Is She The BEST HERO? - Absolutely Ridiculous!

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hello and welcome my squeaky-clean nipples literally so clean you can hear the squeak when you squeeze them how you doin this wonderful day it's super John Bombo here and this is Admiral Brickell now this is the new hero in the game and I'm sure you guys have seen this I'm sure you guys know about them have you played with her yet I don't know but what we want to do today is we want to run a little experiment for ourselves we want to see how far can we get with just a single solitary Admiral Brickell now she is pretty cool here I think the coolest thing about her is that these mines are like weirdly heat-seeking they just sit in the water until balloons come to close then they go and they annihilate you so I picked what I thought was the easiest / best Matt for Admiral Bricklin we want to see how far can we go with just her now that being said we're also gonna use a couple of other tricks we're gonna allow ourselves to use support towers here guys so we do allow ourselves to use banana farms villages to a certain extent and of course alchemists as well we may end up pushing a little bit further I cannot decide yet whether or not I want to just throw some random like middle tier ninjas on the side here something like that depending on how far we go we're going hard Plus here with one advil brickle then we might push it further just see what she can do but as of right now let's play sort of simple all right guys we are playing uneasy so everything is super duper cheap right now and which by the way that brings up the point if you guys are enjoying this content make sure yes miok not on smack it don't smack it alright caress that like button caress it just for your buddy Chris here he really appreciates it and it makes him feel good and let himself on his crappy days anyways if you guys are enjoying the content though especially press that like button for me subscribe for more awesome stuff with the new update comes a lot of new stuff I've been kind of focusing on Admiral Brickell because to me that's kind of the most fun thing that came out in the update there's a lot of changes though one thing that I think that people need to pay attention to is the buffs and the nerfs so tomorrow if all goes according to plan I'm gonna get you guys your patch notes update video so you guys can know everything that's changed in the game instead of waiting like a week or two weeks or something like that I want to get this going for you guys real quick here alright so that probably because even the pollutants get any near here there's like a swarm on this thing but yeah that noise exactly all right that's the noise of these mines swarming on the Blues I don't know if it's the the the blooms not able to breathe anymore or if it's the mines just making that noise I mean imagine this just imagine it I mean think about it guys for just a split second if you you know we're a balloon and you are if you were a monkey and you wanted to intimidate somebody you know what do you what do you do well I mean you could just have them explode or what everybody just going for pure intimidation man you make these things make the weirdest scariest no as you can I love you guys know this or not but I think it was in World War one but you guys know the iconic like dive bombing whistle that was actually to scare people um more than it was to do anything else I think I'm not a Harvard century round that maybe you can ask historians somewhere or if somebody is really really smart the comments below feel free my friend but I'm pretty sure that was meant to scare people more than it was meant to do anything else in particular like they literally put like a thing to make that noise on the front which is kind of cool you know at least I thought it was kind of cool maybe there's like one particular type of plane that did that - okay - I'm getting off track here I'm getting off track let's get back in action here we're gonna go for some more farm äj-- now I do need to make sure that I keep this game I don't need to get our lives lost but I do have to make sure I don't lose and honestly if I'm playing a little dangerous here I feel like that's fair but I want to go all the way down and like be down to like three lives be like Chris you can do it man you can survive but one thing I do want to point out is I got a question for you guys how far do you think we're gonna make it do you think we're gonna make it to around 40 the first bob is gonna be too strong for us is gonna be around 60 the first bfb is gonna be round 63 that is scary I do not know the answer to any of those questions I have no idea how far we're gonna get this is the first test ever that I've done like this so I find it really really fun to do Grier tests like this I've done it with a couple other here a couple other monkeys over here but with the heroes it becomes a lot more entertaining as one hero is not supposed to solo the game but if you can solo a game up to around 100 well you know if something is in denial about that here all right all right here we go round 15 this is a pretty tough round for us it looks like we are gonna start losing some lives at broke breckel can't handle it she's doing a good job here she's pistol I'm a pistol whip and I'm pistol destroying them but it's not enough we do start to lose lives here but I still got to be greedy here guys we didn't lose any real lives or shielded lives yet it's just those spike lives I guess which don't really matter at all let's keep this long oh you don't know anything I realized I am NOT alright so I know that a lot of you guys were commenting on my video yesterday a lot of people really really liked that video and thank you guys so much for all the comments you know trying to help me out with my my car troubles and my mightest problem and thank you guys so so much for that no update yet I'm just gonna have to go for it I think I think you know even that even if this company is ripping me off the best thing that I can do is know hey I'm getting ripped off I'm never gonna use that company again and/or I can badmouth them I guess and let people know that I had a bad experience with it you know I don't want to do that but it seems like that's just the best way for me to deal with it here we go we're gonna go for a berserker brew here oh yeah man we're starting to struggle a little bit here these space balloons are rough yes we do three damage right now but that's still not enough here real lives have been lost already oh snap crackle and pop but now it's starting a little more interesting to keep in mind The Alchemist is a little bit of a cheater tower it does do pops alright I do want to point that out there I'm not trying to do pop The Alchemist but I got a powerup somehow and I think this is the best way to do it as far as experience goes it's okay I mean we have to get to level seven before we can hit Campbell blooms for reals for realsies but I think the mines do something weird with the camera detection here at some point so I think the mines can hit camo blues or something like that already I think all right I got to get more monies though I think one of the key things for us is gonna be getting to level 20 as fast as we possibly can and I think the best way to do that is just by so camera balloons not yet not yet on those camel bones okay it's just to buy it you know it's only $3,000 to go to next level right now you know by the end of the game it's gonna be like 18,000 or whatever but I think it's gonna be worth it or our purple blooms flying in here um and purple balloons are no problem at all black balloons though they could be a little bit tricky for us we do have to rely on the gun here for sure the damage of see mines and pistol attacks for the next level here oh that's oh that is the level we've got the damage to oh that is nice alright now this is a little bit different this is a lot of grouped balloons here very bad for pistol attack but hopefully very good for the sea mines you know it's weird cuz whenever I say sea mines I want to say see mimes and I just imagine like like I imagine it almost like a mr. mime type figure like drowning underwater like not knowing which way is up and like people thinking oh he's just miming oh no he's dead sorry sorry mr. mime you you drowned we thought you were just being a good entertainer here but now you were such a good entertainer that we didn't even know you were fake you were dying that's how good you are how much we believed in you mr. mime anyway is oh crap round 29 here still chugging along but barely again my greed is catching up to me so far though so good um I think we need to do is we definitely get we're not gonna have that camp section increases attack range and camo blue detective detection alright increases and gives it camo bloom detection okay I was like cool but that doesn't make any sense oh look at that pistol though guys that is pretty sweet I think what do you do is we need to put this guy on strong if we pissed all yes we gotta put this guy in strong for sure this girl girl excuse me alright village me timbers come on where we going with this buddy where we going with this I wanted here but the village sucks it's too fat uh-oh good enough alright bigger radius juggle drums we've got cam detection now we don't even need any of that other garbage we've got all types of bloom pop fire at this point best thing we can do now is just farm a little bit realistically the best ways to buff this person is to get a stronger stem and then start overclocking or overdriving all the way up get a ten times overcharged and you've got a powerful hero but holy crap dude what kind of hero can do this what kind of hero could just solo the game like this in such a beautiful beautiful way I don't know I have Merle prickle man that's who can now I wonder if I'm pronouncing Berthillon I assume that I'm not but what if it wasn't brave what if it was Bryke hell I'd probably cry Cal ck4 Cal oh that makes no sense oh here we go around 36 a very difficult route for us overall the mines though doing work baby doing some real work here we go let's get another farm up in here another three two looking good looking good anyways I do want to say thank you guys so so much for all the help in the comments that you gave him a last video guys it really does mean a lot sadly it doesn't help me that much beside just knowing or understanding of the very least that I I was right you know like giving me that kickback to know that I wasn't crazy I wasn't being this weird Karen that was like attacking these people for for screwing up my car no I I feel like I was at least reasonably in the right here you know all right so we got to be careful here guys we've got oh crap I mean we got to go stronger stim for sure on this then we got a hope that round 40 is gonna get taken down here by regular old Admiral brittle break hell all the mines man gonna have to work together here for sure uh it's definitely a possibility here looks like we're doing well at five six damn five damage on these guys rainbows down two blues holy crap and it's like a snipe I mean look at that range guys delicious all right around 40 this is a good test for us a really really good test if we lose I actually don't even know if I have the money to continue I might have to uh ooh that looks good though suing seven damage per shot here and that's gonna oh we're gonna lose what have I spoken not spoken nothing victory I don't know how I feel about this this thing here but it's okay I mean it's new it's fresh it's interesting it's gonna free play guys we're gonna keep on going keep on chugging along here my best bet if I could survive around 41 is probably to get this banana research facility already I think mega mines going to come soon we're already at level 8 here so see mines do extra damage for the next one not bad not bad but I feel like if we ever get a good chunk of weird like like space group balloons if it makes any sense like a big group and then a space and then a big group and then a space that might be what takes us down cuz all of our Seamon just disappear we want to be able to handle anything else I'm not entirely sure but I love to play by ear guys I don't know so far again so good I do not need the cam protection I don't need primary training the village honestly isn't that important overall uh you know what let me at least do this I feel a little afraid let's pop down let's just throw the overclock down in the corner here so he's not actually doing any pops I don't wanna I wanna I don't want you guys to think that I'm cheating over here alright The Alchemist has gotta go here it's got to go somewhere over I can pop things and overall let me look at this 3700 pops compared to woah actually not bad mr. Alchemist 4000 pop so far we're gonna go for that overclock and then if poop ever hits the fan guys we're gonna be ready for it man I'm either gonna have that bucket ready to catch that poop that hit the fan at least I hope uh-oh all right let's let's catch that poop right now we're catching it looking good looking good uh can the pistol pop let bluets to reset the alchemist I couldn't tell I need to test that out man because that is just wild Megamind coming soon I'm so excited for the manga mine oh my goodness but we need more monies around around 47 very difficult around here 49s coming up very quick at quick as well that is gonna be a rough one for us banane a research facility come on get another one get another one 48 plus there he is so I have a feeling that I might lose on round 63 that is my ax uh it's not my goal to get round 63 I want to go higher I think if things go prop only sixty three should be okay seventy-eight might be rough then think we might go it around like 83 or 84 or 85 something like that start to get overwhelmed by fruit balloons that's my best judgment but I don't know I mean as you go up to level 20 here man things could change drastically so we go we got a overclocker she throws down more mines and more pistol shots but look at those mines man that's a lot of damage right there booyah oh oh these mines are working overtime man we ran out oh this is not looking good and we are overclocks about - we're off - I wish I had a mega mine right now I wish I had it but it doesn't matter around 49 gets taken down to baby at break ooh do it do it girl it's almost like a machine gun now look at that pistol look how fast it shoots alright alright we got to keep this going man we gotta let balloons flopping in here get out of here floppy let balloons we don't need you we don't want you but again not many more buffs that I can give her besides going all the way up to my fifth tier ultra boost and that's not cheap one hundred two thousand dollars I mean I can't even like forty eight thousand here I mean if I just start saving up right now I might get it by start getting it by round like fifty six depending on things go but I'm a fraud mega mine I'm not afraid anymore Megamind deployed go for it let's see what's gonna happen here oh why did that attack the second bow but not the first bow up I have no idea alright um somebody was suggesting what I should do is I should also get a nuclear sub somewhere and get Admiral brickles mega mines all over the place we put sub somewhere randomly that's not important here we go another mega mine throw it down here seems to be a a mo web a killer for sure I don't know if it attacks blooms directly at all even if it's like comes on top of it I don't know I've not tested up yet I believe it doesn't oh yeah it does not oh oh losing lives losing lots of lives down to 126 we got everything we got right here oh all right all right week we got I got a continue I got I got it I got to try to do something different all right that did not work that was the final round that we could make it to guys she's 54 I mean that's normally a pretty difficult round here but I was not expecting to lose that bad all right okay again there's not much that else that I can do as far as buffs are concerned got the alchemist we've got the village we've got the overclock I mean that I need to make sure that's going right from the get-go but then one two three that's 48,000 I still am not close to that that ultra boost yet I can't get it I just can't do it have we met our maker 54 maybe I need to switch her to first for a little bit let the mega mine that do the work first for a little bit and might not be ideal but might help us kill the Moab's a little slower which will actually be Omega mine go Megamind go baby and there it is we do we take down 54 this time around did you top another tough one though that was weird as a weird animation alright it's overclock again looking good looking good not that good but okay good big chunks of ceramics man not sure I like it I gotta run first right now instead of strong that's change of things all the black popping power whoo maybe that's what I need maybe I need the black popping power with this guy maybe that'll change things anyways I think we're ready to go 101 boom boom ultra boost alright when you start boosting her me to get her goin like right now there we go ultra boost one time around we got double mega mines out in the street that's delish I love it oh Allah clap rainbows again though man alright let's move her back to strong for a little bit I think the strong was better I think it would definitely work way better with other random towers to work with as well there we go ultra boost again going strong all the mega miner Oh God when those things hit it's ridiculous it kills everything I love them I love them this will be like our emergency mine I think if I put a mine over here it might just explode over there as well don't forget this is a spot on the water as ridiculous as that is it is a spot on the water 63 though might be too strong for us I don't know man I mean I definitely want to get the MIB here oh my come on let's get that MIB just to confirm I do want to I want to farm more though I want to get some other random upgrades I would love to get a call to arms and maybe I'll go up to a fifth tier here all right we're overclock and she's up to three times overdrive already Campbell a pop power should be easy should be good all right round level 11 so that was one problems a lot of my money was supposed to go into leveling her up but so far we had to spend it all on the ultra boost here maybe that was a waste maybe those the wrong way to do it all right so I'm actually not afraid of a Viet beam I it gives me enough time to work with it we got mega mines over here - like in ain't doing nothing but again it looks like a freaking machine gun here guys look at that attack speed crazy fast it almost looks like viruses just like sitting on the water here that's what those look like don't they that's what I feel like all right here we go another one like to the test taking down bow webs here make a mine alright Mega Man we're gonna put you down at the bottom here now if that Bell up comes in hopefully we just take it down here we're gonna move her back to first oh crap this is close oh I needed the mega mines again that's the problem is my mega mines aren't exploding because I got her on too strong um oh it's rough man it's rough here we go another overclock here room back to first let her clean up clean up clean up and then hopefully this mega mine will explode that Moab and kill all the blooms around us that's the plan I'll see if it works bhowmick dies beautiful beautiful so that's the power of first a mega mine first combo actually works really really well still not on stoppable though man I mean these regen balloons not fun to deal with here we go 63 though this could be the round this could be where we lose guys this is gonna be tough for us for sure we might have to oh you know what so far not bad actually mekka mine won't go off at all but let's throw down anyways 63 dude we're doing it we're doing it especially with this overclock seven times oh oh oh baby yes 63 has been completed wonderful alright we're keeping her on first for now man it seems to be the ideal way to go and then we're start saving up our money just a little bit here gotta go harder things are getting wild reinforced balloons not easy to take down not easy to take down an oil so need to get a perm abreu eventually that's something that I haven't done yet might even been better to get a perm abreu before I got my ultra boost but the nice to get the ultra boost is that you have it for the rest of the game you know it takes a long time to build that up we're a promo we just poke one one hit it's run we don't have to do anything else with rest the game this thing got to keep working at it man chipping away at it alright Megamind throw it down alright good good good good good I love it a little slow here yep ease suck no range that's a fully sped up nearly fully sped up Brickell right there she's like a blue is this supposed to be like a brick wall what's that what's supposed to be Brickell I didn't look it up man I don't know what Brickell is maybe I should google it right now it's a Brickell this is somebody that I should know like Captain Churchill quickl Admiral Brickell Admiral brick ball who's that no Brickell alright well blue cd6 popped up yeah so uh could be a person but so far I don't see anything that says that is a person just with the quick google search at the very least could have went deeper could have went stronger but it's okay if we're good alright so we go we got valuable banaynays across the board here I know you guys with your OCD get real rolling red knee when I don't do that but anyways I think that we can easily take down around 80 almost no problem right now right now it's all about making that money we do want to level ourselves up here to level 20 and we do want to get that permit oh I definitely wanna get permanent before I do that though alright we can throw it out and I can mines here so I think I wanna try the mega mine over here as well just to see how well it's gonna work for us it could be just garbage you know I guess you just you never really know you don't know if it's gonna be straight-up garbage or not LEDs love that we can pop let's almost seems unfair here we go mega mine up in the front let's see how well that works this does count as water this spot I think this spot doesn't though it's like only right here this doesn't let's let's check it out well I guess I could test it out with a boat pretty cool oh snap that's a weakness for us again these space blues or space balloons are not good for us scary stuffs mega mine I I gotta say one of the problem or the most underrated movie is that I don't hear almost anybody ever talked about was mega mine he has I've never seen it by the way highly recommended fantastic movie it was a great turn on the whole good guy bad guy situation Megamind is the evil guy that you know whatever i don't want to tell you guys the entire story but he was it's a reversal he's usually the bad guy but does he actually turn good at the end there is he still evil like what happens all right so that mega maaan my boom-boom but this mega mine over here as long as they got one safety mega mine over here things get real wild but again because you don't pop it on the balloons itself you have to rely on the bulbs getting over here it can be a little tricky I would almost love to have a remote sensor or something like that where I could just throw it down whenever I feel like it that would be awesome all right overclock another mine and you can see how fast we're throwing down these little tiny minds as well that's pretty fantastic looking good so today it was a great day for Chris um yesterday was a pretty bad day not gonna live with all my car stuff going on it was very very very stressful to say the least today was a much better day it was super hot outside still but I was able to basically wake up take loon on a wall combo the lawn go on a bike ride and now making this video that's what I've done so far today nothing of real value but good things overall so here's our third bag of mine on the screen at the same time that's the sound mega mines make now do could you imagine if like your enemy had like you know sound warfare where whenever a you knew that there was gonna be like a huge explosion or something like that oh crap dude I've I I would be afraid I hope you that's all I could say I would be very afraid alright so instead of actually getting another banana farm I was actually gonna wait it out I do want to get this perma burgling I think the only gonna take a couple more rounds to get it before round 81 would be ideal but realistically I think 78 might also be a difficult level for us we've got that good amount of time in between the big ceramic rushes but I don't know if they're just gonna randomly overwhelm me they're beefy they are big they are see area they kill me a lot they kill me probably more than any other round of the game 63 and 78 of two rounds that always scared me guys always boob oh oh no oh my god look like at the monkey money continued holy crap a 75 got me man oh alright we gotta try again I got enough monkey money to continue one more time or if I have to I'll sell everything for a perma you was not expecting that though it looked like things were just going well alright we still got our 10 times over Clark still got a keeper overclock though gonna make sure we're on it one problem of the bank of mine here is 2 2 & 2 you get 6 PFDs coming under I think this is 6 or 5 that's only one and then for these are on top of each other by the way a lot of people don't realize they're on top of each other that's why they end up causing problems in fact it might be better for me to kill the first one mega mine the second one that can get fancier second grouping at VIPs I don't know but the blue ones ended up killing us realistically so I don't know I'm still I'm still afraid I don't know when to use my Megaman properly um here we go let's throw it down boom and then hopefully the balloons get taken down this time around hopefully yes yes yes okay they do alright anyways oh oh round 76 got to have them on first for sure not doing well at all group balloons gotta get taken down with this thing they've got it come on come on come on yes alright alright scary stuff skies if we lost at 75 now I'm like oh man I'm really on edge right now eat another $8,000 get this from overflowing looking good though looking good so I've been told that some people like these really long form videos I don't know what you guys think about them but let me know in the comments below if you've appreciated them I don't mind doing these long form type of videos they they're they're fine by me some people do get bored and just walk away and everything but not everybody does that there we go we're gonna throw another Megaman there is a lot of VIPs there this could lead to our minds but I've got to try it uh all right I'm gonna do this cuz I'm afraid I'm gonna get a perma brew here hopefully that oh my god oh baby oh baby that was good alright then the rest of our money here from now on is going to either go straight to farms or just a level or up all right so we got overclock no mega mega mine's gonna be zero healthier so all these little mines and the little mines to pull through for us beautiful beautiful um alright let's you know I don't even need to make a line ooh so you can mega mines get powered up by a village what does that do that's goofy I don't know if it counts but it counts as a tower I guess that is unclick Abul very goofy but hey what you're gonna do alright camo blooms coming in here these guys were a non-issue for whatever reason the first set was way way WAY worse and way way WAY worse so uh you know what we made it to level 16 already 16 K I think it might be better off just to save up a little bit more money not a whole bunch but a little bit more I did not get my call to arms yet either I to be honest kind of forgot about that I'll be honest with you guys probably should have got that before I got my thermal room that could have really saved my butt there a couple times this is not going well for us either though I kind of want one of my mega minds to explode here there we go one mega maaan down good good good good good getting a little rough get a little rough go of mines go Oh if they pop them black balloons or a zebra loons we got it covered if they don't we're freakin screwed it's kind of how it's going down right now all right we'll use a mega maaan on these reinforced bf B's in fact like we're knees on a second reinforced bf be here hopefully that works out looking good looking good hey yeah baby and that looks like we are gonna take down this game all the way up to around 80 keep on pushing it Chris keep on pushing all right last up greats here I think the rest of our money can go straight into Captain Conant captain Admiral Brickell I'm so sorry if I ever say captain brittle just ignore me okay just just don't talk to me for a little bit oops and even do that so way away hold on does her ability make her attack faster - I thought only affected other water towers oh that's something that I should have been using this entire time no now I feel like a noob I thought whose only other water towers hold on let's see oh it totally does it totally does guys this is a game changer all you people that are prolly commenting down there saying how stupid I am for not using this thing for give me here we go around 80 is good we run around 81 already loving it loving it loving it here we go level 17 so we do have to throw down these mega mines though I think we're gonna be level 20 very very soon probably by a teef or you know not that much it's nothing much money 20 grand per level plus you get some experience for level and up here so always get here we go we're gonna just keep it sped up here in fact what thing I can do is I could speed this up a little bit further for you guys let me see if I can flip the up this point it's not like crazy micro is required usually usually though not still scary you don't like the look at that okay so when I minimize my OBS it makes my game game run faster so that usually helps me out whenever I close everything down on the screen besides it's just this right here let's level R up again oh man this is scary stuff though guys this is real scary stuff Mega Man oh that could have been bad that could kill me okay I can do this I can do this I know I could do this I screwed it up I did not do a proper job there let's continue let's do instead of leveling her up I told you guys I need to get this called arms so let's go get rid of those three guys we got cold arms here now as we need it I can use all of my abilities combined together all right start with the overclock looking good looking good four hundred thousand pops already delish Megamind got to go down again it's almost a bad thing like you almost don't want mega mines to pop out sometimes because they explode everything here we go another overclock let's speed her up again let's go hardcore here guys another speed-up do that damage Oh captured Brickell Admiral Brickell do it again mega maaan get a hold off get hold off wait it out wait it out overclock again and it might be mega mining time pretty soon there we go hopefully hopefully hopefully my god this is so close we are barely surviving guys we are barely surviving around 83 seems to be the limit for us so far I can still level myself up though I'm gonna do it level 18 I want to get to level 20 here's a mega mine throw it down Bobbo perfection alright 83 not too bad got more money coming in 819 already we're gonna make level 20 very soon I'm gonna make a mine all this stuff boom look at them blues oh oh that's that's too many balloons for us too many boots take them down get them alright alright all of our booty PBV power-ups right there add it together it looks like we will be able to afford level 20 Admiral Brickell on the next round super-powered super-powered mines this is gonna change everything Megamind does massively increase damage massively that's what I like to hear I might be able to a homeland offense next to pop in another one of these cold arms to kind of increase the amount of power-ups that I'm doing we go let's do it level 20 boom boom now here's the mega mega mine ah beautiful mega mega mine I just want to see them explode everything just Boop dad come on do it do it and it wasn't bad but I just I thought I was gonna do a better job now the cooldown on this puppy not too shabby that's pretty solid I think I need to throw it up here I think I did I like break it up a little bit oh no that's like too many Oh too many balloons if we just have to pop by webs we're fine but if we gotta pop balloons on the inside of this that's where it gets a little bit rough here we go we're gonna make a mine up at the front down to pfb again I kind of like I'm gonna be sure if that's the good idea I'm popping them too fast I don't get myself enough time here uh-uh it'd almost be better to put a mega maaan up here and then explode this one and have the second one oh my goodness look at that saved ourselves our last bit of monkey mo I don't think we gonna continue oh crap I'm out of monkey money guys if we had to continue there I would have lost oh my goodness holy crap 87 though let's try it out one more time let's not use the mega maaan in the front that was a bad idea let's use the mega maaan can I reach over here okay it doesn't alright let's that's overclocker let's give her everything she's got for right now pop damn balloons this is only the first oh my god - holy crap first oh my god down we got three to go guys three to go speed her up I've got two more Zoma girls when I'm to go at the same time here boom go everything you got everything you got Admiral yes alright we survived 87 but I don't know how much further we're gonna make it guys I don't know it's getting rough to say the least alright let's power that up give ourselves a little over clock o'clock but maybe my makeup mine usage is is not perfect but it's hard to do like you don't want to pop all the balloons out out at the same time and if you had other support towers like an ice tower will hack to the air you want to just pop those mobs let the ice tower do all the blue damage with this stereo she's also gonna pop the blues all right she's got everything combined together 89 looking good how we gonna do get to the DDT's that's another great question for ourselves all right here we go this actually won't be too bad oh it was pretty bad Doh mines go yes that worked out very scarily but it worked out alright everybody work together man work it up again mega mine hard to use guys very difficult you separate power up I got that's how I got to do it not round 90 though all right I'm gonna throw this down ahead of time we've got an overclock we got to overdrive mega mine does very good DDT damage that's good very good against EDT is kind of struggling against these reinforced balloons though I don't if you can tell but she does a lot of pops but not exactly good uh-oh so I don't know if this is gonna work out the way I want it to but I'm gonna trow crap oh crap so many balloons on the screen here all at the same time yes all right around 92 guys we're still pushing it she has maxed out here we've got the perma brew we've got this oh we can go homeland defense now perfect I said I wanted to do that mega mine could be too little too late Oh Oh 92 this might be our end this might be our end guys holy crap I wanted to make it to 100 I wanted so bad all right we're gonna spend every single dollar we got here we'll even reach that the problem here all right we got another village one two three four why not get this guy we're also gonna buy that homeland defense and now hopefully we got a couple extra power-ups to work with hopefully I'm gonna throw it on Mega Man right away as well oh that's not what I wanted crap Oh the Megamind man it's not working the way I won't okay guys this is this could be the end for us around 92 all right there we go I mean that's that's all I can really do I mean I I could pop more stuff down I could start using those middle path ninjas but I'd rather not you know that's where they get a little tricky are they truly support towers I don't know no no my heart he's changed now I'm not used to him all right with that overclock it's getting painful it's getting really painful here Oh like it's two seconds too late all right Oh Oh guys we could do this we could do this no we can't can we we'll try it we'll try I'll give it a shot give it a shot sake it's not L it's the one next to L okay okay here we go I got I mean the problem is again I don't really uh I guess I could go for a second overclock but like is that even gonna help here we go homeland defense use that guy we're gonna overdrive it's just a second here overclock I'm also gonna overdrive I think even though it doesn't do much if I use a mega mine now it actually is gonna make it worse that's my worry it's gonna make it worse oh whoa whoa whoa all right one last try I'm gonna try to use a mega mine in a slightly different spot otherwise we might have to call it guys again I cannot continue again it's gonna cart charging me 500 monkey money I don't have it I don't have it that I'm so poor I'm poor and monkey bunny I could try a an overclock to get a little bit quicker this one will have a cool-down a little bit faster than the other one my mega mine no this is where it gets a little tricky like do I want to randomly throw my combined leg up here or something and like you know explode those ceramics ahead of time give me a little bit of break over here and then I can overclock him again now I've got oats I would collect the wrong thing I might've alright use our power up here this is everything we've got guys this is literally everything we've got now I don't want a mega mine here that's the problem again can't mega maaan I could use this though oh it's gotta be called ban I'll do one last try here if I can't do it even with a perfect mega maaan like that I don't know what else to do ninety-two is our limit with our current stipulations alright there it is boom boom boom boom I think I did a good job though overall try the mega mount over here again if we want to go those balloons though oh wait oh wait all baby no no don't tell me we're gonna do it Chris don't tell me we're gonna do it oh no we're not gonna do it no we got a chance we got a chance here Oh hohoho Oh speed it up double speed it up oh my god I don't even know what we did better but we did it whatever we did it worked so we gotta overclock we're gonna homeland defense again I'm gonna just use that boost that's amazing I can't believe I didn't I've been using this earlier Oh baby yes all right round 93 you know I don't know how much more difficult old crap this is DDT's this is DDT's with that power up we do take them down I feel like I shouldn't mind these guys just for a little bit of extra help here popped a lot of them down to Moab though that's not ideal uh I should have done that but I did it but it looks like with these mines dude we do take them down beautiful or accidentally keep using this in this at the same time when they do not stack so I just want to throw that out there that that they don't stack I understand that but I'm an idiot and I press buttons sometimes when I see the button pop up so here we go i I don't I don't I'm not that afraid of this round you know I mean no reinforced flutes sure they're not exactly the best blues in the Tarot would have to deal with but let's mega maaan them pop foam throw that down there let the mines do the work but the mines do the work and here we go all right so we might need a mega mine for these DDT's though luckily we're gonna have some time to cool cool up to it cool down to it okay we're gonna throw that Megamind down right away this might just explode all the balloons on the screen that's pretty awesome alright check this out Bob Louie kablooie oh crap nuggets and a half that's everything I got guys that's literally everything I'm Bloo my entire load right here and there's so many balloons on the screen right now I don't think I should make a mind it but I have to but I have to so scary that was so scary somehow we are still alive by friends we are still alive round 96 absolutely it's eight are we gonna throw a big event down holy crap all right again throwing everything we got at this that was very close but again we are powering through right now absolutely insane all right let's use uh let's use this ability let's save the mega man for the next the next round here we do have very strong round 97 so my god it's coming out I would like to pop just one of them at a time so if it would be ideal actually if I just threw it over here and it came out pop the first one and then sort of just worked its way around the map very slowly or the second one did all right max a little worried about this actually this is a lot of balloons I might my best thing to do might have been you know what I'm gonna throw down another mega mine here I think I have to that's everything that's everything Oh baby alright let's check out this back of mine guys let's hope it does what I want let that pop one of them nope it pop both okay that's that's not ideal not ideal so we're gonna we're just gonna launch a couple of things in here slowly pop these guys hopefully I'm not too worried I think if anything's gonna kill this man it's gotta be around 98 it's the beefiest blue bubble in the game how can you how can you think you're gonna take that down Chris you can't and I can't even get did you guys around 97 is where we're gonna have to call it uh I was overconfident and I did not click the overclock button in time and then by the time I clicked it again I double clicked it out of fear and then oh crap it just snuck right through so there it is guys I do believe you could easily be around 97 so I'm gonna call it I think round 98 is the farthest that we could probably get with caps brickle by herself with the current stipulations on this map very very fun hopefully you guys enjoy this really really long video 47 minutes all my goodness hopefully does enjoy it if you did press that like button for me to really appreciate it subscribe if you have not and of course have a super-duper delicious day
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 155,787
Rating: 4.8935852 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: pwLGHiFB0is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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