good leaping sword spot right there and get tons of damage off those guys that should be game 57 definitely a struggle for 58 definitely a struggle for 58 here um we are going to be out of the money for a little while in here and it looks like that's gotta pop oh my god red balloons no way all right sword charge blue balloons at the very very very back here uh we're back in action for the moab again that's good news looks like we don't pop it all the way though that's not good news oh we do pop it all the way oh would you look at that all right so we're gonna do something weird here we're gonna we're gonna wait it out i guess come on pop pop pop please yes thank you oh i can't believe those freaking balloons snuck through all right a late sword charge but a necessary sword charge we've got two moabs left um we do get back in time to hopefully pop this moab and this guy should be damaged very heavily but timing this is going to be difficult oh i hit the moab instead of the balloons this could be the death of us how strong are we can we get a little lucky here we do and it looks like round 58 is covered 59 should be easy i think we're gonna have to sword charge it though all right sword charge a little late on on round 59 but around 60 is going to be i'm going to say easy i think we'll uh we're going up to level 12 here we're going to jump on it once and we'll probably just do a bunch of damage to it with um we might have to time how we use our abilities here because we want to pop the moabs separately from each other all right so i jumped on the bfb again we've got some moabs here i'm going to try to pop one at a time if possible that didn't really work all right this is this is this is bad because i i'm pretty sure i need a sword charge for 50 61. so unless this is just beautiful and pops everything we're done yeah it didn't pop everything so if i do this it didn't even oh crap are you kidding me i only got one moab down there's no way yeah done we're gonna try some really good positioning here we're gonna jump on him right here that did pop all the moabs but of course all of them at once oh this is looking somewhat promising we got a good spread going on i popped a lot of the balloons i love myself a spread spreads are always good but it's still gonna be close greens and zebras no just a few yellows so i know what you guys are thinking i have one other option here i can use this second ability and i can use it really late indeed i can but then i'm very afraid for 161 because it's a lot of regen blooms and i just don't know how i feel about those regen balloons i feel like it might be possible but i'm just like i said very afraid so i'm just trying to see if i could do some sort of weird combo that somehow magically just like leaves me in in the white here oh my god look how close it is screw it this is what we got to do guys i don't like it at all at all i hate it in fact but it is what it is all right we're still alive for now we just gotta survive for a few more seconds till we get a sword charge sword choke oh we jumped but we didn't make it is any of this really going to matter there's just too many moabs at this point sauda has finally been defeated she cannot beat round 61 on chimps mode on at the very least this ramp this map i've not tried other maps yet that could mean different things but even if we do end up popping the millions of regen blooms here we cannot pop the moabs that was pretty expert though i don't know if you guys saw that but i leaped in between two moabs i hit a mob over here and a mower behavior here and killed two moabs which believe or not actually is causing us to lose faster but still really cool so i'm ready to call it i think sada officially round 61 at least without the sword charge can't really do it um it might be possible to pull that off on round 60 without this but i think it's unlikely and i think because it's so unlikely it's not a valid strategy again at least not on this map some of you guys know this or not but soda is probably the best hero alchemize like in the entire game so i would say that getting an alchemist going at this point in the game is probably probably worth it just gonna go out on a limb here and uh you know i'm gonna say it uh we are able to holy crap dude no way no way even with i only had two thousand dollars when i started off this this map and i think we're gonna do it oh my god all right all right so it's no longer one tower chips let's be honest here it's not i'm not saying it is i'm not saying that i'm going to be automatically boss here but let's see what we can do now that this is part of the game all right so now we can pop leads um [Music] 63 would have been ridiculously difficult though not probably impossible i don't know there's a lot of lets somebody would have been difficult to say the least but now she can pop leads now we can use our sword charge now things should go pretty smooth for these next few rounds here i think i'm gonna go to the limb and say that things got a lot better real real fast with an alchemist friend over here uh we're not unstoppable or anything like that but it it really i'm not gonna say easy but i've gotta run strong by the way not even microwaving so far and she's just doing this with almost no abilities i should add so for level 15 we got increased attack range we got popping power and balloon bleed deals even more damage again still leaving ron strong we just took down around 77 with no abilities required at all all right it's official boys we're into kind of free play well free play in a normal game um this could change things though i might have to switch her back to first soon let's see yeah we do get overtaken and she is able to take down round 81 i wouldn't say breezy but we were able to do it whoa that did a ton of damage man we almost killed a bfb with that thing before we did like 10 damage to it all right so we just got uh soda sword attacks and sliced through many layers of blooms at once and this was the upgrade that we needed because well we didn't really need it but but we appreciate it to say the least we appreciate it all right guys we're at the point where we're not even needing any micro whatsoever we're deleting reinforced ceramics and reinforced bfbs like it's our job here's the first set of ddts and we completely destroyed them i mean i i can't even say like oh they were a little bit of trouble they we we went through it twice one two but i can say i think it's gonna be the liftoff around uh a little different for around 95. i think that one will be at the very least close but i don't know how close there we go we're about to reach level 20. at this point spending money to level up your hero is probably pointless i'm gonna kind of just let it go and see what happens and if we get the money for it i'll go for a perma brew but i think at this point i only got eight rounds left it's unlikely for us to make forty thousand dollars so i should mention i think soda is technically as strong as she's going to get level 19 and level 20 i don't think and i'm saying think because i'm not 100 positive make an actual difference in popping power but the main difference is is that her ability gets stronger the sword charge sweeps the track three times instead of just one time uh this is a positive and a negative um it makes it so we do less regular attacks but of course that sword charge is pretty freaking good so um no worries there and round 94 is taken down all right round 95. again this was the round that i said that no matter who you are this is the very least a little worrisome but we are level 20 officially so what we're going to do is we're going to use our surcharge oh my god oh my god it gets obliterated holy crap all right i'm still worried about round 98 like a little bit like a smidge everything else um except for maybe 100 should go down you know these are sometimes difficult i'll admit it round 97 reinforced oh my god not every one of my strategies automatically takes them down all right uh reinforced balloons can be difficult but it looks like in this scenario they do get taken down remember we're not getting any extra stuff for this so we have to hope that we make you know 20 000 somehow in the next few rounds here to make this all happen so we're gonna go for our we're gonna just see with just a regular ability here without using our sword charge if we take these guys down i'm unsure not 100 sure um oh we don't crap white balloon snuck through all right so what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna go for an early sword charge all right we're gonna pretty early not super early i'm gonna go for one of these we're gonna go for one of these not sure how much that's helping here but let's see oh still gonna sneak a bunch of balloons so let's do a little bit more accurate micro let's first of all put her on strong for a second we want to hit the moabs kind of get them going in here get them destroyed let her do her job we're probably popping too many zoh my gods is the main issue i think i think so we got her on strong for now we're going to end up going like this jumping out a bunch of these balloons if we can get rid of the bfb and boa player really really quick then our sword charge will be even more powerful so here we go we're going to use a little on the late side this time around the balloons are going down very easily we do get three run arounds though all of these oh my gods i think are gone at this point just have regular balloons we're gonna switch her back to first and let's see if we don't get overwhelmed kind of rng-like here for our ceramic layers because there's a lot of them i was hoping to get my sword charged back for around 99 because i didn't know how powerful those ddt's oh look at that clutch daddy right there is it gonna be enough though it is all right so we've got um um are we gonna get this back in time for around 99. i i think so let's let's see if we need it let's let's just go with the flow let's see if we need it all right ddts ddts looks like they are too powerful for soda without using the ability okay so this time around all we're gonna do is we're gonna end up using the ability here we didn't get enough money for our perma-brew kind of as expected uh let's wait it out let's do a little early this time not super early but a little early two sword charges and let's go for our third here clean them up and we are golden all right so we're gonna jump on this bad balloon here we're gonna see if we can do enough damage to take this guy down i'm honestly again not sure this could be the first balloon that finally is too powerful for us could be i'm actually gonna wait on this i think we do more damage as a regular attacker than using our ability so there we go kind of waited it out i do have my sword charge but i'd rather wait i'd rather wait for the ddt's to pop out i think all right looking okay at best um bad balloon damage is definitely rough here um i think we're gonna lose all right let's slow this down we gotta we're at our last bit of stuff here i guess the question is how good is our sword charge gonna be against these ddt's um if we even want to use it i guess maybe we want to use our original ability here wow this bad boy's got so much freaking health dude all right jump on him ddt's taken down all right i'd rather weight on this i think i i'd rather do regular attacks to be honest and told the balloons until the balloons all right this is going to be really really really close all right we're going for it oh and we pop them to blues before we go to the next layer that kind of was expected all right so we ended up doing more damage to the bad balloon ended up using my abilities a lot more this time around we're going to do it a smidge different here i'm actually going to use my sword charge here earlier we're going to use it against the ddts hopefully [Music] all right let's give it another uh good try here guys we're going to jump on the ddts i think it's a necessity let's see if we can jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump get ready jump all right ddt's done all right we're gonna do this early not sure if that's the best play though um oh my god literally the worst play the worst play we popped the dt's way earlier this time oh and we do manage it oh crap questions do i use my ability here all right uh yes i'm gonna do it doing an early ability here relying a little bit on luck a little bit on rng a little bit on whatever we're doing here i'm not really sure all right we do some damage to this oh my gods when do we jump though i guess that's the rude question like do we wait till moab's or do we go now we're jumping too many balloons too many balloons cram great small goes according to plan when i jump on this it should pop or very soon after ddt should pop out and then she should be able to clean them up without any extra help she did it last time why wouldn't she do it this time and she does quite easily i would say so we're gonna go for our jump a little early here we're gonna try to do the damage to the zoma gods and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna see if i could clean them all up with this ability it's tough because you have to time it like literally perfectly or else you're freaking screwed oh and we do it look at that two tower chips soda with an alchemist oh my god but this is the point that i'm trying to make with you guys there's so many two tower chimps available now we didn't even get a fifth tier we got a fourth tier alchemist and we got this going like why didn't even plan for this and it worked this is why soda is awesome and this is why you need to use soda all the time again if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you press the like button make sure you subscribe and of course have a super duper delicious day
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 327,413
Rating: 4.9090281 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: 7ZZxMLT82sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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