This Challenge Needed A MAX TEMPLE With ZERO POPS?! - Bloons TD 6 CHALLENGES

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this challenge legit required a max temple nobody's ever beaten this challenge ever this could be difficult this could be difficult all right so we can get it overdrive i feel like this is not gonna be enough at all overdrive with fast shooting and then oh my god we only get two towers okay so i think i figured it out i think i know he did it's gotta be a sniper right oh my god there's no snipers is this even possible how is this how is this challenge even why do we get five oh my god do we really have to do it all right let's check it out only get two of them now all right fast forward fast throw let's go what this is the only thing that i can think of that would do anything um [Music] [Music] you don't say all right let's try this out we're going to go for a hmm we're going to go for a camo detecting balloon trap check this out oh my god the insanity of how fast you have to be for this is just wild i feel like this is one of those ones where you have to cheat ready play cell cannon moab cell glue got the glue up uh leaves with 460 bucks and now i have to wait for this guy i can sell my glue realistically at this point i think the glue only hits once so i really don't need them anymore uh i can't use spike storm i can't use a lot of things i could i don't think i could rebuy the glue either that's too expensive for me so now we got to use our assassin and this should suck up camo balloons it should but look at this even with the moab glue even with the timing of this where we did it super freaking fast look at this look at that timing look at that pixel perfect i didn't even kill it all right get rid of that get the glue get the glue as fast as possible all right let it go let it go there we go baby there we go look at that oh my god you have to sell that engineer and put down the cannon and upgrade within about point one seconds like how else could you do it point one seconds man oh my god i can't get that a thumbs up skittle i'm sorry i just can't i can't give that one thumbs up at all oh zero percent how many people try zero percent oh my god we're unstoppable we're unstoppable beating a zero percent challenge right there what do we got here we got camo ceramic things only one tower i'm guessing three monkeys really three monkeys ceramics are super strong and the region rate is ridiculously strong okay okay i whoa we gotta decammelize here so looks like we're gonna try to decamolize with our ice tap oh god you can't get ice towers either all right what are we de-camoising with that can't decamo that can't be camo that can't all right so if i do this let's see what happens here we're gonna get stronger glue of course we got infinite money so we oh my god we don't even hit these guys until they're there and then oh you can't sell either and then we're supposed to like can you build a boat over here somewhere where can you build a boat what do we got pirate lords i'm also like 99 certain that the true sun god does not have camo detection automatically pretty certain and then last but not least we've got the alchemist which has zero camo detection and this guy which can de-regenify which is good but it shouldn't work and a farm no good spike factor we can't use village we don't get camera detection and engineer does not have cleansing film so i don't know that there's a freaking way to pop uh camos we don't have archmage allowed i don't know if this is possible i just i really don't know what is is one of every tower allowed one of every tower so supposedly one of these towers can hit these camos supposedly let me go back home and see what supposedly five percent of people beat this you know that's not just like the weirdest but most sensical idea i've ever heard in my entire life alright let's see so the only thing i think of it's got to be something with the temple it's got to be something for the temple so let's try sacrificing a couple things let's see if something gets just possible would you have to do this exercise 50 000 of each let's just do it i'm gonna get a freaking max temple let's see what happens we're gonna sacrifice a moab dom a i don't actually have infinite money so we'll get one of these ooh but i only get two towers so we can't even make a max temple let's just make some sort of temple let's do uh let's do a magic monkey max temple perma brew permanent room do it and then we're gonna do it again perma-brew true sun god do it and let's see if he can do it if not oh what about these guys can they hit camo magically i think we can do this hold on hold on give me a second give me a second so we're gonna get this temple we're gonna get the let's see how what's the least amount of money we can spend to get this support temple maxed out i don't think this will work um [Music] maybe how much money is this guy 18k so yeah what are we spending here thousand two thousand three thousand yeah it's gonna be really close i mean the engineers work like nothing i'm trying to i'm trying to save money realistically that's my goal so i want to get a one of these guys one of these all right i don't know if that saved money but we're doing it then i'm gonna go for it again you know what that's just close enough let's do it boom boom boom now we're gonna go for a boat all right we're gonna get the boat we're gonna get them right uh right here i think all right check this out we're gonna go for destroyer i think we're gonna try out the destroyer all right but now we're gonna buff him all right so we're gonna give him that perma brew [Laughter] and we're gonna give him the perishing potions and now we're gonna see if this destroyer can take down these balloons boom holy crap that was an insanely weird challenge this challenge legit required a max temple all right well a a support temple that was the weirdest challenge of all time i can't believe i said it was impossible it was possible it was possible ridiculous ridiculous restricted moab 33 good challenge i like that that's like a i think that's the perfect rate for a fun yet good challenge i think once you get down to like the 15s or the 10s they're probably too difficult for most people uh so this is like this is like the sweet spot man round 40 i mean let's look at this i mean normally you're thinking sniper i think there there was a new sniper upgrade well this is definitely not it this is def this is definitely not it let's let's just be clear here i thought i was gonna get to a fourth here for some reason but i realized that's like the stupidest challenge thing ever so we're gonna let that just fail right there all right let's see what we can do here darling good all right so the moab is definitely not easy to pop here um even with pretty good aim i do get money i mean maybe a one dartling gun and something else combo might be if i do that we mostly want the faster barrel spin right also we're not allowed the laser shock which is really interesting you know so oh we are loud engineers but i don't think oh you know what let's get a freaking shot dude i have not played with these guys yet we're gonna do a sprocketed engineer with deconstruction no laser shock i know i know let's look at the amount of pops these guys get because that'll be clear and understanding whether or not this is going to be worth it because right now i'm leaning towards probably not the engineer based on what i've seen in the past 10 seconds um gotta pop a lot of balloons on the inside here too i could use glue don't forget about that if i pop the mower but i use glue can i sell i cannot sell so selling's not allowed but that wasn't terrible i mean it wasn't terrible but it's not easy all right how much damage does this guy do just a one two two sniper let's look all right we're looking at about it's not bad for the amount of money we spent it's actually really good that's pretty good i think i think we gotta we gotta try out one of these snipers he's just gotta be part of the team the team that's gonna work together to pop this moab um for cleanup i could definitely do some sort of ice tower back here or something and then uh let's try the dartling gun we're gonna put them a little closer here we're gonna get a this and we get faster swivel i guess all right let's see what we got we're not allowed to use destroyers here let's see let's see all right how are we doing how we doing we're gonna pop this ball up pretty fast here for what we did dartland gun delicious gonna pop a lot of the balloons here but not all of them the sniper is still just a little too weak there and the glaive cannot clean up so one thing we can do here is we can put this guy on strong we did not do that all right that's gonna help us out a lot the boomerang was useful but not as great as i would have thought so we're going to try a kylie mine all right we're going to try kylie with i think i don't want the fastest i think i want the other one we could do more snipers maybe man i feel like i need like one good shot with my kylie boomerang earlier on because oh yeah we're maxing out oh we're maxing out hardcore oh we maxed out way too easily yeah so just keep mine there's not not everything's allowed ooh you know what that's actually not bad though it's a lot of money rapid fire strong i don't have much money left rando glue i don't like it but it's it could be worse i mean if we look at the pop count here it's just it seems a little too low uh i'd have to be perfect against the balloons here perfect against the blues perfect it's not perfect enough i think i gotta go without him because he's not he's not quite powerful enough should we elk buff anything elf buffing a dart monkey doesn't mean much elk buffing a attack shooter could be delicious though but finding the right spot for that to work would be tough tack sprayer even faster shooting if we elk buff this mofo holy crap what if we did oh do we get enough money for that no i don't have enough money for that we could just do another ninja here all right let's do it with a distraction see if randomly this is gonna be like the beefiest moab popper ever oh my god look at that moa popping power holy crap 173 just like that we gotta get some lucky distraction action here and we're good crap look at that that was really close though i think tiny bit of positioning and we're good tiny bit of positioning change and we're good um the tack bro he's powerful you out this puppy he good he good he real good put the ninja a little bit we'll just put him here and i am using distraction i think that i don't know how important that is but i i think it's gonna work for me oh my god he missed another distraction if i got a distraction hit right there we'd be golden all right that was not quite as lucky our distraction did not work well at all i don't know where to put this guy could try him here this is not a bad place hot shot would be interesting but i first circuit brew and then ninja down here double shot distraction i want to put him in the middle there i i just don't know i think i can do it with this i got to get a little a smidge lucky oh no that was a bad tactile spot for whatever reason that was terrible i don't know what happened i think i need to hmm best texture spot so far has definitely been right here i believe though this is not bad either this could just pop it right away maybe so i don't have any extra money if i do this there we go oh that looks good that looks really good beautiful tactical spot and there it is combine them together and you pop that butt damn elk boof all right surprisingly a difficult challenge for me uh i took people on average 33 tries to beat it we probably got right around that many tries it took us a while um but we did we beat it gigi's everybody positive thoughts positive feelings thank you everybody [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SJB
Views: 401,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: ykrGZkBJgg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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